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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas :X
Program Keahlian : Perhotelan
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Topik : Praising and Congratulating

A. Kompetensi Dasar
3.2 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur 4.2 menyusun teks interaksi
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interpersonal lisan dan tulis
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis
sederhana yang lmelibatkan
yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat dan tindakan memberikan ucapan
memuji bersayap (extended), serta selamat dan memuji bersayap
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan
(extended), dan menanggapinya
konteks penggunaannya
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks

B. Indikator Pencapaian kompetensi (IPK)

3.2.1 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi 4.2.1 Siswa dapat menganalisis fungsi
sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
(noun phrase) tentang ungkapan praising kebahasaan tentang Explanation
dan congratulating text dengan memperhatikan
unsur kebahasaan dengan baik
dan benar.
3.2.2 Siswa dapat mengomunikasikan praising 4.2.2 Siswa dapat menguraikan
dan congratulating serta responnya sesuai ungkapan tentang praising dan
dengan unsur bahasa sesuai congratulating, dan respondnya
situasi/konteks penggunaanya. secara sederhana dengan
memperhatikan unsur
kebahasaan (noun phrase) yang
baik dan benar sesuai konteks.
Nama Siswa : .................................................................
Kelas :X
Tema : Praising and congratulating
Tujuan Pembelajaran : siswa dapat mengomunikasikan praising dan congratulating dan
respondnya di depan kelas
Task 1 : Understanding the pictures
Look at the picture below. Then, answer the questions that given by the teacher.
E.g : who has attended graduation? Or Is there anyone who is married in this class?
Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Task 2 : Practice the conversations.
Students are asked to demonstrate conversations with students in front of the class in turn.
Understanding some expression of Congratulating
Conversation 1
Jack : Christine, congratulations. I’m proud of you. I heard you passed the English test. This
is for you. (Christine, selamat. Aku bangga padamu. Aku dengar kau lulus ujian Bahasa
Inggris. Ini untukmu.)
Christine: Thank you, Jack. But will you come to the party tonight? (Terima kasih, Jack. Tapi
akankah kau datang ke pesta malam ini?)
Jack : I’m really sorry. I have to accompany my mom to a doctor. (Maaf sekali. Aku harus
menemani ibuku ke dokter.)
Christine: That’s alright. Anyway thanks for the gift.
(Tidak apa-apa. Terima kasih untuk hadiahnya.)
Jack : That’s fine. Have a good time. (Sama-sama. Selamat bersenang-senang.)
Christine: Thanks.(Terima kasih.)

Conversation 2
Bagus : I heard you got 10 for mathematics. Kudengar kau dapat nilai 10 untuk matematika.
Ayu : Yes, that’s right. Ya, benar.
Bagus : You’re great in mathematics. Congratulations. Kau memang hebat di matematika.
Ayu : Thank you. Terima kasih.

Conversation 3
Gary : Congratulations on your 17th birthday. You look charming in that white gown.
(Selamat ulang tahun yang ke-17.Kau terlihat mempesona dalam gaun putih.)
Linda : Thank you for saying so. You look sweet in that red vest.
(Terima kasih telah mengatakan seperti itu. Kau terlihat manis dalam rompi merah itu.)
Gary : Thanks. (Terima kasih.)
Linda : Anyway, let’s start the party. (Omong-omong, ayo kita mulai pestanya.)

Conversation 4
Mira : Chris, would you like to try these cookies? (Chris, maukah kau mencicipi kue-kue ini?)
Chris : Sure, thanks. What is the occasion? (Tentu saja, terima kasih. Dalam rangka apa ini?)
Mira : I just graduated at last grade on my French course. (Aku baru saja lulus tingkat akhir
kursus Bahasa Prancis.)
Chris : Well done! Congratulation! (Bagus sekali! Selamat!)
Mira : Thanks. Let’s go celebrate it. (Terima kasih, ayo kita rayakan.)
Chris : Good idea. (Ide yang bagus.)
Task 3 : Practice the conversations.
Students are asked to demonstrate conversations with students in front of the class in turn.
Understanding some expression of Praising
Conversation 1
Jane: You look really beautiful today. (Kamu terlihat cantik hari ini)
Anna: Thanks. I just got this outfit from the garage sale.. (Terima kasih. Saya baru beli dari garage
Jane: Really? (Serius)
Anna: I got it from my aunt’s garage sale (Aku mendapatkannya dari garage sale tanteku)
Jane: It’s really nice (Bagus sekali..)
Anna: Thanks again. Your shoes look nice too.. (Terima kasih lagi. Sepatumu juga bagus)
Jane: Thank you. I just got these from walmart.. (Terima kasih. Aku baru mendapatkannya dari
Anna: Really? Are they on sale? (Serius? Apakah lagi diskon?)
Jane: Yeah they are on sale… (Ya lagi diskon)
Anna: I really like those. How much did they cost? (Aku sangat menyukainya. Berapa harganya?)
Jane: They were about fifty dollars. (Harganya $50)
Anna: I think I’m going to go buy myself a pair. (Aku pikir aku akan membelinya juga)

Conversation 2

Laura: I like your shirt. That color looks great on you! (Saya suka bajumu. Warnanya cocok.)
Jane: Seriously? I just bought this outfit yesterday. (Masak sih? Aku baru beli kemarin.)
Laura: I do, it looks really nice on you. Where did you buy it from? (Serius. Bagus sekali sama kamu.
Di mananya belinya?)
Jane: I bought it from night market.. (Aku beli di pasar malam..)
Laura: I really like that shirt. (Aku suka sekali baju itu.)
Jane: Thanks. I think you look nice today, too (Terima kasih. Kamu juga tampak cantik deh)
Laura: Thank you. I just bought these shoes too (Terima kasih, aku baru beli sepat ini)
Jane: Do they have another size? This one looks perfect on you. (Apakah ada ukuran lainnya?
Sepatunya cocok banget sama kamu)
Laura: I think so.. (Kayaknya sih ada)
Jane: Let me check it out later at the store. (Nanti saya cek di tokonya)
Laura: Yes, you should. (Ya, kamu harus)

Conversation 3
John: What a great bike you have. (Sepeda yang bagus..)
James: Thanks, I’ve just bought it yesterday.. I’ll use it to drive to school. (Terima kasih. Aku baru
membelinya kemarin. Aku akan pakai ke sekolah.)
John: You bought it with your own money? (Kamu membelinya dengan uang kamu?)
James: Yeah… I have been saving money since two years ago. (Ya.. aku sudah menabung sejak dua
tahun yang lalu)
John: Are you sure? (Serius)
James: Sure. I save my money, cent by cent, dollar by dollar. (Serius. Aku menabung sedikit demi
John: What a wonderful job! (Bagus sekali.)
James: Thanks. (Terima kasih)
Conversation 4

Laura: You look beautiful tonight. That is a nice dress you are wearing. (Kamu cantik sekali malam ini.
Dress itu bagus sekali kamu pakai..)
Anna: I appreciate your compliment. May mother bought it. (Terima kasih pujiannya. Mamaku yang
Laura: Your mother bought it? She had a good taste. (Mama kamu yang membelinya? Mama kamu
seleranya bagus)
Anna: Yes. She bought in Indonesia.. (Ya, dia membelinya di Indonesia)
Laura: You look beautiful with that dress. (Kamu cantik sekali dengan dress itu. )
Anna: Thank you. (Terima kasih)

Task 4 : Analyze the expression of praising and congratulating

students are asked to find words that express praising and congratulating from several
conversations on the task 2 and 3.
Expression used Conversation Conversation Conversation Conversation
1 2 3 4
1. Praising

2. Respond

3 Congratulatin

4 Respond

Task 5
Answer the questions below based on the pictures in the task 1
1. What do you think about the pictures?
2. What can you do if someone get the success in their life?
3. Why you give appreciation to someone?
4. How you appreciate when the someone got the new things in certain situation?

Nama Siswa : .................................................................
Kelas :X
Tema : Praising
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
 Students are able to complete the blank space to express praises and to respond
 Students are able to write a short dialogue to show praising to someone
Activity 1

1. Fill in the blank space to express praises or to respond them.

1. Now, your classmate is praising about your new bicycle.
Joni : New ride?
Tina : Yeah, is it good?
Joni : Of course, .............................................
Tina : Thank you very much. It’s nice of you say so.
2. Tom’s mother is praising him about his new girlfriend.
Tom’s mother : Did you call her to come today?
Tom : Yes, I did. She will be here in a few minutes, Mom.
Tom’s mother : Okay. I will wait her. She is very beautiful. I like her.
Tom : ..................................................
3. Today, you will have an interview in a brandon’s company. You are scared if you look ugly
with your dress. Then you ask your friends about your appearance.
Yoy : Oh my God, I’m so nervous. What do you think about my dress?
Your friend : Your dress is beautiful. You look so lovely. Don’t worry.
You : ............................... I’m affraid if I look ugly with this dress.
Your friend : No, you’re not.

2. write a short dialogue that shows your praise to someone. Choose one of this themes :

4. your friend drives a new bike to school.

5. Your friend wears a new dress in the party.

Nama Siswa : .................................................................
Kelas :X
Tema : Praising
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
 Students are able to communicate expression of praising in front of class

A Telephone Conversation
Follow the telephone coversatiuon below. Then, try to answer the questions. Some of the answer will
depend on how well you are acquainted with the computer. If you cannot answer a question, it should
be all right.
Sofia talks to Nita on the phone.

Sofia : Hello, Nita?

Nita : Hi, beautiful. Almost complete. Just finished with page numbering.
Sofia : Great. Have you got the school logo on the cover page?
Nita : Sure. I put a picture illustartion on the left corner. That should look nice. Downloaded
it from the Net. You’ll like it.
Sofia : Wonderful. You used the tab mode for the Table of Contents, didn’t you? With Word,
you get problems with the alignment if you do it manually. You know that.
Nit : Of course, Who do you think Iam? I’ve taken extra care that we use the standard
format up to the last page.
Sofia : Good job. How many pagesdid we come up with?
Nita : Twenty-four, minus the front pages, references, and appendixes.
Sofia : Not bad. Wasn’t it a minimum of twenty they were asking?
Nita : Yeah. I’m still worried about the pictures, though. My PC hasn’t got the complete Clip
Sofia : But you did get some pictures, didn’t you.
Nita : Oh yes, of coure. No problem with that.
Sofia : Good for you. I’ve never been able to work properly with Clip Arts. So, are we all
ready to have the paper printed? You’ve got a laser jet a home, haven’t you?
Nita : Yup. No problem with that. I’ve just got my cartridge refilled.
Sofia : Wonderful! I ussualy go print my file at the rentals.
Nita : So, I’ll have it printed after the sunset prayers. I still have two hours to have it bound
in the copy shop.
Sofia : Great. You’re just fantastic!
Nita : Yeah, blah-blah
Sofia : No. I mean it. Really. I’ve been worrying about it all day. The deadline, you know.
Nita : Yeah, sure. But we’ll make it. We’ll have the paper mailed tomorrow by nine o’clock.
Sofia : Great. See you tommorrow with the paper.
Nita : See you tomorrow with the paper.
Sofia : Cheerio.
Nita : Bye-bye.
Sofia hang up, followed by Nita.

1. Nita knows right away that it is Sofia who is calling. How do you know?
2. How did Nita get the picture illustartion for the cover page?
3. For the table of Contents, what is the differences between the tab mode and the manual mode?
4. “of course. What do you think I am?” What does Nita mean?
5. Nita’s PC hasn’t got the complete Clip Arts. How can she get the illustration pictures?
6. “You’ve got a laser jet at home, haven’t you?” What does Sofia mean?
7. “I’ve just got my cartridge refilled.”(Line 34-35) What does Nita mean?
8. What are Sofia and Nita talking about?
9. What are they going to do tomorrow?
10. Many of Sofia’s turn begin with a praising expression. What are these praising expression?

Nama Siswa : .................................................................
Kelas :X
Tema : Congratulating
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
 Students are able to understand about expression of congratulating and respond it
Dialog 1
Mr. Bambang : I heard you graduated. Congratulation! Finally you did it.

Tom : Thanks a lot! It was really something for me.

Mr. Bambang : What are you going to do next? Get a job or continuing your study?

Tom : I think I am going to get my Master’s.

Mr. Bambang : That’s great! Go for it!Good luck!

Tom : Thanks!

Dialogue 2

Dina : So, how was your novel? It has been published, right?

Ben : Yes. How do you know?

Dina : My friend told me yesterday. Well done, Ben!

Ben : Thanks for saying so.

Dina : So, how many copies habe been sold this far?

Ben : Thank God. There have been over 1.250 copies sold.

Dina : Fantastic! Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your success.

Ben : Thank you very much, Dina. I still have to learn more.

Dina : You are welcome. Good job Ben!

1. In dialogue 1, why does Mr. Bambang congratulate Tom?

2. “I think I am going to get my Master’s.” What does Tom mean?
3. Mr. Bambang gave Tom some congrtulating expression. What are these praising expressions?
4. In Dialog 2, what kind of book that has been published by Ben?
5. How did Dina know about Ben’s book?
6. How many copies of book have been sold?
7. Please mention some congratulating expressions in Dialog 2!

Nama Siswa : .................................................................
Kelas :X
Tema : Congratulating
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
 Students are able to understand about expression of congratulating and respond it

Tom : Congratulations, Ben! You deserved it.

Ben : Thanks
Sofia : The friendly badminton match? God, how I could forget it? Please forgive me, Ben.
Nita : We called you many times.
Tom : Yes, I called your brother, too. He said he couldn’t reach you. What’s the matter with your
cellular phone?
Sofia : Don’t know. It doesn’t work well lately. Luckily, grandpa gives me the new one.
Tom : It’s great! You should dismiss your old phone long before.
Nita : Fantastic, Sophie! You must be working hard to persuade your grandpa.
Sofia : It’s not me. As a matter of fact, he gives meas a present. I won the novel writing contest.
Tom : Really? It was great to hear about that. You do make it.
Sofia : Thank you. It’s nothing without you all.
Tom : Oh my lovely! I’m so proud of you. Ben! What’s up with you ? you don’t congratulate
Ben : I deserve more than her. I have the school name, you know. I’ll compete in the regional
Sofia : You do, Buddy. Please accept our heartiest congratulation. We’re all really proud of you.
Ben : That’s not sincere at all.
Tom : Allow me to offer my warmest congratulations, my lord ....
Nita : On your knees, Tom! Ha ....ha....
Sofia : Come on, Ben! We’d have your profile on the coming up school magazine.
Tom : It seems to be our great holiday. Everyone succeded.
Sofia : Yeah. What a great idea!

Ben : (Mumbling)
Discuss the question

a. What match did Ben win?

b. Who congratualtes Ben at the beginning? What does he/she say?
c. Why did Sofia say sorry to Ben?
d. Why couldn’t anybody contact Sofia?
e. What prize did Sofia win?
f. How does Sofia congratulate Ben? Why is it that way?
g. Why did Tom do so?
h. To whom is such expression usually being addressed to?

Find the following kinds of expression in the dialogue.



Answer key and scoring rubric

1. Answer key

Nomor Kunci Jawaban Nilai

1. It’s nice. I like your bicycle form. 3
2. Thank you, Mom 3
3. Thanks 2
4. John : What a great bike you have. 6
Jerry : Thanks, I’ve just bought it yesterday. I’ll use it to drive to school.
John : You bought it with your own money?
Jerry : Yeah, I have been saving money since two years ago.
John : are you sure?
Jerry : Sure. I save my money litle by litle in the bank.
John: What a wonderful job!
Jerry: Thanks.

5. Laura : You look beautiful tonight. That is a nice dress you are wearing. 6
Anna : I appreciate your compliment. My mother bought it.
Laura : Your mother bought it? She had a good taste.
Anna : Yes. She bought in Indonesia.
Laura : You look beautiful with that dress.
Anna : Thank you

Pada setiap soal, jika jawaban salah diberi nilai 1

Nilai akhir : Total nilai X 5

Nilai Maksimum : 100

Nilai minimum : 25

2. Scouring rubric

No. Criteria Score

1. Jawaban tepat sesuai dengan konteks 3
Jawaban kurang tepat 2
Jawaban tidak tepat 1
2. Jawaban tepat sesuai dengan konteks 3
Jawaban kurang tepat 2
Jawaban tidak tepat 1
3. Jawaban tepat 2
Jawaban tidak tepat 1
4. Isi dialog >6 kalimat 6
Isi dialog 4 kalimat 4
Isi dialog 2 kalimat 2
Isi dialog tidak sesuai dengan instruction 1
5. Isi dialog >6 kalimat 6
Isi dialog 4 kalimat 4
Isi dialog 2 kalimat 2
Isi dialog tidak sesuai dengan instruction 1
Pada setiap soal, jika jawaban salah diberi nilai 1

Nilai akhir : total nilai dari seluruh aspek

Nilai maksimal : 100

Nilai minimum : 25

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