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Pengertian Bullying (Membuli)

Bullying (dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal

sebagai “penindasan”) merupakan segala
bentuk penindasan atau kekerasan yang
dilakukan dengan sengaja oleh satu orang
atau sekelompok orang yang lebih kuat
atau berkuasa terhadap orang lain, dengan
tujuan untuk menyakiti dan dilakukan
secara terus menerus.
Macam Macam Buli / Penindasan

Kasus bullying yang kerap terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan di

Indonesia kian memprihatinkan. Hasil kajian Konsorsium
Nasional Pengembangan Sekolah Karakter tahun 2014
menyebutkan, hampir setiap sekolah di Indonesia ada kasus
bullying, meski hanya bullying verbal dan psikologis/mental.

For more info: You can visit our sister projects:

Macam Macam Bullying

1. Kontak fisik 2. Kontak verbal

langsung. langsung

3. Perilaku non- 4. Perilaku non-verbal

verbal langsung tidak langsung

5. Cyber Bullying 6. Pelecehan seksual

Macam Macam Bullying

1. Kontak fisik langsung.

Adalah Tindakan memukul, mendorong,
menggigit, menjambak,
menendang,mengunci seseorang dalam
ruangan, mencubit, mencakar,
jugatermasuk memeras dan merusak
barang yang dimiliki orang lain.
2. Kontak verbal langsung

Tindakan mengancam, mempermalukan,

merendahkan, mengganggu,
memberi panggilan nama (name-calling), sarkasme,
merendahkan (putdowns),
mencela/mengejek, mengintimidasi, memaki,
3. Perilaku non-verbal langsung.

Tindakan melihat dengan sinis,

menjulurkan lidah, menampilkan
ekspresi muka yang merendahkan,
mengejek, atau mengancam;
biasanya disertai oleh bullying fisik atau
4. Perilaku non-verbal tidak langsung.

Tindakan mendiamkan seseorang,

memanipulasi persahabatan
menjadi retak, sengaja mengucilkan
atau mengabaikan
5. Cyber Bullying

Tindakan menyakiti orang lain

dengan sarana media elektronik
(rekaman video intimidasi,
pencemaran nama baik lewat media
6. Pelecehan seksual.

Kadang tindakan pelecehan

dikategorikan perilaku agresi fisik
atau verbal.
Dampak bullying dapat mengancam setiap pihak yang
terlibat, baik anak anak yang di-bully, anak-anak yang
mem-bully, anak-anak yang menyaksikan bullying,
bahkan sekolah dengan isu bullying secara
keseluruhan. Bullying dapat membawa pengaruh
buruk terhadap kesehatan fisik maupun mental anak.
Pada kasus yang berat, bullying dapat menjadi pemicu
tindakan yang fatal, seperti bunuh diri dan sebagainya.
Dampak dari bullying adalah:
a. Dampak bagi korban.

- Depresi dan marah

- rendahnya tingkat kehadiran dan rendahnya prestasi
- Menurunnya skor tes kecerdasan (IQ) dan
kemampuan analisis
b. Dampak bagi pelaku.

Pelaku memiliki rasa percaya diri yang tinggi dengan harga diri yang
tinggi pula, cenderung bersifat agresif dengan perilaku yang pro
terhadap kekerasan, tipikal orang berwatak keras, mudah marah dan
impulsif, toleransi yang rendah terhadap frustasi. Memiliki kebutuhan
kuat untuk mendominasi orang lain dan kurang berempati terhadap
targetnya. Dengan melakukan bullying, pelaku akan beranggapan
bahwa mereka memiliki kekuasaan terhadap keadaan. Jika dibiarkan
terus menerus tanpa intervensi, perilaku bullying ini dapat
menyebabkan terbentuknya perilaku lain berupa kekerasan terhadap
anak dan perilaku kriminal lainnya.
C. Dampak bagi siswa lain yang menyaksikan bullying

Jika bullying dibiarkan tanpa tindak lanjut, maka para siswa lain yang
menjadi penonton dapat berasumsi bahwa bullying adalah perilaku
yang diterima secara sosial. Dalam kondisi ini, beberapa siswa
mungkin akan bergabung dengan penindas karena takut menjadi
sasaran berikutnya dan beberapa lainnya mungkin hanya akan diam
saja tanpa melakukan apapun dan yang paling parah mereka merasa
tidak perlu menghentikannya.
A. Pencegahan
Dilakukan secara menyeluruh dan terpadu, dimulai dari anak,
keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat.
1) Pencegahan melalui anak dengan melakukan
pemberdayaan pada
anak agar :
a. Anak mampu mendeteksi secara dini kemungkinan terjadinya
b. Anak mampu melawan ketika terjadi bullying pada dirinya
c. Anak mampu memberikan bantuan ketika melihat bullying
terjadi (melerai/mendamaikan, mendukung teman dengan
mengembalikan kepercayaan, melaporkan kepada pihak
sekolah,orang tua, tokoh masyarakat)
2) Pencegahan melalui keluarga, dengan meningkatkan ketahanan
keluarga dan memperkuat pola pengasuhan. Antara lain :
a. Menanamkan nilai-nilai keagamaan dan mengajarkan cinta kasih
antar sesama
b. Memberikan lingkungan yang penuh kasih sayang sejak dini
dengan memperlihatkan cara beinterakasi antar anggota
c. Membangun rasa percaya diri anak, memupuk keberanian dan
ketegasan anak serta mengembangkan kemampuan anak untuk
d. Mengajarkan etika terhadap sesama (menumbuhkan kepedulian
dan sikap menghargai), berikan teguran mendidik jika anak
melakukan kesalahan
e. Mendampingi anak dalam menyerap informasi utamanya dari
media televisi, internet dan media elektronik lainnya.
3) Pencegahan melalui sekolah
a. Merancang dan membuat desain program pencegahan yang
berisikan pesan kepada murid bahwa perilaku bully tidak
diterima di sekolah dan membuat kebijakan “anti bullying”.
b. Membangun komunikasi efektif antara guru dan murid
c. Diskusi dan ceramah mengenai perilaku bully di sekolah
d. Menciptakan suasana lingkungan sekolah yang aman,
dan kondusif.
e. Menyediakan bantuan kepada murid yang menjadi korban
f. Melakukan pertemuan berkala dengan orangtua atau komite
4. Pencegahan melalui masyarakat dengan membangun
kelompok masyarakat yang peduli terhadap perlindungan anak
dimulai dari tingkat desa/kampung (Perlindungan Anak
Terintegrasi Berbasis
MAsyarakat : PATBM).
Kesimpulannya adalah…………………………………………………..

Kita tidak boleh melakukan bullying kepada

siapapun, karna manusia tidak ada yang
sempurna, termasuk kita semua, pantaskah kita
menghina orang lain, sedangkan diri kita sendiri
memiliki banyak kekurangan, Stop Bullying,
karna Bullying adalah salah satu perbuatan
yang tidak baik………………!
YEL YEL Dulu Yaaaaaaa………



What if I am bullied?
Find a mentor and Share what’s going

2. role model
Mercury is the smallest
4. on
Venus has extremely high

Talk with an adult Be intentional with

1. you trust
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
3. actions
Earth is the only planet
with life
Types of bullying diagram

Direct Stalking

Pranks, threats, etc


Indirect Rumors

Private information
It’s important to know your rights
Safety Support
Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest planet
planet of them all

Freedom Ethical
Venus is the second planet Saturn is the only planet
from the Sun with rings

Social Love
Mars is actually a very cold Neptune is very far from
place the Sun
Types of aggressions

Physical Sexual
Jupiter is the biggest planet Venus has very high
of them all temperatures

Be aware of
them all
Emotional Verbal
Mercury is the smallest Neptune is far from the
planet Sun
You are
How to identify bullying
Questions Notes Summary

Is Mars actually a ● Venus is the second planet Neptune is the farthest planet
1. cold place? from the Sun from the Sun. It's also the
● Earth is the planet where fourth largest object by
we all live diameter in the Solar System
Is Mercury a small
2. planet?
● Mars is actually a cold
● Jupiter doesn’t have a
Is Jupiter the biggest solid surface
3. planet?

Do we all live in the

4. Earth?
Healthy environment survey
Survey Questions
Make predictions about what you’re Is saturn a gas giant and has several rings and is
going to learn: composed mostly of hydrogen and helium?

● Mars
● Venus
● Neptune Answer
● Saturn
Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold
place. It's full of iron oxide dust, which gives
Vocabulary the planet its reddish cast

Earth is the third planet from the Sun

and the only one that harbors life in
the Solar System
When a group
works together, that
is when real change
Important points to remember
Actions Mercury is the smallest planet

Words Despite being red, Mars is very cold

Target Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System

Conversation Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings

Support Neptune is the fourth-largest planet in the Solar System

Rights Venus is extremely hot, even more than Mercury

Listening Earth is also known as the blue planet

Topic / main idea and details
Earth is the third planet from the Sun
Emotional and the only one that harbors life in
pain the Solar System

of outside
Despite being red, Mars is actually a
cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust

Venus has a beautiful name and is the
Youth don’t second planet from the Sun. It’s
tell terribly hot
Topic / main idea and details

Who is
The target Roles
Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest planet
planet of them all

Actions Group
Venus has very high Earth is the planet with
temperatures rings
Causes and effects of bullying
Cause Effect
Venus is the second planet from
the Sun 1. Jupiter is the biggest planet in
the Solar System

Cause Effect
Earth is the third planet from the
Sun 2. Saturn is composed of hydrogen
and helium

Cause Effect
Despite being red, Mars is very
cold 3. Neptune is very far away from
the Sun
Anti-bullying week timeline

1 Mon.
1 Tues.
1 Wed.

Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
Group activity
Despite being red, Mars is
very cold
Venus has extremely high
Anti-bullying week timeline

1 Thur.
1 Fri.

Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
Despite being red, Mars is
very cold
“I care about bullying because people can end
up being depressed and eventually harming
themselves because of it. Bullying needs to

—Chloe, 13
Question and answer

Why does it matter?

Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet
in the Solar System. It's the fourth-
brightest object

Students being bullied

Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings.
It's composed mostly of hydrogen and
Teens per year must deal with the
mental burden of being bullied
Grades 6 to
30% 70%
Have been Have been
bullied witnesses
Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is the
and has several rings farthest planet from
the Sun
Bullying by gender
Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second planet from the

Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Bullying around the world, 2018

64.5% 40.3%
Bangladesh India
Mars is full of iron oxide Neptune is far away
dust from us

48.2% 37.5%
Afghanistan Belgium
Saturn is the only planet Venus has very high
with rings temperatures
Activity 1: Create a mural “I care
Create a classroom mural, with
“I care about bullying
prevention because … ” written
in the center. Ask each student
to add his or her reason

“I care about bullying

prevention because…”
Activity 2: Above the line / Below the
Share your ideas of what
behaviors are above the line Write your answer Write your answer Write your answer
here… here… here…
(helpful) and below the line
(not helpful) in a bullying

Above the line

Below the line

Write your answer Write your answer Write your answer

here… here… here…
Activity 3: Pop quiz
What is bullying?

1 The behavior that hurts or harms someone

physically or emotionally

. WHen there’s an imbalance of power between the

bully and the target

When the target struggles to make the bullying


All of the
Activity 3: Pop quiz
What is bullying?

1 The behavior that hurts or harms someone

physically or emotionally

. WHen there’s an imbalance of power between the

bully and the target

When the target struggles to make the bullying



All of the
Activity 3: Pop quiz
What is bullying?

1 The behavior that hurts or harms someone

physically or emotionally

. WHen there’s an imbalance of power between the

bully and the target

When the target struggles to make the bullying

-Try again-


All of the
Activity 3: Pop quiz
Which action is

2. not helpful?
Being there for someone being bullied
and listening

Reporting the behavior to a teacher or

the director

Saying that bullying is no big deal and


Helping someone get away from the

Activity 3: Pop quiz
Which action is

2. not helpful?
Being there for someone being bullied
and listening

Reporting the behavior to a teacher or Correct!

the director

Saying that bullying is no big deal and


Helping someone get away from the

Activity 3: Pop quiz
Which action is

2. not helpful?
Being there for someone being bullied
and listening

Reporting the behavior to a teacher or

the director -Try again-
Saying that bullying is no big deal and

Helping someone get away from the

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, and
Neptune is the farthest one:

1. Calculate the distance between these

two planets
2. Name three rocky planets
3. Name the three planets that orbit around
the Sun
! Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

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Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources
whose style fits the one of this template:
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our
other websites:

● Hand drawn flat design people falling collection
● Hand drawn shame illustration
● Hand drawn flat design jealous illustration
● Stop bullying concept

● Person suffering from bullying I
● Person suffering from bullying II
● Person suffering from bullying III
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