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Telah di lakukan penelitian untuk mengkarakterisasi kawasan karst di desa
Sulkam kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara untuk memperoleh kontur resistivitas
secara lateral dan vertikal, mencari ketidak tampakan lau Ketuken, kandungan
mineral, unsur dan morfologi serta kuat tekan batu gamping.
Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memadukan metode geolistrik konfigurasi
Wenner-Schlumberger untuk mengetahui perlapisan batuan yang ada di bawah
permukaan. Sampel batuan singkapan diuji dengan XRD untuk mengetahui
kandungan mineral, EDX untuk menentukan kandungan unsur batuan, SEM dan
sayatan tipis untuk morfologi batuan, serta kuat tekan batuan menggunakan
compression machine.
Kontur resistivitas secara lateral pada kedalaman 1,25 m hingga 30 m berupa
lapisan batuan batu gamping, tanah permukaan dan lempung. Batu gamping
terutama di bagian Barat desa Sulkam. Lapisan batuan lau Ketuken berupa batuan
pasir lempung, batu lempung, batu pasir dan batu gamping yang bersifat
meloloskan dan sebagai reservoar sehingga lau Ketuken tidak tampak di
permukaan. Kontur resistivitas secara vertikal pada lintasan horizontal terdapat
lapisan tanah permukan diantarai batu gamping, batu gamping, dan lapisan tanah
serta lempung. Kontur resistivitas secara vertikal berupa batu gamping dan
lempung, tanah hadir diantara lempung. Bahagian Selatan dekat dengan daerah
lau Ketuken memiliki lapisan batu gamping dan terdapat rongga. Kandungan
mineral batuan diperoleh CaCO3 dengan komposisi 74,1 wt.% - 100 wt.% dengan
rata-rata 96 wt %. Kandungan unsur batuan berupa mineral kalsit dengan unsur
Ca, C dan O dan pengotor Si. Komposisi rata-rata pada sampel batu gamping O =
46,56%; Ca = 27,37 %; C = 25,94%; Si = 0,34% . Morfologi batuan dengan
tekstur rapat, berbutir halus dan kasar dengan ukuran butir 2.201 m sampai
4.150 m dengan penyusun batuan mikrit, kalsit dan bioklas. Sifat mekanik batu
gamping berdasarkan SII 0378-80 termasuk batu gamping lunak dan digunakan
sebagai penutup lantai atau trotoar.
Kata kunci : Geolistrik, kawasan karst, batu gamping




Research has been done to characterize the karst area in the village Sulkam Langkat
district of North Sumatra to obtain resistivity contour laterally and vertically,
minerals, elements and morphology, compressive strength as well as search for lau
Ketuken loss.
Geo-electiric resistivity contour is gained by the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration
to identify the rock layers in the surface area. The samples of the rocks are analyzed
by using XRD and EDX, in order to determine the kind of rock for each layer and the
mineral properties, respectively. Meanwhile, SEM and thin slice are employed to
observe the rock morphology. Furthermore, compressive strength of the rock is tested
using compression machine.
Resistivity contour laterally at a depth of 1,25 m to 30 m is in the form of a layer of
limestone rocks, soil and clay surfaces. The limestone rocks are especially founded in
the western part of the village Sulkam. Ketuken lau rock layers are made up from
sandstone clay, clay stone, sandstone and limestone, redirects the water and
reservoir so that lau Ketuken lost on the surface. Resistivity contour vertically on a
horizontal track surface layers of soil are mediated by limestone. The limestone and a
layer of soil and clay form a cavity. Resistivity contour vertically is in the form of
limestone and clay. There is soil is among the clays. The Southern part of lau
Ketuken area is founded some layers of limestone, and a cavity. The mineral content
of the rocks consist of CaCO3 with the composition of 96 wt % in average (from
74,1% - 100 wt%). The properties of rock elements are in the form of mineral calcite
rock which is consist of Ca, C and O, as well as impurities Si. The average
composition of the limestone samples are O = 46,56%; Ca = 27,37%; C = 25,94%;
Si = 0,34%. Tight textures of the rock morphology is fine-grained and coarse which
have grain size 2.201 m to 4.150 m. Its constituent are micrit rock, calcite and
bioclas. The mechanical properties of limestone based on SII 0378-80 are soft
limestone category. It is used to apply as a cover of the floor or pavement.
Keywords: Geo-electric, karst areas, limestone

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