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Panduan Mempersiapkan Dokumen Untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa

@schoters_com Schoters @schoters_com

E-Book | Panduan Mempersiapkan Dokumen Untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa


S choters adalah platform beasiswa nomor 1 di Indonesia yang didirikan

di tahun 2018. Schoters menyediakan informasi sekaligus bimbingan
untuk para scholarship hunters hingga bisa mendapatkan beasiswa.

Buku panduan beasiswa ini adalah salah satu konten pendukung yang
diharapkan akan membantu para scholarship hunters dalam membuat
Curriculum Vitae (CV), Esai, Motivation Letter (Motlet), Surat Rekomendasi
dan Proposal Penelitian. Selengkap-lengkapnya, disertai dengan contoh-
contoh yang kami rekomendasikan.

Terimakasih juga kami sampaikan kepada para penulis dan semua pihak
yang ikut membantu dalam penyusunan panduan ini.

Semoga informasi yang kami susun ini bisa memberikan manfaat sebesar-
besarnya bagi para scholarship hunters. Harapan kami satu-satunya:
Teman-teman bisa mendapatkan beasiswa di tempat terbaik dalam waktu

NB: Sebagai wujud penghargaan bagi kami selaku content creator, jika kamu
ingin menyebarkan buku panduan beasiswa ini mohon tidak menyebarkan
file-nya secara langsung, namun mohon agar dapat membagikan link/tautan

Mari saling menghargai karya sesama anak bangsa Indonesia dengan tidak
menyalin/membajak tanpa seizin pembuat asli.

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E-Book | Panduan Mempersiapkan Dokumen Untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa


Pendahuluan ........................................................................................... ii
Daftar Isi .................................................................................................. iii

Panduan Membuat Curriculum Vitae (CV) .............................................. 1

Sekilas ................................................................................................. 2
Sebelum Membuat CV ........................................................................ 3
Cara Menulis CV yang Menarik ........................................................... 5
Hindari ini! ............................................................................................ 7
Contoh CV yang Baik ........................................................................... 9

Panduan Membuat Motivation Letter ................................................... 15

Sekilas ................................................................................................ 16
Tips Membuat Motivation Letter ....................................................... 20
Tips Lintas Jurusan ........................................................................... 21
Contoh Motivation Letter .................................................................. 22

Panduan Membuat Recommendation Letter ....................................... 31

Sekilas ............................................................................................... 32
Contoh Surat Rekomendasi untuk S1 .............................................. 34

Panduan Membuat Research Proposal................................................ 37

Sekilas ............................................................................................... 38
Contoh Proposal Riset ...................................................................... 42

Referensi ................................................................................................ 52

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E-Book | Panduan Mempersiapkan Dokumen Untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa


Secara umum, ada beberapa faktor keberhasilan dalam seleksi beasiswa,


1. Faktor yang predictable seperti IPK.

2. Faktor yang unpredictable seperti motivation letter, recommendation
letter, dan CV (curriculum vitae).

CV ini memegang peranan penting dalam hal ini, karena CV

merupakan gambaran atau resume diri kita masing-masing, khususnya
dari segi akademis. Kita apply ke suatu institusi/propose ke Professor yang
sebelumnya tidak mengenal kita. Nah CV inilah yang jadi modal awal kita.
Di CV inilah institusi/ professor akan menilai kita. Mereka akan ‘kenalan’
dengan kita melalui CV kita. Kalau mau diterima oleh lembaga/professor
yg kita apply, maka penting banget membuat CV sesuai apa yang mereka

Mulai sekarang teman-teman mulai melihat beasiswa yang ada

apa saja, tujuan negaranya, buka websitenya, membaca kisah alumni
mendapatkan beasiswa tsb, baca baik-baik requirementnya. Sehingga
teman teman tahu profil seperti apa yang dicari oleh si pemberi beasiswa.
Bagaimana bisa matching antara story/profil diri kita dengan kriteria yang
diinginkan oleh penyeleksi beasiswa.

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1. Tetapkan tujuan jangka panjang, terutama terkait studi, penting

banget ditetapkan dari awal semester pas masih jadi mahasiswa baru.
Dengan demikian, kita jadi lebih terarah.

2. Ikutlah kesempatan-kesempatan yang ada, misalnya LKTI, lomba

essay, buat paper, ikut conference, presentasi, bikin penelitian, ikut
organisasi, aktif di community service. Nah kalau udah aktif begitu,
banyak bahan yang bisa dituliskan di CV

3. Kenali informasi umum, atau tujuan pembuatan CV, apakah

untuk melamar beasiswa S2/S3, exchange program, atau kegiatan
internasional lainnya. Siapkan kerangka CV. Hal ini mempermudah kita
dalam pembuatan CV, agar tetap dalam koridor atau overview yang

4. Kerangka atau format CV dapat diperoleh dari penyelenggara

beasiswa atau mencontoh dari beberapa format CV yang sudah
terkenal, seperti Europass. Keunggulan format CV dari Europass ini
adalah sangat fleksibel dalam merubah konten yang diinginkan namun
tetap berisi data yang lengkap, merupakan kiblat atau pusat dari
beasiswa-beasiswa Internasional, khususnya Erasmus, DAAD, dll.

5. Cantumkan pengalaman menulis atau publikasi ilmiah, pengalaman

organisasi, bekerja, atau pengalaman social activity.

6. Cantumkan personal skill yang dimiliki, seperti kemampuan bahasa,

keahlian spesifik

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7. Cantumkan juga penghargaan atau award yang pernah diraih.

Lampirkan poin references yang merupakan tokoh-tokoh yang
merekomendasikan diri kita dalam proses seleksi beasiswa atau
mendaftar ke universitas.

8. Sebaiknya tokoh-tokoh pemberi rekomendasi ini adalah dosen

pembimbing (dengan minimal gelar Doktor) di universitas asal atau
atasan kerja yang telah mengetahui kemampuan diri kita. Poin
references ini memegang peranan penting, karena menjadi suatu
pertimbangan dalam penilaian CV.

9. Tidak boleh lebih dari 2 halaman. Tidak berarti semakin panjang

semakin bagus. Hati-hati yah, anak-anak Indonesia sering sekali
menaruh semua semintar yang pernah diikuti sampai 1 halaman full,
bahkan seminar beasiswa itu tidak relevan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam
CV. Dua halaman itu singkat, padat dan jelas.

10. Harus selalu customize, CV yang sama belum tentu cocok untuk
didaftarkan kedua program berbeda. Misalnya CV beasiswa Fulbright
akan berbeda dengan CV untuk apply Stuned disesuaikan dengan
program yang akan kita daftar.

11. Hanya kata kata saja, tidak walk the talk. Misalnya, Ketua Himpunan
Elektro Universitas Telkom. Ini adalah contoh yang kurang baik.
Sebenarnya di bawahnya bisa ditambah dua sampai tiga baris yang
berisi tentang kegiatan yang kamu lakukan di organisasi tsb.

12. Susunan kronologinya dibuat dari yang terbaru sampai yang

terlambat. Riwayat pendidikan misalnya, dari S1 kemudian SMA.
Satu yang paling penting bersifat filosofi yaitu, tambahkanlah hal atau
kalimat di dalam CV yang kalau kita tambahkan kalimat tersebut maka
memperbesar peluang kita diterima di program tersebut.

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Berikut adalah saran Ibu Nona Pooroe, alumni Psikologi UGM dan
Harvard, salah satu konsultan HR di Frisian Flag waktu itu terkait cara
pembuatan CV dan kak Warsono penerima program exchange di Warsaw
University, Polandia dan penerima program tesis di Hokkaido University,

1. Format CV yang saklek itu tidak ada, jadi bebas, hanya saja
tidak dianjurkan dalam bentuk tabel-tabel karena CV seharusnya
menceritakan kepada pembacanya (dalam bentuk narasi), jadi hindari
pembuatan CV dalam bentuk tabel.

2. Jangan sampai desain lebih wow daripada ‘isi’ CV itu sendiri.

Gampangnya, substansi CV itu harus lebih diutamakan dibandingkan

3. Bikin CV jangan curhat. Artinya jangan lebih dari 2 halaman karena

banyak CV yang akan direview oleh pihak pemberi beasiswa/professor.
Kalau terlalu panjang juga percuma, kemungkinan besar tidak akan
dibaca semua lagipula artinya kita tidak bisa memprioritaskan mana
yang penting.

4. Kemampuan bahasa, baik TOEFL maupun Conversation. Mulai

dari saat ini, perbaiki kemampuan bahasa kita, terutama bahasa

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E-Book | Panduan Mempersiapkan Dokumen Untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa

5. IPK. Khusus teman-teman yang masih berstatus mahasiswa, masih

ada kesempatan bagi kalian untuk tingkatkan IPK kalian.

6. Prestasi akademik lainnya. Aktif dalam kegiatan ilmiah juga penting.

Ikut Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa, Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Exchange
Program, dan yang lainnya.

7. Pengalaman organisasi. Aktif dalam organisasi akan melatih jiwa

kepemimpinan, cara membagi waktu dan banyak hal yang tidak
dipelajari di bangku kuliah.

8. Social Activity/Volunteer. Ikut serta dan aktif dalam program-

program social activity juga menjadi volunteer akan memperkaya kita
dalam wawasan juga cara berpikir.

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Agar CV tidak berisi informasi yang berlebihan dan tetap dalam

koridor format secara umum, hindari beberapa hal ini:

1. Desain terlalu ramai. Perlu diingat bahwa reviewer beasiswa

memfokuskan pada isi CV, bukan tampilan CV dengan berbagai corak
dan warna.

2. Pencantuman informasi yang tidak sesuai dengan beasiswa yang

akan dituju, seperti zodiak, hobi, dll. Namun, bila ingin melamar
beasiswa atau jurusan yang sesuai dengan hobi, maka poin hobi
tersebut bisa dicantumkan

3. Tidak mengikuti format CV yang disediakan dari penyelenggara

beasiswa. Ada beberapa penyelenggara beasiswa yang mewajibkan
para applicants/pelamar untuk mengikuti format CV yang telah
diminta, namun beberapa beasiswa yang lain tidak mewajibkan.

4. Pemilihan font yang tidak sesuai. Sebaiknya jenis font yang

digunakan dalam pembuatan CV adalah Arial dan Calibri.

5. Tidak mencantumkan jenis kelamin. Hal ini dapat dibilang poin

cukup penting, karena beberapa beasiswa mempertimbangkan
jumlah kuota tersendiri untuk jenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan.

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6. Jumlah halaman CV maksimal 2 lembar. Data yang dicantumkan

dalam CV sebaiknya lengkap, ringkas, dan tidak berlebihan. Pun
para reviewer beasiswa juga tidak memiliki waktu yang banyak untuk
membaca CV yang jumlahnya berlembar-lembar.

7. Informasi sesuai dengan realita. Data dalam CV tidak boleh

karangan atau dibuat-buat dan cantumkan dengan benar. Biasanya
dalam proses seleksi wawancara, para reviewer beasiswa akan
mengetahui bila ada data CV yang palsu atau dibuat-buat.

8. Grammar atau spelling yang salah. Sebelum menyerahkan CV,

sebaiknya kita meminta pertolongan kepada teman atau orang yang
dapat mengoreksi CV kita, bilamana ada grammar atau spelling yang

Contoh dari masing-masing panduan yang terlampir hanyalah

bayangan sebagai panduan dalam membuat versi kalian sendiri.
Perhatikan baik-baik kalimat yang harus kalian edit versimu
sendiri ya. Semoga membantu!

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E-Book | Panduan Mempersiapkan Dokumen Untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa


Ferry Anggoro Ardy Nugroho (Mr.)
Mejerigatan 2B Rum 1132
412 76 Göteborg, Sweden
Mobile: +46768402075

A research assistant in Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola, Sweden with distinctive master degree in
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and vast research experiences in solid state electronics, magnetic
nanoparticles and nanocomposites, and graphene technology. Current research activity and interest lies
in nanoplasmonics. Aspired to be future excellent researcher and lecturer and embodies a hardworking
and eager-to-learn personality.

KU Leuven, Belgium and Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola, Sweden 09/2010 – 08/2012

Master of Science (M.Sc) from two universities under the program of Erasmus Mundus Master of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology with Summa cum Laude degree. Awarded full scholarship given only
to nine students out of hundreds applicants.

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 07/2005 – 06/2009

Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng) from School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, with 1 Class
Honors and Specialization in Microelectronics with four-year full scholarship given to top 3% Indonesian
students .

SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta, Indonesia 08/2002 – 07/2005

Recipient of Best Graduates Medals; awarded to the High School Graduates who scores best among the
students in the cohort.

Research Experience
Master Thesis 12/2011 – 08/2012

An extensive research done as main requirement for the degree of Master of Science. Project Title: 3D
Nanoplasmonic Sensors. Developed novel nanoplasmonic sensor architecture which allows multiple
sensing simultaneously with interesting and high impact projected applications. Research was done very
well and graded 95/100, the best among students in the cohort.

Institute of Materials Research and Engineering 07-2009 – 09/2010

Worked as research officer on project of Electromagnetic Shielding Materials and gained valuable
knowledge and experiences on materials engineering. This included wet chemical synthesis of ferrite
nanopowders (sol gel, co-precipitation, ball mill) and numerous characterization techniques. Succesfully
published a paper and filed a patent.

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Final Year Project

A research project carried out as partial fulfillment of requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering. Project Title: Solid-state Supercapacitor Based on Tin Oxide Nanorods. Exposed to and
done various process in microlectronic research; CVD, sputtering, ALD, SEM, electrical properties
characterizations, etc.

Working Experience
Chalmers University of Technology 09/2012 – Present

Working as research assistant at Chemical Physics as continuation of previous work carried out during
Master thesis. Apart from the main work of expanding the applicability of novel 3D Nanoplasmonic
Sensors minor researches are also done in studying the fundamental of nanoplasmonics and its sensing
applications in solar cell and energy storage material. Expecting at least two scientific paper
publications by the end of the year.

Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore 06/2009 – 09/2010

Worked as research officer at Materials and Growth department. Done couple of projects related to
development of novel composite of ferrite materials for commercial applications.

Continental Pte Ltd, Singapore 01/2008 – 06/2008

Worked as attachment student at Research and Development department. I was in a group responsible
in designing car radio set for various brand, etc: KIA, BMW.

Conferences, Patents and Publications


“3D Nanoplasmonic Sensors” Materials for Tomorrow, Göteborg, Sweden. October 2012. Poster


S.R. Shannigrahi, K.P. Pramoda and F.A.A Nugroho, “Synthesis and characterizations of microwave
sintered ferrite powders and their composite films for practical applications,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324
(2012) 140-145.


Processing of Ferrite Composites as Electromagnetic Absorber Materials and Their Utilization for
Wireless Charging Devices.

Technical Skills
Nanofabrications : Clean room activity, sputtering, CVD, PVD, spin coating, colloidal lithography.

Characterizations : AFM, SEM, XRD, spectrophotometry, electrical and magnetic properties


Pesan dari mas Ferry:

“CV diatas fokusnya ke riset, jadi cocok bwt daftar phd atau master by research. CV itu klo bisa ga lebih dari 2
halaman, makanya yg dimasukin harus selektif, ga usah semuanya. Karna alesan untuk riset jg makanya saya ga
masukin pengalaman organisasi, karna ga terlalu nyambung (jadi ga penting). Tapi bwt contoh, andai mau masukin
organisasi dan pengalaman lain, saya kasih contoh punya istri saya..”

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Organizational Activity

Head of Public Relation Department PAUD Sekolah Bermain Balon Hijau 08/2012- Present

Responsible in maintaining good relations with parents of the students of the preschool. The preschool,
located in Tubagus Ismail, Bandung, is aimed for lower class families and is free. Activities for the
parents include parenting class, religious studies and distribution of monthly bulletin. Previously acted
as teacher for nine months after attending the teacher courses and trainings.

Project Leader of Consulting Team for Small Business Development (UKM) 05/2012-11/2012

Gave free consultation to Kriya Kertas in Bandung, a small business running in gift paper. Actively
identified their problem and designed suitable solutions to further improve their development.

Vice President of GEMA ITB 05/2012

Lead more than 400 committees to successfully hold a national-scale event. Gema ITB was a series of
events which aim to ignite the spirit of the youth. It consisted of two main events: a youth talkshow
with speakers from all across the nation and social activity of development of street children as well as
fund raising to build a shelter for them in Cimahi, Bandung.

Vice President of SMA Negeri 8 Student Union 12/2008 – 08/2009

Chosen through a long selection of more than 300 students in a six-month process. Succesfully held
various programs both internally and externally. Initiated a breakthrough program called Bazar Budaya
Delapan (Delapan Culture Festival) which since became an annual event up to now.


Succesfully held a general lecture by Unilever at Bandung Institute of Technology and industrial visit to
Astra Honda Motor and Unilever Cikarang with participants of all the students from the Faculty of
Industrial Technology.


Was or has been an active member of various organizations: Sains dan Perpustakaan (young research
organization) and Rohani Islam (Islamic religious affair) SMA 8 Jakarta, Student Union and Keluarga
Mahasiswa Islam of Bandung Institute of Technology.

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Other Achievement

Appreciates arts, especially music and traditional dance, in the spare time. Actively joined courses in
music (organ) and traditional dance of Saman from Aceh. Represented Indonesia in Cultural Exchange
Festival in Bangkok, 2003, by performing Saman dance. The event was attended from all the South East
Asia countries.


Indonesian : Native proficiency

English : Full professional proficiency

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Profil Penulis

Nona Pooroe Utomo S1 di Universitas Gadjah Mada jurusan Psikologi,

S2 di Harvard University Graduate School Of Education, jurusan Human
Development and Psychology dan S2 di London Guildhall University
mengambil Master of Arts (MA), Communication Process. Sekarang bekerja
sebagai Executive Director di The Learning Farm.

Warsono El Kiyat S1 di Universitas Jendral Soedirman jurusan Ilmu dan

Teknologi Pangan, S2 di Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) jurusan Ilmu Pangan
dan pernah bergabung sebagai mahasiswa S2 di Biochemistry di Hokkaido
University. Sekarang bekerja sebagai Dosen dan peneliti di jurusan Teknologi
Gizi dan Makanan, Universitas Surya, Indonesia

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M otivation Letter (motlet) atau Cover Letter (CL) atau Letter of Motivation
(LoM) adalah sebuah tulisan bersifat pengantar, yang memuat tentang
motivasi atau yang membuat kita berkeinginan untuk menjadi bagian
dari sebuah institusi/komunitas dan merupakan salah satu syarat yang
dibutuhkan untuk mengambil studi master.

Bahkan beberapa universitas di Indonesia. Baik itu, latar belakang

kehidupan, pendidikan, alasan memilih program beasiswa, prospek kerja
kedepannya serta kontribusi apa yang akan kita berikan. Semuanya
dirangkum menjadi sebuah tulisan yang menarik, jelas dan padat.

Motlet tidak memiliki standar penulisan yang khusus, semua

tergantung pada diri penulis. Tentunya bahasa harus logis dan baku.
Umumnya jumlah katanya sekitar 500-700 kata atau tidak lebih dari dua
halaman. Namun tetap disesuaikan dengan ketentuan di masing-masing
universitas. Bagi orang Indonesia, kesulitan dalam membuat motlet adalah
jarangnya menulis. LoM bisa ditulis untuk berbagai macam tujuan, seperti:

1. Melamar pekerjaan, untuk tujuan ini biasanya dipakai istilah Cover

2. Melamar beasiswa atau universitas.

Melalui motivation letter ini, tim penyeleksi kandidat dapat melihat

bagaimana cara kamu berpikir, apa tujuanmu mendaftar program beasiswa,
dan potensi yang kamu miliki. Motivation letter yang tepat akan meningkatkan
peluang kamu untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

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Motivation Letter Untuk Melamar Beasiswa

/Melamar Universitas
1. Berikan yang terbaik, setidaknya menjadi terlihat menarik dan
2. Yakinkan bahwa kita pantas dan mempunyai kelebihan dibanding
yang lain. (Jangan lupa‼ Kita juga harus memuji yang dilamar jangan
muji orang lain)
3. Perlihatkan kalau kita bersungguh-sungguh dan benar-benar
berkeinginan untuk dipilih.

Bagaimana Bentuk Motivation Letter?

1. Bentuknya sangat sederhana, karena sebenarnya intinya bukan
bentuk tapi kontennya.
2. Kita bisa menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia atau English tergantung
sikon (situasi, kondisi) dan permintaan. Tapi biasanya kalau dalam
Bahasa Inggris kita menulis straight to the point dan dalam bahasa
resmi (jangan pakai bahasa slank biar dianggap gaul dan akrab).

Bagaimana isi Motivation Letter?

Motivation letter atau LoM biasanya 1 – 1.5 halaman dengan format umum
seperti berikut:

Paragraf 1, biasanya berisikan tentang diri kita seperti latar belakang

pendidikan, pengalaman pekerjaan yang relevan dengan bidang ilmu yang
dipilih jika ada. Sebutkan kelebihan kita dan apa yang sudah kita kerjakan
terkait dengan bidang ilmu yang digeluti.

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Paragraf 2, Kita akan menulis mengapa kita tertarik untuk melamar

universitas atau jurusan tersebut. Mengapa menurut kamu universitas atau
jurusan itu cocok untuk kamu. Bisa juga ditambahkan kelebihan universitas
tersebut dibandingkan dengan universitas yang lain sehingga kamu
menjatuhkan pilihan pada universitas atau jurusan tersebut.

Paragraf 3, Yakinkan bahwa kita akan mampu memberikan yang terbaik jika
kita diberikan kesempatan atau jika kita diterima. Tambahkan juga kita akan
mampu memberikan kontribusi yang luas bagi society seperti komunitas
atau bangsa dan negara
Note: Jumlah paragraf sifatnya fleksibel biasanya tergantung sedikit
banyaknya yang akan kita sampaikan tapi biasanya cukup 5 paragraf saja.

Jika dirinci, secara umum yang perlu dijelaskan dalam motivation letter
antara lain:

1. Siapa diri kamu

Hal ini penting dalam membantu tim penyeleksi untuk mengenal diri
kamu lebih baik. Kamu perlu menjelaskan karakter kamu, kekuatan dan

2. Latar belakang pendidikan

Ceritakan pendidikan yang pernah kamu tempuh dan training lainnya yang
pernah kamu ikuti.

3. Pengalaman dan prestasi

Pengalaman yang kamu uraikan bisa berupa program yang pernah kamu
ikuti, kursus, training, beasiswa yang pernah kamu dapatkan, pengalaman
magang, pengalaman kerja, maupun pengalaman penelitian. Selain itu,
kamu juga perlu menjelaskan prestasi yang pernah kamu capai dengan

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4. Kompetensi dan skill
Uraikan juga mengenai kompetensi dan skill yang kamu miliki. Ini akan
menjadi pertimbangan bagi tim penyeleksi.

5. Alasan mengapa kamu ingin melanjutkan studi melalui program

beasiswa tersebut dan alasan pemilihan bidang studi
Berikan alasan yang jelas mengapa kamu melanjutkan studi dengan
jalur beasiswa dan alasan pemilihan bidang studi. Berikan alasan kuat
dan rasional. Hindari alasan yang tidak jelas dan tidak kuat. Kamu bisa
menjelaskan dan menyinggung mengenai minat dan tujuanmu mengikuti
program beasiswa itu, memilih universitas tersebut, memilih bidang studi
tersebut, dan alasan mengapa kamu ingin studi di negara tersebut.

6. Mata kuliah apa saja yang menguntungkan untukmu dalam program

studi tersebut
Kamu juga bisa menjelaskan secara singkat mata kuliah yang kamu
pertimbangkan akan menunjang masa depanmu.

7. Mengapa kamu memerlukan beasiswa dan pantas mendapatkannya

Kamu perlu menguatkan alasanmu mengapa kamu pantas mendapatkan
beasiswa tersebut, uraikan apa keunggulan-mu dan prospek di masa depan.

8. Apa yang kamu lakukan setelah studi

Hal ini sangat penting karena tim penyeleksi akan melihat potensi kamu
di masa yang akan datang. Mereka juga akan melihat rencanamu dan
kontribusimu setelah lulus. Untuk membantu kamu menguraikan hal ini,
kamu perlu mengetahui tujuan diadakannya beasiswa tersebut. Sebagian
program beasiswa memang mengharapkan penerima beasiswa setelah
lulus dapat berkontribusi di negara masing-masing.

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Tips Membuat Motivation Letter

1. Tentukan judul yang menarik. Judul yang memiliki daya tarik yang
kuat. sehingga membuat panitia/dewan juri menjadi penasaran.
Misalnya seperti, “Senjata Kecil Pembunuh Generasi Emas Bangsa”.
Sebuah kiasan yang sarat makna.
2. Awali dengan kisah yang membawa kita pada passion “kenapa kita
ingin mendalami bidang tersebut pada S2 nanti?
3. Aturlah alur cerita yang baik. Tentukanlah apa saja yang ingin kamu
4. Ceritakan secara singkat tentang latar belakang kehidupan dan
pendidikan kamu. Latar belakang pendidikan atau pekerjaan harus
saling berkaitan. Dari sini akan terlihat potensi dan minat kamu
terhadap suatu bidang. Kemudian, fokuskan pada alasan kamu
memilih program beasiswa tersebut, jurusan yang kamu pilih, prospek
kerja kedepannya serta kontribusi yang akan kamu berikan.
5. Jelaskan juga “kenapa memilih kuliah di kampus tersebut?” Hindari
jawaban klise seperti “ranking yang bagus” tapi sebutkan keunggulan
spesifik kampus tersebut.
6. Tambahkan “apa keunggulan diri kamu”. Gunakan contoh konkrit.
Jangan cuma menulis “pekerja keras”, “pembelajar” tanpa memberi
bukti dari pengalamanmu
7. Gunakan tata bahasa yang baik dan santun. Jangan terlihat terlalu
sombong atau meninggikan diri, tetapi juga jangan terlihat terlalu
merendahkan diri atau pesimis
8. Fokus pada satu hal. Maksudnya target harus jelas. Misalnya, saya
memilih fakultas Kedokteran, jurusan Pediatric: Spesialis Anak,
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical University.
9. Ceritakan-lah bakat dan prestasi yang kamu miliki sesederhana
mungkin agar tidak terkesan kamu adalah orang yang sombong.
10. Jujur dan terbuka. Berceritalah seperti kamu sedang berharap dengan

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panitia/dewan juri. Namun aturlah ritme yang baik agar berjalan secara
alami atau tidak dibuat-buat. Karena mungkin saja panitia/dewan juri
adalah seorang penerima beasiswa juga.
11. Jika IPK mu tidak terlalu bagus atau menonjol, sertakan alasan
mengapa hal tersebut terjadi, Kemukakan alasan logis yang dapat
diterima oleh tim penyeleksi. Sertakan alasan kuat mengapa kamu
layak dipilih meskipun nilai IPK mu tidak menonjol.
12. Tutup dengan manis dengan rencana kamu setelah lulus dari program
S2 tersebut. Bagaimana ilmu yang didapatkan bisa memberikan
manfaat bagi masyarakat.

Tips Lintas Jurusan

Sebaiknya dihubungkan dengan jurusan yang dipilih dan bagaimana
rencana karir ke depannya. Bisa ditambahkan pengalaman kerja di bidang
tersebut dan kontribusi yang akan dilakukan dari bidang yang diambil. Alasan
lainnya seperti tertarik pada bidang tersebut karena sangat dibutuhkan
dan tenaganya kurang, dll. Apabila motlet ditolak oleh pihak universitas,
biasanya terdapat positive feedback.

Contoh dari masing-masing panduan yang terlampir hanyalah

bayangan sebagai panduan dalam membuat versi kalian sendiri.
Perhatikan baik-baik kalimat yang harus kalian edit versimu
sendiri ya. Semoga membantu!

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Motivation letter of student applying for the IBMS programme

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am applying for the International Business Management Studies

programme at the XXXX campus of XXXX University of Applied Sciences.
I am very interested in beginning a career in business and I am certain that
this Bachelor’s programme will help me to fulfil myself in both professional
and personal contexts.

I am currently finishing my last year of high school where I have spent a

lot of time and effort learning subjects which reflect my preferences and
interests such as mathematics, the English language, and subjects in the
technological field. My drive has enabled my teachers to enter me in various
competitions in these fields where I often end up in prize-winning places. I
am also very interested in teamwork, and therefore participate in organising
school events and supporting friends and classmates. I feel these activities
will be the way in which I can make a difference and gain the leadership skills
necessary to reach my goals.

My current goal is to start and develop my own business. After doing

some research into Russian post-secondary programmes, I realised that
this country cannot offer me the education I need to achieve this goal. The
level of specialisation here is quite poor and teaching methods are mostly
oriented on theoretical knowledge which I believe is nearly useless when it
comes to real-life work.

I learned in school that the Russian Tsar, Peter the Great, went to the
Netherlands to learn how to build ships and I have always wondered why

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he chose this country for his education and what else one can learn there.
Since then, I’ve tried to find out more about the Netherlands and the more
I’ve been learning, the more my motivation to study there has grown. The
educational approach that is used in the Netherlands would provide me with
the widest range of specialisations in the field of international business, as
well as a lot of practical skills which is exactly what I need. When I found
the International Business and Management Studies programme at XXXX
University, I realised that it is the best choice for me for a number of reasons.

First of all, this programme covers the business topics that interest me
the most, such as Finance, Economics, Marketing, and Communication.
As a future business leader I must be an expert in these fields, capable of
analysing and solving any practical problems I may face. I am certain that
the numerous traineeships and case assignments I will take part in during
this programme will help me to gain the necessary knowledge and skills.

The second reason I’m drawn to XXXX is the international environment

it features. Looking at my future, I understand that the only way to be
successful in today’s business world is to make it in an international context.
At your university, the most international university of applied sciences in
the Netherlands, I will learn how to communicate with people from different
backgrounds to achieve the best working results which I believe will be the
next big step in my development.

Thirdly, studying at your university will significantly improve my English

skills. As one the most important languages in the world, English will help
me to form new connections and expand my social network to a global level.

Finally, this programme will help me to develop myself as a team player and
cultivate the leadership skills necessary for my future career. I will learn to be
responsible not only for myself, but also for the whole team, which I believe
is essential for a business manager.

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I understand that studying abroad is going to be the most challenging step

in my life so far, but I also believe I can withstand any problems I will face and
make the most of the knowledge and experience gained through this study
programme. I hope to contribute my talents and efforts to your university
and become a worthy member of the team.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and time, XXXX


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Contoh Motivation Letter


Motivation letter of a student applying to Dutch technological university I am

James Smith, the 3rd year student of XXXX University of Power Engineering
and Telecommunications.

I have always been thinking about my future, building a career, becoming a

successful person and generally finding my own path in the life.

Almost all my family including my uncles, aunts and cousins have their jobs
which somehow connected to the field of technology. I have grown among
intelligent people and it had great influence on the development of my
personality so since early childhood I have learnt the importance of education.

My school teachers always noted that I had good abilities in such subjects
as mathematics and physics. This increased my interest in exact sciences,
and I decided to connect my future career with technological area of activity,
wishing to gain success in the future. And if I become successful I will pay
back my parents for their warmth and loving tender, as they have been those
who have been supporting me throughout my life.

For that reason I constructed a plan for achieving this long-term aim. By
the plan I accomplished some small objectives: graduated from school in
the number of the best students and won a scholarship to study in XXXX
University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications. This year I am
going to graduate from the university, and plan to enter one of the best
universities of the world for my Masters’ degree. As it was before I started
to find one with an opportunity to win a scholarship. I spent much time
searching, and at last I chose the XXXX University among other universities
of the Netherlands.

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The first acquaintance with your university began from collecting particular
information about it. From the data I had found I managed to make some
basic picture explaining why I chose it.

XXXX University is the biggest innovative centre which takes active part in
the field of fundamental and applied sciences. Furthermore, the research
investigations of students and scientists make a great contribution to the
development of high technologies in and outside the Netherlands. In addition to
investigative work the university keeps on stimulating entrepreneurial abilities
in its students. It favoured the establishment of more than 600 thousand
industrial companies which successively function on the basis of mutually
beneficial collaboration with students and research personnel of XXXX
University. Furthermore, I was astonished reading about implementations
which are conducted there. For example, the development of virtual satellite
dish or microchip with a solar cell which does not need batteries.

All the articles about achievements of the university let me conclude that
XXXX University is the most suitable institution to realize my potential. As far
as my pertinent work experience is concerned I would like to mention that
last summer was undergoing training in local telecommunication company
for 5 weeks. This company devotes itself to providing wireless broadband
Internet access to its customers. As a trainee I had many duties starting from
reconfiguring equipment and finishing by arriving to a certain client to set
up a network. During the training I managed to acquire some specific skills,
for example, how to organize conduit in different kinds of buildings or how
exactly a cable laying is implemented. Likewise, I got to know the structure
of telecommunication agency. In addition, I learnt the principles of team work
and improved my communicative abilities. As a result, after completion of the
training I was given a qualification of assistant engineer.

As regards my interests, I am glad to say that I am not a person who is only

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engaged in studies. I have dozens of activities which I like to do. Generally, I

would like to note that I have always kept healthy lifestyle. I was taught that
it is much better to struggle with your sicknesses by developing your health
rather than taking drugs infinitely. All these clearly define my high interest in
keeping healthy lifestyle that is reflected in my big love of sport. For instance,
I am a real football fan which means that I enjoy playing and watching it.
Thus I always try to find some time to go out and play such a wonderful game
with my friends. What is more, the fact that football is the most famous sport
in the Netherlands so there are plenty of professional football clubs which are
recognized worldwide is another plus for entering your university. In addition,
I also like such kinds of sports that upgrade strength, stamina, reaction and
flexibility. That is why the list of my favourite sports is very wide including not
only football, but also basketball, swimming, long-distance jogging, sprint,
table tennis and recently I have found myself in martial arts especially Boxing
and different kinds of wrestling. Finally, I cannot forget that reading books is
another passion of mine. Thus, most of all I prefer science fiction, fantasy
and detective novels as my favourite genres.

With respect to my future career, as I mentioned before the fact, that XXXX
University links its activity with investigative work and at the same time
develop entrepreneurial skills of its students, is a fundamental reason of why
I desire to study exactly here. The question is that our nation is lack of highly
qualified specialists in the field of telecommunication.

What is more, as user I am not satisfied with the level of provision of

different telecommunication services that are also very expensive and I am
sure that I am not the only one who supposes so. I believe that our country
has much more potential; therefore, as a true patriot, I wish to contribute
to the development of the national telecommunication. In other words, if I
gain the Masters’ degree in your university then I am going to return back
to my homeland to make efforts to establish my own telecommunication
company for the purpose of providing telecommunication of a high quality at

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a reasonable price. To implement such goal I need to improve my leadership

qualities and acquire special knowledge in chosen field of education, which
will be possible if I join XXXX University.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if I become a student of your university,

I promise to be a worthy member of the team. Thank you very much for
considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

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Profil Penulis

Joko Pamungkas Lahir di Purwokerto pada 06 November 1984. Pendidikan

S1 ditempuh di Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman,
Purwokerto. Pendidikan S2 ditempuh di International Studies in Aquatic
Tropical Ecology (ISATEC), Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Bremen, Jerman,
melalui beasiswa DAAD. Saat ini tengah menempuh studi S3 di Institute
of Marine Science, Fakultas Sains, Universitas Auckland, Selandia Baru,
dengan beasiswa NZAS sebagai sponsor. Berprofesi sebagai peneliti di
Pusat Penelitian Laut Dalam, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI),
di Ambon, Maluku.

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S urat rekomendasi dari (setidaknya) dua orang biasanya akan diminta

pada saat kita melamar beasiswa untuk studi lanjut ke luar negeri.
Surat tersebut lazimnya ditulis oleh atasan dan mantan dosen pembimbing
kita, serta memiliki bobot yang tinggi pada proses seleksi beasiswa karena
menjadi semacam testimoni bahwa kita memang capable untuk menempuh
kuliah di luar negeri nanti.

Sayangnya, surat tersebut tak jarang hanya berisi hal yang sifatnya
umum-umum saja. Oleh sebab kesibukan yang tinggi, pihak penulis surat
boleh jadi telah memiliki semacam ‘master’ surat rekomendasi. Sehingga
apabila ada yang minta dibuatkan, cukup ganti nama, edit, “poles” sedikit,
lalu jadi. Praktis, namun kekuatan surat menjadi lemah karena berbagai hal
spesifik yang semestinya bisa ditonjolkan justru tidak tertuang.

Lantas apa yang bisa kita lakukan? Sembari minta dibuatkan surat
rekomendasi, saran saya sampaikan pada mereka: saya sudah buatkan
konsepnya! Dengan cara ini, berbagai detail bisa tertuang dengan baik,
dan atasan atau mantan dosen tinggal mengoreksi saja (kecuali jika pihak
beasiswa sudah menyediakan formatnya, maka lain cerita). Jika dianggap
sudah oke, mereka tinggal tanda tangan (ini seringkali menjadi win-
win solution: kita diuntungkan karena konten surat menjadi lebih “kaya”,
sementara pemberi rekomendasi diringankan pekerjaannya karena konsep
surat sudah disediakan).

Nah, apa saja poin-poin yang idealnya tertuang di surat tersebut?

Saya mencermati dua surat rekomendasi outstanding yang pernah ditulis
oleh mantan dosen saya di Universitas Bremen, Jerman (Dr. Tim Jennerjahn),
dan co-supervisor S3 saya sekarang (Dr. Christopher J. Glasby), surat
rekomendasi yang bagus minimal berisi beberapa hal sebagai berikut.

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1. Statement bahwa mereka mengenal kita selama (misal) sekian tahu

dalam kapasitas yang spesifik (sebagai contoh, sebagai dosen
pembimbing, atau partner penelitian, atau pemimpin proyek riset
yang kita terlibat di dalamnya).
2. Statement bahwa mereka mendukung rencana studi lanjut kita dan
yakin akan kapabilitas kita disertai dengan alasan-alasan yang
spesifik (misalnya, kita pernah mengambil mata kuliah yang beliau
ampu dan mendapat nilai memuaskan; atau kita pernah terlibat di
proyek riset yang dipimpin beliau dan berkontribusi secara signifikan;
atau saat ini kita sedang terlibat dalam joint research dengan beliau
dengan hasil riset yang menjanjikan; dan lain sebagainya). Singkatnya,
konten surat lebih banyak memberi bukti-bukti yang riil ketimbang
sesuatu yang sifatnya umum-umum saja.
3. Jika pembuat surat adalah atasan, akan baik sekali kalau di akhir
surat diberi pernyataan tambahan bahwa usai merampungkan studi
kita akan diterima kembali untuk bekerja di institusi asal.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut contoh surat rekomendasi yang ditulis

oleh Dr. Tim Jennerjahn saat saya melamar beasiswa New Zealand ASEAN
Scholarships (NZAS) untuk program studi doktoral Marine Science di
Universitas Auckland, New Zealand.

Contoh dari masing-masing panduan yang terlampir hanyalah

bayangan sebagai panduan dalam membuat versi kalian sendiri.
Perhatikan baik-baik kalimat yang harus kalian edit versimu
sendiri ya. Semoga membantu!

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Letter of Recommendation

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I know Mr. Joko Pamungkas since 2005 when he was an S1 student (in the
Indonesian system almost equivalent to B.Sc.) at the Jenderal Soedirman
University (UNSOED) in Purwokerto, Indonesia. At that time he joined our
international research team investigating the effects of human activities on
the ecology of the Segara Anakan Lagoon in south central Java, Indonesia.
This project forms cluster 2 of the Indonesian – German research and
education programme SPICE (Science for the Protection of Indonesian
Coastal Marine Ecosystems) and is being coordinated by Dr. Edy Yuwono
(UNSOED) on the Indonesian side and by me on the German side.

Between February 2005 and January 2007, Mr. Joko Pamungkas participated
in a number of research and education activities within the frame of our
bilateral project. He participated in sampling campaigns in the Segara
Anakan Lagoon and laboratory work at the Biology Faculty of UNSOED. He
organized field trips and operated and maintained scientific gear to obtain
water, sediment and benthos samples. His ability to work self-dependent
and to take responsibility contributed largely to a smooth continuation of
field work even in between joint German-Indonesian sampling campaigns.
In the field he helped in the collection, sieving and sorting of macrobenthos
samples and in the laboratory he contributed to the taxonomic identification
of macrobenthic organisms.

Mr. Joko Pamungkas performed his S1 study also within the frame of the
SPICE project. His thesis entitled “Macrobenthos community in the Segara

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Anakan mangrove area: a comparison study of their diversity and abundance

from offshore to inside mangrove” contributed to the overall research goals
of SPICE. He presented preliminary results of his thesis in a very good talk
during an international SPICE workshop held at UNSOED in Purwokerto
in January 2006. Because of the high quality of his thesis work his results
made a significant contribution to an international publication in the journal
Regional Environmental Change. Moreover, he successfully participated in
an “International course on benthic ecology: benthic organisms in mangrove
forests and tidal flats” held by the ZMT scientist Dr. Inga Nordhaus in
Purwokerto in August 2005.

Besides his stamina in conducting sampling campaigns consequently and

precisely over months he displayed keen perception in learning and applying
state of the art methodology. He also demonstrated his intellectual ability
during his S1 thesis study and when giving the talk during our international
workshop. Since then he had the aim to pursue his studies in the International
Studies on Aquatic Tropical Ecology (ISATEC) in Bremen. He knew in detail
about the requirements for application and therefore chose a job in which
he could gain professional experience in his field of work. Over the years
he stayed in touch and discussed aspects of his research on the benthos
ecology of Indonesian coastal areas with us thereby gaining experience and
improving his professional expertise. Finally, he was accepted for the ISATEC
Master course and studied in Bremen between 2011 and 2013. During that
time he attended my course on “Biogeochemical Cycling of Elements in
the Aquatic Environment” and we had discussions from time to time. He
conducted his M.Sc. Thesis project again in the SPICE Cluster coordinated
by me and did a very good job.

He is a highly motivated student and upright person and I am also impressed

by his persistency in trying to pursue his studies. Therefore, I think, he is
extremely well prepared for a doctorate.

Dr. Tim Jennerjahn

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Profil Penulis

Joko Pamungkas Lahir di Purwokerto pada 06 November 1984. Pendidikan

S1 ditempuh di Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman,
Purwokerto. Pendidikan S2 ditempuh di International Studies in Aquatic
Tropical Ecology (ISATEC), Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Bremen, Jerman,
melalui beasiswa DAAD. Saat ini tengah menempuh studi S3 di Institute
of Marine Science, Fakultas Sains, Universitas Auckland, Selandia Baru,
dengan beasiswa NZAS sebagai sponsor. Berprofesi sebagai peneliti di
Pusat Penelitian Laut Dalam, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI),
di Ambon, Maluku.

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P roposal riset (Research proposal) adalah suatu bentuk pedoman

rencana kerja yang terdiri atas semua unsur-unsur pokok dalam proses
penelitian. Proposal penelitian juga harus berisikan informasi yang cukup
bagi si pembaca untuk mengevaluasi penelitian yang diajukan. (Prof.
Robertus Wahyudi Triweko, Ph.D)

Secara umum, pengertian proposal adalah jenis proposal yang banyak

digunakan untuk bidang akademik khususnya dalam bidang karya ilmiah
yang biasa dibuat oleh para mahasiswa. Contoh penelitian seperti skripsi,
tesis,disertasi, pembuatan PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa), dan lain

Bentuk proposal penelitian adalah berupa dokumen singkat yang

berisikan rencana peneliti dalam melakukan penelitiannya. Proposal
penelitian untuk S2 ataupun S3 bisa sangat singkat sekitar 500 kata atau
juga bisa sangat panjang sekitar 6000 kata (15 halaman) tergantung dari
program studi yang diambil.

Research Proposal, dari namanya jelas, proposal riset, bentuknya

proposal, isinya tentang rencana Riset. Proposal Riset biasanya wajib
dilampirkan untuk program Master by Research (ini umum di Jepang dan
Korea khususnya bidang Engineering) dan wajib untuk Program Doktor
dimanapun kampusnya. Kalau mau lanjut S3 maka Research Proposal itu
wajib dimanapun itu, baik untuk apply kampus maupun universitas

Beasiswa Riset itu sangat banyak, khususnya di Korea Selatan,

Jepang, Taiwan, dan Germany. Kalau sudah ngomongin beasiswa Riset,
kalian mau lanjut S2 atau S3 biasanya diminta submit Research Proposal.
Kalo S3 wajib.

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Lalu bagaimana kita tahu bahwa proposal riset kita sudah pantas?
Apa indikatornya? Setiap universitas biasanya memiliki standar sendiri,
namun secara umum bobot untuk studi S3 yang harus tertuang dalam
proposal meliputi dua aspek, yakni novelty dan achievable. Di sini, novelty
berarti aspek kebaruan: studi S3 kita diwajibkan memberikan kontribusi
yang orisinil kepada sains. Sementara itu, achievable bermakna bahwa
studi tersebut harus realistis dan dapat dirampungkan dalam kurun waktu
tertentu (lazimnya 3-4 tahun), dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor
(misalnya anggaran dana, fasilitas laboratorium, dan berbagai aspek serta
perhitungan lainnya). Biasanya tiap kampus juga punya format sendiri
sendiri, tapi in General, misal tidak ada formatnya, maka proposal Riset
untuk S2 setidaknya harus mengandung ini:
1. Abstract
2. Background/Problem statement
3. Literatur review/ State of the art
4. Research Question
5. Methodology
6. References

Sedangkan untuk format proposal riset S3? Prinsipnya sama saja

dengan proposal penelitian pada umumnya sebagai berikut:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Research Outputs
5. Timetable
6. Funding Sources
7. References

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Kalau proposal riset memang teknis banget, karena memang bagi

yg mau ambil master by research atau S3 berarti sudah harus siap untuk
riset. Jadi memang proposal harus detail dan dalam dan harus sudah riset
duluan yakni nyari state of the art, nyari literature review dulu, udah nyampe
mana, dan kita mau kontribusi riset disebelah mana. Bagi yang suka riset
saya sarankan untuk berani ambil Master by Research, karena sangat
bermanfaat, jadi nanti pas lanjut S3 sudah tidak kaget karena S2nya sudah
punya experience riset.

Research Proposal kan kita harus riset dulu tuh, ya setidaknya baca-
baca penelitian sebelumnya jadi kita tahu state of the artnya saat ini. Nah
untuk menulis study plan juga perlu riset, riset kenapa harus ambil matkul
itu, apa tujuannya, kedepan mau buat apa, dan kenapa harus di kampus itu,
itu semua kan harus riset terlebih dahulu.

Jadi memang buat aplikasi untuk apply ke kampus dan scholarship

itu benar-benar harus serius dan butuh waktu dan totalitas. Untuk Riset
Proposal, saya sarankan di proposal riset suka re-refer ke paper-paper dari
calon supervisor teman-teman, itu sebagai tanda kalau risetnya linier dan
kalian itu sudah baca publikasi atau kerjaan calon professor teman-teman.

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Lalu bagaimana cara menulis proposal riset yang baik?

1. Follow the rules (kalo ada formatnya dan biasanya ada, harus ikut
format)-> kembali ke hal penting: baca guidelines dengan hati-hati
2. Periksa dengan teliti jangan sampai ada typo, salah grammar, dsb
3. Berani show off dan confidence, tunjukan dirimu tapi jangan sampai
4. Realistic dengan proposal riset (jangan sampai menulis hal-hal yang
5. Jangan mendadak!
6. Endapkan tulisan anda ½ minggu kemudian cek lagi
7. Minta second opinion dari teman/kolega
8. Minta review ke siapa-lah, bias teman yang bagus grammarnya atau
teman yang sudah punya experience keterima aplikasinya atau senior
9. Benar-benar luangkan waktu untuk aplikasi, jangan asal-asalan

Contoh dari masing-masing panduan yang terlampir hanyalah

bayangan sebagai panduan dalam membuat versi kalian sendiri.
Perhatikan baik-baik kalimat yang harus kalian edit versimu
sendiri ya. Semoga membantu!

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Industrial globalization presents the need for companies to expand into

new territories world-wide. Research has attributed difficulties in doing so
largely to problems and difficulties in the process of knowledge transfer,
and has recently pinpointed the essential role of implementing knowledge
from other parts of the world, and the learning required to do so. An ethos of
knowledge transfer, implementation and learning are needed for international
business success. Chinese multinational companies are new and significant
phenomena, are newly internationalizing, and are culturally ill-disposed to
such an ethos. This study will employ longitudinal ethnographic research to
identify if and how they reconcile this conundrum, to advance understanding
concerning the link between knowledge and learning and international
business development.


The knowledge source, the knowledge transfer process, and the knowledge
recipient have been categorized as the three principle elements of a
knowledge-management system (Wiig1995). As knowledge retention
and distribution have always been the concern of organizations and their
managers, sophisticated techniques and systems have been designed for
managing the knowledge source and knowledge transfer (Davenport and
Prusak, 1998; Wiig, 1995). One of the main recent streams of research in
international business is concerned with knowledge-management within
multinational corporations, especially knowledge transfer between parent
firm and subsidiaries. For these firms, and for research on them, cross-
border knowledge transfer and implementation have become hot topics.
For most multinational companies, transferring knowledge is important for
self-improvement and development, both in home and in host markets.

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Knowledge transfer is a circular process; MNCs gather knowledge from

business partners, and then apply it back to doing business with these
or other business partners. In this process, knowledge application (which
can be called as ‘implementation’) plays an essential role; it determines the
effectiveness of knowledge transfer, without which, MNCs cannot develop
and possibly cannot survive in foreign markets. Thus, the implementation
of transferred knowledge should be a focus of attention; especially for
companies dealing with multinational markets. Many firms in the People’s
Republic of China have, in recent years, grown so rapidly that they are now
beginning to become MNCs. However, their complex culture background,
their different political environment and their firms’ comparatively
undeveloped management skills and technologies bring huge challenges
for their internationalization. These aspects also represent obstacles for
foreign companies who are trying to do business with Chinese MNCs. These
concerns lead to a comprehensive investigation of the factors, and the
management techniques that influence the implementation of international
business knowledge transfer within the Chinese-Western context.


Knowledge Transfer in MNCs

Buckley and Casson (1976) advocated the very existence of a MNC lies
in its ability to internalize externalities by putting together resources and
activities at a more efficient rate than markets do. According to Kogut
and Zander (1993), MNCs were defined as a social community in which
knowledge exists among cooperating members; the productive knowledge
of this community was defined as competitive advantage. Nowadays MNCs
are widely viewed as the most efficient mechanisms for the international
transfer of tacit knowledge; based on this advantage, MNCs are able to
create and dynamically transform networks of information involving multi-
location data-inputs, centralize and disperse information processing and

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constantly evolve modes of data analysis and knowledge-processing

capabilities (Gupta and Govindarajan, 1996).

The importance of knowledge transfer derives from the increasing

globalization and convergence of industry, the challenging environment that
forces companies to expand into new markets. New markets normally imply
new customers, competitors, stakeholders, and business practices, whose
effective management depends on appropriate organizational knowledge
and skills (Prusak, 1998; Riesenberger, 1998). Since a market entrant may
not necessarily have these skills in-house, it must either develop them
internally or acquire them externally by cooperating with or taking over other
firms that possess them (Barney, 1999). On one hand, knowledge transfer
is one kind of ‘knowledge sharing’, a natural product of interaction which
may be unplanned and even unintentional (Szulanski, 2000). This point may
help to explain the knowledge transfer (or lack of it) between parent firms
and subsidiaries, or between subsidiaries of MNCs. On the other hand,
simple sharing is not an efficient way to transfer knowledge, because when
translated into another culture it may result in knowledge that is technically
appropriate but culturally void (Kayes et al., 2005).

This concern can be addressed theoretically with the ‘knowledge based view’.
This explains how firms grow and gain competitiveness through creating
and learning know-how, and serves as an analytical tool that presents an
evolutionary view of firm (Kogut and Zander, 1992, 1993; Spender, 1996).
Although the knowledge based view is interested in the humans who play
a major role in the process of knowledge creation, transfer, and acquisition
within the organization (Conner and Prahalad 1996; Grant,1996), it hints
at the term ‘knowledge learning’ to describe the complete process of
knowledge transfer in acquisitions, join-ventures and strategic alliances.

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A consensus has emerged that an essential competency for success in

managing the global organization lies in learning (Ferraro, 2002). Learning
is not a simple imitation process, it suggests the company draws on direct
experiences from others to solve problems, make sense to the normal daily
events, and finally also create new knowledge. Kolb (1984) developed a four
stage model of experiential learning that lies behind knowledge creation:
generating knowledge, gathering knowledge, organizing knowledge and
acting on knowledge.

Based on these four stages, a seven-stage of cross-cultural knowledge

transfer model has been developed (Kayes et al., 2005). Figure 1 adopts
this to the situation of international acquisitions and alliances. It highlights
the transfer between the two parts of the process, transferring and
implementation, in which:

Transferring is just a simple knowledge flow process; companies discover

and replicate knowledge from partners: it is a passive adaptation. Reception
and replication of knowledge might be labeled learning to imitate (Zott,
2003) Implementation includes knowledge understanding and exertion,
involving not only learning experiences from partners, but also making
them an element of a new way of managing and operating. Learning to
create new knowledge depends on user firms’ dynamic capabilities, that
subset of capabilities which allows the user firm to reconfigure, reintegrate
and transform its resources (in this case, knowledge resource) into new
competencies and competitive advantages (Teece et al., 1997). Though
much attention as been given to transferring knowledge, researchers are
now finding that without implementation, the simple transferring process
can be meaningless. In another words, implementation is the ultimate
objective of knowledge transfer, this involving action.

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Identifying local knowledge

Managing unintended consequences

Figure 1: Cross-cultural knowledge transfer in International Mergers

and Alliances

Research Question

The capabilities and conditions of successful knowledge transfer have

been viewed from various contexts and perspectives by international
researches, but there are few studies of the implementation of knowledge
transfer, especially the international business knowledge transfer between
MNCs. Here I will ask how companies connect the external knowledge
transfer with internal knowledge transfer and knowledge learning.

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Specifically, how do they translate knowledge from one subsidiary to

another, how do they reorganize it, adapt it and institutionalize it, and how
do they develop an organizational learning cycle. It therefore uses the
two different perspectives of knowledge transfer implementation, that
of the knowledge transfer and that of knowledge learning. It ultimately
aims to provide references for improving management practice

concerning knowledge transfer and learning in international business.

This research will investigate and analyze the international business

knowledge transfer and implementation within Chinese MNCs. Chinese
MNCs are a new phenomenon, and being novices in the international
business area, are still in the initial stages of multinationalization process
from a knowledge transfer point of view. Their lack of global experience in
dealing with multinational business means they often do not realize the need
for a different management approach and mentality (Li, 2006). They are
highly influenced by the traditional Chinese culture dimension, which shapes
operations into a conservative pattern with top-down communication styles,
which may limit knowledge flows at different levels.

Common and different knowledge transfer features will be identified in

Chinese MNCs, and how these features influence the development of
Chinese MNCs will be investigated. These issues will be critically analyzed
to compare the observed practice in Chinese MNCs with theoretical
developments and with the results of earlier studies.


Based on earlier studies, knowledge transfer heavy relies on the capability

of managers; their flexibility and learning capability influences the transfer
process, so talking with managers directly is necessary to understand the
process of knowledge transfer, implementation and learning. A longitudinal

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in-depth investigation is therefore required for these complex cases, in a

qualitative study employing ethnographic research principles. The best way
to collect primary data is through periodic personal interviews. However,
there are two clear options:

1. A single case study of one Chinese MNC, and its subsidiaries in

different countries. This research method provides the deepest and
broadest research data. But the research result may highly influenced
by some unique factors of this interviewed company, limiting the
scope for generalization.
2. A multicase study of two to three Chinese MNCs in different
industries, together with their subsidiaries in different countries. It will
be possible then to compare the differences and similarities between
the companies, draw comparative conclusions about knowledge
transfer in the Chinese MNCs, and generate more generalisable
findings. The access demands, however, especially for a long time
investigation then become substantial, and present new problems.
For example, people move jobs, making it difficult to maintain long-
term relationships with interviewees.

Which research method would be taken highly depends on the process of

gaining access, but the general research steps have been decided. Three
managers from each company, from different departments or subsidiaries,
are expected to be interviewed three times each. Through reduplicate
checking of the same general questions, the complete change process will
be discovered and examined.


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I Made Andi Arsana. S1 di Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta

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jurusan Law, Distinction. Beliau sekarang bekerja sebagai dosen di Teknik
Geodesi UGM, Yogyakarta.

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