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Anjing merupakan salah satu hewan kesayangan yang dijadikan peliharaan oleh
manusia. Dalam pemeliharaannya, anjing dapat mengalami kondisi trauma yang
menyebabkan patah tulang femur (fraktur femur). Fraktur femur merupakan salah satu
kasus fraktur tulang panjang yang paling sering pada anjing. Penanganan dilakukan
dengan proses operasi. Sebelum melakukan operasi pemasangan pin, anjing diinduksi
dengan anastesi berupa kombinasi ketamine dan diazepam secara intravena


Puji dan syukur saya panjatkan kehadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas
berkat dan rahmat-Nya makalah yang berjudul ANASTESI PADA KASUS
FRAKTUR ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya. Saya ingin mengucapkan
terima kasih untuk berbagai sumber yang telah saya pakai sebagai data dan fakta pada
makalah ini.

Saya menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari sempurna dan perlu
pendalaman lebih lanjut, dan tidak semua hal dapat saya desksripsikan dengan
sempurna. Oleh karena itu, saya mengharapkan saran dari pembaca yang bersifat
konstruktif demi kesempurnaan makalah ini. Saya harap semoga pembahasan dalam
makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi dunia kesehatan hewan dan pendidikan serta
masyarakat umum, mengenai ANASTESI PADA KASUS FRAKTUR ini dengan
baik serta mengetahui pencegahan dan pengobatan jika nanti adanya kemunculan
penyakit ini.

Denpasar, 10 Maret 2020



Halaman Judul................................................................................................................ i

Ringkasan ..................................................................................................................... ii

Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................................. iii

Daftar Isi....................................................................................................................... iv

Daftar Gambar ............................................................................................................... v

Daftar Lampiran ........................................................................................................... vi

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Latar Belakang .................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Rumusan Masalah ............................................................................................. 2

BAB II TUJUAN DAN MANFAAT PENULISAAN .................................................. 3

BAB III PENUTUP. ..................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Anjing................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Fraktur Femur. .................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Anastesi ............................................................................................................. 7

BAB IV PEMBAHASAAN .......................................................................................... 9

BAB V SIMPULAN DAN SARAN ........................................................................... 11

5.1 Simpulan ......................................................................................................... 12

5.2 Saran ................................................................................................................ 12

Daftar Pustaka ............................................................................................................ 13

Lampiran .................................................................................................................... 14


Gambar 1 Berbagai macam jenis anjing ....................................................................... 5

Gambar 2 Penampakan lateral radiografi fraktur bagian distal femoral ....................... 7

Gambar 3 Penampakan radiografi fraktur tuberositas tibial dan distal femoral ........... 7


1. Lampiran 1. Jurnal Krishna, H.N.V.V., Ayyappan, S., and Prasad,A. A. 2018.

Femur Fracture Tie-In Fixation in a Dog - A Case Report. Indian Vet. J., April
2018, 95 (04) : 57 - 59
2. Lampiran 2. Jurnal Nazhvani,D.S., Jahromi, R.A.R., Foroud, M., Vesal, N.1
and Hooman, F. 2013. Surgical Repair of Distal Femoral Fracture in a Wild
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus). Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Shiraz
University, 2013, Vol. 14, No. 2, Pages 165-16
3. Lampiran 3. Jurnal Ozkan, F., Ozkan, N.C., Eyibilen, A., Yener, T., and
Erkorkmaz, U. 2010. Comparison of ketamine-diazepam with ketamine-
xylazine anesthetic combinations in sheep spontaneously breathing and
undergoing maxillofacial surgery. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
2010; 10 (4): 297-302.
4. Lampiran 4. Jurnal Tembhurne R.D., Gahlod, B.M., Dhakate,M.S., Akhare,
S.B., Upadhye, S. V. and Bawaskar, S. S. 2010. Management of femoral
Fracture with the use of Horn Peg in Canine. Veterinary World, Vol.3(1):37-41



1.1 Latar Belakang

Berbagai jenis hewan, binatang, maupun satwa, seperti satwa akuatik, satwa
liar, hewan kesayangan, hewan ternak, hewan eksotik, dan lain sebagainya sangat
sering kita jumpai dikeseharian. (Bryan dkk, 2010).

Hewan kesayangan merupakan salah satu jenis hewan yang banyak dipelihara
oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena bersifat sebagai companion animals. Seperti
misalnya anjing. Masyarakat cenderung memilih untuk menjadikan anjing sebagai
hewan peliharaan dikarenakan anjing dapat dijadikan sebagai penjaga rumah atau
sebagai sahabat manusia.

Pemilik anjing memiliki bebagai cara dalam memelihara anjingnya, seperti

dikandangkan, dilepas di halaman rumah, atau dilepas liarkan. Anjing yang
dilepasliarkan memiliki risiko tinggi tertular penyakit, berkelahi, atau mengalami
kecelakaan. Kecelakaan tersebut dapat berupa tertabrak kendaraan atau terjatuh dari
tempat yang tinggi, sehingga dapat menimbulkan patah tulang (fraktur) salah satunya
pada tulang paha (femur).

Fraktur pada anjing akibat tertabrak oleh kendaraan bermotor dapat dialami
anjing dari semua usia yang dilepas liarkan diluar rumah. Tulang pada daerah
extremitas kaki belakang merupakan tulang yang paling sering mengelami fraktur.
Penanganan anjing yang mengalami fraktur harus ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat bila
terlambat dilakukan penanganan, maka akan terbentuk callus yang akan menyelimuti
tulang yang mengalami fraktur, sehingga menyulitkan dalam proses penanganan
fraktur (Denny et al., 2008)

Penanganan terhadap patah tulang sebaiknya adalah dengan melakukan operasi

di klinik atau rumah sakit hewan. Operasi patah tulang memerlukan anastesi dalam
menghilangkan rasa sakit saat operasi. Makalah ini dibuat untuk membahas mengenai

anastesi yang digunakan saat akan melakukan operasi fraktur femur pada anjing
lengkap dengan dosis beserta cara pengaplikasiannya.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1.2.1 Apa saja anastesi yang digunakan saat akan melakukan operasi fraktur femur
pada anjing?
1.2.2 Berapa dosis anastesi yang digunakan saat akan melakukan operasi fraktur
femur pada anjing?
1.2.3 Bagaimana cara mengaplikasikan anastesi yang digunakan saat akan
melakukan operasi fraktur femur pada anjing ?



Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau sumber
bacaan kepada penulis sendiri maupun pembaca mengenai anastesi yang digunakan
saat akan melakukan operasi fraktur femur pada anjing lengkap dengan dosis beserta
cara pengaplikasiannya.

Manfaat yang diharapkan dapat diperoleh dari penulisan makalah ini adalah
agar penulis dan pembaca mengetahui anastesi yang digunakan saat akan melakukan
operasi fraktur femur pada anjing lengkap dengan dosis beserta cara



3.1 Anjing

Anjing merupakan hewan yang sudah sejak lama didomestikasi oleh

manusia. Pada zaman dahulu hewan ini digunakan untuk membantu manusia
dalam berburu binatang liar, dan juga untuk menjaga hewan ternak dari
ancaman binatang buas. Ada ungkapan yang berbunyi “Dogs are men’s best
friends” (Anjing adalah sahabat terbaik manusia). Di masa kini, manusia tidak
hanya memelihara anjing untuk berburu dan mencari makan, tetapi juga sebagai
hewan kesayangan, penjaga rumah dan perkebunan, hiburan, pelacak, dan
bahkan menjadi aktor film, serta masih banyak kegunaan anjing lainnya dalam
kehidupan manusia.

Anjing merupakan salah satu hewan kesayangan yang dijadikan

peliharaan, hal ini dikarenakan anjing memiliki indra penciuman, pendengaran
dan pengelihatan yang sensitif serta merupakan hewan yang setia (Budiana,

Menurut Rumatiwi (2009), anjing diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut:

Kingdom : Animalia

Filum : Chordata
Subfilum : Vertebrata
Kelas : Mamalia
Ordo : Carnivora
Family : Canidae
Genus : Canis
Spesies : Canis familiaris

Gambar 1. Berbagai jenis anjing (

Anjing sangat bervariasi dalam ukuran, penampilan dan tingkah laku

dibandingkan dengan hewan peliharaan yang lain. Sebagian besar anjing masih
mempunyai ciri-ciri fisik yang diturunkan dari serigala. Anjing adalah hewan
pemangsa dan hewan pemakan bangkai, memiliki gigi tajam dan rahang yang
kuat untuk menyerang, menggigit, dan mencabik-cabik makanan. Ciri-ciri khas
dari moyang serigala masih bertahan pada anjing, walaupun penangkaran
secara selektif telah berhasil mengubah bentuk fisik berbagai jenis anjing.

Anjing memiliki otot yang kuat, tulang pergelangan kaki yang bersatu,
sistem kardiovaskuler yang mendukung ketahanan fisik serta kecepatan berlari,
dan gigi untuk menangkap dan mencabik mangsa. Bila dibandingkan dengan
struktur tulang kaki manusia, secara teknis anjing berjalan berjingkat dengan
jari-jari kaki.

3.2 Fraktur Femur

Fraktur merupakan istilah dari hilangnya kontinuitas tulang, baik yang
bersifat total maupun sebagian, biasanya disebabkan oleh trauma. Terjadinya
suatu fraktur lengkap atau tidak lengkap ditentukan oleh kekuatan, sudut dan
tenaga, keadaan tulang, serta jaringan lunak di sekitar tulang. Secara umum,
keadaan patah tulang secara klinis dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai fraktur
terbuka, fraktur tertutup, dan fraktur dengan komplikasi. Fraktur tertutup adalah
fraktur dimana kulit tidak ditembus oleh fragmen tulang, sehingga tempat

fraktur tidak tercemar oleh lingkungan luar. Fraktur terbuka adalah fraktur yang
mempunyai hubungan dengan lingkungan luar melalui luka pada kulit dan
jaringan lunak, dapat terbentuk dari dalam maupun luar. Fraktur dengan
komplikasi adalah fraktur yang disertai dengan komplikasi seperti malunion,
delayed union, non union dan infeksi tulang (Mahartha et al., 2013)
Fraktur femur biasanya terjadi pada anjing dikarenakan adanya trauma.
Sebagian besar fraktur femur diobservasi sebagai fraktur tertutup karena otot-
otot yang terlalu tebal, kecuali apabila disebabkan oleh luka yang dalam seperti
luka tembak.
Ada dua hal penyebab terjadinya fraktur yakni akibat traumatik (fraktur
traumatik) dan akibat penyakit lainya (fraktur patologik). Fraktur traumatic
dapat terjadi bila tulang mendapatkan tekanan keras dari eksternal misalnya
fraktur akibat pukulan benda keras, tertabrak kendaraan bermotor, terjatuh dari
tempat tinggi, tersandungnya kaki hewan ketika bergerak cepat.
Fraktur akibat traumatik dapat terjadi secara langsung dan tidak
langsung. Secara langsung (Direct) merupakan patah tulang yang terjadi
langsung ditempat terjadinya trauma. Biasanya arah patahan dari fraktur akibat
traumatik langsung bersifat transversal. Sedangkan secara tidak langusng
(indirect), fraktur terjadi ditempat lain akibat kekuatan yang diantarkan lewat
Fraktur patologik merupakan fraktur yang terjadi akibat penyakit
sehingga kerusakan minor dapat menyebabkan terjadinya fraktur. Adapun
penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan fraktur adalah osteoma, osteosarcoma,
osteomyelitis, dan rakhitis (Piermattei et al.,2006

3.3 Anastesi
Anastesi berasal dari bahasa Yunani (an=tidak, aesthesis=rasa atau
sensasi), sehingga memiliki arti suatu keadaan hilangnya rasa atau sensasi tanpa
atau disertai dengan hilangnya kesadaran. Anastesia adalah keadaan tanpa rasa
(without sensation) tapi hanya bersifat sementara dan dapat kembali pada
keadaan semula karena hanya merupakan penekanan pada fungsi atau aktifitas
jaringan saraf baik lokal maupun umum. Termasuk dalam keadaan without
sensation ini adalah keadaan tidak sadar (unconsciousness) dan keadaan tidak
ingat atau amnesia (inability to remember past experiences) (Sudisma, et al.
Tujuan penggunaan anastesi pada dasarnya adalah untuk membuat agar
pasien (hewan) tidak merasakan (insensible) terhadap rasa sakit dan atau tidak
sanggup bergerak. Penggunaan anastesi juga dimaksudkan sebagai bantuan
dalam melakukan diagnosa, dengan demikian banyak agen-agen kimia yang
bias digunakan dalam mencapai tujuan dari anastesi (Sudisma, et al. 2016)
Menurut Sudisma, et al (2016) anastesi dapat diklasifikasikan
berdasarkan luas wilayah yang teranastesi (menurut luas pengaruhnya) menjadi
3, yakni anastesi lokal, anastesi regional, dan anastesi umum :
a. Anastesi lokal adalah substansi yang dapat menghilangkan rasa sakit
secara lokal dengan cara penghambatan impuls saraf perifer secara
reversibel tanpa disertai hilangnya kesadaran. Anastesi lokal dapat
dilakukan dengan surface aflication, sub kutan, dan infiltrasi.
b. Anastesi regional adalah suatu substansi yang dapat menghilangkan
rasa sakit pada suatu daerah atau region tertentu secara reversibel tanpa
disertai hilangnya kesadaran. Anastesi regional dapat diaplikasikan
dengan cara anastesi epidural, spinal, dan para vertebral.
c. Anastesi umum adalah anastesi yang dapat menekan susunan sistem
saraf pusat secara reversibel sehingga hewan kehilangan rasa sakit di
seluruh tubuh, hilangnya reflek otot, dan hilangnya kesadaran.
Anastesi umum dapat diberikan dengan cara inhalasi atau injeksi.

Menurut Warne, et al (2018) sebelum melakukan anastesi, penting
untuk melakukan evaluasi klinis terhadap hewan, seperti sinyalemen, sejarah
dan alasan menggunakan anastesi, pemeriksaan fisik, dan diagnosis klinik.
a. Sinyalemen terdiri dari informasi mengenai spesies, usia, ras, status
nutrisi, dan sikap atau perilaku hewan.
b. Sejarah dan alasan penggunaan anastesia. Sejarah pasien digunakan
untuk mengetahui informasi terapi obat yang pernah atau sedang
diberikan, ada atau tidaknya reaksi sensitif terhadap pengobatan atau
zat anastetik.
c. Pemeriksaan fisik harus dilakukan sebelum pemberian anastesi umum
dan sedasi.
d. Diagnosis klinik. Evaluasi terhadap kondisi pasien hendaknya
dilakukan minimal 1 hari sebelum prosedur anastesi.

Menurut Tembhurne, et al (20 10) sebelum melakukan operasi fraktur
femur, dilakukan pemberian pre anastesi seperti xylazine hydrochloride 1mg/kg
berat badan, atropine sulphate 0.04mg/kg berat badan, dan Betamethazone
sodium phosphate 2mg/kg berat badan secara intramuskular. Setelah 15 menit,
kembali diinjeksikan ketamine hydrochloride 5-10mg/kg berat badan dan
diazepam 1mg/kg berat badan secara intravena untuk induksi dan pemeliharaan
anastesi saat operasi berlangsung.
Menurut Krishna, et al (2018) anastesi yang diberikan sebelum
melakukan operasi fraktur femur adalah anastesi umum ketamine 5.0mg/kg
berat badan dan diazepam 0.3mg/kg berat badan secara intravena. Anastesi
umum ini dipelihara dengan pemberian 2% Isoflurane.
Menurut Nazhvani et al (2013), induksi anastesia yang diberikan
sebelum melakukan operasi fraktur femur adalah kombinasi diazepam
0,25mg/kg berat badan dan ketamine 5mg/kg berat badan dalam satu syringe
yang sama kemudian diinjeksikan secara intravena. Anastesia dipelihara
dengan pemberian halothane 0.8-1.0% disalurkan melalui oksigen.
Sebagian besar anastesia yang digunakan saat akan melakukan operasi
fraktur adalah kombinasi ketamine dan diazepam dengan pemberian injeksi
secara intravena. Ketamine adalah bahan anastesi yang digunakan sebagai
anastesi umum oleh dokter hewan sebagai tranquilizer. Tidak seperti anastesia
lainnya, ketamine tidak menyebabkan hilangnya kesadaran dan menimbulkan
halusinasi. Ketamine memiliki sifat onset cepat, telah terbukti aman, dan durasi
yang pendek (Young,et al. 2011).
Ketamine digunakan secara luas dengan dosis yang rendah untuk
perawatan pada pasien yang mengalami rasa sakit akut atau kronis, rasa sakit
akibat kelainan neuropati, iskemia pada kaki atau anggota tubuh lain, dan
kanker yang sulit disembuhkan, serta merupakan standar untuk terapi opioid.

Ketamine secara khusus digunakan secara intramuskular, intravena, peroral,
perrektal, atau dengan inhalasi (Young, et al. 2011)
Diazepam adalah bahan anastesi yang masuk ke dalam golongan
benzodiazepine, bias diaplikasikan secara intramuskular, intravena, oral, dan
rektal. Diazepam digunakan sebagai antikonvulsan dan penghilang rasa cemas,
sedasi, dan myorelaksasi (Griffin, et al. 2013)
Ketamine dapat meningkatkan detak jantung dan tekanan pada arteri,
menstimulasi fungsi kardiovaskular, dan apabila digunakan sebagai agen
tunggal dapat memicu efek samping yang tidak diinginkan seperti hipertonisitas
otot, myoclonus, dan konvulsi. Sehingga untuk meminimalkan efek samping
yang tidak diinginkan tersebut, pemberian ketamine dikombinasikan dengan
golongan benzodiazepine dan agonis alpha-2 (Ozkan, et al. 2010).
Diazepam adalah hipnotik-sedatif dan bersifat muscle relaxant. Obat ini
bersifat jangka panjang karena metabolismenya yang lambat dan relatif lebih
rendah efeknya pada kardiovaskular apabila dibandingkan dengan obat lainnya.
Saat dikombinasikan dengan ketamine, diazepam mengurangi efek yang tidak
diinginkan dari ketamine pada kardiovaskular, dan menunjukkan sifat
antikonvulsif, amnestic, relaksasi otot melalui mekanisme sentral (Ozkan, et al.
2010). Kombinasi ketamine dan diazepam bermanfaat karena induksi yang
cepat, durasi anastesi yang panjang, dan proses pemulihannya cepat. Oleh
karena itu, sebagian besar dalam kasus operasi fraktur femur digunakan
kombinasi ketaminediazepam untuk menghasilkan anastesia yang baik.



Fraktur femur adalah hilangnya kontinuitas tulang femur, yang

merupakan kasus fraktur yang paling sering terjadi pada anjing karena trauma.
Penanganan fraktur femur dapat dilakukan dengan tindakan operasi
pemasangan pin pada tulang. Anastesi yang digunakan saat akan melakukan
operasi fraktur femur adalah kombinasi ketamine dan diazepam secara
intravena karena dapat menghasilkan anastesia yang baik


Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah agar pembaca dapat memahami

dengan baik penanganan fraktur femur pada anjing beserta penggunaan anastesi
yang baik sebelum operasi


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Veterinary World, Vol.3(1):37-41 RESEARCH

Management of femoral fracture with

the use of horn peg in canine
Tembhurne R.D. B.M Gahlod, M.S. Dhakate, S.B.Akhare S. V. Upadhye and S. S. Bawaskar

Department of veterinary Surgery and Radiology,

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur.

The present investigation was carried on six clinical cases of femur fracture presented to the
N.V.C. Hospital. Immobilization of femur fracture was done with the use of horn -peg prepared
from bovine horn. The healing of femur fracture was evaluated on the basis of clinical, radiographic,
hematological & biochemical observation. The clinical observations such as rectal temperature,
heart rate and respiration rate recorded for 7 consequent days were within normal range in all
dogs. The surgical wound healed by primary intention in all the dogs. The partial weight bearing
by operated limb was seen in 7.66 ± 0.84 post-operative days and the complete weight bearing
was seen in 37.00 ± 2.94 post-operative days.The radiograph taken on 45th post-operative days
showed a well organized external bridging of fracture gap by a firm callus in all dogs. The
hematological studies revealed lymphocytopenia on 10th day. The haemoglobin level, total
erythrocyte count, total leucocyte count, PCV, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils count were
within normal range. Biochemical studies revealed significant increase in the serum alkaline
phosphatase activity, however serum calcium, serum creatinine, SGOT and SGPT levels were
within normal ranges. The horn-peg did not elicit any untoward reaction at the site of fracture
during period of healing process.
Keywords: Horn peg, Immobilization, Femur, Fracture, Canine.

Introduction in bovines respectively (Sakate et al. 1993). Horn is

The femur fracture in canine was more frequently an inert, economical, cheap and easily available
recorded as compare to other long bone fractures. material for fixation of femoral fracture. The present
Steinmann-pin, Kirschner-wire, Rush-pin and study was undertaken to evaluate the horn-peg for
Kuntscher nail are same of the devices which we the treatment of femoral fracture in dogs.
generally used in veterinary orthopaedics surgery. But Materials and Methods
prolonged use of such devices may resulted in The study was undertaken on six dogs of either
osteopenia and weakening of bone rendering it liable sex about 2 months to 7 years of age weighing 9-12
to re-fracture (Paavolainen et al., 1978). kg. All the dogs were hold to food and water for 12
The ideal immobilization of fracture is one which hours and 6 hours respectively before operation. The
offers security to the extent that the normal use of the site of operation was prepared aseptically. Pre-
limb is possible and sufficient flexibility to allow same anesthetic medicines like inj. xylazine hydrochloride,
degree of movement at fracture site and provides rapid atropine sulphate and Betamethazone sodium
bony union by the development of external bridging phosphate were administer intra muscularly @ 1mg/
callus (Mickibbin, 1978). There are suggestions to kg, 0.04mg/kg and 2mg/kg body weight respectively.
explore the possibilities of using heterogeneous After 15 minutes, inj ketamine hydrochloride @ 5-10mg/
biological implants for repair of fractures in canines kg body weight and Dizepam @ 1 mg/kg body weight
(Singh et al. 1987). were given intravenously for induction and maintenance
Biological implants such as horn plate and horn anesthesia during the surgical procedure.
pegs, prepared from buffalo horn have been used for The dogs were placed in lateral recumbence
the repair of femoral fracture (Singh and Singh 1990 with the affected leg upward. A long skin incision was
(b), Dubey, 1991) in canines and metatarsal fractures made along the line extending from the greater Veterinary World Vol.3, No.1, January 2010 37
Management of femoral fracture with the use of horn peg in canine

trochanter to the lateral surface of the patella over the horn pegs and did not affect the physical nature and
midshaft of femur to exteriorize the femoral shaft. The properties of the horn peg. These findings are in
horn-peg prepared from the bovine horn was used for agreement with Singh and Singh (1990) and Dubey
the internal immobilization of femoral fracture. et al. (1993). The intramedullary fixation technique
Sterilization of the horn pegs were done in autoclave was found easy and no difficulty was encountered
for 15 minutes at 120oC under 15 lbs pressure before during retrograde fixation of horn peg in all the dogs.
use. After correct reduction and alignment of fracture The observations of present findings are in
fragment the horn peg of appropriate size and shape concurrence with Dubey (1991) and Shinde (1994)
was inserted in a retrograde fashion. The surgical during the repair of femoral fracture with horn peg in
wound was closed in a routine manner and sealed canines.
with Tincture Benzoin and the affected limb was Clinical observations
covered using soft cotton rolled bandage. The clinical observations such as rectal
Postoperatively, all the dogs were given temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate recorded
injections Reflin-250mg intramuscularly daily for five for 7 post-operative days were within normal range
consecutive days, injection Diclofenac Sodium was and did not show any significant change at different
given @ 2mg/kg body weight intramuscular daily for 3 interval. It indicated that internal implant horn peg used
days and the surgical wound was dressed with for the repair of femoral fracture did not affect the
betadine solution. The skin sutures were removed on physiological function of the body. These observation
10th postoperative day. confirms the findings reported by Dubey (1991),
The plane latero-medial radiographs of the Shinde (1994) and Pawar (1999) following repair of
affected limb were taken immediately after internal the fractures in canines.
immobilization and subsequently on 10th, 20th and The surgical wound healed in 8-10 days by
45th postoperative day to note the status of horn-peg, primary intention. Clinically the dogs did not show any
status of alignment, progress of healing process and sign of infection at the operative site except two dogs,
reaction of horn peg to host bone. where in D2 seroma developed at the level of
The clinical observations viz. rectal temperature, trochanteric fossa on 8th post-operative day and in
heart rate and respiration rate were recorded daily for D6 wound was distracted due to self mutilation. Local
the first seven consecutive days. Walking and weight dressing with betadine solution and administration of
bearing by the operated leg and wound healing was antibiotics daily for five days resulted in satisfactory
also recorded in each dog. recovery.
The hematological parameters viz. Hb%, TEC, The partial weight bearing on the affected limb
TLC, PCV% and DLC were recorded on 0 day and on during standing was seen from 5th -8th post-operative
1st, 10th, 20th and 45th post operative day. The day (mean value 7.66 ± 0.84 days) except in two dogs
biochemical parameters viz. creatinine, serum SGOT which show partial weight bearing on 10th day
and serum SGPT were recorded on 0 day and on 1st, onwards.
10th, 20th and 45th day of observation. The data The complete weight bearing on the limb during
recorded during the present study was analyzed as standing was seen from 30th-45th post-operative day
described by Snedecor and Conchron(1967). (37.00 ± 2.94 days) except in two dogs which started
complete weight bearing from 45th and 40th post-
Results and Discussion operative day respectively. The delay in weight
The present study was conducted on six clinical bearing by these dogs could be due to the pain and
cases of dog with history of femur fracture. Evaluation presence of sepsis at the upper third of peg at
of the horn peg in the treatment of the femoral fracture trochanteric fossa. Dubey et al. (1992) reported weight
was done on the basis of clinical, hematological, bearing by operated limb on 7-10 post-operative day
biochemical alterations and radiographic days, which suggested desired degree of movement
observations during the healing period. of fragments permitted by the implanted horn plate
The surgery was under taken under dissociative and proper securing of fractured fragments in position.
anaesthesia with ketamine and diazepam Radiographic Observations
combination. The duration of anaesthesia was found The horn pegs used for fracture fixation being
satisfactory and the muscle relaxation was excellent radiolucent could not be visualized on radiographs
hence the entire orthopedic procedure was performed and allowed good visualization of fracture site hence
smoothly in all the dogs. the evaluation of fracture healing was easy. These
A conventional method of sterilization with findings are in agreement Wandhare (1989), Dubey,
autoclave seems to be effective way of sterilization of (1991) Shinde, (1994) and Pawar (1999). The Veterinary World Vol.3, No.1, January 2010 38
Management of femoral fracture with the use of horn peg in canine

Table-1. Showing mean values of haemogram in canines

Parameters Days of interval

N 0 Day 1st Day 10th Day 20th Day 45th Day
Hb gm/100ml 6 11.41±0.68 11.33±0.66 11.38 ±0.48 11.53±0.59 12.05±0.59
TEC 106 /mm3 6 6.76±0.13 6.62±0.04 6.69±0.09 6.82±0.07 6.96±0.09
TLC 106 /mm3 6 14±0.49 14.74±1.70 14.34±2.21 14.65±2.27 15.25 ±2.17
PCV % 6 32.33 ±2.73 31.5 ±2.49 33.93±2.01 36.22 ±2.33 37.22±2.32
Neutrophils % 6 74.33±0.88 80.33±1.90 82.33±1.05 82.33±1.56 84.33±2.06
Lymphocytes % 6 23 ± 0.73 17.33 ±2.04 15.16 ±0.87 16.16 ±1.90 13.33 ±1.97
Eosinophils % 6 1.33 ±0.33 0.5 ±0.33 0.83 ±0.16 0.6 ±0.49 1.16 ±0.3
Monocytes % 6 0.83 ±0.40 1.33±0.33 1.16 ±0.30 0.83 ±0.65 0.83 ±.037
Basophils % 6 0.5 ±0.33 0.5 ±0.28 0.5 ±0.22 0.00 0.3±0.21

radiograph taken soon after surgery showed excellent The Hematological parameter viz Hb%, TEC,
reduction and good alignment of fractured fragments TLC, PCV, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils
and the fracture line was clearly visible on radiograph. were within normal physiological range. However the
Soon after surgery radiographs revealed excellent mean values of neutrophil percentage on ‘0’ day was
alignment. Singh and Singh (1990b) and Dubey et 74 ± 0.88 while on 1st , 10th , 20th and 45th day it was
al.(1993) observed perfect alignment of fracture ends 80.33 ± 1.90, 82.33 ± 1.05, 82.33 ±1.56 and 84.33 ±
by using horn plates for femoral fracture. On 45th day 2.06 % respectively. There was constant and
radiographs revealed complete bridging of fracture increasing trend of neutrophil and the values were
gap by a well organized and distinct callus. Singh and not statistically significant. The rise in neutrophil
Singh (1990)observed of gap by periosteal callus on percentage might be due to the response to
day 45th.Dubey et al. (1993) observed bridging callus inflammatory condition during healing of surgical
at 6th week while at 9th week Radio graph revealed wound and stress during post-operative period.
complete obliteration of fracture line with well Neutrophil are the first line of defense and therefore
organized osseous callus. The intramedullary horn there number got increased after the onset of
peg fixation did not show any untoward reaction at the inflammation (Sastry, 1983). Aithal (1996) observed
site of contact with endosteal surface during healing significant increase in neutrophil count on 1st and 3rd
of femoral fracture. These findings are in agreement post-operative day. Marked increase in neutrophil was
with Singh and Singh (1990), Ashtekar and reported following traumatic and post surgical wound
Deshpande(1981) ,Dubey et al.(1992) and Dubey et (Mahajan, 1992). The mean lymphocyte percentage
al.(1993) reduction and good alignment of fractured decreased from 23 ± 0.73 on “0” day to 15.16 ± 0.87
fragments and the fracture line was clearly visible on on 10th day and it was found highly statistically
radiograph. Soon after surgery radiographs revealed significant. The decrease in lymphocyte count was
excellent alignment. Singh and Singh (1990b) and due to tissue injury during surgery or inflammation
Dubey et al.(1993) observed perfect alignment of elicited production of immuno-regulatory cytokines.
fracture ends by using horn plates for femoral fracture. These cytokines activate the pituitary adrenal axes
On 45th day radiographs revealed complete bridging and increase in glucocorticoid concentration. It results
of fracture gap by a well organized and distinct to increased level of lymphoid tissue and reduction in
callus.Singh and Singh (1990)observed of gap by circulating lymphocytes (Kaneko et al.. 1997).
periosteal callus on day 45th.Dubey et al. (1993) Biochemical Observations
observed bridging callus at 6th week while at 9th week The Biochemical studies revealed significant
Radio graph revealed complete obliteration of fracture increase in the concentration of alkaline phosphatase
line with well organized osseous callus. The from 3.15± 0.53 KA unit on 0 day to 6.94 ± 0.38 KA
intramedullary horn peg fixation did not show any unit on 20th day while on 45th day, level reached
untoward reaction at the site of contact with endosteal toward normal range. The increased level level of
surface during healing of femoral fracture. These alkaline phosphatase on 1st, 10th and 20th post
findings are in agreement with Singh and Singh (1990) operative day were highly statistically significant.
Ashtekar and Deshpande(1981),Dubey et al.(1992) Similar observations were noticed by Shifrin (1970)
and Dubey et al.(1993). and Pawar (1999). Singh et al. (1976) reported a
Haematological Observations significant increase in the serum alkaline phosphate Veterinary World Vol.3, No.1, January 2010 39
Management of femoral fracture with the use of horn peg in canine

Table-2. Showing mean values of biochemical in canines

Parameters No. Days in interval

0 Day 1st Day 10th Day 20th Day 45th Day
Serum calcium
(mg/dl) 6 6.96± 0.29 6.83± 0.31 6.92± 0.34 6.95± 0.37 6.91± 0.3
Serum Alkaline
Phosphatase 6 3.15 ± 0.53 4.79± 0..53 7.52± 0.48 6.94± 0.38 5.74± 0.89
(KA unit)
Serum Creatinine
(mg/dl) 6 0.95± 0.14 1.11± 0.2 1.05± 0.2 1.13± 0.16 1.25 ± 0.21
(units/litre) 6 22.82 ±2.45 23.62 ±2.83 24.57 ±2.52 26.67±2.06 27.21±2.96
(units/ litre) 6 24.26 ±2.40 23.34 ±2.18 24.10 ±2.31 24.81±2.28 25.39± 2.43

concentration at 7th and 14th post-operative day in was quite easy due to the radiolucency of the
experimentally created gap in right ulnae and filled horn peg.
with ceramic implants held in position by an 3. Fracture immobilized with horn peg revealed
intramedullary pin. Uma Rani and Ganesh (2003) good healing supported by distinct periosteal
observed significant elevation of serum alkaline callus.
phosphatase levels up to 15th post operative day 4. The horn peg did not ellicit any reaction at the
during femoral fracture healing in goats. However, site of contact with host bone throughout the
Aithal et al. (1998) reported a significant increase in period of observation which indicated that horn
serum alkaline phosphatase activity from 7thday has very poor antigenic potential.
onward in dogs treated with cross-intramedullary pin
fixation technique. In the present study the increase
level of serum alkaline phosphatase could be due to 1. Aithal, H. P (1996): A Study on incidence of fractures in
animals and management of Supracondylar femoral
an enzyme phosphatase secreted by proliferating fracture in Dog. Ph. D. Thesis submitted to I.V.R.I;
cartilage cells and increased osteoblasts in the fracture Izatnagar (U.P.) India.
haematoma. These findings are in accordance 2. Amresh Kumar (1996): Fracture and their management
Amresh Kumar (1996). The significant increase in the Vet. Surg, techniques Ist edi. Vikas Publishing House
level of alkaline phosphatase during fracture healing Pvt. Ltd New Delhi pp. 184-194.
could be attributed to the accelerated osteoblastic 3. Ashtekar, V.R. and Deshpande K.S.(1981):
activity at the fracture site as stated by Guyton (1986). Experimental studies on heterogeneous bone grafting
in small animals. Indian J. Vet. Surg. 2 (1):14-20.
The mean values of serum calcium on 0 day
4. Dubey, I.K. (1991): An experimental study on use of
was 6.96 ± 0.29 mg/dl while on 1st ,20th ,and 45th day buffalo horn plates and intramedullary nails in fracture
it was 6.83 ± 0.31, 6.92 ± 0.34 , 6.95 ± 0.37 and 6.91 repair of canine femur. M.V.Sc. Thesis submitted to
± 0.3 mg/dl respectively. This observation showed the P.D.K.V. Akola. (M.S.)
declining trend up to 20th day was statistically non- 5. Dubey, I.K.; Patil S.N.; Marudwar S.S.; Dhakate M.S.
significant. The observations revealed a non- and Pawde A. M. (1992): A note on experiment
evaluation of repair of femoral fractures in canine with
significant variation in the level of calcium as also
bovine horn plates. Indian J. Vet. Surg. 13 (1): 39-41.
observed by Singh et al. (1976) and Sahkar et al. 6. Dubey, I.K.; Patil S.N.; Marudwar S.S. and Dhakate
(1998). The decline in the serum calcium was possibly M.S. (1993): Repair of transverse femoral fracture in
due to increased urinary excretion after traumatic bone canines using intramedullary nails prepared from
injury as stated by Kumar et al. (1992). The serum bovine horn- an experimental study. Ind. Vet. J. 5 (70):
creatinine, SGOT and SGPT values did not show any 445-448.
significant change during the period of fractur. 7. Ganesh, T.N.; Jayaprakash R.; Ayyappan S.;
Archibald W.P. David and Balasubramanian N.N.
Conclusion (1994): Repair of femoral fracture by intramedullary
The following conclusions could be drawn from the nailing – A clinical study of 6 cases. Paper presented
in XVIIth Annual congress of I.S.V.S. and National
present investigations,
Symposium at Mathura. (U.P.).
1. The horn peg of appropriate shape and size 8. Guyton, A.C. (1986): A textbook of medical physiology,
could be easily prepared for the intramedullary (7th edn;) W.B. Saunder’s Company, Philadelphia, p.
fixation of femoral fracture in canines. 943.
2. The radiological assessment of fracture healing 9. Kaneko, J.J.; Harvey J.W. and Bruss M.L. (1997): Veterinary World Vol.3, No.1, January 2010 40
Management of femoral fracture with the use of horn peg in canine

Adrenocortical functions, Clinical Biochemistry of 19. Sastry, G.A. (1983): Veterinary Pathology, 6th edn.CBS
Domastic Animals. 5th edn. Academic Press, New Publishers and distributers, Delhi.
York pp: 560. 20. Shinde, S.R. (1994): Comparative study on healing of
10. Kumar, R.; Gill P.S.; Rajvir Singh; Setia M. S. and femoral fracture by intramedullary Stainless Steel
Rattan P. J. S. (1992): Indian Vet. J. 69: 476. pinning and intramedullary horn peg fixation in canine.
11. Mahajan, D.N. (1992): Studies on Diclofenac sodium in M.V.Sc. Thesis submitted to M.A.U. Parbhani, (M.S.).
the treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic affections 21. Singh, G (1988): Studies on the use of horn plates for
in bovine. M.V.Sc. Thesis submitted to M.A.U. internal fixation of femoral frature in dogs. M.V.Sc.
Parbhani. (M.S.). Thesis. i.V.R.I., Izatnagar, (U.P.)
12. McKibbin, B. (1978): The biology of fracture healing in 22. Singh G.R (1986): Experimental evaluation of horn
long bones. J. Bone. Jt. Surg. 60 : 150-162. plates in the treatment of metacarpal and radial
13. Muller, M.E.; Allgower M. and Willenegger H. (1965):
fractures in bovines. Ph. D. Thesis. G.B. Pant University
Mannual of internal fixation. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, (U.P.)
Cited by Singh, G. and G.R. Singh (1990).
23. Singh G.R.; I.V. Mogha and Chattopadhaya (1984):
14. Paavolainan, P.; Karaharju E.; Slatis P.; Ahonen J. and
Xenogenous bone plate for treatment of femoral fracture
Holstrom T. (1978): Effects of rigid plate fixation on
in sheep Indian J. Anim. Sci. 54(4): 339-344.
structure and mineral content of cortical bone. Clin.
Orthop. 136: 287-293. 24. Singh, G.R.; Bhargava A.K. and Mogha I.V.. (1987):Use
15. Pawar, V.K (1999): Studies on repair of fracture of tibia of bone plates prepared from bovine horn for the fixation
with reference to bone plating, pinning and horn pegging of femoral fracture in goats. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 57(11):
in canines. M.V.Sc. Thesis submitted to M.A.U. 1166-1169.
Parbhani, (M.S.). 25. Singh, G.N. and Singh G.R. (1990): Use of horn plates
16. Salunke, V.M. (1993): Studies on wound healing (A as internal fixation devise for femoral fracture in dog: A
clinical and experimental study). M.V.Sc. Thesis radiographic evaluation. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 60 (12):
submitted to M.A.U. Parbhani. (M.S.). 1408-1411.
17. Sarkate, L.B.; Aher V.D. and Bhokre A.P. (1993): 26. Uma Rani, R. and Ganesh T.N. (2003): Study of serum
Intramedullary horn pegs fixation for the repair of calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase during
metatarsal fracture in buffalo calves and goat. Paper fracture healing of femur in goats. Indian Vet. J.; 80:
th 377-378.
presented at XVI I.S.V.S. and N.S. held at Parbhani.
Abst. pp :23. 27. Wandhare, P.N. (1989): Studies on use of buffalo horn
18. Shifrin, L.Z (1970): Serum calcium, phosphorus, and plates for internsl fixation of femoral fracture and its
alkaline phosphatase level in dogs during repair of evaluation in dogs. M.V.Sc. Thesis. Submitted to P.K.V.
experimental ulnar defects. Clin. Orthop. 70:212 Akola. (M.S.).

******** Veterinary World Vol.3, No.1, January 2010 41

M.Venkatesan et al.
Franz, S., M.Flock and M. H.Parisot (2009) Ultrasonography anatomy and its relationship with quarter and udder milk ow
of the bovine udder and teat. Vet. Clin. North. Am. Food. characteristics in dairy cows, J. Dairy Sci., 87:3280 -3289.
Anim. Pract., 25: 669-685.
Venkatesan, M., D.Sumathi, P.Selvaraj, K.Vijayarani and
Trostle, S. S and R. T. О’Brien (1998) Ultrasonography of the A.P.Nambi (2016) Comparison of clinical and ultrasonograph-
bovine mammary gland. Compendium on Continuing Educa- ic diagnosis of milk ow disorders in hand milking dairy cows,
tion for the Practicing Veterinarian, 20:64–71. Indian Vet. J., 93 (08): 72 – 74
Weis, D., M. Weinfurther and R. M. Bruckmaier (2004) Teat

Indian Vet. J., April 2018, 95 (04) : 57 - 59

Femur Fracture Tie-In Fixation in a Dog - A Case Report

N.V.V.Hari Krishna1, S.Ayyappan and A.Arun Prasad

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai – 600 007.
(Received : 05-09-2017 298/17 Accepted : 10-10-2017)

Abstarct Clinical examination revealed the presence

A two year old male Mongrel dog weighing 14 of swelling of the thigh along with crepitus in
Kg was presented with a history of non-weight the mid femoral region. A bite wound was seen
bearing lameness following dog bite. Clini- on the caudo-lateral aspect of the thigh which
cal and radiological examination revealed a did not communicate with the fracture (Fig. 1).
complete transverse fracture of left femur. Orthogonal radiographs of the femur revealed a
Successful surgical treatment of the fracture by complete transverse mid- shaft fracture of the
tie-in external xation was reported. left femur (Fig. 2) and it was decided to reduce
the fracture by tie-in xation. The wound was
Key words: Dog, femur, tie-in xation cleaned and dressed with povidone iodine and
Pelvic limb fractures were more common the fractured limb was stabilized with a modied
in dogs. Among pelvic limb fractures, femur Robert Jones bandage till the day of surgery.
fractures occupy 47.48% (Aithal et al., 1999 and Advised the pet owner for post bite antirabies
Simon et al., 2010) of which 60% were diaphyseal vaccination.
(Unger et al. 1990). Most of the femur fractures
were closed and require some sort of internal Treatment and Discussion
xation (Beale, 2004). But internal xation like Surgical site was prepared aseptically. The dog
intramedullary pinning alone cannot counteract was pre-medicated with Inj. Atropine @ 0.04 mg/
rotational and compressive forces as effective kg. i.m. followed by Inj. Xylazine @ 1mg/kg. i.m.
as it does to bending forces. The present paper 10 minutes later. Inj. tramadol @ 2.0 mg/kg and
reports about the surgical treatment of femur Inj. Cefotaxime @ 22 mg/Kg b.wt. i.v. were given
fracture in a dog using tie-in xation. 15 minutes before start of surgery. General
anaesthesia was induced by Inj. Ketamine and
Case History and Observations Inj. Diazepam mixture at the dose rates of 5.0
A 2 year old male Mongrel dog weighing 14 kg mg/kg and 0.3 mg/kg body weight respectively.
was presented with a history of dog bite and non- General anesthesia was maintained by 2%
weight bearing lameness of the left hind limb. Isoourane. The femur was approached through
a cranio-lateral incision (Piermattei, 2004). The
Corresponding author : Email : tensor fascia lata was incised and the muscles
The Indian Veterinary Journal (April, 2018) 57
Femur Fracture Tie-In Fixation in a Dog ...

Fig. 1 Photograph showing dog bite wound with non-weight Fig. 2 Skiagram showing complete transverse mid shaft frac-
bearing lameness. ture of femur.

to unilateral external skeletal xator with a

small piece of connecting rod which was xed
between the proximal extremity of the intra-
medullary pin and the proximal extremity of the
connecting rod using two clamps, one on either
end and the surgical incision closed in routine
manner. Protective bandage was applied cover-
ing the entire splint to prevent interference with
furniture (Ayyappan et al., loc. cit). Postopera-
tively Tab. Cefalexin @ 22 mg/kg b.i.d was given
orally for 7 days and Tab. Carprofen @ 2.2 mg/kg
b.i.d was given orally for ve days. Skin sutures
were removed on 12th postoperative day.
Fig. 3 Skiagram showing tie-in xation - Immediate postop.
The ESF to the IM pin signicantly
separated by blunt dissection and the fracture increased the rigidity. Immediate post-operative
ends were debrided and reduced with the help of radiographs showed excellent alignment and
bone holding forceps. A 3 mm Steinmann intra- apposition of the fracture fragments (Fig. 3).
medullary pin was placed in retrograde fashion Postoperative weight bearing was noticed on 7th
and a counter pin of same length was used to postoperative day following tie-in xation. The
assess the level of the distal pin tip in the distal external xator was removed on 45th postopera-
metaphysis of the femur. Proximal end of the tive day and IMP was removed two weeks later
intramedullary pin was left uncut. (George et al., 2007 and Vedpathak et al., 2011).
The Kirschner-Ehmer (K-E) splint was In the present case early mobility of the limb
constructed on the lateral aspect of the thigh. and weight bearing of the affected limb could be
Transxation pins of 25% transcortical thick- due to increased rigidity of the tie-in xator. The
ness (Ayyappan et al., 2009) were placed from fracture healed by callus formation.
the lateral femoral cortex till the trocar tip just External skeletal xation of long bones
emerges the far cortex. Predrilling was done is useful to treat to a wide variety of fractures
with a smaller Steinmann pin. Most proximal like open fractures, infected fractures, commi-
and distal pins were placed rst. Two transx- nuted fractures, certain osteotomies and cases
ation pins per fragment were used. All the four with delayed healing or when supplementation
transxation pins were connected to a 4.0 mm with other internal xation methods is required.
connecting rod using single pin small clamps. Thus, when these two methods are combined
The intramedullary pin was tied-in or connected they help in reducing almost all disadvantages

58 The Indian Veterinary Journal (April, 2018)

N.V.V.Hari Krishna et al.
of both the techniques individually. The tie-in George, C., Nagarajan, L. and Manohar, B. M. (2007) Stain-
conguration approximately doubles the stabil- less steel and acrylic external skeletal xators as adjuncts
to intramedullary pinning for femoral fracture repair in dogs.
ity of the repair and prevents migration or the
Indian J. of Vet. Surg., 28(1): 37-38.
IM pin (Beale, loc. cit).
Piermattei, D.L. and Johnson, K.A. (2004) Approach to the
Summary femur through a lateral incision. In: An Atlas of Surgical
Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 4 th
A complete transverse mid femur fracture in edn. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. pp. 337.
a two year old male Mongrel dog was treated Simon, S. M., Ganesh, R., Ayyappan, S., Rao, G. D., Suresh-
successfully using tie-in xation without any kumar, R., Kundeve, V. R. and Das, B.C. (2010) Incidence
complications. of pelvic limb fractures in dogs: A survey of 478 cases. Vet.
World., 3(3): 120-121.
Unger, M., Montavon, P. M. and Heim, U. F. A. (1990) Clas-
Aithal, H.P., Singh, G.R. and Bisht, G.S. (1999) Fractures in sication of femur fractures and long bones in the dog and
dogs: a survey of 402 cases. Indian J. Vet. Surg., 20: 15-21. cat: Introduction and Clinical application. Vet. Comp. Orth.
Ayyappan, S., Shauzama, Md., Ganesh, T.N., Das, B.C. and and Traumatol., 3: 41-50.
Sureshkumar, R. (2009) A Clinical Study on External Fixators Vedpathak, H. S., Tank, P. H., Karle, A. S., Bhatia, A. and
for Long Bone Fracture Management in Dogs. Indian J. of Desai, B. D. (2011) Clinical evaluation of tie-in conguration
Vet. Surg., 30(2): 90-92. and intramedullary pinning for stabilization of femoral frac-
Beale, B. (2004) Orthopaedic clinical techniques femur frac- tures in dogs. Indian J. of Vet. Surg., 32(2): 111-113.
ture repair. Clin. Tech. in Small Anim. Pract., 19(3): 134-150.

Indian Vet. J., April 2018, 95 (04) : 59 - 61

Fetal Maceration in a Crossbred Cow

H. Hemalatha, K. Murugavel1, S. Kantharaj, D. Antoine and M.S. Raju

Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Kurumbapet, Puducherry- 605 009.
(Received : 03-08-2017 250/17 Accepted : 05-09-2017)

Abstract was removed per-vaginum by applying traction.

A crossbred Jersey cow aged four years at full Key words: Fetal maceration, Bovine.
term was reported with history of intermit-
In cattle, retained macerated fetus follow-
tent unproductive straining with foul smelling
ing fetal death, regression of corpus luteum and
discharge from the vaginal passage for the past
failure of the fetus to expel from the uterus
one week. Rectal examination revealed that the
occur at any stage of gestation (Roberts, 1971).
uterus was hard on palpation with crepitating
Failure of the expulsion of the fetus results in
bony structures. Vaginal examination revealed
bacterial invasion through the dilated cervix
that the cervix was three nger dilated with
and resulting in digestion of soft fetal tissues
fetal bones protruding through the partially
by a combination of putrication and autolysis
dilated cervix. Cervix was dilated manually by
(Noakes et al., 2001) leaving a mass of fetal
fanning the cervix with hand along with warm
bones within the uterus. These fetal bones may
saline solution. Under epidural anesthesia and
be embedded within the uterine wall resulting in
sufcient cervical dilation, macerated fetal mass
a chronic endometritis and severe damage to the
Corresponding author : Email :

The Indian Veterinary Journal (April, 2018) 59

Comparison of ketamine-diazepam with ketamine-
xylazine anesthetic combinations in sheep spontaneously
breathing and undergoing maxillofacial surgery
Fatih Özkan1*, Nilüfer Çakır-Özkan2, Ahmet Eyibilen3, Tamer Yener4, Ünal Erkorkmaz5
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Health Research Center, 60100, Tokat, Turkey. 2 Clinic of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Health Research Center, 60100, Tokat, Turkey. 3 Department
of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Health Research Center, 60100, Tokat, Turkey. 4 Experimental
Animal Labaratory, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Health Research Center, 60100, Tokat, Turkey. 5 Department of
Biostatistics , Gaziosmanpaşa University, Faculty of Medicine, Health Research Center, 60100, Tokat, Turkey


The objective of this study was to choose a suitable anesthetic combination for use in experimental surgical models by comparing the anesthet-
ic and cardio-respiratory changes. Fourteen healthy male sheep were randomly assigned to two different drug regimens. In Group  the sheep
were anesthetized with ketamine + xylazine ( mg/kg im. + . mg/kg i.m., respectively). Anesthetic combination of ketamine + diazepam (
mg/kg im. + . mg/kg i.m., respectively) was used in Group . Heart rate, respiratory rate and mean arterial pressures were evaluated before
anesthesia, after induction of anesthesia up to  minutes in  minute intervals and during recovery. In all sheep, duration of anesthesia induc-
tion, duration of anesthesia and duration of recovery were recorded. Quality of induction, anesthesia, analgesia and recovery were evaluated.
Cardio-respiratory parameters decreased below baseline values after anesthesia induction in both groups. However, no profound effects on
cardio-respiratory functions were observed during study. In Group , it was observed that; anesthesia induction time was longer, the depth
of anesthesia was inadequate during the osteotomy stage of the surgical procedure and recovery time was longer in comparison to Group .
Otherwise the quality of anesthesia induction, anesthesia, analgesia and recovery was better in Group  than Group . These findings indicate
that both drug combinations can provide short time anesthesia for minor surgical procedures. Ketamine+xylazine combination can be used as
a more suitable anesthetic combination in experimental surgical procedures such as maxillofacial surgery than ketamine+diazepam combina-
tion, in sheep. ©  Association of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIH. All rights reserved

KEY WORDS: anesthesia, general, oral surgical procedures, xylazine

Introduction muscular hypertonicity, myoclonus, and convulsions []. To

minimize these unwanted and restricting effects, ketamine
In the practice of anesthesia, drug combinations are fre- is administered in combination with drug groups such as
quently used when optimal conditions for anesthesia are benzodiazepines, and alpha- agonists. Diazepam is a po-
generated. Since drugs manifest different effects when tent hypnotic- sedative and produces muscle relaxation; it
used separately or in combination, changes that might oc- is a long-acting drug due to its slow metabolism and it has
cur during combined drug usage should be understood and relatively weaker cardiovascular effects when compared
recognized. In humans, the addition of a sedative-hypnotic with other sedative drugs []. In combination with ket-
drug to ketamine, an anesthetic drug which is also used amine, diazepam alleviates unwanted cardiovascular effects
commonly in animal studies, is a frequent anesthetic ap- of ketamine and demonstrates anticonvulsive, amnestic and
plication to augment ketamine’s anesthetic effects, decrease muscle relaxant effects via central mechanisms []. Xylazine,
its side effects and also to provide necessary depth of anes- an alpha- agonist used in animal experiments, stimulates
thesia and surgical comfort []. In contrast to the majority alpha- adrenergic receptor in cerebral presynaptic nerve
of anesthetics, ketamine increases heart rate and mean arte- ends, inhibits release of cathecolamines and dopamine re-
rial pressure, stimulates cardiovascular functions and when sulting in analgesic and sedative effects, and hinders nerve
used as a single agent it can induce undesired effects such as conduction in the central nervous system leading to relax-
ation of striated muscles []. Xylazine is usually used in com-
* Corresponding author: Fatih Özkan, Department of Anesthesiology, bination with ketamine during anesthetic applications [].
Faculty of Medicine, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Health Research Center,
60100, Tokat, Turkey. Tel:+90 3623121919/2536, Fax: +90 3624576041
e-mail: In veterinary medicine as well as in scientific investiga-
Submitted 27 June 2010/ Accepted 8 November 2010 tions sheep are preferred as experimental animals because



TABLE 1. Scoring criteria used for assessing quality of induction, anesthesia and analgesia, and recovery.
The sheep immediately and quietly Induction period prolonged a little. In- Induction period prolonged much
entered into anesthetic state with coordinaton despite at a lesser extent more than its normal duration. Incoor-
INDUCTION scarce number of to-and-fro move- with conspicuous to-and-fro move- dination is very pronounced with very
ments ments. The animal struggled a while prominent to-and-fro movements, and
on the ground. excessive muscular tremors.
Lack of response to painful stimuli, Very faint movements as a response A marked response to painful stimuli; it
ANESTHESIA AND and absence of tremor of leg muscles to painful stimuli; muscular tremors drew its legs back, and shuddered ; very
ANALGESIA though at a lesser extent marked tremor of its legs

Lack of excitation, but with coordi- With lesser degrees of excitation and The animal floundered and struggled on
nation the animal stood up on its legs coordination, the animal could stand the ground to stand up. It made more
RECOVERY quietly and at one attempt without up only at 2-3 attempts with marked than 3 attempts to stand on its legs.
any conspicuous ataxia of its legs. ataxia of its legs.

of their unique characteristic features. Among these char- recovery period were recorded. The induction period was
acteristics their easy and perfect adaptations to laboratory assessed as the time for the sheep to lie sideways, and the
conditions with their body weights and sizes similar to presence and absence of response to painful stimuli after
those of human beings can be enumerated []. Although administration of ketamine. The duration of anesthesia was
the effects of most of anesthetics in humans have been determined as the period between the first injection and the
investigated, and elucidated, studies in literature investi- moment of the first spontaneous elevation of the sheep’s
gating anesthetic effects of drug combinations in sheep head. The recovery period was the time passed from the
undergoing major surgery for research or treatment are last injection up to the time the animal stands up on its legs,
scarce in number. In this study, comparison of anes- and maintains its erect posture. The heart rates per minute
thetic drug combinations as diazepam-ketamine and as were determined by auscultation with a stethoscope, and
xylazine-ketamine in spontaneously breathing sheep ex- respiratory rates per minute were assessed by observation
posed to experimental maxillofacial surgery was targeted. of chest and abdomen movements, and auscultation with
a stethoscope. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were
Materials and Methods measured by placing a cuff around the tail root in a non-
invasive oscillometric method and mean arterial pressures
After obtaining approval from the local ethics committee, were calculated with the diastolic blood pressure + / (sys-
- month old  male sheep, weighing between - kg, tolic –diastolic blood pressure) formula. Hemodynamic pa-
bred and raised under similar conditions, were random- rameters were measured before premedication, at -minute
ized into  groups. In xylazine group (Group , n=) after intervals for  minutes starting from the onset of the in-
 hours of fasting and  hours of thirst, ketamine ( mg/ duction of anesthesia, and also during the recovery period.
kg, i.m.) was administered  minutes after atropine (.
mg/kg, i.m.) + xylazine (. mg/kg, i.m.) premedication. For Surgical methods
diazepam group (Group, n=),  minutes after premedi- Distraction Group; In all  sheep, submandibular incision
cation with atropine (. mg/kg, i.m.) + diazepam (. mg/ was made to expose the right mandibular body. After the
kg, i.m.), ketamine ( mg/kg, i.m.) was injected. Induction mucoperiosteal flap was reflected, vertical corticotomies
of anesthesia was performed after observation of findings were performed from mesial to the decidious first pre-
of sedation in all sheep which were head drop and palpe- molar tooth mesial to the first molar under saline irriga-
bral ptosis. The animals were maintained in spontaneous tion. The  mm mandibular bone segment was removed.
respiration and as an analgesic flunixine meglumine ( mg/ To create a transport segment, vertical corticotomy was
kg, i.m.) was introduced just before surgical intervention. performed approximately  cm posterior to the distal
During surgery, when animals started to move, additional edge of the defect. The distraction device (LOGIC distrac-
 mg/kg intravenous ketamine was given to Groups  and tor system, straight, right, TX, USA), was oriented per-
 through external jugular vein to achieve rapid onset of ef- pendicular to the corticotomy line and was fixed in place.
fect. Heart rates, respiratory rates and blood pressures of Graft group; The recipient site, the right mandible was
animals were assessed. Induction of anesthesia, anesthesia prepared by making  mm segmental resection be-
and analgesia, and recovery from anesthesia were qualita- tween the canine and first molar. Block grafts mea-
tively evaluated as good, moderate and worse in accordance suring  mm long,  mm high,  mm wide were
with Aydilek and co-workers study [] (Table ). Besides, harvested from the right iliac crest. The block graft
duration of induction, anesthesia, surgery and postoperative was then placed into the defect and fixed in place.



TABLE 2. Mean values of heart rate, respiratory rate and mean blood pressures in two groups
Group1 (n=7) Group2 (n=7)
T p
Mean±SD (Min-Max) Mean±SD (Min-Max)
Baseline 98.86±4.91 (90-105) 95.00±7.07 (85-105) 1.19 0.259
Premedication 89.86±3.63 (85-97) 84.14±3.53 (80-90) 2.98 0.011
Induction 90.00±4.08 (85-95) 84.29±6.08 (75-90) 2.07 0.061
5 89.14±9.74 (80-105) 80.29±4.27 (75-89) 2.20 0.058
10 101.57±12.90 (80-117) 83.43±10.06 (75-105) 2.94 0.012
15 106.14±3.67 (100-111) 111.00±18.82 (80-130) -0.67 0.526
Heart rate
20 110.29±10.05(100-127) 127.29±6.82 (120-137) -3.70 0.003
25 108.00±6.98 (99-117) 127.71±8.77 (115-141) -4.66 0.001
30 106.86±4.88 (100-115) 126.00±5.80 (115-133) -6.68 <0.001
Recovery 88.00±11.71 (70-105) 92.57±7.61 (78-100) -0.87 0.403
*F=8.55, p=0,001 *F=32.94, p<0.001
*F=3.97, p=0.070
Baseline 23.14±4.91 (20-29) 23.00±2.31 (19-26) 0.10 0.924
Premedication 18.29±2.22 (15-21) 18.86±1.57 (17-21) -0.56 0.588
Induction 17.43±2.70 (15-21) 18.86±1.57 (17-21) -1.21 0.250
5 17.57±2.15 (16-22) 19.00±2.24 (16-22) -1.22 0.246
10 19.29±3.64 (15-24) 18.43±2.30 (16-22) 0.53 0.608
15 21.71±1.80 (20-25) 22.14±4.02 (15-27) -0.26 0.801
Respiratory rate
20 20.29±1.80 (17-22) 24.57±0.98 (23-26) -5.54 <0.001
25 20.14±2.04 (16-22) 23.00±1.73 (21-26) -2.83 0.015
30 18.00±1.92 (15-20) 24.43±1.81 (22-26) -6.45 <0.001
Recovery 17.57±1.40 (16-20) 20.29±1.70 (18-22) -3.26 0.007
*F=4.73, p=0.013 *F=8.52, p=0.002
*F=31.97, p<0.001
Baseline 76.57±3.87 (70-82) 77.29±5.85 (69-85) -0.27 0.792
Premedication 72.57±6.29 (65-80) 68.43±7.55 (56-81) 1.12 0.287
Induction 65.00±5.00 (60-70) 63.14±3.85 (59-70) 0.78 0.451
5 67.43±4.16 (60-72) 64.14±5.08 (55-70) 1.32 0.210
10 72.86±9.42 (61-85) 64.14±4.30 (60-70) 2.23 0.055
15 79.86±7.80 (66-90) 72.71±12.43 (58-90) 1.29 0.222
Mean arterial pressure
20 79.57±2.23 (76-83) 86.57±5.68 (79-95) -3.04 0.017
25 82.71±4.15 (77-88) 87.86±5.67 (80-95) -1.94 0.077
30 73.29±7.78 (60-80) 86.86±7.20 (80-97) -3.39 0.005
Recovery 73.86±4.41 (69-81) 76.43±4.65 (68-82) -1.06 0.309
*F=5.89, p=0.004 *F=15.04, p<0.001
*F=0.18, p=0.683
*F= Repeated measures One Way Anova test value, Group 1 = ketamine+ xylazine group, Group 2 = ketamine+diazepam group

Statistical analysis Results

Because of the distribution of continuous variables were
normal, according to Klomogorov Smirnov normality test; During the study period, animals remained hemody-
two independent sample t tests were used to compare vi- namically stable and any problem requiring medical
tal findings, and durations of surgeries, inductions, recovery support was not seen. In both groups heart rates, respi-
periods, heart rates, respiratory rates and blood pressures ratory rates and mean arterial pressures during the sur-
between two groups. One way repeated measures ANOVA gical procedure were rated within physiological limits.
was used to compare the heart rates, respiratory rates and There was statistically significant difference between the
blood pressures among  follow-up periods separately, for groups (p<.) in heart rates, which were measured
each group (for multiple comparison Bonferroni test was soon after premedication, and at minute , ,  and
used). Two way repeated measures ANOVA was used to . In with-in group assessments, there was statistically
compare the alteration of heart rates, respiratory rates and significant difference among  measures of heart rate
blood pressures between two groups. Variables were pre- separately for two groups (for Groups  and , p=.,
sented as mean ± standard deviation and minimum and p<. respectively) (Table ). There was no statistically
maximum values. A p values <. were considered as statis- significant difference between Group  and Group  in
tically significant. Analyses were performed using commer- alteration of heart rates during the procedure (p=.).
cial statistical software (SPSS, ver. . demo, Chicago, IL). In both groups heart rates increased with the start of



surgical procedure after the induction period (p<.). tive times, and degree of surgical comfort and satisfaction
The mean arterial pressures measured at minute  and were assessed to be good after additional doses. In Group ,
 were significantly higher in Group . In within group the quality of anesthesia and analgesia up to the osteotomy
assessments, there was statistically significant difference phase of the surgery was of moderate degree, while during
among  measures of mean arterial pressure separately the osteotomy phase it was evaluated as “worse” in qual-
for two groups (for Groups  and , p=., p<. re- ity. In this Group, during the osteotomy phase all animals
spectively) (Table ). There was no statistically significant received additional doses. Two animals were administered
difference between Group  and Group  in alteration of second, and one animal was administered third additional
mean arterial pressures during the procedure (p=.). doses. After administration of dosages surgical satisfac-
In both groups the mean arterial pressures increased with tion and comfort were evaluated as of moderate degree.
the start of surgical procedure after the induction period. In Group  total duration of surgery, and postoperative
The respiratory rates at minute ,  and  and recov- recovery time ranged between -, and - minutes,
ery were significantly higher in Group  (p<.). With-in respectively. In Group , operative time, and postopera-
group assessments, there was statistically significant differ- tive recovery times varied between -, and -
ence among  measures of respiratory rate in two groups minutes, respectively. In Group  postoperative recovery
(for Groups  and , p=., p=. respectively) (Table time was detected to be significantly shorter than Group 
). There was statistically significant difference between (p<.). The quality of recovery was evaluated as “good” in
Group  and Group  when alteration of respiratory rates Group  and “moderate” in Group . Although any statisti-
was concerned during the procedure (p<.). In both cally significant difference between operative times was not
groups, respiratory rates increased with the start of surgi- found, relatively longer durations were observed in Group .
cal procedure after the induction period. Especially, in
Group  the respiratory rate was in a trend to increase Discussion
after the  th minute, meanwhile decrease in respira-
tory rates was observed in Group  after the th minute. Ketamine can be used singly or in combination for pre- and
intraoperative sedation, induction, and maintenance of
TABLE 3. Mean values of duration of anesthetic and surgical pro-
cedures in two groups anesthesia, balanced anesthetic applications, regional and
1 (n=7) 2 (n=7) spinal anesthesia, and postoperative analgesia [-]. The
Mean±SD Mean±SD t p pharmacodynamic and clinical effects of ketamine which
(Min-Max) (Min-Max)
has been used since the s on bodily systems, have been
8.43±2.57 13.00±2.58
Duration of induction -3.32 0.006 determined in experimental and clinical studies. Ketamine
(4-12) (9-17)
52.14±15.77 70.71±22.81 had come into the foreground especially during the last
Duration of surgery -1.77 0.102
(40-75) (45-115) decade due to prevention of its side effects by using drug
86.43±9.88 146.43±20.35 combinations and thus expansion of its area of usage [-].
Duration of recovery -7.02 <0.001
(75-105) (120-180)
Sedative preanesthetic drugs like diazepam and xylazine
Duration of anesthesia
- - - can possess hypotensive and hypoxic effects by depress-
ing cardiovascular and respiratory activities. In contrast to
The duration of anesthetic and surgical procedures was most of the anesthetic drugs, ketamine has been shown to
shown in Table . Sufficient depth in anesthesia was possess incremental effects on the heart rate, blood pres-
achieved after . minutes in Group  and  minutes in sure and respiratory rate due to increase in sympathetic ac-
Group  after ketamine administration. Time to the induc- tivation [-]. Ketamine has desired effects such as main-
tion of anesthesia was found to be significantly shorter in tenance and stimulation of respiration, bronchodilation,
Group  (p= .). The quality of induction was deemed maintenance of functional residual capacity and achieve-
to be good in both groups. In Group , the duration of ment of equivalent minute ventilation rates both in sponta-
anesthesia ranged between  and  minutes (mean neously breathing individuals and in those wide awake [].
.±. minutes) after administration of ketamine. In It had also unwanted respiratory effects such as increase
Group , upon the initiation of the osteotomy phase of in respiratory secretions [,]. It has been demonstrated
the operation, involuntary movements in animals were that anti-muscarinic drugs like atropine have decreasing ef-
observed, and additional doses were instituted. Anesthe- fect on hypersecretion induced with ketamine []. In our
sia and analgesia in all phases of surgery in Group  were study, atropine incorporated in premedication decreased
of good quality. In this group, -shot additional dose was hypersecretion which was induced during spontaneous
administered to three animals dependent on the opera- breathing. Benzodiazepines decrease cardiovascular effects



of ketamine [-]. Similarly, xylazine decreases the effects stage was not sufficient. Sumitra et al. [] emphasized that
of ketamine by lowering blood pressure and depressing the ketamine-diazepam combination affected respiratory and
cardiovascular system. In these studies, dependent on the cardiac functions relatively at a lesser extent than ketamine-
stage of anesthesia, it was demonstrated that the drugs used xylazine combination, and ketamine-diazepam combina-
in combinations can cause fluctuations in heart rate, blood tion can be a suitable anesthetic regimen for surgical models
pressure, respiratory rate and catecholamine levels varying in rats. Lin et al. [] investigated the effects of two different
with the degree of stress [,,,]. Similar to the results of anesthetic regimens, namely ketamine-diazepam and ket-
other studies, our study demonstrated that hemodynamic amine-diazepam-xylazine combinations in sheep and found
findings such as heart rates, respiratory rates and mean that the latter combination resulted in a prolonged duration
blood pressures fell under baseline values after premedica- of anesthesia. They finally emphasized that both combina-
tion phase and climbed over baseline values after induction tions can be used to anaesthetize sheep. In the same study
and during surgical intervention. We suggest that in addi- Lin et al. [] stated that intravenous ketamine and xylazine
tion to sympathetic effects of ketamine, higher values of the infusions provide an improved anesthesia with subsequent
three hemodynamic parameters in the ketamine-diazepam satisfactory recovery period lasting for  minutes after ces-
Group can be attributed to relatively lesser contribution of sation of infusion. In an investigation performed in children
diazepam to the induction of anesthesia compared to xyla- with a benzodiazepine-ketamine combination unconscious
zine. Mouallem et al. [] in a study conducted in sheep em- state was achieved within  minutes and stressed that an-
phasized that ketamine-diazepam combination significantly esthesia and analgesia was maintained with intravenous ket-
reduced heart rates and respiratory rates, however Coulson amine boluses without any side effects excluding delay in re-
et al. [] investigated cardiovascular effects of ketamine-di- covery []. Also in our study, anesthetic states was reached
azepam and ketamine-xylazine combinations in sheep and within  minutes and with repeated doses were observed
stressed lack of any meaningful effects on heart rates and re- delay in awakening and prolonged recovery times in ket-
spiratory hemodynamics. In our study incremental or dec- amine-diazepam group. On the other hand in ketamine-
remental alterations in hemodynamic variables caused by xylazine group anesthesia was achieved within approxi-
both drug combinations remained within physiologic limits. mately  minutes. With repeated doses delayed awakening
Ketamine anesthesia which demonstrates its main impact and longer recovery times were seen in this group, too.
via central nervous system, has anesthesic, analgesic, and
amnesic effects as well as unwanted effects such as delirium, Conclusion
hallucination and nightmares during the recovery period
[]. In combination with benzodiazepines and an alpha- Though ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam combi-
agonist xylazine, an increase in the quality of analgesia, se- nations are frequently used anesthetic methods in clinical
dation, anesthesia and recovery, alleviation of anxiety and and experimental studies, both methods can be preferred
a decrease in the unwanted ketamine have been demon- in painful minor surgeries. However in major surgical inter-
strated [,, ,] . In our study prolongation of anes- ventions involving bone tissue as maxillofacial surgery, ket-
thetic induction and recovery period, inadequate depth of amine-xylazine anesthesia can be preferred over ketamine-
intraoperative anesthesia were observed in premedication diazepam anesthesia in that it achieves more rapid anesthetic
with diazepam in ketamine-diazepam group. Xylazine pre- induction, better surgical comfort, maintenance of physio-
medication in ketamine-xylazine Group was found to be ad- logical parameters within optimal limits and faster recovery.
equate. Compared with ketamine-diazepam combination,
faster anesthetic induction, an anticipated duration of anes- Declaration of Interest
thesia, improved surgical comfort and satisfaction at every
stage of anesthesia have been observed by using ketamine- No authors have affiliations or financial involvement with
xylazine combination. On the other hand postoperative re- any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in
covery period was shorter and requirement for additional the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.
dosages was less compared to -ketamine-diazepam combi- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
nation. In a study investigating the effects of both combina-
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