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Klasifikasi Maintenance
Reviu Materi Kuliah TM-1
(1)Pola pikir kuliah
Problem solving = memecahkan
5 Why
Reviu Materi Kuliah TM-1
(2)Struktur Organisasi PKS
1. Definisi “Struktur”
2. Definisi organisasi

Kata “Struktur” dibangun oleh 2 (dua) kata kunci

(keywords), yaitu:

(1)Unsur2 pembentuk (lbh dari satu unsur);

(2)Hubungan keterkaitan di antara unsur2 tsb.
29  10 mhsw rangking IPS 

Target IPK 4,0

Target IPK 3,0

Eksisting 
Contoh struktur (benda riel/nyata)
Reviu Materi Kuliah TM-1
(2) Tiga contoh Struktur Organisasi PKS
Apa kesimpulan yg diperoleh dari ketiga
contoh struktur organisasi PKS tsb?
Metode penarikan kesimpulan dari sesuatu hal yg
khusus (spesifik) menjadi sesuatu hal yang umum
Hal-hal Spesifik

Metode Metode
Induktif Deduktif

Penulisan Latar Belakang Masalah



Hal-hal Spesifik
Komparasi SKKNI
Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit
Tabel 2.1 Spesifikasi Bagian-bagian di Industri
Kelapa Sawit
Terdapat 2 (dua) unit kompetensi yg terkait dg
kegiatan maintenance

Kira-kira unit kompetensi apa saja?

Butir-butir Penilaian dalam Kegiatan Praktik
Kerja Lapangan (PKL)  PT. Smart, Tbk.

• Target Kompetensi PKL  Level

Operator (26 butir penilaian  SKKNI + )
• 16 butir Penilaian berperan sbg Operator
 topik Seminar PKL sampling dr ke-16
bidang tsb
• 10 Butir Attitude serta Hardskill &
• 10 Butir Attitude serta Hardskill & Softskill
(a) Attitude : (1)Kerajinan; (2)Kesopanan; (3)Sikap
(b) Hardskill & Softskill:
1. Kemampuan Dasar (H)  Kognitif (level
2. Pemahaman Konsep (H)  Kognitif (level
3. Keterampilan (H)  Psikomotorik (praktik
Meniru/memperagakan ulang)
4. Kemampuan Adaptasi
5. Dedikasi & Motivasi loyalitas; inisiatif;
6. Kreativitas komunikasi
7. Kemampuan Analisis
16 butir to operate
1. Operator Jembatan Timbang
(Weigh Bridge)
2. Operator Grading
3. Operator Perebusan 9. Operator Nut dan Kernel
(Sterilizer) 10. Operator Stasiun Pengiriman
4. Operator Tippler & Hoist CPO dan Kernel
Crane 11. Operator Boiler
5. Operator Thresher 12. Operator Power House
6. Operator Digesting & Press 13. Operator Water Treatment Plant
7. Operator Klarifikasi (WTP)
(Clarification) 14. Operator Instalasi Pengolahan
8. Operator Penyimpanan CPO Limbah
15. Laboratorium
16. Operator Workshop
Klasifikasi dan Jenis
Definisi Maintenance
Kegiatan pokoknya adalah menjaga
kelangsungan proses/produksi
dengan tugas melakukan
inspeksi/pemeriksaan rutin,
perbaikan/reparasi, dan bongkar total
(over haul).
Kombinasi dari semua
tindakan/kegiatan (dalam hal ini
adalah merawat dan
memperbaiki/REPAIR) yang
dilakukan dalam rangka
mempertahankan atau
mengembalikan suatu mesin/alat
pada kondisi yg dapat diterima.
3 sks = 9 jam  1 jam TM (hutang
2 jam)  20 sks x 3 = 60 jam (120
Jenis Perawatan (Maintenance)

Terencana Tidak terencana

Perawatan pencegahan Perawatan koreksi Emergency

(Preventif Maintenance) (Corektif maintenance

- Inspeksi.
-Setting atau
Penambahan Reparasi krn
penyetelan. komponen yg kerusakan
- Pelumasan terkait dng
inspeksi Breakdown





(to maintain)
(a) Perawatan Pencegahan
(Preventive Maintenance)
Perawatan yang dilakukan untuk mencegah
timbulnya kerusakan-kerusakan yang tidak
terduga dan menemukan kondisi atau keadaan
yang dapat menyebabkan fasilitas produksi
mengalami kerusakan pada waktu digunakan
dalam proses produksi .

Keberhasilan Progam Preventive

- Diperoleh paket pencatatan data

maintenance baik
- Memiliki program perawatan yang
Keuntungan dan Kerugian Preventive
 Keuntungan:
- Meminimalkan waktu berhentinya mesin
- Meningkatkan mutu pengendalian suku

 Kerugian:
- Biaya tambahan untuk karyawan
- Pemborosan suku cadang (lifetime)
Preventive maintenance actions are carried out
according to prescribed criteria of time, usage, or
condition and are intended to reduce the probability
of failure or the functional degradation of an Asset
or Machine.
Preventive maintenance is an absolute requirement
of asset reliability and effective management of
asset life cycle costs.

Preventive Maintenance actions increase the lifetime

or reliability of the manufacturing machine or asset
and keep them into the fully functional stage.
The aims of Preventive Maintenance actions are to:
 Prevent failure.
 Detect the onset of failure: Whilst we may not be able to
prevent a failure, frequently we do know how to detect the
onset of failure. The knowledge of how to do this is
increasing every day, through Machine history records &
condition monitoring technologies.
 Find hidden failures: Check to see if a failure has occurred
before equipment is called into service.
Preventive Maintenance Plan
 Preventive maintenance actions must be
performed systematic & routinely well planned
in order to avoid breakdowns or failures.
 The key point of preventative maintenance is to
perform it before the system or equipment fails.
If you don’t do it routinely and on time, it won’t
be preventive in nature. It will, rather, transform
into corrective, or reactive maintenance.
 The goal of preventative maintenance is to
minimize failures by detecting and fixing them
before they lead to costly downtimes.

 An essential part of preventative maintenance

is defining when maintenance needs to be
performed. It could be based on time or usage,
and once an equipment’s Preventive
Maintenance is due, it needs to be carried out
General steps for Preventive
Maintenance Planning:
Step #1 Identify the Asset

Preventive Maintenance must perform on all the

machines & equipment that have directly or
indirectly impact the manufacturing or production
system. A simple rule is to select all those
assets that the manufacturing unit cannot
survive without. An asset that, if fails, will result in
downtime should be in the top priority.
Step #2 Create a Preventive Maintenance
schedule or Plan

After identification of assets for preventive

maintenance or scheduled maintenance, the
next step is to make a schedule for All assets as
per the priorities. it is also very important that
Preventive maintenance should be performed in
the spare time of that assets.
In this Preventive Maintenace schedule, Preventive Maintenance must perform as
per scheduled time or number of strokes whichever is earlier. For example, Schedule
due date of Forming tool of HDR MOD “C” December 2019 but if that tool produces
100000 strokes before December 2019( Let us assume in October), Preventive
Maintenance must perform in October
Step #3: Perform Preventive Maintenance
Preventative maintenance must perform as soon
as its due date. Preventive Maintenance actions
must perform by the maintenance team and
ensure everything is done as explained above in
the Preventive maintenance checklist.
Step #4: Repeat the cycle
After identifying the appropriate interval or usage,
repeat the preventive maintenance cycle. Like the
Trimming tool of HDR MOD “C” a Preventive
maintenance plan is taken in July 2019 after four-
month or 75000 strokes.
Running Maintenance

Running maintenance dilakukan ketika

fasilitas atau peralatan dalam keadaan
bekerja. Running maintenance diterapkan
pada peralatan-peralatan yang harus
beroperasi terus dalam melayani proses
(b) Pemeliharaan Korektif
(Corrective Maintenance)

Perawatan yang tidak hanya memperbaiki

tetapi mempelajari sebab-sebab terjadinya
kerusakan, serta cara mengatasinya
dengan tepat dan benar sehingga tercegah
terulangnya kerusakan yang serupa.
Tindakan-tindakan untuk mencegah
kerusakan yang serupa, berikut hal yg perlu
dijadikan sebagai pilihan alternatif :
- seluruh mesin diganti baru
- mengubah proses produksi, sehingga
semua sistem produksi berubah.
- mengganti design/konstruksi dari
komponen yang mengalami kerusakan.
Keuntungan dan Kerugian Corrective
 Keuntungan:
- Biaya sedikit
- staff sedikit

 Kerugian:
- Peningkatan biaya peralatan akibat
downtime yang tidak terencanakan
- Penggunaan sumber daya staff tidak
Corrective or Breakdown
• Corrective or Breakdown maintenance
implies that repairs are made after the
equipment is failed and can not perform its
normal function anymore

• Quite justified in small factories where:

– Down times are non-critical and repair costs are
less than other type of maintenance
– Financial justification for scheduling are not felt
Disadvantages of Corrective Maintenance

• Breakdown generally occurs inappropriate times

leading to poor and hurried maintenance
• Excessive delay in production & reduces output
• Faster plant deterioration
• Increases chances of accidents and less safety
for both workers and machines
• More spoilt materials
• Direct loss of profit
• Can not be employed for equipments regulated
by statutory provisions e.g. cranes, lift and
hoists etc

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