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Nama Sekolah SMK Nasional Purwokerto
Kelas X
Semester Gasal
Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi Waktu (JP) 6
KD 3 KD 4
3.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 4.1 Mengidentifikasi teks interaksi
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan
keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective, kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
possessive) konteks penggunaannya.
Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model Discovery Learning :
1. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi 1. Peserta didik dapat melengkapi teks
Tujuan Pembelajaran sosial struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan tindakan memberi dan meminta
meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan informasi terkait jati diri
hubungan keluarga dengan benar dengan benar
Peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan fungsi
2. sosial struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan 2. Peserta didik dapat membuat teks
teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan tindakan memberi dan meminta
hubungan keluarga dengan benar informasi terkait jati diri dengan benar
Materi Pembelajaran Introduction
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning
Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
1 Menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti pembelajaran
2 Memberi motivasi belajar peserta didik sesuai manfaat dan aplikasi materi ajar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
3 Mengajukan pertanyaan yang mengaitkan materi sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari
4 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai
5 Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan
1 Stimulation - Peserta didik mengamati video dialogue tentang introduction
- Peserta didik melakukan tanya jawab berkaitan dengan video tersebut

2 Problem -Peserta didik membaca dialogue introduction dan mengamati bahasa atau istiah dalam introduction
statement - Peserta didik menganalisis isi dari bacaan terkait introduction
- Peserta didik menyakan informasi terkait bacaan tentang introduction
3 Data Collection -Peserta didik secara berkelompok berdiskusi tentang fungsi social, struktur dam unsur kebahasaan
dialog introduction.
-Peserta didik memaparkan hasil diskusi mengenai isi dialog introduction
4 Data -Peserta didik mengerjakan LKPD dengan melengkapi dialog introduction
processing -Peserta didik membuat video percakapan mengenai introduction
5 Verification - Peserta didik mendapat feedback dari guru mengenai hasil pembuatan dialog introduction
- Peserta didik mengerjakan evaluasi
6 Generalization -Peserta didik dan guru Bersama menyimpulkan materi terkait introduction
1 Mengevaluasi rangkaian aktivitas pembelajaran dan hasilnya serta manfaat pembelajaran
2 Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran
3 Melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pemberian tugas
4 Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya
1 Pengetahuan Tes tulis dan penugasan
2 Ketrampilan Presentasi dan praktek
3 Sikap Observasi
Media Pembelajaran
Laptop, Proyektor, LKPD, Aplikasi Elearning (
Sumber Pembelajaran
a. UtamiWidiati, ZuliatiRohmahdanFuraidah. 2016. BukuBahasaInggriskelas X Kurikulum 2013 Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan. Jakarta. PusatKurikulumdanPerbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud.
b. ShylaK.LandedanEkaMulyaAstuti. 2018. Forward An English course for Vocational School students Grade X. Jakarta. Erlangga.
Purwokerto, 18 Juni 2021
Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ken Widya Agustina, S.Pd

NIY. 19880827.01.078
Lampiran :
1. Bahan ajar
2. Lembar Penilaian
1. Lampiran Bahan Ajar
A. Peta Konsep

B. Uraian Materi
1. Fungsi Sosial

Siswa diberikan penjelasan pentingnya mengenalkan, menjalin hubungan antarpersonal dengan teman dan
guru dan orang di sekitar dan menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat dalam struktur teks yang runtut dengan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks dalam bentuk tulisan untuk memperkenalkan orang lain kepada
guru, teman, atau orang yang berada di sekitarnya.

2. Struktur Teks

Formal Informal
Introducing Others Introducing Others
 I’d like to introduce ….  Hi, this is …
 Can I introduce …. This is  Hello, this is ....
 I don’t think you’ve met ….  Meet ... This is …
 May I introduce you to ….
 Let me introduce you to ….

Responses Responses
 How do you do?  Hi/Hello
 I’m glad to meet you   Glad to meet you.
 I’m very glad to meet you   Pleased to meet you
 It’s very nice to meet you
 I’m happy to meet you

Nindya: Niza, I would like to introduce you to one of my old friends, Pram.
Pram: Hello, Niza. I’m Pram
Niza: Nice to meet you, Pram. How long have you two known each other?
Nindya: We were high school friends. Then we got in the same college and major. Then… we just met again
after graduated.
Pram: But Nindya has told me a lot of things about you, Niza.
Niza: Well, I hope they’re good stuff.
Nindya: I only tell good stuff about other people, please.
Pram: Don’t worry. What Nindya said actually made me want to see you in person myself.
Nindya: Well, then, can I leave you two alone now? I need to say hello to some other people in this party.
Pram: We’ll be fine. Thanks for introducing us.
Wiwit: Frandi, I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been?
Frandi: Oh, I’m sorry. I met an old friend and lost track of time. Wit, I don’t believe you’ve met Annas.
Wiwit: I believe we haven’t. Hello, I’m Wiwit.
Annas: Hello, Wiwit. I’m Annas. Frandi’s friend from college.
Wiwit: I’m sorry if I’m not familiar with you. I don’t think Frandi’s ever mentioned your name.
Annas: Well, we’re not that close.
Frandi: We just happen to have a mutual friend now and he just gave me his contact.
Annas: I don’t think Frandi would even have a conversation with me if it wasn’t for Iskandar’s number. Wiwit:
Well, I hope it’s worth leaving me for almost 15 minutes alone in this party.
Frandi : I’m sorry, Honey. Come on, let’s leave. Thanks a lot, Annas. See you.
Wiwit: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Annas.
Annas : Likewise.
a. Greeting
Meaning: Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known
to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social
status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.
Greeting and Parting
Greeting Parting
• Good Morning {between 24.00 – 12.00}  Good Bye
• Good Afternoon  See you later
{between 12.00 or lunch or the end of working day}  See you on Sunda
• Good Evening {after work or 18.00}  I must be leaving now
• Good Night {parting at evening/night}  See you at school tomorrow
• Good Day {at 12.00 or lunch}
• How are you?
Responses Responses
 Very well, thanks.  Good Bye
 I’m very well, thank you.   See you too
 I’m fine, thanks.   Bye

Examples in conversation:
Dialogue 1
Ranti meets her teacher, Mr Bakri at the post office.
Ranti : Good afternoon, Sir.
Mr Bakri : Good afternoon. You are ....
Ranti : Ranti, Sir. My name is Ranti. How are you?
Mr Bakri : I am fine, thank you. And how about you?
Ranti : I am fine, too.
Mr Bakri : Well, Ranti. I have to go now. Pleased to meet you.
Ranti : Pleased to meet you, too, Sir.

Dialogue 2
Dewi : Hello, I’m Dewi. What’s your name?
Dani : Hello, Dewi. I’m Dani Perdana. Please call me Dani.
Dewi : Where do you live, Dani?
Dani : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.
Dewi : Oh, do you?
Dani : Yes, I do.
Dewi : So, we are neighbours.
Dani : Are we?
Dewi : Yeah. I live at 8.

Dialogue 3
Cipto waiting for Andi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport.
Andi : Excuse me. Are you Henri?
Cipto : Yes. I'm Cipto Susanto.
Andi : How do you do, Cipto? I'm Andi from University of Jakarta.
Cipto : How do you do, Cipto. Nice to see you.
Andi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey?
Cipto : Yes. It was fine, thanks.
Andi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase.
Cipto : That's very kind of you.
Andi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend Yani this is Cipto. Cipto this is Yani.
Yani : Hello, Cipto. Nice to meet you.
Cipto : Pleased to meet you, too. How's the trip?
Yani : Well, It's nice and exciting.
Cipto : Great, then. You must be tired. I'll take you to the Hotel first.
Andi : OK. Thanks, Cipto.

Dialogue 4
Andi : Good morning. My name is Andi.
Denias : Good morning Andi. I’m Denias.
Andi : Denias, this is Adib. We were classmates the Junior High School.
Denias : Hi, Adib. How do you do?
Adib : How do you do.
Andi : By the way, did you join pencak silat extracurricular activity in the Junior High School?
Denias : Yes, I did.
Andi : Oh, that’s great. Adib and I have never joined it before.
Adib : We hope you can help us.
Denias : Sure.
Andi : Okay, see you this afternoon.
Adib : See you Denias.
Denias : See you.

3. Unsur Kebahasaan
- Sebutan anggota keluarga inti dan yang lebih luas dan orang-orang dekat lainnya; hobi, kebiasaan
- Verba: be, have, go, work, live (dalam simple present tense)
- Subjek Pronoun: I, You, We, They, He, She, It
- Kata ganti possessive my, your, his, dsb.
- Kata tanya Who? Which? How? Dst.
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau benda. Ada 5 jenis
kata ganti orang, yaitu yang berfungsi sebagai subject (Subject Pronouns), sebagai object (object pronoun),
sebagai adjective (possessive adjectives), untuk menyatakan kepunyaan (possessive pronouns), dan untuk
menyatakan refleksi diri (reflexive atau reciprocal pronouns). Kelima pronoun tersebut disajikan pada tabel

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reciprocal

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
I me my mine myself
You (singular) you your yours yourself
You (plural) you your yours yourselves
We us our ours ourselves
They them their theirs themselves
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its its

Deskripsi orang lain sebagai bagian masyarakat yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

C. Rangkuman
Introducing Other
Formal Informal
Introducing Others Introducing Others
 I’d like to introduce ….  Hi, this is …
 Can I introduce …. This is  Hello, this is ....
 I don’t think you’ve met ….  Meet ... This is …
 May I introduce you to ….
 Let me introduce you to ….

Responses Responses
 How do you do?  Hi/Hello
 I’m glad to meet you   Glad to meet you.
 I’m very glad to meet you   Pleased to meet you
 It’s very nice to meet you
 I’m happy to meet you

Greeting and Parting

Greeting Parting
• Good Morning {between 24.00 – 12.00}  Good Bye
• Good Afternoon  See you later
{between 12.00 or lunch or the end of working day}  See you on Sunda
• Good Evening {after work or 18.00}  I must be leaving now
• Good Night {parting at evening/night}  See you at school tomorrow
• Good Day {at 12.00 or lunch}
• How are you?
Responses Responses
 Very well, thanks.  Good Bye
 I’m very well, thank you.   See you too
 I’m fine, thanks.   Bye

Untuk menjalin hubungan antarpersonal dengan guru, teman ataupun orang lain, harus memperhatikan unsur
kebahasaan , diantaranya:
Penggunaan Verb, Subjek Pronoun, kata ganti possessive, nomina singular dan plural.


Ada 5 jenis kata ganti orang, yaitu yang berfungsi sebagai subject (Subject Pronouns), sebagai object (object
pronoun), sebagai adjective (possessive adjectives), untuk menyatakan kepunyaan (possessive pronouns), dan
untuk menyatakan refleksi diri (reflexive atau reciprocal pronouns). Kelima pronoun tersebut disajikan pada
tabel berikut.

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reciprocal

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
I me my mine myself
You (singular) you your yours yourself
You (plural) you your yours yourselves
We us our ours ourselves
They them their theirs themselves
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its its
Lamp 2. Lembar Penilaian
A. Kognitif
Jenjang Pendidikan : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : X/ Gasal
Jumlah Soal : 10
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Materi : Introducing Other

KD Indikator Pencapaian Indikator Soal Nomor Contoh Soal

Kompetensi Soal
KD KD 3.1.Menganalisis fungsi 3.1.1 Menemukan makna dan isi 1-5 9. Dewi :
3.1 sosial, struktur teks, dan teks dari sebuah dialog Hello, I’m
unsur kebahasaan teks perkenalan 6-10 Dewi. What’s
interaksi your name?
transaksional lisan dan
3.1.2 Menganalisis fungsi
tulis yang melibatkan
sosial,struktur teks dan unsur Dani : ........
tindakan memberi dan
kebahasaan teks interaksi ............ ..........
meminta informasi terkait
transaksional lisan dan tulisan ...............
jati diri dan hubungan
sesuai dengan konteks    To
keluarga, sesuai dengan
penggunannya. complete the
konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan unsur dialogue, the
kebahasaan pronoun: suitable
subjective, objective expression is ...
Hello, Dewi.. I
am fine, thank
Hello, Dewi.. I
am in the living
Hello, Dewi.,  I
live in Pandan..
Dewi., My
name is Dani
Please call me

1. Instrumen:

Choose the right answer a,b,c or d for the questions below !

For no 1-5 based on the following dialogue
A new student, Rio, is standing in front of the class. The teacher asks him to introduce himself to the class.
Teacher : Rio, please, introduce yourself to your classmates!
Rio : Yes, Sir. Well, Good Morning, Everybody! I would like to introduce myself. I am Rio
Ariawan. You can call me Rio.
Fatah : Where are you from, Rio
Rio : I come from East Java. We move here because my father works in this town ..
Indra : Welcome in our nicest class, Rio. It’s nice to meet you.
Rio : Thank you. Nice to meet you, too
1. What is the purpose of the dialogue above?

a. Introduce oneself
b. Introduce others
c. Congratulation
d. Complaint

2. What is Rio doing?

a. Go to in front of teacher
b. back to the class and standing in back class
c. standing in front of the class then introduce himself to the class
d. Rio is a new student and standing in front of the class.
3. Where does Rio come from?
a. West Java
b. East Java
c.North Sumatra
d. South Sumatra
4. Why does Rio move to new school?
a. He wants to get a new friend
b. He like live in this town
c. He wants studying in this city
d. He move here because his father works in this town
5. How many people are in the dialogue?
a. 5 people
b. 4 people
c. 3 people
d.2 people
6. Monik is a new member of Teratai English Club. She introduced herself
Monik : Ladies and gentlemen …

a. may I introduce you to the audiences

b. let me introduce you to the audiences

c. I am happy to meet you
d. Allow me to introduce myself
7. John was at a party. There were a lot of guests there that John didn’t know.
John : Excuse me, My name is John Meyer
Guest : Hello, John. I’m Paul. How do you do?
John :…
a. Nice to see you.
b. How do you do?
c. Fine, thanks
d. I'm glad to know you.
8. Ranti meets her teacher, Mr Bakri at the post office.
Ranti : Good afternoon, Sir.
Mr Bakri  : Good afternoon. You are Hmmmmmmm.
Ranti : Ranti, Sir. My name is Ranti. How are you?
Mr Bakri : I am fine, thank you. And how about you?
Ranti  : I am fine, too.
Mr Bakri  : Well, Ranti. I have to go now. Pleased to meet you.
Ranti : .................................................., 
To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ...

a. Pleased to meet you too.Sir.

b. How do you do?Sir.
c. Fine, thanks Sir
d. I'm glad to know you.Sir. 

9. Dewi  : Hello, I’m Dewi. What’s your name?

Dani  : .................... .........................
   To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ...
a. Hello, Dewi.. I am fine, thank you.
b. Hello, Dewi.. I am in the living room.
c. Hello, Dewi.,  I live in Pandan..
d. Hello, Dewi., My name is Dani Perdana. Please call me Dani.

10. Deden         : Hello, I’m Deden. What’s your name?

Deni            : Hello, Deden. I’m Deni Perdana. Please call me Deni. .

Deden         : ………………
Deni            : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27. I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.
   To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ..…

a. Deni, How do you do?

b. Deni, What is your hobby?
c. Deden, What do you do?
d. Deni, Where do you live?
2. Kunci Jawaban

No Kunci
Kriteria Skor
Soal Jawaban
A Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
C Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
B Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
D Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
B Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
D Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
B Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
A Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
D Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
D Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah/tidak dijawab 0
Jumlah Skor 10

Skor Akhir : Skor yang diperoleh x 100 = 100%

Skor maksimal (10)

A. Keterampilan


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/ Gasal
Jumlah Soal :1
Bentuk Soal : Subjective ( Essay)
Materi : Introducing Oneself

KD Indikator Pencapaian Indikator Soal Nomor Contoh Soal

Kompetensi Soal
KD KD 4.1Menyusun teks interaksi 4.1.1 Menyusun sebuah teks 1
4.1 transaksional lisan dan dialog dari situasi yang
tulis pendek dan diberikan yang melibatkan
sederhana yang tindakan memberi dan meminta
melibatkan tindakan informasi terkait jati diri.
memberi dan meminta 4.1.2
informasi terkait jati diri, Menyajikan/mendemonstrasikan
dengan memperhatikan teks atau dialog perkenalan
fungsi sosial, struktur dengan partner dengan
teks, dan unsur mengungkapkan jati diri.
kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks

1. Instrumen Keterampilan
Choose one and Make a simple dialogue about introduction based on the situation of the
sentence bellow !
1. Dani and Dewi are new neighbor. They meet on the way and introduce each other.
2. Mrs.Tika wants to cooperate with Mr. Joni's company. They are in first meeting.
3. Ranti meets her teacher Mr.Bakri at the post office. But Mr.Bakri forgets her, so she
introduces herself to Mr.Bakri
4. Dido is a new employee. he introduce himself to Rudi, the marketing staff manager of his
5. Nina and Kasih are new classmates, they introduce herself.

2. Pedoman penilaian :


Name : ……………………… Class/Number : ……../ ……..

Criteria to be
No 1 2 3 4
Organization of Doesn’t use the Use the correct text Use the correct Use the best text
idea correct text organization but text organization organization with
organization of has not elaborated and with elaborated idea
menu the idea elaborated idea
Grammar Too many 6 until 10 mistakes Under 5 No mistakes
mistakes Mistakes
Diction Doesn’t use the Developed diction Purposefully Perfect diction
right diction chosen diction
Correlation with Doesn’t use the Correlative topic in correlative topic Correlative topic
the topic right topic a half in 75% 100%
Spelling Too many 6 until 10 mistakes Under 5 No mistake
mistakes Mistakes

3. Norma Penilaian

Score : Jumlah perolehan 100%

Jumlah maksimal

4. Lembar Penilaian Menulis:

Aspek yang dinilai Jumlah skor

No. Nama Correlation with
organizatio Grammar Diction Spelling
the topic

B. Sikap
1. Teknik Penilaian : Sikap
2. Betuk Instrument : Observasi

Penilaian ini dilaksanakan oleh guru ketika sedang proses pembelajaran berlangsung yang terkait
dengan penguatan karakter siswa.

3. Indikator Penilaian Sikap

Aspek Skor Kriteria

Jujur 4 Sangat jujur

3 Jujur
2 Kurang jujur
1 Tidak jujur
Disiplin 4 Sangat disiplin
3 Disiplin
2 Kurang disiplin
1 Tidak disiplin
Rajin 4 Sangat rajin
3 Rajin
2 Kurang rajin
1 Tidak rajin
Sopan 4 Sangat sopan
3 Sopan
2 Kurang sopan
1 Tidak sopan
Tanggung jawab 4 Sangat tanggung jawab
3 Tanggung jawab
2 Kurang tanggung jawab
1 Tidak tanggung jawab

4. Instrument :


Petunjuk :

a. Tulislah nama-nama pesera didik pada kolom nama

b. Berilah nilai pada setiap aspek dengan merujuk pedoman indikator diatas
c. Hitunglah nilai akhir berdasarkan pada pedoman penskoran yang tersedia

Indikator Sikap Nilai

Aspek penilaian sikap
No. Nama Peserta didik Tanggu
Jujur Disiplin Rajin Sopan ng

5. Pedoman penskoran:

Skor maksimum = 20

Nilai = x 10

Anda mungkin juga menyukai