Anda di halaman 1dari 55


1. Imbuhan yang Sering Digunakan 2449

2. Singkatan Pilihan yang Digunakan dalam Kedokteran 2458
3. Simbol 2480
4. Phobia 2484
5. Tabel Unsur. 2489
6. KesetaraanSuhuCelsius danFahrenheit . .' 2490
7. Satuan Pengukuran 2491
8. Kisaran Rujukan untuk Interpretasi Uji Laboratorium 2493


Daftar berikut menyajikan kata-kata Yunani dan Latin yang Latin. Adanya tanda hubung sebelum atau sesudah
sangat sering ditemukan dalam Kamus ini, berupa unsur-kata semacam itu menunjukkan bahwa unsur
bentuk-bentuk terikat yang disusun secara alfabetis sebagai tersebut bukanlah kata yang bisa berdiri sendiri dalam
rubrik. Tanda hubung (-) yang ditambahkan pada bentuk- bahasa aslinya. Informasi yang diperlukan untuk me-
benluk terikat menuniukkan bahwa bentuk ini bukanlah mahami bentuk tersebut disajikan di dalam tanda kurung
kata lengkap dan, kalau tanda hubung mendahului bentuk sesudahnya. Selanjutnya, diuraikan definisi (satu atau
terikatnfa, umumnya berfungsi sebagai akhiran pada Iebih) kata itu, dan, kalau perlu, diikuti dengan rujukan ke
sebuah kata majemuk. Meskipun tidak begitu sering, bentuk-bentuk terikat sinonimnya. Akhirnya, disajikan
sebuah bentuk terikat dapat sekaligus didahului dan juga sebuah contoh guna menjelaskan penggunaan bentuk
diikuti oleh tanda hubung, menunjukkan bahwa bentuk teiikat tersebut dalam sebuah turunan kata maiemuk
tersebut biasanya terdapat di antara dua unsur-kata Inggris.
Iainnya. Bentuk-bentuk yang berkaitan erat disajikan Kalau daftar ini digunakan bersama-sama informasi
dalam satu entri saja, dengan ditambahkan tanda kurung: etimologis yang disajikan pada entri-entri dalam Kamus
iadi, carbo(n)- bisa mewakili carbo-, seperti pada carbohy-
ini, tidak akan timbul kebingungan mengingat adanya
drate, ataupun carbon-, seperti pada carbonuria unsur yang sama pada kata-kata seperti melalgia,
Pada penjelasan untuk setiap bentuk terikat, informasi melancholia, dan melicera; sekalipun turirnan masing-
pertama yang dicantumkan adalah asal kata tersebut, masing kata tersebut berbeda, kesamaan unsur ielas terlihat
Yunani atau Latin, ditulis [Yun.] atau [L.]. Kadang-kadang, pada kata-kata itu.
kata yang disaiikan merupakan kata Yunani sekaligus

a_r n- [Yun.] (n ditambahkan di depan kata yang -agogue agogos [Yun.] menyebabkan, memicu. galacta-
diawali sebuah vokal) awalan negatif. Cf. in-3 gogue
ametria -agra agra fYun.l menular, serangan. podagra
a- [L.] pemisahan, menjauh dari. avulsion -alt -alis [L.] berkenaan dengan, ditandai dengan
ab- ab [L.] menjauh dari. Cf. apo-. abducent arterinl, diarrhea/
abdomen, abdomlnis [L.] abdomen. abdominoscopy -al2 -alia lL.l kerja, proses. denia/
abs- abs IL.l varian dari ab. abscess alb- albus lL.l putih. Cf. leuk-. albiduria
ac- Lihat ad-. accretion alg- algos [Yun.] nyeri. neuralgia
algesi- a/gesls [Yun.] sensasi nyeri. analgesia, aLgesimeter
acanth- aknntha [\tn.l berduri. acanthocyre
acar- aknri un.l tungau. acarodetrnatitts all- allos [Yun.] lain, berbeda. a/lergy
acetum lL.l cuka. acefic acid allant- allas, allantos [Yun.] sosis. allantiasis, allantoid
acid- acidus IL.l asam. aclduric allel- allelon [Yun.j satu sama lain. allelic
acou- akord [Yun.] dengar. acousic. fluga dieja acu-) allotri- allotrios [Yun.] asing. allofriogeustia
acr- akron lYw.l ekstremitas, puncak' acromegaly alve- alaeus lL.l terusan, saluran, rcngga. Alae'
act- ago, actus [L.] melakukan, menjalankan, bekerja obronchiolitis
reacfion alveol- alzteolus, dim. darialaeus IL.] alveolus. aloeolitis
actin- aktis, aktinos [Yun.] sinar, radius. Cf . radi- ambi- ambi- lL.l (i mungkin dihilangkan di depan kata
Actinobacillus yang diawali vokal) pada semua sisi. ambidex-
acu- Lihat acou-. dysacttsis terity
ad- ad lL.l (d berubah menjadit', 8, p, s, atau f di
c, ambly- amblys lY'n.l tumpul. amblYoPia
depan kata yang diawali konsonan- konsonan ambo- ambo [L.] keduanya. ambosextal
tersebut) menuju. adrenal ameb- amoibE lYun.l berubah. ameboid
-adr 'ad IL.) ke arah. cepahaiad amni- amnion lYun.l mangkuk, membran pembungkus
-ad2 -as, ados [Yun.] kelompok, turunan dari, janin. amniocentesis
hubungan dengan. pseudomonnd amphi- amphi [\un.l (l dihilangkan di depan kata yang
-adelphus adelhos lYun.l saudara laki-laki. deradelphus diawali vokal) pada kedua sisi. amphicentrlc
aden- adEn [\un.] keleniar. Cf. gland-. adenoma ampho- ampho lYun.l keduanya. amphogenrc
adeps, adipis [L.] lemak. Cf. lip- and stear- amygdal- amygdale [Yun.] buah badam. amygdalin, amyg-
adipocellular daloid
aer- aer [Yun.l udara. annerobiosis amyl- amylon l\un.] tepunS. amqlutia
af- Lihat ad-. aferenl an-l Lihat a-1. aniridia
ag- Lihat ad-. agglqtinant an-2 [-ihat ana-. anode

2450 Lampiran 1

ana- ana lYun.l (a terakhir dihilangkan di depan breph- brEhos l\un.l embrio, bayi baru lahir. breph-
kata yang diawali vokal) naik, positif. oplastic
anabolisrr:. brevi- breais [L.] pendek. brer:icollis
ancyl- Lihat ankyl-. arcylostomiasis brom- bromos fYun.l bau busuk. bromhidrosis
andr- aner, andros [Yun.] laki-laki. androgen bronch- bronchos [Yun.] pipa angin. bronchoscopy
angi- angeion fYun.l pembuluh. Cf. vas-. angioma bry- bryo fYun.l benar-benar hidup. embryonic
anis- anisos lYun.] tak-sama, tak-simetris. anisocoia bucc- bucca lL.l pipi. baccocclusion
ankyl- anleylos [Yun.l bengkok, melengkung. anl<ylosis. bulb- bulbus [L.] tonjolan. bulbospiral
(Juga dieja ancyl-1 butyr- boutyron [Yun.] mentega. butyroid
anomal- an6malos [Yun.] ireguler. anomalous cac- kakos [Ytrn.] buruk, abnormal. Ct. maI-. caco-
ant- Lihat anti-. antacid geusia. (Lihat juga dys-)
ante- ante [L.] sebelum. anteflexion calc-1 cabi, calcis [L.] batu (cf. iith). batu kapur, kapur.
anti- anti [Yun.l (l mungkin dihilangkan di depan kata calcipexy
yang diawali vokai) lawan, melawan. Cf. con- calc-2 calx, calcis [L.] tumit. calcaneodynia
tra. antiprttrllic calor- calor lL,l panas. Cf. therm-. calorimeter
antr- antron fYun.l rongga. antrocele campt- camptos [Yun.] bengkok. cffiptodactyly
apJ Lihat apo-. apeidosis cancr- cancer, cancri [L.] kepiting, kanker. Cf. carcin-.
aP-2 Lihat ad-. appendage cancrotd. (Juga dieja chancr-)
aph- hapto, haph- [Yun.] sentuhan. dysaphia. (Lihal canth- kanthos [\un.] asing.
juga hapt) capit- caput, capitis [L.] kepala. Cf. cephal-. decaplfation
apo- apo lY:ur..l (o mungkin dihilangkan di depan kata capn- kapnos lYun.l asap. capnography
yang diawali vokai) jauh dari, lepas. Cf. ab-. caPs- capsa lL.l (dari capio; Iihat cept-) wadah. capsule
apolipoprotein carbo(n)- carbo, carbonis [L.] batubara, arang. carbohydrate,
arachn- arachne [Yun.] iaba{ab a. ar achnodactyly carbonic aci.d
arch- arche lYun.l awa1, asal. archenteron carcin- karkinos [Yun.] kepiting, kanker. Cf. cancr-.
arteri- arterin lYun.) (l kadang-kadAng dihilangkan) csrcinoma'
pipa angin, arteri. arterioscler osis, pefilrteritis cardi- kardia [Yun.] jantung. lipocardiac
arthr- arthron lYun.) sendi. Cf. articul-. synnrthrosis cari- caries IL.] pembusukan. carlogenesis
articul- articulus [L.] sendi. Cf. arthr-. disarticulation cary- Lihat kary-. Eucaryole
as- Lihat ad-. assirnilation cata- kata lYun.l (a terakhir dihilangkan di depan kata
asthen- asthenEs [Yun.] lemah. asthenocoria yang diawali vokal) turun, negatif. catacro-
astr- astron fYun.l bintang. astrocyte tism, cafion
at- Lihat ad-. attentate caud- cauda lL.l ekor. caudad
atel- ateles IY un.) inkomplet. atelocar dia cav- caaus [L.) rongga. Cf. coel-. corrcaae
ather- atherC fYun.l bubur gandum. atherosclerosis cec- caecus lL.l buntu. Cf. typhl. cecotomy
atlant- atlas, atlantos [Yun.] atlas. atlantoaxial cel-1 Lihat -cele. varicoce/ectomy
atm- atmos fYun.l asap, uap. atmosphere cel-2 Lihat coel-. acelomate
atret- atretos lYun.l tidak berlubang. atretostomia cel-3 Lihat celi-. celitis
atri- atrium lL.l atrium. atriov entricular -cele1 kele [Yun.] tumor, hernia. gastrocele
atroph- atrophia [Yun.] susah makan. atrophoderrna -cele2 koilos [Yun.] rongga. rhinocele
audi- audire lL.l mendengar. audiorrrelry celi- koilia lYun.l perut. celiotomy
aur- auris [L] telinga. Cf. ot-. aurinasal cell- cella lL.l ruang, sel. Cf. cyt-. celltlar
aut- autos fYun.f sendiri. arfoimmunity cemenl- caetnentum [L.] batu kasar. cementoblast
aux- auxo fY un.l meningkat. auxotrophic cen- koinos lYun.l umum. cenesthesia
ax- aror [Yun.] atau axis [L.] sumbu. axolemma cente- kenteo IY trn.] rnenusuk. Cf. punct-. enterocer?fesis
axon- axdn l\lrn.l sumbu. axonopathy centi- centum lL.l seratus. Cf. hect-: Menunjukkan fraksi
ba- baino, ba- [Yun.] pergi, jalan, berdiri. abasia dalam sistem metrik. [Awalan ini memper-
bacill- baciLlus lL.l tongkat kecil, batang. Cf. bacter-. lihatkan kebiasaan pada sistem metrik untuk
actinobacillosis menggunakan imbuhan Latin dalam mena-
bacter- bacterion [Yun.] tongkat kecil, batang. Cf. bacilt- makan fraksi-fraksi satuan, seperti centimeter,
bacteriophage decimeter, millimeter; untuk kelipatan-
balan- balanos lYun.) buah/biji poliron onk. balanitrs kelipatan satuan, digunakan imbuhan serupa
ball- ba1l6, bol- [Yun.] lemparan. bal/ismus. (Lihat juga dari bahasa Yunani, seperti hectometer,
bol-) decameter, dan kilometerf centirneter, cent-
bar- baros [Yttn.) berat. bcrosinusitis ipede
bas- Lihat basi-. basophil centr- kentron lYun.l ata:u centrunx [L.] titik, pusat.
basi- bnsis [Yun.] dasar. basioglossus, basrhyoid cetrifugaT, centr omer e
bath(y)- b a tlry s lY un.l dal arl:r. b athorho dop sin, b ntlry pne a cephal- kephale fYl;rn.l kepaia. Cf. capit-. encephalitis,
bi-1 blos [Yun.] hidup. Cf. v!t-. aerobic cephalocentesis
bi-2 bi- lL.l (n mungkin ditambahkan di depan kata cept- capio, -cipientis, -ceptus [L.] mengambil, mene-
yang diawali vokal) dua. blcornuate. (Lihat rima. receptor
juga di-l) cer- ur:;'s5f ata! cera [L.] lilin. ceroprasry,
bil- bilis lL.l empedu. Cf. chol-. biliary
bin- Lihat bi-2. binoatlar cerat- Lihat kerat-. cerntocricoid
bis- bls [L.] dua kali. brsferious cerc- kerkos[Yltn.] ekor. Onchocerca
blast- blastos lYun.lkuncup, anak, sesuatu yang sedang cerebell- cerebellum [L.] dim. dari cerebrum otak kecil.
. tumbuh pada tahap awa1. Cf. germ-. blastoma, cerebelllfugal
monoblast cerebr- cerebrum [L.] otak. cerebrospinal
blenn- blenna [Yun.] mukus. blennorrhea cervic- cerztix, ceraicis [L.] leher. Cf. trachel-. ceraicitts
blep- blepO fYun.l pandang, lihat. monob/epsia chancr- Lihat cancr-. chancroid
blephar- blephar on [Yurr.] (dari blepo; hhal blep-) kelopak cheil- cheilos fYun.l bibir. Cf. labi-. clzeiloschisis
mata. Cf. cilt-. blephaAns cheir- cheir [\un.] tangan. Cf. man-. mactocheiria. (luga
bol- Lihat ball-. embolism dieja chir-)
brachi- brachion [Ynn:] lengan. brachiocephalic chem- chemeia IY un.l alkimia. chemistry, chemother apy
brachy- un.l pendek. b r a chy dactyly
br achy s lY chir- Lihat cheir-. chiropraclic
brady- bradys fYun.l lambat. bradycardia chlor- cltlor os IY un.] hljau. chl or ophyl\
Lampiran 1 2451
cult- colo, cultus [L.] merawat, menanam. clllure
choan- choane IY un.l corong. choanomastl'gole
cholo [Yun.] empedu. Cf. bi1-. cholangitis cune- cuneus lL.l baji. Cf. sptren-. cuneiform
cut- cutis lL.l kulit. Cf. derm(at)-. subcrfaneous
chondr- chondros [Yun.] kartilag o. chondromalacia
cyan- l<y anos lY un.l biru. cY anoPhil
chondri- chondrion [Yun.] granula. milochondria
cycl- tcyktos lYun.l lingkaran, siklus. cyclophoria
chord- chorde lYw.l tali, senar. petichotdal
-cyesis kyesls [Yun.] kehamilan. psetdocyesis
chore- choreia fYw.f tartan. choreoathetosis
lilmbc fYw.l perahu. cymbocephaly
chorion lYrn.f membran. clzorjocarcinoma cymb-
cyn- lcyon, lcynos [Yun.] anjing. cynophobia
chro- clrros [Yun.] warna. polychromatic
cyst- kystis [Yun.] kandung kemih' Cf. vesic-. cysfalgia
chron- chronos fYun.f waktu. synchronous
cyt- kvfos [Yun.] sel. Cf. cell-. cyfotaxis
chrys- chrysos [Y'gn.] emas. cftlysotheraPy
dacry- iakry [Yun.) air mata dacrYocYst
chy- che6, chy- [Yun.] menuang. eccftymosis
"-ciir'ts jari tangan, iari kaki' Cf digit-'
dactyl- daktulos [Yun.]
-cid(e) caedo, tL.] memotong, membunuh' hexadactyly
fungicide, germicidal
cili- cilium" lLj kelopak mata. Cf. blephar-' de- de [L.l turun dari. decomPosition
superclllary deca- deka lYm.l sepuluh' Menuniukkan keiipatan
Lihat kine-. acrocinesis dalam sistem metrik. Cf. deci-. decagram
deci- decem lL.l sepuiuh. Menunjukkan fraksi dalam
-cipient Lihat cept-. exciPient Cf.
sistem metrik (sepersepuluh). deca-'
circum- cir cumlL.| sekeiiling. Cf . peri-. cir cumferential
kirsos [Yun.] varix. clrsophthalmia
decbel, deciliter
demi- demi [P er.], dari dimidius [L.] separuh demigaunt-
cis- cls [L.] pada sisi ini. clsPlatin
-cis- ,otdo, -ritrt[L.] memotong, membunuh' exclsion
dendr- dendron [Yun.] pohon. dendrinc
-clast klao [Yun.] pecah. osteoclasf
klavikula. cleidocranial dent- dens, dentis tl-.l gigi. Cf. odont-. interdental
cleid- kleis, kleidos [Yun.] kunci,
w] membungkus. colpocleisis derm(at)- derma, dermatos [Yun.] kulit' Cf. cut-. endoderm,
-cleisis kleiein lY
clin- kllno [Yun.] bengkok, miring, merebahkan'
-desis desis lYunj pengikatan bersama. arthrodesis
desm- desmos f\unj pita, ligamen. syndesmoplasty
clus- claudo, -clusus [L.] menutup. malocclasion
deut(erl deuteros [Yun.] kedua. deutetanopia, deutan
cnid- knidc IYw.l jelatang. cnidoblast
dextr- dexter, dettr- [L.] kanan. ambldextrous
co- Lihat conr. cohesion
kokkos [Yun.] berry. gonococcus di-1 dl [Yun.] dua. dlmorphism. (Lihat juga bi-'z)
kollos [Yun.] rongga. Cf. cav-. coelozoic' (Juga di-2 Lihat dia-. dluresis
dieja cei-) di-3 Lihat dis-l. divergenl
T.ihat coei-. blastocoele dia- dia [Yun.) (a dihilangkan di depan kata yang di-
awali vokal) melalui, terpisah. Cf-per- diagnosis
coen- Lihat cen-. coenocyle
coin- Lihat cen-. coinosite dicty- diktyon f\n.l sarang dictYotene
Lihat colon-. colic didym- didymos [Yun.] kembar. Cf. gemin-. epiditlymal
col-2 Lihat conr. collaPse digit- digitus lLj jari tangan, jari kaki. Cf. dactyl-'
colon- knlon [Ytn.] usus bawah. colonic
colp- kolpos lY:un.] rongga, vagina. Cf. sin- dan vagin-' diplo- diptoos lYtn.l ganda. diplomyelia
colpins dips- dipsa lYun.l haus. polydipsia, dipsoget
dis'1 diis- lL.l (s mungkin dihilangkan di depan kata
com- Lihat conl. commensal
con- lL.l (menjadi co- di depan vokal atau lz; col-
yang diawali konsonan) terpisah, jauh dari'
di depan l; com- di depan b, m, atau p; cor- di
depan r) dengan, bersama. Cf. syn-. contraction dis-2 dls {Yun.l dua ka1i. dlsdiaclast
kozoJ [Yun.] kerucut. corotruncal disc- diskos [Yun.] alau discus [L.] cakram dlsc-
konis fYun.l debu. corzlofibrosis oplacenta. (Juga dieja disk-)
contra lL.) melawan, berlawanan. Cf' anli-' con- dolich- dolichos Uunj panjang. dol ichocephalic
fraindication dors- dorsum lL.f Punggung. dorsoventral
dromos f\un.f lintasan' dromograph
copl- kopros [Yun.] kotoran, feses. Cf sterco-' drom-
coprophllta -ducent Lihat duct-. adducent
-duct duco, ducentis, ductus lL.l memimpin, memandu'
cot-1 kore [Yun.] boneka, bayangan kecil, pupil'
tsocoria oviduct
Lihit conl. correlation dur- durus lL.l keras. Cf' scier-. induration.
Lihat chord-. cordolomy dynam- dynamis [Yun.] daya. dynamorneter, thermo-
Cf. somat-' intra- dynamics
corpor- corpus, corporis [L ] badan.
corporeal dyr- dys- 1Vun.l buruk, tidak pantas. Cf mal-'
dystrophic. (Lihat iuga cac-)
cortic- cortex, corticis [L.] kulit kayu, kulit buah'
e- e [L.] keluar dari. Cf' ec-1 and ex-. emission
ec-1 ek [Yun.] di 1uar. Cf. e- dan ex-. eccentric
cost- lL.l iga. Cf. pleur-. intercosfal
olkos [Yun.] rumah. ecogenetics
crani- kraniin l{unj aiau cranium [L ] tengkorak' ec-2
pericranium -ech- echo [Yun.] mempunyai, menahan, berada'
-crasia krasls [Vun.] campuran. dyscrasia
echin- echino s lY un.l landak. e chinophthalmia
creat- kreas, kreato- [Yun.] daging, olot. creat\ne
-clescence cresco, crescentis, cretus [L.] tumbuh' excrescence ect- elcfos [Yun.] di luar. Cf. extra-. ecfoderm. (Lihat
juga exo)
cret-1 cerno, uetus [L.] membedakan, memisahkan' Cf'
crin-. discrefe ectr- e,tjroils [yun.] keguguran. ectrodactyly
ede- oldeo [Yun.] bengkak. edematous
cret-2 Lihat -crescence. accretion
ef- Lihat ex-. eflorescent
. crin- krino {Y:cr:..l membedakan, memisahkan Cf'
elast- elasticus [L.] elastik. elastofibroma
cretl. endocrinology
crus, cruris [L.] tulangkerin g,tungkai' lalocrural elc- Lihat helc-. cYstelcosis
cryesthesia. (Lihat juga electro- ctectron [Yun.] kuning gading. electrotherapy
cry- lcryos fYrn.l dingin. Lihat en-. embolisfi, emPalhY
crym) em-
[\ unj dat ah. anemia (Lihat iuga hem(at))
crym- kry ios lY un.lmembeku. crymodlmia (Lihat juga -em- haima
-emesis cmein l\tn.l muntah hYPerenesis
krypia fYun.) bersembunyi, menyembunyikan' en- er [Yun.] (n berubah menjadi m didepanb,m,p,
atau plz) di dalam, di atas. Cf . in-l. ezarthrosis
Lampiran'J. 2451

choan- choane lY un.l corong. choanomasttgole cult- colo, cultus [L.] merawat, menanam. culfure
cune- cuneus lL.l baji. Cf. splnen'. cuneiform
chol- cftole [Yun.] empedu. Cf. bil-. cholangilis
cut- cufls [L.] kul it. Cf. derm(at)-. subcilfaneous
chondr- chondros [Yun.] kartilag o' chondromalacia
cyan- kyanos f\un. birtt. cyanophll
chondri- chondrion [Yun.] granula . milochondria
cycl- kyklos lYun Iingkaran, siklus. cYcloPhoria
chord- chorde lYun.l tali, senar. perichordal
-cyesis kyesls [Yun kehamilan. pseudocYesls
chore- choreia fYun.] larian. choreoathetosis lcymbe lYun. perahu. cymbocePhalY
chorion lYurn.l membran. choriocarcinoma cymb-
chori- Yun.l anjing. cYnoPhobia
cyn- kyon, lcynos
chro- cftros [Yun.] warna. polycfuromatic
cyst- kystisfYun. kandung kemih. Cf . vesic-. cysfalgia
chron- chronos fYun.] waktu. synclrron ous
cyt- kytos [Yun. sel. Cf. cell-. cYtotaxis
chrys- chry sos lY un.) emas. chry sother apy
dacry- dakry [\un air mata. dacrYocYst
chy- che6, chy-[Yun.] menuang' ecchymosis
"-cistts dactyl- daktylos [\un.I iari tangan, jari kaki. Cf' digit-.
-cid(e) caedo, tL.] memotong, membunuh' hexadactyly
fungicide, gerrnicidal
cili- cilium" lLj kelopak mata Cf' blephar-' de- de [L.] turun dari. decomPosition
deca- deka lYun.l sepuluh. Menunjukkan kelipatan
dalam sistem metrik. Cf. dec\- decagrarn
cine- Lihat kine-. acrocinesis
deci- decem lL.l sepuluh. Menunjukkan fraksi dalam
-cipient Lihat cept-. exciPient
circum ILj sekeiiling. Cf. peri-. circumferentl'al
sistem metrik (sepersepuluh). Cf. deca-'
decbel, deciliter
cirs- klrsos [Yun.] varix. clrsophthalmia
demi- demi lPer.l, dari dimidius [L.] separuh. demigaunt-
cis- cls [L.] pada sisi ini. clsPlatin
-cis- caedo, -cisus lL.]memotong, membunuh' exclsion
dendr- dendron [Yun.] Pohon' dendrtlic
-ciast klao [Yun.] pecah. osteoclast
klavikria. cleidocran\al dent- dens, dentis [L.] gigi. Cf. odont-. inlerdental
cleid- kleis, kleidos iY un.l kunci,
kleiein lY un.l membungkus' colpocleisis derm(at)- derma, dermatos Uun.l kulit. Cf. cttl-. endoderm,
'cleisis dermatitis
clin- klino f\un.l bengkok, miring, merebahkan' ,
.desis desls [Yun.] pengikatan bersama. arthrodesis
claudo, -clusui [L.] menutup. malocclasion desm- desmos [Yun.] pita, ligamen. syndesmoplasry
deut(er)- deuteros [Yun.] kedua. deuteranopia, deutan
cnid- knidc lYm.l jelatang cnidoblast
dextr- dexter, dextr- [L.] kanan. ambidextrous
co- Lihat coil. cohesion
kokkos [Yun.] berry. gonococcus di-1 dl [Yun.] dua. dlmorphism. (Lihat itgabi-2)
kollos [Yun.] rongga. Cf. cav-. coelozoic' (Jtga di-2 Lihat dia-. dluresis
dieja cei-) di-3 Lihat dis-l. divergent
-coele Lihat coel-. blastocoele dia- dia lYrnj (a dihjlangkan di depan kata yang di-
awali vokal) melalui, terpisah. Cf. per-' diagnosis
coen- Lihat cen-. coenocyte
Lihat cen-. coinosTte dicty- diktyon lYran.l sarang. dictyotene
didym- didymos [Yun.] kembar. Cf. gemin-' epldidyma.I
col-1 Lihat colon-. colic Cf'
digit- disxtus tL.l jari tangan, iari kaki. dactyl-'
col-2 Lihat con-l. collaPse
colon- kalon [\un.l usus bawah. colonic
vagin-' liplo- diploos lYun.l ganda. diplomyelia
colp- kolpos lYun.l rongga, vagina. Cf. sin- dan
'colpltis diPs- diipsa lYun.l haus. polydipsia, dipsogen

com- Lihai con-l. commensal dis-r dis- lL.l (s mungkin dihilangkan di depan kata
con- [L.l (menjadi co- di depan vokal atau h; col-
yang diawali-konsonan) terpisah, jauh dari'
di depan l; com- di depan b, m, arau p; cor-.di
depanr) dengarybersama. Cf syn-' contraction dis-2 dls {Yun.l dua kali. dlsdiaclast
kelucut. conotruncai disc- dlslcos [Yun.] atau discus [L.] cakram' dlsc-
con-2 konos [Yun.]
oplacenta. (Juga dieja disk.)
coni- konis [Yun.l debu. conrofibrosis
Cf antl-' con- dolich- doliihos l\un.l panjang dolichocephalic
contra- contra lL.f melawan, berlawanan.
dors- dor sum lL.f punggung. dor sov enlt al
dromos lYun.f lintasan. dromograph
coPl- kopros [Yun.] kotoran, feses. Cf sterco- drom-
'roprop:ntliu- -ducent Lihat duct-. adducent
duco, ducentis, ductus lL.] memimpin, memandu'
kore' [Vun.] boneka, bayangan kecil, pupil' -duct
!ot-t oviduct
Lihat con-l. correlation dur- durus [L.l keras. Cf. scler-. induration'
dYnam- dynamis [Yun.] daya. dynamornete.r, thermo-
cord- Lihat chord-. cordotomy
corPor' corpus, corporis [L.] badan. Cf. somat-' intra-
,orpor.ui dYs- ays- [Vun.1 buruk, tidak pantas' Cf' mal-'
dystrophic. (Lihat juga cac-)
cortic- cortex, corticis [L.] kulit kayu, kulit buah'
€- e [L.] keluar dari. Cf. ec-1 and ex-. emission
ek [Yun.] di luar. Cf. e- dan ex-. eccentric
cost- costa fL.l iga. Cf. pleur-. intercos/a1 ec-1
olkos [Yun.] rumah. ecogenetics
crani- kraniin-liw) atau cranium [L'] tengkorak' ec-2

pericranitm -ech- echO [Yun.] mempunyai, menahan, berada'

campuran. dyscrasia synechotomY
-crasia krisis IYun.l
o s lY :trn.l landak. e chin ophthalmia
kreas, kreato- [Yun.] daging, otot. cteatine echin- e ch i n
ekfos [Yun.] di luar. Cf. extra-. ecfoderm' (Lihat
cresco, crescentis, cretus [L.] tumbuh excrescence
juga exo-)
cret-1 cerno, cretus [L.] membedakan, memisahkan' Cf'
discrefe ectr- e/ciroils [Vun.] keguguran. ectrodaclyly
crel-2 tihat -crescence. accretion ede- oideo lYun.l bengkak. edematous
. crin- krino lYun.l membedakan, memisahkan Cf ef- Lihat ex-. erfflorescent
elast- elasticus [L.] elastik. elastoflbroma
cret-]. endocrizology
uus, cruris [L.] iulang"kering, tungkai talocrlral elc- Lihat helc-. cYstelcosis
clur- other apy
electron lYtn.l kuning gading . electr
cry- kryos [Yun.] dingin. cryelthesia. (Lihat juga electro-
cD/n) em- Lihat en-. embolism, emPat\
-em- haima l\un.l dar ah. anemia. (Lihat juga hem(at))
cfym- krymosfYun.lmembeku. crymodynia,(Lihatjuga
-emesls emein l\un.l muntah. hYPercmesis
en lYm.l (n berubah menjadi m di depanb, m' p,
crypt- krypia l\un.lbersembunyi, menyembunyikan en-
atau ph) di dalam, di atas Cf . in-1. enarthrosis
2452 Lampiran 1

encephal- enkephalos [Yun.] otak. encephaLopathy generon

Senl- fYun.l dagu. gerzloplasty
end- endon [Yun.] di dalam. Cf. intra-. endangttis. genit- genitalis [L.] berkenaan dengan kelahiran. genit-
(Lihat juga eso-) ourinary
ent- entos fYun.l di dalam. entoptic ger- geras
[Yun.] usia tua. geroderma
enteron fYun.l tsus. dysentery germ- germen, germinis [L.] kuncup, sesuatu yang sedang
entom- entomon [Yun.] serangga. entomology tumbuh pada tahap awal. Cf. blast-. germinal
,[Yun.l (i dihilangkan di depan kata yang
ePi- epi geront- geron, gerontos [Yun.] orang tta. gerontology
diawali vokal) pada, setelah, tambahan'lagi-. gest- gero, gerentis, gestus [L.l mengandung, memba_
epigloths, epaxial wa. congesfion
epipl- epiploon [Yun.] omentu m. gastroepiploic gingiv- gingiua [L.) gusi. grnglairis
episi- episiin [Yun.] regio pubik. episiotamy gland- glans, glandis [L.] buah pohon oak.
Cf. aden-
ergon [Yun.] kerja, usaha. energy umglandular
erot- erds, erotos [Yun.] hasrat seksual. erotomania gli- glla [Yun.] lem. neuroglia, glioma
erythr- erythros [Yun.] merah. Cf. rub(r)-. erythrocyte glomerul- glomerulus, dim. dari glomus lL.l boia kecil. gio-
eso- eso [Yun.] di dalam. Cf. intra-. esogastritis. (Lihat
juga end-) gloss- g/ossa lYun.l lidah, Cf. lingu-. trichog/ossia
esthe- aisthanomai, aisthe- [Yun.] memersepsikan, glott- glOtra [Yun.] lidah, bahasa. gloffic
merasakan. Cf. sens-. anesthesia gluc- Lihat glyc(y)-. glucophore
eu' eu [Yun.] baik, normal. eupepsia glutin- gluten, glutinis [L.] lem. agglutinatton
ex- er [Yun.] ata:u ex [L.] di tuar. Cf. e- dan ec-r. glyc(y)- glylcys [Yun.] manis. g/ycemia, glycyrrhiza. (fuga
ercretion dieja gluc-)
exo- ero [Yun.] di luar. Cf. extra-. eroskeleton. (Lihat gnath- gnathos lYun.l rahang. orthognafftous
juga ect-) gno- gignoso, gro- [Yun.] mengetahui, menemukan.
extra- extralL.l di luar, meiampaui. Cf. ect- and exo-. ex- diagnosis
tracellular. (Juga ditulis extro) gon-r gond [Yun.] keturunan, biji, genitalia. gonocyte,
extro- Lihat extra-. extroveft gonorrhea
faci- facies lL.l wajah. Cf. prosop-. /4clolingual gony lY un.l lutut. gonarthrosis, gorzocampsis
-facient facio, facientis, factus, -fectus [L.] membuat. Cf. gonad- gonas, gonadis [L.] gonad. gonadoblastoma
poie-. calefacient goni- ganin lYun.l sudut. goirlomeler, goniotomy
-fact- Lihat -facient. arttfact grad- gradior [L.] berjalan, meJangkah. retrograde
fasci- fascio lL.l pita. t'asciotomy -gram gramma [Yun.] surat, menggambar. citdiogram
febr- t'ebris [L.l demam. Cf. pyr-. febricit5 granum [L.] butir, partikel. lipogranuloma
-fect- Lihat -facient. defective graph- grapho lYtn.] menggores, menulis, merekam.
femor- femur lL.l femur. femorohbial angiography
-ferent fero, ferentis, latus lL.l mengandung, membawa. Srav- graais lL.l berat. muitigraoida
Cf. phor-. elferent gymn- gymnos [Yun.l telanjang. gymnospore
-ferous ferre lL.l mengandung. lact-rferou s gyn(ec)- gyno, gynaikos [Yun.] perempuan, istri. andro-
ferr- ferrum lL.) besi. /erroprotein gyny, gynecologic
fet- fetus [L.l fetus. /efoscope gyt- gy;os [Yurr.] cincin, lingkaran. gylospasm
fibr- fibra lL.) serat. Cf. in-3. chondrofbroma haem(at), Lihat hem(at)-. haemaphysalis, haemitoxylon
fil- filum lL.] benang. fililorm hamart- hamartia [Yun.] kesalahan. hamartoma
fiss- findo, fissus [L.] terbelah. Cf. schis-. /rssion hapl- haploos [Yun.] sederhana, tunggal. haplotype
flagell- Jlagel I u m I L.] cambuk. / agellation hapt- hapto [Yun.] sentuhan. ftaplics
flav- flaztus lL.l kuning. Cf. xanth-. riboflauin. (Llhat hect- heknton [Yun.] seratus. Cf. cent-. Menunjukkar
juga lute) kelipatan dalam sistem mekik. heclogram
-flect- flecto, llexus tl-.l bengkok, membelokkan. hel- helos [Yun.] kuku, clavus (corn), callus.Teloma
deflection helc- helkos [Yun.) luka, uikus. keratohelcosis
-flex- Lihat-fl ect-. xomeler
reJTe heli- hellos [Yun.] matahari. heliolaxjs
flu- fluo, fluxus [L.] aliran. Cf . rhe-. fluid helic- helix, helikos [Yun.] spiral. helicotrema
flux- Lihat flu-. defluxion hem(at)- haima, haimatos [Yun.] darah. Cf. sanguin-
for- foro lL.l lubang. impey'orate hemangroma, hematocele. (Lihat juga -em-)
-form forma lL.l bentuk. Cf. -oid. tucilorm
lJuga ditulis haem(at)-l
fract- .frango, factus [L.] pecah. refraction hemi- hemi [Yun.] separuh. Cf. semi-. hemiageusia
front- frons, f'rontis lL.] dahi, depan. nasoy'onral hen- heis, henos [Yun.] satu. Cf. un-. henogenesis
-fug(e) fugio lL.l lolos, menghindar. vermiTtrge, cen- hepat(ic)- hEpar, hepatos [Yun.] hati. hepatolele, hepa
trlfugal flcolithotomy
funct- fungor, functus [L.] melakukan, berfungsi. mal- hept(a)- h e p t a IY l;ln.] tujtth. CI. sep t-2. h ep t av alent,
h ep t os e
function hered- heres, heredis [L.] keturunan. heredofamilial
fund- fundo, fusus [L.] menuang. tnfundibultm herpet- herpo, herpet- [Yun.] merayap, merangkak.
fusJ Lihat fund-. difytrsion herpetophobia
fus-2 fusus IL.l gelendong. /zsocelluiar heter- heteros [Yun.l lain, berbeda. heterochromia
galact- gala, galactos [Yun.] susu. Cf. lact-. galactonhea hex- echo, hech- [Yun.l (hech- ditambahkan pada s
gam- gamos lYun.l perkawinan, penyatuan repro- menjadi hex-l mempunyai, memegang.
duktif. gamete menjadi. cachexia
gangli- ganglion [Yun.] benjolan, plexus. gangliitis hex(a)- hex [Yun.) enam. Cf. sex-r. lze:rose, hemdactylv
gastr- gaster, gastros [Yun.] lambung. cholangiogas- hidr- hid ros lY un.l keringat. hvperlridrosis
frostomy hipp- hippos [Yun.] kud,a. hippocarnpus
ge- ge [Yun.] tanah. geophagia hist- hlstos [Yun.] jaring, jaringan. ftlsfocompatibility
gelat- gelo, gelatus [L.] membekukan, mengentalkan. hod- hodos [Yun.l jalan, jalur. ftodoneuromeie. (Lihir
gelatn juga od- and -ode1)
gemrn' geminus tl-.l kembar, ganda. Cf. didym- hol- holos [Yun.] seluruh. ftolosystolic
qluadrigeminal hom- homos [Yun.] n-lr*, rurnu. homograft
gen-1 gignomai, gen-, gon- [Yun.] menjadi, dihasilkan, home- homoios [Yun.] mirip, menyerupai. homeostasis
berasal dari. endogenous horm- hormE [Yun.l dorongan, impuls. hormone
gen-2 gennao fYun.l menghasilkan, berasai dan. cvto- hyal- hyalos IYun.] kaca. /ryaloplasm
genic hydat- hvdor. hvdatos fYun-l air. hqdatoid
Lampiran 1 2453
hydr- hydor, hydr- [Yun.] air. achlorhydria. (Lihat iuga lact- Lac, lactis[L.] susu. Cf. galact-. lactiferous
iymph-) lal- laleo [Yun.] bicara,.celoteh. glossolalia
lapar- Iapara lYtrn.l pinggang. laparotorny
hyg.- hygros l\un.) lembap. hygrometry
hyl- hylc fYun.l zat, bahan. hYlotroPY laryng- Iarynx, Iaryngos [Yun.] pipa angin. Iary ngectomy
hymen- hymcn [\un.] membran. hymenopteran, hy' lat- fero, latus [L.] mengandung, membawa. Lihat
meneclomy -ferent. translafion
hyp- Lihat hypo-. later- Iatus, lateris [L.] samping. venltolateral
hyper- hyper lYun.l di atas, meiampaui, ekstrem. Cf. lecith- lekithos [Yun.] kuning telur, vitellus. isoLecithal
super-. hypertrophy leio- lelos [Yun.l halus. lelomyoma
hyP.- hypnos [\yn.l Iidrx. hypnotic -lemma lemma l\un.l kulit buah, sekam. axolemma
hyPo- hypo fYun.l (o dihilangkan di depan kata yang lent- lens, lentis lL.l lentil (sejenis kacang). Cf. phac-
diawali vokal) di bawah. Cf. sub- hypocal- lenficonus
cemia l"P- lamban6, lep [Yun.] mengambil, menangkap.
hyPt- hypsos l\w.l nnggi. hypsarrhythmia catalepsy
Cf . uter-. hysteropexy (Lihat lept- leptos lY un.l ramping, /eptomeninges
hyster- hqstera l\un.) rahim.
juga metr-2) leuc- Lihat leuk-. leucine
iatr- rafros [Yun.] dokter. pedratrics leuk- Ieukos [\un.] putih. Cf. aib-. leukorrhea. (Juga
ichthy- ichthr1s lYun.l ikan. ichthyosrs dieja ieuc-)
icter. ikteros lYun.l ikterus. lcferohepatitis lev- laeous lL.) kiri. lezrocardia, leuorotatory
id, eidos lYun.l bentuk. hominld, dermatophytrd lien- lien [L.] limpa. Cf. splen-. llenocele
idi- idlos [Yun.] aneh, terpisah, berbeda. ldiosyncrasy lig- Iigo lL.l mengikat. llgature
il-1 Lihat in-1. lllumination lingu- lingua lL.l lidah. Cf. gloss-. subllngual
il-2 Lihat in-2. lllegible lip- llpos [Yun.] iemak. Cf. adip-. glycollpid
Lihat ili- [ile- umumnyadigunakan untuk lith- llfhos [Yun.l batu. Cf. calc-l. nephrolltftotomy
merujuk pada bagian usus yang dikenal loc- locus lL.l tempat. Cf. top-. /ocomotion
sebagai ileuml. lleostomy log- lego, log- [Yun.] bicara, memberi keterangan
ilium (ileum) [L.] perut bawah, usus lili- logorrhea, embryology
ili -
umumnya dipakai untuk meruiuk pada loph- tumpukan. lopirotrichous
Iophos IY un.] tonjolan,
bagian yang melebar pada Pinggul, yang lumb- lumbus IL.) pinggang. lumbago
dikenal sebagai iliuml. illofemoral lute- luteus[L.]kuning. Cf. xanth-. Iuteoma. (Lihat juga
Lihat in-l. immersion flav-)
Lihat in-2. imperforate lymph- Iympha
" [\un.l air. lymphadenopathy. (Lihat juga
in-1 ln [L.] (r berubah menjadi I di depan l, menjadi n hydr-)
di depan b, m, alarp, danmenjadi r di depan r) lyo- lyo [Yun.] longgar,larut. Cf. solut-. lyophilization
di dalam, di atas. Cf. en-. lnsertion lys- lvsis [Yun.] pelarutan. keratolysis, lysogen
rr- [L.] (n berubah menjadi I di dePan l, menjadi ,1 macr- makros lYun.] panjang, besar. macromyeloblast
di depan b, m, alaup, danmeniadi r di depan r) mal- malus lL.] buruk, abnormal. Cf. cac- and dys-.
awalan negatif . CL a-. lncompatible malformation
ls, rnos [Yun.] serat. Cf. fibr-. inotropic malac- malakos lYun.l lunak. osteotiralacia
infra lL.l di bawah. infraorbital mamm- mamma [L.l payudara. Cf. mast-. submammarv
inion IY un.l oksiput. iniencephaly man- manus lL.) tangan. Cf. cheir-. manipulat\on
insula [L.] pulau. lnszlin mani- mania fYlln.l aberasi mental. kleptomania
inter lL.l di antara. intercostal mast- masfos [Yun.] payudara. Cf. mamm-. hypermasfia
intra- intralL.]didaIam. Cf. end- and eso-. lntravenous mechan- mEchane [Yun.] mesin. mechanoreceplor
intro- intro [L.l di dalam. introspection medi' medius [L.] tengah. Cf. mes-. mediolateral
mega- megas f\un.j besar. Juga menunjukkan kelipatan
ipsi- ipselL.) sendiri. ipsilateral
ir-1 Lihat in-1. lrradiation (sejuta) dalam sistem metrik. megacolon,
Lihat in-2. lrreducible megavolt
irid- iris, iridos [Yun.] pelangi, lingkaran berwarna megal- megas, megalou [Yun.] besar. acromegaly
iridocyclins mel-1 melos lYun.] ekstremitas, anggota. symmelia
ls- lsos [Yun.] sama. lsotope mel-2 melon [Yun.] pipi. meloplasty
ischein [Y:un.l menekan. ischemra melan- melas, melanos [Yun.] hitam. melanocyre
pangkal paha. lsclziopubic meli(t)- meli, melitos [Yun.] madu. melbrose, melituria
ischi- ischion [\ rn.) pinggul,
-ism -lszos [Yun.] akhiran pembentuk kata benda men- rner [Yun.] bulan. dysmezrorrhea
vegetarianism, thigmotropisrz, alcohollsn mening- mdninx, mEningos [Yun.] membran. meningtrts
-lfls [Yun.] peradangan. dermatifls, phleblfls ment- mens, mentis [L.] pikiran. Cf. phren-, psych-, and
-ize -izein [Yun.] akhiran pembentuk kata keria thym-. dementta
cauterize, oxidize mer-1 meros lYun.l bagian. polymeric
jact- iacio, iactus [L.] melempar. jactitation mer-2 rneros [Yun.] paha. meralgia
-ject iacio, -iectus [L.] melempar. iniection mes- nesos [Yun.] tengah. Cf. medi-. mesod.erm
ieiunus lL.] kosong. gastr oj ej unoslomy mesi- zesos [Yun.] di tengah. mesiodens
iejun- meta- meta lYun.l (a dihilangkan di depan kata yang
iug- iugum [L.l bersatu. confzgation
junct- iungo, junctus [L.] bersatu, bergabung. con- diawali vokal) setelah, melampaui, menyertai
junctiva metacarp al, mef encephalon
juxta- juxta lL.l dekat, berdekatan. Tuxtaglomerular metr-1 metron fYun.l ukuran. audiometry
kacang, biji, inti. Cf nucle-. metr-2 metra lYun.l rahim. endorzefritis. (Lihat luga
kary- karyon [Ym.) hyster-)
megaknryocyte. (Juga dieja carY-)
kerat- keras, keratos [Yun.l tanduk. keratolysis. Quga mi- nreion [Yun.] lebih kecil. rriosis
dieja cerat-) micr- mikros fYrn.l kecil. Juga menunjukkan fraksi
dalam sistem metrik (satu per seiuta). photo-
kilo- chilioi [\tn.) seribu. Cf. milli-. Menuniukkan micrograph, microgram
kelipatan dalam sistem metrik. kilogram
kineo [Yun.] bergerak. kinescope. (Juga dieia milli- mille lL.l seribu. Juga menunjukkan fraksi dalam
cine-) sistem metrik. Cf. kilo-. milligram, tnillipede
kleptein lY un.] mencuri. kleptomania -mimetic mimetikos [Yun.] meniru. sympalhomimetic
koil- kollos [Yun.] rongga. kollonychia mis- nisos [Yun.l kebencian. rzisogamy
labi- Iabium lL.\ bibir. Cf. cheil-. labiomental miss- Lihat -mittent. intromlssion
2454 Lampiran 1

-mittent mitto, mittentis, missus fL.l mengirim. intermittent orth- orthos [Yun.) lurus, benar, normal. orthopedics
mne- mimnesko, mnd,- fY:.:n.l mengingat. amnesia oscill- [L.] mengayun. oscillopsi.a
mogi- mogis fYun.l dengan kesulitan. mogiarthria -osis -osls [Yun.] akhiran pembentuk kata benda.
mon- monos lYun.i hanya, sendiri. monoplegia Dipakai untuk merujuk pada sebuah proses,
morph- morphe ttn.] bentuk. po\ytnorphonuclear
IY khususnya sebuah penyakit. dermatosls,
mot- mozteo, motus [L.] bergerak. vasomotor bacteriosl.s
muc- mucus lL.l mukus. mucilage, mucogingival, osm-1 osme [Yun.] bau. osnophore
mucoprotein osm-2 oszos [Yun.] dorongan. osrzoreguiation
multi- multus [L.] banyak. multipara oss- os, ossis [L.] tulang. Cf. ost(e)-. ossiferous
my- mys, myos [Yun.] otot. lei.omyoma ost(e)- osteon lyrn.) tulang. Cf. oss-. enostosis, osfe-
-myces mykes, myketos [Yun.] jamur. Streplomyces oarthritis
myc(et)- Lihat -myces. streptomy cin, my cetoma -ostomy stoma fYun.l mulut. colostomy
myel- my elos lY un.l sumsum. poliomy elitis ot- lus, otos [Yulr.] telinga. C{. a.ur-. parotid,olotoxic
myx- myxa lYun.l mukus. myxedema ov- ooum [L.l teiur. Cf. oo-. s]'no?ia, ozrovegetarian
nan- nanos lYun.f kerdil. Juga menunjukkan fraksi ovari- oaarium [L.] ovarium. Cf. oophor-. oaariopexy
(satu per satu miliar) dalam sistem metrik. oxy- orys [Yun.] (3r kadang-kadang dihilangkan, se-
nanophihalmos, nanometer ring merujuk pada hubungan dengan oksigen)
nalc- narke lYun.l rasa baa1. nnrcolepsy tajam. orycephalic, oxidation
nas- nasus lL.l hidung. Cf. rhin-. nasopalatine pachy- pachtts lYun.l tebal, pachtlderma
ne- neos [Yun.] baru, muda. neonate pa8- pagnymi, pag- fYun.l memfiksasi, mengencang-
necr- nekros fYun.l mayat. necrophllia kan. thoracopagus
nemat- nema, nAffiafus [Yun.] benang. nematocyst palat- palqtum [L.] palatum. Cf. uran-. palatorrhaphy
nephel- nephele lYun,l awan, kabut. nephelometer pale- palaios l\un.l tua. paleocorlex
nephr- nephros fYrn.l ginjal. Cf. rcn-. paranephric pali(n)- palin fYun.l mundur, lag| palikinesta, palingene-
neur- neuron lYun.l saraf . neuralgia sis
neutr- neuter lYun.l tidak keduanya. heutrophll pan- pon lYun.l semira. pnndemic
nev- naeous lL.l tahi lalat. ncuolipoma Par-r pario lL.l mengandung, melahirkan. prirr:ipara
noci- noceo lL.) mencederai. nociceptor Pat-z Lihat para-. par occipital
nod- nodus lL.l simpul. nodositl' para- para fYun.l (a terakhir dihilangkan di depan kata
nom- nomos fYun.l (dati nemo membagikan, menye- yang diawaii vokai) di samping, di atas.
barkan) hukum, adat. taxonomy pa racervical, pa raoral, pa ramnesia
non-1 non lL.) bukan. zon disjunction pariet- paries, p nrietis [L.] dinding. p arietofrontal
non-2 nona lL.l sembilan. nonapephde part- pario, partus [L.] mengandung, melahirkan,
norm- norma fL.l aturan. norffotensive partuihon
nos- nosos [Yun.] penyakit. nosology path- pathos IYun.) yang dialami seseorang, penyakit.
nucle- nucleus lL.l (darinux, nuciskacang) inti. Cf. kary-. p sy chop athic, car diop a thy
nucleocapstd pauci- paucus [L.] sedikit. Cf. olig-. pauciarticu\ar
nutri- nutrio lL.l memberi makan. malnutrition Pec- pcgnymi,peg- [Yun.] (pCk- di depan /) memflksasi,
nyct- nyx, nyctos [Yun.] malam. nyctophobia mengencangkan. amylopectin, (Lihat juga
nymph- nymphe [Yun.] pengantin perempuan. nympho- PCX-)
rnania, nympholomy ped-1 pais, paidos [Yun.] anak. pediatrics
ob- ob [L.] (b berubah menjadi c di depan kata yang ped-2 pes, pedis [L.] kaki., pedometer
diawali konsonan tersebut) menghadap, pell- peLlis lL.j kulit, bulu. pellagra
mengarah ke. obtusion -pellent pello, pellentis, pulsus [L.l mendorong. chemore-
oc- Lihat ob-. occlude pellent
oct- okfo [Yun.] alau octo [L.] delapan. octigravida pen- penomai [Yun.] memerlukan, kekurangan. neu-
ocul- oculus lL.l mata. Cf. ophthalm-. oculomotor tropenia
-od- Lihat -odei. esthesodic pend- pendeo lL.l menggantung. appendix
-ode1 hodos IYtn.] jalan, jalur. cathode, (Lihat juga hod-) pent(a)- pente lYun.l trima. Cf. quint-. penfose, pentalogy
-ode2 Lihat -oid. nematode peps- ppplo, peps- [Yun.] mencerna. eupepsia
odont- o dous, o donto s [Yun.] gigi. Cf . d ent-. orlho dontia pept- pepto fYtn.l mencerna. dyspeptic
-odyn- odyne fYun.l nyeri, distress. gastrodynta, odyn- Per- per lL.l melalui Cf. di.a-. peroral
6phagia peri- peri [Yun.] sekeliling. Cf. circum-. periphery
-oid eidos lYun.l bentuk. Cf. -form,hyoid Pero- poros fYun.l terpotong. perosplancLmia
-ol Lihat ole-. cholesterol pet- peto [L.] mencari, cenderung mengarah ke. cen-
ole- oleum lL.l minyak. oleoresin tripetal
olig- ollgos [Yun.] sedikit, kecii. oft3.ospermia pex- p1gnymi, peg- [Yun.] (pcg- di, depan s menjadi
om- omos [Yun.] bahu. omalgia pex-) memfiksasi, mengencangkan. hepato-
-oma oma f\un.l akhiran pembentuk kata benda. pexy
Dipakai untuk merujuk pada sebuah neo- pha- phCmi, pha- [Yun.] berkata, berbicara. dysphasia
plasma. hep aloma, car cinoma phac- phakos lYun.l biji, lensa. Cf. lent-. plracoscierosis.
omphal- omphalos [Yun.] pusar. omphnlectomy (uga dieja phak-)
onc-1 orkos [Yun.l massa. oncogenesis Phag- phagein fYun.l makan. dysphagia
onc-2 onkos fYun.l duri, kait. oncosphere phak- Lihat phac-. phakitis
onch- Lihat onc-2. Onchocerca phalang- phalanx, phalangos [Yun.] barisan atau susunan
onych- onyx, onychos [Yun.] cakar, kuku. anonychi.a tentara. phalan gectomy
oo- oor [Yun.l telur. Cf. ov-. oogenesis phall- phallos [Yun.] pents. phalloplasty
oophol- oophoros [Yun.] mengandung telur. Cf. ovari-. phan- Lihat phen-. phonerosis
oophorectomy pharmac- pharmakon [Yr:n.] obat. pharmacognosy
op- horao, op- [Yun.] melihat. hetelopsia pharyng- pharynx, pharyng- [Yun.] tenggorokan. phnryng-
ophthalm- ophthalmos [Yun.] mata. Cf. ocul-. exophthalmos ocele
opisth- opisthen [Ynn.] di belakang. opisthotonos -phas- phasis IY un.] pembicar aan. aphasia
or- os, oris lL.l mulut. Cf. stom(at)-. inkaoral phe- phaios [Yw.] abu-abu kecokelatan, berwarna
orb- orbis [L.] lingliaran. subo/bital gelap. pheomelanin
olchi- orchis [Yun.] testis. Cf. test-. orchiopalhy phen- phaino, phan- [Yun.] memperlihatkan, terlihat.
olgan- organon [Yun.] alat, instrumen. organomegaly phosphene, phenocopy
Lampiran 1 2455
pher- phero, phot- [Yun.] menahan, menyangga. pless- premo, pressus [L.] menekan. pressoreceptive
periphery pro- pro atau pto [L.] sebelum (untuk waktu
phil- phileo [Yun.] menyukai, memPunYai afinitas atau tempat). prohormone, proLabium, pro-
terhadap. eosinophilia lapse
phleb- phleps, phlebos [Yun.] vena. perlphlebitis proct- prokfos [Yun.] anus. Cf. recl-. ptoctology
phleg- phlogo, phlog- [Yun.] membakar, menimbulkan prosop- plosopon [Yun.] wajah. Cf. faci-. prosopagnosia
radang. phlegmon prot' profos [Yun.] pertama. protoplasm, prototype
phlog- Lihat phleg-. phlogogenic PSamm- psammos [Yun.l pasir. psommonla
phob- phobos f\tn.l takut, ketakutan. claustrophobia pseud- pseu des lY w.l p alstt. p seudoparaplegia
psych- psyche [Yun.] jiwa, piklran. Cf. rirent-. psych-
phon- phone lYwt.l suara. echophony
phor- Lihat pher-. Cf. -ferent. exophotia osomatic
phos- Lihat phot-. pftosphorus psychr- psychros [Yun.] dingin. psychroalgia
phot- phos, photos [Yun.] cahaya. photophobia pto- pipto, pto- [Yun.] jatuh. nephropfosis
phrag- phrasso, phrag- lYun.l membungkus, membagi, ptyal- ptyalon f\un.l saliva. ptYalism
menyumbat. Cf. sept-t. diaPhragm pub- pubes lL.ldewasa. ischioprbic. (Lihat iuga puber)
phrax- phrasso, phrag- l\un.l (phrag- di depan s menjadi puber- puber lL.l dewasa. puberty
phrax-) membungkus, membagi, menyumbat. pulmo(n)- pulmo, pulmonls [L.] paru. Cf. pneumo(n)-.
urethrophraxis p ul mo gr arn, c ar diop ulm on ary
phren- phien lYun.l pikiran, sekat rongga badan. Cf. puls- pello, pellentis, pulsus lL.l dorongan. ptopulsion
.rnent-. phr enoplegia, phrenofropic. (Lihat juga punct- pingo, pLLnctus [L.] menusuk, menembus. Cf.
psych- dan thym-2) cente-. punctiform
phthi- phthino [Yw.] membusuk, melisut. phthisis pupill- pupilla lL.l perempuan atau pupi1. pupillometty
phyo fYun.l menyebabkan, melahirkan, meng- pur- pus, puris [L.] pus. Cf py-. supprration
hasilkan, ada secara alami. osleophyle py' pyon lYun.l pus. Cf. pur-. spondylopyosis
phyc- phykos fYun.l ganggang laut. plzycochrome Pyel- pyelos [Yun.] cekungan, basin, pelvis. nephro-
phvl- phylon [Yun.] suku, jenis. phylogeny pyelitis
phylac- phylax lY un.l menjaga. prophylactic pvc- pyge [Yun.] ujung belakang pygalgia
phyll- phyllon lYtn.l daun. chloroplryll, phylloerythtin pykn- pyknos lYtn.l tebal, sering. pyknomorphous,
phys- physao fYun.] menghembuskan, mengembang- pyknophrasia
kan. physometra pvr- pyle [Yun.] pintu, lubang. pylephlebitis
physe- phVsao, physe [Yun.] menghembuskan' me- pyt- pyr [Yun.] api. Cf. febr-. pyrogen
ngembangkan. etnphy sema quadr- quadr- [L.] empat. Cf. tetr(a)-. quadrigemtnal
physi- physis l\tn.l aIam. physiologY quasi- quasi lL.l seolah-olah. 4lasldominance
phyton lYrn.] tumbuhan. phytobezoat, dermato- quint- quintus lL.l kelima. Cf. pent(a)-. quintvplet
phute rachi- rachis lYun.l tulang belakang. Cf. spin-. rachi-
picr- pikros lYun.l asam. picrogeusia odynia
piesis lY: uu;..l penekanan atau pemerasan aniso- radi- r adius lL.f sinar. Cl. aclin-. irradiation, r adiocarpal
piesis re- re- [L.] kembali, lagi. retraction
piez- piezo lY un.l menekan. piezoeleclticity rect- rectum lL.] rektum. Cf. proct-. recfocele
pil- pilus lL.l rambut. epilation r€n- r en lL.l gtnjaL Cf . nephr-. a d r en al, r en o gr aphy
e s

pituit- pituita lL.l lendir, sekret. pituitary ret- rete [L.] jaring. refiform
placent- placenta [L.] (dari plakous [Yun.]) kue. extra- retr- retro lL.] mundur. retrodeviation
placental rhabd- rhabdos IY tn.\ batang. rhabdomyolysrs
plas- plasso [Yun.] mencetak, membentuk. rhinoplasty rhag- rhegnymi, rhag- [Yun.) pecah, menyembur.
platy- platy- lYun.l iebar, datar. platypodia hemorrhagic
pleg- plcsso [Yun.l menyerang. drplegia rhaph- rhaphc lYtn-l jahitan. arleriorrhaphv
pleo- pleion fYun.l lebih. pleomorphisn, pleiotropy. rhe- rheos fYun.j aliran. Cf. flu-. diarrheal
(Juga dieja pleio-) rhex- rhegnymi, rheg- [Yun.] (rhcg- di depan s meniadi
plet- pleo, -pletus [L.] mengisi. plethora rhcx-) pecah, menyembur. metrorrhe.ris
pleur- pleura lYwr.l iga, sisi. Cf. cost-. pleuralgia rhin- rhis, rhinos [Yun.] hidung. Cf. nas-. thinopTasty
plex- plcsso,pleg- [Yun.] (p/eg- di depan s menjadi ple:r-) thiz- rhiza fYun.l akar. rhizolomy
menyerang. apoplexy rhod- rhodon fYun.] mawar. rhodopsin
plic- plico lL.l melipat. cornplication, plicale rhytid- rhy tis, rhy tidos [Yun.] kerutan . rhy tidectomy
pluri- plus, pluris [L.] lebih. pluriglandular rot- rota lL.l roda. rofation
pne- pneuma, pneumatos [Yun.] bernapas. orlhopnea rub(r)- ruber, rubri [L.] merah. Cf. erythr-. bilirubin, rub-
pneum(at)- pneuma, pneumatos [Yun.] napas, udara. pneumo- rospinal
arthrosis, pneumatocele sacchar- sakcharon [Yurr.] gula. saccharimeter
pneumo(n)- pneum'n [Yun.] paru. Cf. pulmo(n)-. pneumoen- sacr- sacrum fL.l sakral, sakrum. sacralgia
leritis, pneumotlotomy salping- salpinx, salpingos [Yun.] tabung, terompet.
pod- pous, podos [Yun.] kaki. podialtY salpingilis
poie- poied [Yun.] membuat, menghasilkan. Cf. sangui(n)- sanguis, sanguinis IL.] darah. Cf. hem(at)-. sangrl-
-facient. sarcopoietic facient, sanguineots
poikil- poikitos l\un.l bernoda, bebercak, beraneka sapr- sapros fYrn.] membusuk. sap i'ophyte
warna. poikiloderma sarc- sarx, sarkos [Yun.] daging. sarcorfla
pol- polos [Yun.] sumbu sebuah bola' unipolar scaph- skaphe fYun.] sampan, perahu kecil. scapft-
poli- polios lY un.l abu-abu. poliornyelopathy ocephaly
poly- polys lYun.l banyak. polyspermY scat- sk6r, skatos [Yun.] kotoran. scatology
pont- pons, pontis [L.] jembatan. pontocerebellar schis- schizo, schid- lYun.] (schid- di depan f atau s men-
poros [Yun.) jalan. poradenitis jadi schis-) terbelah. Cf. fiss-. scltistocyte,
poros [Yun.] callus. porokeratosis thoracoscftlsis. (Juga dieja schiz-)
posit- pono, positus [L.] meletakkaru menaruh. reposlfor schiz- Lihat schis-. schizonychia
post- post lL.l setelah, sesudah (untuk waktu atau scirrh- skirrhos lYun.l keras. Cf. dur-. scirrhotts
tempat). postlatal, pastuenal scler- skleros [Yun.] keras. Cf. dur-. sclerosis
pre- prae [L.] sebelum (untuk waktu atau tempat). scoli- skollos [Yun.] terpilin. scollokyphosis
prenatal, prevesical scop- skopeo [Yun.] melihat, mengamati. endoscope
presby- presbys lYun.l orang tua. presbyopia scot- scofos [Yun.] kegelapan. scofophobia
2456 Lampiran 1

sect- seco, sectus [L.] memotong. Cf. tom-. seclion styl- sfllus IL.l pancang, tongkat. stylohyoid, stltl-
semi- semi lL.l separuh. Cf. hemi-. semiflexion osteophyte
sens- sentio, sensus [L.] memersepsikan, merasakan. Cf . sub- sub lL.l (bberubah menjadi/atau p di depan kata
esthe-. sensory yang diawali konsonan-konsonan tersebut) di
seP- ,epci [Yun.] membusuk, terurai. sepsis bawah. Cf. hypo-. sr;blingual
septr saepio, saeptus [L.] membungkus, membagi, me- suf- Lihat sub-. srfusion
nyumbat. Cf. phrag-. septonasal sup- Lihat sub-. suppository
sePt-2 septum [L.] tujuh. Cf. hept(a)-. septrplet super- super IL.]diatas, melampaui, ekstrem. Cf. hyper-
ser- serum [L.l air dadih, substansi encer. sel- supermotility
osynovitis suPra- supra [L.] di atas. supraduction
sex-l sex [L.] enam. Cf. hex(a)-. sertuplet sy- Lihat s1m-. systole
sex-2 sexus tL.l seks. seropathy sym- Lihat syn-. symbiosis, symmetry, sympalhelic,
sial- sialon IYun.] saliva. sraladenitis symPhysis
sider- slderos [Yun.] besi. slderoblast syn- syn [Yun.] (n luluh di depan s, berubah menjadi /
sin- sinus lL.l rongga, lipatan. Cf. colp-. sinobronchitis di depan l, dan berubah menjadi m di depan b,
sinistr- sinister [L.l kiri. sln lsfrocerebral m, p, dan ph) dengan, bersama. Cf. con-. syn-
-sis sis [Yun.] akhiran yang menunjukkan proses. arthrosis
amebiasis, psychosis, diagnosis syring- syrinx, syringos [Yun.] pipa, tabung, fistula.
sit- sifos [Yun.] makanan. parasltic syt'ltxSocystadenoma
solen- solon [Yun.] saluran, parit, pipa. solenonychia ta- Lihat ton-. ec/csia
solut- solao, solztentis, solutus lL.) melonggarkan, me- tac- tasso, tag- [Yun.] (fag- berubah menjadi fak- di
larutkan, membebaskan. Cf. 1y-. dissofufion depan f) urutan, sUsunan. atacttform
-solvent Lihat solut-. resolaent tach(y)- tachys lYun.) bergerak cepat. tachography , tachy-
som(at)- soma, somatos [Yun.] badan- Cf. corpor-. psy- cardia
chos omatic, chromosom e tact- tango, tactus [L.] menyentuh. contact
somn- somnus lL.) tidur. somnambulism taenia- taenia lL.l pita. taeniafuge. Juga dieja teniaJ
spas- spa6, spas- [Yun.] menarik. spasm, spastrc tars- farsos [Yun.] permukaan datar yang lebar. tarsot
spectr- spectrum [L.] gambaran, apa yarrg terlihat. mi- rhaphy, farsoclasis
crospeclroscope taur- taurus lL.l banteng. fuztrodontism
sperm(at)- sperma, spermafos [Yun.] benih. spermicide, sper- taut- fnufos [Yun.] sama. tarfomerism
matozoon tax- tasso, tag- [Yun.] (faC- di depan s menjadi fa.r-)
sPers- sparSo, -spersus [L.] menyebarkan. dispersion urutan, susunan. ataxia
sphen- sphdn l\un.l baji. Cf. cvr.e-. sphenoid tect- Lihat teg-. protecfive
spher- sphaira lYun.l bola. hemisphere te8- tego, tectus [L.] menutupi. infegument
sphygm- sphygmos [Yun.] denyutan. spftygmomanometer tel- felos [Yun.] ujung. felomere
spin- spina {L.) duri, tulang belakang. Cf. rachi-. tele- iele [Yun.] berjarak jauh. leleceptor
spinocerebellar tempor- tempus, temporis [L.] waktu, pelipis. temport>-
spir- speira IYun.] spiral. splrochete mandibular
spir(at)- spiro, spiratus [L.] bernapas. spirometry, rnspi- tend(in)- tendo, tendines [L.] tendon. tendovaginal, tendinltts
ratory ten(ont)- tendn, tenontos IYun.] (dari lefuo meregangkan)
splanchn- splanchna [Yun.] "organ dalam, visera. neuro- pita yang sangat teregang. tenodynia, tenon
splanchnic fology
splen- splen lYlrn.l limpa. Cf. lien-. splenomegaly tens- tendo, tensus IL..] meregangkan. Cf. ton-. exfensor
spondyl- spondylos [Yun.] vertebra . spondylolisthesis terat- teras, teratos [Yun.] monster. teratoma
spongi- spongia lL.) spons. spongioblastoma ter(ti)- fer [L.] tiga kaii. Cf. tri-. termolecular,tertigravida
spor- sporos [yvn.) benih. sporocyst, zoospore test- testislL.l testis. Cf. orchi-. fesfitis
squam- squama [L.l sisik. desquamahon tetr(a)- tetra- fYun.) empat. Cf. quadr-. tetradactyly,
sta- histdmi, sta- [Yun.] menahan, menghentikan. tetroxide
hemoslasis thanat- thanatos [Yun.] kematian. thanatophobta
stal- stell6, stal- [Yun.] mengirim. perisfalsis. (Lihat the- tithemi, the- [Yun.] meletakkan, menaruh. syn-
juga -stol) thesis
staphyl- staphylE [Yun.l segerombol anggur, uvula, sfa- thec- flzeke [Yun.] wadah penyimpan, koper. flzecos-
phyl ococcus, s t aph y I ede ma tegnosis
stear- stear, stentos [Yun.] lemak. Cf. adip-. stearate thel(e)- fhelc [Yun.] puting susu. theletethism, theleplasty
(Lihat iuga lip-) therap- therapeia [Yun.] terapi. chemothe/apy
steat- Lihat stear-. steatorrhea therm- therme lYun.) panas. Cf. calor-. diathermy
sten- sfenos [Yun.] sempit, tertekan. sfenothorax thi- theion fYun.l sulfur. fftiazole, thiocyanale
ster- sfereos [Yun.] padat. cholesferol thigm- thigma fYllrul sentuhan. thigmotaxis
sterc- stercus lL.l kotoran, feses. Cf. copr-. stelcoroma thorac- thdrax, thdrakos [Yun.] dada. thoracoplasty
stern- sternon [Yunl sternum. sternalgia, sfernoschisis -thrix Lihat trich-. monilethrix
steth' sfelftos [Yun.] dada. sfefhoscope thromb- thrombos [Yun.] gumpalan, bekuan. thrombo-
sthen- sthenos lYvn.l kekuatan. asthenia cytopenia
-stol- stello, stol- [Yun.] mengirim. diasfole thym-t tlrymos lYun.l thymus. thymorna
stom(at)- stoma, stomatos [Yun.] mulut, lubang. Cf. or-. thym-z thymos lYun.l iiwa. Cf. ment-. dysthymia, thym-
anas t omosrs, st omat algia oleptic
strep(h)- strepho, strep- (di depan i) [Yun.] memilin. Cf. thyr- thyreos [Yun.l perisai (berbentuk seperti pintu
lors-. strephosymbolia, sfreptomycin. (Lihat fthyral). tltyroid
juga stroph-) -tme- temno, tm6, [Yun.] memotong. axonofmesis
strict- stringo, sttingentis, strictus [L.] menarik dengan toc- lokos [Yun.] pelahiran. dysfocia
kuat, menekan, menimbulkan nyeri. con- tom- temno, tom- [Yun.] memotong. Cf. sect-.
striction app endect o my, tom o gr aphy
-stringent Lihat strict-. astringent ton- teino, ton-, fa- [Yun.] meregangkan, menegang-
stroph- streph6, stroBh- [Yun.] memilin. Cf. tors-. angio- kan. Cf. tens-. perifoneum
strophe. (Lihat juga strep(h)-) top- fopos [Yun.] tempat. Cf. loc-. iopesthesia, isofope
struct- st/uo, structus [L.] mernadati (sehingga meng- tors- torqueo, torsus [L.] memilin. Cf. strep(h)- dan
halangi sesuatu). obstruction stroph-. forsion
Lampiran 1 2457
tox(ic)- toxicon LYun.) (dari toxon busur) racun panah, uter- uterus lL.l rahim. Cf. hyster- dan melr-2. uter
racun. foxemia, toxicology orectal
trache- tracheia lYrn.l pipa angin. tracheotomy vacc- oacca [L.l sapi.. oaccine
trachel- trachelos [Yun.] leher. Cf. cervic-. trachelopexy vagin- oagina lL.l sarung. inaaginalion, uaginilis
tract- traho, tructus [L.] menarik, menyeret. protraction varic- uarix, aaricis [L.] vena varicosa. uaricocele
trans- trans lL.l meialui. transaortic, transfecion vas- ucs [L.] pembuluh. Cf. angi-. oascular
traumat- trauma, traumatos [Yun.] fuka. traumatic ven- oena lL.l vena. Cf. phleb-. zrenopressor
trepo- trepo lYun.l berbelok. trepopnea, treponena ventr- uenter [L.) pefl)|. aentrocystorrhaphy, uentri-
tri- treis, tria [Yun.] atau tri- lL.) tiga. Cf. ter(ti)- culotomy
trilaminar vers- Lihat vert-. inuersion
trich- thrix, trichos [Yun.] rambut. trichobezoar vert- uerto, oersus [L.] berbelok. diaerficulum
trip- trlbo [Yun.] menggosok. lithotripsy vesic- aesicalL.lkandung kemih. Cf . cyst-. aeslcovagina I

trop- trepo, trop- l\ un ] berbelok, bereaksi. sitolropism video- aideo [L.] melihat. aideolapatoscopy
troph- trepo, troph- [Yun.] merawal. atrophy viscer- uiscus, aisceris [L.] organ dalam. alsceromotor
tub- tubus lL.l pipa. tuboplasty vit- oita lL.) hidup. Cf. b|. deuitalize
tuber- tuber lL.l benjolary nodus. tubercle vivi- oiaus lL.l hidup. aialparous
tyP- typos IY un.] (dari typto menyerang) jenis. afypical vuls- uello, oulsus fL.]menarik, menyentak. conuulsion
typh- typhos lYun.l kabut, stupor. fypftus xanth- xanthos lYun.l kuning, pirang. Cf. flav- and lute-
typhl- typhlos lYun.l buta. Cf. cec-. typhlectomy xanthochromia
tyr- htros lY.ur:..l keju. fyrogenous xen- xeros [Yun.] asing. xenografr
ul-r oul6 [Yun.] parut. ulerythema xer- xeros [Yun.] kering. reroderma
ul-2 oulon l\un.l gusi. ulatrophy xiph- xiphos [\un.] taju pedang, processus xiphoideus
ultra- ultra [L.) melampaui. ultrastructure xiphodynia
uni- unus [L.) satu. Cf. hen-. unilateral -yl- hyle lYun.l zat. carboxyl
ur- ouron lYun.] urine. polyilria zo- zoe [Yun.] hidup atau z6on [Yun.J hewan. mt-
uran- ouranos lYun.l atap surga, atau dtap mulut. Cf, croz00n
p alat-. ur anostaphyloplasty zyg- zygon lYun.i kuning telur, Penyatuan. zygo-
ureter- ourEter lY un.l ureter. ur eterogr aphy dactyly
urethr- ourdthra [Yun.l uretra. urethropexy zym- zr.1 me lY un.l mdra gikan. enzv m e



A accommodation; adenine; adenosine; alveolar ADCC antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoioxicity

gas (sebagai subskrip); ampere; anode; ante- add. L. adde (tambahkan); L. addatur (tambahkan)
rior ADH alcohol dehydrogenase; antidiuretic hormone
A, L. annum (tahun) Adhib. L. adhibendus (berikan)
A absorbance; activity; admittance; areai mass ADL activities of daily living
number ad lib. L. ad libitum (sesukanya)
AI first auditory area admov. L. admove (tambahkan); L. admoveatur (tam-
AII second auditory area bahkan)
Az aortic second sound AdoCbl adenosylcobalamin
A angstrom ADP adenosine diphosphate
a accommodation; arterial blood (sebagai sub- ADPKD autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
skrip); atto- Ad pond. om. L. ad pondus omnium (sampai berat keselu-
a. L. annum (tahun); L. aqua (air); L. arteria (arteri) ruhannya)
11 acceleration; activity; specific absorptivity adst. feb. L. adstante febre (kalau demam)
a- L. ante (sebelum) Adv. L. adversum fterlawanan)
c[ alpha chain of hemoglobin; Bunsen coefficient; Ad 2 vic. L. ad duas vices (untuk dua kali, untuk dua
heavy chain of IgA; probability of Type I er- dosis)
ror A-8, AE above-e1bow
AA achievement age; amino acid AED automatic external defibrillator
aa. L. arteriae (arteri-arteri) A"g. L. aeger, aegra (pasien)
AAV adeno-associated virus AEP auditory evoked potential
AB L. Artium Baccalaurerrs (Bachelor of Arts) aet. L. aetas (usia)
Ab antibody AF atrial fibriilation
ABC argon beam coagulator; aspiration biopsy cytol- AFib atrial fibrillation
ogy AFI atriai flutter
ABCD Adriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, CCNU AFO ankle-foot orthosis
(lomustine.;, dan dacarbazine AFP alpha fetoprotein
ABE acute bacterial endocarditis AFX atpical fibroxanthoma
ABG arterial blood gases AG atrial gallop
ABI ankle-brachial index Ag antigen; perak (L. argentum)
ABMT autologous bone marrow transplantation AGEP acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
ABP arterial blood pressure AGEPC acetyl glyceryl ether phosphoryl choline
ABR auditory brainstem response aggred. fed. L. aggrediente febre (kalau sedang demam)
abs. feb. L. absente febre (kalau tidak dernam) Agit. vas. L. agitato vase (vial dikocok)
abst, abstl a!stract AGT antiglobulin test
ABVD Adriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, vinblas- ah hyperopic astigmatism
tine, dan dacarbazine AHF antihemophilic factor (Faktor VIII)
AC acromioclavicular; air conduction; alternating AHG antihemophilic globulin (Faktor VIII)
current axiocervical; Adriamycin (doxoru- AHP Assistant House Physician
bicin) dan cyclophosphamide AHS Assistant House Surgeon
Ac actinium AI anaphylatoxin inactivator; aortic incompetence;
a,c. L. ante cibum (sebelum makan) aortic insuf{iciency; apical impulse; artificial
ACAT acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase insemination
Acc accommodation AICC anti-inhibitor coagulant complex
ACD acid citrate dextrose AICD activation-induced cell death; automatic im-
ACE angiotensin-converting enzy me piantable.cardioverter-def ibrillator
ACG angiocardiography; apexcardiogram AID artificial insemination by donor
AcG accelerator globulin (faktor V) AIDS acquired immunodeficiency slndrome
ACh acetylcholine AIH artificial insemination by husband
AChE acetylcholinesterase AIHA a utoimmune hemolytic anemia
ACP acid phosphatase AILD angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with
ACPS acrocephalopolysyndactyiy dysproteinemia
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone AIP acute intermi ttent porphyria
AD alcohol dehydrogenase; L. auris dexha (telinga A-KAK above-knee
kanan) AI aiuminum
ADA adenosine deaminase ALA aminolevulinic acid

LamPiran 2 2459
alanine ARPKD autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable (dosis pajanan ART Accredited Record Technician; assisted repro-
radiasi) ductive technology; automated reagin test
ALAS 5-aminolevulinate synthase AS aortic stenosis; arteriosclerosis; L. auris sinistra
ALAT alanine aminotransferase (telinga kiri)
antilymphocyte globulin As arsenic; astigmatism
ALL acuie lymphoblastic leukemia ASA acetylsaiicylic acid; argininosuccinic acid;
ALP alkaline phosphatase antisperm antibodY
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; .antilymphocyte 5-ASA 5-aminosalicyiic acid
serum. ASAT aspartate aminotransferase
ALT alanine transaminase ASCT autologous stem ceil transplantation
Alt. dieb. L. alternis diebus (setiap hari yang lain) ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Alt. hor. L. alternis horis (setiap jam yang lain) ASF anilin, formaidehid, dan sulfur
AM L. Artium Magister (Master of Arts) AS}I asynmetrical septal hypertrophy
americium ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
am ametropia; meter angle; myopic astigmatism ASI Addiction Severity Index
Amh mixed astigmatism with myopia predominating ASL antistreptoiysin
over hyperopia Asn asparagine
AMI acute myocardial infarctidn ASO arteriosclerosis obliterans
AML acu te myelogenous leukemia AsP aspartic acid
AMP adenosine monophosphate asRNA antisense RNA
3"s'.AMP cfclic AMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate ASS anterior superior spine (pada ilium)
ams amount of substance AST aspartate transaminase
amu atomic mass unit Ast. astigmatism
An anodal; anode Asth. asthenopia
ANA antinuclear antibodies AT atrial tachycardia
anat. anatomical; anatomy At astatine
ANCA antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (atau ATA alimentary toxic aleukia
antibody) ATCC American Type Culture Collection
ANCOVA analysis of covariance ATG antithymocyte globulin
ANF antinuclear factor ATL adult T-cell leukemia/Iymphoma
ANNA.1 type 1 antineuronal antibodY atm atmosphere
ANNA-2 type 2 antineuronai antibodY ATN fyrosinase-negative (ty-neg) oculocutaneous al-
ANOVA analysis of variance binism
ANP atrial natriuretic PePtide at no atomic number
anterior nasal spine; autonomic nervous system ATP adenosine triphosphate
ant. anterlor ATPase adenosinetriphosphatase
ANTU alphanaphthyl thiourea ATS antitetanic serum
ANUG acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis at vol atomic volume
AO ankle orthosis; opening of the atrioventricular at wt atomic weight
valves AU L. aures unitas (kedua teiinga bersama-sama);
AP action potential; angina pectoris; anterior pitu- L. auris uterque (setiaP telinga)
itary; interoposterior; arterial Pressure Au Australian antigen; emas (L. aurum)
Apaf-l apoptotic Protease activating factor 1 AUC. area under the curve
A.PB atrial premature beat AUL acute undif f erentiated leukemia
APC atrial premafure complex; activated protein C AV,A-V atrioventricular; arteriovenous
APCA anti-Purkinje ce1l antibodY av avoirdupois
APCC anti-inhibitor coagulant complex AVA anthrax vaccine adsorbed
APD atrial premature depolarization; aminoiry- AVN atrioventricular node
droxypropylidene diphosphonate (pamidro- AVP arginine vasopressin
nate) AVRT atrioventricr.rlar reciprocating tachycardia
APF acidulated phosphate fluoride awu atomic weight unit
APP amyloid precursor Protein ax, axis
APS antiphospholipid (antibody) syrrdrome Az azote
APTT, APTT activated partial thromboplastin time AZQ diaziquone
APUD amine precursor uptake (and) decarboxylation AZT zidovudine
AQ achievement quotient B bel; borrrn
Aq. L. aqua (air) B magnetic flux density
Aq. dest. L. aqua destillata (air suling) b barn; base (asam nukleat)
Aq. pur. L. aqua pura (air murni) B beta chain of hemoglobin
Aq. tep. L. aqua tepida (air hangat) BA Bachelor of Arts
AR alarir realtion; aortic regurgitationi artificial Ba barium
respiration BAC bacterial artificial chtomosome
Ar argon BACOP bleor4ycin, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), cyclo-
ara-A adenine arabinoside phosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), dan
ara-C arabinosylcytosine prednisone
ARC AlDS-related complex; anornalous retinal corre- BAEP brainstem auditory evoked potential
spondence BAL British antilewisite; biphenotypic acute leuke-
ARD acute respiratory disease (segala bentuk yang mia
tidak 6isa ditentukan); acute respiratory dis- BAN British Approved Name
tress BAO basal acid output
ARDS acute respiratory distress slmdrome; adult re- BATO boronic acid adduct of technetium oxime
spiratory distresq sYndrome BBB blood-brain barrier; bundle branch block
ARF acute renal failure BBBB bilateral bundle branch block
Atg arginine BBT basal body temperature
AROA autosornal recessive ocular albinism BC bone conduction
2460 Lampiran 2

BCAA branched-chain amino acids c konsentrasi moiar; kapasitas kaior spesifik;

B-CAVe bleomycin, CCNU (lomustine), Adriamycin kecepatan cahaya dalam ruang hampa
(doxorubicin), dan vinblastine a L. cum (dengan)
BCDF B cell differentiation factors X2 chi-square
BCF basophil chemotactic factor CA cardiac arres! chronological age; cold agglutinin;
BCG bacille Calmette-Gu6rin; bicolor guaiac test; coronary artery; croup-associated (virus)
ballistocardiogram cA 125 cancer antigen 125
BCGF B cell growth factors Ca calcium
BCNU carmustine ca L. circa (sekitar)
b.d. L. bis die (dua kali sehari) CABG coronary artery bypass graft
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery CAD coronary artery disease; chronic actinic dermati-
BDSc Bachelor of Dental Science tis
B-E, BE below-elbow CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Be beryllium Cal large calorie (kilocalorie)
BF blastogenic factor cal calorie
BFP biologic f alse-positive Cale{. L. calefac (menghangatkan); L. calefactus (diha-
BFU.E burst-forrning unit-erythroid ngatkan).
BH4 tetrahydrobiopterin CALLA common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen
BHA butylated hydroxyanisole CAM cell adhesion moiecules; complementary and al-
BHC benzene hexachloride ternative medicine
BHT butylated hydroxytoluene cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Bi bismuth CAP catabolite (gene) activator protein
Bib. L. bibe (minum) caP. L. capiat (pakailah)
b.i.d. L. bis in die (dua kali sehari) CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
B.K, BK below-knee Capsul. L. capsula (kapsul)
BK berkelium CASA computer-aided (atau assisted) semen analysis
8KV BK virus CAT computerized axial tomography
BMI body mass index Cath. L. catharticus (katartik)
BMP bone morphogenetic protein CAVB complete atrioventricular block
BMR basal metabolic rate CB L. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Sur-
BMS Bachelor of Medical Science gery)
BMT behavioral marital therapy; bone marrow trans- cbc complete blood count
plantation CBF cerebral blood flow
BNA Basle Nomina Anatomica CBG corticosteroid-binding globulin
BNP brain natriuretic peptide cbt cobalamin
BoI. L. bolus (pil) CC chief complaint
BOOP bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneu- cc cubic centimeter
monia ccA congenital contractural arachnodactyly
BP blood pressure; British Pharmacopoeia CCAT conglutinating complement absorption test
bp base pair; boiling point CCF crystal-induced chemotactic factor
BPH beni gn prostatic hyperplasia ccK cholecystokinin
BPh British Pharmacopoeia ccP complement control protein
BPI bactericidal permeability increasing protein CCPD continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
BPIG bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin CCU . coronary care unit; critical care unit
BPRS Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale CD cadaveric dohor; cluster designation; coniugata
Bq becquerel diagonalis; curative dose
Br bromine CDso median curative dose
BrdU 5-bromodeoxyuridine cd cadmium; caudal; coccygeal
BTIDA mebrofenin cd candela
BRM biologic response modifier 2-CdA cladribine
BS Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Sciencei blood CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
, sugar; breath sounds CDDP cls-diamminedichloroplatinum (cisplatin)
BSA body surface area cdf cumulative distribution function
BSF B lymphocyte stimulating factor CDH congenital dislocation of the hip
BSS Bernard-Soulier syndrome cDNA complementary DNA; copy DNA
BTK Bruton ty'rosine kinase CDP cytidine diphosphate
BTU British thermal unit Ce cerium
BUDR 5-bromodeoxyuridine CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
Bull. L. bulliat (didihkan) Cel Celsius
BUN blood urea nitrogen CEM contagious equine metritis
But. L. butyrum (mentega) CEP congenital erythropoietic porphyria
EVAD biventricular assist device ces central excitatory state
C canine (tooth); carbon; cathode; Celsius (scale); CESD cholesteryl ester storage disease
cervical vertebrae (C1-C7); cionus; closure; CETP cholesteryl ester transfer protein
color sense; compiement (Cl sampai C9); CF carbolfuchsin; cardiac failure; Christmas factor;
compliance (subskrip menunjukkan struk- citrovorum factor
turnya, e.g., Ct, lulrg compliance); contrac- Cf californium
tion; coulomb; cyiinder; cylindrical lens; CFAP cfuonic functional abdominal pain
cytidine; cytosine; large calorie CFC chlorofluorocarbon
capacitance; clearance (subskrip menunjukkan cff critical fusion frequency
zat\ya,e.g.,Cr atau Crn inulin clearance); heat CFT complement fixation test
capacity CFTR cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
oc derajat Celsius CFU colony-forming unit
c centi-; small c'alorie CFU-C colony-forining unit-culture
c. L. cibus (makanan); L. cum (dengan) CFU-E colony-forming unit-erythroid
Lampiran 2 2461
CFU.GM colony-f orming unit-granulocyte-macropha ge coBs cesarean-obtained barrier-sustained
CFU-S colony-forming uni t-spleen coc ca lcifying od ontogenic cyst

CGD cfuonic granulomatous disease cochl. L. cochleare (sesendok penuh)

CGH comparative genomic hybridization cochl. amp. L. cochleare amplum (sesendok munjung)
cGMP cyclic guanosine monophosphate cochl. mag. L. cochleare magnum (satu sendok-makan be-
CGS, cgs centimeter-gram-second system sar)
cGy centrigray cochl. med. L. cochleare medium (satu sendok-makan
CH crown-heel (panjang fetus) sedang)
CH50, CHso total hemolytic complement cochl. parv. L. cochleare parvum (sesendok teh)
Chart, L. charta (kertas) Coct. L. coctio (mendidih)
chB L. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Sur- Col. L. cold (regangan)
gery) Colat. L. colatus (teregang)
CHD congenital heart disease; coronary heart disease COLD chronic obstructive lung disease
chD L. Chirurgiae Doctor (Doctor of Surgery) Colet. L. coletur.(regangkan)
chE cholinesterase Collut. L. collutorium (obat kumur)
CHF congestive heart failure Collyr. L. collyrium (obat tetes mata)
CHL crown-heel length (fetus) Color. L. coloretur (warnai)
ChM L. Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery) Comp, L. compositus (gabungan)
cHo Chinese hamster ovary (cell) ConA concanavalin A
CHOP cyclophosphamide; hydroxydaunomycin (doxo- Concis. L.concisus (memotong)
rubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), dan predni- Cons. L. conserva (menyimpan)
sone Cont. L. contusus (memar)
CHOP.BLEO ryclophosphamide; hydroxydaunomycin (doxo- Contin. L. continuetur (lanjutkan)
rubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), prednisone, Cont. rem. L. continuetur remedium (lanjutkan obat ter-
dan bleomycin sebut)
Chr chromosome coP cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), dan
cHs cholinesterase prednisone
CI cardiac index; Colour Index COP-BLAM cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), pred-
ci curie nisone, bleomycin, Adriamycin (doxoru-
cib. L. cibus (makanan) bicin), dan Matulane (procarbazine)
CIDP cfuonic inflammatory demyelinating poly- COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
newopathy COPP cyclophospharnide, Oncovin (vincristine), pro-
CIE counterimmunoelec irophoresis carbazine, dan prednisone
CIH Certificate in lndustrial Health Coq. L. coque (didihkan)
Ci-hr curie-hour Coq. in s. a, L. coque in sufficiente aqua (didihkan dalam air
CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia secukupnya)
C1 INH C1 inhibitor Coq, s. a, L. coque secundum artem (didihkan dengan
CK creatine kinase benar)
CI chlorine Cort. L. cortex (kulit kayu)
CIC chloride channel. CP candle power; chemically pure
CLIP corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide cP centipoise
CM L. Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery) C3PA C3 proactivator (sebelumnya dinamakan faktor
Cm cunum B)
cM centimorgan CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
cm centimeter cPc clinicopatholo gical conf erence
cm2 square centimeter CPD citrate phosphate dextrose
cm3 cubic centimeter CPDA-1 citrate phosphate dextrose adenine
CMA Certified Medical Assistant CPDD calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
CMAP compound muscle action potential C Ped Certified Pedorthist
CMD cerebromacular degeneration CPH Certificate in Public Health
CMF cyclophosphamide, methokexate, dan S-fluo- CPI California Personality Inventory; congenital
rouracil p alatopharyngeal incompetence

CMHC corhmunity mental health center CPK creatine phosphokinase

cm HzO centimeter(s) of water cPm counts per minute
CMI cell-mediated immunity CPP cerebral perfusion pressure
CML ce11-mediated iympholysis CPPD calcium p1'rophosphate dihydrate
cmm cubic millimeter CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
C.MOPP cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), pro- CPS carbarnoyl phosphate synthetase
carbazine, dan prednisone CPSI carbamoyl phosphate sl.nthetase I
CMP cytidine monophosphate CPSII carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II
c.m.s. L. cras mane sumendus (pakailah besok pagi) cPs cycles per second
CMT California mastitis tes! Certified Medical Trans- CR complement receptor; conditioned resPonse;
criptionisf Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease crown-rump (panjang fetus)
cMv cytomegalovirus cR3 complement receptor type 3
CN chloroacetophenone Cr chromium
c.n. L. cras nocte @esok malam) Crast. . L. crastinus (r:rrtuk besok)
cN-cbl cyanocobalamin CREG cross-reactive group (pada antigen HLA)
C3 NeF C3 nephritic factor CRF chronic renal failure
CNM Certified Nurse-Midwife CRH corticotropin-releasing hormone
cNs central nervous system CRL crown-rump length (fetus)
c.n.s. L. cras nocte sumendus (pakailah besok maiam) CRM cross-reacting material
CNV conthgent negative variafi on CRNA Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
co cardiac output cRNA complementary RNA
Co cobal! coccygeal (dalam forrnula vertebra) CRP C-reactive protein
CoA coenzyme A CRPS complex regional pain syndrome
CoA-SH coenzl'rne A CRRT continuous renal replacement therapy
2462 Lampiran 2
Crys' crystal dCMP deoxycytidine monophosphate
cs cesarean section; conditioned stimulus; coro- DCOG Diploma of the Coilege of Obstetricians dan Cy-
nary sinus; o-chlorobenzylidenemalononi- naecologists (British)
hile dCTP deoxycytidine triphosphate
Cs cesium DCx double convex
csc Per. coup sur coup (benturan pada benturan) d.d. L. detur ad (berikan kepada)
CSF cerebrospinal fluid; coiony-stimulating factor ddc dideoxycytidine
csF-1" macrophage colony-stimulating factor DDH developmental dysplasia of the hip
CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion ddI dideoxyinosine
CSM cerebrospinal meningitis DDP, cls-DDP cls-diamminedichloropiatinum (cisplatin)
C-spine cervical spine DDS diaminodiphenylsulfone (dapsone); Doctor of
csr contraction stress test Dental Surgery
CT computed tomogaphy DDSc Doctor of Dental Science
CTBA cetrimonium bromide Deb. spis. L. debita spissitudine (dalam konsistensi yang
CTL cytotoxic T lymphocytes tepat)
CTP cytidine hiphosphate Dec. L. decanta (tuang)
Cu tembdga (L. cuprum) Decoct. L. decoctum (rebusan)
cuj. L. cujus (kepunyaan) Decub. L. decubitus (berbaring)
cv cardiovascular; closing volume; coefficient of de d. in d. L. de die in diem (dari hari ke hari)
variation DEF decayed, extracted, filied
c.v, L. cras vespere (besok sore); L. conjugata vera D"g degeneration; degree
(diameter-konjugat pintu atas panggul yang Deglut. L. deglutiatur (telanlah)
sebenarnya) del deletion
cvA cerebrovascular accident; costovertebral angle Dep. L. depuratus (dimumikan)
CVID common variable immunodefi ciency DES diethylstilbestrol
CVP central venous pressure;. cyclophosphamide, dest. L. destilla (menyuling); L. destillatus (disuling)
vincristine, dan prednisone destil. L. destilla (menyuling)
cvs cardiovascular systemi chorionic villus sam- DET diethyltryptarnine
pling Det. L. detur @erikan)
cx circumflex artery Det. in dup., L. detur in duplo @erikan dua kalinya)
Cx cervix; convex Det. in 2 plo
Cy cyanogen D. et s. L. detur et signetur fterlkan dan tandai)
Cyath. L. cyathus (segelas penuh) DFP diisopropyl flurophosphate
cYc cyclophosphamide DFI defibrillation threshold
cyclic AMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate dG deoxyguanosine
cyclic GMP cyclic guanosine monophosphate DGC dystrophin-glycoprotein complex
cyl cylinder; cylindricai lens dGDP deoxyguanosine diphosphate
cys cysteine dGMP deoxyguanosine monophosphate
Cys-Cys cystine dGTP deoxyguanosine triphosphate
D dalton; deciduous (too*i); decimal reduction DH delayed hypersensitivity
time; density; deuterium; died; diffusing ca- DHA 2,8-dihydroxyadenine; docosahexaenoic acid
pacity; diopter; distal; dorsal vertebrae DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone
(Dt-D12); dose; duration; dwarf (colony) DHF dihydrofolate; dihydrofolic acid
D, L. da (berikan); L. detur (berikan); L. dexter DHFR dihydrofolate reductase
(kanan); L. dosis (dosis) DHg Doctor of Hygiene
Dr diffusing capacity of the lung DHom Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine
d day; deci-; deoxyribose DHPG 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl glycol;
d. L. da @erikan); L. detur @erikan); L. dexter 9-[(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxy)methyl] gua-
(kanan); L. dosis (dosis) nine (ganciclovir)
d density; diameter DHPR 6,7-dihydropteridine reductase
A perubahan (seperti pada suhu); kenaikan DHT dihydrotestosterone
6 delta chain of hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgD DHv Doctor of Hygiene
DA developmenta I age; diphenylchlorarsine DIC diffuse inkavascular coagulation; disseminated
Da dalton intravascular coa gulation
DAC decitabine Dieb. alt. L. diebus alternis (pada hari-hari lain)
DACT dactinomycin Dieb. tert. L. diebus tertiis (setiap hari ketiga)
DAD delayed afterdepolarization Dig. L. digeratur (makanlah)
dADP deoxyadenosine diphosphate dil. L. dilue (mengencerkan, melarutkan)
DAEC diffusely adherent Escherichia coli Diluc. L. diluculo (saat fajar)
DAF decay acceierating factor dilut. L. dilutus (encer)
dAMP deoxyadenosine monophosphate dim. L. dimidius (separuh)
DandC dilation and curettage D. in p. aeq. L. divide in partes aeguales (bagi sama banyak-
dATP deoxyadenosine kiphosphate nYa)
DAy Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine Dir. prop. L. directione propria (dalam arah yang benar)
dB, db decibel DIS Diagnostic Interview Schedule
DBA dibenzanthracene DISIDA diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (disofenin)
DBS deep brain stimulation Dist. L. distilla (menyuling)
DC direct current; Doctor of Chiropractic Div. L. divide (membagi)
D&C diiation and curettage dk deca-
dC deoxycytidine Dr. diffusing capacity of ihe lung
DCA desoxycorticosterone acetate dL deciliter
DCc double concave DLE discoid lupus erythematosus
dCDP deoxycytidine.dipho_sphate DM diabetes mellitus; diphenylamine chlorarsine
DCF direct cenhifugal flotation DMAPN dimethylaminopropionitrile
DCH Diploma in Child Health DMARD disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ DMBA 7,12-dimeihylbenz Ia] anthracene
Lampiran 2 2463
DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine e electron
DMF decayed,missing,filled;dimethylformamide e satuan dasar muatan listrik; basis logaritma na-
DMPE 3,4-dime thoxyphenyle thylamine tural
DMRD Diploma in Medical Radio-Diagnosis (British) e+ positron
DMRT Diploma in Medical Radio-Therapy (British) e- electron
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide epsilon chain of hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgE;
DMT dimethyltryptamine molar absorptivity
DN dibucaine number n absolute viscosity
DNA deoxyribonucieic acid EAC erythrocyte, antibody, and complement
DNase deoxvribonuclease EACA epsilon-aminocaproic acid
DNB dinitiob'enzene; Diplomate of the National EAD early afterdepolarization
Board 1of Medical Examiners) ead. L. eadem (sama)
DNCB dinitrochlorobenzene EAE experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
DNFB dinitrofluorobenzene EAEC enteroadherent Escherichia coli
DNOC dinitro-o-cresol EAggEC enteroaggregativ e Es cherichia coli
DNR do not resuscitate EAHF eczema, asthma, hay fever
DO Doctor of Osteopathy EAP epiallopregnanolone
DOA dead on arrival EAR expired air resuscitation
DOC 1 1 -deoxycorticosterone Ea, R. Jer. Entartungs-Reaktion (reaksi degenerasi)
DOM 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine EAV electroacupuncture after Voll
Donec alv, L. donec alvus soluta fuerit (sampai usus ter- EB elementary body
sol. fuerit buka, i.e., sampai timbul pergerakan usus) EBCT electron beam computed tomography
DP Doctor of Pharmacy; Doctor of Podiaky; L. EBL enzootic bovine leukosis
directione propria (dalam arah yang benar) EBV Epstein-Barr virus
DPH Diploma in Public Health EC Enz)'rne Commission
DPM Diploma in Psychological Medibine; Doctor of ECD ethyl cysteinate dimer
Podiatric Medicine ECF extracellular fluid; eosinophil chemotactic fac-
DPT diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis tor; extended care facility
vaccine ECF-A eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis
DR reaction of degeneration ECG electrocardiogram
dr dram ECI eiectrocerebral inactivity
DRG Diagnosis-Related Group ECM extracellular matrix
DrPH Doctor of Public Health ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
DRPLA dentatorubral-paliidoluysian atrophy ECS electrocerebral silence
DSC Doctor of Surgical Chiropody ECT electroconvulsive therapy
dsDNA double-stranded DNA ED effective dose; emergency department; erectile
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- dysfunction; erythema dose
orders EDto median effective dose
dsRNA double-stranded RNA EDR effective direct radiation; electrodermal res-
DT diphteria and tetanus toxoids Ponse
Dt duration tetany EDRF endothelium-derived relaxing factor
dT deoxythymidine EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
DTaP diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular EDV end-diastolic volume
pertussis vaccine EEE eastern equine encephalomyehtis
D,T.D. L. datur talis dosis (berikan sejumlah dosis EEG electroencephalogram
tersebut) EENT eyes/ ears, nose, and throat
dTDP deoxyt\midine diphosphate EERP extended endocardial resection procedure
DTH delayed-type hlpersensiiivity EFA essential fatty acid
DTIC, DtiC dacarbazine EGD esopha go gastroduodenoscopy
dTMP deoxythymidine monophosphate EGF epidermal growth factor
DTP diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis EGTA egtazic acid
vaccine EHBF estimated hepatic blood flow
DTPA dieihylenetriamine pentaacetic acid EHDP etidronate (ethane-1-hydroxy-1,2-diphospho-
dTTP deoxythymidine triphosphate nate)
dU deoxyuridine EHEC enterohemorrh agic Escheri cia coli
DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding EI erythema infectiosum
dUMP deoxyuridine monophosphate EIA enzyme immunoassay
Dur. dolor. L. durante dolore (kalau masih nyeri) EIEC enteroinvasive Escherichia coli
dUTP deoxyuridine triphosphate EIT erythrocyte iron hrmover
dv double vibrations Ejusd. L. ejusdem (serupa)
DVM Doctor of Veteri-naty Medicine EKG electrocardiogram
DVT deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis EKY electrokymogram
Dy dysprosium ELBW extremely low birth weight
dyt dyne ELISA enz).'rne{inked immunosorbent assay
E emmetropia; enzyme; exa- Em emmetropia
E elastance; energy; exPectancy; electromotive EMB eosin-methylene blue
force; illumination; eleclric intensity; redox EMC encephalomyocarditis
potential EMF electromotive force
Er estrone EMG electromyogram
Ez estradiol E-P. L. emplasrrum (pleste4
Es estriol EMS Emergency Medical Service
Ea estetrol emul. L. emulsum (emulsi)
En redox potential ENA extractable nuclear antigens
E0 standard reduction potential ENaC epithelial sodium channel
2464 Lampiran 2
ENC electronystagmography s-Fc flucytosine
ENT ear/ nose, and throat fci femtocurie
EOG electro-olfactogram FDA Food and Drug Adrninistration; L. fronto-dextra
EP evoked potential antedor (frontoanterior kanan [posisi fetus])
EPA eicosapentaenoic acid FDP fibrin degradation products; fibrinogen degra-
EPEC enteropathogenic Escherichia coli dation products; L. fronto-dextra posterior
EPM progressive myoclonic epilepsy (frontoposterior kanan [posisi fetus])
EPP erythropoietic protoporphyria FDT L. fronto-dextra fransversa (frontotransversal
EPR electron paramagnetic resonance; electrophre- kanan [posisi fetus])
nic respiration F-dUMP S-fiuorodeoxyuridine monophosphate
EPSP excitatory postsl'naptic potential FEu. fractional excretion of sodium
ER emergency room; endoplasmic reticulum; estro- FEN" excreted fraction of filtered sodium
gen receptor Fe besi (L. ferrurn)
Er erbiurn Feb. dur. L. febre durante (kalau masih demam)
ERBF effective renal blood flow FEF forced expiratory flow
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra- Fem. intern. L. femoribus internus (pada sisi dalam paha)
Phv FEP free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
ERG electroretinogram Ferv. T-. fervens (mendidih)
ERGIC endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate FES functional electrical stimulation; functional en-
compartment doscopic sinus surgery
ERM egriry radixin, dan moiesin FEV forced expiratory volume
ERP endocardial resection procedure FFA free fatty acids
ERPF effective renal plasma flow FFT flicker fusion threshold
ERV expiratory reserve volume F.h. L. fiat haustus ftuatlah sediaan cair)
Es einsteinium FIA fluorescence immuloassay; fluorescent
ESE Jer. elektrostatische Einheit (satuan elektrosta- immunoassay; uoroimmunoassay
tik) FIAC Fellow of the International Academy of Cytol-
ESF erythropoietic stimulating factor ow
ESP extrasensory perception FICD Fellow of the International College of Dentists
ESR electron spin resonance; erythrocyte sedimenta- FICS Fellow of the International College of Surgeons
tion rate FIGLU formiminoglutamic acid
ESRD end-stage renal disease FIGO Fdddration Internationale de Gyndcologie et
.EST electric shock therapy; electroshock therapy; ex- d'Obstdtrique (lnternational Ferderation of
pressed sequence tag G1'necology and Obstetrics) (classification)
esu electrostatic unit FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization
ESV end-systolic volume FITC fl uorescein isothiocyanate
Et ethyl Fl. fluid
ETEC enterotoxigeni c Escherichia coli FLA L. frontolaeva anterior (frontoanterior kiri
ETF electron transfer fl avoprotein [posisi fetus])
ET.NANB enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis f.l.a. L. fiat lege artis (kerjakan sesuai aturan)
Eu europium fld fluid
CV electron volt fl dr fluid dram
EWHO elbow-wrist-hand orthosis Flor. L. flores ftunga-bunga)
Exhib. L. exhibeatur (berikan) floz fluid ounce
ext. extract FLP L. frontolaeva posterior (frontoposterior kiri
F Fahrenheit (scale); farad; fertility (plasmid); flu- lposisi fetusl)
orine; formula; French (scale); phenylala- FLT L. fronto-laeva transversa (frontofransversa kiri
nine; visual field [posisi fetus])
F, L. fiat (buatlah) F.M. L. fiat mistura (buailah mixtura)
F coefficient of inbreeding; faraday; force Fm fermium
Fr first filiai generation FMN flavin mononucleotide
Fz second filial generation FMNHT bentuk FMN tereduksi
0F derajat Fahrenheit FNH focal nodular hyperplasia
f femto-; jarak fokus FNS functional neuromuscuiar stimulation
fFA frequency FNTC fine needle transhepatic cholangiography
fatty acid; fluorescent antibody F,p. L. fiat potio (buatlah potio)
FAB French-American-British (classification) fp freezing point
Fab fragment, antigen-binding FPG fasting plasma glucose
Facb fragment, antigen-and-compiement-binding F.pil. L. fiani pilulae (buatlah pil)
FACD Fellow of the American College of Dentists Fr francium
FACOG Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians Fract. dos. L. fracta dosi (dalam dosis terbagi)
and Gynaecologists FRC functional residual capacity
FACP Fellow of the American College of Physicians FRCP Fellow of the Royal Coilege of Physicians
FACR Fellow of the American College of Radiology FRCP(C) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of
FACS Fellow of the American College of Surgeons; flu- Canada
orescence-acfivated ce11 sorter FRCPE Fellow of the Royal College o{ Physicians of Ed-
FACSM Feliow of the American Coilege of Sports Medi- inburgh
cine FRCP(Glasg) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and
FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide Surgeons of Glasgow qua Physician
FADHu bentuk FAD tereduksi FRCPI Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ire-
FandR force and rhythm (pulse) land
FAP familial adenomatous polyposis FRCS Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FAPAH Fellow of the Ameriean Public Health Associa- FRCS(C) Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Can-
tion ada
fasc, L. fasciculus (berkas) FRCSEd Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edin-
FC fragmen! crystallizable burgh
Lampiran 2 2465
FRCS(Glasg) Fellow of the Royal Coliege of Physicians and Gly glycine
Surgeons of Glasgow quaSwgeon gm gram
FRCSI Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ire- GMC General Medical Council (British)
land GM-CSF granulocyte-macroPhage colony-stimulating
FRCVS Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Sur- factor
geons GMK green monkey kidney (ce1ls)
FRFPSG Felbw of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and GMO genetically modifi ed organism
Surgeons of Glasgow GMP guanosine monophosPhate
FRS Fellow of the Royal Society 3,,5'-GMP, cyclic guanosine monoPhosPhate
Frust. L. frustillatim (dalam potongan kecil-kecil) cyclic GMP
F.s.a, L. fiat seiundum artem (buatlah dengan teram- GMS Gomori methenamine silver
Gn-RH gonadotropin-releasing hormone
FSF fibrin-stabilizing factor (faktor XII! GOT glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
FSG focal segmental glomerulosclerosis GP general paresis; general practitioner
FSGS focal segmental glomerulosclerosis GPCR G protein-coupled recePtor
FSH f ollicle-stimulating hormone G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydro genase
FSH/LH-RH foilicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing GPT glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
hormone-releasing hormone gt grain
FSH.RH follicle-stirnuiating hormone-releasing hor- Grad. L. gradatim (sedikit demi sedikit)
mone GRH growth hormone-releasing hormone
Ft. L. fiat, fiant Oua-tlah) csc gas-solid chromatograPhY
ft foot GSH glutathione tereduksi
Ft. mas. L. fiat massa dividenda in pilulae @uatlah css Gerstmann-Striiussler-Scheinker syndrome
div. in pil. sekaligus banyak dan bagilah ke dalam se- GSSG glutathione teroksidasi
jumlah pil) gt. L. gutta (tetes)
Ft. pulv. L. fiat pulvis (buatlah serbuk) GTH gonadohopic hormone
5-FU 5-fluorouracil GTN gestationai trophoblastic neoplasia
FUD& FUdR 5-fluorowacil deoxyribonucleoside (floxuri- GTP guanosine kiphosphate
dine) GTT glucose tolerance test
FUO fever of unknown origin ttt. L. guttae (tetes-tetes)
FUS feline urological syndrome GU genitourinary
FVC forced vitai capacity Guttat. L. guttatim (tetes demi tetes)
G gauss; giga-; gravida; guanine; guanosine GutL quibusd. L. guttis quibusdam (dengan beberapa tetes)
G conductance; G force; Gibbs free energy; gravi- GVH graf t-versus-host (disease)
tational constant GXT graded exercise test
gram Gy ETAY
I standard gravity H ]er. Hauch (napas, dipakai r:ntuk merujuk pada
gamma chain of fetal hemoglobin; heavy chain koloni bakteri); henry; histidine; Hounsfield
of IgG unit; hydrogen; hyperoPia
Ga gallium H enthalpy
GABA y-arninobutyric acid Ho null hypothesis
GAD generalized anxiety disorder Hr altemative hypothesis
GAG glycosaminoglycan H, alternative hypothesis
GalNAc N-acetylgalactosamine h hecto-; hour
GALT guFassociated lymphoid tissue h, L. hora (jam)
Galv. galvanic h PIanck's constant; height
GAPD glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase HA hemadsorbent; hepatitis A
Garg L. gargarisma (kumur) HAA hepatitis-associated antigen
GBM glomerular basement membrane HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy
GC gas chromatography HAI hemagglutination inhibition (test)
g-cal. gram calorie HandE hematoxyiin-eosin (stain)
G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor HANE hereditary angioneurotic edema
Gd gadblinium HAT hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine (me-
GDP guanosine diphosphaie dium)
Ge germanium Haust. L. haustus (cairan)
Gel. quav. L. gelatina quavis (dalam segala jenis jelly) HAV hepatitis A virus
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease HB hepatitis B
GeV gigaelectron volt (1.0e electron volts) Hb hemoglobin
GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein HBc hepatitis B core (antigen)
GFR glomerular fi-ltratjon rate HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen
GGR global genome repair Hbcv Haemophilus inlluenzae b conjugate vaccine
GGT y-glutamylkansferase HBE His bundle electrogram
GH growth hormone HBe hepatitis B e (antigen)
GHA glucoheptonate (gluceptate) HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen
GH-RH growth hormone-releasing hormone HbOz oxyhemoglobin
GI gastrointestinal HbPV Haemophilus influenzae b p oly saccharide vaccine
GIFT gamete intrafallopian transfer HBs hepatitis B surface (antigen)
GIP gastric inhibitory polyPePtide HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
GL greatest length HBV hepatitis B virus
gl. L. glandula (kelenjar) HC Hospital Corps
GLC gas-liquid chromato graphy HCG, hCG human chorionic gonadotroPin
GlcNAc N-acefylglucosamine HCM hypertrophic cardiomYoPathY
GLI glucagon like immunoreactivitY HCP hereditary coproporphyria
Gln giutamine Hct hematocrit
GLP glucagon-like peptide HCV hepatitis C virus
Glu glutamic acid HD hemodialysis; Huntington disease
2466 Lampiran 2
H.d. L. hora decubitus (menjelang tidur) HPRT hyp oxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
HDCV human diploid cell (rabies) vaccine HPTA hepatopoietin A
HDL high-densify lipoprotein HPV human papillomavirus
HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HRA high right atrial (electrogram)
HDN hemolytic disease of the newbom HRCT high-resolution computed tomography
HDP hydroxymethylene diphosphonate (oxidronate) HRF histamine-releasing factor; homologous restric-
HDV hepatitis D virus tion factor
H&E hematoxylin-eosin (stain) HRP horseradish peroxidase
He helium HRT hormone replacement therapy
HED Jer. Haut-Einheits-Dosis (dosis kulit satuan) HS house surgeon
HeGF human epidermal growth factor h.s, L. hora somni (menjelang tidur)
HEK human embryo kidney (biakan sel) HSA human serum albumin
HEL human embryo lung ftiakan sel) HSAN hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
HEMPAS hereditary erythroblastic multinuclearity with HSAN-I hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
positive acidified serum (type I)
HEP hepatoerythropoietic porphyria HSAN.II hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
Herb. recent L. herbarium recentium (dari tanaman segar) (tfpe II)
HERV human endogenous retroviruses HSAN-III hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
HETE hydroxyeicosatetaraenoic acid (type III)
HF Hageman factor (faktor XII); high frequency HSR homogeneously staining regions
Hf hafnium HSV herpes simplex virus
Hfr high frequency of recombination 5-HT 5-hydroxyiryptamine (serotonin)
Hg raksa (L. hydrargyrum) Ht total hyperopia
HGA human granulocytic anaplasmosis HTACS human thyroid adenylate cyclase stimulators
Hgb hemoglobin HTC homozygous typing cells
HGBV hepatitis GB virus 3H-TdR tritium-iabeled thymidine
HGE human gran ulocytic ehrlichiosis HTLV.1 human T-lymphotropic virus 1
HGF hepatocyte growth factor HTLV-2 human T-iymphotropic virus 2
HGG human gamma globulin HTLV.III human T-cell Iymphotropic virus t1,?e III (hu-
HGH,hGH human growth hormone man immunodeficiency virus)
hGHr human growth hormone recombinant HUIFN human interferon
HGPRT hypoxanthine-guanine HVA homovanillic acid
phosphoribosyltransf erase HVL half-value iayer
HGV hepatitis G virus Hz hertz
HHT hydroxyheptadecafrienoic acid I incisor; inosine; iodine; isoleucine
HI hemagglutination inhibition I eleckic current; lntensity (energi radiasi); ionic
5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid strength
HIDA hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid IAB infra-aortic balloon (cor:nterpulsation)
HIDS hyperimmunoglobulinemia D slmdrome IABP infra-aortic balloon pump
His histidine IADL instrumental activities of daily living
HIV human imm unodef.iciency virus IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
HKAFO hip-knee-ankle-f oot orthosis IAHA immune adherence hemagglutination assay
HI Iatent hyperopia IAP inhibitor o{ apoptosis protein
HLA human leukocyte antigen IAPP islet amyloid polypeptide
HLHS hypoplastic left heart slmdrome IB inclusion body
Hm manifest hyperopia IBC iron-binding capacity
HMDP hydroxymethylene diphosphonate (oxidronate) IBF immunoglobuiin-binding f actor
HMG 3-hydroxy-3-meihyl glutaryl IBS irritable bowel syndrorne
hMG human menopausal gonadotropin IC inspiratory capacity ; irritabie colon
HMM hexamethylmeiamine ICAM-I intercellular adhesion molecule 1
HMO health maintenance organization ICAM.2 intercellular adhesion molecule 2
HMPA hexamethylphosphoramide ICD implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; Interna-
HMPAO hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime tional Classification of Diseases (of the World
HMSN hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy Health Organization); intrauterine contra-
HMWK high-molecular-wei ght kinino gen ceptive device
HMW-NCF high-molecular-weight neutrophil chemotactic ICF intracelluiar fluid
factor ICP intracranial pressure
HNPCC hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer ICSH interstitial cell-stimuiating hormone (lutei-
hnRNA heterogeneous nuclear RNA nizing hormone)
hnRNP heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection
HO hand orthosis; hip orthosis ICT insulin coma therapy
Ho holmium ICU intensive care rmit
HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy ID intradermal; inside diameter; infective dose
HOP hydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin IDso median infective dose
(vincristine), dan prednisone Id. L. idem (sama)
Hor. decub. L. hora decubitus (menjelang tidur) IDA iminodiacetic acid
Hor, interm. L. horis intermediis (pada jam-jam di antaranya) IDD, IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes melliius (type 1 dia-
Hor. un. L. horae unius spatio (satu jam setelahnya) betes mellitus)
spatio IDL intermediate-density lipoprotein
HP house physician IDU idoxuridine
Hp haptoglobin IEP immunoelectrophoresis
HPA hyp erphenylalaninemia IF intrinsic factor
HPETE hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid IFA lmmunofluorescence assay
HPF high-power fieid IFN interferon
HPL, hPL human placental lactogen Ig immunoglobuiin
HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography IGF insulin-Iike growth f actor
Lampiran 2 2467
ICIV immune globulin intravenous (human) keV kiloelectron volt (1000 electron volts)
IGT impaired glucose tolerance kg kilogram
IHD ischemic heart disease kg-cal large calorie
IHSS idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis kHz kilohertz
IL interleukin kj knee jerk
Ile isoleucine krn kilometer
ILT inf ectious laryngotracheitis KP keratic precipitates
ILVEN inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus Kr krypton
IM intramuscular 17-KS 17-ketosteroid
ImDso median immunizing dose KUB kidney, ureter, and bladder
IMF inframarhmary fold kv kilovolt
IMPA incisal mandibular plane angle kvp kilovolts peak
IMV intermittent mandatory ventilation L iambert; left; leucine; light chain; liter; lung;
IMViC, imvic indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, dan cikate lumbar vertebra (L1-L5)
In indium L. L. libra (pon)
in inch L luminance; self-inductance
in d. L. in dies (per hari) Lo limes nui (dose)
In{. L. infunde (masukkan) L+, L* limes tod (dose)
INH isonicotine hydrazine (isoniazid) LO limes nul (dose)
INN International Nonproprietary Name I iambang untuk liter (dulu)
InsPg inositol 1",4,5-triphosphate t. L. ligamentum (ligamen)
IOL intraocular lens I length;levo-
IOP intraocular pressure l konstanta peluruhan; salah satu dari kedua tipe
IORT intraoperative radiotherapy rantai ringan imunoglobulin; paniang ge-
IP intraperitoneal; isoelectric point lombang
IP: inositol 1.,4,5-triphosphate L&A light and accommodation (reaksi pupii)
IPD intermittent peritoneal dialysis La lanthanum
IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing LAC laparoscopic-assisted colectomy
IPSID immunoproliferative smail intestine disease LAD left anterior descending (coronary artery); Iefi
IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential axis deviation
IPV poliovirus vaccine inactivated LAE left atrial enlargement
IQ intelligence quotieni Lag' L. lagena (labu)
Ir iridium LAH left anterior hemiblock
IRMA immunoradiometric assay LAM lymphangiomyomatosis
IRV inspiratory reserve volume LAO left anterior oblique (posisi fetus)
IS insertion sequence; intercostal space LAP leukocyte adhesion protein; leukocyte alkaline
ISA intrinsic sympathomimetic activity phosphatase
ISO Intemational Standards Organization LAS lymphangioscintigraphy
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; inosine LASIK laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis
triphosphate Lat. dol. L. laieri dolenti (pada sisi yang sakit)
IU lnternational Unit LATS long-acting thyroid stimulator
IUD intrauterine device LATS-p long-acting thyroid stimulator protector
IUGR intrauterine growth reshriction; intrauterine LAV lymphadenopathy-associated virus (human im-
growth retardation munodeficiency virus)
IUI intrauterine insemination LAVH laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy
ry intravenous lb pon (L. libra)
M inferior vena cava LBBB left bundle branch block
IVF in vitro fertilization LBP Iow back pain
IVP intravenous pyelogram; intravenous pyelo- LBW low birth weight @ayi)
graphy LCA left coronary artery; leukocyte common antigen
IVRT isovolumic relaxation time LCAT lecithin-cholesterol acyltransf erase
IVS interventricular septum (pada jantung) LCIS lobular carcinoma in situ
J joul'e LCR locus conkol region
JAK Janus kinase LD lethal dose; light difference
ICV JC virus LDso median lethal dose
juscul. L. jusculum (sup atau kaldu) LDA left dispiacement of the abomasum; left dor-
K kelvin; lysine; potassium (L. kalium) soanterior (posisi fetus)
K konstanta kesetimbangan LDH. L-lactate dehydrogenase
K^ konstanta disosiasi asam LDL low-density iipoprotein
Kt konstanta disosiasi basa LE left eye; lupus erythematosus
Ka konstanta disosiasi LEMS Lamberi-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
K"q konstanta kesetimbangan les local excitatory state
Krur, K^ konstanta Michaelis LET linear energy transfer
K"p konstanta hasil kali kelarutan Leu Ieucine
Kw konstanta disosiasi air Lf iimes flocculating (dose)
k kilo- LFA left frontoanterior (posisi fetus)
k konstanta Boitzmann; konstanta laju reaksi LFA-1, leukocyte function-associated antigen 1
K konstanta dielektrik; salah satu dari kedua tipe LFA-2 leukocyte function-associated antigen 2
rantai ringan imunogiobulin LFA-3 Ieukocyte function-associated antigen 3
KAFO knee-ankle-fooi orthosis LFP lefi frontoposterior (posisi fetus)
kat katal LFT left frontotransverse (posisi fetus)
kb kilobase LGB laparoscopic gastric banding
kbp kilobase pairs (1000 base pairs) LH luteinizing hormone
kcal kilocalorie LH-RH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
kci kilocurie Li lithium
KD, KDA kilodalton LIA leukemia-associated inhibitory activlty
2464 Lampiran 2
LIF left iiiac fossa; leukocyte inhibitory factor MAF macropha ge-activating f actor
lig. ligamenf ligamentum Mag' L. magnus @esar)
ligg. L. ligamenta (ligamen-ligamen) MALT mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Liq. L. liquor (cairan) Man., Manip. L. manipulus (segenggam)
LLL left lower lobe (pada paru) Man, pr. L. mane primo (saat bangun pagi)
LM Iight minimum; linguomesial MAO maximal acid ouput; monoamine oxidase
lm lumen MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
LMA 1eft mentoanterior (posisi fetus) MAP mean arterial pressurei microtubule-associated
LMF lymphocyte mitogenic factor protein
LMO living modified organism MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
LMP Ieft mentoposterior (posisi fetus); last menstrual masc mass concentration
period; latent membrane protein Mas. pil. L. massa pilularum (massa pil)
LMT left mentotransverse (posisi fetus) MAST military (or medical) anti-shock trousers
LMWK low-moiecular-weight kininogen MAT multifocal atrial tachycardia
ln logaritma natural Matut. L. matutinus (pada pagi hari)
LNMP last normal menstrual period MB Medicinae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Medicine)
LNPF lymph node permeability factor Mb megabase
LOA left occipitoanterior (posisi fetus) m.b. L. misce bene (campurkan hingga homogen)
LOAEL lowest observed adverse effect level MBC minimal bactericidal concentration
Loc, dol. L. loco dolenti (di tempat yang sakit) MBP major basic protein; myelin basic protein
LOEL lowest observed effect ievel MBq megabecquerel
LOH loss of heterozygosity MC L. Magister Chirurgiae (Master of Surgery);
LOP left occipitoposterior (posisi fetus) Medical Corps
LOT left occipitotransverse (posisi fetus) mC millicoulomb
Lot. L. Iotio (lotion) pC microcoulomb
LPF low-power field MCA 3-methylcholanthrene
LPH left posterior hemiblock; lipotropic hormone MCD mean of consecutive differences
LPN licensed practical nurse MCE myocardial contrast echocardiography
LPS lipopolysaccharide MCF macrophage chemotactic factor
LPV lymphotropic papovavirus MCFA medium-chain fatly acid
Lr limes reacting (dose) mcg microgram
LRD living related donor MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
LSA left sacroanterior (posisi fetus) MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
LScA ieft scapuloanterior (posisi fetus) MCi megacurie
LScP left scapuloposterior (posisi fetus) mCi millicurie
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide pci microcurie
LSO lumbosacral orthosis MCVMI methylchloroisothiazolinone dan methyliso-
LSP left sacroposterior (posisi fetus) thiazoline
L-spine lumbar spine MCMI Million Clinical Muitiaxial Inventory
LST left sacrotransverse (posisi fetus) MCP membrane cofactor protein
LT l}'rnphotoxin Mcps megacycles per second (10e siklus per detik)
LTF lymphocyte-transf orming f actor M-CSF macrophage colony-stimulating {actor
LTR long terminal repeats MCT mean circulation time
Lu iutetium MCV mean corpuscular volume
LUL left upper lobe (pada paru) MD L. Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)
LVAD left ventricular assist device Md mendelevium
LVEDP left ventricuiar end-diastolic pressure MDA methylenedioxyamphetamine; L. mento- dextra
LVEDV left ventricular end-diastolic volume anterior (mentoanterior kanan [posisi fetus])
LVET left ventricular ejection time MDF myocardial depressant factor
LVH lef t ventricular hyperkophy MDMA 3,4-methyienedioxymethamphetamine
LVN licensed vocational nurse MDP methylene diphosphonate; L, mento-dextra pos-
Lw lawrencium terior (mentoposterior kanan [posisi fetus])
lx Iui MDS myelodysplasia
Lys lysine MDT L. mento-dextra transversa (mentotransversa
M komponen frekuensi rendah pada bunyi jan- kanan [posisi fetus])
tung pertama; mega-; methionine; molar; 2-ME 2-mercaptoethanol
morgan; mucoid (colony); myopia Me methyl
M. L, misce (campurkan); L. mistura (campuran) MeCbl methylcobalamin
M mutual inductance; molar mass; molar MED minimal effective dose; minimal erythema dose
Mr mitral valve closure MEDLARS Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sys-
Mr relative molecular mass tem
m median; meter; milli- MEDLINE MEDLARS on line
m, L, musculus (otot); minim MEG magnetoencephalo graph
,n mass; molal MEGX monoethyl giycinexylidide
m- meta- MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
p electrophoretic mobility; heavy chain of IgM; MEP maximum expiratory pressure
iinear attenuation coefficien! micro-; micron; mEq, meq milliequivalent
population mean MESA microsurg"ical epididymal sperm aspiration
MA Master of Arts; mental age; meter angie MeSH Medical Subject Headings
mA milliampere Met methionine
pA microampere M. et sig. L. misce et signa (campurkan dan cantumkan la-
MA.A, macroaggregated albumin bel)
MAC membrane 4ttack c-omplex; minimal alveolar MeV megaelectron volt (106 electron volts)
concenkation; Mycobacterium aaiun complex pF microfarad
Mac. L. macerate (mengalami maserasi) M. flac, L. membrana flaccida (pars flaccida membranae
MADD muitiple acyl CoA dehydrogenation deficiency tympanicae)
Lampiran 2 2469
MFR monthly fecundity rate mP melting point
M. ft. L. mistura fiat (buatlah mixtura) MPD maximum permissible dose
Mg magnesium MPH Master of Public Health
mg milligram MPO myeloperoxidase
pg microgram MPS mononuclear phagocyte system; mucopoly-
MGUS monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined sig- saccharidosis
nificance MR mitral regurgitation
3MH 3-methylhistidine mR milliroentgen
MHA-TP microhemaggiutination assay-Treponema palli' pR microroentgen
dum MRA Medical Record Administrator; magnetic reso-
MHC major hiitocompatibility complex nance angiography
MHz megahertz MRACP Member of Royal Australasian College of Physi-
MI myocardial infarction cians
MIBG, mIBG rz-iodobenzyl guanidine (iobenguane) mrad millirad
MIBI sestamibi MRCP Member of Royal College of Physicians
MIC minimal inhibitory concenlration MRCPE Member of Royal College of Physicians of Edin-
MID minimum infective dose burgh
MIF migration inhibition factor; migration inhibitory MRCP(Glasg) Member of Royal College of Physicians dan Sur-
factor geons of Glasgow qua Physician
min. L. minimum (satLr' minim, kira-kira setara MRCPI Member of Royal College of Physicians of Ire-
dengan setetes) land
MIO mirrimal identifiable odor MRCS Member of Royal College of Surgeons
MIP maximum inspiratory pressure MRCSEd Member of Royal College of Surgeons of Edin-
MIRL membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (protectin) burgh
miRNA microRNA MRCSI Member of Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
mist, L. mistura (campr,rran) MRCVS Member of Royal College of Veierinary Sur-
MIT monoiodotyrosine geons
Mit. L. mitte (mengirim) MRD minimum reacting dose
MID Machado-Joseph disease MRDM malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
MK monkey lung (biakan sel) mrem millirem
MKS meter-kilogram-second system MRI magnetic tesonance imaging
mL milliliter mRNA messenger RNA
pL microliter MRSA methicillin-resistant S taphylococcus aureus
MLA L. mento-laeva anterior (mentoanterior kiri [po- MS Master of Science; Master of Surgery; mitral ste-
sisi fetusl) nosis; mu ltiple sclerosis
MLBW moderately low birth weight @ayi) ms millisecond
MLC mixed lymphocyte cuiture; minimal lethal con- ps microsecond
centration MSE Mental Status Examination
MLD median lethal dose; minimum lethal dose msec millisecond
MLNS mucocutaneous lymph node slmdrome MSG monosodium glutamate
MLP L. mento-1aeva posterior (rnentoposterior kiri MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
[posisi fetus]) MSI microsatellitb instability
MLR mixed 11'rnPhocYte reaction MSL midsternal line
MLT L. mento-laeva transversa (mentotransversa kiri MSLT multiple sleep latency test
[posisi fetus]) MS/MS tandem mass spectrometry
MM mucous membrane MSUD maple syrup urine disease
mM millimolar MT Medical Technologist; L. membrana tympanica
mm millimeter (gendang telinga)
pM micromolar MTD maximum tolerated dose
pm micrometer mtDNA mitochondrial DNA
mm Hg millimeter of mercury MTHFR methylenetetrahydrof olate reductase
MMHS megacystis-microcol on-i n testina I MTOC microtubule organizing center
hypoperistalsis synd rome MTX methotrexate
mmol millimole mU milliunit
MMP matrix metalloproteinase m.u, mouse unit
MMPI Mrnnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory pU microunit
MMR measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine) MUAP motor unit action potential
MMRV measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine MUC maximum urinary concentration
live Muc, L. mucilago (musilase)
Mn manganese (mangan) MUGA multiple gated acquisition (scanning)
MNGIE mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encepha- MUP motor unit potential
lomyopathy MV megavolt (10e electron volts); minute volume; L.
MO Medical Officer Medicus Veterinanus (dokter hewan)
Mo molybdenum mv millivolt
Mod. praesc. L. modo praescripto (sesuai aturan di resep) pV microvoit
MODY maturity-onset diabetes of youth M-VAC methotrexate, vinblastine, Adriamycin (doxo-
Mol wt, molecular weight rubicin), dan cisplatin
mol wt MVP mitral valve prolapse
MOPP mechlorethamine, Oncovin (vincristine), pro- Mlry maximal (atau maximum) voluntary ventilation
carbazine, dan prednisone MW molecular weight
MORC Medical Officers Reserve Corps pW microwatt
Mor, dict. L. more dicto (sesuai aturan di resep) Mx Medex
Mor. sol. L. more solito (sebagaimana cara lazimnya) My myopia
mOsm miiliosmole N newton, nitrogen; normal (larutan)
MOTT mycobacteria other than tubercle bacilli N bilangan Avogadro; bilangan neutron; normal
6-MP 6-mercaptopurine (larutan); bilangan; besar populasi
2470 Lampiran 2
N,r bilangan Avogadro NSCLC non-small ceil lung carcinoma
n nano; neutron; indeks bias nsec nanosecond
n. L. nervus (saraf) NSILA nonsuppressible insulin{ike activity'
n (haploid) bilangan kromosom; indeks bias; be- NSR normal sinus rhythm
sar sampel NST nonstress test
n- normal NTP normal temperature and pressurei National
ND, indeks bias Toxicology Program
degrees of freedom; frequency; kinematic vis- NU nanounit
cosity; neuhino NUG necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
NA Nomina Anatomica; numerical aperture nvCJD new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Na sodium (L, natrium) NYD not yet diagnosed
NAAT nucleic acid amplification test o Jer. ohne Hauch (tanpa napas; dipakai untuk
NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; no appre- merujuk pada koioni bakteri); oxygen
ciable disease o. L. oculus (mata)
NADn bentuk NAD teroksidasi o- ortho-
NADH bentuk NAD tereduksi o ohm
NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate OA ocular albinism
NADP* bentuk NADP teroksidasi OAE otoacoustic emissions
NADPH bentuk NADP tereduksi OAF osteoclast activahng factor
NAN N-acetylneuraminic acid OAP Oncovin (vincristine), ara-C (cytarabine), dan
NANBH non-A, non-B hepatitis prednisone
NAP nasion, titik A, pogonion OAT ornithine aminotransf erase
NASH nonalcoholic steatohepatitis OB obstetrics
NAT nucleic acid test OCA oculocutaneous albinism
Nb niobium OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder,
NBS National Bureau of Standards'(National lnsti- OCT optical coherence tomography; ornithine
tute of Standards and Technology) carbamoyltransferase; oxytocin challenge test
NBT nitroblue tetrazolium OD L. oculus dexter (mata kanan); Doctor of Optom-
NBTE nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis etry; optical density; outside diameter; over-
NCF neutrophil chemotactic factor dose
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics ODA occipito-dextra anterior (oksipitoanterior kanan
NCI National Cancer Instifute [posisi fetus])
nCi nanocurie oDc orotidine 5-phosphate decarboxylase
NCV nerve conduction velocity ODP L. occipito-dextra posterior (oksipitoposterior
ND Doctor of Naturopathy kanan [posisi fetus])
Nd neody'rrium ODT L. occipito-dextra transversa (oksipitotrans-
nDNA nuclear DNA versa kanan [posisi fetus])
NDV Newcastle disease virus OFD oral-facial-digital (syndrome)
Nd:YAG neodymium:yttrium-aluminum- garnet (iaser) OGTT oral glucose toierance test
Ne neon oH-cbl hydroxocobalamin
NED no evidence of disease L7-OHCS 1 7-hydroxycorticosteroid

NEFA nonesterified fatty acids OI osteogenesis imperfecta; oxygenation index

NER nucleotide excision repair oIc osteogenesis imperfecta congenita
NF National Formulary OIH orthoiodohippurate
n8 nanogram OIT osteogenesis imperfecta tarda
NGF nerve growth factor OL L. oculus laevus (mata kiri)
Ni nikel ol. L. oleum (minyak)
NIDD, NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type OLA L. occipito-laeva anterior (oksipitoanterior kiri
2 diabetesmellitus) [posisi feius])
NIST National Institute o{ Standards and Technology OLP L. occipito-laeva posterior (oksipitoposterior
NL nanoliter kiri [posisi fetus])
nm nanometer OLT L. occipito-laeva transversa (oksipitotransversa
NMDA N-tnethyl-D-aspartate kiri [posisi fetus])
NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide o,m. L. omni mane (setiap pagi)
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance OMD Doctor of Oriental Medicine
NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome Omn. bih. L. omni bihora (setiap dua jam)
nn. L. nervi (saraf-saraf) Omn. hor. L. omni hora (setiap jam)
No nobelium Omn, noct. L. omni nocte (setiap nalam.l
No. numero (sebanyak) OMPA octamethyl pyrophosphoramide
NOAEL no observed adverse effect level 0m. quar, hor. L. omni quadrante hora (setiap seperempat jam)
Noct. L. nocte (pada malam hari) o.n. L. omni nocte (setiap malam)
Noct. maneg. L. nocte maneque (pada malam dan pagi hari) OPRT oroiate phosphoribosyitransferase
NOEL no observed effect level oPv poliovirus vaccine live oral
non repetat. L. non repetatur (jangan diulang) OR operating room
NOR nucleoiar organizing region ORF open reading frame
Np neptunium Orn ornithine
NPH neutral protamine Hagedorn ORS orai rehydration salts
NPN nonprotein nitrogen ORT oral rehydration therapy
NPO L. nil per os (tidak ada yang lewat mulut) OS L. oculus sinister (mata kiri)
NRC normal retinal correspondence Os osmium
NREM non-rapid eye movement OSAS obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
NRI selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administrahon
ns nanosecond OT old term (anatomi); Old tuberculin
NSAIA nonsteroidai inti-inflammatory analgesic (atau oTc over the counter; ornithine transcarbamoylase
agent) OTD organ tolerance dose
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory drug OU L. oculus uterque (masing-masing mata)
Lampiran 2 2471
OVD occlusal vertical dimension Pd palladium
oz ons (It. onza) PDA patent ductus arteriosus; posterior descending
P para; peta-; phosphate group; phosphorus; (coronary) artery
poise; posterior; premolar; proline; pupil PE phosphatidylethanolamine
P power; pressure; probability PEA pulseless electrical activity
Pr parental generation PEARS porcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syn-
Pz pulmonic second sound drome
PCOz tekanan parsial karbon dioksida (tekanan PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
karbon dioksida) PEF peak expiratory flow
Pi orthophosphate PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
POz tekanan parsial oksigen (tekanan oksigen) PEG percutaneous endoscopic gashotomy; pneumo-
p pico-; proton; lengan pendek kromosom encephalography; polyethylene glycol
p150,95 glycoprotein p150,95 PEG-ADA PEG-adenosine deaminase
p momentum; (dalam statistika) probabilltas PEM protein-ener gy malnutrition
suatu kejadian PEN pharmacy equivalent name
p- Para- PEP phosphoenolpyruvate; preejection period
n hasil kali (dalam matematika) PET positron emissron tomography
n rasio keliling terhadap diameter lingkaran, PETN pentaerythritol tetranitrate
kurang-lebih 3 .1415926536; osmotic pressure PFES pelvic fl oor electrical stimulation
o fluks magnetik PG prosiaglandin; Pharmacopoeia Germanica
(| pseudouridine pc picogram
PA physician assistant; posteroanterior; pulmonary PGD preimplantation genetic diagnosis
PGD2, PGE2, lambang untuk berbagai prostaglandin
Pa pascal; protactinium PGFzq PGIz
PAB, PABA p-aminobenzoic acid PGL paraganglioma s;'ndrome
PAC premature atrial complex Ph Pharmacopeia; phenyl
PACU postanesthesia care unit PHA phytohemagglutinin
PAF platelet activating factor PHAl pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1
PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis phar pharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; pharmacy
PAH p-aminohippuric acid; phenylalanine hydroxy- Phar B L. Pharmaciae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Phar-
lase macy)
PAHA p-aminohippuric acid Phar C Pharmaceutical Chemist
PAI plasminogen activator inhibitor Phar D L. Pharmaciae Doctor (Doctor of Pharmacy)
PALS periarterial lynnphoid sheath Phar G Graduate in Pharmacy
t-PAM L-phenylalanine mustard Phar M L. Pharmaciae Magister (Masier of Pharmacy)
PAN polyarteritis nodosa pharm pharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; pharmacy
PAO peak acid output Pharm D L. Pharmaciae Doctor (Doctor of Pharmacy)
PAP peroxidase-antiperoxidase (technique) PhB British Pharmacopoeia
Par. aff. L. pars affecta ftagian yang terkena) PhD L. Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)
Part. aeq. L. partes aequales @agian-bagian yang sama) Phe phenylalanine
Part. vic. L. partitis vicibus (da1am dosis terbagi) PhG Graduate in Pharmacy ; Pharmacopoeia Germanica
PAS p-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-Schiff (reac- PHPA p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid
tion) PI phosphatidylinositol
PASA p-aminosalicylic acid PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PASG pneumatic antishock garment PIE pulmonary interstitiai emphysema; pulmonary
PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia infiltration with eosinophilia
PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure PIF proiactin-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory
PB Phar ma c op o eia Bri t annic a flow
Pb timbal (L. plumbum) Pil. L. pilula (pil); L. pilr,rlae (pil-pil)
PBB polybrominated biphenyl PIP phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate
PBG porphobilinogen PIPz phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate
PBI protein-bound iodine PIT plasma iron furnover
PBPC peripheral blood progeniior celis PJRT permanent julctional reciprocating tachycardia
PC phosphocreatine; phosphatidylcholine P'T paroxysmal junctional tachycardia
P.c, L. post cibum (setelah makan) PK pyruvate kinase
PCA passive cutaneous anaphyiaxis PKU, PKU1 phenylketonuria
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl PLED periodic lateralized epileptiform discharge
PcB titik dekat pada konvergensi PLEVA pityriasis iichenoides et varioliformis acuta
PCC prothrombin complex concentrate PLP proteolipid protein
PCD pterin-4o-carbinolamine dehydratase PLT primed ll.mphocyte tlping
PCE pseudocholinesterase PLTP phospholipid transfer protein
PCEC purified chick embryo cell vaccine Pm promethium
PCG phonocardiogram PMI point of maximal impulse
PCI percutaneous coronary intervention PMMA polinnethyl methacrylate
pci picocurie PMN poiyrnorphonuclear; polymorphonuclear neu-
Pcoz tekanan parsial karbon dioksida (tekanan kar- trophil
bon dioksida) PMR proportionate mortality ralio
PCOS polycystic ovary syndrorne PMS premenstrual slmdrome
PCP phencyclidine hydrochloride; Pneumocystis ca- PNET peripheral neuroectodermal tumor; primitive
rinll pneumonia neuro-ectodermal lumor
PCR poly.rnerase chain reaction; protein catabolic rate PNH paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
PCT porphyria cutanea tarda PO L. per os (1ewat mu1ut, per oral)
PCV packed-ce1l volume - Poz tekanan parsial oksigen (tekanan oksigen)
PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge plessure Po polonium
PD prism diopter; interpupillary distance; perito- pOz, pOz tekanan parsial oksigen (tekanan oksigen)
neal dialysis POA pancreatic oncofetal antigen
Lampiran 2 2473
RDE receptor-destroying enzyme s entropy
RE radium emanation; right eye; retinol equivalent Sr first heart sound
Re rhenium Sz second heart sound
Rect, L. rectificatus (diralat) Ss third heart sound
Redig. in L. redigatur in pulverem (haluskan menjadi Sa fourth heart sound
pulv. serbuk) S1 Svedberg flotation unit
Red. in pulv. L. reductus in pulverem (haluskan menjadi s
serbuk) s, L. semis (setengah); L. sinister (kiri)
REG radioencephalography s L. sine (tanpa)
REM rapid eye movements; reticular erythematous s deviasi standar sampel
mucinosis s-1 seperdetik
R"p. L. repetatur (hendaknya diulang) jumlah
RES reticuloendothelial system o deviasi standar
radio frequency; rheumatoid factor g2 varians
RFA right frontoanterior (posisi fetus) SA sinoatrial
RfD reference dose S.A, L. secundum artem (berdasarkan seni)
RFI renal failure index SACH solid ankle cushion heel
RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism SAD seasonal affective disorder
RFP right frontoposterior (posisi fetus) SADS Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizo-
RFT right frontotransverse (posisi fetus) phrenia; sudden adult arrhythmia (atau
RGN Registered General Nurse (Scotland) arrhythmic) death syndrome
RGO reciprocating gait orthosis s.A.L. L. secundum artis leges fterdasarkan kaidah-
Rh rhodium kaidah seni)
r-HUEPO recombinant human erythropoietin SAP sphingolipid activator protein (saposin)
RIA radioimmunoassay SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
RID radial immunodiffusion SARS-CoV SARS-associated coronavirus
RIF resistance-inducing factor; right iliac fossa; SB sinus bradycardia
rilampin Sb antimon (L. stibium)
RIND reversible ischemic neurologic deficit SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
RIPA radioimmunoprecipitation assay SBMA spinobulbar muscular ahophy
RISC RNA-induced silencing complex SC closure of semilurar valves; secretory comPo-
RIST radioimmunosorbent test nent; subcutaneous
RLF retrolental fibroplasia Sc scandium
RLL right lower lobe SCAT sheep celI agglutination test
RMA right mentoanterior (posisi fefus) ScD L. Scientiae Doctor (Doctor of Science)
RML right middle lobe ScDA L. scapuio-dextra anterior (skapuloanterior ka-
RMP right mentoposterior (posisi fetus) nan [posisi ferus])
RMT dght mentotransverse (posisi fetus) scDNA single copy DNA
RN registered nurse ScDP L. scapulo-dextra posterior (skapuloposterlor
Rn radon kanan [posisi fetus])
RNA ribonucleic acid SCFA short-chain fatty acid
RNAi RNA interference SChE serum cholinesterase
RNase ribonuclease SCI spinal cord injury
RNase I, pancreatic rib onuclease SCID severe combined immunodeficiency
RNase A ScLA L. scapuloJaeva anterior (skapuloanterior kiri
RNP ribonucieoprotein [posisi fetus])
ROA right occipitoanterior (posisi fetus) SCLC small cell lung carcinoma
rob robertsonian translocation ScLP L. scapulo-Iaeva posterior (skapuloposterior kiri
ROP right occipitoposterior (posisi fetus) [posisi fetus])
ROT right occipitotransverse (posisi fetus) SCM State Certified Midwife
RPF renal plasma flow sct scruple
RPh Registered Pharmacist scu-PA singie chain urokinase-type plasminogeh acti-
RPLND retroperitoneal lymph node dissection vator
IPIn revoiutions per minute SD skin dose; standard deviation
RQ respiratory quotient SDA L. sacro-dextra anterior (sakroanterior kanan
RRA Registered Record Administrator [posisi fetus])
rRNA ribosomal RNA SDE specific dynamic effect
RSA right sacroanterior (posisi fetus) SDP L. sacro-dextra posterior (sakroposterior kanan
RScA right scapuloanterior (posisi felus) [posisi fetus])
RSCN Registered Sick Children's Nurse SDS sodium dodecyl suifate
RScP right scapuloposterior (posisi fetus) SDS-PAGE SDS-poiyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
RSP right sacroposterior (posisi fetus) SDT L. sacro-dextra transversa (sakrotransversa
RST right sacrotransverse (posisi fetus) kanan [posisi fetus])
RSV respiratory syncytial virus; Rous sarcoma virus SE standard error; sphenoethmoidal suture
RTA renal tubular acidosis Se selenium
RTF resistance hansfer factor SED skin erythema dose
Ru ruthenium semel in d. L. semel in die (sekali sehari)
RUL right upper lobe Semih. L. semihora (setengah jam)
RV residual volume SEP somatosensory evoked potential
RVA rabies vaccine adsorbed Sept. L. septem (tujuh)
RVAD right veniricular assisi device seq. luce L, sequenti luce (hari berikutnya)
RVH right ventricular hypertrophy Ser serine
S sacral verteb.rae {S1-S5); serine; Siemens; SERM selective estrogen receptor modulator
smooth (colony); spherical lens; substrate; Serv. L. serva (menyimpan; mengawetkan) -,

sulfur; Svedberg unit SEWHO shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis

S, L. signa (tandai) SF-1 steroidogenic {acior 1
2474 Lampiran 2
SFEMG single fiber electromyography SR stimulation ratio
SGA Selective Global Assessment Sr strontium
SGOT serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase sr steradian
SGPT serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase SRBC sheep red blood cell
SHBG sex hormone-binding globulin SRF skin reactive factor
SHH Sonic Hedgehog (gene) SRH somatotropin-reieasing hormone
SHML sinus histiocytosis with massive lympha- SRIF somatotropin release-inhibiting f actor
denopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease) SRN State Registered Nurse (England and Wales)
SI stimulation index; Systdme Intemational SRS-A slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis
d'Unit6s (Sistem Satuan Internasional) SRT speech reception threshoid; speech recognrtion
Si silicon threshold
SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hor- SS somatostatin
mone ss. L. semis (setengah)
s.i.d. L. semel in die (sekali sehari) SSD source-skin distance
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome ssDNA single-stranded DNA
sig. L. signa (tandai) SSPE subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Sig. n. pro. L. signa nomine proprio (iabeli dengan nama SSR simple sequence repeat
yang tepat) SSRI selective serotoni.n reuptake inhibitor
SIMV s;'nchronized intermittent mandatory ventila- ssRNA single-stranded RNA
tion SSS sick sinus syndrome; specific soluble substance
sing. L. singuiorum (masing-masing) s.s.s. L. stratum super stratum (lapisan di atas
Si non val. L. si non valeat (kalau jumlahnya tidak cukup) Iapisan)
Si op. sit L. si opus sit (kalau perlu) S.S.V. L. sub signo veneni (termasuk golongan racr-rn)
siRNA small interfering RNA ST sinus tachycardia
SISI short increment sensitivity indeS St stoke
SIV simian immunodeficiency virus st. L. stet (diamkan); L. stent (diamkan)
Si vir. perm. L. si vires permittant (kalau cukup kuat) STAT signai transducer and activator of transcription
SK streptokinase stat. L. statim (sekarang juga, segera)
SKSD streptokinase-streptodornase STD sexually transmitted disease
SKY spectral karyotype STE Subperiosteal tissue expander
sl slyke STI sexually transmitted infection; systolic time in-
SLA L. sacro-laeva anterior (sakroanterior kiri [posisi tervals
fetusl) STP standard temperature and pressure (0" C dan
SLAC scapholunate advanced collapse 760 mm Hg)
SLE systemic lupus erythernatosus STPD standard temperafure and pressure (dry)
SLO scanning laser ophthalmoscope STR short tandem repeat
SLP L. sacro-laeva posterior (sakroposterior klri STRP short tandem repeat polymorphism
. [posisi fetus]) STS serologic test for syphilis
SLT L. sacro-laeva transversa (sakrotransversa kiri su. L. sumat (pakailah)
[posisi fetus]) Sub fin. coct. L. sub finem coctionis (sampai mendidih)
Sm samarium SUDS sudden unexplained death syndrome
Sm 153-EDTMP samarium Sm 153 lexidronam sum. L. sumat (pakailah); L. sumendum (untuk
SMC selenomethylnorchoiesterol dipakai)
SMO supramalleolar orthosis SUZI subzonal insemination
SMON sub acute myelo-opticoneuropathy SV sinus venosus; simian virus; stroke volume
SMR standardized morbidity ratio; standardized sv40 simian virus 40
mortality ratio Sv sievert
s.N. L. secundum naturam (sesuai hakikatnya) SVC suPerior vena cava
Sn timah (L. stannum) SVT supraventricular tachycardia
SNAP sensoty nerve action potential syr. L. syrupus (sirup)
SNGFR single nephron glomerular filtration rate T intraocular tension; tera-; tesla; threonine; thy-
snoRNA small nucleolar RNA mine; ih)rmidine; tetanus toxoid; thoracic ver-
snoRNP small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein tebrae (T1-T12); triangulation number
SNP single nucleotide polymorphism T absolute temperature; kansmittance; lwisting
SNRI serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor number
snRNA small nuclear RNA Tuz half-iife; half-time
snRNP smaIl nuclear ribonucleoprotein Tr tricuspid valve closure
SNS sympathetic nervous system T: triiodothyronine
SO sphenooccipital (sy'nchondrosis) Tr thyroxine
SOB shorbress of breath T- melting temperature; transport maximum; tu-
SOFAS Social and Occupational Functioning Assess- bular maximum
ment Scale t translocation
Sol. solution t temperature; .time
solv. L. solve (meiarutkan) hrz half{ife; half-time
SOMI sternal-occipital-mandibular immobilizer (p angle
S. op. s., S.O.S. L. si opus sit (kalau perlu) .E
mean life; torque (torsi)
sp. L. spiritus (roh) TA T erminologia Anatomica; toxin-antitoxin
SPA sperm penetration assay Ta tantalum
SPCA serum prothrombin conversion accelerator TAA tumor-associ.ated antlgen
(faktor Vll) TAC tetracaine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and co-
SPECT single-photon emission computed tomography caine (solution)
SPF specific-pathogen free; sun protection factor TAD 6-thioguanine, ara-C (cytarabine), dan dauno-
sp gr specific gravity mycin
sph spherical; spherical lens TAT Thematic Apperception Test; toxin-antitoxin
spir., Spt. L. spirihrs (roh) TB luberculosis
sQ subcutaneous Tb terbium

Lampiran 2 2475
TBG thyroxine-binding globulin TPA" t-PA tissue plasminogen activator
TBI traumatic brain injury; totai body irradiation TPHA Tr eponema pallidum hemagglutination assay
TBII TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins TPN total parenteral nutrition; triphosphopyridine
TBW total body water nucleotide
TC transcobalamin TPP thiamine pyrophosphate
Tc technetium TR tricuspid regurgitation
TCDD 2,3,7,8 -teh achlorodibenzo-p-dioxin TRA tumor rejection antigen (tumor-specific trans-
TCIDso median tissue culture infective dose plantation antigen)
TCM traditional Chinese medicine TRALI transfusion-related acute lung injury
TCMI T cell-mediated immunitY TRAPS TNF-receptor-associated periodic syndrome
TCR T cell antigen receptor; transcription-coupled re- TRH thyrotropin-releasing hormone
pair Trid. L. triduum (tiga hari)
TCV tota] celi volume Trit. L. tritura (menghaluskan)
TDso median toxic dose tRNA transfer RNA
Td tetanus and diphtheria toxoids troch. L. trochiscus (tablet-isap) kyptophan
TDA TSH-displacing antibody Trp try-ptophan
Tdap diphtheria and reduced tetanus toxoids and TRU turbidity reducing unit
acellular pertussis vaccine TRUS transrectal ultrasonography
TDE tetrachl orodipheny lethane TS test solution; tricuspid stenosis
TDI toluene diisocyanate TSA lumor-specific antigen
t.d.s. L. ter die sumendum (untuk dipakai tiga kali TSD Tay-Sachs disease
sehari) TSE transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
TdT terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (prion disease)
Te tellurium TSF triceps skinfold
TeBG testosterone-esiradiol-bindin g globulin TSH thyrold-stimulating hormone
TED threshold erythema dose T-spine thoracic spine
TEE transesophageal echocardiography TSTA tumor-specific transplantation antigen
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation TT therapeutic touch; thrombin time
TEOAE transient evoked otoacoustic emissions TTV thrombotic threshold velocity
TEPP tetraethyl pyrophosphate TU tuberculin unit
TESE testicular sperm extraction TUIP tralrsurethral incision of the prostate
TET treadmill exercise test; tubal embryo transfer TULIP transurethral laser-induced Prostatectomy
TF transfer factor TUMT transurethral microwave thermotherapy
TFF trefoil factor TUNA transurethral needle ablation
6-TG 6-thioguadne TUR transurethral tesection
TGE transmissible gastroenteritis TURBT transurethral resection of bladder tumor
TGF transforming growth factor TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
TGN trans-Go1gi network tus. L. tussis &atuk)
TGT ihromboplastin generation test TUVP transurethral vaporization of the prostate
TH tyrosine hydroxylase TWZ triangular working zone
Th thorium TXAz thromboxane Az
THA total hip arthroplasty TXBz thromboxane Bz
THAM tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (trometha- Tyr tyrosine
mine) 'tzD thiazolidinedione
THC tetrahydrocannabinol U internationai unit of enzyme activity; unit; ura-
THF tetrahydrofolate; tetrahydrofolic acid cil; uranium; uridine
Thr threonine u atomic mass unit
Ti titanium UDP uridine diphosphate
TIA transient ischemic attack UK urokinase
TIBC total iron binding capacity ult. praes, L. ultimum praescriptus (terakhir diresepkan)
t.i.d. L. ter in die (tiga kali sehari) UMP uridine rnonophosphate
tinct. L. ti,nctura (tingtur) ung' L. unguentum (salep)
TIPS transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt UPP urethral pressure profile
TIA total joint arthroplasty UPPP uvulop alatopharyngoplastY
TK thymidine kinase URR urea reduction ratio
TKA total knee arthroplasty US ultrasound
TKD tokod)'namometer USAN United States Adopted Names
TKG tokodymagraph USP Unit ed St at es Plurmacope ia
TI thailium USRDS United States Renai Data System
TLC total lung capacity; thin-layer chromatography Ut dict. L. ut dictum (sesuai atuian di resep)
TLI total lymphoid irradiation Utend. L. utendus (untuk dipakai)
TLSO thoracolumbosacra I orthosis UTI urinary tract infection
TLV threshold limit value UTP uridine triphosphate
Tm thulium w uitraviolet
TMA kimellitic anhydride UVA ultraviolet A
TMI transmandibular imp lant UVB ultraviolet B
TMST treadmill stress test UVC ultraviolet C
Tn normal intraocular tension V valine; vanadium; vision; volt; volume
TND lransmissible neurodegenetative disease (prion v voltage; volume
disease) V** laju maksimum reaksi yang dikatalisis oleh enzim
TNF tumor necrosis factor Vr tidal volume
TNM tumor-nodes-metastasis (staging) L. vena (vena)
TNS transcutaneous nerve stimulation 1) velocity; voltage
TNT trinitrotoluene VA visual acuity
TORCH toxoplasmosis, other agents, rube1la, cytomega- VAC vincristine, dactinomycin, dan cyclophospha-
lovirus, herpes simplex (syndrome) mide
2476 Lampiran 2
VACTERL vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, re- VPD ventricular premafure depolarization
nal, and limb (association) VPF vascular permeability factor
VAD ventricular assist device VPRC volume of packed red cells
Val valine VR vocal resonance
VAMP vincristine, methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, VRE vancomycin-resistant enterococci
dan prednisone VS volumetric solution
var. variety VSG variable surface glycoprotein
VATER vertebral defects, imperforate anus, Lracheo- VT ventricular tachycardia
esophageal fistula, radial and renal dysplasia L. venae (vena-vena)
(association) volume (zat terlarut) per volume (pelarut)
VATS" video-assisted thoracic (atau thoracoscopic) sur- VVS vulvar vestibulitis sprdrome
gery vw vessel wall
VBG vertical banded gastroplasty vwF von Willebrand factor
VC vital capacity vztc varicella-zoster immune globulin
VCG vectorcardiogram w frlptophan; tungsten (Jer. Wolfram); watt
VCU voiding cystourethro graphy w work; writhing number
VCUG voiding cystourethrogram; voiding cysto- WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
urethrography Wb weber
VD venereal disease WBC white blood cell; white blood cell count
VDH valvular disease of the heart WEE western equine encephalomyelitis
VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratories WHHL Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (kelinci)
VEE Venezuelar equine encephalomyelitis wHo World Health Organization; wrist.hand
VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor orthosis
VEP visual evoked potential wlsc Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Vesic. L. vesicula (lepuhan) wt weight
VF vocal fremitus weight (zat terlarut) per volume (pelarut)
vt visual field X Kienbock unit; xanthine; xanthosine
VFib ventricular fibriilation x reaktansi
VFI ventricular flutter x rata-rata sampel
VHDL very-high-density lipoprotein x abscissa
VIG vaccinia immune globulin Xe xenon
VIP vasoactive intestinai polypeptide XIST X-inactivation-specific transcript (gene)
VISA vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus XMP xanthosine monophosphate
VLA very late activation (antigen) XOAN X-linked ocular albinism (Nettleship-Fal1s)
VLBW very 1ow birth weight (bayi) XU excretory urography
VLCD very low calorie diet Y tyrosine; yttrium
VLDL very low-density lipoprotein v ordinate
VMA vanillylmandeiic acid YAC yeast artificial chromosome
VMD L. Veterinariae Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Yb ytterbium
Veterinary Medicine) z nomor atom; impedansi
VNS vagal nerve stimulation ZIFT zygote intraf allopian transfer
VNTR variable number tandem repeats; variable num- Zn zirrc
ber of tandem repeats Zr zicronium
VP variegate porphyria ZSR zeta sedimentation ratio
VPB ventricular premature beat Zz. L. zingiber (jahe)
VPC ventricular premature complex


Untuk informasi lebih lengkap tentang alfabet Yunani, termasuk pelafalannya dan transli-
terasinya, lihat bagian Daiar-dasar Etimologi Kedokteran, hlm. xxi di depan.

Kapital Huruf Kecil Nama Huruf Transkripsi

A d, alpha a
B B beta b
f v gamma
A 6 delta d
E epsilon e
Z C zeta z
H q eta c
@ e theta th
I t iota i
K K kappa 'k
A 2, lambda I
M tl mu m
N nu n
F F xi X
o o omicron o
II 1t pi P
P p rho r
t 6r9 sigma s
T I tau t
Y D upsilon y (kadang-kadang u)
o o Phi ph
X x chi ch (kadang-kadang kh)
V v psi Ps
f) (D omega 6

Simbol-simbol yang Lazim Digunakan dalam Silsilah Keluarga

ilo Laki-lakidan percmpu.ran bukan pengidap Propo$itus

:t Laki-ldkidaftperempu*npengidap n
Subjek yaftg diperiksa

Moninggal @ Dua perempuan bukan pengidap

rc Menikah + Jenis kelamin tidak diketahui

n=c Pemlkahan sedarah

+ Hemil

ftlo Bercorai I Aborsi

Tldak ada keturunan t
Penggugu(an janin lakilaki pengidap
saat dalam kandungan
Lahir mati
no o Perempuan karier t*rkait-X

rho Keturuna* tertarang (ilegal) ll O Karier resesil autosomal.

n ao Cki (lrad) multipei

db Kembarnoft-identik n O Kader penyu$uran-ul&ng kroffissomal

A Kembarid*ntik
m 0
Nomal secara kromO$omal

Genolipe pada lokus-lokus polimorfik


Dari Rimoin; DL, el al., eds: Emery & Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, srd ed. New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 1 995.

247A Lampiran
Matematika dan Statistika
Simbol Arti
cx, probabilitas kesalahan Tipe I
B probabilitas kesalahan Tipe II
1-B power \dalam uji statistik)
* chi-square
Covar kovarians A dan B
CV koefisien keragaman
D t ik nonparame t r ik
st a t is
d statistik parametrik
E ekspektansi
e basis logaritma natural
F statistik F
f frekuensi, fungsi
Ho hipotesis nol
Ht hipotesis alternatif
HA hipotesis alternatif
ln logaritma natural
m median
Ir rata-rata populasi
N besar populasi
besar sampel
u derajat kebebasan
P probabilitas
P probabilitas suatu kejadian
P(A) probabilitas kejadian A
P(AD) probabilitas kejadian B setelah kejadian A (probabilitas kondisional)
q probabilitas kejadian alternatif (sama dengan 1 / p)
r koefisien korelasi sampel
R laju
p koefisien korelasi populasi
fs koefisien korelasi tingkat Spearman
t jumlah
s deuiasi standar sampel
92 aarinns sampel
o deviasi standar populasi
62 varians populasi
SD deviasi standar
SE kesalahan standar
t ( Student's) variabel uji-f
X absis
x rata-rata satnpel
l*l nilai absolut x
v ordinat

l plus
t plus atau minus
X kali
sama dengan
kongruen dengan, kurang{ebih sama dengan
kurang{ebih sama dengan
tidak sama dengan
lebih dari
lebih dari atau sama dengan
l tidak lebih dari
kurang dari
kurang dari atau sama dengan
d tidak kurang dari
r identik dengan
akar kuadrat
akar pangkat tiga
'! faktorial
@ tak-terhingga
koefisien binomial
* pendekatan (dengan penyimpangan), dipakai di atas sebuah simbol
pendekatan (tanpa penyimpangan), dipakai di atas sebuah simbol
c himpunan bagian dari
l mengandung, himpunan semesta dari
("topi") irisan
("cangkir") gabungan
Lampiran 3 2479
Simbol-simbol Lain

@ axilla seperti (dalam rasio)

@ axilla jadi
@ hipodermik fraktur
o hipodermik gau8?
@ intramuskuler sudah dilakukan
@ intravena sudah diberikan
(Ll kiri jumlah
@ murmur Pon
@ mulut @ pada
lewat mulut @ tak-terbatas
murmur tak-terhingga
@ lewat mulut ketakterhinggaan
oral A perubahan
@ rektal perbedaan
rektum energi bebas Gibbs
kanan diopter prisma
tidak ada AA perubahan absorbansi
tanpa respons APH perubahan pH
asam At rentang wakfu
dan menyrmpang
meningkat bergeser
plus bertambah
positif naik
ada 1 meningkat
sedikit terdeteksi gas
++ sedang bertambah
aktif normal naik
reaksi nyata 1l respons ekstensor, tanda Babinski
terdeteksi adescensus testrs (undescended testis)
+++ meningkat + naik
aktif sedang \ turun
derajat keparahan sedang menurun
++/+ plus 2 di kanan, plus 1 di kiri J turun
0/0 0 di kedua sisi menumn
G) bermakna defisiensi
tidak ada defisit
alkali tertekan
menurun berkurang
berkurang mengendapkan
minus turun secara bilateral
negatif kdduanya turun
(-) tak-bermakna respons plantar, tanda Babinski
t plus atau minus descensus testis
positif atau negatif + turun
(t) mungkin bermakna TV meningkat karena efek in aioo
1x sekali JV menurun karena ef.ek in aivo
x2 dua kali fC meningkat karena interferensi kimiawi
2x dua kali selama assay
bagi JC menurun karena interferensi kirniawi
dalam selama assay
Per menyebabkan
derajat distal
iam tanpa perubahan
10 derajat satu reaksi berjalan ke kanan
satu jam - mengakibatkan
primer memindahkan ke
sekunder menghasilkan
derajat dua disebabkan oleh
dua jam berasal dari
30 tersier terjadi karena
derajat tiga reaksi berjalan ke kiri
240 24jam + reaksi reversibel
dua ? meragukan
F kaki,. ambigu
menit kedap-kedip
univalen mungkin
bivalen patut dipertanyakan
inchi tidak diketahui
detik sejajar
sampai dengan dua garis paralel
rasig normal
2480 Lampiran 3
Simbol-simbol Lain
c dengan oo laki-Iaki
6 tanpa
memerikra tli lahir
{'d ditandai belum dipastikan
/e menandaidengan dianggap
q tidak sama sekali mati
" tekanan darah sistnlik kematian
' tekanandarah diastolik meninggal
L kuadran kananbawah & resep, arrbil
sudut siku-*iku $ otr$
T kuadran kanan atas fi ons cair
kuadrankiri atas
kuadran kiri bawah
IA sudut
draclnn, hnn
A snrdut keluar

Takut akan: Phobia

air aquaphobia, hydrophobia, nautophobia

alat musik tiup aulophobia
alat penghukum rhabdophobia
aliran udara aerophobia, anemophobia
am{ibi herpetophobia
anak cacat, mengandung teratophobia
anak perempuan parthenophobia
anak-anak pedophobia
angin anemophobia
angka tiga belas triskaidekaphobia
anjing cynophobia
aPi pyrophobia
arah kanan/objek-objek di kanan dextrophobia
arah kiri/objek-objek di kiri levophobia
bacilli bacillophobia
banjir antlophobia
banyak hal pollphobia
batang mastigophobia, rhabdophobia
bau olfactophobia, osmophobia, osphresiophobia
bau, diri sendiri automysophobia, bromidrosiphobia
baulketidakbersihan diri sendiri automysophobia, bromidrosiphobia
bekerja ergasiophobia
benda tajam aichmophobia, belonephobia
bepergian hodophobia, dromophobia
berbau tidak sedap automysophobia, bromidrosiphobia
bercakap-cakap laliophobia, lalophobia
berdiri dan berjalan stasibasiphobia
berdiri stasiphobia
berjalan basiphobia
berkata tidak jujur mythophobia
berpikir phronemophobia, psychophobia
bicara keras phonophobia
bicara glossophobia, laliophobia, lalophobia
bintang siderophobia
boneka pediophobia
bulu hewan doraphobia
bunyr acousticophobia, phonophobia
burung ornithophobia
cacing pita taemophobia
cahaya matahari heliophobia
cahaya utara auroraphobia
cahaya photophobia
cedera traumatophobia
cermin eisoptrophobia, spectrophobia
coitus coitophobia
darah hematophobia, hemophobia
debu amathophobia
defek tubuh, imajiner dysmorphophobia
defekasi coprophobia
demam febriphobia, pyrexiophobia

2482 Lampiran 4

Takut akan: Phobia

dicambuk mastigophobia, rhabdophobia

dit'tg cheimaphobia, cryophobia, psychropophobia
dipandangi scopophobia, scoptophobia
diri sendiri autophobia, monophobia
ditertawakan cata gelophobia, katagelophobia
dongeng/legenda mythophobia
dosa atau berdosa enosiophobia, hamartophobia, peccatiphobia
duduk thaasophobia
duduk, mengambil posisi cathisophobia, kathisophobia
ejekan catagelophobia, katagelophobia
ekskreta rektal coprophobia, scatophobia
fajar esophobia
feces coprophobia
gagasan ideophobia
gangguan ataxiophobia, ataxophobia
gedung, berada di dalam domatophobia
gelas/kaca crystallophobia, hyalophobia
gemetar tremophobia
genitalia perempuan eurotophobia
gerakan kinesophobia
gigi odontophobia
goresary mengalami amychophobia
gravitasi barophobia
hal-hal baru kainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia
halilintar astraphobia, astrapophobia, brontophobia,
keraunophobia, tonitrophobia
hanfu phasmophobia, demonophobia
hereditas /penyakit herediter patroiophobia, patriophobia
hewan atau objek kecil microbiophobia, microphobia
hewan zoophobia
hewan-hewan kecil microbiophobia, microphobia
hubungan seksual coitophobia, cypridophobia, cypriophobia
hujan/hujan badai ombrophobia
hukuman poinephobia
hutan hylophobia
iblis/monster demonophobia
ikan ichthyophobia
inovasi neophobia
jalan agoraphobia, agyiophobia
jalan, menyeberang dromophobia
jalur kereta api siderodromophobia
jarum belonephobia
jembatan, menyeberang gephyrophobia
jenis kelamin genophobia
kabut homichlophobia
kanker cancerophobia, cancerphobia, carcinomatophobia,
kapal laut nautophobia
kasih sayang seksual erotophobia
kasih sayang erotophobia
kata spesifik onomatophobia
kata, spesifik onomatophobia
katak batrachophobia
keabadian apeirophobia
keadaan sakit nosophobia, pathophobia
keadilan dikephobia
keasaman acerophobia
kebaruan kainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia
kebasahan hygrophobia
kebugilan gymnophobia, nudophobi a
kecacatan dysmorphophobia
kecemburuan zelophobia
kedalaman bathophobia
kegagalan kakorrhaphiophobia
Lampiran 4 248,3

Takut akan: Phobia

keganasan cancerophobia, cancerphobia, carcinomatophobia, carcino-

kegelapan achluphobia, noctiphobia, nyctophobia, scotophobia
kehampaan cenophobia, kenophobia
kehidupan sosial anthropophobia
kejutan/guncangan hormephobia
kekekalan apeirophobia
kekosongan cenophobia, kenophobia
kekotoran, diri sendiri automysophobia
kelelahan kopophobia
kelemahan asthenophobia
kelembapan hygrophobia
kelistrikan electrophobia
kematian necrophobia, thanatophobia
kemiskinan peniaphobia
kendaraan/wahana amaxoPhobia
keramaian demophobia, ochlophob ia
kereta api siderodromophobia
kerja berlebihan ponophobia
kerja ergasiophobia, ponophobia
kesalahan hamartophobia
kesenangan hedonophobia
kesendirian eremophobia, monophobia
ketakutan atau rasa takut phobophobia
keterasingan autophobia, eremophobia, monophobia
ketidakbenaran mythophobia
ketidakbersihan, diri sendiri automysophobia
ketidakrasionalan lyssophobia, maniaphobia
ketidakteraturan ataxiophobia, ataxophobia
ketinggian acrophobia, hyposophobia
kilat astraphobia, astrapophobia, keraunophobia
kilatan cahaya photaugiaphobia
komet cometophobia
kontaminasi coprophobia, molysmophobia, mysophobia, scatophobia
kotoran coprophobia, mysophobia, rhlpophobia, rupophobia
kotoran tubuh coprophobia, scatophobia
kucing ailurophobia, galeophobia, gatophobia
kuda equinophobia, hippophobi a
kulit hewan pterophobia
kulit, hewan doraphobia
kurungan claustrophobia
laba-laba arachnephobia, arachnophobia
laki-laki androphobia
laut nautophobia, thalassophobia
lebah apiphobia, melissophobia
lesi kulit dermatophobia
logam metallophobia
lorong/terowongan aulophobia
makan cibophobia, phagophobia, sitophobia
makanan cibophobia, phagophobia, sitophobia
makhluk halus demonophobia
malam achluphobia, noctiphobia, nyctophobia
mata ommatophobia
mayat necroPhobia
melahirkan anak maieusiophobia, tocophobia
melalaikan tugas paralipophobia
melewati objek yang tinggi batophobia
memanjat climacophobia
mencuri kleptophobia
mengandung anak cacat teratophobia
menjadi telanjang gymnophobia, nudophobia
menjadi tidak bersih automysophobia
menulis graphophobia
menyeberang jalan dromophobia
2484 Lampiran 4

Takut akan: Phobia

menyeberangi jembatan,/ sungai gephyrophobia

menyentuh aphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia
meteor meteorophobia
mikroorganisme microbiophobia, microphobia
misil/peluru ballistophobia
mitos mythophobia
muntah emetophobia
nama/menamai/ dinamai onomatophobia
neraka hadephobia, stygiophobia
nyeri algophobia, ody.nophobia
obat pharmacophobia
objek yang tinggi batophobia
objek-objek besar megalophobia
objek-objek kecil acarophobia, microbiophobia, microphobia
objek-objek keramat hierophobia
operasi gigi odontophobia
orang anthropophobia
orang asing xenophobia
orang jahat sclerophobia
panas thermophobia
Parasit acarophobia, parasitophobia
pemecutan mastigophobia, rhabdophobia
pencambukan mastigophobia, rhabdophobia
pencekikan pnigerophobia
pencuri sclerophobia
penghinaan catagelophobia, katagelophobia
peniti belonephobia
penyakit jantung cardiophobia
penyakit kelamin cypridophobia, cypriphobia
penyakit kulit dermatosiophobia
penyakit otak meningitophobia
penyakit spesifik monopathophobia
penyakit turunan patroiophobia, patriophobia
penyakit nosophobia, pathophobia
penyakit, spesifik monopathophobia
peralatan mekanis mechanophobia
perampok harpaxophobia
PeremPuan gynephobia, gl.nophobia
pergerakan ergasiophobia
pernikahan gamophobia
perubahan kainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia
phobia, perkembangan phobophobia
pikiran psychophobia
pisau aichmophobia
puing,/reruntuhan atephobia
rabies clmophobia, lyssophobia
racnn iophobia, toxiphobia, toxicophobia
radiasi radiophobia
rambut trichopathophobia, trichophobia
ramuan/obat pharmacophobia
rasa kecap/mengecap geumaphobia
rektum proctophobia
reptil herpetophobia
ruang terbuka agoraphobia, agyiophobia
ruang terfutup claustrophobia
rumah domatophobia, oikophobia
rumah" kembali ke nostophobia
salju chionophobia
samudera nautophobia, thalassophobia
segala hal panophobia, panphobia, pantophobia
semen spermatophobia
sendirian autophobia, eremophobia, monophobia
serangSa acarophobia, entomophobia
setan,/roh jahat demonophobia, satanophobia
Lampiran 4 248'5

Takut akan: Phobia

siang hari phengophobia

sifilis slphilophobia
simbolisme symbolophobia
sinar-X radiophobia
skabies scabiophobia
*"oo' phonophobia
:IXII phonophobia
sungai potamophobia
sungai, menyeberangi gephyrophobia
surga siderophobia, uranophobia
tali linonophobia
tangga climacophobia
tanggung jawab hypengyophobia
tebing curam cremnophobia
tempat tandus cenophobia, kenophobia
tempat-temPat tertentu topophobia
tempat-tempat umum agoraphobia, agyiophobia
tentara necrophobia
terbang aviophobia
tercekik anginophobia, pnigophobia
tergores amychophobia
terkubur hidup-hidup taphephobia
terkunci clithrophobia
terkurung claustuophobia, clithrophobia
tersentuh aphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia
tidur hlpnophobia
tikus musophobia
tinja mysophobia, rhypophobia, rupophobia
tinja, diri sendiri automysophobia
trichinosis trichinophobia
tuberculosis phthisiophobia, tuberculophobia
tubuh telanjang/ketelanjan gan gymnophobia, nudophobia
Tuhan theophobia
tungau acarophobia
uang chrematophobia
udara segar aerophobia
udara aerophobia
ujung runcing/benda tajam aichmophobia
ular ophidiophobia
vaksinasi vaccinophobia
wajah memerah ereuthophobia, erythrophobia
waktu chronophobia
warna merah erythrophobia
warna chromatophobia" chromophobia
Lampiran 4 248'5

Takut akan: Phobia

siang hari phengophobia

sifilis syphilophobia
simbolisme symbolophobia
sinar-X radiophobia
skabies scabiophobia
*"uo' :
sungai potamophobia
sungai, menyeberangi gephyrophobia
surga siderophobia, uranophobia
tali linonophobia
tangga climacophobia
tanggung jawab hypengyophobia
tebing curam cremnophobia
tempat tandus cenophobia, kenophobia
tempat-temPat tertentu topophobia
tempat-tempat umum agoraphobia, agyiophobia
tentara necrophobia
terbang aviophobia
tercekik anginophobia, pnigophobia
tergores amychophobia
terkubur hidup-hidup taphephobia
terkunci clithrophobia
terkurung claustrophobia, clithrophobia
tersentuh aphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia
tidur hlpnophobia
tikus musophobia
tinja mysophobia, rhypophobia, rupophobia
tinja, diri sendiri automysophobia
trichinosis trichinophobia
tuberculosis phthisiophobia, tuberculophobia
tubuh telanjang/ketelanjan gan gymnophobia, nudophobia
Tuhan theophobia
tungau acarophobia
uang chrematophobia
udara segar aerophobia
udara aerophobia
ujung runcing/benda tajam aichmophobia
ular ophidiophobia
vaksinasi vaccinophobia
wajah memerah ereuthophobia, erythrophobia
waktu chronophobia
warna merah erythrophobia
wama chromatophobia" chromophobia

No.' No. No. No.
Nama* Simbol Atom Massat Nama* Simbol Atom Massat

Actinium Ac 89 1227) Meitnerium Mt 109 [268)

Aluminum A1 13 26.982 Mendelevium Md 101 [2s8]
Americium Am 95 [2431 Molybdenum Mo 42 95.94
Antimony sb 51 121,.760 Natrium Na 11 22.990
Argentum Ag 47 107.868 Neodarnium Nd 60 LM24
Argon Ar 18 39948 Neon Ne 10 20.180
Arsen As JJ 74.922 Neptunium Np e3 [237]
Astatin At 85 [2101 Nikel Ni 28 58.693
Aurum Au 79 196.967 Niobium Nb 41, 92.906
Barium Ba 56 137.327 Nitrogen N 7 74.007
Berkelium BK 97 12471 Nobelium No 102 lzsel
Beryllium Be 4 9.012 Osmium Os 76 190.23
Bismuth Bi 83 208.980 Oxygen o 8 1.5.999
Bohrium Bh r07 12641 Palladium Pd 46 106.42
Boron B 5 10.811 Phosphorus P 15 30.974
Bromin Br 35 79.904 Platinum Pt 78 195.078
Cadmium cd 48 1,12.41,1 Plumbum Pb 82 207.2
Calcium Ca 20 40.078 Plutonium Pu e4 12441
Califomium Cf 98 [2s1] Polonium Po 84 12091
Carbon C 6 12.007 Praseodymium Pr 59 140.908
Cerium Ce 58 1.40.1.L6 Promethium Pm 6r [145]
Cesium Cs 55 132.906 Protactinium Pa 9't 231.036
Chlorin C1 1.7 35.453 Radium Ra 88 [226]
Chromium Cr 24 5'1..996 Radon Rn 86 [222]
Cobalt Co 27 58.933 Rhenium Re 75 186.207
Cuprum Cu 29 63.546 Rhodium Rh 45 102.906
Curium Cm 96 12471 Rubidium Rb 37 85.468
Dubnium Db 105 [2621 Ruthenium Ru 44 t0].07
Dysprosium Dy 66 162.50 Rutherfordium Rf 104 12611
Einsteinium Es 99 [2s21 Samarium Sm 62 150.36
Erbium Er 68 167.26 Scandium Sc 2r M.956
Europium Eu 63 15t.964 Seaborgium Sg 106 [262]
Fermium Fm 100 12571 Selenium S€ u 78.96
Ferrum Fe 26 55.845 Silicon Si 14 28.086
Fluorin F 9 18.998 Stannum Sn 50 LL8.71.0
Francium Fr 87 12231 Strontium Sr 38 87.62
Gadolinium Gd 64 1,57.25 Sulfur S 76 32.066
Gallium Ga 31 69.723 Tantalum Ta 83 180.948
Germanium Ge 32 72.61. Technetium Tc 43 [e8]
Hafnium Hf 72 178.49 Tellurium Te 52 1,27.60
Hassium Hs 108 [2651 Terbium Tb 65 1,58.925
Helium He 2 4.003 Thallium TI 81 204.383
Holmium Ho 67 1,64.930 Thorium Th 90 232.038
Hydragyrum Hg 80 200.59 Thulium Tm 69 1.68.934
Hydrogen H 1 1.008 Titanium Ti 22 47.867
Indium In 49 114.818 Tungsten w 74 183.84
Iodin I 53 1.26.905 Unsur 110 110 12691
Iridium Ir 192.21.7 Unsur 111 111 [2721
Kalium K 19 39.098 Unsur 112 't12 12771
Krypton Kr 36 83.80 Uranium U 92 238.029
Lanthanum La 57 138.906 Vanadium V 23 50.942
Lawrencium Lw 103 12621 Xenon Xe 54 L3L.29
Lithium Li 3 6.941, Ytterbium Yb 70 173.04
Lutetium Lu 7L 174.967 Yttrium Y 39 88.905
Magnesium Mg 12 24.305 Zinc Zn 30 65.39
Mangan Mn 25 54.938 Zirconium Zr 40 91.224

:Nama untuk unsu|l lb dan selerusnya masih dalam penelitian.

massa dikoreksi guna menyesuaikan dengan ke-1995 nilai menurut lnternational Union ol Pure and Applied Chemistry, dinyatakan hingga
titik desimal keempat, dibulatkan ke,sdperseribuan terdekat. Unluk unsur-unsur lanpa nuklida yang stabil, nomor massa isotop yang wakfu

Celsius-Fahrenheil Fahrenheit-Celsius
.F .c "c
-40 40,0 9 48,2 58 L36,4 -40 40,0 55 1.2,7 ^146 OJ,J
19 18,2 10 50,0 59 138,2 -39 -39,4 60 15,5 1.47 63,8
-38 -36,4 11 51,8 60 140,0 -38 18,9 65 18,3 1.48 &,4
12 53,6 141,8 _47 70 149 65,0
-3/ -34,6 61. -38,3 21.,1
16 -32,8 13 55,4 62 143,6 -36 -37,8 75 23,8 150 65,5
-35 -31,0 74 57,2 63 745,4 -35 17,2 80 26,6 151 66,'1.
14 _)q ) 15 59,0 54 147,2 -34 16,7 85 29,4 L52 65,6
-27,4 76 50,8 65 L49,0 _JJ *36,r 86 30,0 153 67,2
-32 -25,6 77 62,6 66 150,8 12 15,6 87 30,5 1.54 67,7
-31 *23,8 18 u,4 67 752,6 -31 -35,0 88 31,0 155 68,3
-30 -22,0 19 66,2 68 1.54,4 -30 144 89 37,6 156 68,8
:29 -20,2 20 68,0 69 156,2 -29 13,9 90 32,2 ^157 69,4
158,0 -28 21 7 158 70,0
-?'8 -1.8,4 2't 69,8 70 -J ),J 91
J7 -1.6,6 22 7t,6 71 159,8 12,8 92 JJ,J 1.59 70,5
-26 -14,8 23 73,4 72 161.,6 16 93 33,8 160 71.,1.

-25 -t3,0 24 75,2 73 163,4 -25 -J l,/ 94 34;4 "16't 71",6

-24 25 77,0 74 165,2 -24 95 35,0 L62 7t,
-1.L,2 -31,1
t3 -9,4 26 78,8 75 767,0 -/J 10,6 96 35,5 ^153

-22 -7,6 27 80,5 76 1.58,8 )2 -30,0 97 36,7 764 / J,J

11 -5,8 28 824 77 770,5 )1. --294 98 36,6 165 73,8
4,0 29 84,2 78 172,4 _20 18,9 98,6 37,0 766 74,4
-19 30 86,0 79 174,2 -1.9 -28,3 99 167 75,0
-18 4A 31 87,8 80 176,0 -18 -27,8 100 J/,/ 168 75,5
-'t7 +14 JZ 89,6 81 177,8 -17 101 38,3 169 76,1
-16 91,4 82 179,6 -16 16,7 702 38,8 170 76,6
-15 5,0 34 93,2 83 181.,4 -15 -26,L 103 39,4 17't
-1.4 5,8 35 95,0 84 L83,2 -14 -25,6 704 40,0 172 77,7
-13 8,6 36 95,8 85 185,0 -13 15,0 105 40,5 1.73 78,3
-72 L0,4 J/ 98,6 86 1-86,8 -1.2 -24,4 105 41,1. 774 78,8
-11 L2,2 38 100,4 87 1.88,6 -11 -23,9 1.07 47,6 175 79,4
-10 1.4,0 39 1.02,2 88 190,4 -10 )3,3 108 42,2 776 80,0
15,8 40 L04,0 89 10, t -9 J2,8 109 42,7 177 80,5
-8 1.7,6 41. 105,8 90 194,0 -8 110 43,3 \78 87,1
-7 79,4 42 107,6 9L 195,8 -7 111 43,8 179 81,6
-6 21,2 43 109,4 92 1.97,6 4 -21,'t L12 M,4 180 82,2
-5 23,0 44 11.1.,2 93 799,4 -5 -20,6 113 45,0 181 82,7
4 24,8 45 113,0 94 201.,2 4 -20,0 .t74 45,5 782 83,3
_J zo,o 46 114,8 95 203,0 115 46,7 183 83,8
-J -19,4
*2 28,4 47 1.16,6 96 204,8 -18,9 1.1.6 46,6 184 84,4
-1 30,2 48 718,4 97 206,6 -l -18,3 1.77 47,2 l6t 85,0
-0 32,0 49 720,2 98 208,4 0 -1.7,8 118 47,7 1.86 85,5
+l 33,8 50 1.22,0 99 21.0,2 +1 1.1.9 48,3 r87 86,L
2 35,6 51 123,8 100 272,0 5 -15,0 720 48,8 188 86,6
3 37,4 52 125,6 101 213,8 10 =12,2 72] 49,4 189 87,2
4 39,2 53 1a7 L 1.02 215,6 15 -9,4 122 50,0 190 87,7
5 4t,0 5! 1)a 7 103 21.7,4 20 4,6 123 50,5 1.97 88,3
6 42,8 55 131,0 704 2't9,2 1a -3,8 124 51,7 192 88,8
7 M,6 56 1.32,8 105 221.,0 30 -L,1 125 51,6 193 89,4
8 46,4 57 134,6 106 ,)i I 31 -0,5 126 52,2 794 90,0
J1 0 127 52,7 195 90,5
+0,5 128 5J,3 1.96 91.,1.
u 1.,L 129 53,8 t97 9L,6
35 1,6 130 544 198 o1 a
36 11 131 55,0 ,t99 92,7
.7/ 2,7 132 55,5 200 93,3
38 J,J 133 55,1. 207 93,8
39 3,8 134 56,6 202 94,4
40 4,4 135 57,2 203 95,0
4L 5,0 136 57,7 204
5,5 1.37 58,3 205 96,L
43 6,1. 138 58,8 206 96,6
44 6,6 L39 59,4 207 97,
45 t40 60,0 208 oav
46 7,7 T4"I 60,5 209 98,3
8,3 L42 61.,1 2L0 98,8
48 8,8 143 61.,6 2t1. 99,4
49 AL 1.44 52,2 212 100,0
50 10,0 t45 627 213 100,5



Kelipatan dan Subkelipatan pada Sistem Metrik

Kelipatan dan Subkelipatan Faktor Pengali Awalan Lambang (1otz; tera- T (10) giBa- G
1.000.000 (109 mega- M
1.000 (10:; kilo- k
100 (10'?) hecto- h
10 (10) deka- da

' 0'1' (10') deci- d

0,01 (10') centi- c
0,001 (10 3) milli- m
0,000 001 (10-6) micro- p
0,000 000 001 (1tr) nano- n
0,000 000 000 001 (10-tz; pico- p
0,000 000 000 000 001 (ro+; femto- f
0,000 000 000 000 000 001 ta; atto-
Qo a


Satuan Massa
Metrik dan Avoirdupois

Kilogram Gram Miligram Grain Dram Ons Pon

1 1000 1,0 x 10e 7'5432 x lQ+ 564,3776 35,2736 2,2045
0,001 1 1000 1,5,4324 0,5644 0,0353 0,002205
1,0 x 10< 0,001 1 0,0154 = 5,6438 x10a 3,53 x 10-s 2,2046 x1,0a
6,48 x 10 s 0,0648 64,8 1, 0,0366 0,0023 1,4 x 10a
0,0018 1,,772 1771,632 27,34 1 0,0625 0,0039
0,0284 28,350 2,8350 x 70a 437,5 1,6 1 0,062s
0,4536 453,5924 4,536 x 70s 7000 256 76 1"

Metrik dan Apothecary

Kilogram Gram Miligram Grain Scruple (9) Dram (3) Ons (s) Pon (s)
1 1000 1,0 x 106 1,,5432 x 104 771,6049 257,2076 32,7512 2,6792
0,001 1 1000 15,4324 0,7776 0,2572 0,03215 0,002679
1,0 x 1Qt 0,001 1. 0,0154 7,7160 x 70a 2,5720 x70a 3,21,51, x 10-s 2,6792 x 1,0-6
6,48 x 10-s 0,0&8 64,8 1 0,05 0,0767 0,0021 I,7 xlQ-t
0,007296 1,,296 1296 20 1 0,333 0,042 0,0035
0,003888 3,888 3888 60 J 1 0,725 0,0104
0,03110 31,1.03 31,103 x 10a 480 24 8 1 0,0833
0,3732 373,241,8 Z,7J x 1-0a 5760 288 96 12

Committee on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) merekomendasikan penggunaan saluan metrik, bukan satuan apothecary

Lampiran 7 2489

Metrik dan lroy

Satuan Kapasitas Cairan

Metrik dan Apothecarf

Dram Ons
Liter Desiliter Mililiter Minim Cairan Cairan Pint Quart Galon (AS)

1 10 1000 1,,623 x70a 270,5 33,8 2,773 7,056 0,2647.

0,1 1 100 1623 27,05 3,38 0,2113 0,1056 0,0264
0,001 0,01 1 16,23 0,2705 0,0338 0,0021,13 0,001056 2,6406 x10a
6,1"61 x !Q-s 6,161 x10+ 0,061,61. 1 0,01,66 0,002 1,,302 x 70< 6,51 x 1.0-s 1,,628 x 10-s
0,003697 0,03697 3,6967 60 L 0,1,25 0,0078 0,0039 9,7656 x 10-s
0,02957 0,2957 29,5737 480 , 81 0,0625 0,0312 0,0478
04731 4,731,8 473,179 7680 128 1,6 1 0,5 0,125
0,9464 9,4636 946,358 1,536 x 10+ 256 32 2 1 0,25
3,7854 37,8543 3785,434 6,1440 x1.04 1024 128 8 4 1

*Joint committee on Accreditation ol Health care organizations (JCAHO) merekomendasikan penggunaan satuan metrik, bukan satuan apothecary

Kesetaraan Kasar Takaran-Takaran Rumah Tangga

Tetes Minim SendokTeh Sendok Makan Ons Cairan Cangkir (atau gelas)* Mililiter

1 1 1/ 60 0,061,61,

60 60 1 1/3 r/8 5
180 180 J 1 1/2 itu 15
48 16 8 1,

*Satu gelas dianggap setara dengan satu cangkir (8 ons).

Satuan Paniang

Mikrometer Milimeter Sentimeter Meter Kilometer lnchi

1 0,001 1,0 x 1f 1,0 x 10{ 1,0 x10-e 3,937 x 10 5 3,281' 1.04 1.,0936 x 10+
1,0 x 10s 1 1,0 x 10{ 1,0 x 10-: 1,0 x 10{ 0,03937 . 0,003281. 0,001094 u2rr, , ro ,
1,0 x 104 10, t 1,0 x 10-2 1,0 x 10-s 0,3937 0,0328r 0,01094 6,21.37 xI0<
1,0 x 10e 1000 100 i 0,001 39,37 3,2808 1.,0936 6,2^137 xLV
1,0 x 10s 1,0 x 100 1,0 x 10s 1000 1 3,937 x 1.04 3280,84 1093,51.21. 0,621.4

1,0 x 10to 1,0 x 107 1,0 x1.04 1,0 x 10+ 10

' 3,937 x10s 3,281 x 1.04 1,0936 x 1.04 6,2137
2,54xlU , q/- 0,0254 2,54 x 10 s 1 0,08333 0,02778 1,5783 x 10-5
3,048 x 10s 304,8 3048 0,3048 3,048 x 104 72 1 0,3333 1,8939 x 101
9,1.44 x 7Os 914,4 91,44 0,9144 9,lM'104 36 3,0 1 5,6818 x 10r
1,6093 x 10e 1.,6093 x 06 1,6093 x 10s 7609,34 1,6093 6,336 x L0a. 5280 1
Kisaian Rujukan untuk Hematologi

uii Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Hemolisis asam (uji Ham) Tidak ada hemolisis Tidak ada hemolisis
Fosfatase alkali, leukosit Skor total, 14-100 Skor total, 14-1.00
Hitung sel
Laki-laki 4,6-6,2 juta/mn:.3 n'UU,, lgtz/L
Perempuan 4,2-5,4 jrfia/mms
"r 1gtz/L
Anak-anak (bervariasi sesuai umur) 4,5-5,L jfta/rnmt n,r-U,, * lgtz/L
Leukosit, total 4500-11.000/mm3 4,5-1L,0 x 1,0e /L
Leukosit, hitung jenis+
Mielosit o"/" 0/L
Neutrofil batang 3-5% 150-400 x706/L
Neutrofil segmen 54-62% 3000-5800 x1,06/L
Limfosit 25-33% 1500*3000 x1,06/L
Monosit 3-7% 300-500 x106/L
Eosinofil 1.-3% 50-250 x L06 /L
Basofil o-1% 15-50 x 106/L
Trombosit 150.000-400.000/mma 15H00 xlje/L
Retikulosit 25.000-2S.000/--, 25-75 x 10e /L
(0,5-1,,5% dari jumlah eritrosit)
Uji koagulasi
Masa perdarah an (template) 2,75-8,0 mnt 2,75-8,0mnt
Masa pembekuan (tabung kaca) 5-15 mnt 5-15 mnt
DDimer <0,5 pg/mL <0,5mg/L
Faktor VIII dan faktor koagulasi lainnya 50-150% dari nilai normal 0,5-1,5 kali nilai normal
Produk degradasi fibrin (uji Thrombo-Wellco) <10 pglmL <70mg/L
Fibrinogen 200-400 mg/dL 2,04,0 g/L
Masa tromboplastin parsial, teraktivasi (aPTT) 20-25 det 20-35 det
Masa Protrombin (PT) 12,0-74,0 det 12,0--t4,0 det
Uji Coombs
Direk Negatif Negatif
Indirek Negatif Negatif
Nilai-nilai korpuskuler eritrosit
Hemoglobin korpuskuler rata-rata (MCH) 26-34pg/ sel 26-34p9/sel
Volume korpuskuler rata-rata (MCV) 80-96 pma 80-96 fL
Konsentrasi hemoglobin korpuskuler rata-rata(MCHC) 32-36 g/dL 32V360 g/L
Haptoglobin 20-L65mg/dL 0,N-1,65 g/L
Laki-laki 40-54mL/dL 0404,s4
Perempuan 3747 mL/dL 0,37-0,47
Bayi baru lahir 49-54mL/dL 0,494,54
Anak-anak (bervariasi sesuai umur) 3549mL/dL 0,354,49
Laki-laki 13,0-18,0 g/dL 8,I-11,2 mmol/L
Perempuan 12,0-1,6,0 g/dL 7,4-9,9 mmol/L
Bayi baru lahir 16,5-19,s g/dL 1,0,2-12,Lmmol/L
Anak-anak (bervariasi sesuai umur) 11,,2-1,6,5 g/dL 7,0-L0,2 mmol/L
Hemoglobin, janin <1,0% dari kadar total <0,01 kali kadar total
Hemoglobin A1" 3-5% dari kadar total 0,03-0,05 kali kadar total
Hemoglobin Az 1,5-3,0o/" dari kadar total 0,015--0,03 kali kadar total
Hemoglobin, plasma 0,0-5,0 mgldl 0,0-3,2 pmol/L
Methemoglobin 30-130 mgldl, 19-80 pmol/L
Laju Endap Darah (LED)
Laki-laki 0-5 mm/jam 0-5 mm/jam
Perempuan 0-15 mm/jam 0-15 mm/jam
Laki-laki 0-15 mm/jam 0-15 mm,/jam
Perempuan 0-20 mm/jam 0-20 mm/jam
'Dari William Z. Borer, MD, dan Laura J. McCloskey, PhD, Relerence lntervals for the lnterpretation of Laboratory Tests. Dalam Robert E, Rakel (ed.), Conn's
Current Therapy 2007. Philadelphia,' Elsevier, 2003.
tsatuan konvensional berupa persentase; satuan Sl berupa hitung-sel absolut.

Lampiran 8 2491

Kisaran Rujukan'untuk Kimia Kllnis (Darah, Serum, dan Plasma)

Analit Satuan konvensional Satuan Sl

Asetoasetat plus aseton

Kualitatif Negatif Negatif
KuantitatiJ 0,3-2,0mg/dL 30-200 pmol/L
Fosfatase asam, serum (substrat timolftalein monofosfat) 0,1.4,6U/L 0,1,4,6U/L
ACTH (lihat Kortikotropin)
Alanin aminotransferase (ALT), serum (SGPT) 145U/L 145U/L
Albumin, serum 3,3-5,2g/dL 33-s2g/L
Aldolase, serum 0,0-7,0u/L 0,0-7,0u/L
Aldosteron, plasma
Berdiri 5-30 ngldl. 140-830 pmol/L
Berbaring 3-'l.0ng/dL 80-275pmoI/L
Fosfatase alkali (ALP), serum
Dewasa 3s-150 U/L 35-150 U/L
Remaja 100-500 u/L 100-s00 u/L
Anak-anak 100-350 u/L 100-350 u/L
Nitrogen amonia, plasma 10-50 pmol/L 10-50 pmol/L
Amilase, serum 25-125U/L 25-12sU/L
Anion gap, serum hitungan &16mEq/L 8-16 mmol/L
Asam askorbat, darah 0,4-l,5mg/dL 23-85 pmol/L
Aspartat aminotransferase (AST), serum (SGOT) 1-36V/L r-36U /L
Ekses basa, darah arteri, hitungan 0 t 2 mEq/L 0+2 mmol/L
Plasma vena 23-29mEq/L 23-29 mmol/L
Darah arteri mEq/L
21.-27 2l-27 mmol/L
Asam empedu, serum 0,3-3,0 mgldl- 0,8-7,6 pnol/L
Bilirubin, serum
Terkonjugasi O,1.4,4mg/dL 1.,7-4,8 Vmol/L
Total 0,3-1,1m9/dL 5,1,-1,9,0 pmol/L
Kalsium, serum 8/-10,6mg/dL 2,10-2,65mmol/L
Kalsium, terionisasi, serum 4,25-5,25lr.g/dL 1,05-1,30 mmol/L
Karbon dioksida, total, serum atau plasma 24-31.mEq/L 24-Slmrr.ol/L
Karbon dioksida, tekanan parsial (Pcoz), darah 3545mmHg 35-45 mmHg
60-260 pg/dL 1.,1.-8,6 pmol/L
B-karoten, serum
Seruloplasmin, serum 23-44m9/dL 230-M0mg/L
Klorida, serum atau plasma 96-106mEq/L 9G106 mmol,i L
Kolesterol, serum atau plasma EDTA
Kisaran ideal <200mg/dL <5,20 mmol,/L
Kolesterol low4ensi ty lipoprotein (LDL) 60-180 mgldL 1.,5A,65 mmol/L
Kolesterol hlf 4ensity lipoprotein (HDL) 3G-80 mgldl 0,80-2,05 mmol/L
Tembaga 70-140 pg/dL 71-22pmol/L
Kortikohopin (ACTH), plasma, 8 pagi 10-80 pglml 2-1.8pmol/L
Kortisol, plasma
8 PaF 6-23 pg/dL 17M30 pmol/L
4 sore 3-1s pg/dL 80-410 pmol/L
10 malam <50% dari kadar 8 pagi <50% dari kadar 8 pagi
Kreatin, serum
Laki-Iaki 0,24,5mg/dL 15-40 pmol,/L
Perempuan 0,34,9m9/dL 25-70 vlr.ol/L
Kreatin kinase (CK), serum
Laki-laki 55-170U /L 55-170U/L
Perempuan 30-135 U/L 30-135 U/L
Kreatinin kinase MB, isoenzim, serum <5% dari aktivitas CK total <5% dari aktivitas CK total
<5,A ng / mL, dengan immunoassay <5,0 ng / nr.L, dengan immunoassay
Kreatinin, serum 0,6-l,2mg/dL 50-110 pmol/L
Estradiol-17B, dewasa
Laki-laki 1G-65 pglml 35-240pmoI/L
Fase folikuler 30-100 pg,/ml L10-370pmol/L
Fase ovulatorik 200400pg/mL 730-1470 pmol/L
Fase luteal 5G-140 pglmL 180-510 pmol/L
Ferritin, serum 20-200ng/mL 20-200 pg/L
Fibrinogen, plasma 200-400 mg/dL 2,04,0 g/L
Folat, serum }-18 nglml- 6,84,7nmol/L
Eritrosit 145-540 nglmL 33G-1220 nmol/L
F ollicle-*timulating hormone (FSH), plasma
Lakilaki +-25mU/mL 4-25U/L
Perempuan, pramenopause rt-30 mU/mL 4-30U/L
Perempuan, pascamenopause 4G-250 mU/mL 40-250U /L
Gastrin, puasa, serum G-100 pglmL G-100 mgll-
Glukosa, puasa, plasma atau serum 70-100n9/dL 3,9-5,55 nmol,/L
y-glutamiltransferase (GGT), serum 540V/L 540U/L
2492 Lampiran 8

Kisaran Rujukan* untuk Kimia Klinis (Darah, Serum, dan Plasma) lanjutan

Analit Satuan konvensional Satuan Sl

Hormon pertumbuhan (hGH), plasma, dewasa, puasa 0-6ng/mL 0-6 pg/L

Haptoglobin, serum 20-1.65mg/dL 0,20-7,65 gm/L
B-Hidroksibutirat 0,2-2,Bmg/dL 20-280 prnol/L
Imunoglobulin, serurn (lihat tabel Kisaran Rujukan
untuk Uji-uji Fungsi Imunoiogik)
Besi, serum 75-175 pg/dL 13-31 pmol/L
Kapasitas pengikatan besi, serum
Total 25041,0 pg/dL 45-73 pmol/L
Saturasi 20-55% 0,20-0,55
Venous whole blood 5,0-20,0 mg/ dL 0,6-2,2mmol/L
Arterisl whole blood 5,0-15,0 mg/ dL 0,6-1,7 mmol/L
Laktat dehidrogenase (LD), serum 11,0-220U /L 710--220U/L
Lipase, serum 1,0-140U/L 1,0-140U /L
Lutropin (LH), serum
Laki-laki 1-9U/L 1-9 U /L
Fase folikuler 2-1,0U/L 2-1,0U/L
Puncak pertengahan-siklus 15-65U/L 15-65U/L
Fase luteal 1,-12U/L 1"-12U/L
Pascamenopause 12-65U/L 12-65U /L
Magnesium, serum 1,3-2,1"mg/dL 0,65-1,05 mmol/L
Osmolalitas 275-295 mOsm/kg air 275-295 mOsm/kg air
Oksigen, darah, arteri, udara ruangan
Tekanan parsial (PaOz) 80-100 mm Hg 80-100 mm Hg
Saturasi (SaOz) 95*98% 95-980/"
pH, darah arteri 7,35-7,45 7,35-7,45
Fosf at, inorganik, serum
Dewasa 3,04,5mg/dL 1,0-1,5 mmol/L
Anak-anak 4,0-7,0mg/dL 1,3-2,3mrrrol,/L
Serum mmol/L
3,5-5,0 3,5-5,0 mEq/L
Plasma 3,54,5mBq/L 3,54,5mBq/L
Progesteron, serum, dewasa
Laki-laki 0,0-0,4ng/mL 0,0-1,3 mmol/L
Fase folikuler 0,1-1,,5ng/mL 0,3-4,8 mmol/L
Fase luteal 2,5-28,0 ng/mL 8,0-89,0 mmol/L
Prolaktin, serum
Laki-laki 1,0-15,0 ng/mL 1,,0-1,5,0 ptg/L
Perempuan L,V20,0ng/mL 1,,0+0,0 1tg/L
Protein, serum, elektroforesis
Total 6,0-8,0 g/dL 60-80 g/L
Albumin 3,5-5,5 g/dL 3s-55 g/L
d,1 0,2-0,4g/dL 2,0a,0 g/L
d2 0,5-0,9 g/dL 5,0-9,0 g/L
B 0,6-1,,1, g/dL g/L
v 0,7-7,7 g/dL 7,0-77,0 g/L
Piruvat, darah .A3-0,9 rr:.g/dL 0,03-0,10 mmol/L
Faktor reumatoid 0,0-30,0 lUlmL 0,0-30,0 kru/L
Natrium, serum atau plasma L35-145 mEq/L 135-145 mmol/L
Testosteron, plasma
Laki-laki, dewasa 300-L200 ng/ dL L0,44L,6nmol/L
Perempuan, dewasa 20-75 ng/dL 0,7-2,6nmol/L
Perempuan hamil 40-200 ngldl 1.,4-6,9 rrmol/L
Tiroglobulin 342ng/mL 342ytg/L
Tirohopin (hTSH), serum 0,4-4,8 yil /mL 0,44,8mIU/L
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRTI) 540pg/mL 5-60ng/L
Tiroksin (FTa), bebas, serum 0,9-2,7ng/dL 1.2-27 pmol/L
Tiroksin (T+), serum 4,5-72,0 1tg/dL 58-154 nmol/L
T1'ry r oxtne-b in din g gl obulin (T BG) 1,5,0-34,0 pg/mL 1,5,0-34,0rrrg/L
Transferin 250430mg/dL 2,54,3g/L
Trigliserida, serum, pasca-puasa 12 jam 40-150 mgldL 0,4-1,,5 g/L
Triiodotironin (T:), serum 70-190 ng/ dL L,L-2,9 nmol/L
Ambilan triiodotironin, resin (T3RU) 25-38% 0,254,38
Laki-iaki 2,5-8,0mg/dL 150-480 vmol/L
Perempuan 2,2-7,0rr.9,/dL L30420 pmol/L
Lampiran I 2493

Kisaran Rulukan* untuk Kimia Klinis (Darah' Serum, dan Plasma) Ianiutan

Analit Satuan konvensional Satuan Sl

Urea, serum atau plasma 2449 mg/dL 4,0-8,2nmol/L

Urea, nitrogen, serum atau plasma 1L-23m9/dL 8,0-1.5,4 nmollL
Viskositas, serum I,4-1,8 x viskositas air 1.,4-1.,8 x viskositas air
Vitamin A, serum 20-80 1tg/dL 0,70-2,80 pmol/L
Vitamin Bu. serum 180-900 Pglml 133-664pmol/L

'Nilai rujukan dapat bervariasi, tergantung pada metode dan sumber sampel yang dipakai

Kisaran Rujukan untuk Pemantauan Obat Terapeutik (Serum atau Plasma)*

Analit Kisaran Terapeutik Konsentrasi Toksik Nama Dagang

Acetaminophen 10-40 pglml >150 prglml- Tylenol, Datrii
Salicylate 100-250 pglml >300 pg,/ml Aspirin, Bufferin

Amikacin 20-30 pg/mL Purcak 235 pglml Amkin
Terendah >10 pglml
Gentamicin 5:10 pglml Puncak >10 pglmL Garamycin
Terendah >2 pg/mL
Tobramycin 5-10 pglml Puncak >10 pglml Nebcin
Terendah >2 pg/mL
Vancomycin F-35 pg,/ml Puncak >40 pg/mL Vancocin
Terendah >10 pglml
Carbamazepine 5-12 pg/mL >15 prglmL Tegretol
Ethosuximide 40-100 pglml >250 Stg/mL Zarontin
Phenobarbital 1540 pg/mL 40-100 nglmL (sangat bervariasi) Luminal
Phenytoin 10-20 pg/mL >20 pg/mL Diiantin
Primidone 5-72 pg/mL >L5 ytg/mL Mysoiine
Asam valproat 50-100 pglml >100 Pg,/mL Depakene

Antineoplastik dan Imunosupresan

Cyclosporine 100-300 >400 nglml Sandimmune
Methotrexate, dosis tinggi,48 jam Bervariasl^g/mL >1 prnol / L, 48 1am setelah pemberian
Tacrolimus (FK-506), whole blood 3-20 1tg/L >15 pgll Prograf

Bronkodilator dan Stimulan Pernapasan

Caffeine 3-15 nglml, >30 nglml, Elixophyllir
Theophylline (aminophylline) 1.0-20 pg/mL >30 pglmi, Quibron'
Obat Kardiovaskuler
Amiodarone (spesimen diambil iebih 7,01,0 pg/mL >2,0 pg/mL Cordarone
dari 8 jam setelah dosis terakhir)
Digoxin (spesimen diambil lebih dari 0,8-2,0 ng/mL >2,+ng,/mL Lanoxin
6 jam setelah dosis terakhir)
Disopyramide 2-5 pg/mL >7pg/mL Norpace
Flecainide 0,2-1,0 1t"g/mL >1pglml- Tambocor
Lidocaine 1,5-5,0 pg/mL >6pg/mL Xylocaine
Mexiletine 0,7-2,0 pg/mL >2pg/mL Mexitii
Procainamide 4-1,0 pg/mL >12 ytg/mL Pronestyl
Procainamide plus NAPA (N-acetyl-p- 8-30 pglrnl >30 prglmi-
Propranoiol 50*100 nglmL Bervariasi Inderal
Quinidine 2-5 pg/mL >6pg/mL Cardioquin
Tocainide 4-10n9/mL >10 ng,/ml Tonocard

Obat Psikofarmakologik .
Amitriptyiine 120-150 JrglmL >500 ng,/ml Elavil
Bupropion 25-100 nglml- Tidak sahih Wellbutrin
Desipramine 150-300 nglml >500 nglmL Nolpramin
Imipramine 125-250 nglmL >400 nglml- Tofranil
Litium (spesimen diambil 12 jam 0,5-7,5 mEq/L >1,5 mEq/L Lithobid
setelah dosis terakhir)
Nortriptyline 50-150 nglml. >500 nglml Aventyl
.Nilai,nilai ini dapat bervariasi, bergantung pada metode dan alat yang dipakai sewaklu pengumpulan sampel. Anda harus selalu berpatokan pada kisaran
rujukan yang digunakan di laboralorium tempat dilakukannya analisis sampel tersebut.
2494 Lampiran 8

Kisaran Rujukan* untuk Kimia Klinis (Urine)

Analit Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Aseton dan asetoasetat, kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Kuantitatif 10-100 mg,/24 jam 0,15-1,5 pmol/hr
Aldosteron 3-20 ytg/24 jam 8,3-55 nmol/hr
Asam 8-aminolevulinat (6-ALA) 7,3-7,0 mg/241am 10-53 pmol/hr
Amilase <17 U /jam <1,7 U /jarn
Rasio bersihan amilase / kreatinin 0,01-0,04 0,01-0,04
Bilirubin, kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Kalsium (diet reguler) <250 mg/241am <6,3 nmol/hr
Epinefrin <1.0 1tg,/24 jam <55 nmol/hr
Norepinefrin <700 Stg/24 jam <590 nmol,/hr
Katekolamin bebas total 4-125 p,g/24 jam 24-745 nmol/hr
Metanefrin total 0,7-7,6 mg/24 jam 0,5-8,1 pmol/hr
Klorida (bervariasi sesuai asupan) 110-250 mEq/24 jam 110-250 mmol/hr
Tembaga 0-50 ptg/24 jam 0,0-0,80 pmol/hr
Kortisol, bebas 10-100 1tg/24 jam 27,6-276 nmol/hr
Laki-iaki 040mg/24 jam 0,0-0,30 mmol/hr
Perempuan 0-80 mgl24 jam 0,0-0,60 mmol/hr
Kreatinin 15-25 mg/kg/241am 0,13-0,22 mmol/kglhr
Bersihan kreatinin (endogen)
Laki-1aki 1 10-150 mL / nlult / I,7 3 m2 110-150 mL/mnt/7,73 mz
Perempuan 705-732mL/mnt/1,73 m2 105-132 mL / mnt / 7,73 rnz
Sistin atau sistein Negatif Negatif
Laki-laki 0,2-2,0 mg/24 jam 0,7-6,9 p,mol/hr
Perempuan 0,2-L,8 mg/24 jam 0,7-6,2 plr.ol/hr
Estrogen, total
Laki-laki 4-25 1tg/24 jam 14-90 nmol/hr
Perempuan 5-100 pg/24jam 18-360 nmoi/hr
Giukosa (sebagai zat pereduksi) <250 mg/24 jam <250 mg/hr
Hemoglobin dan miogiobin, kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Asam homogentisat, kualitatif Negatif Negatif
1 7-Hidroksikortikosteroid
Laki-laki 3-9 mg/24 jam 8,3-25 pmol/hr
Perempuan 2--8mg/24 jam 5,5-22 pmol/hr
Asam S-Hidroksiindoiasetat
Kualitatif Negaiif Negatif
Kuantitatif 2-6 mg/24 jam 10-31 pmol/hr
Steroid 17-ketogenik
Laki-laki 5-23 mg,/24 jam 17-80 pmol/hr
Perempuan 3-75 mg/24 jam 10-52 pmol/hr
Laki-1aki 8-22mg/24 jam 28-76 pmol/hr
Perempuan 6-L5 mg/24 jam 2L-52 pmol/hr
Magnesium 6-70 mBq/24 jam 3-5 mmol,/hr
Metanefrin 0,05-1,2 nglmg kreatinin 0,03-0,7 0 mrnol/mmol kreatinin
Osmolalitas 38-1400 mOsm/kg air 38-1400 mOsm/kg air
pH 4,6-8,0 4,6-8,0
Asam fenilpiruvat, kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Fosfat 0,4-1,3 g/24 jam 13-42 mmol/hr
Kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Kuantitatif <2mg/24 jam <9 prmol/hr
Koproporfirin 50-250 p.g/24 jarr. 77-380 nmol/hr
Uroporf irin 10-30 1tg/24 jam 12-36 nmol/hr
Kalium 25-1.25 mEq/24 jarr. 25-125 mmol/hr
Laki-laki 0,0-1,9 rng/24 jam 0,0-6,0 pmoi/hr
Fase proliferatif 0,0-2,6mg/24 jam 0,0*8,0 pmol/hr
Fase luteal 2,6-10,6 mg/24 jam 8-33 pmoi/hr
Pascamenopause 0,2-7,0 mg/24 jam 0,6-3,1 pmol/hr
Pregnantriol 0,0-2,5 mg,/24 jalr. 0,0-7,4 pl:rrol/hr
Protein, total
Kualitatif Negatif Negatif
Kuantitatif 10-150 mg/24 janr. 10-150 mglhr
Rasio protein/kreatinin <0,2 <0,2
Lampiran B 2495

Kisaran Rujukan* untuk Kimia Klinis (Urine) lanjutan

Analit Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Natrium (diet reguler) 60-260.m8q/24 jam 60-260 mmol/hr

Berat jenis
Spesimen sewaktu 1,003-1,030 i,003-1,030
Spesimen 24-jam 7,0L5-7,025 1,075*7,425
Urat (diet reguler) 250-750 mg/241am 1,5-4,4 mmol/hr
Urobilinogen 0,54,0m9/24 jalr. 0,6-6,8 pLmol/hr
Asam vanililmandeiat (VMA) L,0*8,0 mg/24 jam 5*40 pmol/hr
dapat bervariasi, tergantung metode yang digunakan

Kisaran Rujukan untuk Zat Toksik

Analit Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Arsen, urine jam

<1.30 ytg/24 <1,7 pmol/hr
Bromida, serum, inorganik <i00 mgldL <10 mmoi/L
Gejala toksik 140;1000 mgldL 14-100 mmo1,/L
Karboksrhemoglobin, darah Saturasi, persen
Lingkungan kota <5" <0,05
Perokok <0,12
Sakit kepala >1,5% >0,15
Mual dan muntah >25% >0,25
Berpotensi letai >50% >0,50
Etanol, darah <0,05 mgldL <1,0 mmol/L
Intoksikasi >100 mg,/dL >22mmo|/L
Intoksikasi nyata 300-400 mg/dL 65*87 mmol/L
Stupor aikoholik 400-500 mg/dL 87-109 mmol/L
Koma >500 mgldL >109 mmol/L
Timbal, darah
Dewasa <20 pg/dL <1,0 pmol/L
Anak-anak <70 pg/dL <0,5 pmol/L
Timbal, urine <80 prg/24 jam <0,4 pmol/hr
Raksa, urine <70 1tg/24 jarn <150 nmol/hr

Kisaran Rujukan untuk Uji-uii yang Dikeriakan pada Cairan Cerebrospinal

uii Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Sel <5 mm3, semua mononukiear <5 x 106 /L, semua mononuklear
Elektrof oresis protein Predominan albumin Predominan albumin
Clukosa 50-75 mg/ dL (20 mg/dl lebih kecil 2,84,2mrr.ol/ L (1,1 mmol/L lebih kecil
dari kadarnya dalam serum) dari kadarnya dalam serum)
Anak <14 th <8% dari protein total <0,08 kali protein total
Dewasa <14ok dari protein total <0,14 kaii protein toial
Indeks IgG
f Rasio lgClserum I 0,3-0,6 0,3-0,6
i n"r. "fU"*. CSI-/**;
Pengikatan oiigoklonal pada elektrof oresis Tidak ada Tidak ada
Tekanary permulaan 70-180 mm HzO 70-180 mm HzO
Protein, total 15-45 mgldl 150-450 mg/L
2496 Lampiran I
Kisaran Rujukan untuk Uli-uji Fungsi Gastrointestinal

uji Satuan Konvenslonal

Bentiromida Ekskresi arilamina >57% dalam urine setelah 6-jam menyingkirkan
kemungkinan insufisiensi pankreas
p-Karotery serum 60-250 ng/ dL
Estimasi lemak feses
Kualitatif Tidak tampak gelembung lemak pada mikroskop pembesaran-kuat
Kuantitatif <6 g/24 jarn (>95% koefisien absorpsi lemak)
Keluaran asam iambung
Laki-Iaki 0,0-10,5 mmol/jam
Perempuan 0,0-5,6 mmol/jam
Maksimum (setelah pemberian histamin
atau pentagastrin)
Laki-laki 9,0-48,0 mmol/iam
Perempuan 6,0-31,0 rnrnoi/jam
Rasio: basal/maksimum
Laki-laki 0,0-0,31
Perempuan 0,0-0,29
Uji sekretin, cairan pankreas
Volume >1,8mL/kg/jam
Bikarbonat >80 mEq/L
Uji absorpsi D-Xilosa, wine >20% dosis asupan yang diekskresi dalam 5 jam

Kisaran Rujukan untuk Uji-uii Fungsi lmunologik

uii Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Komplemen, Serum
C3 85-175 mg/dL 0,85-1,75 g/L
C4 15-45 mg,zdl i50-450 mglL
Hemolitik totai (Cl{so) 150-250 U/mL 150-250 U/mL
Imunoglobuliry serum, dewasa
IgG 640-1350 mg/ dL 5,4-13,5 g/L
IgA 70-310 mgldL 0,701,1g/L
IgM 90-35Gmg/dL 0,90-3,s g/L
IgD 0,0-6,0 mg/dL 0,0-60 mg/L
IgE 0,0-430 ngldL 0,0430 pg/L
Autoantibodi, serum, dewasa
Antibodi antinuklear <1:40
Antibodi anti dsDNA 0-41 IUlmL
Anti CCP 0-19 unit
Faktor reumatoid 0-30 mgldl

Subset Limfosit, Whole Blood)dengan Heparin

Antigen yang Terekspresi Tipe Sel Persentase (%) Hitung Sel Absolut
CD3 Sel T totai 56-77 860-1880
CD19 Sel B total 140170
CD3 dan CD4 Sel pemicu-penolong g2-54 550-1190
CD3 dan CD8 Sel penekan-sitotoksik 2+-57 430-1060
CD3 dan DR Sei T aktif 5-1.4 70-31,0
CD2 Sel T roset E 73-87 7040-2760
CD16 and CD56 SeI natural killer (NK) 8-22 130-500
Rasio sel penolong/penekan: 0,8-1,8
Lampiran 8 2497."

Kisaran Rujukan untuk Analisis Semen

uii Satuan Konvensional Satuan Sl

Volume 2-5 mL 2-5 mL

Pencairan (likuefaksi) Komplet dalam 15 mni Komplet dalam 15 mnt
pH 7,2-8,0 7,2-4,0
Leukosit Tidak ada atau hanya sesekali ditemukan Tidak ada atau hanya sesekali ditemukan
Jumlah 60_150 x 106/mL 60-150 x L06/mL
Motilitas >80% motil >0,80 motil
Morfologi 80-90% bentuk normal >0,80-0,90 bentuk normal
Frukfosa >150 mgldL >8,33 mmol/L

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