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Disusun Oleh Aty Surniati Tiha, S.Pd
Satuan Pendidikan SMKN 2 Kolaka
Jenjang Sekolah SMK
Kelas X
Materi pokok/topic Procedure text
Alokasi Waktu 12 jp ( 3x Pertemuan)
Kompetensi Awal Pemahaman mereka terhadap teks sudah berkembang, keterampilan
Inferensi mulai tampak ketika memahami informasi tersirat.Sudah bisa
Memproduksi teks tulisan /lisan Bahasa inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam (fase D)
Profil Pelajar Pancasila Bernalar Kritis, dan Kreatif

Sarana dan Prasarana

Alat dan Bahan
LCD Projector,PPT
Procedure Text
Sumber Ajar
Work In Progress Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas X
Modul 3: English for Social Communication
Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru Bahasa inggris

Target Peserta Didik Peserta Didik regular/Tipikal Umum

Model Pembelajaran yang Discovery Learning (pertemuan pertama) dan Pedagogik Genre (pertemuan kedua
digunakan & Ketiga)

Tujuan Pembelajaran B.6 Merancang teks Prosedur dengan memperhatikan konteks dan tujuan

B.7 Memproduksi teks Prosedur tulis yang sesuai dengan konteks, tujuan
penulisan dan mempresentasikannya
Pemahaman Bermakna Setelah mempelajari Procedure text, diharapkan anda akan
Mampu meningkatkan penguasaan materi,struktur,konsep dan pola
Pikir keilmuan yang mendukung pemahaman Procedure text dengan
Pertanyaan Pemantik Hampir setiap orang pernah membeli suatu barang elektronik.Handphone
misalnya. Dan hampir dipastikan akan selalu dillengkapi dengan buku
petunjuk pemakaian serta kartu garansi. Tahukah anda bagaimana cara
menyusun sebuah manual petunjuk tentang menjalankan sebuah alat
elektronik? Apa sajakah hal penting yang harus ada ?
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1. Memberi salam & tegur sapah ketika memasuki ruang kelas
2. Memeriksa kesiapan alat tulis siswa termasuk kedisiplinan pakaian,
3. Berdoa sebelum belajar (nilaiReligius)
4. Memeriksa Kehadiran Siswa
5. Menangani siswa yang terlambat
6. Mengajukan pertanyaan–pertanyaan yang terkait dengan pengetahuan
Sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari apersepsi (Nilai
7. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan
8. menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai
tujuan pembelajaran
9. Mempersiapkan materi ajar,model dan alat peraga jika diperlukan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Kegiatan inti pertemuan Pertama

1. guru membagi Peserta didik secara berpasangan/kelompok kecil

2. Guru menunjukkan beberapa Analytical Exposition Text ke beberapa
Kelompok/pasangan. Peserta didik diminta mengamati Analisa
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks yang sedang
3. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan dalam lembar daftar pertanyaan terkait
isi teks. Peserta didik diminta untuk berdiskusi dalam kelompoknya
4. Peserta didk mengumpulkan data dan membandingkannya dengan
hasil temuan kelompok lain
5. Peserta didik menyampaikan temuan atas hasil pengamatan atau
Kegiatan inti pertemuan Kedua & Ketiga
1. Guru menbangun pemahaman peserta didik tentang konteks
budaya, fungsi bahasa sera berbagi pengalaman (build the
2. Guru menunjukkan beberapa contoh analytical eksposition
Text. Peserta didik diminta melakukan Analisa struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks yang sedang dipelajari
(modeling of text)
3. Peserta didk dengan dibimbing guru mencoba menulis teks
eksposisi secara berpasangan atau kelompok kecil (joint
4. peserta didik diminta untuk menulis sebuah teks eksposisi
Sederhana secara mandiri dengan bantuan minim dari guru
(independent construction)
5. peserta didik merangkum dan mempresentasikan hasil
pengamatan Dan Diskusinya
Kegiatan Penutup
1. Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman/simpulan
Pelajaran,bersama-sama menemukan manfaat
langsung/tidak langsung yang diperoleh dari proses
2. Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran
3. Melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut : program
remedial,pengayaan,tugas individual/kelompok
4. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
Assesmen 5. berdoa
Penilaian Kinerja melalui produk karya tulis (lampiran tambahan)

Pengayaan dan Remedial  Bimbingan khusus secara individu

 bimbingan secara kelompok (klasikal)
 pemberian pembelajaran ulang dengan metode berbeda,jika diatas
75% siswa dibawah KKM
 pemberian tugas-tugas atau latihan secara khusus,jika 25% siswa
dibawah KKM
 pemanfaatan Tutor sebaya sebaya yaitu siswa yang memiliki
kecepatan belajar yang lebih dan telah mencapai KKM
Refleksi Peserta didik  terlampir pada lampiran tambahan

This student’s worksheet aims to :
B.6 Merancang teks Prosedur dengan memperhatikan konteks dan tujuan penulisan
Instruction for independent construction text

You are going to make a Hortatory Exposition text, please follow the instruction below
1.Make a group of two, or in a small group (3-4 person)

2. select one of the topic (or theme) below:

 How to insert SIM Card into cellphone

 Manual on how to print photos
 User manual on how to use projector

3.Collect data, material or reference related to your topic that you have been chosen, you have
……..minute to do it
Here some tips

 Try to use (minimum ) 3 different resource that discuss the same topic at the same date
 If you use internet, Get the information or data from the trusted resources .for example,
these domain;,,, edu.
 Use Mind Mapping to organize your idea, to arrange chronologically the aspect that will be
 Make clear definition and description about the object, use reference book or manual
4. Put your discussion result into the first draft provided below

Topic / Title
Goal / Aim



A sequence of steps/Methods
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

5.Put your first draft into paragraph. ( see LKPD 2: First Paragraph}

6.while doing that ,Use this editing check list to help you arrange your first paragraphs

Editing draft

Generally using simple present tense

Using adverbal of sequence or using temporal adjective
Using imperative sentences or written as command
Using action verbs
Using conjunctions to link a process to another process:after
Using adverb of time to express details of time: for five minutes,in
three minutes,2 cm from the top,
Use of technical term
7.Do pair check by Re-read through your first draft and cut out any words or sentences that are not
essential. Next, check your order : from the most interesting or important at the top. To the least
important at the bottom. the last, check the spelling, punctuation and capitalization {mechanic)

Use further editing check list, this time focus on mechanics

Spelling word
Punctuation mark; the use of comma, full stop, dash, hyphen, apostrophe and etc
Capital letter; first letter on paragraph, name of person , name of days and etc.
For more details, you can use LKPD 5 ;Mechanic

8. When you are finish, Exchange your first paragraph to other group (proofreading). And then
Analyze and evaluate their paragraph by using LKPD 3; Exchange and Revise. Return it when
you finish !

9 .Now, write down your revising draft or second paragraph by considering the recommendation
from other group

10. finally,Presenting your final paragraph in the space provided in LKPD 4; Presenting Text
TUDENT’S WORKSHEET (LKPD 2; first Paragraph)
Objective of learning
This student’s worksheet aims to :
B.6 Merancang teks Prosedur dengan memperhatikan konteks dan tujuan penulisan

Instruction for independent construction text

Put your first draft into a paragraph in space provided below

Objective of learning
This student’s worksheet aims to :
B.6 Merancang teks Prosedur dengan memperhatikan konteks dan tujuan penulisan
Instruction for independent construction text
Put your revision draft into a paragraph in space provided below

STUDENT’S WORKSHEET (LKPD 3; Exchange and Revise)
Objective of Learning
This student’s worksheet aims to :
Mengimplementasikan penggunaan kosakata dan tata bahasa sederhana yang tepat dan sesuai saat
Instruction for cross-finding of reading text
 discuss with your partner about the content, structure and lexico-grammatical features
 Use the following form to quide you

Title :___________________________________
From group :____________________________________
Analyzed by :_____________________________________

no Point to Analyze Yes/No Suggestion and recommendation

1 Does the text is Coherence and
2 Does the text Word choice correct?

3 Are the Spelling used properly?

4 Are the Punctuation used properly?

5 Is there a problem with Capitalization?

Ask the other group to give respond/evaluation, consider the following writing descriptors

Title :___________________________________
From group :____________________________________
Analyze by :_____________________________________

no Aspect bobot scor Suggestion and recomendation

1 Task performance
 Fully addresses part of the task
 Present a fully develop position 30
 Fully extended and well-
supported idea
2 Coherence and cohesion
 Skill fully manages paragraph
 Sequence information and
ideas logically
3 Lexical resource
 Provide wide range of
vocabulary 20
 Rare minor error occur only as
4 Grammatical range and Accuracy 20
Total 100
STUDENT’S WORKSHEET (LKPD 6; second paragraph)
Objective of learning
This student’s worksheet aims to :
B.7 Memproduksi teks Deskripsi tulis yang sesuai dengan konteks, tujuan penulisan
dan mempresentasikannya

Instruction for independent construction text

 Read again And then revise your first paragraph
 Write down your second draft based on your first paragraph and your correction in space
provided below

Objective of learning
This student’s worksheet aims to :
Merancang beragam teks laporan tulisan melalui proses menulis
Instruction for independent construction text
1. Do pair check by Re-read through your first draft and cut out any words or sentences that are
not essential.
2. Next, check your order : from the most interesting or important at the top. To the least
important at the bottom.
3. the last, check the spelling, punctuation and capitalization {mechanic)
4. Use the following further editing check list.
5. Having studied the content, just put “v” in the check list below when the information is
mentioned on the second draft


Use full stop “.”to end a sentence, to mark the end of abbreviation and direct question
Use question mark at the end of direct question or question tag
Use comma to separate the items in a list . Three or more words (phrases or clause) that act as
one description
Use comma to set off introductory clauses or phrases from main sentences
Use comma to separate clauses joined by and, but, or
Use comma to set off appositive phrases
Use colon to introduces a list ( eg. to make meatball, we need : meat, flour, water, garlic, salt
and pepper)
Use ellipsis to cut off quote speech or to tell that there is a missing part in direct quotation. to
show an omission in the middle of sentence
Use quotation mark for some else spoken or written was taken into
Use quotation mark to word that unusual for the context, or to a word that is being used for
special effect, such as irony
Use slash to separate a choice or express “per”

Use hyphen to form a compound noun

Use dash to introduces a summary We have meat, flour, water, garlic – everything we need to
make meatball
or to separate a list from main clause All were present – mother, father, brothers, sister,
Use two dashes to mark off an inserted thought
Use parenthesis “( )” to add information or your personal comment
Use apostrophe [ ‘ ] to form possessive, to indicate constraction and plural
Use semi colon to separate two main clause (independent clause) in a sentences especially
when a coordinate conjunction is not used to join them

Use exclamation mark after words or sentences that expressing strong feeling,interjection


Use a capital first letter for the first word in every sentence. to mark the beginning of a sentence
Use capital first letter To begin a proper nouns (the name of person and place}
Use capital letter for the names of streets, city, states, country, continent
Use capital lettet for Language and nationalities
Pronoun “I”
Use capital first letter of word to indicate the title of books, a short story,articles, poems, a name
of work art,newspaper ,magazine , film or drama etc
Use capital letter for the name of days and months. On special day (occation)


Use italic to indicate the title of books, film, drama, etc.

Use italic to foreign words or phrases
B.Bahan bacaan guru dan peserta didik

Soal Latihan pertemuan


How to Loose Weight with Healthy Eating Habit

Tired of carrying around those extra pounds? The best way to lose weight and keep it off is
to create a low-calorie eating plan that you can stick to for a long time. Additionally, exercise
every day to burn extra calories and keep your heart healthy. If you just want to drop a few
pounds fast, there are plenty of techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach your
short-term goals, too. Here they are:  Calculate how many calories you can eat while still
losing weight. Start by finding your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is how many calories
you need to stay alive.  Eat smaller portions to help you cut back on calories. To make it
easier to track portions, prepare your snacks ahead of time. For instance, you might weigh out
1 serving of almonds, then put it in a baggie or container for later.  Select smart substitutes
for your favorite high calorie foods.
Consider eating vegetarian a few days each week. By replacing meat with nutritious foods
like beans, tofu, or lentils, you can cut significant amounts of your daily calorie intake while
adding many nutrients to your diet.  Avoid going down grocery aisles that tempt you with
high calorie foods. It’s best to stay along the perimeter of the grocery store, which is where
the fresh foods are typically located.  Eat more of foods that fill you up. Some foods help
you feel full faster and may help you stay fuller longer. Many of these foods contain protein,
fat, or fiber.

1. According to the text, what is the best way to loose weight?

a. by cooking a low - calorie food
b. by creating a low – calorie food plan
c. by stop eating low – calorie food
d. by eating more low – calorie food

2. Why do we need to exercise?

a. To reduce calorie
b. To add more calorie
c. To make us unhealthy
d. To make us happy

3. The following statements about loosing weight are true, EXCEPT ...
a. You need to start eating low – calorie food to loose weight.
b. You should eat more vegetables in order to loose weight.
c. You should eat more food that contains fiber, fat and protein.
d. You should stop doing grocery shopping.

4. Which of the following food should we eat to in order to loose weight?

a. Almonds
b. beans
c. Meat
d. rice

5. The function of the text above is ...

a. To inform the readers about how to loose weight.
b. To give a report about how to loose weight.
c. To entertain the readers about how to loose weight.
d. To explain how to loose weight.

Social Function of Manual as A type of Procedure Text

The purpose of procedure texts is to provide a series of precise, sequenced steps or directions
that explain to the readers how to do something while also allowing the readers to reach the
outcome successfully
The generic structure of procedure texts :
a. Goal/aim is the text describes the purpose of doing or operating something,
b. Materials/equipments is describes the materials or equipments needed in the
process of doing or operating something,
c. Steps/methods is describes the set of instructions in order to achieve the goal.
Significant Lexico-grammatical Features : Generally using simple present tense, Using
adverbial of sequence or using temporal adjective,using imperative sentences or command,
Using action verbs, Using conjunctions to link a process to another process, Using adverb of
time to express details of time

Coherence : The relationships which link the meanings of UTTERANCES in a DISCOURSE

or of the sentences in a text
Cohesion :The grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the different elements of a
text. This may be the relationship between different sentences or between
different parts of a sentence
Descriptive text : Descriptive writing provides a verbal picture or account of a person, place or
Noun : a word which (a) can occur as the subject or object of a verb or the object
(COMPLEMENT) of a preposition (b) can be modified by an adjective (c) can be
with DETERMINERS.Nouns typically refer to people, animals, places, things, or
Noun Phrase : a group of words with a noun or pronoun as the main part (the HEAD).

Present : a verb To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations,
Continuous emotions and wishes To give instructions or directions To express fixed arrangements,
Tense present or future To express future time, after some conjunctions
~ Computer Hope. (2017). Definition of Manual. Accessed on September 1, 2019 at
a.m 

~ Anonymous. (2015). Procedure Text: Definition, Generic Structure, Steps, Characteristics,

Examples. definition-
generic.html Accessed on September 1, 2019 at 12.00 p.m 

~ Nurdiono. (2017). Generic Structure of Procedure Text. structure-of-procedure-text.html Accessed on
September 1, 2019 at 12.00 p.m 

~ Anonymous. (2016). Procedure Text.

generic- structures-purposes-language-features.php
Accessed on September 2, 2019 at 09.00 Mulyana,Suhadadi, 2016.Modul Guru pembelajar
Bahasa inggris kelompok E.Jakarta


This student’s reflection aims to :

 To get feedback from the students

 To evaluate learning process


at the end of this activity, Ask yourself about the following question
1. In this activity, I have learned …………………………………………………………

2. What I like most about learning descriptive text is/are …………………………………


3. I like it because ……………………………………………………………………………


4. The question I have ………………………………………………………………………


5. What I need to improve or learn more is / are ……………………………………………


6. Where can I use these ?...................................................................................................


Nama : .....................................................................
Kelas: ……………………………………………..

Satuan Pendidikan :………………………………..

Mata Pelajaran :…………………………….
Kelas / Jurusan : ……………………………..
Semester/ Tahun Ajar :……………………….

no Nama siswa Skor perolehan Total skor

Kriteria 1 Kriteria 2 Kriteria 3 Kriteria 4 perolehan


Zetni Feronika, S.Pd

NIP. 197810232005021006
Rubrik Penilaian Menulis

Aspek yang dinilai Kriteria / indikator skor

Isi karangan sesuai dengan topik 3
1. Kesesuaian isi
Isi karangan kurang sesuai dengan topik 2
dengan topik
Isi karangan tidak sesuai dengan topik 1

Semua kalimat berkoherensi 3

Terdapat beberapa Kalimat yang
2. Struktur teks kurang berkoherensi
Hampir Semua kalimat tidak

sudah benar dan tepat 3

3. Penulisan
kurang tepat pada sebagian kecil
Ejaan dan 2
tanda baca
tidak tepat pada sebagian besar kalimat 1

Tulisan rapi dan mudah terbaca 3

4. Tampilan
Tulisan tidak rapi tetapi mudah terbaca 2
Tulisan tidak rapi dan tidak mudah
Tulisan 1

Skor Maksimal 12
,Format Penilaian Penulisan

Total skor
Skor perolehan
no Nama siswa perolehan
Kriteria 1 Kriteria 2 Kriteria 3 Kriteria 4

Rumus perhitungan nilai siswa sebagai berikut

Total skor perolehan siswa

X 100 =
Skor maksimal

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