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Tema: Daya dan Gerakan
Theme: Force and Motion
Topic: Motion
Topik : Gerakan

Hasil Pembelajaran:
Learning Outcomes:

Mendefinisikan momentum
Define momentum

Menerangkan perkaitan antara momentum, jisim dan halaju

Explain the relationship between momentum, mass and velocity

Menyatakan Prinsip Keabadian Momentum

State the principle of conservation of momentum

Menerangkan dengan contoh aplikasi momentum dalam kehidupan seharian

Explain the example application of momentum in daily life

Langkah/Step Kandungan/ Langkah P&P/ Nota/Notes

Content T&L activities
Set induksi/ Pengetahuan -Guru menayangkan 2
Induction set
sedia ada/ gambar kemalangan
(5 minit)
Prior knowledge melibatkan:
kereta dengan lori
kereta dengan
(Lampiran 1)

-Teacher displays 2
pictures of accident
involving :
Car with lorry
Car with car

-Pelajar diminta untuk

menganalisis apakah
perbezaan kesan
perlanggaran antara
- Lori dengan
kedua-dua gambar
kereta adalah
lebih teruk.

-Students need to analyse

differences of the accident
effects between the two
Effect of
- Lorry with car
show a worst
Langkah 2 / Set 2 Pencetusan idea -Daripada gambar secara
Development of
berpasangan pelajar
mencari maksud 2 faktor yang
2 faktor yang momentum dan dua faktor mempengaruhi
mempengaruhi yang mempengaruhi momentum:
- Jisim
momentum: momentum
- Halaju
- Jisim -Guru bertanya secara
- Halaju
rawak daripada 3
pasangan apakah faktor
yang mempengaruhi
2 faktor yang
2 factors that
momentum: -In pairs, students need to influence the
- Jisim
find meaning of momentum:
- Halaju
momentum and two factors - Mass
- velocity
which influenced it.
-Teacher picked randomly
and asked 3 pairs the

Langkah 3/ Step 3 Penstrukturan -Guru membahagikan Aktiviti 1 :

semula idea/ pelajar kepada 8 kumpulan Hubungan antara
Restucture of momentum
ideas -Teacher divided students dengan jisim
into 8 groups
Aktiviti 2 :
Hubungan antara
-Guru mengedarkan momentum
helaian aktiviti dengan halaju
(Lampiran 2) kepada
setiap pelajar

-Teacher distributes
worksheet for activity
(Worksheet 2) to each

- Pelajar diarahkan untuk

melengkapkan langkah-
langkah sebelum
memulakan aktiviti dengan
bimbingan guru.

-Students are asked to

prepare steps before
starting the activities
supervised by the teacher.

Langkah 4 / Step 4 Aplikasi idea -Pelajar menjalankan

Application of an
aktiviti 1 dan merekodkan
dapatan dalam jadual di
helaian aktiviti 1.

-Students carryout activity

1 and results are recorded
in worksheet activity 1.

-Pelajar menjalankan
aktiviti 2 dan merekodkan
dapatan dalam helaian
aktviti 2.

-Students continue with

activity 2 and recorded the
result in worksheet activity

Langkah 5/ Step 5 Rumusan dan -Pelajar menjawab soalan

Penilaian perbincangan
(Lampiran 3)
and assesment
-Sudents answer question
from the diicussion.

-Perbincangan jawapan
daripada salah satu
kumpulan dan
merumuskan momentum
serta factor yang

-Dicussions on answers
from one of the group and
the factors that influence
the momentum.


Aktiviti 1 :Hubungan antara momentum dengan jisim

Activity 1 : Relationship between momentum and mass

Hipotesis : Semakin besar ___________ sesuatu objek, semakin besar ___________

atau semakin _________ sesaran bongkah kayu.
Hypothesis : The larger the _________of an object, the bigger the ____________ or
the __________the displacement of wooden block.

Tujuan : Untuk mengkaji hubungan diantara _____________ dengan _____________.

Aim : To investigate the relationship between ________________and _____________.

Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : ____________________________

Manipulated variable :_______________________

Pembolehubah bergerakbalas : ___________________________

Responding variable : _________________________

Pembolehubah dimalarkan : ______________________________

Constant variable : _____________________________________

Bahan dan Radas : Dua troli, landasan, bongkah kayu dan _________.
Material and apparatus : Two trolleys, wooden plank, wooden block and __________.

1. Radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah diatas.

The apparatus was set up as shown above.
2. Landasan dilaraskan supaya terpampas geseran.
The runaway was adjusted to compensate for friction.
3. Satu troli ditolak secara perlahan-lahan supaya menuruni landasan dan
merempuh bongkah kayu.
One trolley was pushed gently so that it moves down the track and collide with
the wooden block.
4. Jarak sesaran bongkah kayu kepada kedudukan barunya diukur dengan
menggunakan pembaris.
The distance of the displacement of wooden block to its new position was
5. Langkah 2 hingga 4 diulang dengan menambahkan satu troli di atas troli itu.
Steps 2 to 4 were repeated by adding a trolley on top of the trolley.

Penjadualan data:
Tabulation data :
Jisim troli Sesaran bongkah kayu (cm)
Mass of the trolley Displacement of the wooden block (cm)
Kecil (1 troli)
Small ( 1 trolley)
Besar (2 troli)
Large (2 trolleys)

Aktiviti 2 : Hubungan antara momentum dengan halaju

Activity 2 : Relationship between momentum and velocity

Hipotesis : Semakin tinggi _______________ objek, semakin besar ____________

atau semakin ________________ sesaran bongkah kayu.
Hypothesis : The larger the _________of an object, the bigger the ____________ or
the __________the displacement of wooden block.

Tujuan : Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara ____________ dan _____________.

Aim : To investigate the relationship between _______________and ____________.

Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : ____________________________

Manipulated variable :_______________________

Pembolehubah bergerakbalas : ___________________________

Responding variable : _________________________

Pembolehubah dimalarkan : ______________________________

Constant variable : _____________________________________
Bahan dan Radas : Dua troli, landasan, bongkah- bongkah kayu dan _________.
Material and apparatus : Two trolleys, wooden plank, wooden blocks and _________.

1. Radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah diatas.

The apparatus was set up as shown above.
2. Landasan dilaraskan supaya terpampas geseran.
The runaway was adjusted to compensate for friction.
3. Satu troli ditolak secara perlahan-lahan supaya menuruni landasan dan
merempuh bongkah kayu.
One trolley was pushed gently so that it moves down the track and collide with
the wooden block.
4. Jarak sesaran bongkah kayu kepada kedudukan barunya diukur dengan
menggunakan pembaris.
The distance of the displacement of wooden block to its new position was
5. Langkah 2 hingga 4 diulang dengan menambahkan ketinggiann papan kayu
menggunakan 3 bongkah kayu itu.
Steps 2 to 4 were repeated by increasing the height of the wooden plank by
using three wooden blocks.

Penjadualan data:

Tabulation data :

Halaju troli Sesaran bongkah kayu (cm)

Velocity of the trolley Displacement of the wooden block (cm)
Kurang curam
Less steep


Arahan : Jawab soalan berdasarkan aktiviti hari ini.

Answer the questions based on todays activity
1. Nyatakan satu inferens yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan pemerhatian anda dalam
aktiviti 1 dan 2.
State one inference that can be made based on your observation in activity 1
and activity 2.

a) Aktiviti 1 /Activity 1
Sesaran bongkah kayu semakin jauh kerana jisim troli _____________.
Displacement of wooden bock further because the mass of trolley ________.

b) Aktiviti 2 /Activity 2
Sesaran bongkah kayu semakin jauh kerana halaju troli _____________.
Displacement of wooden bock further because the velocity of trolley

2. Bina hubungan antara jisim dan halaju toil dengan sesaran bongkah kayu.
Build the relationship between the mass and velocity with the displacement of
wooden block.

a) Semakin __________ jisim, semakin ____________ sesaran bongkah kayu.

The ____________ the mass, the _____________ the displacement of
wooden block.

b) Semakin __________ halaju, semakin ____________ sesaran bongkah

The ____________ the velocity, the _____________ the displacement of
wooden block.

3. Bina hubungan antara jisim dan halaju toil dengan momentum.

Develop the relationship between the mass and velocity with the momentum.

a) Semakin __________ jisim, semakin ____________ momentum.

The ____________ the mass, the _____________ its momentum.

b) Semakin __________ halaju, semakin ____________ momentum.

The ____________ the velocity, the _____________ its momentum.
wooden block.
4. Ramalkan sesaran bongkah kayu dalam aktiviti 1 sekiranya 3 buah troli
Predict the displacement of wooden block in activity 1 if 3 tolleys were used.

5. Ramalkan sesaran bongkah kayu dalam aktiviti 2 sekiranya 4 buah blok kayu
Predict the displacement of wooden block in activity 2 if 4 wooden blocks were

6. Senaraikan dua factor yang mempengaruhi momentum.

List two factors that affect the momentum

1. ____________________
2. ____________________

7. Tandakan (/) objek-objek yang mempunyai momentum.

Tick (/) objects that have momentum.
a) Budak perempuan yang berlari ( )
A running girl
b) Kereta yang bergerak ( )
A moving car
c) Pokok di tepi jalan ( )
A tree beside the road
d) Objek pegun ( )
A stationary object

8. Sebuah kereta yang berjisim 3000 kg bergerak dengan halaju 100 ms -1. Dengan
menggunakan formula yang diberikan, hitung momentum kereta itu.
A car with a mass of 3000 kg moves with the velocity 100 ms-1. By using the
formulae given, calculate the momentum of the car.

Momentum = Jisim (kg) x Halaju (ms-1)

Momentum = Mass (kg) x Velocity (ms-1)

Momentum =

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