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PENERAPAN MODEL AIR (Audiotory,Intellectualy,Repetition ) UNTUK

OchaOfita1, Nur Fitriyana, M.Pd.Mat2
Mahasiswa Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas PGRI Silampari
Dosen Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas PGRI Silampari

Email :,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model AIR ( Audiotory,

intellectually,repetition ). dapat meningkatkan hasil belajara Matematika siswa sekolah dasar.
Penelitiaan dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 36 Lubuklinggau . Jenis penelitian ini adalah
penelitian tindakan kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes, observasi dan
dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif
kuantitatif. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 siklus dengan prosedur penelitian menggunakan model
Auudiotory,Intellectually,Repetition yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan,
observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar
Matematika siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 36 Lubuklinggau. Pada siklus I siswa memperoleh
nilai rata-rata pre-test 57,73 dan post-test 70,45. Siklus 2 nilai rata-rata pre-test 64,09 dan
post-test 75,45. Siklus 3 nilai rata-rata pre-test 65,73dan post-test 86,09. Dari hasil penelitian
diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa model Auudiotory,Intellectually,Repetition Dapat meningkatkan
hasil belajar Matematika siswa sekolah dasar.
Kata kunci : Hasil Belajar, Matematika, Auudiotory,Intellectually,Repetition.


This research aims to find out whether the AIR (Auditory, Intellectually, Repetition) model
can improve elementary school students' Mathematics learning outcomes. The research was
carried out at SD Negeri 36 Lubuklinggau. This type of research is classroom action
research. Data collection techniques are carried out using tests, observation and
documentation. The data analysis techniques used are qualitative descriptive and
quantitative descriptive. This research consists of 3 cycles with research procedures using
the Audiotory, Intellectually, Repetition model which includes planning, implementing
actions, observing and reflecting. The results of the research show that there has been an
increase in Mathematics learning outcomes for class IV students at SD Negeri 36
Lubuklinggau. In cycle I, students obtained an average pre-test score of 57,73 and post-test
70,47. Cycle 2 average value of pre-test 64.09 and post-test 75,.45. Cycle 3 average value of
pre-test 65,73 and post-test 86,09. From the research results, it was concluded that the
Audiotory, Intellectually, Repetition model can improve elementary school students'
Mathematics learning outcomes.
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Mathematics, Audiotory, Intellectually, Repetition.

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