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Berikut merupakan jenis-jenis sapi perah yang cukup populer di indonesia, jenis tersebut dibagi

menjadi dua habitat. Tentunya beberapa jenis sapi perah yang disebutkan sudah banyak
dikembangkan baik dalam skala kecil maupun besar.


1. Friesian Holstein (FH)

Merupakan jenis sapi yang sangat populer baik di Indonesia ataupun mancanegara. Tentu
saja karena perpaduan warna yang banyak digambarkan oleh berbagai produk susu sapi
dan olahanya. Tidak hanya populer, sapi dengan ciri fisik hitam bercampur putih ini juga
didaulat sebagai ikon sapi perah di seluruh dunia tentu saja karena populasinya sangat
banyak, beberapa negara seperti Amerika Serikat memiliki populasi sapi perah friesian
holstein sebesar 80%.

Sapi ini berasal dari Provinsi Friesian, Belanda, dan mulai dikenal oleh masyarakat
indonesia sejak abad 18. Hingga kini sapi friesian masih menjadi primadona peternak sapi di

Meski termasuk jenis sapi perah subtropis, sapi ini mampu menghasilkan susu yang cukup
banyak. Penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa seekor sapi friesian holstein mampu
menghasilkan 15 – 20 liter susu per hari, siklus laktasi sapi friesian holstein berkisar 4000 –
6000 liter setiap tahunya.

2. Jersey
3. Milking Shorthorn
4. Brown Swiss
5. Guernsey
6. Ayrshire


1. Sahiwal
2. Ongole

3. Hibrida Friesian Holstein (Grati)

Sapi hibrida ini lebih dikenal sebagai Peranakan Friesian Holstein (PFH). Spesies ini merupakan
persilangan antara pejantan sapi FH dengan betina sapi lokal dari jenis sapi jawa dan sapi madura.

Dinamakan sapi grati karena spesies ini pertama kali dibesarkan di Kecamatan Grati, Kabupaten
Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Kelebihan dari sapi ini dibanding sapi FH terletak pada pertumbuhanya yang
cepat, prodktivitas, dan tingkat adaptasi yang tinggi dengan iklim indonesia.

Perawakan yang lebih kecil dibanding sapi FH membuat sapi ini mudah dirawat. Selain itu,
produktivitas setiap ekor sapi ini dapat mencapai 10-15 liter/hari. Pada masa laktasi, sapi ini dapat
menghasilkan 4000 – 6000 liter setiap tahunya.

Karakteristik morfologi sapi grati juga hampir sama dengan sapi FH. Dilengkapi dengan tanduk yang
pendek, bulu yang berwarna hitam dan putih, dan terdapat motif segitiga pada bagian kepalanya.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2021

Dairy cow’s milk is one of the most widely consumed foods on the planet
today. Productive systems have been adapted to meet the high demand of
milk and dairy products. For years, genetic selection focused on improving
the production of dairy cows have been applied. Today, many breeds can be
milk producers, dual-purpose, or meat production.

Dairy cows produce large volumes of milk, while dual-purpose cows have a
good capacity to produce meat and milk.

It should be noted that milk production is linked to the environment where

the cows stay. Some of the most important variables are temperature, soil
type, forage of the region, soil inclination, rainfall, and luminosity, among

The four main dairy-producing cattle breeds in the world, of the species Bos
taurus, will be reviewed below.

Figure 1. Holstein breed cow. Its physical conformation is compatible with its high milk production.

Origin: The Holstein breed is originated in Holland (Netherlands). It comes

from the provinces of North Holland and Friesland. These two Dutch regions
are characterized by humid and abundant vegetation. In European countries,
there is a lineage called Frisian and in America the Holstein Friesian.

Exterior: Holstein cows have two main types of fur, which are characterized
by being a mixture of white and black spots (genetic dominance). The other
fur, less common, consists of white and red spots.


 Weigh: For Holstein Friesian, adult bulls have an average weight of

1050 Kg, and adult cows weigh is 680 Kg.
 Height: Regarding the heigh, the adult bulls have an elevation of
1.52m and the females of 1.45m.
 Characteristics: Holstein cows are characterized by being the heaviest
breed of dairy cows. They have a large udder according to their large
production. Holstein’s body is wide at the back, angled, and low
musculature, due to their dairy approach.

Production capacity

The Holstein breed is the best in the world in milk production. For decades a
high-quality genetic selection has been made to obtain specimens with high
milk yields. It is best adapted to cold or temperate climates, while in warm
regions it is significantly affected.

The amount of milk produced depends on multiple factors such as the

environment and nutrition. Therefore, in systems with concentrated diets, an
average of 10,000-12,000 liters of milk per lactation (305 days) has been
reported. On the other hand, in forage-based diets, the production can be
between 4000-5000 Liters of milk per lactation. For tropical countries as well
as in Latin America, this may also vary. However, it is the preferred breed of
dairy-producing cattle due to high production.

One of the production records in the world was the Holstein cow named
Arlinda Ellen. This cow produced 87 liters in just one day, in 1975.

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