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“Plasma lipids in normal cows around partus and in cows with metabolic
disorders with and without fatty liver”







1. Judul Penelitian : Plasma lipids in normal cows around partus and in
cows with metabolic disorders with and without
fatty liver
2. Jurnal : Acta vet. Scand
3. Volume dan Tahun : Vol. 30, Hal. 441-445 / 1989
Judul Penelitian Plasma lipids in normal cows around partus and in
cows with metabolic disorders with and without
fatty liver
Nama Jurnal Acta vet. Scand
Halaman, Vol 441-445, 30
Tahun 1989
Penulis Paul Holtenius
Reviewer Andi Adiyaksa Bahar
Tanggal 8 September 2023

Latar Belakang Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya variasi

Masalah metobolisme lemak yang berbeda antara sapi normal
saat partus dan sapi yang mengalami gangguan
Tujuan Penelitian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan
pathogenesis perlemakan liver pada sapi dengan
mempelajari pengaruh pemberian pakan, kehamilan,
dan awal laktasi terhadap lipid plasma pada sapi
normal, serta menyelidiki lipid plasma pada sapi
yang mengalami perlemakan hati dan pada sapi
yang mengalami ketosis tanpa atau dengan sedikit
infiltrasi lemak di dalam liver.
Subjek Penelitian 16 sapi Swedia multipara normal dengan produksi
susu rata-rata 7900 kg FCM/tahun, 12 ekor sapi
Swedia primipara normal, 20 ekor sapi dengan
pergeseran abomasum kiri dan perlemakan hati, 16
ekor sapi dengan sedikit infiltrasi lemak di hati.
Metode Penelitian Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan
subjek penelitian yang diteliti, dimana dalam hal ini
dilakukan pengamatan asam lemak, kolestrol, dan
fosfolipid dalam plasma lipid saat 6 minngu
sebelum melahirkan dan 6 minggu setelah
Metode Pengambilan Data diambil dengan menggunakan metode
Data observasi jangka panjang
Pelaksanaan Penelitian Klinik Hewan dan Peternakan Department of Cattle
and Sheep Diseases, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.

Plasma Lipids in Normal Cows around Partus and in Cows

Judul Jurnal
with Metabolic Disorders with and without Fatty Liver
Jurnal Acta vet. scand
Tahun 1989
Penulis Paul Holtenius

Pada hewan ruminansia, tidak ada lipid plasma yang berasal dari lemak
hasil pencernaan. Sebagian besar merupakan hasil sintesis nukeleotida de
novo. Lemak disimpan sebagai trigliserida dan kemudian diangkut sebagai
asam lemak bebas yang terikat pada albumen. Sebagian besar dari asam-asam
ini diambil oleh hati. Di sana mereka dapat dioksidasi menjadi CO2 atau
menjadi keton atau diesterifikasi dan digabungkan dengan fosfolipid, kolestrol,
dab apoprotein untuk membentuk lipoprotein terutama lipoprotein dengan
densitas yang sangat rendah. Fraksi lipoprotein ini mengangkut trigliserida ke
berbagai organ organ dan jaringan. Setelah hilangnya trigliserida, lipoprotein
densitas rendah akan dirombak dan setelah metabolisme lebih lanjut menjadi
lipoprotein densitas tinggi.

Untuk menjelaskan pathogenesis perlemakan liver pada sapi dengan
mempelajari pengaruh pemberian pakan, kehamilan, dan awal laktasi
terhadap lipid plasma pada sapi normal, serta menyelidiki lipid plasma pada
sapi yang mengalami perlemakan hati danpada sapi yang mengalami ketosis
tanpa atau dengan sedikit infiltrasi lemak di dalam liver.

Pada penelitian ini dilakukan metode penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen,
dimana sapi diteliti 6 minggu sebelum melahirkan dan 6 minggu setelah
Hasil dari studi lipid plasma pada 16
ekor sapi nomal disekitar masa melahirkan
ditunjukkan pada figure 1. Dari 6 minggu
hingga 2 minggu sebelum melahirkan,
terdapat sedikit peningkatan FFA dari 0,13-
0,05 menjadi 0,17-0,04 mmol/L. Kemudian
terjadi peningkatan tajam hingga sehari
setelah melahirkan ketika levelnya menjadi
0,54-0,44 mmol/L. Dua minggu setelahnya, levelnya turun menjadi 0,36-0,17
mmol/L dan setelah 4 minggu menjadi 0,30-0,17 mmol/L dan setelah 6
minggu menjadi 0,26-0,11 mmol/L.
Nilai kolestrol plasma turun secara bertahap dari 6 minggu sebelum
hingga sehari setelah melahirkan dari 3,69-0,87 mmol/L menjadi 2,20-0,42
mmol/L. Selama 6 minggu berikutnya, levelnya terus meningkat menjadi
4,98-1,11 mmol/L. Nilai fosfolipid juga turun dari 6 minggu sebelumnya ke
tingkat minimum pada hari setelah melahirkan. Nilainya adalah 1,83-0,49 dan
1,24-0,24 mmol/L berulang secara cepat. Kemudian jumlahnya meningkat
dan mencapai 2,67-0,50 mmol/L, 6 minggu
setelah kalibrasi.
Terdapat peningkatan yang kuat
pada rasio FFA/kolestrol dari 2 minggu
sebelum hingga sehari setelah melahirkan
dan penurunan setelahnya (figure 2).
Perubahan parameter dari 6 minggu
setelahnya semuanya signifikan (p<0,01).
Hasil dari studi lipid plasma pada sapi yang baru pertama kali melahirkan
disajikan pada table 1. Tingkat asam lemak bebas sehari setelah melahirkan
lebih rendah pada hewan-hewan ini dibandingkan dengan sapi-sapi yang lebih
tua. Intensitas pemberian pakan yang tinggi tidak berpengaruh pada lipd
plasma. Mereka sangat mirip pada kedua kelompok. Tingkat lipd plasma pada
sapi dengan perlemakan hati sangat berbeda dengan jumlah pada hewan
normal pada waktu yang sesuai sejak melahirkan (table 2). Sapi-sapi dengan
perlemakan hati memiliki kadar FFA yang lebih tinggi, jumlah kolestrol dan
fosfolipid yang lebih rendah.

 Terdapat kesesuaian antara tujuan jurnal dan kesimpulan yang
 Penyajian gambar dan tabel yang kemudian dijelaskan lagi sehingga
mudah dipahami

 Ada beberapa singkatan yang tidak memiliki penjelasan sehingga
pembaca kesulitan mengartikan singkatan tersebut

Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sapi-sapi dengan perlemakan hati
memiliki kadar FFA plasma yang sangat tinggi dan jumlah kolestrol serta
fosfolipid yang rendah. Karena FFA adalah lipid yang sedang dalam
perjalanan menuju hati dan kolestrol telah meningggalkan hati, maka rasio
FFA/kolestrol dapt digunakan sebagai ekspresi lemak yang disimpan atau
dimetabolisme di dalam organ. Rasio yang tinggi pada sapi dengan hati
berlemak sesuai dengan hal ini.
Sapi-sapi yang mengalami ketosis juga memiliki kadar FFA plasma yang
tinggi tetapi jumlah kolestrol dan fosfolipid yang hampir normal serta tidak
ada atau hanya sedikit infiltrasi lemak ke dalam sel-sel hati. Dengan
demikian, sinteisis lipoprotein hanya berkurang pada tingkat yang sangat
kecil. Peningkatan rasio FFA/kolestrol disebabkan oleh oksidasi asam lemak
menjadi bahan keton. Esterifikasi asam lemak menjadi trigliserida dan
oksidasi menjadi keton merupakan dua reaksi yang cukup sering terjadi, dan
hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan hal tersebut.
Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa akumulasi lemak dalam sel hati
dan perkembangan perlemakan hati disebabkan oleh berkurangnya sinteis
lipoprotein densitas yang sangat rendah,. Penurunan sinteis ini kemungkinan
besar terkait dengan factor makanan. Pemberian makanan prapartum yang
tinggi energi dan rendah protein terbukti merupakan factor tersebut.
Pemberian pakan ini menyebabkan kekurangan apoprotein, tetapi kekurangan
kolestrol tidak dapt dikesampingkan sebagai faktor penyebab. Pemberian
pakan biji-bijian yang tinggi dengan rasio asetat/propionate yang rendah di
dalam rumen dapat mengurangi kemungkinan sintesis kolestrol di dalam hati.
Acta vet. scand. 1989, 30, 441-445.

Plasma Lipids in Normal Cows around Partus and in Cows

with Metabolic Disorders with and without Fatty Liver
By Paul Holtenius

Department of Cattle and Sheep Diseases, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.

Holtenius, P.: Plasma lipids in normal cows around partus and in cows with meta-
bolic disorders with and without fatty liver. Acta vet. scand. 1989, 30, 441-445. -
Free fatty acids, cholesterol and phospholipids in plasma were studied from 6
weeks before to 6 weeks after calving in 16 normal multiparous cows. The same
plasma lipids were studied the day after calving in 20 normal primiparous cows.
Ten of these were fed according to standards and the other IO were overfed the last
3 weeks prepartum.
The plasma lipids were also analysed in 16 cows with left displacement of the abo-
masum and fatty liver, and in 16 cows with ketosis with no or only slight fat infilta-
tion of the liver.
In the normal cows there was a rise in FFA-level and a reduction in cholesterol and
phospholipids from 6 weeks before to the day after calving. Thereafter there was a
reduction of FFA-level and rise in cholesterol and phospholipids.
Increased feed intensity had no effect on plasma lipids at calving. The level of the
plasma lipids in cows with fatty liver differed very much from the amounts in nor-
mal cows at corresponding time from calving. Cows with ketosis had high FFA-le-
vel but the amount of cholesterol and phospholipids differed very little from nor-
mal cows.

free fatty acids; cholesterol; phosphohpids; feeding; calving; ketosis.

Introduction In cattle HDL is the major fraction compri-

In ruminants almost no plasma lipids arise sing more than 80% of the lipoproteins (Fer-
from ingested fat. Most of them are the re- reri & Gleockler 1979, Holtenius & Hjort
sult of de novo synthesis. 1988) and consisting of about 60% choleste-
Fat is stored as triglycerides and from the de- rol (Raphael et al. 1973). As the feed for
pots it is transported as free fatty acids cattle contains very small amounts of chole-
bound to albumen. A considerable part of sterol and there is high level of this substance
these acids is taken up by the liver. There in plasma, there must be an important syn-
they can be oxidized to C0 2 or to ketone bo- thesis in the body. Cholesterol can be syn-
dies or esterified and combined with phosp- thetized in the liver from acetate (Be// 1980)
holipids, cholesterol and apoproteins to and it is probably by this way the cholesterol
form lipoproteins, mainly very low density in the VLDL-fraction is formed. It is not
lipoprotein (VLDL). This lipoprotein frac- known if a de novo synthesis of HDL occurs
tion transports triglycerides to different or- in the liver in cattle.
gans and tissues. After the loss of triglyceri- There are large variations in the fat metabo-
des low density lipoproteins (LDL) are for- lism during different stages of lactation and
med and after further metabolism high den- pregnancy and the risks of disturbances are
sity lipoproteins (HDL). also variable. The intention of the present

Acta vet scand vol 30 no 4 - 1989

442 P. Holtenius

investigation was to elucidate the pathogene- were taken 1 day after the arrival to the clinic
sis of fatty liver in cows by studying the in- and in the cows with ketosis sampling was
fluence of feeding, pregnancy and beginning done in connection with the examination of
of lactation on plasma lipids in normal cows the animal at the farm. After sampling plas-
and also by investigating plasma lipids in ma was stored at -20°C until analysed. In all
cows with fatty liver and in cows with ketosis animals fine needle liver biopsy was perfor-
without or with only slight fat infiltration in med for diagnosing fatty liver (Holtenius
the liver cells. 1961, Holtenius & Niskanen 1985).
Free fatty acids, cholesterol and phospholi-
Material and methods pids were determined by commercial enzy-
Sixteen normal multiparous Swedish Red matic kits, NEFA C-test Wako Industries,
and White cows with an average milk yield Osaka, Japan, for free fatty acids and Boeh-
of 7900 kg FCM/year were studied from 6 ringer Mannhein Diagnostica for phospholi-
weeks before to 6 weeks after calving. Twen- pids and cholesterol.
ty normal primiparous cows of the same
breed were examined on the day after cal- Results
ving. Besides these normal animals 20 cows The results from the study of plasma lipids
with left displacement of the abomasum in 16 normal cows around calving are pre-
(LDA) and fatty liver and 16 cows with keto- sented in Fig. 1. From 6 weeks to 2 weeks be-
sis without or with only slight fat infiltration fore calving there was a slight increase in
in the liver were examined. The cows with FFA from 0.13±0.05 to 0.17±0.04
LDA had been sent to the clinic for treat- mmol/l. Then there was a sharp rise to the
ment, and the cows with ketosis were exami- day after calving when the level was 0.54 ±
ned on the farms. 0.44 mmol/l. Two weeks thereafter the level
The normal multiparous cows were fed hay, had dropped to 0.36±0.17 mmol/l and af-
1.5 kg DM and silage 6.5 kg DM and concen- ter 4 weeks to 0.30±0.17 mmol/l and after 6
trates according to Swedish standards. The weeks the amount was 0.26±0.11 mmol/l.
first-calving cows were divided in 2 similar
groups and all animals were given the same mmol/I mmol/I
amount of roughage as the older cows, but
the amount of concentrates was different.
From 3 weeks before calving it was increased "' s.o
:§. to
gradually up to 3 kg in one group and to 7 kg 0
in the other group at calving. The concentra- 0.8
te was given at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. n.
In all normal cows blood samples were taken -g 3.0 06
. u.
in the jugular vein at 1 p.m. 5 h after the
morning feeding and before the afternoon
ti 2.0 0.4

.s 1.0
feeding. In the multiparous cows samples 0.2
were taken every second week from 6 weeks
before to 6 weeks after calving and on the -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Weeks from
day after calving. In the first calving cows c alv1ng
samples were taken on the day after calving. Figure I. Plasma lipids in 16 normal cows from 6
Samples from cows with LDA and fatty liver weeks before to 6 weeks after calving.

Acta vet scand vol 30 no 4 - 1989

Plasma lipids in cows around partus 443

The plasma cholesterol values dropped gra- spectively. Then the amount increased and
dually from 6 weeks before to the day after was 2.67 ±0.50 mmol/l 6 weeks after cal-
calving from 3.69±0.87 mmol/l to ving.
2.20±0.42 mmol/l. During the following 6 There was a strong rise in the FFA/choleste-
weeks the level increased continuously to rol ratio from 2 weeks before to the day after
4.98±1.11 mmol/l. Also the phospholipid calving and a drop thereafter (Fig. 2). The
values dropped from 6 weeks before to mini- changes in the parameters from 6 weeks be-
mum level the day after calving. The values fore to calving and from calving to 6 weeks
were 1.83±0.49 and 1.24±0.24 mmol/l re- later are all significant (p < 0.01).
The results from the study of plasma lipids
in first calving cows are presented in Table 1.
The level of free fatty acids the day after cal-
ving is lower in these animals than in the ol-
der cows. The high feeding intensity had no
effect on the plasma lipids. They were very
0.1 similar in both groups.
The level of the plasma lipids in cows with
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Weeks from
fatty liver differed very much from the
calving amounts in normal animals at correspon-
Figure 2. Freefattyacid/cholesterolratioin l6nor- ding time from calving (Table 2). The cows
mal cows from 6 weeks before to 6 weeks after cal- with fatty liver had higher level of FFA,
ving. lower amounts of cholesterol and phospholi-

Table l. Plasma lipids the day after calving in primiparous cows on two different feed (mean±S.D.).
Number of animals lO lO
Roughage Kg DM 8 8
Concentrates kg 3 7
Metabolizable energy MJ 120 160
Digestible crude protein g 1200 1800
Free fatty acids mmol/l 0.34±0.13 0.34±0.15
Cholesterol mmol/l 2.64±0.67 2.69±0.57
Phospholipids mmol/l l.59±0.42 l.67±0.26

Table 2. Plasma lipids in cows with LOA and moderate-severe fatty liver and in cows with ketosis and no or
slight fatty liver compared with normal cows in corresponding time after calving (mean±S.D.).
Number Weeks after FFA Cholesterol Phospholipid FFA/
of cows calving mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l Cholesterol
Cows with LOA
and fatty liver 20 3-5 l.26±0.43 2.16±0.97 l.15±0.43 0.58
Normal cows 16 4 0.30±0.17 4.18±1.06 2.46±0.55 0.12
Cows with
ketosis 16 4-8 0.98±0.57 4.02±1.62 2.15±0.83 0.24
Normal COWS 16 6 0.26±0.ll 4.98±1.ll 2.67±0.50 0.05

Acta vet scand vol 30 no 4 - 1989

444 P. Holtemus

pids and higher FFA/cholesterol ratio. The the elimination is reduced, the result will be
level of FFA was also higher in cows with ke- accumulation of triglycerides in the cells.
tosis than in normal animals but the diffe- The present investigation shows that the
rences in cholesterol and phospholipids were cows with fatty liver had very high plasma
very small. FFA-level and low amounts of cholesterol
and phospholipids. This indicates that the
Discussion synthesis of lipoproteins is reduced. As FFA
During the period around calving there are are lipids on the way to the liver and chole-
big changes in the level of plasma lipids. In sterol has left the liver, the FF,A/cholesterol
spite of increased feeding intensity in the last ratio can be used as an expression of fat re-
weeks before calving there is a strong rise in tained or metabolised in the organ. The high
the FFA-level. The experiment with one very ratio in the cows with fatty liver is in accor-
high and one moderate feeding intensity to dance with this.
first calving cows shows, that the rise in FFA The cows with ketosis also had high plasma
is not inhibited by increased feeding. There FFA-level but almost normal amounts of
are many reports on fat metabolism during cholesterol and phospholipids and no or on-
the end of pregnancy and the post parturient ly slight fat infiltration of the liver cells.
period especially in laboratory animals but Thus the synthesis of lipoproteins was redu-
also in cows (McNamara & Hillers 1986). ced only to a very small degree. The increa-
There is no doubt that the change of the fat sed FFA/cholesterol ratio is caused by the
metabolism is initiated by pregnancy and oxidation of fatty acids to ketone bodies.
lactogenic hormones. Several investigators Esterification of fatty acids to triglycerides
have emphasized the importance of prolac- and oxidation to ketones are two quite rever-
tin in this connection (Bauman & Currie se reactions, and the results from the present
1980, Agius et al. 1979, Zinder et al. 1974). · investigation are in agreement with this.
Influence of reduced progesterone activity The studies also show that accumulation of
on lipoprotein lipase activity has been stu- fat in the liver cells and development of fatty
died by Spooner et al. 1977, and on the num- liver is caused by reduced synthesis of very
ber of insulin receptors in adipose tissue by low density lipoprotein, VLDL. The reduced
Vernon et al. 1981. synthesis is most probably associated with
There are two main reasons for increased li- feeding factors. High energy - low protein
polysis in adipose tissue and rised level of prepartum feeding is shown to be such a fac-
free fatty acids in plasma, the hormonally tor (Holtenius & Hjort 1988). One possibili-
induced at partus and lack of energy in the ty is that this feeding leeds to lack of apopro-
feed. In both these cases there is increased tein, but lack of cholesterol can not be exclu-
transport of fatty acids to the liver and in- ded as a causal factor. High grain feeding re-
creased demand for capacity to eliminate sulting in low acetate/propionate ratio in the
them. There are also two main ways for eli- rumen may reduce the possibilities for chole-
mination namely esterification to triglyceri- sterol synthesis in the liver.
des to form a part in lipoprotein or oxidation
to ketone bodies, the choice of which will de-
pend on the glucose metabolism. If there is
increased fatty acid transport to the liver and

Acta vctt scand vol 30 no 4 - 1989

Plasma lzpids zn cows around partus 445

References Vernon RG, Clegg RA, Flint DJ: Metabolism of

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1973, 56, I025-I032. Hos kor med Ieverforfettning avvek mangderna av
Spooner PM, Garrison MM, Scow RO: Regulation de olika plasmahp1derna mycket tydligt fran koncen-
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vest. 1977, 60, 702-708. mala kor men betraffande kolesterol och fosfolipi-
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(Accepted February 9, 1989).

Reprints may be requested from: Paul Holtenius, Dept. of Cattle and Sheep Diseases, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, P. 0. Box 7019, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden.

Acta vet scand vol 30 no 4 - 1989

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