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SUMBER: https://zerowaste.

Apa sih sebenarnya Ecobrick itu?

“Eco” dan “brick” artinya bata ramah lingkungan. Disebut “bata” karena ia dapat
menjadi alternatif bagi bata konvensional dalam mendirikan bangunan. Maka dari
itu ecobrick biasa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan furniture. Ecobrick
adalah botol plastik yang diisi padat dengan limbah non-biological untuk membuat
blok bangunan yang dapat digunakan kembali. Eko-batu bata ini adalah teknologi
berbasis kolaborasi yang menyediakan solusi limbah padat tanpa biaya untuk
individu, rumah tangga, sekolah, dan masyarakat. Juga dikenal sebagai Bottle
Brick atau Ecoladrillo. Solusi limbah lokal ini mulai disebut Ecobrick oleh gerakan
masyarakat yang berkembang di seluruh dunia.

Banyak dari kita yang masih mengkonsumsi makanan atau produk apapun yang
dikemas plastik. Kadang kita berusaha kreatif dan mengurangi sampah dengan
membuat sabun sendiri di rumah contohnya, tapi bahan-bahan yang digunakannya
pun masih menggunakan plastik. Juga tidak mudah untuk begitu saja
meninggalkan 100% plastik karena faktanya produk di dalam supermarket hampir
90% sudah dikemas dalam sebuah bungkusan yang sebagian besarnya adalah
kemasan plastik.

Jika reuse dan reduce sudah sangat sulit, maka ecobrick merupakan solusi.

Ecobrick mampu memberikan kehidupan baru bagi limbah plastik. Ecobrick
adalah cara lain untuk utilisasi sampah-sampah tersebut selain mengirimnya
ke landfill (pembuangan akhir). Dengan ecobrick kita memiliki kesempatan untuk
mengubah pengorbanan komunitas dan ekosistem dalam mencerna plastik. Kita
dapat mengubah plastik menjadi bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan ekosistem
setempat. Karakteristik plastik yang sangat bermasalah digunakan
yaitu longevitydan durability malah menjadi sesuatu yang dicari.

Apa manfaat Ecobrick?

Dengan ecobrick, sampah-sampah plastik ini akan tersimpan terjaga di dalam botol
sehingga tidak perlu dibakar, menggunung, tertimbun dan lain-lain. Teknologi
ecobrick memungkinkan kita untuk tidak menjadikan plastik di salah
satu industrial recycle system, dengan begitu akan menjauhi biosfer dan
menghemat energi. Ecobrick menjaga bahan-bahan plastik tersebut melepaskan
CO2 yang pada akhirnya akan menyumbang pemanasan global.

Ecobrick biasanya digunakan untuk membuat furnitur modular, perabotan indoor,

ruang kebun, ruang hijau, dinding struktur dan bangunan seperti sekolah dan
rumah. Bisa dapat ide dari sini.
Jika malas memikirkan projek dan tidak mau repot, sekarang ini banyak juga bank
sampah yang menerima ecobrick dan bisa ditukar dengan uang. Selain itu bisa cek
informasi drop off disini.

Source: pinterest

Bagaimana cara membuat Ecobrick?

Botol plastik apa pun dapat digunakan untuk membuat Eco-brick, tetapi botol yang
paling tepat untuk digunakan ditemukan berukuran 500 ml. Siapkan botol plastik,
sampah non organik dan non biologi, gunting dan kayu/tongkat untuk
Walaupun terlihat mudah, namun pada proses pembuatannya ada beberapa hal
yang perlu diketahui

 Botol harus dalam keadaan bersih dan kering

 Sampah plastik pun harus dalam keadaan bersih dan kering untuk
menghindari bakteri tumbuh di dalam botol ecobrick
 Putar dan tekan-tekan tongkat dan pastikan bahwa isinya padat dan merata di
seluruh botol. Ini membantu memastikan bahwa botol tidak memiliki rongga dan
memiliki sifat padat yang mirip dengan balok beton.

Untuk menguji kepadatan, kita bisa menekan botol dari luar. Ecobrick yang baik
adalah saat botol tidak akan kempes dan tidak mengeluarkan bunyi ketika

Source: pinterest

Apa saja yang bisa dimasukkan ke dalam Ecobrick?

Dampak buruk dari limbah plastik sudah banyak dirasakan masyarakat
dunia. Para aktivis lingkungan juga berfikir bagaimana cara mengelola
sampah plastik yang sepertinya tidak mungkin dihindari. Salah satu solusi
mengatasi masalah ini yaitu ecobrick.

Ecobrick jika diartikan ke bahasa Indonesia adalah bata ramah lingkungan.

Ecobrick dianggap menjadi solusi masalah sampah plastik yang sederhana
namun visioner. Selain ramah lingkungan, rupanya, ecobrick ini
mempunyai berbagai fakta unik lho.

1. Lebih ekonomis dan mudah dibuat karena hanya berbahan limbah botol
dan plastik bekas di sekitarmu

Membuat ecobrick sangat mudah sederhana. Kamu hanya perlu

menyiapkan sampah plastik, botol plastik, dan stik (misalnya kayu atau
sumpuit) untuk memampatkan.

Isi botol dengan plastik hingga padat dan tidak berubah bentuk saat
ditekan. Tutup kembali botol tersebut dan Selesai. Dengan langkah
tersebut  kamu sudah berhasil membuat satu buah ecobrick. 

2. Ecobrick dapat mencegah plastik berakhir di pembuangan landfill

Ecobrick yang nantinya bisa dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan bangunan

otomatis tidak akan berakhir di pembuangan sampah. Pembuangan
sampah konvensional (landfill) yang umumnya ada, hanya menumpuk
sampah di biosfer dan semakin hari membutuhkan tempat yang luas dan
bisa terus bertambah jika tidak dikelola.

Dengan memanfaatkan sampah menjadi ecobrick, limbah plastik akan

menghasilkan sesuatu yang lebih aplikatif dan berguna.
3. Ecobrick bisa menjadi material bangunan yang kuat, awet, dan tahan air

Ecobricks mempunyai sifat plastik itu sendiri, yaitu awet, kuat dan anti air.
Bahkan ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa material ini tahan peluru loh.
Apabila digunakan sebagai material bangunan, pasti tidak kalah nyaman
dengan bangunan yang dibuat dengan batu bata umumnya.

4. Ecobrick ditemukan pertama kali di Filipina oleh seniman asal Kanada yang
tinggal di Indonesia Maximo /Russell Maier

Dilansir dari, ternyata penemu dari ecobrick ini adalah orang
Kanada. Dia adalah Rusel Maier, seorang seniman yang bekerja di
Indonesia menyelesaikan projek ecobricknya. Ia menemukan ide ecobrick
saat memikirkan apa solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah polusi plastik
di dunia. Penemuan itu terjadi saat ia berada di sebuah desa di lembah
Sagada, Filipina.
5. Ecobrick sudah dimanfaatkan komunitas lingkungan untuk membangun
berbagai bangunan
Gladys Maximo /Russell Maier

Sejak ditemukan, ecobrick mulai mengglobal dan diadopsi oleh berbagai

komunitas peduli lingkungan. Dengan ecobrick, berbagai organisasi
tersebut berhasil membangun fasilitas seperti sekolah, bangku taman,
hostel dan sebagainya.

Bangunan yang sudah jadi pun tidak kalah cantik dengan yang dibuat
dengan batu bata. Di samping bisa dimanfaatkan sebagaimana fungsinya.
Penggunaan ecobricks aplikatif ini juga sebagai bentuk edukasi kepada
masyarakat mengenai pemanfaatan limbah plastik. 

Ecobrick merupakan solusi yang mudah murah dan  bisa dibuat oleh siapa
saja. Bahkan, bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk membangun rumah ramah
lingkunganmu juga. Tertarik?


It was only in recent years when EcoBricks has reached our shores. But it has
slowly gained traction among Filipinos, due in part to the alarming rates of
plastic consumption and the far-reaching effects of negligent plastic disposal.

From starting in Guatemala, it has already influenced many people all over
the world to collect plastic packaging and other non-biodegradable materials
and stuff them into PET bottles. This can be used in a plethora of ways, even
as a substitute to many materials, especially in building.

And while in the country the practice of making EcoBricks is exclusively

associated to drop off centers and supporting causes related to reducing
plastic waste, very few know that they could actually repurpose these plastic-
filled bottles to build their own infrastructures, both for home and public
space, and even to make your own furniture!

With a little help from EcoBrick’s user-friendly manuals, which consists of

easy to follow instructions on how to build walls, benches, stools, and tables,
anyone can easily turn their EcoBricks into something functional.

Walls and Infrastructures

In the Philippines, one of the leading institutions to advocate for EcoBricks is

The Plastic Solution. They have built many infrastructures to date using
donations from EcoBrick makers, as well as influence many others to make
their own masterpieces out of plastic bottles, which they can feature on their
EcoBricks make for a perfect construction material since it is “highly insulating, robust, [and]

In the website, you can also access a guide on how to make structures by stacking
the bottles horizontally and layering them with adobe clay or cob, which is actually inspired by
an ancient Spanish and Igorot way of building.


Since most PET bottles can stand upright owing to their shape, they can be constructed pretty
much like LEGO pieces. And the easiest thing you could do just by placing them together,
without the need for any other material is making modular furniture.

All you have to do is secure each side of contact with silicone sealant to instantly piece together
your furniture.

The same configuration can be used to make center tables, with bundled bottles as serving as a
central support, where a round piece of glass can sit atop.

From its humble beginnings as a way to get people to be conscious about

their plastic waste and just how much of it they make in a given time,
EcoBricks has evolved to a more holistic approach towards a waste-free

Now, you don’t only get to free beaches, your house and the environment of
plastics, you can also make something functional out of them.

Along with a few reminders, such as filling your bottles all the way and
compress everything, and making sure you only fill it with non-biodegradable
materials, you can build your own infrastructures and furniture with the help
of these guides.

If you have any ideas, on how to repurpose your EcoBricks, kindly share it
with us!
Ecobricks – How to Reuse Your Non-Recyclable Plastic Waste
July 16, 2018 Tea & Cake for the Soul Art, Crafts, Upcycling & Eco
Issues, Blogtober & BlogmasBlogmas18, Eco Issues, Ecobricks, Upcycling

Earlier in the year, I came across this wonderful idea of

making ecobricks* from plastic waste via a new UK Facebook group.  If
you’re clearing up after Christmas or starting to have a spring clean there is
likely to be an abundance of excess packaging in many households,
schools and businesses. I wanted to share the idea with you all again, to
show you how you can reuse your non-recyclable plastic waste.

It is an innovative idea because it is something that you can do yourself in

your home, your school or community. You do not need to wait for shops or
governments to change policy to take this positive action to help the

Photo thanks to Maria Harding – her first ecobrick

Many of us are trying to reduce our plastic use as much as possible, some
even working towards zero waste, but today’s lifestyle does involve lots of
plastic no matter how hard we try. Even when we recycle plastic, it still has
a damaging effect on the environment, and there are so many items that
cannot be recycled.


This brilliant idea involves packing non-recyclable plastic waste into plastic
bottles including bags, labels, cling film, tape, sweet wrappers, yoghurt
pots, etc. When it is cut small and packed tight it becomes weighty and can
then be used to build small home and garden constructions with.

Immediately it has considerably less net volume than if you just throw it
away into landfill or the recycling bin. It also has a purpose. The whole idea
is to use plastic as a resource rather than a throwaway item that becomes
a blight on the environment. The Global Ecobrick Alliance are keen to
disassociate this project from the idea of “waste”.

I just love the idea of this both for personal use and as community projects
in schools and groups. I started mine and filled a small bottle within 4 days! 
It’s shocking and has made me think even harder about how to reduce my
plastic usage.

By introducing this idea to your friends, family and neighbours it is a great

opportunity to spread the message of reducing single-use plastic.  This is
also a great activity for children to learn about the environment and
progress their fine motor skills with cutting up and putting the pieces in the
bottle (Yes I know, I’m always the teacher!)

photo thanks to


They were originally invented for use in other countries but the craze has
now hit the UK. Initially, they mostly seemed to be used to make seating
and small walls in homes and gardens, but I’ve also seen an outdoor
skateboard ramp constructed from ecobricks!

I’m sure as time goes on and this becomes more popular, people will get
very creative and come up with all sorts of ideas of how to use
ecobricks. People are starting to share their plans on the Facebook group
and I’ve seen people are thinking of using them to insulate their green and
summerhouses,  or make into planters and even build a tortoise enclosure!

And of course, if you don’t think you want to use them yourself, how about
making the bricks and donating them to a local cause. They are springing
up all over the place now that word is getting out, just ask on your local
Facebook group or check the list of collection points on the official
ecobricks Facebook group.

You can find all the info you need on  with lots of
downloadable pdf guides and videos that will show you what you can put
inside your ecobrick, exactly how to make them and how you can construct
with them. There is so much information on this website including working
out your PTR (Plastic Transition Ratio) by measuring your consumption
against the production of your own ecobricks. I’m sure we will all be
astonished at quite how much plastic we use.

As well as the official website, there is a brilliant interactive Facebook group

for ecobricks in the UK, which offers support and answers queries. They
have all the answers to most of your frequently asked questions which
can be found by accessing files from a dropdown on the header of
their Facebook Page.
FAQs on the ecobricks Facebook page


I found that my first brick was a bit of trial and error, some pieces I cut too
small, some too large.  Unfortunately, my first bottle (pictured below), was
not quite dense enough and had to be repacked tighter. This can be
determined by weighing your bottle and checking the density on the

The best tip is to make sure that you push it down tight from the very start. I
was amazed at just how much more I could pack in each time. I was able to
use a wooden spoon for the small one but needed a longer piece of
bamboo stick for the second larger bottle.

It is easy to make, but it is time-consuming.

Weight guide courtesy of Emily
Squidgell from ecobricks Facebook


The most important thing I have gained from it so far is just how much
plastic goes through our household even though I thought I was quite
“green” minded. I am determined to try harder and to spread the word of
this innovative idea.

It has led me to seek out more information on the internet about how to
reduce my waste further and I have come across another wonderful
group  Journey to Zero Waste in the UK.  It’s been a massive learning
curve. Even if you don’t want to do this yourself I would urge you all to
make just one so you can see how much plastic waste you create.  It might
make you think differently.
Who else is going to join in or share this idea with their friends and
schools?  Or have you already started making ecobricks, if so what
are you planning to make? Please do share this to spread the word.
You can make a difference.

Of course please try to reduce plastic consumption as much as possible by:

* Buying your fruit and vegetables loose or reusing the plastic bags that
they come in each week.

* Or try growing some of your own fruit and veg.

* Taking your own containers for meat and fish at Morrisons where you’ll
also receive bonus points.

* Take fabric shopping bags with you.

* Shop at one of the newer stores that sell loose dry food by weight and
take your own containers.

* Use stainless steel straws.

* Use bamboo toothbrushes and cups.

* Buy a refillable water bottle, coffee cup or flask.

* Reuse ice cream tubs as lunch boxes that can be washed out after each

* Reuse larger lidded yoghurt and dessert pots for storage.

* Try out the new range of shampoo bars.

* Use a bar of hand soap rather than liquid soap or buy a soap dispenser
which uses far less than if 


Posted on October 7, 2018

There are 25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean and every day, each person in
Singapore throws away 13 plastic bags.  Yes, that amount is no longer a shocker to us
anymore. We are all well aware of the dire state of plastic pollution happening in our
oceans and how plastic is now the number one enemy of everyone.
So, what if we told you, there is a way to reduce the amount of plastic being thrown into
the ocean? Plus, you can actually do it from the comfort of your home and it requires
only 2 minutes of your time?

What exactly is this magical method that holds the potential of solving the top global
problem now? Well, the answer is – an Ecobrick!

Here is the basic information you need to know about these magical building blocks:

What is an Ecobrick?
An Ecobrick is essentially a reusable building block created by solid non-biodegradable
waste placed into a plastic bottle to a set density. By packing the bottles with a set
density, it makes them suitable building blocks for virtually any construction. They can
also be packed with other non-biological un-recyclables that, uncontained, are toxic to the
environment (i.e. styrofoam, wires, small batteries, etc.).
Ecobricks are a sustainable way to reuse non-biodegradable plastic waste as the plastic
waste are regarded as a long-lasting and durable material. Hence, keeping plastic out of
the ecosystem and prevents the contamination of the environment.

Ecobricks are used to make many things such as furniture, walls and buildings. It allows
communities and companies to get control of their plastic waste to create modular
furniture, garden spaces, walls and even full-scale buildings.

How does it help the environment?

 EcoBricks prevent plastic waste from disrupting the ecosystem: 
Usually, when thrown away, plastic breaks down into tiny pieces and contaminates the
area where it is. EcoBricks seal the plastic away preventing the buildup of toxic gases
emitted during the degradation of the plastic, such as methane. PET bottles are perfect for
sealing away the plastic because they have an incredible longevity and protect the
contents from UV rays.

 Ecobricking raises ecological consciousness: 

We often do not think about the afterlife of our discarded plastic bottles. Ecobricking
addresses our short-sightedness, as making Ecobricks demands time and dedication, it
leads to questions on the uses of plastic.

 Ecobricks are a low energy solution to plastic:

Recycling isn’t necessarily the best solution since the facilities demand technology, funds
and a substantial amount of human energy. It also involves transportation and the waste
can travel around the world before reaching its destination only to end up in a saturated
recycling plant. EcoBricks don’t require all that fuss, with anyone having the ability to
make their own Ecobricks. It is a simple solution to a complex problem which can be
applied anywhere by everyone.

How do I make an Ecobrick?

Follow the following steps and you can be an owner of an Ecobrick!

1. Get your plastics ready

Only use clean, dry plastic or else microbiologicals beings can grow and form methane in
the bottle. If there is any food, oil or dirt on your plastic, be sure to wash then dry. Clean
and dry plastic includes styrofoam, bags, packaging, straws, cellophane and is basically
anything else that is not recyclable.

Do note that you are not supposed to put any glass, metal or biodegradables into the

2. Choose a bottle

Find 1.5 litres or 500ml bottle and you are ready to start!

3. Find your perfect stick

Find the correct stick which will allow you to pack the plastic well, it should be twice the
height of your bottle, with a slightly rounded tip and with a diameter roughly one third
the width of a standard bottle opening– about 6mm

4. Get creative with your ecobrick

The first piece of plastic should be soft plastic with a solid colour, so be creative as it will
make your trash look colourful!

5. Pack your bottle!

Pack your bottle with plastic, alternating between soft and hard plastic to maximise the
density. The smaller the pieces, the denser you’ll get, so cut up big plastics into smaller

6. Weigh your Ecobrick

Minimum Ecobrick weight = Bottle volume x 0.33

Minimum density goals are essential to ensure the quality of ecobricks as it helps to
ensure good constructions, make the most of the volume and energize the social spread of

Do be careful as Ecobricks should not be too soft as they will not be reliable enough for

Build Your Own Ecobricks!

Now that you have an idea on how to build an ecobrick, why not get your hands dirty and
join us in for our Ecobricks Workshop! You will get a chance to build them yourselves.

We will be conducting an Ecobricks Workshop on 25th May 2019 and we want you to

join us! It will be a great opportunity for you to gain insights on the plastic waste
situation in Singapore to understand why eco bricks are so necessary.
Following the informative session, we will dive straight into creating our own ecobricks.
Some tips and tricks will also be shared, so do listen out for them so that you can use it
when building your own bricks in the future. The next part of the workshop is an exciting
one, where we will learn how to create functional items, like tables and stools, with the
ecobricks we made. There is no limit to what you can create! It all depends on your
creativity and imagination.
After all that fun and hands-on experience, we hope that the workshop would allow you

1. Develop an understanding of the concept of ecobricks and how it may be used;

2. Explore solutions to tackle both recyclable and non-recyclable materials in your

household lifestyles; and

3. Build up your knowledge and skills that help to develop long term green habits
and reducing personal waste consumption.

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