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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Sub. Pokok Bahasan : Menganalisis struktur sebuah teks eksposisi "Islamic
Boarding School"
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( Satu kali pertemuan)
Tahun Pembelajaran : 2020/2021

A.    Tujuan pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu, berpikir
kritis, berkolaborasi, kreatif, komunikatif, ramah, bersahabat serta bertanggung jawab
peserta didik dapat : Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Tahap Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Nilai Karakteristik, Alokasi Waktu

Literasi, 4C
Kegiata 1. 1. Salam dan do’a serta mengecek Religiositas, dan
n Awal kehadiran siswa. hubungan sosial
rasa ingin tahu.
2. 2. Melakukan Apersepsi dengan
mengaitkan materi pembelajaran
sebelumnya yaitu
3. (Ask students to mention the steps of
15 menit
writing a formal letter).
4. 3. Menyampaikan tujuan dan
manfaat mempelajari materi
pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari
(About exposition text).
5. 4. Menyampaikan ruang lingkup
materi yang akan dipelajari.
Kegiata Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Nilai Karakteristik Alokasi Waktu
n Inti
1. Peserta didik membaca Literasi,
contoh teks eksposisi. kemandirian,
2. Peserta didik menentukan berpikir kritis, kerja
struktur teks eksposisi. keras, serta
3. Peserta didik mendiskusikan kreativitas.
60 menit
unsur kebahasaan teks
4. Peserta didik mengklasifikasikan
jenis-jenis teks eksposisi.
Kegiata 1. Peserta didik dan guru Literasi, religiositas, 15 menit
n menyimpulkan. kerja sama serta
Penutup 2. Melakukan tanya jawab, serta bertanggung
penugasan, dan informasi jawab dan disiplin
mengenai materi selanjutnya. dan kerja keras
3. Berdo’a

C. Assessment (Penilaian)

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan     : Tes Tertulis (Soal uraian terlampir)

  2. Penilaian Keterampilan     : Unjuk Kerja (presentasi)

3. Penilaian Sikap Observasi pada saat mengajar

Lubuk Pakam, 22 Desember 2021

Kepala SMA …………………….                            Guru Mata Pelajaran, 

_______________________________ ___________________________

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

Latihan Soal

Islamic Boarding School

Islamic boarding schools are buildings in which there is a special learning system.
Even though there are general knowledge lessons like schools that are on the same level.

The Ulama argue that Islamic boarding schools can change the nature, character and
personalities of santri to be more religious. Religious in thinking about the future and realistic
world that is progressing.
On the other hand pesantren also includes dormitories that bring together a number of
people who are different in terms of character, personal and place of origin and they try to
become wholeness bound by the rope ukhuwah ismaliyah (Muslim brotherhood ties).

So Islamic boarding schools were established to form the character of students namely
santri who were more religious who obeyed religion and state. In the learning system it is
combined with the values of unity and unity in order to continue the progress of Islam in the
future as well.

 What are the structure of the exposition text in each part of text, and explain about
what the three structures mean!
 Key Answer

Thesis : Islamic boarding schools are buildings in which there is a special learning
system. Even though there are general knowledge lessons like schools that are on the same

Argument : The Ulama argue that Islamic boarding schools can change the nature,
character and personalities of santri to be more religious. Religious in thinking about the
future and realistic world that is progressing.

On the other hand pesantren also includes dormitories that bring together a number of people
who are different in terms of character, personal and place of origin and they try to become
wholeness bound by the rope ukhuwah ismaliyah (Muslim brotherhood ties).

Reiteration : So Islamic boarding schools were established to form the character of

students namely santri who were more religious who obeyed religion and state. In the
learning system it is combined with the values of unity and unity in order to continue the
progress of Islam in the future as well.

Thesis discusses the topic of the problem, arguments are opinions conveyed by the
author that support the thesis, while reiteration is the part where the author rewrites
the thesis statement as at the beginning or is the conclusion of the opinion she wrote.
2. Penilaian Keterampilan


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XI
Semester : Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021
N Nam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
O a Bersyuk Santu Pedu Juju Disip Percay Tanggu Kerj Cint Rat
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jawab sam dam Rat
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1 Dais 5 4 4 6 4 5 4 5 5 4,70
2 Edga
3 Fifi

Lubuk Pakam… ……………. 2021


Kepala SMA …………………….                              Guru Mata Pelajaran, 

_______________________________ ___________________________


Aceh Utara,… ……………. 2021
Kepala SMA …………………….                            Guru Mata Pelajaran, 


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