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Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5

1. Fruits and Vegetables (Sayuran dan Buah-buahan)
- Membaca teks teks tentang sayuran dan buah dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Penggunaan Possesive adjective dalam kalimat sederhana
- Kalimat meminta dan memberi bantuan

2. Sports (Olah raga)

- Membaca teks tentang olah raga dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Menyebutkan jenis-jenis olah raga
- Membuat kalimat positif, negatif dan tanya menggunakan There is dan There are
- Membuat kalimat sederhana dalam percakapan tentang olah raga

3. Daily Activities (Kegiatan Sehari-hari)

- Membaca teks tentang kegiatan sehari-hari dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Menuliskan kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan sehari-hari
- Membuat kalimat sederhana tentang kegiatan sehari-hari menggunakan Simple Present Tense
- Bercakap-cakap tentang kegiatan sehari-hari / Telling about activities

4. Time (Waktu)
- Menjawab teks tentang watu dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Waktu tentang : Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute
- Membuat kalimat sederhana menggunakan keterangan waktu
- Membuat kalimat sederhana menggunakan Adverbs of squence
- Kalimat perintah atau kalimat petunjuk menggunakan sesuatu

5. Vehicle (Kendaraan)
- Membaca teks tentang kendaraan dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Menyebutkan jenis-jenis kendaraan dan fungsinya
- Penggunaan bilangan dalam kalimat
- Menyusun cerita sederhana berdasarkan imajinasi
- Meminta tolong dengan bahasa yang benar
- Memberi perintah sederhana

1. Weather (Cuaca)
- Membaca teks tentang cuaca kemudian menjawab pertanyaannya
- Menyebutkan kosa kata tentang cuaca
- Membuat kalimat sederhana menggunakan keterangan waktu
- Penggunaan kata enjoy dalam kalimat sederhana
- Menulis kalimat sederhana tentang cuaca

2. Invitation (Undangan)
- Membaca teks tentang undangan pesta ulang tahun kemudian menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan pesta ulang tahun
- Kalimat sederhana menggunakan keterangan sikap
- Kalimat tentang mengundang untuk datang ke pesta, menolak dan menerima undangan
- Kalimat tentang ucapan selamat ulang tahun dengan bahasa sederhana

3. Clothes (Pakaian)
- Membaca teks tentang pakaian dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Jenis-jenis pakaian
- Kalimat sederhana menggunakan may dan may not
- Kalimat ungkapan keberatan dengan sopan
- Menyusun kalimat sederhana tentang pakaian

4. Good Hygiene
- Membaca teks tentang kesehatan kemudian menjawab pertanyaannya
- Gambar-gambar yang berkaitan dengan kosa kata kesehatan
- Fungsi do dan does dalam kalimat
- Memahami perintah dan memberi perintah
- Menulis kalimat dengan instruksi yang benar

5. Thank you (Terima Kasih)

- Membaca teks surat tentang ucapan terima kasih dan menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata tentang surat ucapan terima kasih
- Regular dan Irregular Verbs
- Kalimat Simple Past Tense bentuk sederhana
- Menulis pengalaman liburan dalam bahasa Inggris
- Menulis surat ucapan terima kasih bentuk sederhana
Untuk menambah kosa kata kalian, berikut adalah contoh antonim (antonym) atau lawan kata
(opposite meaning). Langsung saja disimak ya...
No Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia
1 good X bad baik X jelek
2 happy X sad gembira X sedih
3 Young X Old Muda X Tua
4 New X Old Baru X Lama
5 Easy X Difficult Mudah X Sukar
6 Dilligent X Lazy Rajin X Malas
7 Quiet X Noisy Tenang X Ribut
8 Thick X Thin Tebal X Tipis
9 Fat X Thin Gemuk X Kurus
10 Sharp X Blunt Tajam X Tumpul
11 Early X Late Awal/dini X Terlambat
12 Interesting X Dull/boring Menarik X Membosankan
13 Wide X Narrow Lebar X Sempit
14 Deep X Shallow Dalam X Dangkal
15 Long X Short Panjang X Pendek
16 Tall X Short Tinggi X Pendek
17 High X Low Tinggi X Rendah
18 Expensive X Cheap Mahal X Murah
19 Bright X Dark Terang X Gelap
20 Heavy X Light Berat X Rigan
21 Hungry X Full/ Lapar X Kenyang
22 Far X Near Jauh X Dekat
23 Sweet X Bitter Manis X Pahit
24 Clever/ X Stupid/ Pintar X Bodoh
Smart X Foolish/
Intelligent X silly
25 Soft X Hard Lunak X Keras
26 Smooth X Rough Lembut X Kasar
27 Rich/ X Poor Kaya X Miskin
28 Healthy X Sick/ill Sehat X Sakit
29 Hot X Cold Panas X Dingin
30 Beautiful X Ugly Cantik X Jelek
31 Handsome X Ugly Tampan X Jelek
32 Big/large X Small Besar X Kecil
33 Clean X Dirty Bersih X Kotor
34 Vacant/ X Full Kosong X Penuh
35 Silent X Crowded Sepi X Ramai
36 Careful X Careless Hati-hati X Ceroboh
37 Useful X Useless Berguna X Percuma
38 Strange X Familiar Asing X Kenal
39 Different X Same Berbeda X Sama
40 Fast/ X Slow Cepat X Lambat
Itulah 40 Contoh Antonym Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Indonesia. Mohon maaf bila ada
kesalahan dalam penulisan. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4

1. Myself (Diri-Sendiri)

Materi Pokok :
- Membaca teks tentang identitas personal
- Kosa kata tentang warna dan bentuk-bentuk bangun
- Subjek dan kata ganti subjek
- Kata ganti objek
- Menceritakan identitas
- Membuat kalimat sederhana

2. Parts of Body (Bagian-bagian Tubuh)

- Membaca teks dan kosa kata tentang bagian-bagian tubuh

- Membuat kalimat sederhana dengan benar

- Artikel a dan an

- Mengucapkan dan membalas salam dengan benar

- Menggunakan huruf besar dan huruf kecil dengan benar.

3. My Family (Keluarga Saya)

- Membaca teks dan kosa kata tentang keluarga

- Kata bentuk tunggal dan jamak

- Meminta bantuan

- Membuat family tree (diagram pohon)

4. My friends (Teman Saya)

- Membaca teks tentang hubungan teman dan menjawab pertanyaannya

- Kata sifat

- Kalimat tentang kemampuan seseorang

- Menggunakan "to be"

- Menyusun sebuah paragrap deskriptif

5. My School (Sekolah Saya)

- Membaca teks tentang sekolah dan menjawab pertanyaannya

- Percakapan untuk mengenal seseorang

- Penggunaan This, That, These, Those

- Penggunaan and, because, but, so

- Kalimat tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan sederhana

- Hobbies (Kegemaran)


1. My Home (Rumah Saya)

- Membaca teks tentang rumah dan menjawab pertanyaannya

- Ruangan-ruangan di dalam rumah dan benda-benda di dalamnya

- Fungsi ruangan di dalam rumah

- Kalimat meminta dan memberi izin

- Preposisi dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat sederhana

- Menulis cerita sederhana tentang rumah dengan baik dan benar

2. Calendar

- Membaca teks tentang kalender dan menjawab pertanyaannya.

- Action verb

- Kalimat perintah

- Penggunaan Have dan Has

- Penggunaan like dan dislike

- Membuat cerita sederhana tentang kegiatan sehari-hari

3. Animals (Binatang)

- Membaca teks tentang binatang dan menjawab pertanyaannya

- Penggunaan There is dan There are

- Kalimat persetujuan dan ketidaksetujuan

4. Nationality ( Kewarganegaraan)

- Membaca teks tentang kewarganegaraan dan menjawab pertanyaannya

- Countable nouns dan Uncountable nouns

- Mengemukakan pendapat

- Menulis contoh surat sederhana

5. Occupation (Pekerjaan)

- Membaca teks tentang pekerjaan dan menjawab ppertanyaannya

- Kalimat Simple Present Tense bentuk sederhana

- Mengemukakan pertanyaan dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar

- Menulis cerita sederhana tentang cita-cita

- Menyusun pokok-pokok cerita menjadi sebuah cerita

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD

Hai sobat, pada postingan kali ini akan dibahas tentang Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
SD. Disimak yukk....

1. Public Places (Tempat-tempat Umum)
- Membaca teks tentang tempat-tempat umum lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Menyebutkan kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan tempat-tempat umum
- Penggunaan kata depan
- Memberikan petunjuk arah dengan baik dan memberikan aba-aba
- Kalimat-kalimat sederhana tentang petunjuk arah

2. Profession (Pekerjaan)
- Membaca teks tentang pekerjaan lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata tentang pekerjaan
- Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense dalam kalimat sederhana
- Menawarkan dan meminta bantuan

3. In The Forest (Di Hutan)

- Membaca teks tentang hutan lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan binatang-binatang yang ada di hutan
- Kalimat perbandingan
- Penggunaan 's dan '
- Kalimat tentang menawarkan sesuatu dan menolak sesuatu

4. In The Garden (Di Kebun)

- Membaca teks tentang kebun lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata tentang jenis tanaman san bunga
- Membuat kalimat sederhana menggunakan : what, who, where, which, who, where, which,
whose, when, how, how many
- Kalimat meminta kejelasan dan penjelasan.
- Menyusun kalimat sederhana tentang pengumuman

5. In The Past (Pada Waktu Lampau)

- Membaca teks tentang kejadian pada waktu lampau, kemudian menjawab pertanyaannya
- Penggunaan kata sifat dalam kalimat sederhana
- Membuat kalimat sederhana dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense
- Kalimat tentang keraguan

1. In The Shop (Di Toko)
- Membaca teks yang berhubungan dengan toko lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan barang-barang elektronik yang dijual di toko
- Percakapan sederhana
- Kata ganti reflektif

2. In The Future (Pada Masa Yang Akan Datang)

- Membaca teks sederhana lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata tentang kata kerja tindakan
- Pola kalimat Simple Future Tense dalam kalimat sederhana
- Puisi dalam bahasa Inggris
- Menulis kalimat tentang keinginan di masa yang akan datang

3. Lessons (Pelajaran)
- Membaca teks tentang pelajaran lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan nama-nama pelajaran
- Penggunaan kata another, other, others
- Memberikan petunjuk melakukan sesuatu
- Menyusun kalimat tentang petunjuk sesuatu

4. Feelings (Perasaan)
- Membaca teks lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan perasaan
- Menyusun kalimat sederhana

5. Music
- Teks tentang musik lalu menjawab pertanyaannya
- Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan music
- Penggunaan kata penghubung : so, because, after, before, etc
- Pidato singkat
- Menyusun kalimat sederhana

Itulah Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD, semoga bermanfaat.

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
Semester 2
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d !
Text for number 1 to 5
The Solar System

The earth where we live on, is part of the solar system. It is called the solar system because
everything goes around the sun. The sun is the centre.
There are eight planets in the solar system. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
are primaly composed of rock and metal. While the two largest, Jupiter and Saturn are composed
largely of ices, such as water, ammonia and methane. They all move around the sun.
The sun is actually a star. It has its own light. But planets are not stars. They don't have
their own light. The planets get light from the sun.

1. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the four ... inner planets.
a. bigger
b. smaller
c. farthest
d. biggest
2. All the planets ... around the sun.
a. stay
b. beside
c. move
d. shine
3. The planets get light from the ....
a. sun
b. moon
c. planets
d. star
4. ... has own light.
a. star
b. moon
c. jupiter
d. mercury
5. What is the tittle of the text above?
a. The Solar System
b. The Planets
c. The Biggest Planet
d. The Star
6. ... rises in the morning.
a. moon
b. star
c. planets
d. sun
7. A :"Does the moon have its own light?"
B :"No, it ..."
a. isn't
b. aren't
c. don't
d. doesn't
8. The following are the things in the earth, except ....
a. mountain
b. waterfall
c. comet
d. lake
9. I save my money in the ....
a. school
b. bank
c. hospital
d. bus station
10. My father is a doctor. He works in the ....
a. bank
b. school
c. hospital
d. garage
11. ... do you live?
a. where
b. what
c. is
d. are
12. Mrs. Tina orders Anggi not to be lazy. She says ....
a. Sit down!
b. Don't tell a lie
c. Don't speak!
d. Don't be lazy!
13. Mr. Andy orders Sintha not to be naughty. She says ....
a. Don't be naughty!
b. Don't cry!
c. Stand up!
d. Move!
14. ... the door!
a. Cry
b. Open
c. Sit
d. Smile
15. Keep ...!
My baby is sleeping.
a. silent
b. noisy
c. crying
d. standing
16. .... ! The rainbow is beautiful.
a. Open
b. Listen
c. Look
d. Writ
17. ... sit on the bench!
The paint is still wet.
a. Dosn't
b. Don't
c. Do
d. Did
18. Indonesia is a ....
a. kingdom
b. empire
c. emperor
d. republic
19. The capital of Indonesia is ....
a. Bandung
b. Surabaya
c. Semarang
d. Jakarta
20. Belows are the name of province in Indonesia, except ....
a. West Java
b. Surabaya
c. West Kalimantan
d. East Java

Text for number 21 to 23

Up to now Indonesia has six presidents. The first president is Sukarno.
He led this country from 1945 to 1966. The second president is Suharto.
He led Indonesia from 1966 to 1998. The next president are B.J.Habibie,
Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarno Putri, and Susilo Bambang

21. The first president of Indonesia is ....

a. Suharto
b. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
c. Sukarno
d. Megawati Sukarno Putri
22. Suharto led Indonesia for ... years.
a. twenty two
b. twenty one
c. thirty two
d. thirty one
23. The president after B.J.Habibie was ....
a. Abdurrahman Wahid
b. Suharto
c. Megawati sukarno Putri
d. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
24. The king's son is a ....
a. prince
b. princess
c. president
d. republic
25. The leader of a kingdom is a ....
a. president
b. emperor
c. governor
d. king
26. A :"How much does the pen cost?"
B :"It ... two thousand rupiahs."
a. cost
b. costs
c. costing
d. costed
27. Shopkeeper is a person who works in the ....
a. shop
b. school
c. bank
d. hospital
28. A :"What ... the price of this bag?"
B :"It is seventy five thousand rupiahs."
a. does
b. are
c. is
d. don't
29. Rp.25.000 = ...
a. Twenty nine thousand rupiahs
b. Seventy five thousand rupiahs
c. fifty two thousand rupiahs
d. Twenty five thousand rupiahs
30. We will go to Bandung ...
a. yesterday
b. tomorrow
c. two days a go
d. last week
31. She ... buy a book tomorrow morning.
a. will
b. go
c. cry
d. read
32. Wina doesn't pass the examination. She feels ....
a. sad
b. glad
c. smile
d. nervous
33. Mr.Peno works all day long in the rice field. He feels ....
a. glad
b. happy
c. tired
d. hungry
34. A:"Where will ... go next holiday?"
B:"They will go to Borobudur temple."
a. she
b. he
c. I
d. they
Text for number 35 to 38
Hello, friends. My name is Rania. You can call me Nia. I will tell you
something about Mrs.Julie. She is my favorite English teacher. She has
an oval face, pointed nose, white skin and long hair. All students like
her because she is very kind and very beautiful. She teaches English
patiently. She is also smart. She is as smart as Mr.Dhika, our former
English teacher. Someday, I want to be an English teacher like her.

35. Mrs.Julie is ....

a. an English teacher
b. a math teacher
c. a doctor
d. a nurse
36. Is Mrs.Julie as smart as Mr.Dhika?
a. Yes, she do
b. No, they don't
c. Yes, she is
d. No, she isn't
37. All students like Mrs.Julie because she is ....
a. always angry
b. always smile
c. very kind
d. very fat
38. Mrs.Julie has ... hair.
a. long
b. short
c. curly
d. brown
39. I ... a letter yesterday.
a. write
b. wrote
c. writing
d. writes
40. My grandfather is ... than my father.
a. old
b. oldest
c. most old
d. older
41. The opposite of long is ....
a. big
b. short
c. large
d. small
42. Rasty always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever
b. cleverest
c. more clever
d. cleverer
43. Wini is as ... as Nisa.
a. taller
b. tallest
c. tall
d. more taller
44. We have twenty ...
a. book
b. a book
c. an book
d. books
45. A;"May I borrow your pencil?"
a. Don't speak
b. No, I don't
c. Sit down
d. Yes, of course
46. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu is from ...
a. East Java
b. West Java
c. Central Java
d. Sumatra
47. The hospital is behind the school.
The antonym of behind is ....
a. in front of
b. next to
c. between
d, beside
48. Hani is lazy, but her brother is ....
a. clever
b. stupid
c. dilligent
d. handsome
49. Sandri :"Escuse me, May I bring your books?"
Teacher :"...."
a. Yes, please
b. No, I don't
c. Don't sleep
d. I'm fine
50. We are very happy .... our team won the competition.
a. so
b. because
c. and
d. or

II. Fill the blank with the correct answer!

51. We use an ... to bring the patient to the hospital.

52. Mrs.Irna is a .... She helps the doctor.

53. Diana is tall ... her brother is short.

54. Yunita is pretty, ... all the boys are interested with her.

55. There ... seven bags in the cupboard.

56. We need tent, rope and carrier to go ....

57. My father brings his fish hook when he goes ....

58. Niagara fall is the name of a ... in America.

59. The sun ... in the west.

60. I ... English last night.


1. b 11. a 21. c 31. a 41. B

2. c 12. d 22. c 32. a 42. B

3. a 13. a 23. a 33. c 43. C

4. a 14. b 24. a 34. b 44. D

5. a 15. a 25. d 35. d 45. D

6. d 16. c 26. b 36. a 46. B

7. d 17. b 27. a 37. c 47. A

8. c 18. d 28. c 38. a 48. C

9. b 19. d 29. d 39. b 49. A

10. c 20. b 30. b 40. d 50. B

51. Ambulance

52. Nurse

53. But

54. So

55. Are

56. Camping

57. Fishing

58. Waterfall

59. Sets

60. Studie
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d !
Text for 1 to 3

Ryan's hobby is doing sports. He does sport regularly. Every Sunday morning, he goes
jogging in the city park. Ryan also plays football every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. He does
these activities to keep his body healthy.

1. Ryan's hobby is ....

a. reading
b. swimming
c. hiking
d. doing sport

2. Ryan does jogging in the ....

a. street
b. field
c. city park
d. yard

3. Every Friday afternoon Ryan plays ....

a. basketball
b. volley ball
c. rope skipping
d. football

4. Mira feels pain in her stomach.

She gets a ....
a. stomachache
b. earache
c. eye shore
d. headache

5. Nadin : “It is dark. Could you ... the lamp, please?”

Ninda : “All right.”
a. turn on
b. stop
c. bring
d. turn off

Dialogue for number 6 to 8

Santi : “Is Yogyakarta a regency?”
Handi : “No, it is not. It is a province.”
Santi : “Who leads a province?”
Handi : A governor does.”
Santi : “And who is the governor of Yogyakarta?”
Handi : “The governor is Sri Sultan”.

6. There are ... persons in the dialogue above.

a. five
b. four
c. three
d. two

7. Yogyakarta is a ....
a. village
b. regency
c. municipality
d. province

8. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X is the ... of Yogyakarta.

a. regent
b. governor
c. mayor
d. village chief

9. Indonesia is a republic.
It is lead by a ....
a. king
b. queen
c. emperror
d. president

10. A village chief leads a ....

a. village
b. district
c. subdistrict
d. municipality

11. Lampung, Jambi and South Sumatra are the names of ... in Sumatra.
a. village
b. district
c. province
d. municipality

12. The capital of East Kalimantan is ....

a. Pontianak
b. Kutai
c. Palangkaraya
d. Samarinda

13. Mrs. Yuli order Bian not to cry. So, she says ....
a. Don’t cry !
b. Be happy !
c. Don’t be angry !
d. Not be angry !

14. You ask for your teacher’s permission to go to the toilet. You say ....
a. Shall I go to the toilet?
b. Should I go to the toilet ?
c.Will I go to the toilet?
d. May I go to the toilet?

15. Keep ... ! My mother is sleeping.

a. moving
b. silent
c. noisy
d. clean

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !

16. My mother works in the hospital.

She helps the doctor in curing the patients.
She is a ....
17. It is a kind of vehicle.
It is used to take the patient to the hospital.
It is an ....
18. Indonesia is an archipelago. It consists of thousand ....
19. The leader of kingdom is ....
20. The leader of republic is ....

III. Arrange into good sentences !

21. on – lamp – Turn – the – ! .

Answer : ....
22. motorcycle – my – Could – repair – you - ?
Answer : ....
23. tea – Don’t – the – drink – ! .
Answer : ....
24. comb – my – you – hair – Would - ?
Answer : ....
25. movie – I – watch – May – the - ?
Answer : ....

1. d 6. d 11. c
2. c 7. d 12. d
3. d 8. b 13. a
4. a 9. d 14. d
5. a 10. a 15. b

16. nurse
17. ambulance
18. islands
19. king
20. president
21. Turn on the lamp!
22. Could you repair my motorcycle?
23. Don't drink the tea!
24. Would you comb my hair?
25. May I watch the movie?

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Tema

TIME (waktu) Semester 1 TA 2013/2014

Pada model pembalajaran saat ini banyak diantara para guru yang mengajar dengan metode
classis, padahal hal itu kurang dianjurkan, maka dari itu kami akan merangkum berbagai materi
mengenai cara dan model pembalajaran menurut kurikulum 2013.

Berikut adalah Kompetensi Dasar:

1. Memahami ungkapan mengenai waktu
2. Mengucapkan berbagai jam yang menunjukkan waktu tertentu
3. Membicarakan jadwal secara singkat

A. Activity
Look and say! (lihat dan katakan)

Andi : Excuse me, what time is it?

Nani : It is eleven o'clock

Perhatikan pada gambar diatas,

Inti materi TIME (waktu) adalah
1. to = kurang
2. past = lebih
3. a quarter = seperempat (15 menit)
4. a half = setengah (30 menit)

1. it is a five to twelve

2. it is a quarter past one

3. it is a quarter to five o'clock

4. it is a three o'clock

5. it is ten past ten o'clock

B. Listening Competence
Look, Learn and practice! (lihat dan praktekkan!)

Dani : Excuse me, what time is the post office open?

Danu : It is open from 07:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.

07:00 in the morning = 07:00 a.m.
04:00 in the afternoon = 04.00 p.m.

C. Witing Competence

Match! (Jodohkanlah!)
D. Listening Complete

Listen to your teacher to complete the text!

(Dengarkan guru kamu kemudian lengkapilah text berikut!)

I get up .... Then, I take a bath and get dressed. At ..., I have my breakfast. I go to school at ... by
bus. The school starts at .... I go home at ..., then I have my lunch and take a nap. I wake up at ....
I take a bath. I study from ... to .... I go to bed at ....

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda, semoga bermanfaat!

1. Greetings and Introduction


• Memberi dan menjawab salam dengan ucapan dan lafal yang benar
Good morning/afternoon/evening
How are you?
Fine, thank you
I’m not OK
I’m sorry to hear that
• Memperkenalkan diri dengan menyebut nama dengan benar
Excuse me, what’s your name?
My name’s Dona
• Mengucapkan huruf dengan baik dan benar
• Mengeja kata dengan baik dan benar
How do you spell it?
Are you Made?
No, I am Tigor.
• Mengucapkan salam perpisahan dan membalasnya dengan benar
Bye. See you tomorrow
• Kartu ucapan selamat

• Stand up
• Sit down
• Raise your hand
• Put your hand down • Greetings and Introduction
Excuse me
Good bye




• Menyebutkan benda-benda di kelas dan menyebutkan jumlahnya
What do you have in your bag?
I have a book, a pencil and a ruler.
How many books are there in your bag?
Three books
• Mengungkapkan dan membalas permintaan untuk meminjam sesuatu
May I borrow your ballpoint?
OK. Here you are
Sorry. I don’t have it.
• Meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu dan memberikan jawabannya
Can you help me, please?
Can you clean the board, please?
OK • Put your bag on the table
• Open your bag
• Close your bag
• Put away your bag

• Wash the window

• Empty the dustbin
• Change the flower
• Put the books on the desk
• Clean the board
• Open the window
• Sweep the floor • Desk
• Chair
• Book
• Bag
• Ballpoint
• Board
• Ruler
• Pencil case
• Pencil sharpener
• Eraser
• Pencil
• Dustbin
• Drawing book
• Blackboard
• Whiteboard



• Menanyakan dan memberikan jawaban tentang seseorang
Who is he?
He is my dad
There are five people in my family. They are my father, mother, brother, and sister.
• Memberi dan menjawab ucapan selamat ulang tahun
Happy birthday!
Thank you
• Menanyakan dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang umur
How old are you?
I’m ten years old.
• Memberi dan menjawab larangan dan perintah
Don’t sit on the floor, please.
Don’t put the glasses on the table, please
Don’t eat in the classroom, please
Don’t stand on the table, please
• Mengungkapkan dan membalas permintaan untuk melakukan sesuatu
Let’s go to my house.
May I help you?
• Mengajak seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu dan memberikan jawabannya.
Can you wash the plates, please?
Can you give me the book?
Sure. Here you are.
Sorry, I don’t have it. • Say ‘Hello’
• Shake hands
• Knock at the door
• Point at the picture

• Dry the plates + put them on the table

• Sweep the floor + Empty the dustbin

• Clean the board + wash the windows
• Put the books on the table + clean the table
• Turn off the light + close the door

• Go to my house• • Mother
• Father
• Daughter
• Son
• Brother
• Sister
• Grandfather
• Grandmother
• Uncle
• Aunt
• Cousin
• Nephew
• Niece
• Family
• Husband
• Wife
• Baby

• Beautiful
• Handsome
• Kind
• Cute
• Smart
• Diligent
1. Parts of the body


• Memberi perintah
Touch your hair, please
• Mengajak seseorang melalukan sesuatu
Let’s draw a round face, please.
Draw two big eyes
• Menyebutkan bagian-bagian tubuh
• Mendeskripsikan fisik seseorang
She has long hair
Does she has long hair?
No. She has short hair
It has a big head and one big eye
Does he have big eyes?
Yes, that’s right
Tigor, your sister has short hair, right?
No, she has long hair
But, she has big eyes?
• Mengungkapkan dan membalas
permintaan ijin
May I wash my hands?
I want to wash my hands. May I?
Excuse me, may I clean my feet?
I want to clean my feet. May I?
Go ahead • Touch your head
• clap your hands
• bend your knees
• stomp your feet
• wash face
• drink water
• blow nose
• comb hair
• brush teeth • Parts of body
1. eyes
2. a nose
3. hands
4. an arm
5. hair
6. ears
7. face
8. mouth
9. a knee
10. a leg
11. an elbow
12. feet

• Adjective and parts

of body
1. big eyes
2. small eyes
3. short hair
4. long hair
5. a pointed nose
6. a flat nose
7. a round face
8. an oval face
9. curly hair
10. straight hair

2. Names of clothes and color


Menyebutkan nama-nama pakaian dan menyebutkan warnanya
Mengungkapkan pendapat dan responnya
Meilin looks beautiful
I agree with you
I disagree with you
Memakai ungkapan perintah
Let’s make a paper sun cap
It’s like this
Mengungkapkan dan membalas permintaan untuk meminjamkan sesuatu
May I borrow your cap?
This one?
Not that one. That green cap, please.
OK. Here you are.
No problem
Mengidentifikasi pakaian seseorang yang sedang dipakai seseorang dan menyebutkan warnanya
Meilin is wearing a red dress
Percakapan di took pakaian
May I help you?
Ye, please. I am looking for a green
What size?
Medium, please.
Can I try it on?
Sure. Here you are.
Put on your cap Thank you 
Fold your T-shirt
Take off your
Hang up your

How to make a mask:

1. Draw a big circle
2. Draw two small squares
3. Draw a triangle
4. Draw a rectangle
2. Cut the paper
3. Make two holes at the left at the right side
4. Put the thread.
5. Finish. color

o suare
o triangle
o circle
o rectangle

3. Parts of the house and things in the house


Menyebutkan ruang-ruang di rumah
• This is my bedroom
• Is this the dinig room?
• Yes. It’s the dining room
• No, it’s the living room
Menyebutkan benda-benda di setiap ruangan
di rumah
• There is a table
Menanyakan dan menjawab di mana
seseorang berada
• Where is your dad?
• He is in the living room
Menanyakan dan menjawab apa yang
seseorang sedang lakukan
• What is your mom doing?
• She is cooking in the kitchen
• He is reading a newspaper
Mengungkapkan dan membalas permintaan ijin
• May I watch TV?
• OK
• No, please don’t
Mengungkapkan keadaan benda dan meminta melakukan sesuatu
• The sofa in the living room is dirty.
Can you clean it?
Come in• Ok
Go out
Follow me
Wait here

Open the window

Close the window
Listen to the radio
Go to the toilet
Open the door
Use the telephone
Turn off the light
Read the newspaper

Kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan yang berhubungan dengan ruangan:

He is listening to music
He is sleeping
He is reading a book
He is watching TV
He is riding a bike
He is dancing
He is eating
He is sweeping the floor

bagian-bagian rumah
o bedroom
o dining room
o living room
o kitchen
o bathroom
o garage
o veranda
benda-benda yang
ada di ruangan
o table
o sofa
o armchair
o lamp
o picture
o bed
o chair
o poster
o book
o dining table
o refrigerator
o vase
o stove
o sink
o table
o pan
o bathtub
o shower
o mirror
o cupboard
o shelf
o clock
o curtain
o newspaper
o television
o radio
o carpet
o telephone
o pillow
o bolster
o blanket
o toothbrush
o soap
o toothpaste
o glass
o plate
o spoon
o fork
o bowl

Adjectives dan kata kerja

o Dirty - clean
o Full - empty
o Wet - dry
o Everywhere – put in the shelf
o study
o read a newspaper
o watch TV
o cook
o listen to the radio
o sweep the floor
o dance
o ride a bicycle
o eat
o open the window
o go to the toilet
o use the telephone
o open the door turn of the light

1. My classmates


Bercakap-cakap untuk menanyakan kelas
• Is he in grade three?
• No, he isn’t. He’s in grade four.
• Yes, he is.
• What grade are you in?
• I’m in grade five.
Bercakap-cakap untuk memperkenalkan temannya.
• Hi, Seta. This is my cousin, Cindy. Cindy, this is seta.
• Nice to meet you, Cindy.
• Nice to meet you, too.
Bercakap – cakap untuk member informasi tentang ruangan yang ada di sekolah
• This is the canteen.
• That’s the library.
Bercakap – cakap untuk member informasi tentang letak ruangan yang ada di sekolah
• Where’s the library?
• The computer room is in front of the laboratory.
• The laboratory is behind the computer room.
Bercakap – cakap untuk memberi ajakan
• Let’s go to the library. I want to borrow some books
Bercakap – cakap untuk meminjam barang
• May I borrow these books, please?
• Can I borrow the magazine?
Bercakap – cakap untuk memberi barang
• Sure.
• Of course.
• I’m sorry, I am reading it.
Menyalin dan menulis dialog sederhana
• Hi, Helen.
• What are you doing here?
• Okay, let’s go now. I want to borrow books, too.
Bercakap – cakap untuk mengisi formulir kartu perpustakaan.
• Well fill in this form, please.
• Allright, Maam.
Menyalin kalimat sangat sederhana untuk mengisi formulir kartu perpustakaan.
Menyalin dan menulis kartu ucapan terima kasih.
Make a line
Clean the board
Write your name
Turn around
Rooms in the school
o Parking lot
o Library
o Teacher’s room
o Laboratory
o Canteen
o toilet
o Room 1
o Room 2
o Basketball court
o Grade one
o Grade two

o In front of
o Behind
o near
o between
o beside
o next to
o across from
Activity at school
o Buy some drinks
o Borrow some books
o Wash my hands
o Take my bike
o See my sister
o Play basketball
Things in the classroom and at school
o Dictionary
o Crayons
o Ruler
o Comics
o Book
o Eraser
o Pencil
o Stapler
o Bicycle

Contoh kartu ucapan terima kasih:

Dear Miss Bertha,
Thank you for being a good teacher for my daughter.
Mrs. Lisa



Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
meminta ijin, memberi ijin.
• May I read this mgazine, please?
• Sure. Please do
• Sorry, you can’t.
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyetujui, tidak
• What do you think of this house?
• Wow, it’s a beautiful house
• Yes, it is beautiful
Open the door Menyalin dan menulisnkalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima: kartu
ulang tahun 
Come in
Follow me
Sit down

Turn on the TV

Open the window
Drink the milk
Ride the bicycle
Borrow the pencil
Sit on the chair Adjectives
o Beautiful
o Lovely
o Big small
o Dirty
o Comfortable
o interesting
parts of house
o bathroom
o living room
o bedroom
o kitchen
o dining room
o bathroom
o maid’s room
o garden
o terrace
next to
Numbers twenty – one hundred and one
o Teacher
o Doctor
o Pilot
o Army officer
o Student
o Civil servant
o Policeman
o farmer



Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkantindak tutur :
meminta dan memberi barang, meminta dan memberi bantuan
• Can I have some candies, please?
• Sure, here you are.
• Sorry. No more candies.
• Can you help me?
• Sure
• Of course
Bercakap-cakap untuk tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur : memberi petunjuk ,
memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu.
• How to peel the potatoes?
• It’s like this.
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur mengajak.
Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan : Do you mind ......?, shall
• Do you mind if I have the pizza now?
• Not at all
• Shall we have lunch now?
• All right.
• Please do
Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima ucapan selamat Wash the
Peel the mango
Cut the mango
Eat the mango Foods and drinks:
Potato chips
French fries
Iced tea
Fried rice
Orange juice
Spring onion
Chicken soup
Ice cream


1. Health and sickness


Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengajak, memberi
contoh melakukan sesuatu
• Let’s strecth our arm now.
• Look at me. It’s like this
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: melarang
• Don’t take that medicine. It’s for adults.
Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat.
Memahami teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima
• Why do you stay healthy?
• I do exercisess
Menanyakan keadaan seseorang
• What’s the matter?
Menyatakan keadaan
• My head hurts
• My finger hurts
How often ............?
• Rarely
• Always
• Never
• Sometimes
• Every year
• Twice a year
Close your eyes
Wrinkle your face
Lift your left foot
Bvend your knees
Touch your shoes
Fold your arms
Wiggle your hips
Nod your head
Keep your back straight
Strech your arms
Wash your face
Brush your teeth
Comb your hair

Ungkapan yang menyatakan cara hidup sehat:

I ride a bicyle to stay healthy
I do exercise
I wash my hand
I brysh teeth
I take a bath
I comb my hair
I eat healthy food
I go to sleep early
I have breakfast
I drink water
I see the dentist
I wash my hair Frequency adverbs
o Rarely
o Always
o Never
o Sometimes
o Every year
o Twice a year
Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan;
o Medicine
o Sick
o healthy

2. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah


Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/ memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi
informasi, memberi pendapat, meminta dan memberi barang, meminta dan memberi ijin
o Excuse me. Is there a mosque at Jalan Kurnia?
o Yes, there is
Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur : memberi
• Where is the Bali site?
• Go straight, then turn left
• Just go straight about 200 meters
Menanyakan pendapat
• What do you think about this building?
• It’s amazing
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur:mengajak
• We’re almost late. Let’s go. Shall we?
Memahami teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima
Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sangat sederhana seara tepat dan berterima: pesan singkat
• What time is it?
May I enter now?
• No, not yet.
• Sure
Menanyakan harga
• How much is . . . .
The ticket please!
Here you are
Ok. Get in, please
I’m sorry, this ticket is for the children palace.
Do you mind if I go to the bank?
Meminta dan menawarkan bantuan
• Can you open the map?
• It is a pleasure for me. I open the map.
Meminta dan memberi barang
• May I have the medicine please?Sure, here you are.
Open the map
Look for the place
Mark the place
Close the map Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan nama tempat
o Museum
o Mosque
o Church
o Post office
o Hospital
o Bank
o Airport
o Restaurant
o Shop
o Bakery
o Harbour
o Drugstore
o Park
o Market
o Bus station
o Garden
o Hotel
o Mall
o University

Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan public places:

(makanan dan minuman yang telah dipelajari di semester 1)

Opinion/ adjectives:

Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan direction:

turn left
turn right
go straight
T- junction
Left side
Right side
Traffic light

Contoh pesan singkat:

Dear Mira,
I am writing this postcard in Jakarta. I’m visiting Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. There are some museums
and parks. There is also the Keong Mas Imax theatre, the Children’s Palace, the Science and Technology
Center, and many more. We can go around by special car. We can go also by skylift. It’s really
interesting. Hope you are there.


Mira Arianti
Jl. Pulo Raya No. 123
Jombang, Jawa Timur 14769
3. Animals


Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi petunjuk,
memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu
• Hold its ear like this
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi informasi
• What is an Australian rabbit like?
• It’s very big, as big as a big cat
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi pendapat
dan kejelasan
• I think it’s a cat
• No, I disagree with you
• Yes, I agree with you
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan
memberi ijin
• Can I have a look at it?
• Sure, here you are
Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menawarkan
• Can I help you?
• I want a rabbit, please
Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sederhana dan berterima: ucapan terimakasih
Pet the cat
Brush the cat
Wash the cat
Feed the cat
Instructions membuat sesuatu:
o Fold back half part of the last fold
o Fold the paper at the diagonal line into two and make the eras
o Draw the eye
o Draw a diagonal line and fold the thwo sides towards the diagonal line
o Cut the tip through the diagonal line for 5 cm
o Fold the tips for the ears
o Fold another part animals
o an iguana
o a guinea pig
o a fish
o a dog
o a snake
o a cat
o a bird
o a turtle
o a rabbit
o a hamster
o a gold fish
o a dalamation dog
kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan memelihara binatang
o pet
o feed
o brush
o walk
o wask

1. Back to school


Bertukar informasi mengenai liburan/ kejadian di waktu lampau
• How was your holiday?
• Great
• What did you do last holiday?
• I played computer games.
• I visited my grandparents
• I painted some pictures
• I fixed my bike
• I played basketball
• I traveled by plane
• I watched DVDs
• I studied math
• I practised judo
• I cleaned the yard
• I phoned my friends
• I browsed the internet
• I danced

Menanyakan dan menyatakan jumlah

• How many pancils do you have?
• I have four pencils
• He has some pencils
• He doesn’t have any pencils
Mangungkapkan dan membalas permintaan ijin
• May I use your pen?
• Sure. Please help yourself
• Sorry, I’m using it
Mengungkapkan dan membalas permintaan untuk meminjam sesuatu
• Would you please lend me your pencil?
Draw a picture• Certainly
Color a picture
Cut a picture
Glue a picture

Permainan lempar bola:

Siswa melemparkan bola pada temannya sesuai dengan instruksi yang diucapkan guru:
“Throw the ball to your friend. . .
- with short hair
- with long hair
- with dark skin
- with light skin
- at your left side
- at your right side Back to school
o Holiday
o Visit
o Lend
o Certainly
o Ink
o Last
o Glue
o Exciting
o Great
o Fun
o Tiring
o Interesting
o Boring
o Moment
o Marker
o Fixed
o Smiled
o Brushed
o Counted
o Painted
o Prepared
o hugged
2. Animal wonders


bertukar informasi mengenai berbagai binatang

• look at the elephants. They are very big
• Where is the cheetah from?
• It’s from Africa

menyatakan pendapat
• where does a girrafe live?
• I think it lives in the wild

menyetujui dan tidak menyetujui suatu pendapat

• I think wolves live on farms
• yes/right/ I think so
• No/I don’t think so

meminta dan memberi ijin

• May I pet the kangaroo?
• Sure
mengajak dan menolak ajakan
• Come here! o Fly like a bird
o Swim like a fish
o Slither like a snake
o Bark like a dog
o Hop like a kangaroo
o Climb like a monkeyo o Animal wonders
o Big
o Strong
o Pet
o Cute
o Slither
o Bark
o Hop
o Funny
o Heavy
o Dangerous
o Peacocks
o On a farm
o In the Wild
o Ride
o Hug
o Carry
o Brown
o Feed
o Creepy
o Pretty
o Mostly
o Lizard
o Tail
o Wing
o Fur
o Dolphin
o Laughed
o Hill
o Decided
o Hare
o Cub

3. the clothes we wear


Meminta dan memberikan pertolongan

• Can you help me choose between these shirts?
• Sure/ of course
Meminta dan memberikan pendapat
• Should I wear the blue cap or the red one?
• The red one I guess
Mengungkapkan perasaan suka atau tidak suka
• I love this cap
Menanyakan dan menunjukkkan lokasi suatu benda
• Where did you put the jacket?
• I put it next to the bag
Mananyakan dan mengungkapkan kondisi cuaca
• How’s the weather?
• It’s raining
Meminta dan memberi ijin
• May I go to Seta’s place?
• All right. Don’t forget to put on your raincoat
Memberi petunjuk
• Glue the picture on the paper
Memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu
• It’s like this
o Button up your shirt
o Polish your shoes
o Zip up your jacket
o Tie your shoe lace
The clothes we wear
o Button up
o Polish
o Zip up
o Tie
o Light
o Dark
o Sneakers
o Veil
o Sunglasses
o scarf
o choose
o jeans
o present
o find out
o hope
o wonderful
o weather
o cloudy
o windy
o sunny
o stormy
o foggy
o snowy
o take care
o costume
o hat
o flip-flops
o insteado

1. Food and drink


Menawarkan sesuatu dan memberi jawaban atas tawaran

• Would you like some chickens?
• Yes, please. I’m hungry
• No, thanks. I’m full.
Mengungkapkan perasaaan suka dan tidak suka
• I love donuts
• The meatball looks yummy
Menanyakan sesuatu yang disukai
• What ids your favourite drink?
• I like iced tea
Mengajak melakukan sesuatu
• Let’s make some gado-gado
Menyatakan keragu-raguan
• I’m afraid we can’t make it
Meminta dan memberikan barang
• Let’s see what we have
Mengungkapkan kesantunan
Meminta dan memberi bantuan
• May I have iced tea, please?
Menanyakan makanan yang
• What do you have?
• I have donuts
• Do you want one?
• Yes, please
Unsur bahasa: cara menjawab pertanyaan:
• Do you lie orange juice? Yes, I do
• Did you go to a restaurant lat week? Yes, I did
• Can you make an omelet?
• Yes, I can
Read the menu
Order the food
Eat the food
Pay the bill
Instruction dalam menyiapkan makanan dan minuman:
o Slice the tomato and cucumbers.
o Cut the boiled potatos and eggs
o Boil the bean sprouts, potatoes and eggs
o Arrange the lettuce, fried tofu, boiled vegetables and eggs on a plate
o Mix the gado-gado dressing with boiled water
o Fry the tofu
o Wash the vegetables
o Pour the dressing over
o Peel the boiled potatos and eggs
Foods vand drinki
o Ice cream
o Burger
o Icewd tea
o Fried tofu
o Milk
o Porridge
o Donuts
o Cakes
o Cookies
o Muffins
o Sandwicthes
o Chicken nuggets
o French fries
o Noodle
o Toast
o Sunny side-up
o Juice
o Vegetable
o Rice
o Fried fish
o Boiled egg
o Sausages
o Omelet
o Banana
o Potato
o Tomato
o Bean sprouts
o Cucumber
o Lettuce
o Gado-gado

2. Means of transportation


Menanyakan dan menyatakan sesuatu
• Where are you going?
• I’m going to the amusement park
Memberi ucapan selamat jalan
• Have a good trip!
• Thanks
Mengusulkan dan menerima/menolak usul
• Let’s take a bus
• Why don’t we walk? It’s healthier, I think
Membedakan kegiatan waktu lampau dengan kegiatan sehari-hari
• I always go to school by bicycle
• I went to school by bicycle yhis morning
Menyatakan urutan kejadian
• When does the bus leave?
• In about 10 minutes
Membeli tiket kendaraan umum
• Can I help you?
• I need a tickert, please
• Here you are.
Bertukar informasi mengenai jadual keberangkatan
Meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu
• Would you please tell me about it?
Unsur bahasa: menayatakan lebih . .
• Healthier
• Faster
• More comfortable
• Cheaper
Buy a ticket
Get on the ride
Go on the ride
Get off the ride
Kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan sehari-hari dan masa lalu:
o Read the newspaper
o Ride the roller coaster
o Take a taxi
o Do the crossword puzzle
o Buy some vegetables
o Make fried rice
o Take a train
o Go to my aunt’s house
o Take a bus home
o Play with my cousin
o Go by bus
o Stay at my grandparent’s house
o Have dinner at the restaurant
o Go to the stadium to watch a football match
Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan tempat wisata
o Beach
o Playground
o Cinema
o Swimming
o Mountain
o Shopping
o island
3. Hobbies


Menanyakan dan menyatakan kegiatan di waktu luang

• What do you like doing?
• I like playing basketball
Menanyakan dan menyatakan kemampuan
• Can Tigor plasy football?
• Yes, he can play football very well.
• No, but he can play tennis well. / Not really
Menanyakan dan menyatakan rencana
• Where are you going?
• I’m going to play football
Meminta bantuan dan menyetujui / menolak permintaan bantuan
• Would you please teach me how to swim?
• Sure.
• I’m afraid I’m not the right person
Menanyakan dan menyatakan
• Are you good at swimming?
• Yes, I am
• Not really
Throw the ball
Catch the ball
Bounce the ball
Kick the ball
Yang berhubungan dengan hobi:
o Read books
o Play the guitar
o Collect toy cars
o Go jogging
o Listen to music
o Go shopping
Yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan
o Climb a tree well
o Play the drums well
o Paint beautifully
o Ride a bicycle
o Run fast
o Speak chionese fluently
o Skateboard well
Yang berhubungan dgn rencana
o Play asketball
o Lunch
o Skateboard
o Maghrib prayer
o Play video games
o English course
o Play baseball
o Computer class
o Borrow books
o Math test
o Eat at the canteen
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Tema Shopping,

Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan belanja:

1. money = uang
2. expensive = mahal
3. cheap = murah
4. cost = harga
5. bargain = tawar
6. discount = diskon/potongan harga
7. How much = berapa banyak
8. price = harga
9. colour = warna
10. fixed price = harga pasti
11. market = pasar
12. chasier = kasir
13. supermarket = toko serba ada
14. buy = membeli
15. sell = menjual
16. traditional market = pasar tradisional
17. toy store = toko mainan
18. green grocer = toko sayuran
19. fruitstall = toko buah
20. drugstore = apotik
21. butchery = toko daging
22. boutique = butik
23. art shop = toko seni
24. news agent = agen koran
25. cooking utensils = peralatan masak

Untuk menanyakan harga suatu barang di supermarket, di pasar atau di toko, dapat menggunakan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :
1. What is the price of _____ ?
Contoh :
A :"What is the price of the television?"
(Berapa harga TV?)
B : "It is three million rupiahs."
(Harganya tiga juta rupiah.)

2. How much is this_____ ?

Contoh :
A : "How much is this bag?"
(Berapa harga tas ini?")
B : "It is fifty thousand rupiahs."
(Harganya lima puluh ribu rupiah.)

3. How much does ____ cost? (jika tunggal)

How much do these ____ cost? (jika jamak)
Contoh :
A : "How much does this book cost?"
(Berapa harga buku ini?)
B : "It costs twenty thousand rupiahs."
(Harganya dua puluh ribu rupiah.)

Selanjutnya, mari kita membaca harga dalam bahasa Inggris :

1. Rp. 50
Dibaca : fifty rupiahs
2. Rp. 700
Dibaca : seven hundred rupiahs
3. Rp. 2.000
Dibaca : two thousand rupiahs
4. Rp. 7.500
Dibaca : seven thousand and five hundred rupiahs
5. Rp. 60.000
Dibaca : sixty thousand rupiahs
6. Rp. 95.000
Dibaca : ninetyfive thousand rupiahs
7. Rp.125.000
Dibaca : One hundred and twenty five thousand rupiahs
8. Rp. 5.000.000
Dibaca : five million rupiahs
9. Rp.37.000.000
Dibaca : thirtyseven million rupiahs
10. Rp. 100.000.000
Dibaca : one hundred million rupiahs

Latihan soal yuuuukkkk...

1. cashier (...) a. kereta dorong
2. hat (...) b. kaca mata
3. t-shirt (...) c. kaos kaki
4. bag (...) d. kasir
5. tie (...) e. dasi
6. shoes (...) f. topi
7. trolley (...) g. sepatu
8. shopping list (...) h. tas
9. glasses (...) i. daftar belanja
10. socks (...) j. kaos
Read the text carefully!
(Baca teks berikut dengan teliti!)

Today, Mrs.Julie asks her daughter, Firya to go for shopping to the supermarket. She asks her to buy
their daily needs. There are many things that Mrs.Julie has to buy and Mrs.Julie writes a shopping

Firya chooses "Murah dan Bagus" supermarket as a place for shopping. After arriving at the daily
stall, she chooses the things mentioned in the shopping list. Then, she pays them at the cashier.

Answer the questions bellow!

(Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!)
1. What does Mrs.Julie ask Firya to?
2. What does Firya have to buy?
3. Does Mrs.Julie write a shopping list for Firya?
4. Which supermarket does Firya choose?
5. Where does Firya pay the goods?

Read the price bellow!
(Bacalah harga berikut!)
1. Rp.29.000 = ...
2. Rp.54.000 = ...
3. Rp.79.000 = ...
4. Rp. 174.000 = ...
5. Rp. 6.400 = ...

1. d 6. g
2. f 7. a
3. j 8. i
4. h 9. b
5. e 10.c

1. to go for shopping to the supermarket
2. daily needs
3. yes, she does
4. Murah dan Bagus
5. Cashier

1. twentynine thousand rupiahs
2. fiftyfour thousand rupiahs
3. seventynine thousand rupiahs
4. one hundred and seventyfour thousand rupiahs
5. six thousand and four hundred rupiahs

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