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Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane

Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)

Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
Page 1 of 10

Indonesian Translation


( 1 ) Pre trip inspection

(a) Lakukan PTI setiap pagi sebelum menghidupkan mesin.
(b) Lakukan PTI apabila ditugaskan ke equipment lain/pengganti atau
ke equipment baru.
(c) Lakukan PTI apabila mengambil equipment yang baru diperbaiki
dari CEM shop atau vendor shop.
(d) Ikuti kriteria PTI untuk DEAD LINE atau STANDBY sampai
equipment aman untuk dioperasikan.
(e) Jangan mengoperasikan equipment yang membutuhkan
perbaikan.Laporkan segera ke Mechanic.
(f) Lakukan pengujian fungsi dan daya angkat crane sebelum
( 2 ) Safety
(a) Setiap pekerjaan harus ada JSA dan GWP.
(b) Setiap hari ikuti 5 menit safety meeting ( TTOFS ) ,meeting
mingguan dan bulanan. Isi daftar hadir dan tanda tanggani.
(c) Sopir dan operator serta swamper harus memakai PPE, termasuk
sarung tangan safety dan badge tanda pengenal selama jam kerja.
(d) Sopir, operator dan swamper harus memastikan telah memakai
safety belt sebelum mengemudi/mengoperasikan kendaraan/
(e) Sopir dan operator serta swamper harus dalam kondisi sehat fisik
dan mental sebelum dan ketika mengemudi, mengoperasikan
(f) Harus ada segi tiga pengaman, P3K, bendera merah , jack dan
kunci ban bila dibutuhkan.
(g) Jauhkan badan , pakaian dari bagian-bagian mesin yang bergerak
atau berputar.
(h) Jangan berdiri atau duduk-duduk dibawah atau dibelakang alat-alat
berat/ crane atau didalam ruang mesin.
(i) Jaga kebersihan equipment / crane setiap hari.
(j) Jangan menyimpan bahan-bahan yang mudah terbakar didalam
atau sekitar equipment.
(k) Crane tidak boleh dioperasikan sebelum memastikan terlebih
dahulu bahwa medan kerja bebas dari orang- Area swing boom
harus di barricade guna mencegah yang tak berkepentingan
memasuki zona kerja.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
Page 2 of 10

(l) Signalman yang sudah terlatih berada setip saat membantu

operator crane untuk memastikan amannya aktivitas pada area
yang tidak terjangkau dalam pandangan operator .
( 3 ) Dokumentasi
Site Supervisor (PIC) mengecek adanya permit/SIM/SIO yang
masih berlaku-Qualified Personnel.
(a) Sopir & operator harus mempunyai SIM , CPI permit dan SIO
Depnaker yang masih berlaku yang selalu dibawa setiap hari.
(b) Harus ada STNK, buku keur Polisi dan bukti tanda lunas pajak
disimpan pada equipment.
(c) Jika salah satu point a atau b tidak tersedia , sopir atau operator
dilarang mengemudikan atau mengoperasikan crane.
(d) Harus mempunyai Work Order/instruksi kerja yang syah sebelum
mengoperasikan alat angkat.
(e) Bila ada pengangkatan yang critical – rencana kerja pengangkatan
( Lift Plan ) harus di approve terlebih dahulu.
(f) SOP harus direview dan direvisi setiap saat bila perlu guna
meningkatkan kesadaran keselamatan terhadap standard operasi.


(4) DDC Rules : Patuhi dan lakukan DDC & Smith System prosedure:
(a) Patuhi rambu-rambu keselamatan, batas kecepatan, peraturan CPI
dan peraturan Pemerintah .
(b) Chek area kerja apakah sudah bebas dari orang yang tidak
berkepentingan,hambatan dan bahaya-bahaya yang mungkin
timbul,chek area sekitar equipment sebelum menghidupkan mesin.
(c) Patuhi prosedure mundur ,selalu kenali ada apa dibelakang anda
dan mintalah selalu bantuan orang lain sebelum mundur.
(d) Jaga jarak iring aman dengan kendaraan dimuka, minimum 50
(e) Kurangi kecepatan pada tempat-tempat ramai, daerah terbatas atau
padat, persimpangan , tikungan, jalan basah, jalan licin atau area
dengan pandangan terbatas .
(f) Jalan berdebu dan berkabut hidupkan lampu besar , jika jarang
pandang kurang dari 100 Meter.
(g) Bunyikan klakson untuk mengingatkan orang lain atau kendaraan
lain bilamana diperlukan.
(h) Hidupkan lampu peringatan ( yellow light ) jika mengemudi dijalan
raya atau lokasi.
(i) Pada cuaca buruk, hujan, STOP pekerjaan dan parkir equipment
pada tempat aman, sampai cuaca kembali baik untuk bekerja .
(j) Lakukan 5 kunci penting Smith System yaitu : 5 cara mengemudi
dengan aman dan 9 cara mundur dengan aman.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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(k) Ikuti batas kecepatan ( Zone limited area ) pada daerah-daerah

tertentu dan sesuaikan kecepatan dengan kondisi jalan.
(l) Pergunakan tangga yang ada apabila naik/ turun crane . Gunakan 3
point contact( 2 tangan berpegang dan 1 kaki berpijak) ketika turun
(m) Kecepatan maximun 50 Km/Jam.
(n) Pastikan tidak ada orang berada didalam ruangan mesin, sebelum
menghidupkan crane.
(o) Jika sopir/ operator meninggalkan equipment, mesin harus
dimatikan dan kunci kontak dicabut dan disimpan supir/operator.
(p) Crane hanya digunakan untuk mengangkat dan menurunkan
beban secara vertikal dengan memakai hook. Tidak dibenarkan
menyeret dari samping.
(q) Jangan mencoba-coba mengeluarkan alat yang terpuruk, laporkan
kepada supervisor untuk minta bantuan.
(r) Dilarang bekerja atau berada diatas/dekat boom crane , jika mesin
(s) Jaga jarak aman terhadap jaringan listrik, ikuti CPI/ PGT
safety procedure.
(t) Jaga jarak aman terhadap equipment lain, bangunan-bangunan
dan facilitas produksi ketika bekerja.
(u) Dilarang mengangkat beban yang belum teridentifikasi dengan
jelas seperti objek terbenam dalam tanah sebagian ,satu objek
yang di laskan ke objek lain, container yang berisi penuh,dll)
(v) Jangan mengikat extension boom dengan lifting block terlalu
kencang ke cantolan.
(w) Pemasangan dan pemotongan boom oleh mechanic dan dibantu
crane crew.
(x) Pintu cabin harus senantiasa ditutup sewaktu mengemudi,
kerja, stanby/parkir.
(y) Jangan melakukan pekerjaan jika merasa tidak aman atau pastikan
mengerjakan dengan selamat. Laporkan segera pengawas kerja
anda bila ada kondisi tak aman.
(z) Hidupkan lampu besar sewaktu mengemudi dan matikan
sewaktu parkir / standby.
(aa) Dilarang memodifikasi dan memasang stiker yang dapat
menghalangi pandangan pada equipment & truck tanpa izin CPI /
MS management.

(5) Work Order

(a) Harus ada perintah kerja yang sah untuk pemakaian peralatan/
equipment CPI /rental
(b) Jangan menerima perintah kerja selain dari pengawas anda.
(c) Bila ada perubahan instruksi ,hentikan pekerjaan – dan tinjau
kembali pertanggungjawaban perintah kerja yang baru.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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(6) Mengangkat / menurunkan muatan barang

(a) Tempatkan crane ditempat datar & permukaan keras bebas dari
hambatan disekitarnya- pastikan tidak ada kabel, pipa, saluran
bawah tanah, culvert & canal yang bisa menyebabkan outriggger
berpenetrasi dgn permukaan yang dibebani.
(b) Tentukan zona kerja swing crane dan pasang barricade mencegah
orang yang tidak berkepentingan memasuki area kerja.
(c) Pasang dan keluarkan outrigger sepenuhnya-letakkan jack plate
pas dibawah jack outrigger.
(d) Selalu ketahui bobot dari beban sebelum diangkat-selalu
berpedoman pada load charge-panjang boom, sudut boom, radius
kerja dan kalkulasikan total load rate.
(e) Sambungkan hook kepada senter poin beban atau diatas pusat
(f) Beban harus sepenuhnya bebas dari contak dengan hambatan-
hambatan sebelum pengangkatan.
(g) Pasang dua tag line (tali pengarah) sesuai dengan panjang beban.
(h) Sambungkan sling angkat dari beban ke hook. Ikuti prosedur
rigging yang tepat.
(i) Ikat erat beban, kemudian diangkat lebih kurang 30 cm dari
permukaan tanah dan stop. Cek ke stabilan beban, pusat grafitasi
sebelum melanjutkan pengangkatan.
(j) Selalu mengangkat beban dalam satu arah vertikal dan hanya
swing pada satu arah horizontal.
(k) Jangan lanjutkan pengangkatan bila kecepatan angin tidak
memungkinkan yang bisa mempengaruhi kestabilan beban.
(l) Perintah kerja arus datang dari orang yang telah ditunjuk dan
semua aba-aba tangan harus dimengerti oleh operator.
(m) Operator crane dan signal man crane jangan sampai kehilangan
kontak pandangan-selalu memperhatikan satu sama lain.
(n) Radius kerja crane yang sudah diketahui harus di barricade untuk
memastikan tidak ada yang masuk kedalam area kerja tersebut.
(o) Jangan mengangkat beban melewati para perkerja, equipment atau
bangunan-sekali-kali jangan biarkan perkerja lalu lalang dibawah
beban yang sedang diangkat.
(p) Dilarang orang bergantung diatas muatan atau hook crane.
(q) Sebelum meninggalkan cabin muatan harus diturunkan ketanah,
mesin dimatikan, pasang kunci boom dan swing brake posisikan
semua control lever ke netral, kunci pintu cabin dan simpan
(r) Hindari crane berjalan dengan muatan tergantung terutama pada
crane ban.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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(s) Beban yang diturunkan diatas low boy/ prime mover/cargo truck
harus diposisikan dengan tepat di ikat erat dan aman untuk
melakukan perjalanan.
(t) Selama proses memuat dan membongkar keatas low boy /trailer,
cargo, dan foco flad bed, pengawasan dan tanggung jawab adalah
dibawah departement alat angkat tersebut. Transport department
bertanggung jawab untuk mengikat muatan setelah terletak aman
diatas alat tersebut dan kemudian menurunkannya dengan selamat.
(7) Pengoperasian Outrigger

(a) Outrigger harus di operasikan oleh operator yang terlatih dan

ditunjuk yang mempunyai permit, SIO dan SIM yang sah.
(b) Jack mat diambil dari crane mat portal dan diletakkan ditempat
yang aman sebelum out rigger dikeluarkan.
(c) Masing –masing outrigger harus kelihatan dengan jelas ketika di
masukan dan atau dikeluarkan.
(d) Crane operator harus memastikan bahwa semua pekerja pada
posisi jauh dari outrigger sebelum outrigger di keluarkan atau
(e) Dilarang meng operasikan atau menswing alat angkat bila outrigger
belum terpasang sepenuhnya.
(f) Outrigger harus dikeluarkan atau dimasukan pada satu-satu sisi.
Outrigger sebelah kanan di operasikan menggunakan control lever
sebelah kanan dan outrigger sebelah kiri di operasikan
menggunakan control lever sebelah kiri – operator harus selalu
memperhatikan outrigger ketika dikeluarkan atau dimasukkan.
(g) Sekali-kali jangan memasukkan atau mengeluarkan semua
outrigger dengan mengoperasikan control lever pada satu sisi saja.
(h) Outrigger harus diset pada tempat yang datar, stabil dan keras, dan
kondisi tanah harus diperhatikan atau di check sebelum setting
(i) Semua kaki outrigger harus dikeluarkan sepenuhnya.
(j) Bila dianjurkan oleh manufacture atau pabrik, roda dari crane harus
di free of ground kan di tahan oleh outrigger jacks.
(k) Lengan outrigger yang dikeluarkan harus dalam posisi terkunci
untuk memastikan tidak bergerak selama proses pengangkatan.
(l) Outriggir harus selalu dikeluarkan semaksimum mungkin.
(m) Jack mats harus dalam kondisi yang bagus, bebas dari oli, grease,
tidak retak atau pecah.
(n) Jack mats harus diposisikan pada pemukaan datar, stabil, dan
(o) Gerakkan outrigger dipastikan pelan ketika dikeluarkan atau

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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(p) Jack mats harus diambil setelah outrigger dimasukkan / dilipat

sepenuhnya sekali-kali jangan mengambil jack mats apabila
outrigger belum selesai dimasukkan / dillipat
(q) Jack mats disimpan pada portal crane yang tersedia.
(r) Jack mats harus disimpan dengan hati-hati pastikan karyawan
terbebas dari bahaya terjepit.

(8) Parking
(a) Parkir tempat yang datar, aman dan yang sudah ditentukan
(b) Pasang rem tangan dan boom block serta swing brake.
(c) Letakkan semua control lever pada posisi netral, sangkutan boom.
(d) Jangan parkir pada tempat yang ramai seperti gereja, mesjid,
sekolah, kantor, pasar dan restoran / coffee shop.
(e) Matikan kunci kontak ( “ OFF ” position ).
(f) Serahkan dokumen dan kunci kontak pada orang yang berwenang.
(g) Jaga jarak parkir yang aman dengan equipment yang lain, jangan
parkir terlalu dekat.
(h) Bersihkan equipment atau alat sebelum meninggalkan tempat kerja.

(9) Reporting
(a) Isi laporan tiket harian equipment dan kirim ke DCS setiap hari.
(b) Isi laporan PTI dan kirim ke equipment operation setiap hari.
(c) Laporkan setiap kecelakaan, cidera dan hampier celaka ( near
miss ) kebagian HES secepat mungkin.

(10) Training

(a) Training penyegaran akan dilaksanakan sekali 6 bulan untuk

semua operator crane / rigger / signalman melalui program LDI
( Learning Development and Improvement ) guna menjaga tingkat
kopetensi dan pemahaman dari semua crew crane.
(b) Di minta semua crane supervisor , crane foreman dan crane
operator untuk mengikuti dan lulus crane assessment test
sebelum mobilisasi kelokasi project.

English Translation


( 1 ) Pre trip inspection

(g) Conduct PTI every morning before starting engine.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
Page 7 of 10

(h) Conduct PTI whenever assigned a new or replacement equipment

(i) Conduct PTI when taking new repaired equipment from CEM shop
or vendor shop.
(j) Follow PTI criteria to DEAD LINE or STANDBY until the equipment
safe to operate.
(k) Do not operate equipment that needs to be repaired. Report it
immediately to mechanic.
(l) Test the crane functions and lifting capabilities prior to operation.
( 2 ) Safety
(m) Every job must have a JSA and GWP
(n) Follow 5 minutes safety meeting (TTOFS) everyday, weekly &
monthly meeting. Fill in and sign the attendance list – this TTOFS
procedure also applies every time a change order / addition to the
work-order / additional manpower is introduced.
(o) Driver, Operator and Swamper must wear PPE, including protective
leather gloves and their ID badge during working hours.
(p) Driver, Operator and Swamper must buckle up their safety belt prior
to driving / operating vehicle / equipment.
(q) Driver, Operator and Swamper must be in good condition, mentally
and physically prior to and while driving and/or operating
(r) Must have a safety triangle, first aid kit, red flag, tire jack and lug
wrench when needed.
(s) Keep the body and clothing away from all moving or rotating parts.
(t) Do not sit under or stand at the rear of equipment / crane or inside
the engine compartment.
(u) Keep equipment / crane clean everyday.
(v) Do not store any flammable material/s inside or around equipment.
(w) No crane operation is to proceed without first knowing that the work
area is clear of all personnel. – The boom swing area and Out-
Rigger operation area is taped off to unauthorized personnel from
entering the work zone.
(x) A qualified crane signalman is at all times working directly with the
crane operator to ensure any activity not in direct view of the crane
operator sight is being attended to or covered by the signalman.
(y) Never to operate a Crane function if the actual operation is not
physically visible to the qualified operator who is operating the
controls – a signalman has to be in eye contact at all times with the
operator if an extra pair of eyes is required to visibly monitor the
operation activity in progress.

( 3 ) Documentation Site Supervisor(PIC) to Check on valid Permits / Licenses / SIO’s –

Qualified Personnel:

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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(a) Driver and Operator must have a valid Driving license (SIM), CPI
permit and SIO Lifting Permit from Depnaker with him on person at
all times .
(b) Must have an STNK, Police inspection (keur) book and Tax receipt
inside the equipment.
(c) Crane must have a current and valid Lifting Certificate visible –
expiry date
(d) If either point a, b or c is not available, Driver or Operator is not
allowed to drive the vehicle or operate the equipment.
(e) Must have an authorized Work-Order / Approved Instructions prior
to operating lifting equipment.
(f) If designated as a Critical Lift – must have an approved Lift Plan
authorized and approved prior to the Lift.
(g) SOP to be reviewed and revised at any time it is called upon to
improve safety awareness of standard operations – Recorded Near-
Misses or Incidents that can be avoided through revising SOP


(4) DDC Rules Follow and conduct DDC & Smith System procedure:
(a) Follow traffic sign, speed limit, CPI and GOI rules.
(b) Check work area is free of all unauthorized personnel, obstacles and
hazards, check around equipment before stating the engine.
(c) Follow back up procedures, always know what is behind and always
use a signalman to assist before reversing.
(d) Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, minimum 50 meter.
(e) Reduce speed in crowded place, restricted or confined space,
intersection, bend, hill, wet roads, slippery soft condition, or
restricted / limited visibility.
(f) Head lights on when driving in dusty or foggy road, if visibility less
than + 100 Meter – Visibility less than 50 Meters PARK the vehicle.
(g) Use of Horn to warn other vehicles / personal if required to gain their
(h) Flashing Yellow light on when driving on highway or public roads.
(i) Bad weather – e.g. rain, STOP work and park equipment in a safe
place until the weather clears.
(j) Conduct 5 important keys of Smith System.
(k) Follow the speed limit (zone limited area), but adjust speed to suit
road conditions – slow down if necessary.
(l) Use steps and face equipment piece when mounting or dismounting
from the crane using a 3x point contract at all times - no jumping.
(m) Maximum speed 50 Km/hour.
(n) Before starting the engine, ensure nobody is inside the engine

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
Page 9 of 10

(o) If the driver / operator is to leave the vehicle, the engine must be
turned off and ignition key removed and kept by driver/operator.
(p) Only use the crane for vertical lifting and lowering of loads with the
hook. No sideways dragging.
(q) Do not try to pull out stuck equipment, report it to supervisor for help.
(r) While engine is running, no one is allowed to be near or work on the
crane boom section.
(s) Keep a safe distance from live power lines, to follow CPI/ PGT
safety procedures.
(t) While working, keep safe distance from all other equipment,
buildings, and production facilities.
(u) Do not lift a load from over the side of any obstacle, container, or
(v) Do not over tighten the extension boom with lifting block – only snug
off the lifting block.
(w) Boom installation (cut and install) is trained mechanic job, assisted
by crane crew.
(x) Cab door shall be always closed while driving, working - standby /
parking it will be locked.
(y) Do not do any job if it is not safe, ensure to work safely. Report any
unsafe act / condition immediately to supervisor.
(z) Head light On while driving and Off when parked / standby.
(aa) Do not modify or put stickers inside the equipment or truck that will
restrict vision without permission from CPI or MS Management.

(5) Work Order :

(a) Must have a valid authorized Work-Order to utilize CPI or rental
(b) Do not accept any work direction except form your immediate
(c) Any instruction changes/change orders, calls for a Stop Work -
revisit new Work instruction responsibilities & JSA procedures.

(6) Lifting / Downloading :

(a) Place crane on a flat, level and hard surface, free of all surrounding
obstacles – ensure no underground cables, pipes, drains, culverts,
canals, that could cause an outrigger to penetrate the surface while
under load.
(b) Identify the crane out-rigger and swing working zone and tape off
to unauthorized personnel from entering.
(c) Remove the Jack Plates/Mats from their portals and place clear of
the outrigger work area.
(d) Fully extend all outriggers – this operation has to be performed on
the same side as the Out-Rigger controls – meaning: - RH Out-

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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Riggers to be extended while controlling RH Out-Rigger Control

Function levers – LH Out-Riggers to be extended while controlling
LH Out-Rigger Control Function levers – All Out-Rigger movement
(including Jacks) has to be in visual contact with the operator who is
operating the Control functioning levers.
(e) Place the jack plates/mat boards directly beneath each of the
outrigger jacks.
(f) Lower the RH or LH jack until they land firmly upon the jack plates
/ mat boards – level off the crane for that side – maintaining visual
contact with the outrigger jack to ensure no personnel are
interfering with this operation.
(h) Repeat the same operation for the other side Out-Rigger –
sufficiently lower jacks enough to raise the crane wheels off the
ground – finally level off crane from both sides.
(i) Always know the weight of the load before lifting – Always work
within the load chart – Boom length, boom angle, working radius
and calculate on the ‘Total Load Rate’.
(j) Connect the hook to the center point of the load or above the center
of gravity.
(k) Load must be completely free of all contact with other obstacles
prior to the lift.
(l) Attach 2x tag lines of sufficient length to the load.
(m) Connect the lifting sling / chocker from the load to the lifting hook.
Follow proper rigging procedures.
(n) Tighten up on the load, then raise the load approx. 30cm off the
ground and stop. Check load stability, center of gravity, before
continuing the lift.
(o) Always lift the load in a vertical direction and only swing in a
horizontal direction.
(p) Never continue with a lift if sufficient wind is present that could
affect the load stability or encourage movement.
(q) Instructions must be from one designated person only, and all hand-
signals understood by the operator.
(r) The crane operator and signalman must never loose sight of each
other – always in eye contact of each other.
(s) The known crane working boom radius must be taped off to ensure
no personnel enters inside the designated working area.
(t) Do not lift a load over personnel, equipment or buildings – never
allow personnel to walk beneath a hoisted load.
(u) Do not allow personnel to ride the hook or load.
(v) Before leaving the cabin, the load must be lowered down to the
ground, engine turned off, install the boom lock and swing brake,
place all levers in the neutral position, lock the cabin door, hold onto
the key.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
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(w) Avoid traveling with a hanging load, especially, using a rubber tired
(x) Loads lowered onto a lowboy/prime mover/cargo trucks, must be
positioned properly, secured and made safe to travel without
unnecessary or unprotected over hang.
(y) During loading and unloading process onto a lowboy, trailer, cargo
or flatbed truck the supervision and responsibility is under the crane
dept. – Transport is responsible to secure and tighten the load after
the load is already on the truck and grounded safely.
(7) Outrigger Operation
a) Outriggers must be operated (only) by assigned crane qualified
operator who has valid permit, SIO, and license
b) Jack mats to be removed from the crane mat portal and placed in a
clear area prior to the extension of the outriggers.
c) Each Outrigger must be visible while extending and/or retracting
the outriggers.
d) The crane operator must ensure that all personnel are well clear of
the outrigger prior to outrigger extension / retraction.
e) Do not operate or swing the lifting crane if the outrigger has not
been installed yet.
f) Out riggers must be extended / retracted one side at a time. The
RH side outriggers shall be operated using the RH side control
levers and the LH side outriggers shall be operated using the left
side control levers – the operator must have visual contact with the
outriggers and jacks whenever extending or retracting them at all
g) Not to extend or retract both LH and RH outriggers when operating
the crane outrigger control levers from only one side of the crane.
h) Outriggers are to be set on flat, stable and firm ground, and all
known underground conditions to be checked prior to setting.
i) All outrigger legs are to be fully extended, not just part way.
j) Unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer, the wheels of the
crane must be lifted free off the ground by the outrigger jacks.
k) Extended Outrigger arms must be locked in position to ensure they
do not move during the lift procedure.
l) Outriggers must always be extended to the maximum possible
m) Jack mats shall be in good condition, free from oil, grease and not
broken or split.
n) Jack mats shall be positioned on level, stable and hard ground.
o) Outrigger movement shall be slow while extending or retracting
outrigger arms.
p) Jack mats to be stowed immediately after the outriggers are fully
retracted and not before – no mat boards to be stowed prior to the
Outriggers arms being retracted.

Tripatra Fluor Consortium SOP Revision – Mobile Crane
Flexible Program Management Project (Tadano & Sumitomo)
Contract 1523-OEM Indonesian & English - Revision 01
11 April 2006
Page 12 of 10

q) Jack mats to be stowed in the portals provided.

r) Jack mats shall be stowed in such a manner where the employee is
free of all pinch points.
(8) Parking
(a) Park at a designated area, in a safe and level area.
(b) Engage the hand brake, boom lock and swing brake.
(c) Place all control levers in the neutral position, and dog the boom.
(d) Do not park at a crowded place such as church, mosque, school,
office, market and restaurant / coffee shop.
(e) Switch off ignition to “ OFF “ position
(f) Submit document, ignition key to the authorized person in-charge.
(g) Keep a safe parking distance with other equipment – do not park
too close to any obstacle.
(h) Clean the equipment (inside & outside) before leaving the job site
(9) Reporting :
(a) Fill in equipment daily ticket and send to DCS daily.
(b) Fill in PTI report and send to Equipment Operations daily.
(c) Report all accidents, injuries or near misses to HES Department

(10) Training (a) Refresher Courses will be held every six months minimum for all
Crane Operators / Riggers / Signalmen through a Learning-
Development-Improvement program to ensure all crane crews are
maintaining their level of competency and awareness.
(b) Requesting all Crane Supervisors, crane foremen and crane
operators to attend and pass a crane assessment test before
mobilization to the project location.


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