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Usulan Tema Pemuridan:

Fase I: Mengenal
1. Knowing - God knows me, and I can know him.
 Mengenal Kehendak Allah dalam Kehidupan
 Doa Bapa Kami: Berdoa Menurut Kehendak Tuhan
 Mengalami Roh Kudus
 Menikmati dan Memuliakan Allah
 Menemukan Kehadiran Allah: Seni Membaca Kehidupan
 Berdamai dengan Allah
2. Identity - Through faith in Jesus and his sacrifice, I belong to God, and
He loves me!
 Panggilan Hidup Saya?
 Doa Bertekun vs. Doa Memaksa
 Motivasi Pelayanan yang Benar
 New Born
 Hidup dalam Iman
 Kedewasaan Pribadi

Fase II: Menanam

3. Storytelling - God has a big story, and I can be a part of it.

 Dare to be Daniel!: Iman dan Kesaksian Hidup
 Panggilan Salib Kristus
 Mengalami Janji Allah
4. Faith Community - God’s family cares for each other and worships God
 Love One Another: Most Expected, Most Neglected
 One Heart
5. Love/Respect - God fills me with His love so I can give it away.
 Makna Salib Bagi seorang Murid
 Melayani dengan Kasih dan Kebenaran

Fase III: Menumbuhkan

6. Responsibility - God has entrusted me with the things and people He
created around me.
 Kemerdekaan yang Efektif
 Mengejar Kekudusan Hidup
 Religiusitas vs. Spiritualitas

7. Serving - I live asking the question, what needs to be done?

 Panggilan dan Komitmen Pelayanan
 Profesi dan Panggilan Hidup
8. Out of Comfort - God transforms me when I step out in faith.
 Mempersembahkan apa yang dicintai
 Selidiki Aku
 Dihancurkan dan Dibebaskan
 Utuslah Aku

Fase IV: Menuai

9. Modeling - I can see Christ in others, and they can see Him in me.
 Christlikeness 1: The True Essence of Christian Spirituality
 Murid Kristus Sejati: Persembahan Hidup
 Murid Kristus Sejati: Rela Meninggalkan Segalanya

10.Course Correction - When I get off track, God offers me a path of


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