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Masalah gangguan haid dan infertilitas yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat kini
semakin besar, dan seringkali tidak dapat tertangani dengan baik. Hal ini disebabkan
berbagai faktor, terutama masalah pelayanan yang belum menjangkau ke semua wilayah
dan kurangnya penyebarluasan informasi tentang layanan di bidang ini.
Keterjangkauan dan jarak sebuah layanan kesehatan merupakan isu penting dalam
membuka akses sebuah pelayanan kesehatan. Selain itu, penyebarluasan informasi
memiliki peranan penting dalam membangkitkan kesadaran masyarakat dengan
gangguan ginekologi reproduksi dan infertilitas untuk datang lebih dini. Kunjungan lebih
dini untuk penanganan kasus akan memberikan manfaat yang besar dari sisi keberhasilan
pengobatan, efisiensi, biaya yang akan menghasilkan peningkatan kualitas hidup
seseorang, yang selanjutnya akan peningkatkan produktifitas.


SMF OBSGYN FK UNSYIAH adalah staf medis fungsional yang memiliki visi untuk
menjadikan Program Studi Ilmu Obstetri dan Ginekologi yang profesional, unggul, inovatif
dan kompetitif sebagai pusat pendidikan, penelitian, dan rujukan secara nasional dan
berwawasan global pada tahun 2025. Resmi berdiri pada tahun 2014 melalui SK
Mendikbud RI nomor 413/E/O/2014, SMF Obsgyn memiliki 15 orang staf pengajar
dengan berbagai bidang keahlian seperti fetomaternal, uroginekologi, onkologi, fertilisasi
dan obsgyn sosial. SMF Obgyn telah meluluskan 8 orang dokter spesialis obstetri dan
ginekologi dan sedang melaksanakan pendidikan terhadap 41 orang dokter calon
spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi.
Saat ini salah satu fokus dari pergerakan pendidikan, penelitian dan pelayanan
SMF Obsgyn adalah pada bidang endokrinologi, reproduksi dan infertilitas. Dengan target
untuk membantu penyelesaian masalah gangguan infertilitas yang terjadi di tengah
masyarakat yang semakin lama semakin besar, SMF Obgyn berencana untuk mendirikan
klinik infertilitas dan bayi tabung dengan menjalin kerjasama dengan Smart – IVF. Sebuah
merk yang dipatenkan oleh PT. Ingin Anak. Perusahaan yang didirikan oleh berbagai ahli
yang berpengalaman di bidang tersebut dan membidangi lahirnya Klinik Yasmin Kencana,
Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM).
Klinik Smart-IVF telah beroperasi selama lebih dari 1 tahun dengan angka
keberhasilan yang sangat baik. Jumlah siklus yang telah ditangani selama 1 tahun pertama
lebih dari 400 siklus. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa respon dan harapan dari pasien sangat
besar terhadap keberadaan Smart-IVF. Dengan mengedepankan kerja sama dan inovasi,
Smart-IVF memiliki tujuan untuk terus memperluas manfaat dan jaringannya di seluruh


SMF Obsgyn FK Unsyiah memfokuskan diri pada pengambangan 6 pilar pelayanan
ginekologi endokrinologi reproduksi dan infertilitas:
1. Infertilitas
2. Endometriosis
3. Sindroma Ovarium Polikistik
4. Keguguran Berulang
5. Ginekologi Remaja
6. Menopause


1. Dr. dr. Rajuddin, SpOG(K) 10. dr. Gita Pratama, SpOG, MRepSc
2. dr. Hilwah Nora, SpOG(K) 11. dr. Mila Maidarti, SpOG
3. dr. Rusdi, SpOG(K) 12. dr. Shanty Olivia, SpOG
13. dr. Yassin Yanuar MIB, SpOG,(K) MSc
4. dr. Andon Hestiantoro, SpOG(K)
14. dr. Aida Riyanti, SpOG, MRepSc
5. Dr. dr. Muharam, SpOG(K)
15. dr. Beeleonie, SpOG(K)
6. dr. Kanadi Sumapraja, SpOG(K), MSc
7. Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG(K)
8. dr. Herbert Situmorang, SpOG
9. dr. Achmad Kemal Harzif, SpOG



1. System Development
2. Human Resources Development
3. Facility Establishment
4. Business Process Management

A. System Development
1. Alur pelayanan pasien
2. SPO administrasi
3. SPO keperawatan
4. SPO laboratorium andrologi
5. SPO laboratorium embriologi
6. SPO pelayanan medis berbasis tim
7. SPO quality control

B. Human Resources Development
1. Rekrutmen staf
a. Staf administrasi
b. Staf keperawatan
c. Staf teknisi andrologi
d. Staf embriologis
e. Staf medis:
1) Dokter Spesialis Obstetri dan Ginekologi
2) Dokter Spesialis Andrologi
3) Dokter Spesialis Urologi
4) Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa
2. Pelatihan staf
a. Pelatihan praoperasional
b. On the job training
3. Pengelolaan staf embriologis

C. Facility Establishment
1. Disain alur pelayanan
2. Disain denah dan spesifikasi ruangan:
a. Ruang konsultasi
b. Ruang sperm collection
c. Ruang inseminasi
d. Ruang tindakan OPU & ET
e. Ruang laboratorium andrologi

f. Ruang laboratorium IVF
g. Ruang pemulihan
h. Ruang ganti pakaian
i. Ruang sterillisasi
3. Penyusunan kebutuhan prasarana dan peralatan medis
4. Pendampingan pemilihan vendor atau supplier

D. Business Process Management
1. Pendampingan pengajuan izin operasional
2. Penentuan jenis produk dan layanan, serta tarif
3. Pendampingan operasional
4. Pendampingan penyusunan strategi pemasaran dan pelaksanaan program
pemasaran dan edukasi
5. Pemantauan kualitas pelayanan



Pekerjaan sipil Disesuaikan kondisi RS

1 Fasilitas Tata udara Rp 500-800 juta
Interior dan furnitur Disesuaikan kondisi RS
Laboratorium Rp 3-6 M
2 Peralatan medis
Non-laboratorium Rp 500 juta-2 M
3 Bahan habis pakai Rp 200-500 juta

Pelatihan staf Rp 4 juta/staf

4 Sumber daya manusia Pelatihan dokter Rp 13 juta/dokter
Pelatihan embriolog Rp 30 juta/staf
Seminar & edukasi Disesuaikan kondisi RS
5 Program pemasaran
Iklan & promosi Disesuaikan kondisi RS


1 Profit Sharing SMF Obsgyn Unsyiah mendapat 30% dari Net Profit After Tax
2 Management fee 3% dari pendapatan Klinik perbulan


Pendapatan Biaya

1. Gaji karyawan

2. Jasa medis dokter dan tenaga
1. Konsultasi ahli

Komponen 2. Office procedure 3. Uang duduk dokter
Keuntungan 3. Laboratorium infertilitas 4. Pelatihan karyawan
4. Radiologi infertilitas 5. Pemeliharaan fasilitas dan
5. Farmasi infertilitas prasarana
6. Paket inseminasi 6. Biaya promosi & pemasaran
7. Paket IVF 7. Pengadaan peralatan
8. Pajak
9. Management fee


1 Penyepakatan MOU X
2 Penyusunan business plan, tarif, biaya X
3 Pengajuan izin operasional X
1 Penyusunan disain ruangan X X X
2 Proses renovasi Klinik Infertilitas X
3 Proses renovasi IVF X X X X X
1 Penyusunan kebutuhan alat X
2 Pemesanan & instalasi Klinik Infertilitas X X X
3 Pemesanan & instalasi IVF X X X
1 Penyusunan kebutuhan BHP X
2 Pemesanan BHP Klinik Infertilitas X
3 Pemesanan BHP IVF X
1 Rekrutmen staf X X
2 Pelatihan staf X X
3 Pelatihan staf embriologis X X X X X X
1 Penyusunan alur pelayanan X X
2 Penyusunan SPO pelayanan X X
1 Roadshow SMART IVF X X
2 Pembukaan Klinik Infertilitas X
3 Pembukaan Bayi Tabung X


Demikian proposal ini disusun sebagai gambaran singkat atas harapan kami untuk dapat
bersama-sama membangun pusat pelayanan infertitiltas. Besar harapan kami, agar
proposal kerjasama ini mendapat sambutan untuk dibicarakan lebih dalam pada
kesempatan berikutnya, sehingga kerjasama yang menguntungkan bagi kedua belah
pihak dapat terlaksana.

Hormat kami,
Kepala Bagian SMF Obsgyn FK Unsyiah

Prof. Dr. dr. Moh. Andalalas, Sp.OG(K), FMAS

Bersama ini kami sampaikan harga peralatan laboratorium IVF dan Lab Andrology dengan rincian
sebagai berikut:

No Deskripsi Jml Harga Satuan Harga Total

1 CO2 Incubator 1 Rp 132.500.000 Rp 132.500.000
Model: Heracell Vios 160i
Brand: Thermo Scientific Heraeus, Ex.: Germany

Airflow design: active airflow technology, providing faster recovery & uniformity
for consistent results.
In-chamber fan gently and evenly distributes clean, humidified air throughout
the chamber ensuring all cells experience the same conditions without
the threat of desiccation
Incoming air first travels over a direct heated water reservoir
The in-line HEPA filter cleans the airstream of microbes & particles protecting
cultures from contamination
The precise, variable speed fan with an auto-stop function disables fan
operation during door openings to minimize air exchange.
Once the door is closed, the fan temporarily accelerates for quick recovery.
Temperature resistant infrared CO2 sensor with Internal auto-calibration
Highly responsive with recovery under 5 minutes from door openings.
Integrated 3 liter covered humidity reservoir maximizes relative humidity
without condensation ensuring a dry inner chamber, preventing a breeding
ground for contaminants
Directly heated reservoir boosts 5X faster recovery than removable pan designs.
Water level is continuously monitored and displayed on the touchscreen
controller with advanced notice of refill needed
Humidity reservoir may be filled or drained without removing shelves or cultures
through built-in copper drain
CO2 and optional N2/O2 gases are pre-humidified before entering the
chamber, providing a more constant, uniform environment
Full automatic 180°C sterilization cycle on all chamber surfaces with push button
Touchscreen controller with LED display provides complete data visibility to monitor
all incubator interaction, featuring door-mounted position for easy access,
on-screen menu prompts, error and usage logs, data logging, performance
trend graphing and multiple language selection.
Humidity monitoring assures the proper humidity level with blue, full line icon.
Low water alarm indicates critical low humidity levels requiring water addition.
ISO 5 icon indicates the chamber has reached clean room air quality.
On-demand data and error logs provide a downloadable history of activity and
conditions including parameter changes and alarms.
Reminders for HEPA filter, sterilization cycle & automatic calibration functions
Programmable access code ensures additional security
For easier water handling, humidity reservoir may be filled or drained without
the removal of shelves or cultures
Easy-to-clean, coved corners with convenient access port
Data collection software disc is provided, to facilitate data capture from
the unit’s rear mounted USB output port.

Technical Data:
Chamber volume: 165 liter
Interior chamber: electropolished stainless steel
Exterior chamber: 18 gauge, cold-rolled steel, powder coated
Access port: 42mm diameter
Data outputs: remote alarm contacts, USB, and optional 4-20 mA
Internal dimensions (w x h x d): 423 x 504 x 465 mm
External dimensions (w x h x d): 637 x 905 x 790 mm

Weight: 83 kg
Shelves dimensions (wxh) : 423 x 465 mm
No. of shelves : 3 pcs, max 10 pcs
Max. load per shelf: 10 kg
Construction: perforated, adjustable
Electrical: 230V, 0.56 kW, 50/60 Hz
Control: ± 0.1°C
Temperature control range: 3°C above ambient to 55°C
Uniformity: < ± 0.3°C
Tracking alarm: ± 1%
Sterilization cycle: 180°C on all internal surfaces, Under 12 hours
Humidity: >93% @ 37C
Humidity reservoir: max. 3L / min 0.5L
CO2 :
Control: ± 0.1°C
CO2 measure range : 1-20 %
Tracking alarm: ± 1%
CO2 Inlet Pressure : 0.8-1 bar (12-15 psi)
Gas purity: min. 99.5%; medical quality
Recovery time 5% CO2: ≤ 5 min

Tabung CO2, 6m3, lengkap dengan regulator (lokal)

2 Individual Incubator 1 Rp 347.000.000 Rp 347.000.000

Model: Standard EC6
Brand: ASTEC, Ex.: Japan

Spesification :
Contamination Free
Culturing with no humidity provides no risk for contamination in the embryo-culturing
Individual Control
6 Separate chambers provide an optimal environment for embryo development.
Fast recovery for the gas concentrations and the temperature.
Dependable alarm systems for temperature,gas concentrations and gas flow
Exterior Dimensions(mm) : W518×D608×H171
Chamber Inner Dimensions : W108×D180×H19 / Chamber
Chamber Capacity : 310ml with warming plate
Chamber Warming plate : 6 plates Standard
Chamber Gas Flow sensor : Installed in each chamber
Temperature Control : Digital PID Control
Temperature Range : Ambient +5~40
Temperature Accuracy : ±0.1
CO2 Sensor : Infra Red Sensor
CO2 Control : Duty Control
CO2 Range : 0~20.0%
CO2 Accuracy ±0.3%
O2 Sensor : Zirconia O2 Sensor
O2 Control : Duty Control
O2 Range : 0.1~25.0%
O2 Accuracy : ±0.5%
Gas Requirement 100% CO2 and N2
Alarms Temperature upper limit.Gas deviations (CO2/O2),Gas flow,Gas pump
Options Touch panel for Data logging software(PC and Monitor Cable included)
Weight : 26kg
POWER AC : 100V/110V/220V

Tabung CO2, 6m3, lengkap dengan regulator (lokal)

Tabung N2 1 m3 lengkap regulator dan selang (lokal)

3 Incubator 1 Rp 24.600.000 Rp 24.600.000

Brand: Thermo Scientific-Heratherm, Ex.: Germany
Model: IGS60

Gravity convection technology for gentle air flow air & minimal drying out
Rounded interior corners
Microprocessor control
Automatic overtemperature alarm
Stackable with optional stacking kit
Interior material: stainless steel 1.4016
RS232 Interface
Internal glass door
Easy calibration, routine check upon startup for optimum performance
Large vacuum fluorescent digital display for easy reading
Temperature range: ambient +5°C - 75°C
Temperature uniformity: ± 0.6°C
Temperature stability: ± 0.2°C
Spatial temperature deviation at 37°C: ± 0.6°C
Temperature deviation over time at 37°C: ± 0.2°C

Footprint: 0.3 m2
Chamber volume: 75 liter
Chamber dimensions: 354 x 508 x 414 mm (WxHxD)
Exterior dimensions: 530 x 720 x 565 mm (WxHxD)
Number of shelves: 2 pcs supplied, max. 13 pcs
Max. shelf load: 25 kg
Power: 230V, 50Hz, 300W, 1.3 A
Weight: 40 kg (empty)

4 Anti Vibration Table 1 Rp 116.950.000 Rp 116.950.000

Brand : IVFTech - ex. Denmark

For ICSI procedures
IVFtech Anti-vibration table are designed to meet the requirements
for all avaible models of inverted microscopes.
The plate on top can either be stainless steel or stone.
Standard size L x D x H: 1150 mm x 720 mm x 790-830 mm

5 IVF Workstation (150cm) (for 2 Unit Microscope) 1 Unit 510.000.000 Rp 510.000.000

Brand: IVFtech
Model: Sterile IVF 1.5

Custom designed with built-in stereo microscope preparation
Uniform heated workspace
Desk/tabletop constructed in stainless stell surface
Beneath the desk, water or electrical heat lead warmth to an
alumunium plate supporting the stainless stell desk to ensure uniform
heating at the tabletop
The stereo microscope is built-in at tabletop level to ensure easy
handling of specimens
Clear side windows give good lighting conditions

Low noise level as ISO 6081 < 52 dB (A)
Light intensity: > 1,000 lux
Rounded fron edge allowing the best arm rest on the stanless stell top
Large working opening allows for working either sitting or standing
Complies with IES-RP-002-86 laminar flow clean air device

Consist of:
1.5 IVF cabinet el. Hea 1 preparation for microscope
Fixed stand for 1.5 h 80-85 cm
Glass hood ø130mm-h100mm
Light Source
Prep. For build in Monitor
19" monitor

6 Stereo Mikroskop (untuk dipasang di dalam IVF Workstation), 2 Rp 50.450.000 Rp 100.900.000

Brand: Nikon - Ex. Japan
Model: SMZ 800

- Optical system: Parallel-optics zoom system
- Total magnification: 5-378x depend on eyepiece and objective lens in used
7.5-425x when coaxial episcopic illuminator is attached.
- Eyepiece inclination: 20 degree (standard binoculars)
- Interpupillary distance adjusment: 48-75 mm
- Zooming range: 1x to 6.3x
- Zooming ratio: 6.3 :1
- Focusing: rack & pinion system
- Anti Mould
- Anti static function: 1500 V to 20 V, less than 2 seconds
- Airtight Construction: JIS dew prevention standard type I compliance
- Working Distance: 40-189 mm depend on lens used
- Superb optical performance
- Easy handling and comfortable observation
- Plus a wide range of accessories, upgrade system
- New objectives feature high N.A and high resolving power
- Images appear undistorted and natural looking
- Large, streamlined base ensures easy operation
- Epi-fluorescence attachment can be adapted
- Total Magnification being used: 10 - 63x
- Stand: Diascopic stand 6V30W with oblique coherent contrast for 3D view of samples
- Two sets stereo microscope to be put inside the IVF workstation
Consisting of:
SMZ800 Zooming Body
C-W10XB Eyepiece 10X (2pcs)
P-BT Binocular Eyepiece Tube
P-PLAN 1X (W.D. 78 mm)
C-FMC Focusing Mount C
P-IBSS2 Beam Splitter S2
LV-TV Tube for TI3

7 Culture Lab Air Cleaner 2 Rp 30.800.000 Rp 61.600.000

Brand: MTG, Ex. Germany
Model: ZIVF-100C

- Dimensions: 55cm x 46cm x 20cm, Weight: 10.43 kgs
- U.V. Range: 254 NM (germicidle)
- Max Watts: 110 watts

- Max air flow: 7.5 m3 per minute
- Application: 2.000 sq feed max. / 185 sq meter
- Catalyst: Metal oxides
- Particle filter: 0.3 micron HEPA
- Gas Absorption: Two stage activated media
- Blower: Reversed - curved motorized impeller

8 inline filter for filter gas plus connector 2 Rp 3.500.000 Rp 7.000.000

Brand: Sparmed, Ex: Denmark
Model: Oosafe

This filter keeps incubators, environmental chambers and holding devices safe from
harmful contaminants such as Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs), Chemical Active
Contaminants ( CACs ), odor & particles coming from gases such as CO2, N2,O2,etc.
Composed of high quality HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) & specially
designed active carbon filters.
The filter is used inline between gas supply & incubators, environmental chambers
or holding devices.
This filter keeps OOcytes, embryos and sperms SAFE in gas supplied environments.

OosafeTM Inline Filter, 1 Unit

Attachment for Oosafe Filter for 8-100 mm tubing, 1 pc
Holder for Oosafe Filter, 1 pc

9 LN Tank Storage 2 Rp 20.000.000 Rp 40.000.000

Brand: Taylor Wharton
Model : 20XT

Capacity: 20 Lt.
10 Liquid Container 25 LD with drawal 1 Rp 25.000.000 Rp 25.000.000
Brand: Taylor Wharton

RESEARCH INVERTED MICROSCOPE, Nikon Advance Modulation Contrast (for

11 ICSI) 1 Rp 357.762.500 Rp 357.762.500
Brand: Nikon - Ex. Japan
Model: Ti2-U NAMC


- CFI60 infinity optical system, parfocal distance 60mm

- Light distribution : 4 position;
Light-distribution: 100 Eyepiece, 100 Left, 100 Right, and 20 Eye - 80 Left
- Focusing :
- Via nosepiece up/down movement. Manual drive, Coarse/fine focusing knob,
- Stroke-manual : 10mm stroke
- Minimum fine reading : 1um
- Intermediate magnification: Manual switching of 1.0x/1.5x
- Eyepiece tube : TC-T-TS S binocular tube
- Eyepiece Tube Base Unit : TI2-T-BS S Eyepiece Tube Base Unit
- Eyepiece lens : CFI 10X (F.O.V. 22mm)
- Port Camera: Field number 22 with C-mount, 25 with F-mount
- Illumination : TI2-D-PD 100W illuminator
- Condenser : Nikon Advanced Modulation Contrast System Condenser
- Condenser Turret: 7 manual positions (ø37mm x4, ø39mm x3),
condenser lenses are supported
- Revolving nosepiece : Sextuple nosepiece, Simple waterproof structure
- Stage: Rectangular Mechanical Stage Stroke: 114 (X) x 75 (Y) mm cover full 96 well
plate range,

Adjustable XY stroke limit with Pin. Stroke limiter (X: 75, 18; Y: 50, 18)
- Observation method : Brightfield, Nikon Advance Modulation Contrast

Consisting of:
ECLIPSE Ti2-U Main Body
3-AC AC Adapter
Power Cord BE (220-240V)
TI2-D-PD Pillar for Dia Illumination
TI2-D-SF Filter Slider for Dia Illumination




D-LH/LC Precentered Lamphouse
TI-PS100W/A Power Supply 100-240V/A

Power Cord BE (220-240V)

S-TI2-100WRC 100W Remote Cable
CFI 10X Eyepiece (2)
C-CT Centering Telescope with UW Adapter
TC-T-TS S Tube
TI2-T-BS S Eyepiece Tube Base Unit
TC-S-SR Stage (without handle)
C-S-HLS Ring holder set
TI2-S-HL Long Handle
TI2-N-N Sextuple Nosepiece
TC-C-TC Condenser Turret (ND128x1 included)
TC-C-MN-10x NAMC10x Module
TC-C-MN-20x NAMC 20x module
TC-C-MN-40x NAMC 40x module
CFI Achromat NAMC 10X, NA 0.25, WD 6.2mm
CFI Achromat LWD NAMC 20XF, N.A. 0.4, W.D. 3.1mm
CFI Achromat LWD NAMC 40XF, N.A. 0.55, W.D. 2.7-1.7 mm, Cover glass correction: 0-
2.0 mm


12 1 Rp 476.075.000 Rp 476.075.000
Brand: Nikon - Ex. Japan
Model: NT-88V3-N4 + IM11/12

Microinjection dedicated for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, ES cell injection and
nucleus transfer
Combined 3D motor-driven coarse control micromanipulator and 3D hydraulic fine
realize remarkably compact and stable design
10 mm X-Y opertaing range provides versatility in manipulation at lower magnification
A "resume" feature returns the pipette to the original position after the pipette has been
raised for
quicker, easier Petri dish changes.
microinjector system pneumatic microinjector & pneumatic microinjectore with fine

Consisting of :
Built in 3D Motor-Driven Course Control Micromanipulator & 3D Hydraulic Fine
NT-88-V3SH : 220-240V (2pcs)
UJ-V3 : Universal Joint with return mechanism (2pcs)
NS-T2 Mounting Adapter for TS2R/Ti2

IM-11-2 Pneumatic Microinjector (1pcs)
Plunger 40mm, Fine Control knob
IM-12 Pneumatic Microinjector (1pcs)
Movement range: Plunger 30mm
HIK-5-N Pepette Holder Clamper (2pcs)
HI-7 Injection Holder for O.D.1mm tube with HIR (2 pcs)


Brand: Nikon-Tokai Hit - Ex. Japan

Model: TPX-TS2R

Glass thickness: 0.5mm (whole area)
Strengthened glass plate

14 MICRO PIPETTE 1 Rp 16.000.000 Rp 16.000.000

Brand: Eppendorf, Ex.: Germany

Pipette research adj. Volume 20 - 200 µl, 1 pcs
Pipette research adj. Volume 10 - 100 µl, 1 pcs

15 Laminar Air Flow 1 Rp 73.000.000 Rp 73.000.000

Brand : Biobase- china
Model : 1300

Specification :
• External size 1200x615x1575 mm
•work surface height 660 mm
•Display LED
• Airflow velocity average of 0.3-0.5 m/s
•material main body cold rolled steel with anti bacteria powder coating
•material work table stainless steel 304
•HEPA Filter 99.999% efficiency at 0.3 um
•noise < 60 db
•Front window manual
•Max opening 490 mm
•caster universal wheel with leveling feet
•UV lamp 20W*1
•Consumption 35 W
•Internal size 120000 x 600 x 540 mm
- Protection Class : I / IP-20

16 CCD Camera for Microscope 2 Rp 5.000.000 Rp 10.000.000

17 DRI-BATH 1 Unit 24.210.000 Rp 24.210.000

Temperature range : ambient+5 oC. to 130 oC.
Temperature uniformity : +/- 0.1 oC.
Temperature control : microprocessor PID
Temperature sensing probe system ensure accurate
block temperature
Temperature display : LED digital
No. of modular block :
Power : 240 V./50 Hz. - 150 Watts

18 Digital Thermometer 1 Rp 3.480.000 Rp 3.480.000

19 Small Benchtop Centrifuge 1 Rp 36.000.000 Rp 36.000.000

Brand: Thermo Scientific-Heraeus, Ex.: Germany
Model: Medifuge

- Routine clinical and life science applications, with a 2-in-1 hybrid rotor
- Four customizable programs to quickly run routine protocols
- DualSpin rotor features hybrid design with interchangeable fixed angle and 'swinging
- Emergency lid lock release available in case of power failure
- Quiet operation at noise level less than 56 dBA
- Lightweight composite rotor is easy to handle and saves energy during
- Conforms to the latest clinical and safety standards, such as UL, CE and IVD1

Maximum Capacity : 8 x 15 mL (fixed angle)

8 x 10 mL (swinging bucket)
Maximum Speed : 300-4,900 rpm, adjustable in increments of 100 rpm

Maximum RCF : 3,114 x g (fixed angle)

3,490 x g (swinging bucket)
Time Setting : 1-99 minutes, in increments of 1 minute; HOLD
Temperature Range : 2°C to 40°C
Control System : Microprocessor
Program Memory : 4
Acceleration Profile : 1 (standard)
Deceleration Profiles : 3 (standard, soft, brake-off)
Power Consumption : 100-130 W, voltage dependent
Dimensions (H x W x D) :240 x 325 x 450 mm (9.45 x 12.79 x 17.72 in)
Weight : 15.5 kg (34.1 lb)

Standards : IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-020, IEC 61010-2-101,

EN 61326-1, EN ISO 13485

20 Steam sterilizer 1 Rp 98.000.000 Rp 98.000.000

Model: HVE-50
Brand: Hirayama-Japan

Complete with 3 Stainless steel wire mesh baskets
Capacity 50 litres; Temperature display range : 5 to 137ºC
Sterilization temperature range : 105 to 135ºC
Warming temperature adjustable : 45 to 60ºC
LED display, 3 mode selectable; Solid ,liquid and Agar
Electromechanical safety system, Pulse Exhaust system,
Timer ; 1 to 250 minutes, Pressure gauge; 0 to 0,4 Mpa
Heater cover, drainage hose, exhaust bottle
Caster stopper and manual instruction
Dimension WHD (mm) : 540 x 1040 x 530
Power 220V, 2000 watt, Weight 57 kg

21 Oven, General Protocol, Gravity Convection 1 Rp 28.080.000 Rp 28.080.000

Brand: Thermo Scientific-Heratherm, Ex.: Germany
Model: OGS60

Gravity convection technology for gentle drying & heating with low air turbulences

Perfect for working with materials that are sensitive to airflow such as powders and foils
Interior material: stainless steel 1.4016

Rounded interior corners
Microprocessor control
Automatic overtemperature alarm
Stackable with optional stacking kit
Easy calibration, routine check upon startup for optimum performance
Timer function: on/off
Fresh air damper: manually controlled
Access port for independent data monitoring: use exhaust vent
RS232 Interface
Large, easy to view vacuum fluorescent digital display
Temperature range: 50-250°C
Spatial temperature deviation at 150°C: ± 4.4°C
Temperature deviation over time at 150°C: ± 0.4°C
Footprint: 0.3 m2
Chamber volume: 65 liter
Chamber dimensions: 328 x 480 x 415 mm (WxHxD)
Exterior dimensions: 530 x 720 x 565 mm (WxHxD)
Number of shelves: 2 pcs supplied, max. 13 pcs
Max. shelf load: 25 kg
Power: 230V, 50Hz, 1,800W, 7.9A
Weight: 42 kg (empty)

22 Ultrasonic Cleaner 1 Rp 34.000.000 Rp 34.000.000

23 Pippete Filler 1 Rp 8.500.000 Rp 8.500.000

24 AUTO GAS ANALYZER 1 Rp 50.000.000 Rp 50.000.000

Model: AGA 2008
Brand: ASTEC, Ex.: Japan

Spesification :
Infra-Red CO2 sensor/galvanic battery O2 sensor standard.
Portable analyzer with rechargeable battery.
Cost effective in daily gas measurements.
Easy operation.
2 points calibration on CO2/O2 sensors with standard pre-mixed gas.
CO2 Sensor : IR
CO2 Measuring Range : 0 to 18%
CO2 Measuring Accuracy : ±0.1%
O2 Sensor Galvanic Battery
O2 Measuring Range : 0 to 20%
O2 Measuring Accuracy : ±0.1%
Weight : 4.5kg
Power 100A~230V
Exterior Dimension (mm) : 150x280x187

25 Airtech Passbox 1 Rp 90.500.000 Rp 90.500.000

Brand : Airtech - Singapore

External dimension : 550W x 270D x 500H mm
Effective dimension: 300W x 200D x 300H mm
1) Casing : Stainless steel Sus304 4B finish
2) Stainless steel floor sheet
3) Internal heating with Temp sensor
Internal Control Temp 37C +/- 5%

Temp Digital display
PLC control
4) Polycarbonate window with magnetic rubber
5) Electro-magnetic interlocking system
6) Power supply : 230V 1ph 50Hz

26 Water Purifier 1 Rp 173.000.000 Rp 173.000.000

Brand : Millipore
Model : ZROQ00800@ Direc 8

Water purifier with reverse osmosis system
Includes consumables:

27 Ovum Aspiration Pump 1 Rp 110.000.000 Rp 110.000.000

Brand: Cook Medical, Ex: Australia
Model: K-MAR-5200-US

Easy-to-read LED display indicates vacuum.
Ultra-quiet, vibration-free operation. Volume-adjustable tone indicates when
vacuum is applied

28 Clinical Laser Hatching System for IVF 1 Rp 828.740.000 Rp 828.740.000

Brand: Hamilton Thorne, Ex.: USA
Model: Lykos

Features a laser-objective combination module that is mounted on the turret,
leaving both the fluorescence and filter cube ports open.
RED-I Target Locator built into laser module.
No physical laser alignment is required.
The system includes the computer hardware, imaging equipment & software
required for safe and precise zona drilling, and image capture and storage.
Report and evaluation features are optional. Inverted microscope not included.

Laser Module: 40x Objective and Class 1, 1460 nm, 300 mW Laser
combined into a single compact turret mounted unit
Controller: High speed microcontroller with instantaneous closed loop laser
power feedback control
Turret Adapters (3) included for mounting laser module to objective turret on
all known inverted microscopes
Color Digital Camera
Calibration Slide
Laptop Computer: minimum Windows 7 Ultimate Operating System,
Pentium Core i5, 250 GB Hard Drive, 4 GB RAM, 8x, DVD/+-RW, 4 USB 2.0
Core i5, 250 GB Hard Drive, 4 GB RAM, 8x, DVD/+-RW, 4 USB 2.0
Ports, 1 USB/eSATA combo, 1394, HDMI, VGA,10/100/1000 MPS
Ethernet Network port, Intel WiFi, 15.6” XGA 1024 x 768 Display,
Wireless Mouse (Wired Mouse included)


Clinical Mode - 3 user-definable laser pulse lengths (high, medium, low)
and laser auto shut-off timer; Validation Mode – 1 us to 3000 us adjustable
laser pulse length
Multi-Pulse software enables the rapid, multi-pulse firing of the laser in
addition to the standard single pulse mode

Computer-controlled target alignment
Laser firing by Mouse or by Remote Fire Foot Switch Multi-pulse
software must be fired by the foot switch
Choice of target type: Circle, Arrow, Isotherm Rings (Isotherm Rings
indicate peak temperatures from 140°C down to 50°C
Image Acquisition
For capture of static images. Includes auto capture on laser fire, manual and
automatic image naming, image zoom and pan, manual and automatic
image labeling, graphic overlays, and image thumbnail gallery.
Format choices: BMP, TIF, JPG.
Video Acquisition Software
Used for capture and playback of real-time video (up to 1000 seconds) and
time-lapse video (user defined capture interval and playback speed).
Format: AVI.
Measurement & Documentation Software
For interactive measurement of saved images and report

Remote Fire Foot Swtich

C-mount adapter for inverted microscope

1 Small Benchtop Centrifuge 1 Rp 36.000.000 Rp 36.000.000
Brand: Thermo Scientific-Heraeus, Ex.: Germany
Model: Medifuge

- Routine clinical and life science applications, with a 2-in-1 hybrid rotor
- Four customizable programs to quickly run routine protocols
- DualSpin rotor features hybrid design with interchangeable fixed angle and 'swinging
- Emergency lid lock release available in case of power failure
- Quiet operation at noise level less than 56 dBA
- Lightweight composite rotor is easy to handle and saves energy during
- Conforms to the latest clinical and safety standards, such as UL, CE and IVD1
Maximum Capacity : 8 x 15 mL (fixed angle)
8 x 10 mL (swinging bucket)
Maximum Speed : 300-4,900 rpm, adjustable in increments of 100 rpm
Maximum RCF : 3,114 x g (fixed angle)
3,490 x g (swinging bucket)
Time Setting : 1-99 minutes, in increments of 1 minute; HOLD
Temperature Range : 2°C to 40°C
Control System : Microprocessor
Program Memory : 4
Acceleration Profile : 1 (standard)
Deceleration Profiles : 3 (standard, soft, brake-off)
Power Consumption : 100-130 W, voltage dependent
Dimensions (H x W x D) :240 x 325 x 450 mm (9.45 x 12.79 x 17.72 in)
Weight : 15.5 kg (34.1 lb)
Standards : IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-020, IEC 61010-2-101,
EN 61326-1, EN ISO 13485

2 Laminar Air Flow 1 Rp 73.000.000 Rp 73.000.000

Brand : Biobase- china
Model : 1300

Specification :
• External size 1200x615x1575 mm
•work surface height 660 mm
•Display LED
• Airflow velocity average of 0.3-0.5 m/s
•material main body cold rolled steel with anti bacteria powder coating

•material work table stainless steel 304
•HEPA Filter 99.999% efficiency at 0.3 um
•noise < 60 db
•Front window manual
•Max opening 490 mm
•caster universal wheel with leveling feet
•UV lamp 20W*1
•Consumption 35 W
•Internal size 120000 x 600 x 540 mm
- Protection Class : I / IP-20

3 COMPACT INCUBATOR 1 Rp 24.000.000 Rp 24.000.000

Brand: Thermo Scientific-Heratherm, Ex.: Germany
Model: IMC18

Microbiological incubator unit for personalized workspace with 18 liter capacity
Mechanical convection technology
Internal light facilitates sample observation
Temperature range: 17- 40°C
Spatial temperature deviation at 37°C: ± 1.2°C (uniformity)
Temperature deviation over time at 37°C: ± 0.2°C (stability)
Footprint: 0.12 m2
Chamber volume: approx. 18 liter
Chamber dimensions:180 x 310 x 290 mm (WxHxD)
Exterior dimensions: 260 x 415 x 470 mm (WxHxD)
Number of shelves: 2 pcs supplied, max. 3 pcs
Max. shelf load: 2 kg
Power: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 45 W, 0.45-0.85 A
Weight: 7.2 kg (empty)

4 MICRO PIPETTE 1 Rp 16.000.000 Rp 16.000.000

Brand: Eppendorf, Ex.: Germany

Pipette research adj. Volume 100 - 1000 µl, 1 pcs
Pipette research adj. Volume 10 - 100 µl, 1 pcs

5 Makler Counting Chamber 1 Rp 17.500.000 Rp 17.500.000

Brand: Makler

The Makler Counting Chamber is a simple to use device for rapid and accurate sperm
count and
motility evaluation directly from undiluted semen. With only 10 microns depth: 1/10 of the
depth of
ordinary chambers. Constructed of two pieces of optically flat glass, the upper layer serves
as a cover
glass with a 1 fine grid in the center subdivided into 100 squares of 0.1 X 0.1 mm
Spacing is firmly secured by four quartz pins. Percentage and quality of motility and sperm
counts are easily obtained.
It is recommended to use a 20X objective and 10X eyepiece(s) for proper evaluation.

6 LP VORTEX MIXER 1 Rp 11.000.000 Rp 11.000.000

Brand: Thermo Scientific

Spesification :
Operating speed : 0 - 3000 rpm.
Speed controller : adjustable
Mode of operation : continuous / touch
Dimension : 154 W x 210 D x 83 H. mm

Built-in safety features regarding current overload
Wide variety of optional accessories to accommodate differrent
vessel types
Includes : rubber platform for tube vortexing
Power : 100 - 240 V/50/60 Hz. -

7 CASA Sperm Analyzer 1 Rp 624.260.000 Rp 624.260.000

Brand Hamilton thorne - USA
Model : Ceros II clinical

The CEROS II hardware and software have been designed to provide users with a system
that offers high-end performance while maintaining its ease of use.
The intuitive Windows-based software promotes fast learning and quickly
increases the confidence level of users. With a minimum investment of time,
even users unfamiliar with computers will be performing fast, accurate and reliable sperm
You don’t need to be a computer expert to analyze sperm with the CEROS II.

Data Input

Analysis Info: Patient ID

Patient Name
Ejaculate Volume (manually or by scale)
Notes: User-defined
Data Fields: 25 User-Defined Labels/Fields

Analysis Results
Counts: Total, Motile, Static, Progressive, Slow
Percentages: Total, Motile, Static, Progressive, Slow (%)
Concentrations: Total, Motile, Static, Progressive, Slow (M/ml or B/ml)
Sample: Total, Motile, Static, Progressive, Slow (M or B)
Kinematic Values: VAP, VCL, VSL, ALH, BCF, LIN, STR, DAP, DCL, DSL, WOB,
Elongation (head shape) and Area (head size). Includes mean, standard deviations and

WHO Standards: WHO 4

Pass/Fail: Concentration, Motility, Progressive
Velocity Distribution by WHO 4 A,B,C,D categories

Pass/Fail: Concentration, Motility, Progressive
Velocity Distribution by WHO 5 Progressive, Non-progressive, and Immotile categories
Replicate Analysis: Automatic two sample analysis comparison
Based on WHO 4 or WHO 5 results
Override and lock of selected WHO variable
Display of Mean, Delta Gate, Pass/Fail Result
Live Setup Configuration
Illumination: Interactive illumination setting
Histogram showing real-time feedback
Motility Setup: Interactive sperm identification setup
Automatic minimum tail brightness based on Photometer Offset
Minimum head and tail brightness
Minimum and maximum head size and head elongation
Real-time feedback through color overlays
Included Data Management Options
ASCII Export: Transfer of summary data and/or individual track to ASCII compatible
spreadsheet or database programs
ASCII Import: Import of select sample information
Video Storage: Ability to save video file of each field analyzed, along with sample
information and analysis setup values.
Recall and analyze video with saved settings or new settings

Re-analyze single videos or entire analysis sets
Report Viewer: View analysis data in report format.
Report Designer: Report designer and manager to create unlimited professional
reports from sperm analysis results. Ability to include all data (calculated and user input),
images, and logo. Drag and drop design, snap-to alignment. Ability to combine motility
and Dimensions II Morphology results in single report.


Type: Dell MiniTower

OS: Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core i7 3.6 GHz
Memory: 4 GB DDR3
Drives: 500 GB HD
Display: 24” Flat Panel Widescreen (16:10)
Ports: 4 USB 3.0 (2 on front)
6 USB 2.0 (2 on front)
1 Serial
2 PS/2
2 Line-in (stereo/microphone)
2 Line-out (headphone/speaker)
Network: 10/100/1000 Ethernet
1 RJ45 port (used by camera)
Wireless LAN
Mouse: Wireless
Keyboard: Integrated
Optical System
Camera: High resolution digital CCD array
Resolution: 782 x 582 pixels
½ inch CCD sensor
Progressive scan
Exposure, Black Level and Gain controls
Gigabit Ethernet
C-mount adapter
Microscope: Olympus CX41
Objective: Standard: 10x
Image Type: Dark field, Bright field
Phase Contrast, negative and positive
Magnification: Set by CASA II software administrator
Digital Image Acquisition
Frame Rate: 60 Hz
Frames: 1 – 200 (limited only by system memory)
Fields: 1 – 100
Field Selection: Manual
Standard: Mouse, Keyboard
Electrical MiniTower, Monitor, Laptop
Input Voltage: 110-240 VAC ,110-240 VAC ,110-240 VAC
Power: 250 watt (max) 72 watt (max) 90 watt (max)
Line Frequency: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz

Total Rp 4.661.097.500

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1. Harga: Franko Lokasi, belum termasuk PPN 10%
2. Penyerahan barang: Indent 12 minggu setelah DP 40% dan PO kami terima
3. Garansi alat: 1 (satu) tahun diluar suku cadang

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