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NAMA : Fita Mery Damayanti

NIM : F202001129



Judul Identifikasi Kandungan Senyawa Kimia dan Uji Aktivitas

Penghambatan Polimerisasi Hem dari Fraksi n-Heksana Daun
Manuran (Coptosapelta tomentosa Valeton ex K.Heyne) Asal
Kotabaru Kalimantan Selatan

Nama peneliti Arnida, Sutomo , dan Utsna Uhdatul Khoriah

Cara pengambilan sampel dan Pengumpulan dan Pengolahan Simplisia Daun C. tomentosa
pembuatan simplisia Valeton ex K. Heyne

Sampel yang telah dikumpulkan disortasi basah dengan dipisahkan

antara daun dan bagian tumbuhan yang lain. Bagian yang ingin
digunakan adalah daun yang segar dan tidak rusak. Kemudian dicuci
dengan air mengalir agar daun terbebas dari kotoran. Daun yang
sudah dicuci dipotong-potong menjadi haksel, kemudian haksel
dikeringanginkan pada suhu ruang. Setelah haksel kering maka
dilakukan sortasi kering agar bersih dari pengotor. Simplisia
kemudian dihaluskan hingga menjadi serbuk kasar. Serbuk kasar
disimpan dalam wadah terhindar dari cahaya matahari fraksinasi
dinyatakan selesai. Fraksinasi ini dilakukan sebanyak 9 kali replikasi
dan fraksi n-heksana yang diperoleh diuapkan sampai didapatkan
fraksi kental.

Metode ekstraksi yang Identifikasi kandungan senyawa kimia dilakukan dengan metode uji
digunakan tabung sedangkanaaktivitas penghambatanapolimerisasi hem
secara in vitro dilakukan dengan metode Basillico yang dimodifikasi

Jenis-jenis metabolit yang Skrining fitokimia fraksi n-heksana daun C. tomentosa Valeton ex K.
digunakan beserta penjelasa Heyne positif mengandung senyawa flavonoid, steroid, terpenoid,
dan antrakuinon, sedangkan alkaloid, tanin, dan saponin
menunjukkan hasil negatif. Penelitiana ekstrak etanol daun C.
tomentosa Valeton ex K. Heyne positif mengandung senyawa
flavonoid, Tanin, saponin, antrakuinon, dan terpenoid (Ningsih,
2017). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelarut n-heksana menarik
senyawa yang bersifat non polar sesuai dengan sifat yang
dimilikinya (Gritter et al., 1987).
NAMA : Fita Mery Damayanti

NIM : F202001129



title Identification of flavonoid compounds and total

flavonoid content from biowaste of local durian
shell (Durio zibethinus)

researcher name Masturi , D Alighiri, S S Edie, A Drastisianti, U

Khasanah, K A Tanti, Susilawati , R Z Maghfiroh, K G
C Kirana and F Choirunnisa

how to take samples and make simplicia 2.1. Materials

The shell of the Indonesian durian (Durio

zibethinus), namely Malon, Monti, and Malika, was
collected from Gunungpati, Semarang, Central Java,
Indonesia. The standard of quercetin was purchased
from Sigma Aldrich. Aluminum chloride(AICI;) and
ethanol were analytical reagents from Merk.

2.2. Sample preparation

The shell of the Indonesian durian (Durio

zibethinus), namely Malon, Monti, and Malika, was
cleaned using water, then dried at room
temperature (25-27°C). The process of drying a
durian shell was carried out for approximately one
week. The dried durian shell was pulverized using a
blender. Then, the powder of the durian shell was
analyzed for proximate components.
phytochemicals evaluation. FTIR
spectrophotometer, and total flavonoid content.

extraction method used Flavonoid compound from durian shell biowaste

was identified by phytochemical assay and FTIR
spectrophotometric methods. Total flavonoid
content determined by the aluminum chloride
(AlCl3) method using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

the types of metabolites used and their Phytochemical compounds are secondary
explanations metabolites in plants, which have particular
functions for humans. Phytochemical analysis
conducted in this study is a qualitative test of
flavonoids, phenols, saponins, and tannins.
Phytochemical screening carried out showed that
the durian shell from three types of local Indonesian
durian, namely Malika, Malon, and Monti, which
contained flavonoid, phenolic, saponin, and tannin
compounds.The color change resulting from the
durian shell is shown by the positive reaction of
phenolic compounds with a greenish-yellow color.
Whereas the positive test of flavonoid compounds
are shown in red color. The phytochemical test
results of durian shells from local Indonesian durian
are shown in Table 2. Phytochemical test results
also showed a more intense color intensity in the
phenolic group compared to the flavonoid group.
Intense color is probably to indicate a greater
number of compounds. This color shows that the
amount of phenolic compounds is greater than
flavonoid compounds.

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