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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : VIII/2
Materi Pokok : NARRATIVE
Sub-materi : FAIRY TALES
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Alokasi Waktu : 2X40 MENIT


KI-1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI-2 : Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong
royong), santun, dan percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI-3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,
budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI-4 : Mengolah, menyaji dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat ) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber
lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


1.1 Menunjukan rasa syukur atas
1 anugerah Tuhan dapat belajar bahasa
1.2 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung
Kompetensi Pengetahuan
3.12 Membandingkan fungsi 3.12.1 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial yang
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur tekandung dalam teks narrative (fairy
kebahasaan beberapa teks tales) lisan dan tulis pendek dan
narrative lisan dan tulis sederhana.
dengan memberi dan meminta 3.12.2 Menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa
informasi terkait fairy tales, teks narrative; fairy tales lisan dan
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai tulis pendek dan sederhana.
dengan konteks 3.12.3 Membandingkan struktur teks
penggunaannya. beberapa teks narrative; fairy tales
lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana.
3.12.4 Menghubungkan kalimat acak
menjadi teks narrative yang runut
sesuai dengan urutan yang logis
secara lisan dan tulis.
Kompetensi Keterampilan
4.12 Menangkap makna teks 4.12.1 Menyusun teks narrative fairy tales
narrative, lisan dan tulis, sederhana sesuai urutan gambar yang
4 berbentuk fairy tales, pendek disediakan menggunakan struktur
dan sederhana.
teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang



Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran melalui pendekatan saintifik dan model pembelajaran
discovery learning, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
1. menyebutkan fungsi sosial yang tekandung dalam teks narrative (fairy tales) lisan dan tulis
pendek dan sederhana secara individu dengan benar.
2. menentukan fungsi sosial beberapa teks narrative; fairy tales lisan dan tulis pendek dan
sederhana secara individu dengan
3. membandingkan struktur teks beberapa teks narrative; fairy tales lisan dan tulis pendek
dan sederhana.
4. menghubungkan kalimat acak menjadi teks narrative yang runut sesuai dengan urutan
yang logis secara lisan dan tulis.
5. menyusun teks narrative fairy tales sederhana sesuai urutan gambar yang disediakan
menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.

Materi pembelajaran mencakup unsur faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif terdiri
Materi Pembelajaran Reguler
1. Fungsi social teks Narrative
 Menghibur pembaca
 Mengambil teladan nilai-nilai luhur/pesan moral

2. Struktur teks Narrative

 Orientation (Orientasi)
 Complication (Konflik/ Krisis)
 Resolution (Resolusi)

3. Unsur-unsur kebahasaan teks Narrative

 Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past tense
 Frasa adverbia: a long time ago, once upon a time, in the end, happily ever after
 Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
 Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
Materi Pembelajaran Remedial
Struktur teks Narrative
 Complication (Konflik/ Krisis)
 Resolution (Resolusi)

Materi Pembelajaran Pengayaan

Menciptakan cerita narrative fairy tales berdasarkan imajinasi atau pengalaman sendiri.

Pendekatan : Saintifik
Model : Discovery Learning
Metode : Ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, presentasi

1. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
2. Lembar nilai
3. Laptop
4. HP
5. LCD Proyektor
6. Bahan Tayang: teks narrative, power point
7. Kertas plano
8. Spidol
9. Solasi
10. Teks Narrative Fairy Tales: Rapunzel, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid.

1. Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris:
Wachidah Siti, dkk. (2017). When English Rings The Bell, Kelas VIII. Penerbit: Gramedia,
2. Kamus Bahasa Inggris
Wojowasito, S. (2007). Kamus Lengkap. Penerbit: Hasta, Bandung.
3. Internet

Pendahuluan 1. Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa 5 menit
(Persiapan/orientasi) dengan peserta didik.
2. Peserta didik berdoa sebelum memulai kegiatan.
3. Peserta didik bersama-sama menyanyikan lagu
Indonesia Raya untuk menumbuhkan karakter
4. Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik dan
mengondisikan kesiapan peserta didik untuk
mengikuti pembelajaran.
Apersepsi 1. Mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman peserta 3 menit
didik atau dengan tema sebelumnya (buku
cerita yang pernah mereka baca/peristiwa
diwaktu lampau)
2. Mengajukan pertanyaan pendahuluan:
 What was the last story you read?
 Do you enjoy reading the stories or watching
the movies?
Motivasi 1. Menginformasikan materi yang akan dipelajari. 2 menit
2. Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat
mempelajari materi yang akan dipelajari.
3. Menyampaikan tujuan dan strategi
pembelajaran, serta penilaian yang digunakan.
Stimulation 1. Peserta didik mengamati dan menyimak teks 10 menit
tentang salah satu fairy tales berjudul
“Rapunzel”. (Literasi)
2. Peserta didik bersama guru melakukan tanya
jawab secara lisan terkait dengan informasi
tertentu dari isi cerita yang ditayangkan.
(Critical Thinking)
 What is the title of the story?
 How many characters are there in the story?
 Who is the main character in the story?
 What problem did the character face?
 How did they solve the problem?
3. Dengan bimbingan guru, peserta didik
menyebutkan topik dan fungsi sosial dari teks
narrative “Rapunzel” yang ditayangkan melalui
Problem Statement 1. Peserta didik dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok 10 menit
(masing-masing terdiri dari 4 orang).
2. Peserta didik diberi beberapa kalimat acak dari
cerita narrative pendek dan sederhana oleh
3. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami isi dari
kalimat-kalimat tersebut.
4. Peserta didik bersama-sama dalam kelompok
mengurutkan dengan benar kalimat-kalimat
tersebut menjadi satu teks narrative yang utuh.
(Collaborative Work)
5. Guru melakukan penilaian sikap melalui
observasi saat peserta didik melakukan kegiatan
dalam kelompok.
Data Collection 1. Peserta didik menuliskan kosa kata sulit yang 10 menit
mereka temukan dalam kalimat-kalimat yang
telah diurutkan menjadi teks yang utuh dan
menemukan arti kata tersebut dari kamus.
2. Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang
relevan dari isi teks untuk menentukan fungsi
sosial dari cerita tersebut dalam kelompok
dengan bimbingan guru.
3. Peserta didik mencari dan mengumpulkan
informasi tentang struktur teks narrative dari
bahan bacaan (Literasi buku teks pelajaran).
4. Peserta didik menentukan struktur teks dari
cerita yang telah mereka susun sesuai dengan
struktur untuk teks narrative yang telah mereka
baca. (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)
Data Processing 1. Peserta didik bersama sama dalam kelompok 10 menit
dengan bimbingan guru mengolah informasi
hasil identifikasi tentang fungsi sosial dan
struktur teks narrative sebagai bahan presentasi
pada kertas plano menggunakan spidol yang
Verification 1. Juru bicara tiap kelompok mempresentasikan 10 menit
hasil kerja kepada pengunjung dari kelompok
lain selama 3 menit. (Communication Skill)
2. Anggota kelompok lainnya yang bertugas
sebagai Pengunjung, berkeliling, menyimak
penjelasan dan membandingkan isi dan
informasi terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
narrative dari hasil kelompok mereka dengan
yang dipresentasikan.
3. Pengunjung dapat mengajukan pertanyaan,
membuat catatan, memberi masukan dan
apresiasi hasil kerja kelompok yang dikunjungi.
Generalization 1. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru, 10 menit
menyimpulkan hasil observasi mereka dari
seluruh kelompok yang mereka kunjungi
dengan membandingkan: fungsi sosial dan
struktur teks, dari beberapa teks narrative yang
telah mereka pelajari. (Problem Solving)
2. Guru memberikan apresiasi terhadap hasil
pekerjaan dan penampilan peserta didik.
3. Peserta didik menjawab beberapa pertanyaan
terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks narrative
dari lembar soal yang disediakan oleh guru.
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, membuat resume tentang poin-poin 10 menit
penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik menyampaikan kesulitan yang mereka hadapi saat pembelajaran
di dalam kelas.
3. Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta didik yang telah
bekerjasama dengan baik dalam kelompok.
4. Peserta didik diberi tugas menciptakan teks narrative sederhana berdasarkan
imajinasi/pengalaman di rumah sebagai tugas mandiri.
5. Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan pada pertemuan
6. Guru menutup pelajaran dan peserta didik dapat meninggalkan ruangan
dengan rapi dan tertib.

1. Teknik Penilaian
a. Sikap Spiritual
Bentuk Contoh Butir Waktu
No Teknik Keterangan
Instrumen Instrumen Pelaksanaan
untuk dan
Saat pencapaian
1 Observasi Terlampir pembelajaran belajar
berlangsung (assessment
for and of

b. Sikap Sosial
Bentuk Contoh Butir Waktu
No Teknik Keterangan
Instrumen Instrumen Pelaksanaan
untuk dan
Saat pencapaian
1 Observasi Terlampir pembelajaran belajar
berlangsung (assessment
for and of

c. Pengetahuan
Kisi-kisi Penulisan Soal
Materi Bentuk Nomor
No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Level
Pokok Soal Soal
1 Membandingkan Teks Narrative  Disajikan teks naratif, C3 PG 1
fungsi sosial, Fairy Tales peserta didik dapat
struktur teks, dan menemukan gambaran
unsur kebahasaan umum teks secara tepat.
beberapa teks  Disajikan teks naratif, C4 2
naratif lisan dan peserta didik dapat
tulis dengan mengidentifikasi
memberi dan tujuan teks secara tepat.
meminta informasi  Disajikan teks naratif,
terkait fairy tales, C5 3
peserta didik dapat
pendek dan
memilih persamaan
sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks kata teks secara tepat.
penggunaannya.  Disajikan teks naratif,
peserta didik dapat C6 4
memperjelas informasi
rinci dengan tepat.

d. Keterampilan
No Materi Indikator Bentuk Tes No Soal
1 Teks narrative fairy Menyusun teks narrative fairy tales Tertulis 1
tales. sederhana sesuai urutan gambar
yang disediakan menggunakan
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.

2. Kartu Soal



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX/2

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

Kompetensi teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy
Dasar tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Materi Teks Narative

Disajikan teks naratif, peserta didik dapat menentukan gambaran umum teks
Indikator Soal secara tepat.

Level Kognitif Pengetahuan/Pemahaman

Once upon a time, there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden
a bed of beautiful striped tulips. One night she was woken by the sounds of sweet singing and of
babies laughing. she looked out of the window. the sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed,
but she could see nothing. the next morning, she walked among her flowers, but there were no
signs of anyone having been there the night before.

On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. she rose
and stole softly through her garden. the moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the
flowers were swaying to and from. the old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each
tulip, a little fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each
tulip -cup lay a little fairy baby laughing and playing.

The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a
tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers. The tulips grew daily brighter in
color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. they began, too,
to bloom all the year round. and every night the little fairy mothers caressed their babies and
rocked them to sleep in the flower -cups.
The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip -bed was torn up by folks who did
not know about the fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. but the parsley
withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden and from that time nothing would grow
But the good old woman's grave grew beautiful, for the fairies sang above it, and kept it green:
while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils and violets, and other lovely
flowers of spring.

What is the story about?

A. The mysterious laugh of a baby.
B. The old woman and the fairy tulips.
C. A little house in a big garden.
D. A bed of beautiful striped tulips.

Kunci Pedoman Penskoran


1 B. The old woman and the fairy tulips. 1



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX/2

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

Kompetensi teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy
Dasar tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Materi Teks Narative

Disajikan teks naratif, peserta didik dapat menentukan tujuan teks secara tepat.
Indikator Soal
Level Kognitif Pengetahuan/Pemahaman

Once upon a time, there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden
a bed of beautiful striped tulips. One night she was woken by the sounds of sweet singing and of
babies laughing. she looked out of the window. the sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed,
but she could see nothing. the next morning, she walked among her flowers, but there were no
signs of anyone having been there the night before.

On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. she rose
and stole softly through her garden. the moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the
flowers were swaying to and from. the old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each
tulip, a little fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each
tulip -cup lay a little fairy baby laughing and playing.

The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a
tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers. The tulips grew daily brighter in
color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. they began, too,
to bloom all the year round. and every night the little fairy mothers caressed their babies and
rocked them to sleep in the flower -cups.
The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip -bed was torn up by folks who did
not know about the fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. but the parsley
withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden and from that time nothing would grow
But the good old woman's grave grew beautiful, for the fairies sang above it, and kept it green:
while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils and violets, and other lovely
flowers of spring.

What is the objection of the writer writing the text?

A. to describe about kinds of flower
B. to amuse the reader
C. to persuade the reader about the writer’s opinion
D. to tell about tulip

Kunci Pedoman Penskoran


2 B. to amuse the reader 1



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX/2

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy
tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Materi Teks Narative

Disajikan teks naratif, peserta didik dapat menentukan persamaan kata teks
Indikator Soal
secara tepat.

Level Kognitif Pengetahuan/Pemahaman

Once upon a time, there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden
a bed of beautiful striped tulips. One night she was woken by the sounds of sweet singing and of
babies laughing. she looked out of the window. the sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed,
but she could see nothing. the next morning, she walked among her flowers, but there were no
signs of anyone having been there the night before.

On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. she rose
and stole softly through her garden. the moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the
flowers were swaying to and from. the old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each
tulip, a little fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each
tulip -cup lay a little fairy baby laughing and playing.

The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a
tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers. The tulips grew daily brighter in
color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. they began, too,
to bloom all the year round. and every night the little fairy mothers caressed their babies and
rocked them to sleep in the flower -cups.
The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip -bed was torn up by folks who did
not know about the fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. but the parsley
withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden and from that time nothing would grow
But the good old woman's grave grew beautiful, for the fairies sang above it, and kept it green:
while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils and violets, and other lovely
flowers of spring.

"......, and the tulip-bed was torn up by folks who did not know.... " (paragraph 7) The word “folks”
is closest in meaning to…
A. relatives.
B. enemies.
C. children.
D. neighbors

Kunci Pedoman Penskoran


3 D. neighbors 1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX/2

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy
tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Materi Teks Narative

Disajikan teks naratif, peserta didik dapat informasi rinci dengan tepat.
Indikator Soal

Level Kognitif Pengetahuan/Pemahaman

Once upon a time, there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden
a bed of beautiful striped tulips. One night she was woken by the sounds of sweet singing and of
babies laughing. she looked out of the window. the sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed,
but she could see nothing. the next morning, she walked among her flowers, but there were no
signs of anyone having been there the night before.

On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. she rose
and stole softly through her garden. the moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the
flowers were swaying to and from. the old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each
tulip, a little fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each
tulip -cup lay a little fairy baby laughing and playing.

The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a
tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers. The tulips grew daily brighter in
color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. they began, too,
to bloom all the year round. and every night the little fairy mothers caressed their babies and
rocked them to sleep in the flower -cups.
The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip -bed was torn up by folks who did
not know about the fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. but the parsley
withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden and from that time nothing would grow
But the good old woman's grave grew beautiful, for the fairies sang above it, and kept it green:
while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils and violets, and other lovely
flowers of spring.

Why did the fairies sing above the old woman's grave? Because...
A. they were entertaining fairy babies.
B. the woman asked them to do so.
C. the woman had protected the tulips.
D. they made the flowers bloom.
Kunci Pedoman Penskoran


4 C. the woman had protected the tulips. 1



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IX/2

Kompetensi Menangkap makna teks narrative, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fairy tales, pendek
Dasar dan sederhana.

Materi Teks Narative

Menyusun teks narrative fairy tales sederhana sesuai urutan gambar yang
Indikator Soal
disediakan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.

Level Kognitif Pengetahuan/Pemahaman

150 – 200 WORDS.
Kunci Pedoman Penskoran

Temanggung, 22 Oktober 2019

Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Tria Wahyuni, S.Psi. Anton Pramudiarto, S.Pd.


Once upon a time, there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden
a bed of beautiful striped tulips. One night she was woken by the sounds of sweet singing and of
babies laughing. she looked out of the window. the sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed,
but she could see nothing. the next morning, she walked among her flowers, but there were no
signs of anyone having been there the night before.

On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. she rose
and stole softly through her garden. the moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the
flowers were swaying to and from. the old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each
tulip, a little fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each
tulip -cup lay a little fairy baby laughing and playing.

The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a
tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers. The tulips grew daily brighter in
color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. they began, too,
to bloom all the year round. and every night the little fairy mothers caressed their babies and
rocked them to sleep in the flower -cups.
The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip -bed was torn up by folks who did
not know about the fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. but the parsley
withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden and from that time nothing would grow
But the good old woman's grave grew beautiful, for the fairies sang above it, and kept it green:
while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils and violets, and other
lovely flowers of spring.

1. What is the story about?

A. The mysterious laugh of a baby.
B. The old woman and the fairy tulips.
C. A little house in a big garden.
D. A bed of beautiful striped tulips.
2. What is the objection of the writer writing the text?
A. To describe about kinds of flower.
B. To amuse the reader.
C. To persuade the reader about the writer’s opinion.
D. To tell about tulip.
3. "......, and the tulip-bed was torn up by folks who did not know.... " (paragraph 7)
The word “folks” is closest in meaning to…
A. relatives.
B. enemies.
C. children.
D. Neighbors.
4. Why did the fairies sing above the old woman's grave? Because...
A. they were entertaining fairy babies.
B. the woman asked them to do so.
C. the woman had protected the tulips.
D. they made the flowers bloom


A poor couple got themselves into big trouble when they stole fruit from their neighbour’s
garden The neighbour, who was a witch, found out about the theft and demanded that they
give her their child when she was born, to which the couple accepted.

The young girl, named Rapunzel by the witch, grew up to be very beautiful, but was kept
locked away in the tower by the wicked witch, from which there was no way in or out. When
the witch wanted to go in and see her, she would say “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your
hair, so that I might climb the golden stair.”

One day, when Rapunzel was singing to pass the time, she happened to catch the attention of
a young prince, who was so enchanted by her voice that he learned the secret of how to get to
her. While Rapunzel was startled by him at first, they soon fell in love. It so happened that
Rapunzel accidentally told the witch, “My, you are much heavier than my prince!” after
which the witch, infuriated, chopped off her hair and threw her out into the wilderness. The
prince was blinded by thorns and roamed the land, lamenting his beloved Rapunzel.

When they found each other again, the prince being lured by a beautiful voice, they cried for
joy, and the tears which fell from Rapunzel’s eyes went into the prince’s, and cleansed them,
enabling him to see again. The two lived together in peace for the rest of their lives.


Jumbled Sentences:
1. The Huntsman, pitying the innocent Snow White, told her to run away and never come
back. He, instead, delivered to the queen the heart of a pig. When the queen consulted
her mirror and found that she had been tricked, she determined to kill Snow White
herself and so began to prepare her poisoned apple.
2. One day, as a prince was passing by, he noticed the dwarfs mourning over a beautiful
sleeping girl (for she remained as beautiful as she ever was) and was mesmerised by
her beauty. He kissed her hand to bid her farewell, and at that moment, the apple
dislodged itself, and Snow White opened her eyes. The prince was so happy that he
asked for her hand in marriage and she accepted. There was a grand celebration, and
they lived and reigned happily together. The evil queen became sick from her envy and
eventually died.
3. Snow White, in the meantime, found a place with seven dwarfs, whom she lived with
and cared for. One day, when they were at work in the mines, the queen went to see
Snow White, disguised as an old peasant woman selling apples. Snow White was
convinced to take a bite out of the apple and instantly fell down, as if dead. When the
dwarfs found her, they were distraught and laid her in a glass coffin.
4. As Snow White began to grow, she became more and more beautiful, and the queen’s
magic mirror soon began to say so. Enraged and filled with jealousy, the queen sent a
huntsman to kill Snow White and bring her her heart.
5. A fair princess indeed, Snow White was named for the colour of her skin, which was
white as snow, hair as black as ebony, and lips as red as a rose. Her father, having lost
his wife, married again, and this new queen was as beautiful as she was proud. She
would often consult her mirror and ask “Mirror Mirror, on the wall; Who is the fairest
of them all?”


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