Anda di halaman 1dari 10

Complete the sentences by using Causal Conjunction Because or Because of!

1. …. the cold weather, we stayed home.

(…. cuaca dingin, kami tinggal di rumah.)
Jawaban: Because of
2. …… his hard work, he is now a very successful businessman.
(…… kerja kerasnya, dia sekarang adalah pengusaha yang sangat sukses.)
Jawaban: Because of
3. ……. his lack of courage, Nathan didn’t participate in the competition.
(……. Kurang keberaniannya, Nathan tidak berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi.)
Jawaban: Because of
4. ……. my car was stolen, I will have to rent a car for the next few days.
(……. mobil saya dicuri, saya harus menyewa mobil untuk beberapa hari ke depan.)
Jawaban: Because
5. ……. the change in the weather, we have decided not to go to the parade.
(……. perubahan cuaca, kami telah memutuskan untuk tidak pergi ke parade.)
Jawaban: Because of
6. ……. the lights don’t work, you’ll need a flashlight when you go down into the basement.
(……. lampu tidak berfungsi, Anda akan membutuhkan senter saat turun ke ruang bawah tanah.)
Jawaban: Because
7. …….I lost mine, I am going to ask my friend if I can borrow his calculator for the tomorrows exam.
(……. Saya kehilangan milik saya, saya akan bertanya kepada teman saya apakah saya bisa meminjam
kalkulatornya untuk ujian besok.)
Jawaban: Because
8. …….its facilities serve the public very well, this hotel is highly rated.
(……. fasilitasnya melayani masyarakat dengan sangat baik, hotel ini sangat disukai.)
Jawaban: Because
9. …..her sickness, She didn’t go to the supermarket
(….. penyakitnya, Dia tidak pergi ke supermarket)
Jawaban: Because of
10. All the flights were cancelled …….the harsh weather conditions.
(Semua penerbangan dibatalkan ……. kondisi cuaca buruk.)
Jawaban: Because of
11. Diane missed her flight ……. a traffic delay on her way to the airport.
(Diane ketinggalan pesawat ……. keterlambatan lalu lintas dalam perjalanan ke bandara.)
Jawaban: Because of
12. Gareth could pass the examination …… he studied hard.
(Gareth bisa lulus ujian …… dia belajar keras.)
Jawaban: Because
13. He can’t walk ……. arthritis.
(Dia tidak bisa berjalan ……. radang sendi.)
Jawaban: Because of
14. He can’t drive …….. his illness
(Dia tidak bisa menyetir …….. penyakitnya)
Jawaban: Because of
15. He couldn’t run ……. his old age.
(Dia tidak bisa berlari ……. usia tuanya.)
Jawaban: Because of
16. He crashed his car …….. he was driving too fast
(Dia menabrakkan mobilnya …….. dia mengemudi terlalu cepat)
Jawaban: Because
17. He found working in Japan very difficult ……… the language problem
(Dia merasa bekerja di Jepang sangat sulit ……… masalah bahasa)
Jawaban: Because of
18. He got an accident yesterday ……. he drove his car too fast.
(Dia mengalami kecelakaan kemarin ……. dia mengendarai mobilnya terlalu cepat.)
Jawaban: Because
19. He lost his driving licence ……… he was convicted of drinking and driving
(Dia kehilangan SIMnya ……… dia dihukum karena minum dan mengemudi)
Jawaban: Because
20. He met with an accident ……. he was driving too fast.
(Dia bertemu dengan kecelakaan ……. dia mengemudi terlalu cepat.)
Jawaban: Because
21. He’s very difficult to understand ……… his accent
(Dia sangat sulit untuk memahami ……… aksennya)
Jawaban: Because of
22. I am late ……. the traffic
(Saya terlambat ……. lalu lintas)
Jawaban: Because of
23. I am not allowed into the club …….I am not 21 years old yet.
(Saya tidak diizinkan masuk ke klub ……. Saya belum berusia 21 tahun.)
Jawaban: Because
24. I came back ……..I’d forgotten my briefcase.
(Saya kembali …….. Saya lupa tas saya.)
Jawaban: Because
25. I came here ……. I want to talk to you.
(Saya datang ke sini ……. saya ingin berbicara dengan Anda.)
Jawaban: Because
26. I cannot come …….the weather.
(Saya tidak bisa datang ……. cuaca.)
Jawaban: Because of
27. I couldn’t arrive on time ……. I missed the train.
(Saya tidak bisa tiba tepat waktu ……. saya ketinggalan kereta.)
Jawaban: Because
28. I couldn’t understand him ……. his strange accent.
(Saya tidak bisa memahaminya ……. aksennya yang aneh.)
Jawaban: Because of
29. I couldn’t attend the meeting ……. I was very ill.
(Saya tidak bisa menghadiri pertemuan ……. Saya sakit parah.)
Jawaban: Because
30. I don’t go to school……I am sick.
(Saya tidak pergi ke sekolah …… Saya sakit.)
Jawaban: Because
31. I had to take the bus …….my car broke down.
(Saya harus naik bus ……. mobil saya mogok.)
Jawaban: Because
32. I prefer driving …….I am afraid of flying.
(Saya lebih suka mengemudi ……. Saya takut terbang.)
Jawaban: Because
33. I was late this morning ………the traffic.
(Saya terlambat pagi ini ……… lalu lintas.)
Jawaban: Because of
34. I’m asking you ………I want to know your opinion.
(Saya meminta Anda ……… Saya ingin tahu pendapat Anda.)
Jawaban: Because
35. It was all …….. her that we got into trouble
(Itu semua …….. dia yang membuat kami kesulitan)
Jawaban: Because of
36. It was difficult for me to get a loan …….my unstable employment.
(Sulit bagi saya untuk mendapatkan pinjaman ……. pekerjaan saya yang tidak stabil.)
Jawaban: Because of
37. John crashed his Truck …….he was driving too fast.
(John menabrak Truknya ……. dia mengemudi terlalu cepat.)
Jawaban: Because
38. Leila left early ……. she was tired.
(Leila pergi lebih awal ……. dia lelah.)
Jawaban: Because
39. Paul had a terrible accident ……. he was driving fast.
(Paul mengalami kecelakaan mengerikan ……. dia mengemudi dengan kencang.)
Jawaban: Because
40. Paul moved to Paris ……..his job.
(Paul pindah ke Paris …….. pekerjaannya.)
Jawaban: Because of
41. Sarah wants to go to the salon today ……. her hair needs a trim.
(Sarah ingin pergi ke salon hari ini ……. rambutnya perlu rapi.)
Jawaban: Because
42. School was cancelled ……. the weather.
(Sekolah dibatalkan ……. cuaca.)
Jawaban: Because of
43. She can’t drive ……..her blindness.
(Dia tidak bisa menyetir …….. kebutaannya.)
Jawaban: Because of
44. She could only eat a salad in the restaurant …… she is a vegetarian
(Dia hanya bisa makan salad di restoran …… dia vegetarian)
Jawaban: Because
45. She didn’t pass the test ……. she hadn’t studied well.
(Dia tidak lulus ujian ……. dia belum belajar dengan baik.)
Jawaban: Because
46. She found the exam easy …….. she had worked hard during the course
(Dia mendapati ujiannya mudah …….. dia telah bekerja keras selama kursus)
Jawaban: Because
47. She got the best grades ……. she had worked hard.
(Dia mendapat nilai terbaik ……. dia telah bekerja keras.)
Jawaban: Because
48. She passed the test ……. her teacher.
(Dia lulus ujian ……. gurunya.)
Jawaban: Because of
49. She passed the test ……. she had a good teacher.
(Dia lulus ujian ……. dia punya guru yang baik.)
Jawaban: Because
50. Sorry! I am late ……. the traffic.
(Maaf! Saya terlambat ……. lalu lintas.)
Jawaban: Because of
51. The bank closed down …….the recession.
(Bank ditutup ……. resesi.)
Jawaban: Because of
52. The company won’t hire him ……. he tested positive for drugs.
(Perusahaan tidak akan mempekerjakannya ……. dia dinyatakan positif menggunakan narkoba.)
Jawaban: Because
53. The doctors said that the man’s death was ……. heart failure.
(Para dokter mengatakan bahwa kematian pria itu adalah ……. gagal jantung.)
Jawaban: Because of
54. The door doesn’t close properly ……. it’s broken.
(Pintunya tidak menutup dengan benar ……. rusak.)
Jawaban: Because of
55. The government banned that movie ……. the public opinion was against it.
(Pemerintah melarang film itu ……. opini publik menentangnya.)
Jawaban: Because
56. The meeting was postponed b……. the bad weather.
(Pertemuan ditunda b ……. cuaca buruk.)
Jawaban: Because of
57. The newspaper was prosecuted …….. an article about the Government
(Surat kabar itu dituntut …….. sebuah artikel tentang Pemerintah)
Jawaban: Because of
58. The president resigned from his duty …….health issues.
(Presiden mengundurkan diri dari tugasnya ……. masalah kesehatan.)
Jawaban: Because of
59. The restaurant closed down …….. the recession
(Restoran ditutup …….. resesi)
Jawaban: Because of
60. The teacher thinks the students didn’t learn the lesson well enough ……. they weren’t listening to
(Guru berpikir bahwa siswa tidak belajar dengan cukup baik ……. mereka tidak mendengarkannya.)
Jawaban: Because
61. Their new product didn’t sell well ……. its poor quality.
(Produk baru mereka tidak laku ……. kualitasnya buruk.)
Jawaban: Because of
62. There have been a lot of problems in Britain …….. mad cow disease
(Ada banyak masalah di Inggris …….. penyakit sapi gila)
Jawaban: Because of
63. They came to London …….. he got a job there
(Mereka datang ke London …….. dia mendapat pekerjaan di sana)
Jawaban: Because
64. They moved to Liverpool ……… her job
(Mereka pindah ke Liverpool ……… pekerjaannya)
Jawaban: Because of
65. They were looking for a Japanese restaurant ……. they wanted to eat sushi for dinner.
(Mereka mencari restoran Jepang ……. mereka ingin makan sushi untuk makan malam.)
Jawaban: Because
66. Thousands of people lost their jobs ……. the recession.
(Ribuan orang kehilangan pekerjaan mereka ……. resesi.)
Jawaban: Because of
67. Tom is very difficult to understand ………..his weird accent.
(Tom sangat sulit dimengerti ……….. aksennya yang aneh.)
Jawaban: Because of
68. We cancelled the trip ……. bad weather.
(Kami membatalkan perjalanan ……. cuaca buruk.)
Jawaban: Because of
69. We didn’t arrive until seven o’clock …….. the traffic was terrible
(Kami tidak tiba sampai jam tujuh …….. lalu lintas sangat buruk)
Jawaban: Because
70. We got into trouble………you.
(Kami mendapat masalah ……… kamu.)
Jawaban: Because of
71. We had to hurry indoors …… it was raining
(Kami harus bergegas di dalam ruangan …… hujan turun)
Jawaban: Because
72. We hurried indoors ……. it was raining.
(Kami bergegas di dalam ruangan ……. saat itu hujan.)
Jawaban: Because
73. We see each other almost every day …….we are in the same class.
(Kami saling bertemu hampir setiap hari ……. kami berada di kelas yang sama.)
Jawaban: Because
74. We stopped playing football ……….the rain.
(Kami berhenti bermain sepak bola ………. hujan.)
Jawaban: Because of
75. We stopped playing tennis ……. the rain
(Kami berhenti bermain tenis ……. hujan)
Jawaban: Because of
76. We were bored …… the speech was too long.
(Kami bosan …… pidato itu terlalu lama.)
Jawaban: Because
Paragraph Cause and Effect

Alcoholic drinking is very

dangerous for our health. There
are lot of problems caused by
this dangerous fluid. First, it can
cause a swell in our liver. This
is because it can trigger the liver
to work extra hard filtering the
fluid in our body, so that, the
liver becomes swollen because
it contains so much fluid.
Secondly, alcoholic drinking
damages the human brain. It
will decrease the function of
alcohol addict’s brain, thereby
increasing the risk of depression
and frustration. If this happens,
there will be a change in
behavior on the alcoholic, even
they can be mad. Then, alcohol
also decreases the functions of
our senses. One is our eye is
absolutely can be blind because
of alcohol. In addition, this
drink can also speed up
menopause in women because it
decreases the function of
reproductive organs in women,
so that they will get menopause
sooner than the period in
general. Last, it is also able to
cause defects in the fetus.
Alcohol that comes into the
body of pregnant women also
has an impact on their baby, so
that they will be born with
disabilities. Therefore, the
circulation of alcoholic drinking
is prohibited in Indonesia
because it causes
several dangerous diseases to
the body.

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