Anda di halaman 1dari 68


LESSON I - To Be ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Mendampingi BUKAN kata kerja → Vx= non Verb/bukan kata kerja ...................................... 1
2. Menolong membentuk “SEDANG” dengan V-Ing .................................................................... 1
3. Menolong membentuk “PASSIVE” dengan V-3........................................................................ 1
COMPARE (bandingkan) : .......................................................................................................................... 5
LESSON II- The Use of Tenses ................................................................................................................... 2
TENSES MENGGUNAKAN VERBS ................................................................................................................ 2
I. PRESENT TENSE : kebiasaan/fakta umum ............................................................................... 2
II. PAST TENSE : lampau .............................................................................................................. 2
PHASE (Tahapan) ............................................................................................................................... 2
A. PROGRESSIVE/SEDANG: ........................................................................................................... 2
B. PERFECT:................................................................................................................................... 3
MODALS : ..................................................................................................................................... 4
LESSON III- Question Words .................................................................................................................... 5
1. WHO (orang sebagai subyek) ................................................................................................... 5
2. WHOM (orang sebagai obyek) ; in conversation : WHO .......................................................... 5
3. WHAT (Menanyakan tentang barang) ..................................................................................... 5
4. WHEN = Kapan ....................................................................................................................... 5
5. HOW LONG = Beberapa lama (berlangsungnya) ................................................................... 6
6. HOW MANY TIMES = berapa kali ........................................................................................... 6
7. HOW : Menanyakan tentang : ................................................................................................ 6
8. W H Y ........................................................................................................................................ 7
9. WHERE = dimana / kemana .................................................................................................... 7
10. WHICH = yang mana................................................................................................................ 7
LESSON I V- Verb Without “Ing” ............................................................................................................... 8
Verb tanpa “ing” meski artinya “sedang” .......................................................................................... 8
Compare : ........................................................................................................................................... 8
LESSON V - Introduction, Greeting and Leave Taking ............................................................................... 9
1. INTRODUCTION (perkenalan) . . . . . .to introduce ................................................................... 9
2. GREETING (salam) . . . . . .to greet ............................................................................................ 9
3. LEAVE-TAKING (permintaan diri) . . . . . .to take leave ............................................................. 9
4. Shall I . . . . . ..? (untuk menawarkan jasa) ................................................................................ 9
5. May I . . . . . .? (untuk minta ijin) .............................................................................................. 9
6. a. Would you vs please............................................................................................................. 9
b Do you mind vs Would you mind ........................................................................................ 10
c. Would you be so kind as to . . . . . .? ................................................................................... 10
7. Would you like to . . . . . .? ...................................................................................................... 11
8. A : Thank you very much for your help (formal). .................................................................. 11
9. A : I’m sorry for troubling you. ............................................................................................... 11
10. A : I congratulate you on your successful examination. ....................................................... 11
11. A : Happy birthday (to you) and many more to come. .......................................................... 12
12. A : Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. ............................................................................... 12
13. VISITING A SICK FRIEND (mengunjungi teman yg sakit)......................................................... 12
ADVERB (KATA KETERANGAN) ................................................................................................................ 12
LESSON VI - Must, Have To dan Should.................................................................................................... 16
A. MUST : Harus ; order & regulation (peraturan) : .................................................................. 16
B. SHOULD : Ought to : seharusnya, sebaiknya; ........................................................................ 16
C. HAVE TO/HAVE GOT TO: ........................................................................................................ 16
D. BE TO (tidak terlalu penting dalam conversation) harus – berdasarkan : .......................................... 16
1. Should have + V 3: seharusnya telah ... tapi nyatanya belum dikerjakan.............................. 16
2. Shouldn’t have + V 3: Seharusnya jangan (tidak), tapi terlanjur ........................................... 17
3. Menyatakan : tak perlu . . . . . . ............................................................................................... 17
4. Needn’t have + V 3 : ............................................................................................................... 17
5. (a) must be + Verb + ing : ...................................................................................................... 17
6. Must have + V 3: . . . . . . ......................................................................................................... 18
7. Must have been + Verb + ing .................................................................................................. 18
8. to have + object V 3 ............................................................................................................... 18
LESSON VII - Pasif .................................................................................................................................... 20
1. PRESENT.................................................................................................................................. 20
2. PAST ........................................................................................................................................ 21
LESSON VIII - Preparatory “It”................................................................................................................. 23
I. Action ............................................................................................................................................ 23
II. Complement A = B ....................................................................................................................... 23
LESSON XIX - Relative Pronouns (Yang) .................................................................................................... 26
A. Who / That - jika Subyeknya orang. ................................................................................... 26
B. Whom / Who / That / Ø - sebagai obyek ............................................................................... 26
C. Which / that - benda atau binatang ..................................................................................... 26
D. Whose - untuk milik” ............................................................................................................. 26
E. Where - untuk menunjuk tempat .......................................................................................... 26
LESSON X - Ing Form dan Gerund ............................................................................................................ 28
A. Kata kerja sebagai benda........................................................................................................ 28
B. Pada prinsipnya ... .................................................................................................................. 28
C. Fungsi benda........................................................................................................................... 28
D. Ada sekitar 30 (tiga puluh) kata kerja .................................................................................. 28
LESSON XI Perbandingan ....................................................................................................................... 29
ADJECTIVE ......................................................................................................................................... 29
IRREGULAR ........................................................................................................................................ 29
ADVERB : .......................................................................................................................................... 31
IRREGULAR ........................................................................................................................................ 31
LESSON XII - Pengandaian ....................................................................................................................... 33
I. CONDITION (syarat) ...................................................................................................................... 33
II. SUPPOSITION (perandaian, improbable) ...................................................................................... 33
III. SUPPOSITION (Perandaian, impossible) ..................................................................................... 33
LESSON XIII - Concepts ............................................................................................................................ 35
A. CAUSE / REASON .......................................................................................................................... 35
CONCEPTS .................................................................................................................................... 35
B. PURPOSE (tujuan) ......................................................................................................................... 36
C. RESULT (akibat) ............................................................................................................................. 36
D. COMBINATION OF REASON AND RESULT..................................................................................... 37
E. T I M E ........................................................................................................................................... 37
F. CONCESSION ................................................................................................................................. 38
G. CONTRAST .................................................................................................................................... 38
LESSON XIV - Adjectives .......................................................................................................................... 40
A. HUMAN CHARACTER .............................................................................................................. 40
B. WEATHER................................................................................................................................ 40
C. TASTE ...................................................................................................................................... 41
D. PHYSICAL CONDITION ............................................................................................................ 41
E. P R I C E .................................................................................................................................. 41
LESSON XV - Electricity And Cinema ....................................................................................................... 42
A. LIGHT & ELECTRIC APPLIANCES .............................................................................................. 42
B. CINEMA................................................................................................................................... 42
LESSON XVI - Education, Court And Crime ............................................................................................. 44
A. EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................ 44
B. COURT & CRIME ..................................................................................................................... 45
CRIMES.................................................................................................................................... 46
LESSON XVII - Diseases And Clothes ....................................................................................................... 47
CLOTHES ................................................................................................................................. 48
I. VOCABULARY .......................................................................................................................... 48
II. SHOPPING ............................................................................................................................... 49
LESSON XVIII - Invitation, Information And Announcement .................................................................. 50
1. INVITATION ............................................................................................................................ 50
2. LETTERS OF INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 50
LESSON XIX - Verbs ................................................................................................................................. 52
A. TO LOOK ................................................................................................................................. 52
B. TO GIVE .................................................................................................................................. 52
C. TO COME ................................................................................................................................ 53
D. TO BRING ................................................................................................................................ 53
E. TO BREAK................................................................................................................................ 54
F. TO TAKE .................................................................................................................................. 54
G. TO TURN ................................................................................................................................. 55
H. TO GO ..................................................................................................................................... 56
I. TO DO ..................................................................................................................................... 56
J. TO MAKE ................................................................................................................................ 57
LESSON XX - Preposition ......................................................................................................................... 59
A. PREPOSITION AFTER VERB ..................................................................................................... 59
B. PREPOSITIONS AFTER ADJECTIVES ......................................................................................... 62
Rangkuman............................................................................................................................................... 64


Present Past SUDAH/BELUM
Am was/were

1. Mendampingi yang BUKAN kata kerja →
- I am here.
- I have been here since yesterday. S=V

- Hamed = seorang guru. V
 = non Verb/bukan kata kerja
- Hamed is a teacher (V
- He is not stupid (V
2. Menolong membentuk “SEDANG” dengan V-Ing
- He is teaching
- He has been living here for 10 years

3. Menolong membentuk “PASSIVE” dengan V-3

(Dijelaskan di halaman 20)

COMPARE (bandingkan) :
Verb (V) Non Verb (V
1. He succeeded in the exam (verb). He was successful in the exam (V  /adjective).
Did he succeed in the exam ?
Was he successful in the exam ?
2. He scolded me yesterday. = memarahi He was angry with me yesterday.=marah
Did he scold you yesterday ? Was he angry with you yesterday ?
3. (I) thank you for your help. I am thankful/grateful to you for your help.
4. This book differs from that. This book is different from that.
Does this book differ from that ? Is this book different from that ?
5. I still depend on my parents. I am still dependent on my parent.
Do you still depend on your parent. Are you still dependent on your parent?
6. Hurry up ! Be quick !
7. He attended the meeting last night. He was present at the meeting last night .
Did he attend the meeting last night ? Was he present at the meeting last night ?

hal. 1
LESSON II- The Use of Tenses



I. PRESENT TENSE : kebiasaan/fakta umum atau berlaku masa sekarang
- I get up at 6 o’clock.
He gets up at 6 o’clock.
- Question : Do / does
Do you get up at 6 o’clock ? Yes, I do.
Does he get up at 6 o’clock ? Yes, he does.
- Negative : Do not = don’t / Does not = doesn’t
I don’t get up at 6 o’clock.
He doesn’t get up at 6 o’clock.

II. PAST TENSE : lampau

I got up at 9 o’clock this morning.
He got up at 5 o’clock this morning.
- Question : Did
Did you get up at 4 o’clock this morning ? Yes, I did.
Did he get up at 6 o’clock this morning ? Yes, he did.
- Negative : Did not = didn’t
I didn’t get up at 6 o’clock this morning.
He didn’t get up at 6 o’clock this morning.
TENSE: an inflectional form of a verb expressing a specific time distinction/perubahan
kata kerja yang menyatakan perbedaan waktu. Umumnya dengan menambahkan ED, dan
ada sekitar 50 verb yang perubahannya dengan pola tersendiri. Jadi hanya ada 2 tenses
seperti di atas.

PHASE (Tahapan)

Am Verb + ing = sedang. . . . . . / sekarang
Verb + ing = sedang. . . . . . / lampau


- I am waiting for Hadi (now). - I was waiting for Hadi when you knocked the door.
- I won’t be waiting for Hadi at 11 tonight because it
will be too late.

hal. 2
- He is waiting for Siti. - He was waiting for Siti when I knocked the door.
- They are studying English. - They were studying English when I knocked the


Has (selesai, jangan diberi keterangan

V-3 / been V
 = sudah/telah
Have waktu lampau)

V-3 / been V
 = belum … hanya ditambah NOT

E.g. : a. I have eaten now.

b. He has visited Maya.
c. I haven’t done my homework.
d. He hasn’t received his salary.

V-3 / been V
 She’s V-3 / been V


you he
-Have we V-3 / been V
? - Has she V-3 /been V
... ?
they it


Had + V-3 / been V

 “pada saat itu” (lampau) TELAH/SUDAH selesai.
Hadn’t + V-3 / been V
 “pada saat itu” (lampau) BELUM.
= bukan kata kerja
“Pada saat itu” dapat:
a. Berupa keterangan waktu:
E.g. : - By 5 o’clock yesterday, I hadn’t eaten.
- In 1998, Soeharto had been the President of RI for 32 years.
b. Berupa peristiwa:
e.g. : - When you came here, I had eaten.
- When you knocked the door, I hadn’t eaten.
c. Tidak disebutkan bila dianggap sudah jelas.
X : I came here yesterday, but I didn’t see you.
Y : I had gone home.
(maksudnya: I had gone home when you came here yesterday.)
X : I came to Keiko’s home yesterday but she was out.
Y : She hadn’t come back from Osaka. She had been away for 2 weeks.
(berarti: Keiko hadn’t come back from Osaka when X came to Keiko’s home

hal. 3

Modals (M) atau Kata Kerja Bantu (Auxiliary) shall/will, can, may, must, might,
could/would dipakai untuk mengekspresikan future, possibility, ability, permission,
necessity, request, dan polite request.

will/shall will not/shall not won’t/shan’t = akan, hendak

can cannot can’t = bisa/dapat
could could not could’t = bisa/dapat (sopan)
may may not = boleh
must must not mustn’t = harus/pasti
might might not = mungkin
should should not should’t = seharusnya
would would not would’t = akan (past/sopan)

E.g. : - He can speak English.

- He couldn’t come to class.
- You may not smoke here.
- It might/may rain tomorrow.
- She must be there to see a doctor tomorrow.
- Would you please close the door?
- You should not talk rudely to your parents like that.


S M V1 (be + V
) pernyataan

M S V1 (be + V
). . . ? pertanyaan

= bukan kata kerja

SALAH He cans speak English SALAH He doesn’t can play guitar.

SALAH He can to speak English BETUL He cannot play guitar.
BETUL He can speak English SALAH Does he can play guitar?
BETUL Can he play guitar?

Tak seperti yang ditakutkan kebanyakan orang, TENSES dalam bahasa Inggris
pada pokoknya ternyata hanya ada 2 (DUA) tenses seperti di atas. Selebihnya
adalah tahapan dan fungsi kata kerja bantu (Modals) serta kombinasi dari
ketiganya yaitu TENSES, PHASE dan MODALS.

hal. 4
LESSON III- Question Words


Hadi visited Bob yesterday.

1. WHO (orang sebagai subyek)

- Menanyakan tentang subject.
a. Who visited Bob yesterday ?
b. Who will visit Bob ?
c. Who is teaching in the next classroom ?

- Hadi visited X yesterday.

2. WHOM (orang sebagai obyek) ; in conversation : WHO

- Yang ditanyakan harus didepan.
a. Who did Hadi visit yesterday ?
b. Who will you visit ?
c. Who are you looking for ?

- WITH WHOM . . . . . . ? = Who . . . . . . with?

a. With whom did you go ?
b. Who did you go with ?

- FOR WHOM . . . . . . = Who . . . . . .for ?

a. For whom do you work ?
b. Who do you work for ?

- TO WHOM . . . . . . = Who . . . . . . To ?
a. To whom are you writing that letter ?
b. Who are you writing that letter to ?

- FROM WHOM . . . . . . ? = Who . . . . . . From ?

a. From whom did you receive that letter ?
b. Who did you receive that letter from ?

3. WHAT (Menanyakan tentang barang)

a. What will you be learning tonight ?
b. What newspaper are you reading ?

4. WHEN = Kapan
a. When did you meet Bob ?
b. When will you visit her ?
- (At) What time (jam berapa)
- (On) What day / date (hari apa / tanggal berapa)
- (In) What month / year (bulan apa / tahun berapa)

hal. 5
A : What time did the train for Jakarta depart yesterday ?
B : It departed at 9 o’clock.
C : What days do you attend your English-course ?
D : I attend my English course on Tuesdays and Fridays.
E : What date will you go to Jakarta ?
F : Perhaps, I’ll go on the I st of December ?
G : What month did we begin to learn English ?
H : We began in March.
I : What year did you graduate from High School ?
J : I graduated in 2010.

5. HOW LONG = Beberapa lama (berlangsungnya)

- How long = berapa lamanya ?
How many hours / days / weeks / months / years
E.g. :
a. Lampau : How long did you stay there ?
b. Akan datang : How long will you be staying there ?
c. Terulang : How long do you usually learn English ?
d. Dari lampau s/d sekarang :

Been Verb + ing

- How long have you been teaching English?

How many years
How many hours
has he been working here?
How many days
have you been waiting?
How many weeks
How many months

6. HOW MANY TIMES = berapa kali

- How many times (in) a week do you learn English ?

7. HOW : Menanyakan tentang :

a. bagaimana
b. cara : - bagaimana caranya ?
- naik apa ?
a. How do we say “Selamat pagi” in English ?
b. How do you usually go to school ?

- HOW MUCH (menanyakan jumlah yang tak dapat dihitung)

A : How much tea do you drink a day ?
B : 2 glasses

- HOW MANY (menanyakan jumlah yang dapat dihitung)

How many glasses of tea do you drink a day ?
hal. 6
- HOW MUCH LONGER = masih berapa lama lagi ?
a. How much longer will you be staying here ?
b. How much longer will you be learning ?

8. WHY
A : Why didn’t you attend the meeting ?
B : I’m sorry I had something to do.

9. WHERE = dimana / kemana

A : Where do you live ?
B : I live in / on . . . . . . street
I live at 100 . . . . . . street

10. WHICH = yang mana

- Which books will you be borrowing ?
- That one!

Buatlah pertanyaan dengan kata yang bergaris bawah sebagai jawabannya!

1. Hadi lent me this book.
2. I shall go to Jakarta by train.
3. He will visit his uncle next week.
4. I bought it Rp. 10.000,-
5. Ali has been wearing glasses for more than 2 years.
6. I bought 2 boxes of matches.
7. He put your pencil on the table.
8. She has been waiting for you since 5 o’clock.
9. Hadi sold his car about 3 weeks ago.
10. Our lesson begins at 8 o’clock.
11. I did it for my brother.
12. I shall wait for the bus for one more hour.
13. I have been learning English since this morning.
14. I shall stay in Jakarta for 2 weeks at least.
15. He’s going to get married to Jane.
16. I attend my English course twice in a week.
17. We began to learn English here on the 1st of December.
18. She has been working in the X office since 2001.
19. I shall clean this room tomorrow morning.
20. I bought it from Hadi.
21. Hadi is teaching in the next class-room.
22. I’m going to borrow Jane’s book.
23. It’s been raining since this morning.
24. I shall copy lesson 5.
25. I live on X street.

hal. 7
LESSON IV- Verb Without “Ing”


Verb tanpa “ing” meski artinya “sedang”

1. to see = melihat tanpa kehendak
- I see you, but I’m not looking at you.

2. Hear = mendengar
- I hear you, but I’m not listening to you.

3. to remember = to recall = to recollect x to forget

to recognize

- Do you remember me ? B : I forget

A : What’s my name ? B : Oh yes, I forgot
A : It’s Hadi

4. to think = berpendapat / mengira

to believe = percaya
to feel = merasa/ mengira

Compare :
I think he is learning. I thought he was learning.
I think he is a teacher. I thought he was a teacher.
I think he didn’t come last night. I don’t think he came last night.
I think he doesn’t remember me. I don’t think he remembers me.

5. To love / to like vs to hate / dislike

Note : Verb without “ing”, boleh pakai “ing” kalau ada : “always” atau forever
dalam arti selalu dan terutama sekarang.
Compare : a. I always love you.
b. I’m always loving you.

6. to have / to understand

- I didn’t know
you are here.
- I had no idea
- I understand the problem.
- I have a car.
- I don’t have any money.

hal. 8
LESSON V - Introduction, Greeting and Leave Taking


1. INTRODUCTION (perkenalan) . . . . . .to introduce
A : Mr. B, this is my friend Mr. C
B : How do you do ?
C : How do you do ? I’m pleased (glad) to know (see) you

2. GREETING (salam) . . . . . .to greet

A : Good morning (afternoon, evening)
B : Good morning (afternoon, evening)
A : How are you ?
B : Very well, thank you, and you ?
A : Fine, thank you

3. LEAVE-TAKING (permintaan diri) . . . . . .to take leave

G : Well, I must be off now.
H : OK, I’ll see you to the door.
G : Good-bye.
H : Good-bye. I’ll see you later.
G : O.K.

4. Shall I . . . . . ..? (untuk menawarkan jasa)

A : Shall I take you home ?
B : Yes, please
Well, it’s not necessary. Thank you anyway
Shall I pick you up tonight ?
Shall I clean the blackboard ?

5. May I . . . . . .? (untuk minta ijin)

May I talk to you for a moment ?
May I have a lift to solo ?
May I wash my hands ?
May I know your name ?

6. a. Would you vs please

Would you (please). . . . . .? (request/meminta dengan sopan)
please . . . . . .!
. . . . . .! (order/perintah)
. . . . . .. will you ?
Would you please see me off at the station ?
Would you please write your name ?
Would you please post my letter ?

hal. 9
b. Do you mind vs Would you mind
Do you mind
Would you mind Verb + ing . . . . (keberatankah sdr. . . . . ..?)

A. Do you mind opening the door ?

B. Not at all
c. Would you be so kind as to . . . . . .?
Dear sirs,
I’m interested in “English for you” by Radio Australia; so would
you be so kind as to send me the booklets?. I Shall be very thankful /
7. Would you like to . . . . . .?
a. Untuk mengajak / mengundang
A : Would you like to go to the movie tonight ?
B : Yes / of course / sure, I’d like to
C : I’d like to, but I’m sorry I can’t. some other time
b. Menawarkan makanan & minuman
A : Would you like to have some coffee ?
B : Yes please / No, thank you
A : What would you like to have, tea or coffee ?
B : Tea, please.
c. Would like to = want
I’d like to buy a new shirt.  I’d like = I would like
8. A : Thank you very much for your help (formal).
Thanks a lot for your help (informal).
B : It’s a pleasure.
You’re welcome .
It’s all right (O.K) / Not at all.
9. A : I’m sorry for troubling you.
I’m sorry to trouble you.
Excuse me for troubling you.
B : It’s all right (O.K).
It doesn’t matter.
Never mind.
“ I’m sorry” juga dikatakan bila kita mendengar sesuatu yang buruk menimpa
A: Hadi is ill.
B: I’m sorry.

10. A: I congratulate you on your successful examination.

I congratulate you on your successful marriage, etc.
B : Thank you.
A : Best wishes (to the lady) & congratulation (to the gentlemen) . . . . . .for
Y : Thank you.

hal. 10
11. A : Happy birthday (to you) and many more to come.
Many happy returns of the day.
B : Thank you.

12. A : Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

B : The same to you.

13. VISITING A SICK FRIEND (mengunjungi teman yg sakit)

A : Do you feel any better ?
B : Yes, much better thank you.
Yes, little better.
No, I feel all the same.
No, I feel more miserable.
No, I feel worse.

If you want to leave, you say :

- I wish you a speedy recovery.
- Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Dengan + kata sifat menjadi ---→ kata keterangan
sopan ---→ dengan sopan
a. Dia sopan orangnya. (kata sifat)
b. Dia selalu berbicara dengan sopan. (keterangan)
Adjective + ly . . . . . . adverb
Polite + ly . . . . . . politely

(adjective) (adverb)
1. He is polite.  He always speak politely.
2. You must be patient.  You must wait for me patiently.
3. He was very angry.  He went home angrily.
4. Be careful !  Do it carefully !
5. Don’t be prodigal !  Don’t live prodigally !

1. Siapa yang datang kemari tadi pagi ?
2. Kau bertemu siapa tadi malam ?
3. Mengapa Hadi akan absen besok hari ?
4. Dengan siapa Siti biasanya pergi ke sekolah ?
5. Dari siapa kau beli sepeda ini ?
6. Sudah berapa hari Hadi sakit ?
7. Akan kau berikan kepada siapa pensil itu ?

hal. 11
8. Kau marah pada siapa kemarin ?
9. Hadi sedang belajar bahasa apa ?
10. Sudah berapa lama Hadi sakit ?
11. Puas atau kecewakah anda dengan show tadi malam ?
12. Ada berapa kolam renang di Yogya ?
13. Apakah ia pandai bahasa Inggris ?
14. Naik apa mereka akan pergi berpiknik ?
15. Mengapa Hadi tidak berhasil dalam ujiannya yang lalu ?
16. Apakah kau hadir dalam pertemuan itu tadi malam ?
17. Di mana kau bertempat tinggal ?
18. Akan kau jual berapa sepedamu ?
19. Berapa kali dalam seminggu ia belajar bahasa Inggris ?
20. Ada berapa murid dikelas kemarin ?
21. Apakah ia dulu seorang guru ?
22. A : Apa kau nonton fashion show itu ?
B : Ya, tapi saya kecewa karena sangat buruk
23. Dengan siapa kau biasanya berbicara bahasa Inggris ?
24. Mengapa Hadi datang terlambat tadi ?
25. Di mana kau tadi naik bus ini ?
26. Jam berapa Siti biasanya pergi tidur ?
27. A : Jangan terlambat, nanti gurumu akan marah !
B : O.K, saya akan datang pada waktunya
28. A : Mengapa kau jengkel pada Siti ?
B : Karena ia melanggar janjinya
29. Kau berasal dari mana ?
30. Berapa hari Hadi akan berada di Jakarta ?
31. Kau ingin menulis surat pada siapa ?
32. Apa bahasa Inggris sangat berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia ?
33. Kau mempunyai berapa saudara laki – laki dan perempuan ?
34. Siapa yang sedang berbicara dengan ayahmu itu ?
35. Siti belajar dimana ?
36. Naik apa kau akan pergi ke Jakarta ?
37. Masih berapa lama lagi kau akan belajar di Yogya ?
38. A : Dapatkah ia bekerja dengan hati – hati ?
B : Saya kira demikian.
39. Mengapa kau tidak suka pada Hadi ?
40. Berapa kamu bayar becaknya tadi ?
41. Sudah berapa lama kau menunggu Siti ?
42. A : Apa kau menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut dengan benar?
B : Tidak, karena saya bingung.
43. A : Mengapa ia membolos kemarin ?
B : Mungkin ia takut pada test Inggris
44. Ayahmu dahulu biasanya main sport apa ?
45. Hadi minta apa pada ayahnya kemarin ?
46. Berapa jauhnya rumahmu dari sini ?
47. A : Jangan bekerja terlalu keras, nanti kau sakit !
B : Jangan khawatir pak, saya bisa menjaga diri saya
48. A : Mengapa kau tidak mampir dirumah saya kemarin ?
B : Maaf saya tergesa-gesa.

hal. 12
49. Ema sedang bertengkar dengan siapa ?
50. Kau mirip siapa ?
51. Sudah berapa lama mereka bersama ?
52. A : Bolehkah saya pinjam sepeda anda ?
B : Sorry, sedang rusak.
53. A : Mengapa kau mengantuk (sekarang) ?
B : Saya tidak dapat tidur nyenyak tadi malam.
54. Betty jualan apa dipasar ?
55. A : Yakinkah kau bahwa ia akan berhasil dalam ujiannya ?
B : Ya, karena ia rajin.
56. A : Maukah kau nonton bioskop nanti malam ?
B : Maaf, saya nanti sangat sibuk.
57. Mengapa anda belajar bahasa Inggris ?
58. Dimana kecelakaan tersebut terjadi ?
59. Mengapa kau malas berbahasa Inggris ?
60. Kapan dia jatuh dari sepeda motornya ?
61. Sudah berapa tahun Mr. X menjadi guru ?
62. Jam berapa mereka harus berada disini ?
63. A : Apakah anda sedang bertugas ?
B : Tidak, saya bertugas tadi malam.
64. Anda dapat berbicara berapa bahasa ?
65. Tanggal berapa kita merayakan hari kemerdekaan kita ?
66. Saya menerangkan apa pada pelajaran yang lalu ?
67. Apa Helmi dahulu teman sekolahmu ?
68. Berapa uang sekolahmu ?
69. A : Mengapa kau tidak main tennis tadi pagi ?
B : Sorry, saya sangat lelah.
70. Tahun berapa kau lulus dari SMA ?
71. Berapa lama ia hendak berada disini ?
72. Kau sedang menderita sakit apa ?
73. Kau suka musik apa ?
74. Apa maumu ?
75. Kapan kau akan menghafal pelajaranmu ?

hal. 13
A. Present + ing : Is
Am Verb + ing
1. Sedang . . . . . . yang sekarang
- I’m waiting for Johnny.
2. Dapat pula menyatakan akan yang sudah dekat sekali atau yang sudah
- I’m seeing you at 9 tonight.
- He’s coming soon.

B. Past + ing : Was

Verb + ing : Pada saat itu (lampau) sedang . . . . . .
- When you knocked the door, I was eating.
- You were sleeping when I came to your place.

C. Modals + ing Shall, Will, Should

Can, May, Must Verb + ing
1. Pada saat itu (yad), sedang . . . . . .
X : Can/Will you go for a walk at 5 o’clock this afternoon ?
Y : Sorry, I can’t. I’ll be playing tennis.
atau Y : Sorry, I can’t. I may be playing tennis.
2. Dapat juga menyatakan akan yang sudah dekat.
I’ll be seeing you tonight.
He’ll be coming soon.

A. Present Perfect + Ing : B. Past Perfect + Ing
Have/Has Been Verb + ing Had been V + ing
Mulainya di masa lampau, namun ditekankan proses yang sedang berjalan):
E.g. : a. - I have waited for Siti from 3 to 5 p.m. (menyerah, dan sudah mau pulang sekarang)
- I have been waiting for Siti from 3 to 5 p.m. (tetap setia menunggu sekarang)
b. - I had lived here for 30 years in 2010. (mungkin sudah mau pindah saat itu.)
- I had been living here for 30 years in 2010. (masih tetap tinggal disini saat itu.)

hal. 14
1. A : Naik apa kau biasanya pergi ke sekolah ?
B : Naik sepeda.
A : Mengapa kau pergi naik becak kemarin ?
B : Karena sepedaku rusak.
2. A : Sudah berapa hari Hadi sakit ? (sampai sekarang)
B : Saya kira dia telah sakit selama seminggu, tapi dia belum pergi ke dokter. Rupa-
rupanya dia tidak punya uang karena dia belum menerima gajinya.
3. A : Sudah berapa hari Hadi sakit ketika kau datang menengoknya ?
B : Saya kira dia telah sakit selama seminggu tapi dia belum pergi ke dokter. Rupa-
rupanya dia tidak punya uang karena dia belum menerima gajinya.
4. A : Sudahkah kau mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahmu ?
B : Belum, saya masih sibuk sekarang. Mungkin akan saya kerjakan nanti malam
5. A : Waktu lampu padam tadi malam, adik saya telah pergi tidur tapi ia belum tidur, Ia
lari keluar dari kamarnya, karena dia takut.
6. Tatkala saya datang menjemput Betty, ia telah mandi, tapi masih sedang berkemas-
kemas, ia meminta saya supaya menunggu sebentar.
Tentu saja saya jengkel, tapi rupa-rupanya dia tidak tahu.
7. Saya baru akan menstart sepeda motor saya waktu teringat bahwa saya belum
mengunci pintu kamar saya.
8. A : Kau sedang apa jam 7 nanti malam ?
B : Mungkin saya sedang berjalan-jalan
9. A : Mengapa kau sering absen akhir-akhir ini ?
B : Saya sangat sibuk
10. Tatkala adik saya jatuh dari pohon, saya berada di rumah sendiri dan saya
sedang tidur siang. Ayah belum pulang dari kantor padahal ibu masih berada di
Jakarta. Saya sangat bingung. Untunglah ketika saya baru akan membawanya
ke rumah sakit, teman saya, dokter Ahmad lewat. Saya menghentikannya dan
memintanya supaya merawat adik saya. Ia berkata bahwa adik saya telah
patah kaki kirinya. Ia sangat membutuhkan perawatan yang baik.
Sebab itulah kami membawanya kerumah sakit dengan segera. Setelah ia
berada di rumah sakit kira-kira 2 minggu, ia diperkenankan pulang, walaupun ia
belum dapat berjalan sendiri.
Tapi sekarang ia telah sembuh dan mungkin minggu depan ia akan pergi ke
sekolah lagi.

hal. 15
LESSON VI - Must, Have To dan Should


A. MUST : Harus ; order & regulation (peraturan) : now & future

E.g. : a. You must be diligent (order)
b.You must do it now (order)
c. All the student must come before 8 o’clock (regulation)

B. SHOULD : Ought to : seharusnya, sebaiknya; untuk advise/nasihat, atau

peraturan/ regulation
E.g. : - You should be diligent. (advise)
- What should I do ?
- All the students should come before 8 o’clock. (regulation)


have/ has (got) to : now

harus, karena keadaan yang memaksa/menyebabkan
shall / will have to : future
E.g. : - I have (got) to go by becak (because) it’s raining; because my bike is out of
order etc)
- I’ll have to attend the meeting.

D. BE TO (tidak terlalu penting dalam conversation) harus – berdasarkan :

1. Plan
2. Agreement
E.g. : 1. Our President is to stay in Yogya for 2 days.
This books are to be sold by the dozen.
2. I am to teach you twice a week.

HAD TO = harus (lampau) untuk a, b, c.

A : Why were you absent yesterday ?
B : I’m sorry I had to see my mother off at the station.

Pelajari dan hapalkanlah rumus-rumus berikut !

1. Should have + V 3 (been + V  ): seharusnya telah ... tapi nyatanya

belum dikerjakan
E.g. : a. He should have learnt the lesson.
b. You should have been here last night.
c. I should have seen my mother off at the station yesterday.

hal. 16
2. Shouldn’t have + V 3 (been + V  ): Seharusnya jangan (tidak), tapi
E.g. : a. You shouldn’t have sold your bicycle
b. I shouldn’t have been absent last lesson
c. You shouldn’t have been angry with me
d. He shouldn’t have come late

3. Menyatakan : tak perlu . . . . . .

A : Present 1. You needn’t do it now.

2. You don’t have to.
3. It isn’t necessary for you to do it now.
B : Modals 1. You needn’t go tomorrow.
2.You won’t have to go tomorrow.
3. It won’t be necessary for you to go tomorrow.
C : Past 1. I didn’t need to learn it.
2. I didn’t have to learnt it.
3. It wasn’t necessary for me to learnt it.

4. Needn’t have + V 3 : sebenarnya tak perlu tapi terlanjur

E.g. : a. I needn’t have learnt lesson 5 by heart.
b. You needn’t have been angry with him.

5. (a) must be + Verb + ing : tentunya sedang (sekarang)

(b) may (mungkin) X can’t (tak mungkin)

E.g. : a. He must be learning. vs He can’t be learning.

b. He may be looking for you. vs He can’t be looking for you.
- A : Hadi is absent now.
B : He must be ill.
C : He can’t be ill. He must be playing truant.
must be + adjective (noun) = pasti/tentunya

Note : - It’s probable / likely that . . . . .. besar kemungkinannya

- Probably . . . . . . . . bahwa . . . . . . . .
- It’s possible that . . . . . . . . . .

- Possibly / maybe / perhaps . . . . . .. mungkin . . . . . . . .

- It’s impossible that . . . . . . . . tak mungkin bahwa . . . .

hal. 17
6. Must have + V 3 (been + V
 ): . . . . . . may have + V 3 (been + V
) =
mungkin X can’t have + V 3 (been + V )
Tentunya telah (lampau)
A : Hadi was absent yesterday.
B : He must have been ill.
C : He can’t have been ill. He must have played truant.

7. Must have been + Verb + ing

A. tentunya/pasti sedang (lampau)
E.g. : a. You must have been explaining.
b. He must have been learning when I passed by home yesterday.
B. tentunya (dari lampau s/d suatu saat di masa lalu)
E.g. : a. He must have been teaching English for many years in year 2000.
b. They must have been living in Indonesia for a long time.

8. to have + object V 3
a. menyuruh supaya object di . . . . . . (yang disuruh tidak disebutkan)
E.g. : I’ll have this room cleaned.
I had the book returned yesterday.

b. terjemahannya sejenis di atas : - mereparasikan

- mengecatkan , dsb.
E.g. : a. I’ll have my bicycle repaired.
b. I have had my bicycle painted.
c. I had my hair cut yesterday.

o Would you please have my suit-case o Would you please take my suit-case to
taken to my room ? my room ?
o Please have the glasses taken away ....! o Please take away the glasses . . . . !


1. A : Hadi absen dari rapat kemarin.

B : Dia tentunya lupa.
C : Tak mungkin. Dia tentunya takut hujan.
2. A : Saya terpaksa harus kembali ke Semarang besok hari karena semua buku-buku saya
masih berada disana.
B : Saya rasa kau tidak perlu pergi kesana kau dapat menyuruh supaya buku-buku itu
dikirim dengan pos.
3. A : Akan kau catkan warna apa sepedamu ?
B : Hijau
C : Saya rasa, lebih baik kau catkan hitam.

hal. 18
4. A : Kamu seharusnya jangan marah pada saya, sebab itu bukan salah saya
B : Maaf saya tidak tahu.

5. A : Kau sebenarnya tidak perlu menjual sepedamu kamu seharusnya datang padaku jika
kau membutuhkan uang.
B : Kau seharusnya mengatakan ini minggu yang lalu tatkala saya belum menjual sepeda
6. A : Dimana Hadi sekarang ?
B : Dia tentunya masih di Semarang.
A : Tak mungkin. Baru tadi pagi saya jumpa dia.

7. A : Perlukah bagi Hadi belajar Inggris dengan baik ?

B : Saya rasa demikian, sebab mungkin dia akan dapat beasiswa untuk studi di luar

8. A : Keluarga Johnson pandai berbahasa Indonesia.

B : Mereka tentunya sudah lama tinggal disini atau mungkin mereka telah
mempelajarinya sebelum mereka datang kemari.

9. A : Saya datang ke rumah Siti kemarin sore, tapi dia tidak ada.
B : Dia tentunya sedang bermain tennis, atau belum pulang dari Solo.

10. A : Kau seharusnya telah mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahmu.

B : Maaf, saya sibuk tadi malam.
A : Alasan saja!

hal. 19



Am + V3 : di . . . . . .... (fakta umum/pengulangan)

E.g. : a. The English lesson is given twice a week.

b. I don’t need a bicycle because I am picked up everyday.


Am being + V 3 : sedang di . . . . . .. (sekarang)

E.g. : a. All the class-room are being cleaned.

b. The crime is being investigated.
c. You can’t go to Parangtritis now because the bridge of Kretek is being repaired.

Note : to be under + noun = sedang DI/dalam taraf . . . . . ....

E.g. : a. The crime is under investigation

b. Your proposal is under discussion


Been + V 3 : telah di . . . . . ...

E.g. : a. The lost boy has been found.

b. I have been asked to make a speech at the meeting.
c. He has been taken to hospital.


Be + V 3 : akan di . . . . . ...

E.g. : a. The meeting will be held tonight.

b. He will be dismissed because he is being accused of corruption.
c. I’m sure that your proposal will be accepted with one condition.

hal. 20
5.a. Can - bisa/dapat di . . . . . .
May - boleh di . . . . . .
Must be + V 3 : - harus di . . . . . .
Might - mungkin di . . . . . .
Could - bisa/dapat di . . . . . .(sopan)
E.g. : a. This problem can be solved in 3 ways.
b. This work may / must be done at home.


+ V3 : di . . . . . . (lampau)

E.g. : a. The X meeting was held last night.

b. The meeting was cancelled because it was raining.
c. He was dismissed because he had committed corruption.

Sama dengan bentuk active dalam Present Tense, kalimat dengan bentuk
passive dalam Past Tense hanya diubah Verb atau is/am/are-nya ke
bentuk Past.

A. Should have been + V 3 = Seharusnya telah di tapi nyatanya tidak / belum

E.g. : a. The meeting should have been held last night .
b. He should have been promoted to a captain a long time ago.
c. Your home-work should have been delivered yesterday.
B. Must have been + V 3 = tentunya telah di . . . . . .
E.g. : a. The package must have been returned to Jakarta.
b. The letter must have been posted.
c. The meeting must have been cancelled.
C. Used to be + V 3 : dulu biasanya di . . . . . . (sekarang tidak)
E.g. : The lesson used to be given 3 times a week.

1. Mobil tua itu tak dapat direparasi.
2. Para pengunjung akan dijemput di stasiun.
3. Pelajaran ini seharusnya telah diterangkan minggu yang lalu.
4. Haruskah semua jawaban-jawaban ditulis dengan tinta ?
5. Rumah siapa yang sedang dicat itu ?
6. Semua pertanyaan-pertanyaan telah dijawab dengan benar.
7. Pencopet itu tertangkap basah kemudian dibawa kekantor polisi.
8. Ia telah didakwa apa ?
9. Kata orang Hadi akan dipecat dari kantornya karena ia telah terlibat dalam korupsi.
10. Pelajaran Inggris tersebut dulu diberikan tiga kali seminggu.

hal. 21
11. Hadi tentunya telah dibawa ke rumah sakit.
12. Saya telah diminta untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris.
13. Ia harus diopname dengan segera sebab ia harus dioperasi.
14. Dimana kau dijemput kemarin ?
15. Hadi dihukum oleh gurunya kemarin karena ia datang terlambat.
16. Kapan tes Inggris itu akan diadakan ?
17. Ia telah dinasehati supaya belajar bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
18. Pertemuan itu seharusnya diadakan kemarin tapi dibatalkan karena ketuanya sakit.
19. Kamar ini dicuci tadi pagi, tapi sudah kotor lagi sekarang.
20. Saya dahulu dijemput tiap hari.
21. Soal ini akan dibicarakan dalam pertemuan yang akan datang.
22. Siti diberi sebuah sepeda baru pada hari ulang tahunnya yang lalu.
23. Kau akan ditertawakan jika kau menangis dimuka umum.
24. Mr. X telah menjadi ketua dari Club kita.
25. Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di seluruh dunia.
26. Lamarannya telah ditolak.
27. Kapan Mr. X akan dibawa ke pengadilan ?
28. Sepedanya tentunya dicuri ketika ia berada di dalam toko tadi.
29. Kamar ini telah dihiasi indah sekali.
30. Pekerjaan rumahmu seharusnya telah diserahkan kemarin.

hal. 22
LESSON VIII - Preparatory “It”

Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dapat diklasifkasikan dalam dua hal:

I. Action
He – gave – a book – to me
He – is sleeping

II. Complement A = B
(dalam bahasa Inggris, jika B bukan kata kerja)

A = seorang guru
A = teacher --→ A is a teacher.
A = malas --→ A is lazy

a. To speak English is difficult

A = B

- Jika A dimulai dengan to . . . . . . rumusnya menjadi

It = B A
It is difficult to speak English

E.g. : a. It is nice ‘o see you again

b. It is impossible to master the English language without learning hard

b. For me to speak English is difficult

A = B
- Jika A dimulai dengan for . . . . . . to . . . . . . maka rumusnya menjadi:
It is difficult for me to speak English.
B = A
E.g. : a. It is hard for a big family with many children to live on a small Income.
b. It will be better for you to go tomorrow.
Note : To speak English is difficult.
1. It’s difficult to speak English.
2. English is difficult to speak.

To find gasoline has been difficult lately.

1. It has been difficult to find gasoline lately.

For me, to get on well with him is impossible.

1. It is impossible for me to get on well with him.
2. He is impossible for me to get on well with.

hal. 23
c. Speaking English is difficult.
A = B
- Jika A dalam bentuk “ing” form, rumusnya menjadi :
It = B A . . . . . . It’s difficult speaking English.

E.g. : a. It’s nice seeing you again.

b.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

d. That he can’t come is a pity.

A = B

- Jika A merupakan “clause” (anak kalimat), rumusnya menjadi :

It = B A ---------- it’s a pity that he can’t come
E.g. : - Is it right that he will be dismissed ?

Tidak cukup hanya mengetahui rumus-rmusnya di atas, lebih praktis jika anda
mempelajari ungkapan-ungkapan pembuka sebagai berikut:

1. It’s foolish to think that . . . . . . (tolol kalau mengira bahwa . . . . )

2. It’s easy / hard for . . . . . . To . . . . . . (mudah / sukar bagi . . . . . .)
3. It was because . . . . . . That . . . . . . (karena . . . . lah, maka . . . . )
4. It was because of . . . . . . That . . . . (due to, owing to, on account of)
5. Won’t it be better for . . . . to . . . . ? (tidaklah akan lebih baik bagi . . . . )
6. It’s probable / likely that . . . . . . (besar kemungkinan bahwa . . . . . .)
7. It should be taken into consideration that . . . . . .
It should be taken into account that . . . . . .
It should be considered that . . . . . .
(harus dipertimbangkan bahwa . . . . . .)
8. It’s well know that . . . . . . (sudah terkenal bahwa . . . . . .)
9. It should be remembered that . . . . . . (harus diingat bahwa . . . . . .)
10. It shouldn’t be forgotten that .... (janganlah dilupakan bahwa . . . . . .)
11. (It is) thanks to you that . . . . . . (berkatmulah bahwa . . . . . .)
12. Isn’t it exaggerating to say that . . . . . . ? (tidaklah berlebih-lebihan kalau berkata bahwa.
13. It’s generally thought / assumed that . . . . (biasanya dianggap orang bahwa . . . . . .)
14. It’s an undeniable fact that . . . . (suatu fakta yang tak dapat disangkal lagi bahwa . . . . )
15. It’s needless to say that . . . . (tak perlu dikatakan bahwa . . . . . .)
16. It needs no further saying that . . . . (tak perlu dikatakan lebih lanjut bahwa . . . . )
17. Isn’t it too much for him to hope that . . . . . . ? (tidaklah terlalu kalau dia berharap
bahwa. . . . . . ?
18. It is my duty to . . . . . . (adalah tugas saya untuk . . . . . .)
19. It seems (appears) that . . . . . . (rupanya)

hal. 24
20. It’s a matter of course that . . . . . .
It stands to reason that . . . . . .
(sudah selayaknya bahwa . . . . . .)
21. It depends on . . . . . . whether . . . . . .
It is dependent on . . . . . . whether . . . . . .
(tergantung pada . . . . . .apakah . . . . . .)
22. It’s a pity that . . . . . . (sayang bahwa . . . . . .)

23. It’s clear that . . . . . .

It’s obvious that . . . . . .
It goes without saying that . . . . . . (sudah jelas bahwa . . . . . .)

24. Is it true that . . . . . . ?

Benarkan bahwa . . . . . . ?
Is it right that . . . . . . ?
25. It’s necessary for . . . . . . to ...
Perlu bagi . . . . . .
It’s necessary that . . . . . ...
26. It will do you good to . . . . . . (akan baik bagimu. . . . . .)
27. It won’t do you any good to . . . . (tak akan ada baiknya bagimu . . . . )
28. It won’t do you any harm to . . . . (tak apa-apa bagimu . . . . )
29. a. How long does it take to . . . . ? (memakan waktu berapa lamakah . . . . )
b. How long will it take you to . . . . it will take me . . . . to . . . .
c. How long did it take you to . . . .
It took me to . . . .
30. It is for these reasons that. . . . . . . (karena alasan-alasan inilah maka. . . . .)
31. It wasn’t until . . . . that . . . . (baru . . . . . .)
32. It’s the fashion for . . . . to . . . . (sudah menjadi modenya bagi . . . . )

hal. 25
LESSON IX - Relative Pronouns (Yang)


A. Who / That - digunakan jika Subyeknya orang.

1. The man who / that can’t swim will go to Mecca next month.
2. The teacher who / that is teaching is Mr. Andreas.
3. Hadi who / that was promoted last year is my good friend.

B. Whom / Who / That / Ø - jika orang dan posisinya sebagai obyek

1. The girl whom/who/that/Ø I love is beautiful.

2. My friend whom/who/that/Ø I will visit can help you.
3. The manager whom/who/that/Ø they will invite is very smart.

C. Which / that - digunakan jika subyeknya benda atau binatang

1. The book which / that is on the table is my book.

2. The letter which / that you wrote cannot be read.
3. The cat which / that eats the mouse is wild.

D. Whose - digunakan untuk milik dan dalam hal ini TIDAK dapat diganti
dengan “That”

1. The man whose car is under the tree is my uncle.

2. The lady whose son always comes here is my teacher.
3. The teacher whose pen is on the table will write a letter.

E. Where - digunakan untuk menunjuk tempat

1. Malang where I studied is a beautiful city.

2. Exxon where I work a very big company.
3. Jakarta where I will go is the capital city of Indonesia.

1. Do you still remember the person . . . . . . you have sold your bike to?
2. The old gentleman . . . . . . is talking with my father over there is my English teacher.
3. Anyone . . . . . . knows much about the accident is kindly asked to communicate with the
4. In his last expedition he often met wide rivers . . . . . . Were almost unaffordable.
5. That’s the man . . . . . . daughter Hadi is going to marry.

hal. 26
6. The sick man for . . . . . . make you are doing all this work ought to be very thankful to
7. The meat . . . . . . we had for lunch was soft and delicious.
8. This is the room . . . . . . I had my first English lesson.
9. He often makes proposals . . . . . .are impossible to carry out.
10. I’m sure that the letter . . . . . . I sent to my fiancée yesterday will have reached her by
the end of the monthl.
11. he one . . . . . . was driving the car break neck speed this after noon must have been
12. The dance performance . . . . . .was held by the X association last week was very
13. The first thing . . . . .. I have to do after I wake up in the morning is to take a bath.
14. The last film . . . . . . I saw was a tragedy.
15. I can’t get on well with anyone . . . . . . talks too much.
16. One of the main points . . . . . . will be discussed in the next meeting is how to get more
17. He is the best teacher . . . . . . I have never had before.
18. Is this the book . . . . . . you are looking for ?
19. This is the most beautiful picture . . . . . . I have ever seen.
20. All the English teacher . . . . . . I know have the same opinion that the drill-system of
teaching English is the best.
21. This is one of the most complicated problem . . . . . . I have to solve right now.

hal. 27
LESSON X - Ing Form dan Gerund


A. Kata kerja sebagai benda

dengan ciri sebagai ciri berdiri sendiri atau Individual (bisa sebagai Subyek maupun

- Simming is my hobby. (sebagai Subyek / untuk awal kalimat)

- My hobby is swimming. (sebagai Complement)
- I kick out drinking. (sebagai Object)
- your painting, my reading, his running, your hand writing (sebagai milik) kecuali
- Thank you for your help. --→ (bukan your helping)

B. Pada prinsipnya ...

jika kata kerja digabung menggunakan “TO” setelah TO bentuk pertama V_1 (want
to go ; ask to come ; advise to learn ) tetapi jika selain “ TO “ seperti : for, at, in,
on, of, from, by , about, against, with, without, before, after - maka kata kerjanya
menggunakan “ING”

- I am sorry to trouble you.

I am sorry for troubling you --→ jika menggunakan “for”
- In doing this job, I need your help very much.
- I can know the world news by watching CNN every day
- I can pass the test without studying.
- I go to the office after eating breakfast.
- I eat breakfast before going to the office

C. Fungsi benda
(mesin cuci , mesin fax , mesin jahit , buku tulis)
- Washing Machine , Answering Machine , Writing Book , Drilling Machine)

D. Ada sekitar 30 (tiga puluh) kata kerja

jika setelah kata – kata tersebut maka kata kerja berikutnya menggunakan bentuk

enjoy , like , dislike . love , hate , start , finish , begin , stop . remember , forget ,
continue , understand , keep / on , practice , observe , imagine, find , catch ,
postpone, avoid , mind (termasuk Panca Indra /verb of sense – see , smell , hear,
feel , watch)

- I like swimming. Panca Indera

- I will finish studying. - I saw you crossing the street yesterday.
- I enjoy dancing. - I smell something burning.
- Please Stop smoking. - I hear somebody singing a song.
- I feel the water getting hot.
- I watched you swimming.

hal. 28
LESSON XI Perbandingan


Bagus Lebih bagus Paling bagus

Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree

I. Adjectives dengan satu suku kata/syllable
/--------/ /-------------/ er the/----------/est
-The nicest
-The slowest
II. Adjective s dengan dua suku kata/syllable atau lebih
/------/ /------/ more /----/ /----/ the most /-----/ /-----/
/------/ /------/ /-----/ more /----/ /----/ /----/ the most /----/ /----/ /----/
-rapid -more rapid -the most rapid
-beautiful -more beautiful -the most beautiful

-good -better the -best
-bad -worse -worst
-ill -worse -worst
-little -less -least
-much -more -most
-many -more -most
-old -older -oldest
elder -eldest
-farther -farthest
-further -furthest
(lebih lanjut)

B. Adjectives dengan dua suku kata/syllable yang berakhiran :

-happy -happier the -happiest
-lucky -luckier -luckiest
-lazy -lazier -laziest
-lonely -lonelier -loneliest

b. -some -somer the -somest

-handsome -handsomer -handsomest
-lonesome -lonesomer -lonesomest
hal. 29
c. le ler -lest
-simple -simpler the -simplest
-humble -humbler -humblest

d. er erer erest
-clever -cleverer the -cleverest

e. ow ower owest
-narrow -narrower the -narrowest

Pelajari dan hapalkan rumus-rumus brikut :

I. as . . . . as = se . . . . . . seperti
E.g. : a. Hadi is as tall as I (am)
b. Jane is as beautiful as her sister (is)
c. She is as close-fisted as her mother (is)

II. not so / as . . . . as : tak sedemikian . . . . . . seperti

E.g. : a. I am not so tall as Hadi (is)
b.English is not so difficult as Dutch (is)
c.She is not so beautiful as her sister (is)

III. a. . . . . er
than : lebih . . . . . . daripada . . . . . .
more . . . .
E.g. : a. She is more beautiful than her sister.
b. He is taller than I.
c. He is more selfish than Hadi.

more . . .
b. much /far (sedikit – a little) than = jauh lebih . . . . . . daripada . . . . . .
. . . . er
E.g. : a. Your English is much better than mine.
b. This little more complicated than that.
c. He is much handsomer than his brother.

. . . . . est
IV. The (Singular) yang ter . . . . . .
most. . . . .

E.g. : a. He is the most diligent student of class.

b. This is the best school in Yogyakarta.
c. He is the most fastidious about food of all his family.

. . . . . est
V. one of . . . . the (plural) = Salah satu diantara yang ter . . . . . .
most. . . .
E.g. : a. He is one of the most diligent student of the class.
b. This is one of the best school in Yogyakarta.
c. She is one of the prettiest Indonesia actresses.

hal. 30
VI. not less/more . . . .than tak kalah . . . . . . daripada

E.g. : a. This problem is not less difficult to solve than that one.
b. She is not less diligent than you.
c. Indonesian grammar is not less complicated than English.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .er
VII. to get more and more . . . . = makin lama makin . . . . . .
(usually in “ing” form)
E.g. : a. The lesson is getting more and more difficult.
b. You are getting lazier and lazier.
c. Your English is getting better and better.

VIII. The - er . . . . . . the - er . . . . . .

The more . . . . . .the more . . . . . . makin. . . . . .makin. . . . . .

E.g. : a. The more difficult to get (sugar is), the more expensive (it is).
b.The more educated you are, the easier it will be for you to get job.

I. Adverb of one syllable
/--------/ /-------------/ er the/----------/est
-hard -harder -the hardest
-late -later -the latest

II. Adverb of two syllables or more

/------/ /------/ more /----/ /----/ the most /-----/ /-----/
/------/ /------/ /-----/ more /----/ /----/ /----/ the most /----/ /----/ /----/

-rapidly -more rapidly -the most rapidly

-beautifully -more beautifully -the most beautifully

-well -better -best
-much -more -most
-little -less -least

E.g. : a. Hadi speaks English as well as Bob (does)

b. Hadi doesn’t speak English so well as Bob (does)
c. Hadi speak English better than Bob (does)
d. Hadi speak English the best of the class

hal. 31
Ubahlah kata-kata dalam kurung ke bentuk yang benar !

1. Your English is much (good) than before.

2. He was not so (diligent) as he is now.
3. Yogya is (big) than I thought.
4. The (hard) you work the (much) money you will get.
5. You are getting (lazy).
6. You did it much (carelessly) than your brother.
7. Who speaks English the (well) of the class ?
8. You would be able to live (economically) if you lived in a small town.
9. The next examination will be much (difficult) than the last.
10. Why have you been getting (lazy) and (lazy) lately ?
11. If I were much (rich), I should have a villa built in Kaliurang.
12. Would you please give me (far) information about it ?
13. I have been informed that you are one of the (good) tennis players in Yogya.
14. The (many) books you read, the (much) knowledge you will gain.
15. He has promised that he will work (hard) than before.
16. If he hadn’t come (late) than I, he might have scolded me for my late arrival.
17. It was because John had learn (seriously) than his brother that his report was (good).
18. Can you work (fast) than Bob ?
19. The (often) you speak English, the (good) you fluency of speech will be.
20. She not less (beautiful) than her sister.

hal. 32
LESSON XII - Pengandaian


I. CONDITION (syarat)
A. If S + V S will/shall + V
(jika . . . . . maka . . . . akan . . . . . .)
E.g. : a. If I have much money, I will/shall go to Bali Island.
b. If the weather is fine tonight, I will/shall take a walk.
c. If you come late, you’ll be punished.
d. If you are lazy, you won’t pass in your exams

II. SUPPOSITION (perandaian, improbable)

A If S + V2 S would + V
(perandaiannya untuk yang sekarang)
- Seandainya sekarang ini . . . . . . maka akan. . . . . . (namun kenyataannya tidak)
E.g. : a. If I had much money, I would go to Bali Island. (I don’t have much money)
b. If I were rich, I would buy a new house.
c. If I were a bird, I would fly to see you right now. ( I am not a bird)
d. If I could speak English well, I would be an English teacher.
(WERE sebagai ganti BE digunakan untuk menunjukkan kalimat itu adalah perandaian)

If + S + should
B. would + Verb; (perandaiannya, untuk yang akan datang)
Were +S + to
- Seandainya (akan datang) . . . . . . akan . . . . . .
E.g. : a. If I should meet him tomorrow, I would tell him about this problem.
b. If he should come late, we might leave him behind.
c. If he should beat me, he would be very popular.

III. SUPPOSITION (Perandaian, impossible)

should have
C. If S had V3 = (perandaian, untuk lampau)
would have
E.g. : a. If he hadn’t been lazy, he would have passed in the exam.
(but he was lazy so he didn’t pass)
b. If you hadn’t come late, you wouldn’t have been punished.
(but you come late so you were punished)
c. If you had come here yesterday, you would have met me.
(but you didn’t come so you didn’t meet me)

Translation :
1. Andaikata saya tidak sibuk, saya menghadiri pertemuan tadi malam.
2. Andaikata saya tidak sibuk, saya akan pergi berjalan-jalan sekarang.
3. Saya akan pergi berjalan-jalan nanti malam jika saya tidak sibuk.
4. Andaikata ia berada disini (sekarang), ia akan dapat menolong .

hal. 33
5. Kau tidak akan berhasil dalam ujianmu yang akan datang jika kau tidak belajar dengan
6. Kami tidak akan ketinggalan kereta andaikata mobil kami tidak rusak dijalan.
7. Andaikata saya adalah dia, saya akan pergi ke dokter sekarang juga.
8. Saya yakin dia tidak akan marah padamu jika kau datang kepadanya untuk minta maaf.
9. Saya yakin ia tidak akan marah padamu andaikata kau datang kepadanya untuk minta
10. Andaikata saya tahu bahwa test Inggrisnya sukar, saya membolos kemarin.
11. Saya akan nonton bioskop nanti malam jika cuaca baik.
12. Andaikata kau datang awal, kau mendapat tempat duduk yang baik.
13. Saya akan berteriak jika kau tidak mematikan radio itu.
14. Andaikata kau menurut nasehat saya, kau tidak akan mendapat kesukaran.
15. Kau harus cepat jika tidak ingin terlambat.
16. Saya tidak akan kehilangan uang saya andaikata saya tidak pergi kepasar tadi pagi.
17. Ia tidak akan dipecat andaikan tidak tersangkut dalam korupsi. (terlanjur)
18. Andaikata saya kaya (sekarang), saya akan menyuruh membangun sebuah villa di
19. Ia tidak akan kecewa andaikata kau menepati janjimu (terlanjur).
20. Ia akan kecewa jika kau melanggar janjimu.
21. Mereka tidak akan bertengkar andaikata tidak ada salah faham (terlanjur).
22. Saya mau membeli sepedamu jika saya boleh membayar dengan mengangsur.
23. Andaikata kau datang kemari tadi pagi, kau berjumpa Siti.
24. Saya akan menolongmu andaikata saya tahu jawabnya(sekarang).
25. Jika kau baca buku ini dengan seksama, saya yakin kau akan mengerti isinya.
26. Andaikata ia tidak membutuhkan banyak uang, ia tidak akan menjual satu-satunya
sepedanya. (terlanjur)
27. Andaikata saya tahu bahwa kau sakit, saya menengokmu kemarin.
28. Andaikata saya pandai berbahasa Inggris, saya akan menjadi guru bahasa Inggris.
29. Kau boleh pinjam sepeda saya jika kau mengembalikannya nanti sore.
30. Andaikata saya tidak sibuk, telah saya kerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya tadi malam.

hal. 34
LESSON XIII - Concepts



1. Because + Sentence (Oleh karena. . . . . . . . . .)

for, since, as
now that = because
seeing that
E.g. : a. I was absent because I was ill.
b. Hadi didn’t attend the meeting because he had something to do.
c. He was dismissed, for he was very lazy.
2. Because of + noun . . . . . .
- due to; owing to ; on account of
E.g. : a. I was absent because of my illness.
b. The light went out last night due to short circuit.
c. Nobody likes him owing to his arrogance.
3. It is / was because . . . . . .that . . . . . .
E.g. : a. It was because he was lazy that he was unsuccessful in the exam.
b. It is because he is arrogant that nobody likes him.
c. It was because you were nervous that you couldn’t answer such an easy
4. It is / was because of . . . . . . noun . . . . . . that . . . . . .
- due to : owing to : on account of
E.g. : a. It was because of his laziness that he was dismissed.
b. It is due to his arrogance that nobody likes him.
c. It was owing to heavy rain that I didn’t come.

5. The reason why . . . . . . is / was that . . . . . .

E.g. : a. The reason why he was he absent was that he was ill.
b. The reason why they came late was that their car had broken down on the
c. The reason why he is going to sell his car is that he needs a lot of money.

6. The cause of
“gerund” . . . . is / was that . . . . . .
The reason for

E.g. : a. The cause of the accident was that the driver was sleepy.
b. The reason for my being absent
was that I was ill.
The reason for absence

hal. 35
7. Diambil bentuk “ing”- nya
E.g. : a. He was absent because he was ill.
He was absent, being ill.
b. He was absent because his father was ill.
He was absent, his father being ill.
c. Because he didn’t know how to solve the problem, he asked his father.
Not knowing how to solve the problem, he asked his father.
Note : style 7 is seldom used is conversation

B. PURPOSE (tujuan)

1. . . . . . . so that . . . . . . . . . . clause
in order that (= agar supaya)

E.g. : a. I shall learn hard so that I shall / may / can pass in my exam
b. We put up a fence so that our neighbor’s dog might / should / could not come
into our home
c. I shall be very diligent so that my parents will / may / can be satisfied

2. . . . . . . .so as to . . . . . . Verb . . . . . .
In order to

E.g. a. I shall learn so as to pass in my exam / in order to pass in exam / to pass in my

b. We went to the station early so as to nice seats.
c. I went by becak so as not to come late.
Note :
in order that . . . . . .not jika digunakan untuk menunjukkan kekhawatiran atau
So that . . . . . . not kemungkinan, dapat diganti dengan for fear that (karena
khawatir kalau-kalau), in case (kalau-kalau)
E.g. : I had no heart to leave my son alone at home for fear that he might (should)
play in the street. I shall take my umbrella in case it my rain.

C. RESULT (akibat)

1. . . . . . . so . . . . . . adjective / adverb . . . . . . that . . . . . .

(sedemikian . . . . . . Sehingga . . . . . .)
E.g. : a. I was so busy that I couldn’t learn my lesson last night.
b. My head-ache was so terrible that I couldn’t get up all day long yesterday.
c. He usually speaks so rapidly that it’s difficult for us understand him.
2. . . . . . . so . . . . . .adjective / adverb . . . . . . as to verb
E.g. : a. He is so foolish as to believe my story.
b. I was so busy as not to be able to learn my lesson last night
c. He was so lazy as not to pass in the exam

hal. 36
3. . . . . . . Such . . . . . ... noun (N) . . . . . . That . . . . . ..
E.g. : a. She is such an arrogant girl that nobody likes her
b. I got such difficult question that I didn’t pass
c. He is such a good driver that he has never met with any accident

4. . . . . . . so many
noun (N) that . . . . . .

E.g. : a. He has so many children that it’s hard for his family to live on his salary
b. He has earned so much money that he liver prodigally now
c. There are so many students in my class that I have to speak aloud so that all
my students may hear me

5. . . . . . .. So (that) . . . . . .

E.g. : a. I came late, so (that) I was punished.

b. He is anxious about his son’s health, so (that) he can’t sleep at night.
c. I went home in the rain, so (that) I got a terrible headache.


1. . . . . . . that . . . . . . should . . . . . . ?
E.g. : a. Am I stupid that I should believe such a story ?
(bodohkah saya sehingga saya harus percaya cerita semacam itu?)
b. Is my brother your servant that you should treat him like that ?
c. Am I his father that I should finance his education ?

2. . . . . . . . not . . . . . . That . . . . . . Should . . . . . . !

E.g. : a. I am not stupid that should believe such a story !
b. My brother is not your servant that you should treat him like that !
c. I am not your servant that you should order me about !

E. T I M E

1. When / After / Before / Soon after, etc

E.g. : a. When he came home, he found that his dog had died
b. He went to school before he took his breakfast

2. Ing . . . . . .

E.g. : a. When he came home, he found that his dog had died.
When//on coming home, he found that his dog had died.
b. He went to school before he took breakfast.
He went to school before taking breakfast.
Note : - I’ll never stop loving you until I die.
I’ll never stop loving you until dying. (salah)

hal. 37

1. . . . . . . though / although . . . . . . Clause

E.g. : a. He came here, though it was raining.

b. Though the rain was crowded, I managed to get a seat though.
c. He lives very economically, though he is rich.

2. . . . . . . Though (at the end of the sentence)

E.g. : a. The rain was crowded, but I managed to get a seat though.
b. He is rich, but he lives economically though.
c. I came late, but I was not punished, though.

3. . . . . . . Notwithstanding
In spite of noun (N)

E.g. : a. He came here yesterday in spite of the heavy rain.

b. He refused to be hospitalized notwithstanding his serious illness.
c. I felt cold despite my thick jacket.

. . . . . . whereas (sedangkan) / while
E.g. : a. He is diligent whereas his brother is stupid
b. She is kind and gentle whereas her mother is arrogant
1. It was because . . . . . . that . . . . . .
2. I am learning hard so as to . . . . . .
3. Though he has been ill for a long time . . . . . .
4. The reason why . . . . . . was that . . . . . .
5. I shall take my raincoat for fear that . . . . . .
6. The pickpocket hid behind the tress so that . . . . . .
7. He has a bike, but . . . . . . though
8. The cause of his failure in the exam was that . . . . . .
9. I shall come in spite of . . . . . .
10. It was due to . . . . . . that . . . . . .
11. My head-ache was so terrible yesterday that . . . . . .
12. Am I rich that . . . . . . ?
13. He wasn’t successful in his exam in spite of the fact that . . . . . .
14. He loves his guitar so much that . . . . . .
15. His parent were very much disappointed for . . . . . .
16. He is such a good teacher that . . . . . .
17. The reason for . . . . . . was that . . . . . .
18. The questions of the test were so difficult that . . . . . .
19. Hadi will be hospitalized in order to . . . . . .
20. I am not your servant that . . . . . .
21. Your neighbors must have been annoyed because . . . . . .
hal. 38
22. When the light went out last night me . . . . . .
23. Would you please speak slowly so that . . . . . . ?
24. There were so many problem to solve in the last meeting that . . . . . .
25. Now that it’s raining . . . . . .
26. He has often broken his promises, so (that) . . . . . .
27. It was because of . . . . . . That . . . . . .
28. I shall be absent tomorrow because . . . . . .
29. Though he is rich . . . . . .
30. I shall practice my English every day so that . . . . . .

hal. 39
LESSON XIV - Adjectives



1. kind = baik hati x unkind/ cruel

2. friendly = ramah tamah x unfriendly
3. quiet = pendiam x talkative
4. - shy = sifat pemalu x daring
- ashamed = malu. x bold
5. coward = sifat penakut x brave
6. polite = sopan x impolite / rude
7. patient = sabar x impatient
8. diligent = rajin x lazy
9. clever = pandai x stupid
10. just = adil x unjust
11. honest = jujur x dishonest
12. reliable = dapat dipercaya x unreliable
13. selfish = egoistic x unselfish
14. economical = hemat x prodigal
15. arrogant/ conceited = sombong x humble/modest
16. fastidious/ particular = rewel
17. stubborn = keras kepala
18. greedy = rakus x generous
19. cunning = pandai akan hal-hal
yang buruk/cerdik/licik
20. sport-minded/air minded, etc =keranjingan....
21. broad-minded = luas pemandangannya = narrow minded
22. absent-minded = linglung
23. strict = keras x lenient
24. cruel = kejam

1. Cold = dingin
2. Fresh = cool = segar
3. Warm = hangat
4. Hot = panas
5. Windy = berangin
6. Cloudy = mendung
7. Foggy = berkabut

to rain = hujan
to drizzle = gerimis
- It’s raining hard.
- It’s raining cats and dogs. = hujan lebat
- It’s pouring.

hal. 40
to take shelter = berteduh
- Let’s take shelter.
- It looks like rain = kelihatannya akan hujan.

1. Sweet = manis
2. Sour = masam
3. Salted / salty = asin
4. Bitter = pahit / getir
5. Hot = pedas
6. Nice/ delicious/tasty = enak
7. Tasteless/bland = tawar
8. Fishy = amis / berikan
9. Fatty = berlemak
10. Burnt = gosong

- It’s too sweet. (terlalu)

- It’s sweet enough. (cukup)
- It’s not sweet enough.
- The bitter-sweetness of . . . . . .= suka duka . . . . . .

1. handsome = ganteng x ugly
2. pretty/ beautiful/
= cantik x ugly
sweet/ cute
3. tall = tinggi x short
4. thin = kurus x fat
5. tough = tegap
6. slim / slender = langsing x fat
7. graceful = lemah gemulai x clumsy/awkward
8. charming = menarik hati


1. expensive/dear = mahal x cheap

2. reasonable = cukupan x unreasonable
- What’s the price ?
- How much is it ? = How much does it cost ?
- How much are they ? = How much do they cost ?
- to buy . . . . cash down = beli . . . . . .kontan
- to buy . . . . on credit/by instalment = beli . . . . . .dengan mengangsur
- Did you buy it cash down or not credit ?

3. to bid – bid – bid = menawar.

- How much did you bid for this bicycle ?
- I bought it at a grand sale and I got 25% discount.

hal. 41
LESSON XV - Electricity And Cinema



- bulb = bola lampu
- fluorescent lamp = lampu TL/neon
- switch = tombol
- socket = tempat lampu
- plug = steker
- fuse = sumbu / sekering

1. to switch on = menyalakan, dengan cara memutar/memencet x to switch of

2. to put on = menyalakan, dengan cara bebas x to put out
- Would you please switch on the light ?
3. to go out = padam x to go on
4. to be out = dalam keadaan padam x to be on
- It’s dark here. The light is out.
- I was having dinner when the light went out last night.
5. short – circuit = hubungan pendek
- The light has just gone out because of short sircuit.
6. to burn out = putus
- It seems that the bulb has burnt out.
7. electric out = pemadaman api
- We have an electric out in turn.

A : Let’s go to the movie, OK ?
B : What cinema shall we go to ?
A : The “21 Cinema”.
B : What’s on there ?
A : “The Titanic”. It’s very romantic, you see.
B : OK then. You’d better book the tickets in advance. I’m sure it will be crowded.
A : All right. What performance do you prefer ?
B : The second if you don’t mind.
A : Not at all – I’ll pick you up, little before 7, allright ?
B : OK. I’ll be waiting for you. Good bye.
A : Bye. Be seeing you tonight.

1. to be on = diputar / dipertunjukkan
- How long has “The Titanic” been on at the “Roxy” ?
2. then = a. kemudian
b. pada saat itu
c. kalau begitu

hal. 42
3. had better (sebaiknya)
+ verb without to
would rather (lebih suka)

- You had better go home now.

- I would rather stay here.
had better disingkat menjadi . . . . ’d better
would rather disingkat menjadi . . . . ’d rather

4. rather = agak untuk yang tidak disuka

fairly = agak untuk yang disuka
- It’s rather bad.
- It’s fairly good.
5. or rather = atau lebih tepatnya
- They have quarreled about their position, or rather about money.

6. to book the tickets in advance = membeli karcis-karcisnya di muka.

- Why didn’t you book the tickets in advance this morning ?

7. to queue up for . . . . .
= mengantri . . . . . .
to line up for . . . . . .
A : Please wait here! I’ll queue up for the tickets.
B : It’s very long. We’d better buy them from a black marketer.

8. booking office = kantor penjualan karcis

booking window = loket
commissionaire = portil
to usher = menunjukkan ketempat duduk
- Would you please usher me ?

hal. 43
LESSON XVI - Education, Court And Crime



1. to educate = mendidik
to bring up = membesarkan
- Where were you brought up ?
2. kindergarden = nursery school = taman kanak-kanak

Elementary school . . . . .
= sekolah dasar
Primary school . . . . . .
Grade = kelas
A : What school does your eldest son attend ?
B : He attends the X Elementary school.
A : What grade is he in ?
B : The second.
3. Secondary school . . . . .
= setingkat SMP
Junior High School . . . . ..

senior high school = setingkat SMA

freshman = siswa kelas satu
sophomore = siswa kelas dua
junior = siswa kelas tiga
senior = siswa kelas terakhir
A : What year are you in ?
B : I’m in the Senior year now.
4. university = universitas
college/faculty/school = fakultas
the college of economics
the school of law, etc
president = rektor
dean = dekan
lecturer = dosen
5. graduation day = hari wisuda
to graduate from (school) = lulus dari . . . . . to pass in (test / exam) x to fail in . . . . .
- What year did you graduate from High School ?
6. to be promoted / upgraded = dinaikkan x to be degraded / down-graded
- He wasn’t promoted last year. He must have been lazy.

hal. 44
7. to be expelled from school = dikeluarkan dari sekolah
- He has been expelled from school.
8. to be punished = dihukum
- I was punished because I came late.
9. to matriculate = menerima siswa masuk perguruan tinggi setelah lulus ujian masuk.
- He was not matriculate to Malang State University because he failed in the
10. to pass with honours = lulus dengan pujian
- He has passed with honors in English grammar.


Teacher: In this lesson we are going to deal with law court.

I hope this subject will be interesting to you.
Mr. A. what are the functions of a judge, members of the jury and a Prosecutor.
A: A judge has to preside over a trial, members of the jury to decide whether the
accused is guilty or not and prosecutor has to proceed against the accused.
Teacher: Good. How many kinds of cases are there, Mr.B ?
B: As far as I know there are two, criminal and a civil case.
Teacher: Right. Mr. C. what will happen to the accused if he is found guilty of a serious crime,
such as robbery, bribery, murder, etc.
C: Well, I think he must be imprisoned, but I can tell you how long the Imprisonment
will be since I’m not a judge.
Teacher : That’s good. Do you think that one will be imprisoned if he drives his car against a
red traffic light, Mr. D ?
D: I don’t think so, sir. He’ll only be fined.
Teacher : In what case will the accused be discharged, Mr. E ?
E: He’ll be discharge if the evidence against him is not strong enough Or not
Teacher : And what can the accused do if he isn’t satisfied with the verdict ?
E: He may put forward an appeal, or accept it, and then ask the President for
Teacher : Well, you certainly know much about law.
E: Thank you, sir. As a matter of fact, I want to be a lawyer.
Teacher : Good. I’m sure you’ll make a good lawyer.

1. to deal with (thing) = to discause = to talk about

- We are dealing with idioms now.
2. to deal with (person) = to have something to do with
= berurusan
- I don’t like to deal with him because he is unreliable.
3. to deal in (thing) = jual beli
- What does he deal in ?

hal. 45
4. judge = hakim attorney – general = jaksa agung
witness = saksi defense counsel = pembela
prosecutor = jaksa the accused = terdakwa

5. to preside over = mengetuai

- Who will preside over the next meeting ?
6. to try a case = memeriksa perkara
trial = sidang pengadilan
The case hasn’t been tried yet.
7. to decide = to make up one’s mind
- He has decide to learn English well.
8. to be guilty (of) . . . . . .= salah (dalam) . . . . . .
He was guilty of corruption.
9. to proceed against . . . . . ._ to prosecute = menuntut
Trespassers will be prosecuted.


to rob = merampok to manipulate = menyelewengkan

to bribe = menyuap to corrupt = mengkorup
to hold up = menodong
to murder to forge = memalsu
= membunuh
to assassinate to rape = memperkosa
to commit suicide = membunuh diri to lynch = menghakimi sendiri
to smuggle = menyelundup to beat up = memukuli
to cheat to ambush = menyerang dari tempat
= menipu
to deceive sembunyi

11. to be caught red-handed = tertangkap basah

- The pickpocket was caught red-handed, and then mobbed.
12. to imprison = memenjarakan
- He has been imprisoned for 2 years.
13. to fine = mendenda
- How much were you fined ?
14. to discharge = to acquit = membebaskan
- He was discharged because the evidence was not convincing.

15. verdict = vonis

appeal = naik banding
clemency = grasi

16. to sentence = menghukum

I’m sure he will be sentenced to death.

hal. 46
LESSON XVII - Diseases And Clothes



1. plaque = pes 11. appendicitis = usus buntu

2. dysentery = disentri 12. inflammation of the lungs = radang paru-paru
3. small pox = cacar 13. concussion of the brain = gegar otak
4. chicken pox = cacar air 14. typhoid-fever = demam tipes
5. cancer = kanker 15. diabetes = kencing manis
6. asthma = asma 16. kidney-trouble = gangguan ginjal
7. malaria = malaria 17. jaundice = sakit kuning
8. leprosy = kusta 18. framboesia = patek
9. tuberculosis = TBC 19. famine = kelaparan
10. anemia = kurang darah

2. to have a head-ache = pusing kepala

to have tooth-ache = sakit gigi
to have stomach-ache = sakit perut
- I was absent yesterday because I had a bad head-ache.
3. to have sore throat = sakit tenggorokan
to have sore eyes = sakit mata
to have a sore mouth, etc.
- I can’t speak aloud because I have a bad sore mouth.
4. to have a cough = sakit batuk
to have a cold/ to catch a cold = demam.
- You should take medicine if you have a cough.
5. Children often get measles (campak), mumps (gondong), fever (demam), and whopping
cough (batuk rejan)
6. Babies may get a fit of convulsion (sawan).
7. Some old people suffer from indigestion (percernakan) rheumatism heart-trouble (sakit
jantung), and blood pressure (tekanan darah).
8. Those who suffer from infection (menular) diseases must be isolated so that they don’t
pass them on to others.
to pass . . . . . .on to = menularkan
9. wounds : burn (goosing), a bit (luka tergigit), a cut (luka teriris), a scratch (luka tergaruk)
- I have a burn on my finger.
10. Skin Diseases
acne = jerawat
rash = kulit berbintil-bintil merah
freckle(s) = bintik-bintik pada kulit
boil = bisul

hal. 47
11. He is suffering from flu
He is got flu (informal) = Ia kena flu
He is down with flu.
12. She’s suffering from malaria, that’s why she is confined to her room (dilarang
meninggalkan kamar karena sakit).
13. What’s the matter with me, doc ?
Well, you are just run down (sakit karena terlalu lelah).
14. I have just cut my finger, it’s bleeding (berdarah) now.

1. shoes = sepatu 26. pajamas = piyama
2. high/low-heeled = sepatu hak 27. belt = ikat pinggang
shoes tinggi/rendah
3. sandals = sandalet 28. buckle = gesper
4. slippers = selop 29. collar = kerah
5. socks = kaus kaki pendek 30. necktie = dasi
6. stockings = kaus kaki panjang 31. lace = renda
7. shoe-lace = tali sepatu 32. cuff-links = manset
8. costume = kostum 33. bath-robe = kimono
9. overall = pakaian kerja 34. handkerchief = saputangan
10. uniform = pakaian seragam 35. ribbon = pita
11. skirt = rok bawah 36. shawl = shaal
12. blouse = blus 37. pleat = lipatan
13. trousers = celana panjang 38. rumple = kisut
14. shorts = celana pendek 39. ruffle = rimpel
15. shirt = kemeja 40. gloves = sarung tangan
16. coat = jas 41. to iron = menyetrika
17. raincoat/ = jas hujan 42. to embroider = embroider
18. underwear = pakaian dalam 43. to sew = menjahit
19. undershirt = kaos dalam 44. to knit = breien
20. underpants = celana dalam 45. to darn = menisik
21. underskirt = anderrok 46. to patch = menambal
22. brassiere = b.h 47. to starch = menganji
23. bathing-costume/ = pakaian renang 48. to take in = mengecilkan
24. petticoat = sejenis anderrok 49. to let out = membesarkan
25. panties = celana dalam wanita / 50. to alter = merombak/
kanak-kanak mengubah

hal. 48
A : May I see that blouse ?
W : Of course, madam. Here you are.
A : I like the cut of it, but I’m not sure whether it fits me.
W : Well, you may try it on.
A : Where’s the fit-room ?
W : This way, please.
(back from the fit-room)
W : Does it fit you fine, madam ?
A : Yes, it does. How much is it ?
W : It’s Rp. 300,000,-
A : How expensive !
W : I think it’s reasonable for such a nice blouse.
It’s durable and becoming to you.
A : Well, all right. I’ll take this one.
W : Anything else ?
A : No, that’s all for today.

W= waiter.

hal. 49
LESSON XVIII - Invitation, Information And Announcement



Mr. & Mrs. John

Request the honors of your presence at the
Marriage of their daughter


Mr. Abdullah
On Sunday, the tenth of January
One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five
At twelve o’clock
At “Toko Oen” restaurant



a. We have the pleasure to inform you

We have the honor to tell you that . . . . . .
We are please / glad to let you know

Dear ...........
We have the pleasure to inform you that you passed the
Advanced English Examination which was held on the first
of December, 2016.
The certificate will be sent to you immediately.

Secretary of the exam committee

to inform you
b. We are sorry
to tell you that . . . . . .
We regret
to let you know

hal. 50
Dear Mr. A.
I’m sorry to let you know that I shall not be able to attend your
lesson next Friday because I shall go to Jakarta.
With best regards.

Sincerely yours

c. This is to inform you

that . . . . . .
This is to tell you
This is to let you know
that . . . . . .
This is to announce (to you)


This is announcement that the meeting of our club

will be held on Sunday, the tenth of January, 2016,
at 7p.m, at 10 P. Diponegoro. All the members are
requested to be present.

Yogyakarta, 6 January 2016

The X English Conversation Club

hal. 51


1. to look = kelihatannya
- How do I look ?
2. to look at = melihat
- May I look at your photo ?
3. to look forward to = mengharap-harapkan
- I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
4. to look like = to resemble = to take after = mirip
- Who do you look like ?
5. to look for = mencari
- I’ve been looking for my dictionary since this morning.
6. to look down on = to despise = memandang rendah
- Don’t look down on the poor !
7. to look up to = to respect = memandang tinggi
- You should look up to your parents.
8. to look after = to take care of = merawat / menjaga
- I’m sorry I can’t go now because I have to look after my sick daughter.
9. to have a look at = to see = melihat dengan teliti
- May I have a look at the bicycle ?
10. to look upon = to regard = to consider = menganggap
- He looks upon me as his own brother.
11. to overlook = kelewatan
- I thought I had marked all your home-work exercises, in fact I overlook One

1. to give one’s word = to give one’s promise = memberi janji
- He has given me his word that he’ll find me a job.
2. to give someone a piece of one’s mind = mencaci maki
- I lost my temper yesterday, and I give him a piece of my mind.

3. to give up = a. to stop b. to surrender = menyerah

b. to surrender
- a. I can’t give up smoking
- b. All the rebels have given up.
4. to give out = membagikan.

5. to give in = a. to give up = to surrender

b. to hand in = to deliver = menyerahkan
- Your home-work should be given in/delivered tomorrow.

6. to give someone o hand = to help

- Will you give me a hand ?

hal. 52
7. to give way = to break = patah / tak kuat
- The rope has given way.
8. to give rise to = membangkitkan
- The increase in prices gives rise to crime.

1. to come to a decision = mencapai keputusan
- I haven’t come to any decision yet.
2. to come true = menjadi kenyataan
- I hope your dream will come true.
3. to come off = terlepas
- The handle of the door has come off. I’ll have it repaired.
4. to come to . . . . . . = mencapai
- Does his income come to Rp. 1.000.000,- a month ?
5. to come across = to meet / find by change
- I come across his uncle last week.
6. to come in handy (useful) = kebetulan terpakai
- Don’t throw it away ! It may come in handy.
7. to come at = to attack = menyerang
- Look out ! The dog is coming at us.
8. to come to the end of . . . . . . = kehabisan
- I have come to the end of my money. I’m broke.
9. to come to = to come round = to come to one’s senses
to come to oneself = siuman
- Is he still unconscious or has he come round ?
10. to come out = terbit
- What day does “Minggu Pagi” come out ?
11. to come up/down in price = naik / turun harganya
- Clothes have come up in price lately.
12. to come up to = setingkat dengan
- His composition didn’t come up to my expectation
13. to come up with, to catch up with, to overtake = mengkuti / membuntuti
- Do you think that we can come up with that car ?
14. to come into effect (force) = berlaku
- The new regulation will come into effect from the first January.
15. to come of age = mencapai akil baligh
- Has she come of age ?
16. to come to blows = to begin to fight

1. to bring up = membesarkan
- I was brought up to believe in god.
2. to bring to trial = membawa kepengadilan
- He was brought to trial because he had been accused corruption.
3. to bring the house down = mendapat sambutan hangat
- The concert brought the house down.

hal. 53
4. to bring on = to cause = menyebabkan
- His illness was brought on by poor feeding.
5. to bring round = menyebabkan siuman
- She fainted because of the heat of the room, the fresh air outside brought her
6. to bring about = menyebabkan terjadinya
- It seems that misunderstanding has brought about the quarrel.
7. to bring someone to one’s senses = membuat seseorang mengerti akan hal-hal yang
- It’s difficult to bring him back to his senses.
1. to break out = pecah (war or rebellion)
- What year did the second word war break out ?
2. to break one’s promise x to keep one’s promise
- You may never break your promise.
3. to be broken in mind and body = rusak jiwa raganya
- He is broken in mind and body.
4. to be broke = to have no money
- I’m broke now. I’ve spent all my money.
5. to break out + ing = to break into + noun = sekonyong-konyong
- He broke out laughing .
- He broke into laughter.
6. to break up = mulai libur
- When do you think our school will break up ?
1. To take = to rent = menyewa
- He has just taken a house in Yogyakarta.
2. to take notes on . . . . . . = membuat catatan-catatan . . . . . .
- You should take notes on your lesson .
3. to take a photograph = memotret
- He has taken some nice photographs in Bali.
4. to take after = to look like
- He takes after his father.
5. take = menganggap
- He often takes me for Hadi.
6. to take in = mengecilkan (clothes) x to let out
- My shirt is too large. I’ll have it taken in a little.
7. to take over = mengambil alih
- The X factory has been taken over by our Government.
8. take out = membawa pergi keluar
- Did he take you out last Sunday.
9. to take place = terjadi / diadakan
- The meeting took place at our school, Mr. A took the chair.
10. to take someone in hand = to control
- he is very naughty. Can you take him in hand ?

hal. 54
11. to take part in = to participate in = ikut ambil bagian
- He has never taken part in a match.
12. to overtake = to catch up with
- Let’s walk slowly so that the others may overtake us soon.
13. to take care of = to look after
- Don’t worry about me ! I can take care of myself.
14. to take notice of = to pay attention to
- Don’t take notice of what he said .
15. to take / have no pity on = tak menaruh belas kasihan
- He takes no pity on the poor
16. to take = memakan (waktu)
- It takes a long time to aster the English language.
17. to take up arms = angkat senjata
- We shall take up arms against any colonialism.
18. to take the chair = to preside = mengetuai
- Who will preside at the next meeting.
19. to take a back seat = menduduki jabatan yang tidak jelas
- It’s better not to have any position in that office at all than to take a back seat.
20. to be taken aback = surprised / astonished = tercengang
- I was taken aback at the news that Hadi had passed away.
21. to take back = withdraw = menarik kembali
- The chairman advised him to take back his word.
22. to take down = write down
- The secretary took down his speech in short hand.
23. to take off : a. menanggalkan x to put on
b. mulai terbang
c. menirukan seseorang untuk lelucon
- a. Take your hat off
- b. It wasn’t until after the for disappeared that the plane took off
- c. Can you take off Mr. A ?

24. to take in = a. menerima

b. to deceive = menipu
- a. Do they take in lodgers / washing etc ?
- b. He has been taken in by his own brother.
25. to take up with = to associate with = bergaul dengan
- You shouldn’t take up with that rude boy.

1. to turn to the left / right = belok kiri / kanan
- We should have turned to the left at the previous cross road.
2. to turn a honest penny = cari uang dengan halal
- He is poor indeed, but no turn an honest penny.
3. a turn-coat = seorang bermuka dua
- I don’t like him because he is a turn-coat.
4. to turn out = ternyata
- I thought he was lazy, but he turns out diligent.

hal. 55
5. to turn over a new leaf = to start a new life
- He has been lazy, but now he wants to turn over a new leaf.
6. to turn something in one’s mind
to take something into account = mempertimbangkan
to take something into consideration
- Has he turned my proposal over in his mind ?
7. to turn one’s nose up at . . . . . . = to despise
- Don’t turn your nose up at it !. It’s delicious.
8. to take turns = saling bergantian
- Jane and I take turns cleaning our room.
9. to turn up = muncul
- Why didn’t you turn up last night ?
10. turn = giliran
- Whose turn is it ?

1. to go for a walk (a swim / a ride etc) = purge jalan-jalan, dll
- I’ll be going for a walk to night.
2. to go (out) shooting /hunting/ fishing etc = pergi menembak
- With whom did you go shooting last night ?
3. to go shopping = pergi belanja
- I was going shopping when I met her.
4. to go along with = to accompany = menemani
- Would you like to go along with me to Solo ?
5. to go in for = to sit for . . . . . .= to take = menempuh
- When did he go in for the English test ?
6. to go off = a. meletus
b. berlangsung
c. melarikan diri
- a. The gun went off by accident
- b. How did the play go off ? It went off very well
- c. He has gone off with my bicycle.
7. to go on = a. to continue
b. berlalu (to pass)
c. terjadi (to happen)
- a. May I go on with my work ?
- b. Time seems to go on quickly
- c. What is going on here ?

1. to do one’s best = to do one’s utmost = to everything in one’s power
= berusaha sebaik mungkin
- I’ll do my best to help you.
hal. 56
2. to do one’s worst = berbuat apapun
- Do you worst !. I’m not afraid of you.
3. to do one’s duty / bit = menjalankan tugas
- You should do your duty as well as possible.
4. to do wonders = memberi hasil yang menakjubkan
- This medicine will do wonders for your cough
5. to be done for = rusak / hancur
- My shoes are done for (worn out)
6. to have something to do with = a. berurusan
b. bersangkut paut
- a. I don’t like to have anything to do with him
- b. It has nothing to do with you.
7. to have done with . . . . . .. = sudah selesai dengan . . . . . .
- Have you done with this book ?
8. can’t do without = tak dapat hidup tanpa
- He can’t do without smoking.
9. to do away with = to destroy = menghancurkan/melenyapkan
- Who did away with slavery in the U.S.A ?
10. to do well / right (bertindak benar) x to do wrong
- Did I do well to accept his proposal ?

1. to make mistake = membuat kesalahan – kesalahan
- You wouldn’t have made so many mistakes if you had learnt well.
2. to make the bad = mengatur tempat tidur
- You should make the bad after you get up.
3. to make hay of . . . . . . = to make a mess of . . . . . . = membuat
menjadi kacau
- You have made a mess of my plan.
4. to make do with . . . . . . = a. terpaksa dipuas – puaskan
b. mencukupkan
- a. I have to make do with my old bike because I can’t afford a new one
- b. I have to make do with my salary.
5. to make the best (the most) of . . . . . . = menggunakan dengan
- You should make the best of your monthly allowance.
6. to make no difference to = to be all the same to
- It makes no difference to me whether he will do it or not.
7. to make believe = to pretend = berpura-pura
- He made believe that he was ill.

hal. 57
8. to make certain (sure) = meyakinkan
- You’d better go to the station to make certain that the train for Semarang departs at
9. to make up for lost time = mengejar ketinggalan waktu
- If you don’t make your lost time, you’ll never be able to follow the lesson.
10. make up one’s mind = to decide = memutuskan
- I’ve made up my mind to learn English well

hal. 58
LESSON XX - Preposition



1. to account (to . . . . . .) for . . . . . . = mempertanggung jawabkan

- You must account to your mother for the money you have spent.
2. to accustom oneself to
membiasakan diri / menyesuaikan diri
to adapt oneself to
- You should accustom yourself to the new situation.
3. to accuse . . . . . .of = to charge . . . . . . with = mendakwa
- What has he been accused of ?
4. to agree to/on (thing) = menyetujui
- I think he won’t agree to your proposal .
5. to agree with (person) = to get on well with = cocok
- He never agrees with me.
6. to appeal to = a. meminta dengan sangat
b. menarik = to interest
- a. He has appealed to me for help.
- b. Does Jazz music appeal to you ?
7. to apply for . . . . . . = melamar
- When our office needed a secretary, six ladies applied for the position.
8. to apply oneself to = to pay full attention to
- You should apply your self to your study in order to be successful in your exam.
9. to at one for = to amend = memperbaiki
- How should I at one for hurting his feelings ?
10. to approve of = menyetujui
- Did he approve of your plan ?
11. to beware of . . . . . . = awas
- Beware of pickpockets !
12. to blame . . . . . .for = menyalakan
- Don’t blame me for the accident !
13. to charge . . . . . . with = (no.3) mendakwa
- He is being charged with corruption.
14. to charge for . . . . . . = meminta bayaran
- How much do you charge for a private lesson ?
15. to compare a with b = membandingkan a dengan b
- Will you please compare your sentence with mine ?
16. to complain (to . . . . ) about . . . . = menggerutu (pada . . . . ) tentang . . . . . .
- Your neighbors have complained to me about the smell of your kitchen.
17. to deal with (thing) = membicarakan
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18. to deal with (person) = berurusan
- I’ve been dealing with him for a long time.
19. to deal in (thing) = jual / beli
- He deals in motor-cars
20. to debate on . . . . . . = berdebat tentang
- What are you debating on ?
21. to differ from = to be different from = berbeda dengan
- Indonesian differs much from English.
22. to distinguish A from B
to differentiate A from B membedakan A dengan B
to tell A from B
- Can you distinguish Hadi from his twin brother ?
23. to escape from = melarikan diri dari
- That dangerous thief will certainly try to escape from the prison.
24. to depend on = to be dependent on = tergantung pada
- It depends on you whether we’ll go or not.
25. to exchange A for B = menukarkan
- I have exchange my radio for a bicycle.
26. to exile . . . . . . from = mangasingkan
- He has been exiled from his country.
27. to judge a person by . . . . . . = menilai orang dari
- You should judge him by his deeds, not by appearance
28. to leave for = to set off for = berangkat ke . . . . . .
- We’ll be leaving for Jakarta tomorrow.
29. to live on . . . . . . = hidup dari
- The poor have to live on simple food.
30. to live beyond one’s means = terlalu besar pasakl daripada tiang
- He is so prodigal that he lives beyond his means.
31. to object to = to mind = keberangkatan
- Do you object to my suggestion ?
32. to pass by = lewat
- I pass by your home almost every day.
33. to pass away = to die = meninggal
- When did he pass away ?
34. to pass in x to fail in
- I hope you’ll pass in your examination.
35. to pass . . . . . . over to = to hand . . . . . . over to = mengulurkan
- Would you please pass the rice over to me ?
36. to pass over = to disregard = to neglect = mengesampingkan
- If your application comes late, it will be passed over.
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37. to praise . . . . . . for . . . . . . = memuji
- He has been praised for his good behavior.
38. to preside at / over . . . . . . = mengetuai
To take the chair at / over
- You’ll have to preside over the meeting because the chairman will be absent.
39. to prevail = a. terdapat dimana-mana
to prevail (over) . . . . . . = b. menang (terhadap)
to prevail on . . . . . ... = c. persuade/coax = membujuk
a. Bribery is prevailing nowadays.
b. Justice will always prevail over devil.
c. What has he prevailed on you to do ?
40. to persevere in = to persist in = bertekun
- Hadi always perseveres in his study.
41. to prevent . . . . . . from = mencegah
- You can’t prevent him from loving her.
42. to recover from = sembuh dari
- Has he completely recovered from his illness.
43. to refer A to B berpendapat bahwa A
To attribute A to B disebabkan oleh B
- He refers the pain to rheumatism.
44. to protect . . . . . . from
- This medicine will protect you from catching a cold.
45. to quarrel with = bertengkar dengan
- He has just quarreled with his brother, now they are not on speaking .
46. to refrain . . . . . . From = to restrain from = menahan diri
- Most children can’t refrain from making a noise.
47. to rely on = percaya
- I can’t rely on him anymore because he has often broken his promises.
48. to struggle against = berjuang melawan
- We are struggling against injustice.
49. to struggle for = berjuang untuk
- We are struggling for the prosperity of our people.
50. to succeed in = to be successful in = berhasil dalam
51. to sue . . . . . . for = menuntut kerugian
52. to suffer from = menderita
- He often suffers from head-aches.
53. to suspect . . . . . . of = mencurigai
- He has been suspected of murder.
54. to subscribe to = berlangganan
- What newspaper do you subscribe to ?

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1. absent (from) . . . . . . = absen
- Why have you often been absent from school lately ?
2. absorbed in = tenggelam dalam / asyik
- He is very much absorbed in reading a detective story.
3. be accustomed to, be used to = biasa dengan
- He is not accustomed to hot weather.
4. angry with (person), furious with (person) = marah
- You shouldn’t have been angry with me.
5. angry at (thing), furious at (thing) = marah.
- He is angry at his poor car.
6. annoyed with (person) , annoyed at (thing) = jengkel
- He was so annoyed with bob that he wouldn’t even look at him.
7. anxious about . . . . . . = risau
- Don’t be anxious about his health. He is all right.
8. ashamed of = malu . . . . . .
- You should be ashamed of yourself.
9. astonished/surprised/amazed/taken aback at = tercengang
- I was surprised at the news that his team had been beaten.
10. attached to = very much in love with
- He is attached to that charming lady.
11. afraid of = takut pada
- What are you afraid of ?
12. aware of = insaf akan = to know = to realize
- A good solder will always do his duty though he is aware of the danger.
13. blind to = buta terhadap
- Some parents are blind to their children’s faults.
14. charmed/delighted/pleased with = senang dengan
- I was charmed with your children.
15. concerned about = khawatir
- We are all concerned about his life.
16. confined to the room = tak boleh meninggalkan kamar karena sakit
- I’m sorry, but you are confined to your room.
17. conspicuous for . . . . . . = menarik perhatian
- She is conspicuous for her clothes.
18. comparable to . . . . . . = sebanding dengan
- It’s difficult to fined a good teacher (who is) comparable to him.
19. indebted to . . . . . . for = hutang (pada)
- We are indebted to you for your kindness.

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20. independent of x dependent on . . . . . .
- We must be independent of foreign aids, if we want to be able to stand on our own
21. indifferent to = acuh tak acuh
- We shouldn’t be indifferent to the suffering of our people.
22. interested in = tertarik
- Are you interested in learning english.
23. particular about = fastidious about = rewel
- He is very particular about food and clothes.
24. proud of . . . . . . = bangga
- You may be proud of your work, it’s excellent.
25. qualified1 for . . . . . . = berwenang / berwewenang
- He is qualified for an sma teacher.
26. shocked at = sangat terkejut
- He was shocked at the terrible accident.
27. similar to = sejenis/mirip dengan
- English is similar to American.

hal. 63

1. S am V is Di
are 6. S am V3
is sedang

2. S
V ing sudah Di, belum Di

7. S have/has been V3
sudah, telah, belum

3. S have/has V3 will, can

8. S ’M be V3
will, can may, must
4. S ’M V1
may, must
A. S should, could have been V3
5. S V  do, does, did B. S must, might have been V 3
enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, finish, start, begin, stop, remember,
C. S used to be V3
forget, practice, understand, avoid, mind, keep on, continue - Ving
bla bla bla to -- V1 A. Seharusnya telah di... tapi tidak. Seharusnya bisa di... tapi tidak.
for, at, in, on, of, from, by, about , against , with , without. - Ving B. Pasti/Tentunya telah di …, Mungkin telah di…
(Panca Indera: see, hear, smell, feel, watch) C. Biasanya dulu, sekarang tidak lagi.
before , after -- V ing
Fungsi benda -- Ving Kata kerja sbg subjek/objek  Swimming is my hobby.
washing machine, drilling rig, driving license, steering wheel I like driving to Thailand.
Sebagai milik -- your painting, my reading, his breathing.

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