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2.0 Introduction

2.1 Creativity

By the way, a lot of difference definition of creativity also the difference to

‘creative’. ‘Creativity’ word originally from the Latin word “Creare” is means ‘to make’

and from the Greek word ‘krainen’ means ‘to fulfill’. In oxford dictionary ‘creativity’ is a

noun means the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness,

as example creativity in producing a short film by the script and storyboard. While

‘creative’ means relating to or involving the use of imagination or original ideas to create

something, which is an adjective, such as creative in thinking, writing, drawing, and


Creativity refer to ability produce “new thing” more suitable, while innovation refers to

ability of producing “a new thing from the existing”.

Besides that, the individual style or manner in manage the abilities they own is

‘Creativity’ (Perkins1983). But De bono, state creativity is a skill that can be improved

through skill training like design a device or create a new medicine or writing feature

article. Creativity is the potential that exists in every individual. Creative people have

used the potential within each of them. Different individuals have the potential of other

creativity, in their respective fields (Azman 2004). Though, ‘Creativity’ can be define as

the ability to produce original ideas and new items( R.J Sternberg)

Then, ‘creativity’ have its own elements which are originality, appropriateness

with the problem, future orientation and problem-solving ability (Ned Costello) and

creativity is frequently associated with notions such as talent, spontaneity, and

coincidence, i.e. cannot be influenced or determined but ultimately are left to chance, Md.
Asham Ahmad (2011). In addition, Some of the definitions that have been suggested for

defining creativity constructs are as a process in which the resulting idea is developed

into a valuable product or process (Dr.Hairul Anuar 2016)

2.1.1 Process of Creativity

Creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. The creative process

contributed to the creative process model, it explains how an individual can form random

thought into an ideal combination (Hadamard and Poincaré). Creativity is characterised

by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make

connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions (Naiman


So, the process of creativity relates to process of creative thinking which the

cognitive play the role through our mind. According to Simonton, creativity is a mental

phenomenon that results from the application of ordinary cognitive processes. The

optimal functioning embodied by creativity entails ordinary cognitive processes, and

hence creative thought is accessible to almost anyone (Simonton, 2000, Ward, Smith, &

Vaid, 1997).

Furthermore, there are five creative process are preparation, incubation, insight,

evaluation and elaboration found by Wallas (Yingxu,2009). Preparation means try to

understand the problem that need to be solve, and this is done consciously, effortlessly

and systematically but it usually fails to find the solution. Next, the problem that failed to

solve was pushed aside, the troubleshooter took time to rest from trying to solve the

problem to help make the process of thinking consciously onwards more effective than

ever as Incubation. Meanwhile, Insight means most of the public think is a classic signal

or sign of a creative person. With insight it is really the idea of the ‘Aha’ moment, the
‘Eureka’ moment. Fourth step, as well as any ideas, they still need to be evaluated and

verified in the end, the assessment will help us know whether it is acceptable or tried.

Lastly, elaboration means testing the idea, working on the idea, those late nights in the

studio, working at your desk, those hours in the labratory if you are scientist, those days

testing and micro-testing products.(Taylor, 2014)

2.1.2 Creativity Factors

The data showed all the factors that had been investigated, such as knowledge,

thinking style, personality, motivation, and environment encourage creativity. The main

factor that encourage creativity is knowledge with the mean value 4.32. (Yahaya Buntat1

& Noor Sharliana Mat Nasir1)

Today, an important trend in the research on creativity is to uncover the key

components that influence creative ideas (Amabile, 1996).

Through reviewing the main findings in recent research trends (key components and

domain-specific creativity), we can explain the models of the various components to

explain creativity in terms of two separate categories. Firstly, the individual approach to

creativity has a focus on cognition through examining the cognitive abilities and

processes involved in creative thinking or a focus on the characteristics of creative people


Csikszentmihalyi (1990), creativity requires the dynamic interaction between three

subsystems, only one of which entails the individual creator.

The second subsystem is the domain, which consists of the set of rules, the repertoire of

techniques, and any other abstract attributes that define a particular mode of creativity

(e.g., the paradigm that guides normal science, according to Kuhn, 1970).
The third subsystem is the field, which consists of those persons who work within the

same domain, and thus have their creativity governed by the same domain-specific

guidelines. (Simonton, 2000)

2.2 Creativity and Communication

Communication is a message management process for the purpose of giving meaning.

There are three main words in this definition of message, management and meaning.

Messages are the words, sounds, actions and behaviors that individuals exhibit in each

other when interacting. Management refers to human trafficking, process or material. In

the process of communication, humans will manage the process of creating, receiving,

replying verbal and non-verbal messages. While meaning refers to human interpretation

and perception of the message, how it is identified and understood. Meaning is something

personal and unique, it may be a personal or shared meaning, subject to the circumstances

and environment.

Indeed, each individual is unlikely to use the same method of communication over life

and in different situations because communication is a process that can change, learn and

improve. As other fields of talent and the potential of each individual in the field of

communication can be polished to make it better.

Among the steps we can take is to combine communication and creative thinking styles.

When the creative thinking style is highlighted in the communication process, it will help

the individual to become more brilliant. It not only highlighted an individual because the

individual would have a different nature than others but would also enable the individual
to achieve its objectives more easily, and effectively. In fact, creative thinking will help

to minimize disruption elements because those with creative thinking will try to find

ways to ensure that the goals of communication are achieved more effectively.(Azman

Azwan Azmawati 2004)


- (2011)Faktor-Faktor Yang Mendorong Kreativiti Di Kalangan

Pelajar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ,Yahaya Buntat1 & Noor Sharliana Mat Nasir
Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor, Malaysia
- Artikel Penuh:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd Oleh PROF. MADYA DR. HAIRUL ANUAR
HASHIM 06 Mac 2016 4:00 PM
- Simonton keith , 2000,Creativity : Cognitive, Personal, Developmental, and
Social Aspects Dean Keith Simonton University of California, Davis
- Taylor James, 31st july

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