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Modul Ajar Application Letter


SMK NEGERI 1 Semarang

Semester Genap-Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024
Kelas: XII XE 1
Guru Mapel :By.Mrs. Indah Nur Rahmatin, S.Pd

Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk
surat lamaran kerja, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Surat Lamaran Kerja
Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus
dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja.
Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar
belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi2 dan unsur, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Materi Pembelajaran
Modul ini terbagi menjadi 3 kegiatan pembelajaran dan di dalamnya terdapat uraian materi, contoh
soal, soal latihan dan soal evaluasi.

Pertama :
Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat
lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman

Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar
belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja.
Mampu menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri,
latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Pembelajaran pertama berfokus pada fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan bentuk surat
lamaran kerja, yaitu :
• Fungsi sosial Menimbulkan kesan positif tentang kesesuaian pelamar dengan pekerjaan yang
• Struktur teks Dapat mencakup - Tempat dan tanggal - Penerima dan alamatnya -Sapaan - Isi surat
Penutup - Tanda tangan dan nama lengkap
• Unsur kebahasaan - Ungkapan dan kosakata yang sesuai - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,
tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.
• Topik

Pembelajaran kedua fokus pada bagaimana menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi
struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan teks surat lamaran pekerjaan

Pembelajaran ketiga
adalah mampu menyusun surat lamaran pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah kegiatan pembelajaran 1 ini diharapkan:
1. Mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi social beberapa teks surat lamaran pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan
kesesuaian jenis pekerjaan dengan data data yang dimiliki pelamar.
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks beberapa teks khusus surat lamaran pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
3. Setelah mempelajari materi surat lamaran ini, siswa diharapkan dapat menyusun teks surat lamaran
dengan tepat.

Uraian Materi:
Job Vacancy.Coba sekarang Anda hubungkan dengan apa yang akan dilakukan setelah selesai belajar
di SMK, perguruan tinggi, atau lembaga lain, sebagaian besar adalah mencari pekerjaan, langkah apa
yang paling penting setelah Anda mencari lowongan pekerjaan, contohnya seperti dibawah ini :
Jika Anda sebagai pelamar yang baru lulus sekolah tingkat SMK apakahAnda akan memutuskan
untuk melamar pekerjaan kelembaga ini?
Tepat,Anda memutuskan tidak melamar karena melihat persyaratan minimal yaitu Diploma. Jadi
sebelum kita membicarakan tentang surat lamaran pekerjaan, ada hal lain yang perlu kita ketahui,
yaitu bagaimana kita mengetahui informasi yang benar dari “Job Vacancy “.

Perhatikan contoh berikut yang dikutip dari

Dari kedua contoh lowongan pekerjaan tersebut dapat Anda pahami bahwa bahasa yang digunakan
detail, sederhana, lengkap dan menggunakan kalimat yang pendek, sedangkan untuk struktur
kebahasaannya adalah :
Title : The name of company or type of job vacancy.
Purpose : The purpose of announcing a job vacancy.
Qualification : The qualifications or requirements the company wants toward the job seekers
Address/Contact :
Address or contact number to find out more information or to send the job application.


A job application letter is a letter that you write to a company when you are
applying for a job
(surat lamaran kerja adalah sebuah surat yang kalian tuliskan ke sebuah
perusahaan ketika kalian ingin melamar sebuah pekerjaan).

A JOB APPLICATION LETTER is also called (disebut juga) A COVER LETTER

Today there are two ways of sending application letter, they are by post and by
filling in a job application form online
(saat ini ada 2 cara mengirim surat lamaran yaitu lewat pos dan dengan mengisi
formulir lamaran pekerjaan secara online)

Bagian-bagian surat lamaran pekerjaan/ parts of Application Letter

Berikut bagian dari sebuah surat lamaran pekerjaan (application letter) sekaligus penjelasan singkat
apa yang sebaiknya kita tulis pada tiap-tiap bagian tersebut.

1. Letter Head (Kepala Surat)

Didalam Letter head atau kepala surat berisi tentang nama perusahaan, merek dagang sebuah
perusahaan, jenis perusahaan , alamat lengkap dan juga symbol dari perusahaannya. Misalnya :
Melisa cake and Bakery
The central of various cake and Bakery
Marisa street number 5 jakarta barat
3. The Dateline(Penanggalan) Date line adalah tanggal ditulisnya surat.. Ada yang menggunakan
date line dan dijadikan bagian dari cover letter header dan untuk penempatannya sendiri ada yang
diatas cover letter header, dan ada yang dibawah cover letter header. Kemudian ada versi lain dari
penulisan date line yaitu yang menuliskannya sebagai bagian terpisah dari cover letter header, dan
ada yang tidak menggunakan date line sama sekali. Apabila kalian ingin menulis surat, kalian bisa
menuliskan tanggalnya secara british maupun American.
Misalnya :
British style American style
January 2nd ,2020 2 January ,2020

4. The Inside Address(Alamat yang dituju) Alamat yang di dalam the inside address yaitu alamat
si penerima. Misalnya:
Woman accessories and clothes
Idaho street number 5 blok B- pasar minggu
5. The Salutation/greetings (Salam)
Dengan adanya Salutation, kita akan lebih mudah untuk menyapa atau menyebut orang yang
dituju dengan sapaan. Kita dapat menggunakan salam seperti Dear.
Contoh: Dear Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Smith, dsb
Kita sebaiknya menuliskan nama belakang dari si penerima surat dan pastikan diakhiri dengan
tanda comma.Jika tidak mengetahui nama orangyang kita tuju atau HRD managernya, atau
siapapun yang bertugas merekrut pegawai baru, kita cukup menuliskan seperti :
Dear Sir, (untuk laki-laki)
Dear Madam, (untuk perempuan)
Dear Mr.Santoso
Jika kita bingung apakah orang yang menerima surat laki-laki atau perempuan, kita dapat
menuliskan Dear Sir or Madam.

5. The Attention Line(Baris Perhatian)

Sedangkan pengertian secara simplenya, bahwa di attention line ini berisi tentang orang atau
pemimpin sebuah perusahaan. Misalnya:
 Attention Mr. Jum Angin
 Attention Mrs. Siti Alwiyah
 Attention Mr. Eko Pujianto

6. The Subject Line(Garis Persoalan)

Pada point ini, Subject Line kita harus menyebutkan garis besar dari maksud
isi surat yang dibuat agar si pembaca akan lebih mudah untuk memahami
dan juga untuk membut tertarik si pembaca. Misalnya:

 Subject : Salesman’s incentive Compensation Plan

 Subject : the canceling of the PT. Kalipasir Jaya
 Subject : the ordering of shoes “spotex”

7. The Body of The Letter (Badan Surat)

Dari namanya juga kita bisa menebak kalau, “body=badan/tubuh” jadi di body of the letter
kita memberikan isi dari surat secara detail, berbeda dengan subject line. Kalau di body of the
letter kita mengutarakan maksud dari surat sehingga alamat dan orang yang dituju mengetahui

Paragraph 1

Paragraf ini harus berisi tentang informasi diri dan posisi yang dilamar. Paragraf ini juga harus
menuntun pada paragraf selanjutnya dengan menyebutkaan qualifikasi yang dimiliki secara
singkat atau kenapa kita tertarik terhadap posisi yang dilamar.

In the opening paragraph, explain the basic reason for the letter. What job
are you applying for? When and where did you see the job vacancy? When
applying for a job that has not been advertised state how you heard about
the vacancy.
(Di bagian paragraf pembuka, jelaskan alasan utama kalian menuliskan
lamaran kerja tsb. Pekerjaan apa yang ingin kalian lamar,Kapan dan dimana
kalian melihat lowongan kerjanya. Ketika melamar pekerjaan yg belum
diiklankan, ungkapkan bagaimana kalian mengetahui ttg lowongan kerja tsb.

Paragraph 2

Paragraf kedua berisi tentang qualifikasi atau keterampilan yang dimiliki, kita juga dapat
menyebutkan prestasi yang pernah diraih untuk menunjukan bahwa kita memang cocok untuk
posisi yang dilamar.

in the body of letter paragraph, write briefly the outline of your skills. It can
be the relevant qualifications you may have a recent or prior employment
experience that matches the role you are applying for. Show confidently that
your skills are suitable to the requirements of the company.
(Di paragraf isi, tulislah uraian singkat tentang keahlian yang kalian miliki
yang sesuai dengan persyaratan. Kalian mungkin memiliki pengalaman kerja
terkini atau sebelumnya yang sesuai dengan peranan dari pekerjaan yang
kalian lamar. Ungkapkan dengan penuh percaya diri bahwa keahlian kalian
itu sesuai dengan persyaratan)
Paragraph 3
Paragraf ketiga berisi sebuah penutupan. Kita dapat menyampaikan bahwa kita memiliki
qualifikasi yang sesuai untuk posisi yang dilamar. Kita juga dapat menyertakan sebuah kontak
sekaligus menunjukan bahwa kita mengharapkan sebuah panggilan interview. Dan yang
terakhir ucapan terima kasih.
Write any further skills related to the position and how they are highly
suitable to the role. Any knowledge of the company or business may be
mentioned here, if appropriate. Mention you have attached a resume.
(tuliskan keahlian lainnya yang sangat menunjang dengan pekerjaan yg
dilamar. Ilmu pengetahuan yang sesuai bisa disebutkan disini. Nyatakan
pula kalian sudah melampirkan daftar riwayat hidup kalian.)

Mention your personal skills enhance and support your technical abilities
and state that you are enthusiastic to the opportunity to work for the
(Tuliskan bahwa keahlian kalian tsb meningkatkan dan mendukung
kemampuan teknis kalian dan nyatakanlah bahwa kalian sangat antusias
untuk menigisi kesempatan kerja tsb.)

State your availability for interview.

Tuliskan pula kesediaan kalian untuk diwawancarai)
Pada bagian akhir paragraf tiga, biasanya kita menuliskan kalimat penutup yang dapat kita
gunakan seperti :

I look forward to your reply

Looking forward to your reply
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convince
I look forward to hearing from you soon

Misalnya :

Have you known that over a third of the $2 billon industrial expansion in the east during the
past eleven years went into new chemical facilities? The abundant raw materials for chemical
production, lower labor rates, and economy of transportation are just three reasons why the
chemical manufactures are moving to the east. Two others reasons are the many low-priced
tracts of available belonging fixed for industrial increasing, favorable privileges regarding
taxation of new industrial enterprise.We are pleased to offer you our helping in conducting
your investigation of opportunities in the east. We believe that we can help you that most
authoritative service available.
8. The Complimentary(Salam Penutup) Closing and Signature
Tuliskan salam penutup, tanda tangan serta nama lengkappada bagian akhir surat lamaran
Untuk salam penutup sendiri kita dapat menuliskan contoh berikut :
 Sincerely,
 Yours sincerely,
 Regards,
 Best,
 Yours faithfully,
 Best Regrads,
 Very truly yours
9. Signature(Tanda Tangan)
Untuk signature, setiap orang mempunyai tanda tangan yang pastinya berbeda.

10. Reference/initial (Penulis Surat)

Berisi tentang nama panjang atau inisial si penulis/pemimpin perusahaan.
 Methew Robinson
 Caroline Martina Situmorang
 Willona Siregar

11.Enclosure Notation(Lampiran)
The enclosure notation adalah lampiran yang disertakan namun dilain halaman.
Misalnya :
 Enclosure : catalogue
 Enclosure notation : price list
 Enclosure : shoes style

12. Carbon Copy Notation (Tembusan)

Berisi tentang kopian (lembar yang digandakan)

Sebagai tips tambahan saat menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan (meskipun pada akhirnya jika kita
akan benar-benar melamar pekerjaan, kita pasti akan mencari template yang sudah ada di google)
Tapi informasi tambahan sebaiknya kita tidak menggunakan singkatan seperti:Don’t, I’m, Can’t,
Kita sebaiknya menulisnya dengan tidak disingkat seperti :Do not, I am, Can not, Is not, dsb.
Dan yang paling dipastikan kita menggunakan bahasa yang baik, sopan dan formal.
Example of Business Letter

Contoh Application Letter


Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan

Application Letter
Social Funcion:
The purpose :
The application letter should let the employer know what position you are applying for, what
makes you a strong candidate, why they should select you for an interview, and how you will
follow up. Generic Structure:
• Heading
• The address
• A greeting
• The introduction
• The body
• The close
• The signature

Dalam menyusun surat lamaran pekerjaan perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal pokok seperti
contoh di bawah ini :
Your name
Your address
Your email address
Your phone number
Date Name of hiring manager or supervisor
Title of hiring manager or supervisor
Company name
Company address
Salutation [Dear Mr./Ms.],
Outline where you saw the job posting and express your interest in working in this role. Discuss some
of your qualifications that would make you a good fit for the job.
Describe your past experience in a way that emphasizes your personality and skills, while also
showcasing how you align with the goals of the company.
Express your appreciation to the hiring manager for reviewing your letter. Include any follow-up
information, if applicable.
Closing [Sincerely, Best]
Your signature
Your name (printed)
Latihan Soal


September 13, 2008


Cmpd. #6 Veterans Road, VFP Industrial Area,
Veterans Center, Taguig City

Dear Sir/Madam:

I wish to apply for the position, as a project engineer base on the

qualification you published on web site

I finished my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at University of the

Philippines. Currently, I am enrolled in Master of Engineering major in Civil
Engineering, wherein I have earned 33 units at Technological University of
the Philippines.

At present, I am working as a Full Time College Faculty in the Far Eastern

University. I am proficient in using MS Office such as Word, Excel and
PowerPoint and Computer Aided Design (AutoCAd).

I wish I would be able to impart my skills and to gain additional

knowledge for professional growth in your company. I’m very willing to
come in your good office upon receipt of your response to know more
details about the condition and policies.

Respectfully yours,
Jose Vergara


March 25, 2005Ms. Rosemarie Norbe

Personnel Manager
Milestone Company
Don Pepe, Balanga CityDear Ms. Norbe:Your advertisement in the March
22 issue of the Manila Bulletin calls for an executive secretary who is
proficient in communication skills, computer literate, and with pleasing
personality. I sincerely believe that I meet your requirements for the
position.I am Erica J. Navarro, a graduate of Bachelor of Science, major in
Psychology at La Salle University, Manila this March, 28, 2005 as a cum

I consider as my assets: my proficiency in both written and spoken

English and Filipino, my computer skills, and my leadership skills which
were honed in my capacity as the editor in chief of my school’s student
publication and as a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman of our Barangay. I
am hardworking, efficient,and highly driven, and I am willing to undergo
training to further improve my capabilities.

For your perusal and evaluation, I have enclosed my resume which

includes my special skills, training and accomplishments and awards as a
student, and a photocopy of my official transcript of records for your
evaluation. Should you wish to ask about my personal traits and
capabilities, I have also included a list of references for you.

I am very much willing to come over for a personal interview with you
anytime during office hours.

Respectfully yours,
Erica J. Navarro


HRD Department
Bank Negara Indonesia
Cabang Jakarta Kota
Lada Street No 1st
Jakarta Kota

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your
company that was informed by Website I am
interested in “Front Liner ” position.My name is Sri Wahyuningsih. I am
twenty one years old. I have background in Accounting Diploma III in
Polytechnic Negeri Jakarta. And now i have graduate from my college and
waiting letter of graduate (Surat Tanda Kelulusan) with my educational
background, I’m confident that my qualification and skills could make
significant contributions to your company. I will be able to operate
computer especially MYOB .Besides that, I am a person who can work
either independently or as part of team. I am also initiative, hardworking,
and eager to learn. I have been training at Perum Jasa Tirta II Jatiluhur.
My resume has been attached which outline my qualification in greater
detail. I would appreciate the opportunity to
discuss my qualification; please keep this application confidential. I will
look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

A fast progressing foreign company is looking for a male or female typist
for its
branch office in Jakarta.
Applicants should fulfill the following requirements:
1. Good command of English
2.Minimum typing speed : 50 words/minute
3.Education : Diploma
4 Age : between 22 – 27
Letter with complete resumes and references should be sent to no 1135

1. Who has a better opportunity to get that position?

2. What kind of job is offered in this advertisement?
3. What are the requirements for the position?
4. What should the applicants insert in their application letters?

Dear Betty,
I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Jogja. I just got back from
Borobudur, the wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We
are now staying in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro. We are treated will
here. It has many excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go
around Malioboro after the children take a short nap. We want to enjoy
having “lesehan” there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on the
ground. Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street.
Both domestic and foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to buy
some as souvenirs. Don’t worry, I’ll also buy you the most interesting one.


1. How do the staff serve the customers of the hotel?

A. Proudly
B. Badly
C. Interestingly
D. Nicely

2. The text gives us information about ….

A. The wonderful Borobudur temple
B. The souvenirs to be bought
C. Dara’s last day in Jogja
D. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro

3. Who is the letter from?

A. Customers
B. The hotel staffs
C. Betty
D. Dara

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 7.

Ubud, 7th April 2007
Dear Barbara,
Hi there. How are things with you? It’s good to know that you are doing
fine in business. Have you received my postcard?
I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my
wonderful holiday. I think this is the most wonderful holiday have I ever
had. There are a lot of interesting tourist objects to visit, beautiful local
art and craft, tasty traditional food, and much more. It’s Thursday today. I
can’t believe this my last day. I wish I could spend more time here. I am
certain I will stay longer on my next visit. I’ll be home about 3 p.m.
tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go back to work. I
can’t wait to show my video to my class.
Okay, that’s all for now. Send my love to your children.

Best wishes from,


4.The letter tells us about ….

A. Vivian’s holiday in Bali
B. Barbara’s letter
C. Vivian’s favorite places
D. Barbara’s plan for Bali
5.On what day Vivian going to arrive home?
A. Thursday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
6.“… the most wonderful holiday …” The underlined word has the same
meaning with ….
A. Usual
B. Awesome
C. Poor
D. Hateful

7.The letter shows that Vivian ….

A. Has not eaten the day before
B. Bought all beautiful local art
C. Has tried the traditional food
D. Did not have nice holiday


This text is for questions 1 and 2.

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I recently received a letter from Mr. Robinson, a valued customer of ours.

He purchased an Italian coffee table and four French dining room chairs
from us
which your company delivered this residence.

He has written a complaint that the purchases arrived damaged. We pride

in the quality of our product and would like an explanation as to how this
occurred. Even though the items are insured, our reputation is at stake.

I would be most grateful if you would reply as soon as possible so that

this matter
can be resolved to everyone' s satisfaction.

Jackie Middleton

Customer Services Manager


1. What is the customer complaining about in his letter?

He is complaining about purchases that arrived damaged.

2. Who is Mr. Thompson?

A manager of a shipment company

The following text is for questions 3,4 and 5

Dear Mr. Green:

I am writing concerning claim #760. The amount that your adjusters have
set for
damage caused by Hurricane Harry to my barn is unacceptably low.
The amount that your company has offered would not even allow doing
the work
myself, as the materials alone would cost almost $300 more than your

I am including the estimate from our independent contractors that I have

asked to
inspect the damage to my barn, and their estimates vary between $1,500
I would like your company to take into consideration the estimates I have
and reevaluate your settlement offer. If you continue to deny the fact that
offer is unacceptably low, I will need to seek legal counsel.

I will appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Mathew Liverpool

3. What is the cost of the materials needed to fix the damage according to

Vary between $1,500 and $1,750.

4. What is the purpose of the letter?

To claim or complaint

5. What did Mathhew Liverpool want from Mr. Green?

He would like your company to take into consideration the estimates that
he have
providedand reevaluate your settlement offer. If Mr. Green continue to
deny the fa
ct that your offeris unacceptably low, He will need to seek legal counsel

Penugasan Mandiri

Penugasan Mandiri .1

Read the application letter below. Then, write down the information in the
below on your note book.

Penugasan Mandiri .2

Coba Anda baca kembali text 2 dan text 3 dalam modu lini, kemudian
Anda adalah calon pelamar yang akan melamar pekerjaan pada posisi
yang cocok
dengan latar belakang Anda. Buatlah CV seperti contoh ( teks 4 ) tuliskan
buku catatan masing masing. Diskusikan dengan rekan kelompok .

Penugasan Mandiri .3

Silahkan Anda mencari contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dari internet

( website ),
koran, majalah atau media lainnya. Baca secara teliti kemudian tuliskan
kosa kata
yang penting dalam surat lamaran pekerjaan yang menurut Anda harus
dalam buku catatan Anda

Penugasan Mandiri .4

Arrange the following jumbled letter into a correct order!

Apakah Anda sudah mampu menyusun surat lamaran pekerjaan dengan

Congratulation! Silahkan bandingkan dengan jawaban di bawahini !

Michael Dunn
5 North Street
San Francisco, CA, 94102

October 17th, 2020

Kate West
Comfort Transportation Company
12 North Street
San Francisco, CA, 94102

Dear Mr. West:

I am aware of the driver position advertised in today's local newspapers.

I would like to put forward my application for the position.
I have proper driving license and have been working as a bus driver for
ten years in
Miami. I am reliable and trustworthy employee and am ready to work long
hours. I
am punctual and capable of driving safely and carefully under any
circumstances. I
am confident that I could do very well in your company as I usually did in
former employer.

I thank you very much for considering me for this post. Should you need to
me, you can do so by calling or emailing me at the number or email
address in my
attached resume.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Dunn





5. @2020,DirektoratSMA,DirektoratJenderalPAUD,DIKDASdanDIKMEN

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