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Klasifikasi Genetik
Endapan Volkanik
Nonexplosive eruption Explosive eruption with
with effusive lava flows voluminous plume of

Faktor Pengontrol Explosivity :

viscosity, temperature dan jumlah gas yang larut di dalam magma
Explosive Eruptions
1. Explosive Magmatic Eruptions
- erupsi yg berhubungan dengan exsolution dan expansion volatil magmatik,
- menghasilkan pumice/scoria dan glass shard dalam volume yang besar
- disebut “dry eruption” karena steam (uap air panas) sumbangan dari
external water jumlahnya sedikit.
2. Phreatomagmatic Eruptions
- erupsi yg berhubungan dengan steam yang dihasilkan oleh interaksi
langsung magma (atau lava) dengan external water.
- ledakan terjadi ketika air yang sangat panas dikirim (flashes) ke steam yang
mengembang cepat dan fragmen magma secara serentak
3. Phreatic Eruptions
- erupsi yg berhubungan dengan steam yang dihasilkan oleh interaksi tidak
langsung magma (atau lava) dengan external water
- ledakan phreatic umum di sistem geothermal aktif
- ledakan terjadi ketika air yang sangat panas di subsurface flashes (dikirim)
ke steam sebagai hasil reduksi cepat dalam tekanan yang mengikat
(confining pressure)
Komposisi Magma dan Tipe-Tipe Batuan


~50% Mafic Basalt

~60% Intermediate Andesite

~65% Felsic (low Si) Dacite

~70% Felsic (high Si) Rhyolite

Faktor Pengontrol Explosivity



~50% mafic ~1100 low low nonexplosive

~60% intermediate ~1000 intermediate intermediate intermediate

~70% felsic ~800 high high explosive


Height of Eruption Column and Degree of Explosivity -- Whereas the height of the
eruption column can be measured directly in observed eruptions, it can also be estimated in
ancient eruptions by measuring the geographic dispersal of the airfall tephra. The degree to
which this tephra is fragmented provides a means to measure the explosiveness of the
eruption. The diagram here (modified from Cas and Wright, 1988) demonstrates how these
parameters will vary with eruption type. For more detailed information on these parameters,
click on image. Note that hydrovolcanic eruptions (above dashed line) are generally the
most explosive, but do not necessarily generate the highest eruption columns.

Batuan Piroklastik :
Batuan yang disusun oleh material-material yang dihasilkan oleh letusan
gunung api
Dicirikan oleh kehadiran material piroklas yang dominan (gelas, kristal,
batuan vulkanik), butiran yang menyudut, porositas yang relatif tinggi.

Batuan Epiklastik :
Batuan hasil rombakan batuan vulkanik maupun batuan lainnya.
Terdiri dari material hasil rombakan batuan vulkanik (kristal, fragmen
batuan) dan material non vulkanik.

Batuan Volkaniklastik :
Batuan yang terdiri dari material volkanik (hasil rombakan maupun yang
Contoh : batuan piroklastik, batuan tufaan,
batuan sedimen volkanik (contoh : batupasir volkanik)
endapan piroklastik
Jenis Endapan Piroklastik
(berdasarkan klasifikasi genetik)

1. Endapan jatuhan piroklastik (pyroclastic fall deposits)

dihasilkan dari letusan eksplosif material vulkanik dari lubang vulkanik ke

atmosfer dan jatuh kembali ke bawah dan terkumpul di sekitar gunung api.

Endapan ini umumnya menipis dan ukuran butir menghalus secara sistimatis
menjauhi pusat erupsi, sebaran mengikuti topografi, pemilahannya baik,
struktur gradded bedding normal & reverse, komposisi pumis, scoria, abu,
sedikit lapili dan fragmen litik, komposisi pumis lebih besar daripada litik.

Geometry of
pyroclastic fall deposits
Ash falls : Mt. St. Helens
Photo of Mt. St. Helens
vertical ash column, May 18,
1980 (USGS).

Vertical section of the ash cloud

showing temporal development
during first 13 minutes.

Map view of the ash deposit.

Thickness is in cm. After Sarna-
Wojcicki et al. ( 1981).
Pyroclastic Fall Deposit

Klasifikasi Genetik Endapan Tepra

• Scoria-fall deposits -- These are derived from Strombolian eruptions of

scoria cones. The deposit is composed of basaltic to andesitic vesiculated
pyroclasts (scoria) lying near the eruptive vent.

• Pumice-fall deposits -- These are derived from Plinian eruptions of

stratovolcanoes. The deposit is composed of highly vesiculated dacitic to
rhyolitic pyroclasts (pumice) which can be destributed for hundreds of square
kilometers away from the vent.
Strombolian scoria-fall deposit --
Airfall deposits of basalt scoria
are typical of Strombolian
eruptions. The deposit shown
here is from Bandera, New
Mexico. It is composed of lapilli-
size scoria fragments which
have a cindery appearance with
a light, frothy texture. The
pyroclasts are sharp and
angular. The deposit is very near
the scoria cone from which it
erupted. Typically, scoria-fall
deposits are localized in this
manner because of the low
height of the Strombolian
eruptive column, which is
generally only a few hundred
meters above the vent. Courtesy
of Peter Francis.
Plinian pumice-fall deposit -- The white layer in the middle of the outcrop is a two-
meter-think deposit composed of pumice lapilli (1-2 cm in diameter) in Arequipa,
Peru. This deposit mantles an area of many hundreds of square miles. This large
areal extent is typical of Plinian airfall which is derived from high eruptive columns,
often reaching altitudes in excess of 30 km. The pumice-fall deposit is overlain by
other airfall deposits of variable compositions, the darker layers being more mafic
than the lighter layers. The age of the Plinian deposit is unknown. Courtesy of Peter
2. Endapan aliran piroklastik (pyroclastic flow deposits),

pergerakan lateral dari material-material piroklastik yang tertransport dalam

matrik fluida (gas atau cairan yang panas) yang dihasilkan oleh erupsi volkanik,
material vulkanik ini tertransportasi jauh dari gunung api.

Endapan ini umumnya pemilahannya buruk, mungkin menunjukan grading

normal fragmen litik dan butiran litik yang padat, yang semakin berkurang
menjauhi pusat erupsi, sortasi buruk dan butiran menyudut, sebaran tidak
merata dan menebal di bagian lembah.
A pyroclastic flow is a fluidized mixture of solid to semi-solid fragments and hot,
expanding gases that flows down the flank of a volcanic edifice. These awesome features
are heavier-than-air emulsions that move much like a snow avalanche, except that they are
fiercely hot, contain toxic gases, and move at phenomenal, hurricane-force speeds, often
over 100 km/hour. They are the most deadly of all volcanic phenomena.

Geometry of
pyroclastic flow deposits
Tipe-tipe pyroclastic flow deposits :

• Block and Ash Flow Deposits (NUÉE ARDENTES) : terdiri dari lapili
vesikuler dan debu, sering berasosiasi dengan lava domes atau lava
flows riolitik, dasitik, andesitik, khususnya di composite volcanoes dan
dalam lingkungan caldera

NUÉE ARDENTES : pyroclastic flow contain dense lava fragments derived

from the collapse of a growing lava dome or dome flow.
A nuée ardente deposit is called a block-and-ash deposit

• Scoria and Ash Flow Deposits : didominasi oleh lapili scoria yg

berkomposisi andesitic & basaltic

• Pumice and Ash Flow Deposits (PUMICE FLOWS): terdiri terutama lapili
pumice dan blocks, dan glass shards, komposisi dasitik dan riolitik

PUMICE FLOWS : pumice-rich pyroclastic flows contain vesiculated,

low-density pumice derived from the collapse of an eruption column.
A pumice flow deposit is called an ignimbrite.
Pyroclastic flow
Types of pyroclastic flow deposits.
After MacDonald (1972) and Fisher
and Schminke (1984).
a. collapse of a vertical explosive or
plinian column that falls back to
earth, and continues to travel along
the ground surface.
b. Lateral blast, such as occurred at
Mt. St. Helens in 1980.
c. “Boiling-over” of a highly gas-
charged magma from a vent.
d. Gravitational collapse of a hot
dome (Fig. 4-18d).
Mt. Unzen nuée ardentes -- The
diagram here demonstrates the
sequence of events associated with the
1991-95 nuée ardente eruptions from Mt.
Unzen, Japan. Collapse of a growing
lava dome generates the nuée ardente.
Within seconds a faster-moving cloud of
smaller ash-sized fragments (the ash-
cloud surge) forms above and in front of
the nuée ardente. In some cases, dome
collapse is attributed to explosive
eruption at the summit crater. Explosive
collapse may clear the throat of the
volcano, thus generating vertical eruption
Over a four-year period, hundreds of
nuée ardentes erupted from Mt. Unzen's
summit area. Many of these swept down
the populated Mizunashi River valley
displacing thousands of people and
destroying several hundred homes and
precious farmland.
Pyroclastic flow Pyroclastic flow Pyroclastic flow
Mt. Augustine (1996) Mt. St. Helens (1980) Mt. Pelée (1902)

Lahar is an Indonesian term for a volcanic mudflow. These lethal mixtures of

water and tephra have the consistency of wet concrete, yet they can flow down
the slopes of volcanoes or down river valleys at rapid speeds, similar to fast-
moving streams of water. These mud slurries carry debris ranging in size from ash
to lapilli, to boulders more than 10 meters in diameter. Lahars can vary from hot to
cold, depending on their mode of genesis. The maximum temperature of a lahar is
100 degrees Centigrade, the boiling temperature of water.

El Palmar lahar, Guatemala (1989) Mt. Pinatubo lahar, Philippines (1991)

Eruption-generated lahar Snow melt from erupting
on Mt. St. Helens (1982) lava tiggers a lahar on the
Villarica volcano (1984)
3. Endapan surge piroklastik (pyroclastic surge deposits)

pergerakan lateral material-material piroklastik (low concentration volcanic

particles, gases, and water; rasio partikel : gas rendah; konsentrasi partikel
relatif rendah) yang mengalir dalam turbulent gas yang panas.

pyroclastic surge dibentuk langsung dari erupsi explosif phreatomagmatic

dan phreatic (base surge) dan dalam asosiasi dengan erupsi dan
emplacement pyroclastic flow (ash cloud surge & ground surge).

Karekteristiknya, endapan ini menunjukan stratifikasi bersilang, struktur

dunes, laminasi planar, struktur anti dunes dan pind and swell, endapan
sedikit menebal di bagian topografi rendah dan menipis pada topografi
tinggi, terakumulasi dekat vent.

Tipe-tipe pyroclastic surge deposits

- Base surge : berasosiasi dengan pyroclastic fall deposits
- Ground surge : berasosiasi dengan pyroclastic flow deposits
- Ash cloud surge : biasanya di bagian atas pyroclastic flow deposits
Geometry of
pyroclastic surge deposits

Surge deposits overlain

by airfall pumice
1875 A.D. Rhyolite
eruption of Askja
Volcano, Iceland
Pyroclastic Surge

Section through a typical ignimbrite,

showing basal surge deposit, middle
flow, and upper ash fall cover. Tan
blocks represent pumice, and purple
represents denser lithic fragments. After
Sparks et al. (1973).
GEOMETRI LATERAL : Endapan pyroclastic flow &
ENDAPAN 1. Bentuk kipas atau lobate fallout pyroclastic
2. Mengisi lembah/depresi Endapan pyroclastic flow

Membaji (mengikuti arah transport) Fallout & flow
Melensa (tegak lurus`arah transport) Fallout & flow
Bentuk profil lembah flow

Stratifikasi primer Hubungan permukaan atas dan

(setiap lapisan bawah : Flow
bag. atas datar; bagian bawah
mengikuti yang diatasnya Fallout & flow (plateau)
bagian atas dan bawah saling
Alas (basal relationship) : Flow
Draping over or against obstacles
Structures in the lee of obstacles
Fallout & flow
Str. Internal : Surge
Graded bedding Flow
Cross bedding Flow
Massive beds
Aligment & orientation bedding
Pyroclastic surge
Bentuk perlapisan :
Plane beds
Chute- & pool
Struktur post-deposisi Struktur di bagian atas : Base surge
Bedding sags
Convolute bedding
Load casts & bedding sags
Tabel 4. Klasifikasi batuan piroklastik berdasarkan besar butir/ukuran klast
(modifikasi dari klasifikasi Schmid, 1981, op.cit Fisher, et. al, 1984)

Ukuran Piroklast Endapan Endapan

Klast Piroklastik Piroklastik
(pecahan) Non-konsolidasi : Konsolidasi :
Tefra Batuan Piroklastik
Blok (menyudut) Aglomerat, Aglomerat,
Bom lapisan blok/bom Breksi Piroklastik
(membundar) atau
64 mm
blok/bom tefra
64 mm
Lapili Lapisan Lapili Batuan Lapili
22 mm
mm Tefra Lapili
Butiran debu Debu (Ash) Kasar Tuf Kasar
(ash) kasar
1/16 mm
1/16 mm
Butiran debu Debu (Ash) Halus Tuf Halus
(ash) halus

ASH -- Very fine-grained fragments (< 2 mm),

generally dominated by broken glass shards, but with
variable amounts of broken crystal and lithic (rock)
fragments. Courtesy of USGS.

LAPILLI -- Pea- to walnut-size pyroclasts (2 to 64

mm). They often look like cinders. In water-rich
eruptions, the accretion of wet ash may form rounded
spheres known as accretionary lapilli (left). Courtesy
of USGS.


Fragments >64 mm. Bombs
are ejected as incandescent
lava fragments which were
semi-molten when airborne,
thus inheriting streamlined,
aerodynamic shapes. Blocks
(not shown) are ejected as
solid fragments with angular
shapes. Courtesy of J.P.
Lockwood, USGS.
PELE'S TEARS -- Molten basaltic
lava quenches in the air to form
teardrop-shaped glass lapilli.
Named after Pele, the Hawaiian
goddess of fire. Courtesy of J.D.
Griggs, USGS.

PELE'S HAIR -- Named after Pele, the Hawaiian

goddess of fire. These thin filaments of stretched
out basaltic glass form during times of high fire-
fountaining, often in the presence of strong
winds. The example shown here erupted from
Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Courtesy of
D.W. Peterson, USGS.

SPATTER -- Impact of molten spatter

fragments hitting the ground and flattening
into roughly circular disks. Courtesy of
T.N. Mattox, USGS.
PUMICE -- Frothy felsic rock formed by vigorous
vesiculation (bubbling) due to rapid gas escape.
Courtesy of W.E. Scott, USGS.

RETICULITE -- Frothy basaltic rock sometimes

called basalt pumice or thread-lace scoria. This
delicate rock forms during vigorous fire-fountaining.
Reticulite has the lowest density of any rock, with a
porosity (vesicularity) up to 98 percent. The open
honeycomb network of bubbles (vesicles) results
from the bursting of cell walls against one another
during vesiculation. Courtesy of J.D. Griggs , USGS.

Scoria -- Scoria is a vesicular mafic rock, commonly

of lapilli to bomb size. It accumulates as scoria air-
fall deposts derived from Strombolian-type eruptions.
Courtesy of Steve Mattox.
Macam-macam ukuran piroklast
Classification The Pyroclastic Rocks

Classification the pyroclastic rocks. (a) Based on the type of material (after Pettijohn,
1975). (b) Based on the size of the volcanic fragments (after Fisher, 1966).
Tatanama genetik endapan volkaniklastik
berdasarkan ukuran butir
Tatanama genetik endapan volkaniklastik
berdasarkan ukuran butir
Tabel 5. Penamaan untuk batuan campuran piroklastik-epiklastik
(Schmid, 1981)
Tabel 5. Penamaan untuk batuan campuran piroklastik-epiklastik
(Schmid, 1981)

Batuan piroklastik Tufit (campuran Batuan epiklastik Ukuran rata-rata

(terdiri dari bahan piroklastik & epiklastik) (terdiri dari rombakan
piroklas) batuan vulkanik dan
/atau non vulkanik)

Aglomerat, breksi Konglomerat tufaan, Konglomerat, breksi 64 mm

piroklastik, breksi tufaan


tuf kasar, Batupasir tufaan Batupasir 2 mm

tuf halus Batulanau tufaan Batulanau 1/16
Batulumpur tufaan, Batulumpur, serpih 1/256
serpih tufaan

100% 75% 25% 0%


Epiklas vulkanik & non vulkanik

serta bahan sedimen lainnya

Arah peningkatan % piroklas Arah peningkatan epiklas

Penamaan Deskriptif
Endapan Volkaniklastik
No. Batuan

Warna : warna yang representatif

Tekstur : Ukuran Butiran, Pemilahan, Kebundaran Butiran, Kemas

(Clast/Matrix Supported), Kontak Antar Butiran

Butiran : Jenis (Kristal, Fragmen Litik, Gelas), Prosentase

Matrik/Semen : Jenis (Gelas, Karbonat, Silika, Zeolit), Prosentase

Struktur : Masif/Berlapis (Tebal, Tebal Lateral Seragam/Tidak Seragam –

Menerus/Tidak Menerus), Normal/Reverse Gradded Bedding, Cross

Alterasi (jika ada) : Mineralogi (klorit, serisit, silika, pirit, karbonat, felspar,
hematit), Distribusi (disseminated, nodular, spotted, pervasive, patchy)

Nama Batuan: Tuf Halus/Kasar, Batu Lapili, Aglomerat, Breksi Piroklastik,

dll. (Klasifikasi Schmid, Fisher)
Pemilahan/sorting :
derajat kesamaan atau
keseragaman antar butir.

Kebundaran/roundness :
menyatakan kebundaran atau ketajaman
sudut butiran, yang mencerminkan
tingkat abrasi selama transportasi.
Merupakan sifat permukaan dari butiran
Disebabkan oleh pengaruh transport
terhadap butiran
Kemas/fabric :
merupakan sifat hubungan antar butir sebagai fungsi
orientasi butir dan packing, secara umum dapat
memberikan gambaran tentang arah aliran dalam
sedimentasi serta keadaan porositas dan permeabilitas

Kemas terbuka : kontak antar butiran tidak bersentuhan

Kemas tertutup : kontak antar butiran bersentuhan

Porositas :
Perbandingan antara volume rongga dengan
volume batuan.
Porositas :
- Baik (menyerap air)
- Sedang (diantara baik-buruk)
- Buruk (Tidak menyerap air).
Prosentase Butiran
Nama : Asep Kelompok : Senin 10.00-12.00
NIM : 12003001 Asisten : Kabayan

Tuf Lapili (Lapilli Tuff), abu-abu terang- Tuf Fragmen pumice

putih kecoklatan, masif, piroklas
8 cm
berukuran tuf-lapili (<1-30 mm), terpilah
buruk, membundar-membundar
tanggung, kemas terbuka (clast
supporrted). Butiran terdiri dari lapili,
fragmen pumice. Matrik berupa debu
Lapili (40%), 2-10 mm, putih-abu-abu,
membundar-membundar tanggung.
Tuf (25%), 1-2 mm, putih-abu-abu, 5 cm
membundar-membundar tanggung.
Fragmen pumice (20%), 3-20 mm, putih-
abu-abu, membundar-membundar
tanggung. Lapili
Gambar batuan
Matrik (15%), <1-2 mm, putih-abu-abu.

Nama : Asep Kelompok : Senin 10.00-12.00

NIM : 12003001 Asisten : Kabayan

28 cm

19 cm

Gambar batuan

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