Anda di halaman 1dari 217

Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan contoh

penggunaan alat integrasi eksternal?

a. Mengembangkan scoring model dan
analisis portofolio
b. Membuat Gantt chart
c. Membuat grafik PERT
d. Menyertakan perwakilan pengguna
sebagai anggota aktif tim proyek (ch)

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang genetic algorithms yang tidak benar?

a. mampu mengevaluasi banyak alternatif solusi dengan cepat untuk menemukan

yang terbaik

b. digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah yang sangat dinamis dan kompleks, yang
melibatkan ratusan atau ribuan variabel atau rumus

c. menemukan pengetahuan dengan menggunakan perangkat keras dan perangkat

lunak yang paralel dengan pola pemrosesan otak biologis atau otak manusia

d. didasarkan pada teknik yang terinspirasi oleh biologi evolusioner

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang networked system yang tidak benar?

a. memerlukan budaya manajemen bersama yang melintasi hambatan budaya

b. memerlukan telekomunikasi yang kuat

c. sistem di mana terdapat lingkungan global tunggal yang solid untuk pengembangan
dan sistem operasi

d. merupakan tren yang muncul untuk perusahaan multinasional

Expert systems mahal dan memakan waktu untuk maintenance karena:

a. hanya orang yang membuat sistem yang tahu persis cara kerjanya, dan mungkin
sistem tidak tersedia saat diperlukan perubahan

b. basis aturan mereka sangat kompleks

c. aturan mereka harus diprogram ulang setiap kali ada perubahan lingkungan, yang
pada gilirannya dapat mengubah aturan yang telah berlaku

d. sulit untuk memprogram pada tingkat yang rumit tanpa memperkenalkan bug pada
perangkat lunak
Digital marketing yang ditunjang dengan CRM akan membantu manajemen

a. Membuat pemasaran yang adil di antara pelaku penjualan digital

b. Membuat sistem persediaan terintegrasi dengan warehouse terpusat

c. Memudahkan pemungutan pajak penjualan

d. Menemukan pelaku kecurangan penjualan

Customer Relation Management (CRM) dapat meningkatkan pemahaman Perusahaan

akan kebutuhan pelanggan jika fitur ERD nya berisi:
a. Master data pelanggan, produk dan lokasi - soalnya kebutuhan pelanggan, tiap
lokasi kan kebutuhan beda2, jadi bssss lebih iniin kebutuhannya (MENURUTKU)

SAP mampu mengintegrasikan data pada perusahaan yang berbeda di 200 negara
dengan cara:

a. Mengintegrasikan system yang ada di tiap perusahaan yang menggunakan SAP


Mengaitkan proses yang berhubungan sesuai kebutuhan paket376 tp gykin


Menghubungkan data supplier dan customer

Mengkaitkan data persediaan perusahaan dengan suppliernya

Perusahaan mampu mendeteksi adanya Fraud jika pada laporan ditemukan :


Saldo Persediaan pada item produk ada yang negatif b.

Penggunaan Bahan Baku lebih besar dari Bill of Material


Mutasi Piutang debet lebih besar dari sales

Semua jawaban benar - kek e
Manakah dari berikut ini yang menjelaskan bagaimana kerangka kerja pengambilan
keputusan (Simon framework) bekerja di lingkungan keputusan yang high-velocity?


Hanya langkah awal yang dilakukan oleh perangkat lunak; tiga langkah terakhir
ditangani oleh manusia


Keempat langkah proses ditangani oleh algoritma perangkat lunak; manusia tersingkir
dari keputusan karena mereka terlalu lambat qz iki


Tiga langkah pertama dari proses ditangani oleh algoritma perangkat lunak dan
langkah terakhir ditangani oleh manajer yang berpengalaman


Keempat langkah pengambilan keputusan dilakukan oleh manusia dengan dukungan

DSS dan ESS berkecepatan tinggi dan bervolume tinggi google

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang paling menggambarkan business value dari
pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik?


Peningkatan pengambilan keputusan memperkuat keintiman pelanggan dan

pemasok, sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya


Pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik menghasilkan nilai moneter yang besar bagi
perusahaan karena banyak keputusan harian kecil yang mempengaruhi efisiensi, produksi,
biaya, dan lainnya yang secara tahunan dapat bernilai besar, qlet iki


Peningkatan pengambilan keputusan memungkinkan eksekutif senior untuk lebih akurat

meramalkan tren keuangan masa depan


Pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik dapat menciptakan produk dan budaya
perusahaan yang lebih baik
Berikut adalah pernyataan yang benar terkait Group Decision Support Systems

menyediakan alat yang memungkinkan manajer untuk memvisualisasikan data b.

mendukung keputusan yang membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang distribusi geografis
daya c.
memfasilitasi pemecahan masalah yang tidak terstruktur qz

d.dirancang untuk memungkinkan peserta rapat berbagi pemikiran mereka secara

real-time dengan rekan-rekan mereka

Model perilaku manajemen melihat manajer daripada model klasik.


sistematis b.
lebih informal


lebih terorganisir dengan

baik d.
kurang reakti

Expert systems mahal dan memakan waktu untuk maintenance karena:


aturan mereka harus diprogram ulang setiap kali ada perubahan lingkungan, yang pada
gilirannya dapat mengubah aturan yang telah berlaku


hanya orang yang membuat sistem yang tahu persis cara kerjanya, dan mungkin sistem
tidak tersedia saat diperlukan perubahan


sulit untuk memprogram pada tingkat yang rumit tanpa memperkenalkan bug pada
perangkat lunak

basis aturan mereka sangat kompleks

Enterprise System yang menjadi pokok dan menghubungkan system-system lainnya

dalam SAP adalah finance & accounting

Voice recognition solution mengirim order yang terintegrasi dengan SAP System
memungkinkan petugas gudang


Menemukan pesanan lebih cepat

Semua jawaban salah


Memperhatikan tugas dan lingkungan kerja dengan lebih seksama d.

Mengurangi kesalahan pengambilan jenis dan jumlah produk - google

As per an official report, voice integration in warehouses has reduced picking errors by

Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling menggambarkan metode utama yang
digunakan dalam analisis portofolio


Mewawancarai sejumlah manajer puncak untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dan kriteria

mereka untuk mencapai kesuksesan


Melakukan inventarisasi semua proyek dan aset sistem informasi organisasi qlet c.
Menghitung skor sistem yang diusulkan pada sejumlah dimensi, dan memilih satu
dengan skor
tertinggi d.
Melakukan perbandingan dengan menghitung bobot dari kriteria yang digunakan
untuk mengevaluasi suatu sistem
Manakah dari jenis sistem berikut yang akan digunakan untuk memberikan informasi
mendalam kepada eksekutif pemasaran senior tentang retensi pelanggan, kepuasan, dan
kualitas kinerja ?


Model perilaku manajemen melihat manajer daripada model klasik.


sistematis b.
lebih terorganisir dengan baik


lebih informal

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang user-designer communications gap yang

tidak benar?


Terjadi karena pengguna dan spesialis sistem informasi cenderung memiliki latar
belakang, minat, dan prioritas yang berbeda


Hal ini menciptakan risiko kegagalan yang sangat tinggi untuk proyek pengembangan

Ini adalah salah satu alasan utama mengapa kebutuhan pengguna tidak dimasukkan
dengan benar ke dalam sistem informasi

Spesialis sistem informasi lebih memilih sistem yang berorientasi pada pemecahan
masalah bisnis atau memfasilitasi tugas-tugas organisasi

Cara untuk mengidentifikasi proses bisnis inti adalah dengan melakukan:


business process analysis qz


cost-benefit analysis


work-flow analysis


feasibility analysis

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang paling menggambarkan pengaruh struktur proyek
terhadap risiko proyek secara keseluruhan?


Proyek yang sangat terstruktur itu lebih kompleks, dan berisiko lebih tinggi bagi
pemrogram dan pengguna untuk mengalami kesalahpahaman tentang tujuan akhir


Semakin tidak terstruktur suatu proyek, semakin besar kebebasan pengguna untuk
mendefinisikan sistem


Proyek dengan tujuan yang relatif tidak terdefinisi lebih cenderung menjadi sasaran
perubahan persyaratan pengguna dan mendapatkan risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk tidak
terpenuhinya tujuan proyek


Proyek yang kurang terstruktur dapat lebih cepat dikembangkan, diuji, dan
diimplementasikan menggunakan teknik pengembangan RAD dan JAD yang mutakhir,
dan menimbulkan risiko yang lebih kecil untuk pengeluaran biaya tak terduga
SCM pada Perusahaan Sari Roti dapat lebih effisien karena


Perusahaan supplier adalah perusahaan dari grup yang sama


System persediaan perusahaan terhubung dengan supplier


Supplier dapat dikontrak dalam jangka panjang dengan harga tetap d.

Perjanjian jangka panjang dan system inventory yang terintegrasi

Penggunaan materai digital dapat membantu para pihak yang terikat dalam perjanjian
dengan cara


Membuat Blockchain di antara para pihak dan tercatat pada database Kemenkumham


Membuat Blockchain yang dapat diakses semua orang c.

Membuat perjanjian secara digital dan dicatat pada kementerian Hukum dan


Membuat Blockchain dengan melibatkan Peruri, para pihak dan Kemenkumham

Anda memberi saran kepada perusahaan produksi video tentang jenis sistem
manajemen pengetahuan terbaik untuk membantu mereka mengarsipkan video
digital dan klip suara. Manakah dari berikut ini yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan


Digital asset management system - qzlt

CAD system


Virtual reality system

Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling menggambarkan metode utama yang digunakan
dalam scoring model?


Menghitung return investasi untuk setiap sistem, dan memilih sistem dengan
terbaik b.
Melakukan inventarisasi semua proyek dan aset sistem informasi organisasi


Melakukan perbandingan dengan menghitung bobot dari kriteria yang digunakan

untuk mengevaluasi suatu sistem


Mewawancarai sejumlah kecil manajer puncak untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dan

kriteria mereka untuk mencapai kesuksesan

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang scoring model yang tidak benar The most
important outcome of a scoring model is the score. (yang terpenting adalah nilai
setiap investasi) Hasil yang paling penting dari scoring model adalah skor tiap

Pemasaran TV Digital membuat pelayanan pelanggan lebih mudah, namun provider

membebankan biaya untuk tiap fitur yang disediakan, hal ini disebabkan oleh:


Semua jawaban salah

Biaya pembuatan fitur baru cukup besar

Kesulitan pemasangan fitur baru pada TV pelanggan d.

Keinginan provider menambah pendapatan

Jenis teknik intelejen apa yang membantu Netflix mengembangkan pilihan video
yang dipersonalisasi untuk pelanggan?

Machine learning

Penjualan tiket Bis antar kota dapat terhubungkan dengan aplikasi Peduli Lindungi dan
mengurangi biaya test PCR ataupun antigen berulang ulang jika: a.Pemilik NIK adalah
pemakai devise dan terhubung dengan aplikasi online real time

Analisis prediktif digunakan untuk semua hal berikut kecuali:


menetapkan nilai kredit konsumen

mengidentifikasi pelanggan yang paling menguntungkan


menentukan rute terbaik untuk pengiriman produk d.

mengantisipasi respon pelanggan terhadap perubahan harga

Anda telah dipekerjakan untuk menerapkan sistem perusahaan yang akan melakukan
otomatisasi banyak pekerjaan di bidang penagihan dan akuntansi untuk perusahaan
layanan HVAC. Manakah dari berikut ini yang akan Anda persiapkan untuk
menggambarkan bagaimana sistem baru akan mempengaruhi struktur dan operasi


Dokumen perencanaan strategis

Laporan desain sosioteknik
Analisis dampak organisasi qlet ch


Laporan integrasi internal

Sebuah bank telah mengerjakan ulang proses aplikasi mortgage sehingga

beberapa langkah ditangani oleh perangkat lunak komputer, dan beberapa
langkah digabungkan untuk mengurangi kemacetan dalam pemrosesan.
Tujuannya adalah untuk secara bertahap meningkatkan efisiensi dari waktu ke waktu.
Hal ini adalah contoh dari:

on b.
perubahan paradigma
rasionalisasi prosedur


six sigma

Manakah dari jenis sistem berikut yang akan digunakan untuk memberikan informasi
mendalam kepada eksekutif pemasaran senior tentang retensi pelanggan, kepuasan, dan
kualitas kinerja ?


ESS qz


MIS tp d angkatan
iki c.


System yang mendahulukan perencanaan produksi dibandingkan penjualan disebut


System b.
Pull System


ERP System

Anda adalah manajer proyek TI untuk perusahaan periklanan. Perusahaan ingin

membuat alat online yang akan digunakan untuk mensurvei reaksi kelompok tertentu
terhadap produk yang sedang dikembangkan. Pertimbangan paling penting bagi
perusahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menawarkan alat tersebut sesegera mungkin
sebagai layanan perusahaan baru. Namun, Anda tahu bahwa banyak manajer senior
yang merupakan pemilik bisnis proyek ini mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami
masalah teknis atau pengembangan perangkat lunak, dan cenderung mengubah
persyaratan mereka selama pengembangan. Metode pengembangan apa yang paling
berhasil untuk proyek ini?


End-user development


Prototyping brainly

Manakah dari berikut ini yang bukan salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi perusahaan
yang ingin melakukan globalisasi?


Mengatur struktur bisnis

global b.
Memilih strategi global

Mengatur manajemen
sistem d.
Mendefinisikan lingkungan global

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang proyek TI yang run away atau gagal yang
tidak benar?


Proyek perangkat lunak besar rata-rata berjalan 66 persen melebihi anggaran b.

Proyek perangkat lunak besar rata-rata berjalan 33 persen melebihi jadwal


50% bisnis telah mengalami kegagalan proyek TI pada tahun lalu d.

proyek sektor swasta underestimate biaya dan waktu yang dibutuhkan hingga
seperempatnya, soalnya sisa nya bener

Jenis sistem apa yang banyak digunakan oleh perusahaan manufaktur dan distribusi
untuk terhubung ke pemasok secara global?


EDI (ini) yash maaci lop u


Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang paling menggambarkan istilah business

intelligence? a.Infrastruktur untuk mengumpulkan, mengintegrasikan, dan
menganalisis data bisnis
Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan tiga jenis utama dari knowledge
management systems?


Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems, KWS, dan intelligent techniques


Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems, COPs, ECM c.




Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang paling menggambarkan istilah business



Sistem informasi yang terlibat dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis b.

Alat dan teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dan memahami data bisnis


Infrastruktur untuk mengumpulkan, mengintegrasikan, dan menganalisis data bisnis d.

Perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan secara eksklusif untuk manajemen bisnis

Dalam kerangka pengembangan berorientasi objek (object-oriented development

framework) untuk universitas, bagaimana kelas Degree, Matematika, dan Fisika bisa
saling terkait?


Matematika, Fisika dan Gelar adalah sister class


degree akan menjadi sister class untuk Matematika dan Fisika c.

degree akan menjadi subclass untuk Matematika dan Fisika

degree adalah superclass untuk Matematika dan Fisika

Anda memberi saran kepada perusahaan produksi video tentang jenis sistem
manajemen pengetahuan terbaik untuk membantu mereka mengarsipkan video
digital dan klip suara. Manakah dari berikut ini yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan


Digital asset management system


Virtual reality system


CAD system

Toko bahan makanan organik kelas atas menerapkan sistem informasi yang
memungkinkannya menambahkan pengiriman bahan makanan ke rumah pada hari yang
sama kepada pelanggannya. Ini adalah contoh dari:


rasionalisasi prosedur


perubahan paradigma


perubahan organisasi


desain ulang proses bisnis

Penjualan tiket Bis antar kota dapat terhubungkan dengan aplikasi Peduli Lindungi dan
mengurangi biaya test PCR ataupun antigen berulang ulang jika:

Program Peduli Lindungi diijinkan untuk memonitor pergerakan pemilik devise b.

Devise tercatat atas nama satu pemilik NIK

c.Pemilik NIK adalah pemakai devise dan terhubung dengan aplikasi online real time


Program Peduli Lindungi terkonek langsung dengan database Google

Pendapatan pemerintah dari PPn dapat meningkat tanpa terlalu memberatkan rakyat,


Penjualan menggunakan digital money dan dikenakan PPn dalam prosentase kecil secara


Pemerintah menggunakan system pemotongan PPn langsung dalam prosentase

kecil pada tiap transaksi gatau tp ku jg ni


Prosentase PPn diperbesar dan jenis barang kena pajak diperbanyak d.

Semua jawaban salah

Manakah dari berikut ini yang tidak benar tentang teknologi AI (Artificial


Sistem AI mengambil data dari lingkungan, dan menghasilkan keluaran seperti program
komputer lainnya (paling yaaa)


Program AI saat ini telah menguasai common sense thinking yang mirip dengan
manusia aku jwb ini krn blm, aku ini jg


Program AI dapat mengenali wajah


AI dapat mengenali ucapan manusia hanya dengan tingkat kesalahan 6 persen

Anda adalah manajer proyek TI untuk perusahaan periklanan. Perusahaan ingin

membuat alat online yang akan digunakan untuk mensurvei reaksi kelompok tertentu
terhadap produk yang sedang dikembangkan. Pertimbangan paling penting bagi
perusahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menawarkan alat tersebut sesegera mungkin
sebagai layanan perusahaan baru. Namun, Anda tahu bahwa banyak manajer senior
yang merupakan pemilik bisnis proyek ini mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami
masalah teknis atau pengembangan perangkat lunak, dan cenderung mengubah
persyaratan mereka selama pengembangan. Metode pengembangan apa yang paling
berhasil untuk pgroyproyek ini?

ng c.


End-user development

Supply Chain Management (SCM) menghubungkan perusahaan dengan rantai

pasok nya, pada Saung Angklung Ujo, yang dimaksud sebagai supplier adalah


Para penyanyi dan guru Angklung

Para penggemar Angklung


Supplier adalah penyedia alat music Angklung , petani Bambu dan orang tua siswa (yg
paling masuk akal ini sih)

Semua jawaban benar

Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling menggambarkan metode utama yang
digunakan dalam analisis portofolio


Melakukan perbandingan dengan menghitung bobot dari kriteria yang digunakan

untuk mengevaluasi suatu sistem


Menghitung skor sistem yang diusulkan pada sejumlah dimensi, dan memilih satu dengan
skor tertinggi


Mewawancarai sejumlah manajer puncak untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dan kriteria

mereka untuk mencapai kesuksknoesan


Melakukan inventarisasi semua proyek dan aset sistem informasi organisasi

Pada masa pandemic covid 19 jenis Omicron, penduduk yang sudah di vaksin dua kali
tidak perlu merasa takut tertular karena:


Program Peduli Lindungi terintegrasi secara Nasional dan Internasional b.

Semua jawaban salah


Program Peduli Lindungi mampu mencatat pergerakan tiap pemilik NIK (haruse ini tapi
aneh) di


Program Peduli Lindungi yang dilengkapi aplikasi cookies mampu mengawasi pergerakan
pasien (cookies itu bukan buat melacak)

Pinjaman Online yang menjadi masalah bagi banyak peminjam karena tidak dapat
dikendalikan oleh OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) secara langsung disebabkan karena:


Database pemberi kredit dan peminjam tidak tersedia di OJK


Tidak memiliki database terintegrasi pada OJK

Peminjam diberi pinjaman tanpa jaminan


Aliran dana pinjaman tidak tercatat pada database OJK

1. Supply chain planning system perform all the following functions except:

Track the physical status of the goods → execution system qz

2.A firm in the finance industry should do which of the following to ensure that it
stays current with technology

Have a few high risk high benefit projects → p 573, qz

3. Decision chooses from alternatives offer by important managers (iki opo mksde)

Nek mksde “Decisions are chosen from alternatives offered by important managers”

→ True(???) → kalo kayak atas true sih

4. Which of the following systems support a manager’s role as figurehead of an


Telepresence system → p 499

5. The measurement of the number of customers who stop using or purchasing
products or services from a company is called

Churn rate → p 391

6. A system building approach in which the system is developed as successive
versions, each version reflection requirements more accurately, is described to be

iterative/prototyped gatau → p 545 quizlet iterative

Nek prototype hasil mentahan siap pake tp masih tahap percobaan

7. Similar symptoms make difficulties to indicate several different viruses, rules in

expert system can help physician to differentiate symptoms of viruses GAPAHAM


8. Which of the following is an emerging pattern of system configuration for

multinational companies?

Networked → p 607
9. As discussed in the chapter, which of the following is not one of the immediate
consequences of inadequate software project management?

Customer loyalty → p 569, studystack

10. Unstructured decision usually done by supervisor due to unexpected and
unstructured problems in daily operation

FALSE harusnya structured decisions → p 496, 463

Yg unstructured itu senior executives

11. Build business intelligent process through five stages : knowledge gathering, data
collection, perform data analysis process, data modelling with data mining algorithm and
extract data resume GATAU

True (?)
12. Covid 19 forces people to change their habits and work system to full automation,
rationalization happen in many offices, the systems must be redesigned and the most
difficult is paradigm shifts GATAU kayak true? Setuju true p496-497

13. Augmented reality help buyer to choose new apartment, MAYBE TRUE?

Treu, Ada seh dek youtube wkwk

14.A bank has reworked its mortgage application process so that several steps are
handled by computer software, and some steps are combined to reduce bottleneck in
processing. The goal is to gradually improve its efficiency over time. This is an example

Rationalization of procedures → quizlet

A deeper form of organizational change—one that follows quickly from early

automation—is rationalization of procedures. Automation frequently reveals new
bottlenecks in production and makes the existing arrangement of procedures and
structures painfully cumbersome. Rationalization of procedures is the streamlining
of standard operating procedures. (Page 497)

15. All of the following are intangible benefits of information systems except

Cost reduction, p 593 table 14.3

16. SFA modules in CRM systems provide tools for all of the following except:

Managing customer service requests → p 387, qz

17. What event marked the beginning of e-commerce?

The fist paid advertisements placed on website (netscape → p 409), p 376

18. An entire information system can be broken down into its subsystems by using a

High level data flow diagram → quizlet

19. Transferring data from a legacy system to the new system would be defined by
which category of system design specifications?

Conversion → p 539, qz
20. To understand and define the contents of data flows and data stores, system
builders use

Untuk memahami dan mendefinisikan konten aliran data dan penyimpanan data,
pembuat sistem menggunakan

Data dictionary → p 542, p 509

21. Mining location in bengkulu, could attract investor through their formal website


22. Which of the following is not one of the six main elements in the business
intelligence environment discussed in this chapter?

Organization culture → p 502, 469

23. Predictive analytics is used for all of the following except

Determining the best routes for product delivery → p 505, qz

24. OLAP is a name of programmer who found data mining


OLAP = Online analytical processing

25. Machine learning systems

Find patterns in large data sets (i suppose?), kek e iyo

26. Business intelligent collect data which must categorize and then build KPI model
entah, True deh

27. Enterprise systems improve management decision making in all the following
ways except:

Improving forecasts of consumer behavior → quizlet

28. Compared to traditional markets, digital markets have

Lower search costs → p 413

29. Market creators

Provide a digital environment where buyers and sellers can establish prices for

products → p 421

30. CEO may use balance score card indicators in their dss dashboard to aware

True → p 511

31. Which of the following is a milestone for the website development phase of
building an e-commerce presence

Website plan → p 408

32. A well-designed ess will allow management to

Track activities of competitors → p 514, 481

33. Different symptoms make people unaware that they caught by covid 19, swab test
work as business intelligent to alert the similarity of the symptoms gatau mek e iya

34. Business intelligent used big data created by programmers and managers gatau


Tp lek mksde big data sources came from false soale came from internet users

35. New level of global coordination of all of the major business functions permit the
location of business activity according to
Comparative advantage → p 603, qz
36. Knowledge has value, form, and location → p 455, haruse bener tp value ini gada

di paket gatauu bingung jugaa value=firm asset ta

37. Procurement involves all of the following except

Production scheduling → p 435

38. The … reviews and approves plans for systems in all divisions

Information systems steering committee → p 571, 538

39. The idea that the achievement of quality control is an end in itself describes a
main concept of

TQM → p 529

40. …. Involves placing ads in social network newsfeeds or within traditional editorial
content, such as newspaper article

Native advertising -> p 429

41. What is meant by the statement knowledge is sticky?

Knowledge is hard to move → p 455

42. Which of the following is not an example of location based services?


43. Virtually all expert systems deal with problems, nde qlet jwbane classification?
Kok menurutku b/c, policy dev / imprecise rules soale

P 462, 429

44. Building system using traditional system life cycle is more acceptable than
prototyping keknua false? Iyo kek e wkwk
45. Vestas Wind System improve wind turbines placement for optimal energy output by
using IBM Big Insights Software and IBM “Firestorms” Supercomputer to analyze
structure and unstructured data such as weather reports, tidal phases, etc


46. Input from Radiology could be process through AI hidden layer and give
alternative solution to physicians

True, tp mbo deng, hidden layer e bener, tp give alternative solution? AI ne malah ngasi
prediction instead of solutions

47. The dimension of … in information quality describes whether the structure of data is
Integrity → p 499

48. Business intelligent mining data from social media by identifying habits and
preference of the members gataaoo
TRUE ?Kyke iyo, ada bab sg bahas how facebook ngasi recommendation ke kita abis
buka page tertentu, trus lek kek de ig kt sering buka mukbang” Misal ntar nde
preference lak full of mukbang jg

Tp jd skeptis dr no 1-48 iki kok true kabeh yo drtd wkwk HAHAH YAJUGA

49. As described in the text, which of the following is not a risk factor in information
systems projects?

The link between information systems and corporate strategy, qz

50. Expert system can be used to categorize garbage and give higher value added to end
products gatao

51. The major dimensions of international systems architecture include each of the
following except

Transborder data flows → p 601

52. All of the following present challenges to developing global business system
except :
Production costs → p 604

53. Modern medical technology can help physicians acknowledge the source of
illness (haruse iya??), gatau :’

54. When there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making a decision, it

is said to be

Unstructured decisions → p 495

55. Compared to traditional goods, digital goods have

Low marginal costs of production → p 416

56. Knowledge workers for example : researchers, architects, scientists

True → p 474

57. Changes in hardware, software, documentation, or production to a production

system to correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing
inefficiencies are termed
Maintenance → p 539

58. Which of the following statements is not an accurate description of the

importance of knowledge to a firm

Knowledge is unconditional (harusnya conditional, p 455)

59. All of the following are indications of a failed information systems project except:

Employees require training to properly use the system → iki sg paling bgs soale,

quizlet ini juga

60. You have been hired by a firm in a non-information-intensive industry to evaluate its
inventory of systems and IT projects. Which types of projects should the firm focus on?

High benefit low risk projects → p 573

Jenis jaringan apa yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan perangkat digital di dalam kota
atau area metropolitan?




Isu etika meningkat seiring adanya, kecuali:


Investasi TI meningkat setiap 18 bulan

Biaya penyimpanan data menurun
Analisis data lanjutan


Biaya penyimpanan data

Internet of Thing (IoT) diimplementasikan sebagai berikut, kecuali:

Sensor dan data link yang dapat mengurangi waktu rawat inap

Kartu keanggotaan konsumen


Rem otomatis pada

mobil d.
Sensor tanah yang mampu memantau tanaman dan lahan, bukan kebutuhan pupuk

Internet didasarkan pada tiga teknologi utama?


TCP/IP, HTTP, and packet switching

Client/server computing, packet switching, and HTTP


Client/server computing, packet switching, and TCP/IP



Firewall memungkinkan organisasi untuk:n


memeriksa keakuratan semua transaksi antara jaringannya dan Internet. b.

membuat sistem perusahaan di Internet.
menegakkan kebijakan keamanan pada data yang dipertukarkan antara jaringannya dan


memeriksa isi semua pesan email masuk dan keluar.

Data mining memungkinkan pengguna untuk:

menemukan hubungan tersembunyi dalam data.
meringkas sejumlah besar data ke dalam laporan tradisional yang jauh lebih kecil. c.
dengan cepat membandingkan data transaksi yang dikumpulkan selama bertahun-


mendapatkan jawaban online untuk pertanyaan ad-hoc dalam waktu yang cepat.

Dalam organisasi besar, manakah dari fungsi berikut yang bertanggung jawab untuk desain
dan pemeliharaan basis data fisik?


Information policy
administration b.
administration c.
administration d.
Data auditing

Dalam nama domain "", elemen mana yang

merupakan domain tingkat kedua?

azimuth- c.
interactive d.
Dalam metode enkripsi apa kunci enkripsi tunggal dikirim ke penerima sehingga pengirim
dan penerima berbagi kunci yang sama?


Public key encryption


Symmetric key encryption


Private key
encryption d.
Distributed encryption

Dalam TCP/IP, IP bertanggung jawab atas yang berikut ini?


Memindahkan paket melalui jaringan


Membongkar dan memasang kembali paket selama transmisi


Mengurutkan transfer
paket d.
Memecah pesan menjadi paket

CryptoLocker merupakan contoh dari?

SQL injection attack

e d.
Big data merupakan:

a.Salah satu disruptive technology

b.80-90 % data terstruktur

c.Data yang kurang sensitif dibandingkan data tradisional

d.80-90 % data tidak terstruktur

Empat jenis perubahan struktural organisasi yang dimungkinkan oleh teknologi informasi,
dari yang paling kecil hingga yang paling berisiko, adalah

a.automation, rationalization, redesigning, dan paradigm shift


rationalization, automation, reengineering, dan paradigm shift.


automation, redesigning, restructuring, dan paradigm shift


paradigm shift, reengineering, rationalization, dan automation

Bidang yang diidentifikasi dalam tabel sebagai tempat pengidentifikasi unik dari
catatan tabel disebut:


field. b.
ID c.
key field.

primary key.
Berikut ini adalah tantangan keamanan khusus yang mengancam sistem
perusahaan di lingkungan klien/server, kecuali:


data. b.
si. c.
perubahan data.


menyalin data.

Berikut ini adalah masalah dengan file tradisional kecuali:


keamanan yang
buruk. b.
inkonsistensi data.


ketidakmampuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi khusus untuk area fungsional.


kurangnya fleksibilitas dalam membuat laporan ad-hoc.

Berikut adalah pernyataan yang benar:


TPS digunakan untuk semua level

manajemen x b.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen tidak hanya untuk manajemen level
menengah c.
DSS hanya menggunakan data driven
x d.
Sistem Informasi memiliki kemampuan analitik yang terbatas

Berikut adalah pernyataan yang benar mengenai Business Information Value Chain:

a.Management activities meliputi koleksi data, transformasi data, dan penyebaran data

b.Business Information Value Chain bertujuan untuk menciptakan value perusahaan

c.Business Information Value Chain terdiri dari management activities dan business
activities aku inii

d.Value perusahaan yang dituju adalah pengambilan keputusan dan profit

Berikut adalah komponen infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi yang paling tepat:


Hardware, software, process of information systems, facilities to develop IT services


Hardware, software, facilities to manage IT services, people


Hardware, software, data centers, facilities to operate IT services


Hardware, software, network, process of information systems

Berikut adalah dimensi sistem informasi:

ogi b.
output c.
ogi d.
Value chain sistem informasi

Salah satu faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam internasionalisasi bisnis adalah praktik
akuntansi. Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang praktik akuntansi di berbagai negara
yang tidak benar?


Perusahaan Jerman umumnya tidak mengakui keuntungan dari suatu usaha sampai proyek
selesai sepenuhnya dan mereka telah dibayar


Praktik akuntansi A.S. berfokus pada menunjukkan kepatuhan terhadap aturan yang
ketat abc aku nemu, b doang ag


Perusahaan Belanda memisahkan perhitungan pajak dari laporan kepada pemegang



Perusahaan Inggris mengakui keuntungan sebelum proyek selesai, setelah mereka cukup
yakin mereka akan mendapatkan uang

P 571, p 604

Dari segi strategi dan struktur bisnis global, strategi eksportir domestik adalah


mengkonsentrasikan manajemen dan kontrol keuangan dari pusat sambil

mendesentralisasikan produksi, penjualan, dan operasi pemasaran ke unit-unit di
negara lain
menyebar produksi dan pemasaran, dengan akuntansi, sumber daya manusia dan
manajemen strategis yang terpusat


memusatkan produksi, akuntansi, sumber daya manusia, dan manajemen strategis, dan
menggunakan model campuran penjualan dan pemasaran


memusatkan produksi dan pemasaran di setiap negara, dan mendesentralisasikan

akuntansi dan sumber daya manusia.

Clear my choice

Manakah dari berikut ini yang bukan merupakan isu teknologi penting untuk
dipertimbangkan ketika mengembangkan sistem informasi internasional?


Mengembangkan standar data umum

Menemukan aplikasi perangkat lunak khusus yang ramah pengguna dan
meningkatkan produktivitas


Memutuskan bagaimana komputasi seluler akan cocok dengan sistem

internasional qz

Standarisasi platform komputasi global
Walmart menjadi leader di industrinya karena:


Investasi TI lebih besar dari

pesaingnya b.
terbesar c.
Harga produk lebih murah meskipun biaya produksi lebih tinggi dari
pesaing d.
Mampu memanfaatkan sistem informasi untuk merespon konsumen dan pemasok dengan
lebih baik

Tujuan Customer Relationship Management adalah sebagai berikut:


kolaborasi b.
pendapatan c.
Menghubungkan perusahaan dengan pengetahuan dari
eksternal d.
Mengelola berbagi informasi mengenai order dan produksi

Teknologi dapat memperbaiki proses bisnis melalui hal berikut, kecuali:


Mendukung adanya model bisnis

baru b.
Mengubah arus
informasi c.
Tidak perlu tahapan parallel guna mengganti tahapan yang
berurutan d.
Mengeliminasi penundaan keputusan

Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value adalah candidate ethical principle


Slippery slope
rule c.
Golden rule


Seorang karyawan mengklik tautan dalam email dari seseorang yang menyamar karyawan.
Kemudian dibawa ke situs web palsu yang meminta informasi pribadi adalah contoh dari:

ng. b.
ng c.
DDOS attack.

Sebuah skema dari seluruh database yang menggambarkan hubungan dalam database


intersection relationship
diagram. b.
data definition diagram.


entity-relationship diagram.

data dictionary.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act:


mengidentifikasi penyalahgunaan komputer sebagai kejahatan dan mendefinisikan

kegiatan kasar.


membebankan tanggung jawab pada perusahaan dan manajemen untuk menjaga

keakuratan informasi keuangan. studocu


mewajibkan lembaga keuangan untuk menjamin keamanan data

nasabah. d.
menentukan praktik terbaik dalam keamanan dan kontrol sistem informasi.

Remote interaction paling sesuai digunakan untuk kolaborasi:


Waktu berbeda dan tempat sama


Waktu dan tempat yang sama


Waktu dan tempat yang berbeda

Waktu sama dan tempat berbeda

Pernyataan yang benar mengenai “Disruptive Technology” adalah:

a.Technology is changing our consumer markets


Technology used to be nice c.

Technology used to be about making things a little bit better d.

Technology used to be about making things a little bit more efficien

Pernyataan yang benar mengenai “Disruptive Technology” adalah:


Technology used to be about making things a little bit more

efficient b.
Technology used to be about making things a little bit
better c.
Technology used to be nice


Technology is changing our consumer markets

Pernyataan yang benar mengenai cloud computing adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali:


Infrastruktur yang tidak dapat menggunakan jaringan privat untuk akses , berbagi,
dan mengirim informasi


Terdapat private cloud dan public

cloud c.
The delivery on demand computing resources

Cloud computing dapat menurunkan investasi TI perusahaan

Organisasi dan Teknologi Informasi memiliki hubungan timbal balik yang dapat
dimediasi oleh faktor-faktor berikut, kecuali:

an b.
Proses Bisnis


Harga Teknologi Informasi

Menggunakan banyak komputer untuk membanjiri jaringan dari berbagai titik

peluncuran disebut serangan _ _.

ing b.




SQL injection

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang keamanan Internet yang tidak

benar? a.

Penggunaan jaringan P2P dapat mengekspos komputer perusahaan ke pihak

luar. b.
Pesan instan dapat memberikan akses peretas ke jaringan yang aman.

Jaringan Wi-Fi tidak rentan terhadap pelanggaran keamanan.


Jaringan perusahaan tanpa akses ke Internet lebih aman daripada jaringan yang
menyediakan akses.

Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan deskripsi terbaik dari sebuah protokol dalam
arsitektur jaringan telekomunikasi?


Jalur melalui mana paket-paket

dirutekan b.
Komputer utama dalam jaringan
telekomunikasi c.
Perangkat yang menangani peralihan suara dan data di jaringan area lokal


Seperangkat aturan dan prosedur standar untuk mengontrol komunikasi dalam


Manakah dari berikut ini yang memungkinkan DBMS mengurangi redundansi dan
inkonsistensi data?


Kemampuan untuk menggabungkan program dan

data b.
Kemampuan untuk menegakkan integritas
referensial c.
Kemampuan untuk membuat tabel dua
dimensi d.
Kemampuan untuk meminimalkan file yang terisolasi dengan data berulang

Manakah dari berikut ini yang bukan merupakan karakteristik dari packet
switching? a.

Paket melakukan perjalanan secara independen satu sama

lain. b.
Paket dirutekan melalui banyak jalur yang berbeda.

Packet switching membutuhkan sirkuit point-to-

point. d.
Paket disusun kembali ke dalam pesan asli ketika mereka mencapai tujuan mereka

Manakah dari berikut ini yang akan menjadi penggunaan terbaik dari RFID untuk bisnis


Memungkinkan komunikasi klien


Mengelola rantai pasokan


Mencatat transaksi


Menurunkan biaya jaringan

Layanan apa yang mengubah nama bahasa websites menjadi alamat IP?








Seorang salesperson mengklik berulang kali pada iklan online pesaing untuk
menaikkan biaya iklan pesaing. Ini adalah contoh dari:

ng b.
ng. c.
click fraud.


Jenis jaringan mana yang paling sesuai untuk bisnis yang terdiri dari tiga karyawan
dan seorang manajer yang berlokasi di ruang kantor yang sama, yang kebutuhan
utamanya adalah berbagi dokumen?


LAN b.


Peer-to-peer network



Jenis sinyal mana yang diwakili oleh bentuk gelombang

biner? a.


Layanan apa yang mengubah nama bahasa websites menjadi alamat IP?







Manakah dari berikut ini yang akan menjadi penggunaan terbaik dari RFID untuk
bisnis? a.
Menurunkan biaya
jaringan b.
Mencatat transaksi


Mengelola rantai pasokan


Memungkinkan komunikasi klien

Chapter 4

1) Which of the following best describes how new information systems can result
in legal gray areas?
A) They work with networked, digital data, which are more difficult to control than
information stored manually.
B) They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws.

C) They are implemented by technicians rather than managers.

D) They are created from sets of logical and technological rules rather
than social or organizational mores.
E) They are little understood by politicians or lawyers.

2) Which of the following best describes the effect that new information
technology has on society?
A) It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.
B) It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

C) It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.

D) It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.

E) It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.

3) The obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to

intellectual property involve which of the following moral dimensions of the
information age?
A) Property rights and obligations

B) System quality

C) Accountability and control

D) Information rights and obligations

E) Quality of life

1) Which of the following best describes how new information systems can result
in legal gray areas?
A) They work with networked, digital data, which are more difficult to control than
information stored manually.
B) They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws.

C) They are implemented by technicians rather than managers.

D) They are created from sets of logical and technological rules rather
than social or organizational mores.
E) They are little understood by politicians or lawyers.

2) Which of the following best describes the effect that new information
technology has on society?
A) It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.

B) It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

C) It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.

D) It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.

E) It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.

3) The obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to

intellectual property involve which of the following moral dimensions of the
information age?
A) Property rights and obligations

B) System quality

C) Accountability and control

D) Information rights and obligations

E) Quality of life

Chapter 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

1) Which of the following best describes how new information systems can result
in legal gray areas?
A) They work with networked, digital data, which are more difficult to control than
information stored manually.
B) They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws.

C) They are implemented by technicians rather than managers.

D) They are created from sets of logical and technological rules rather
than social or organizational mores.
E) They are little understood by politicians or lawyers.

2) Which of the following best describes the effect that new information
technology has on society?
A) It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.

B) It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

C) It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.

D) It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.

E) It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.

3) The obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to intellectual
property involve which of the following moral dimensions of the information age?

A) Property rights and obligations

B) System quality

C) Accountability and control

D) Information rights and obligations

E) Quality of life

4) The obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the

preservation of existing values and institutions fall within which of the following
moral dimensions of the information age?
A) Family and home

B) Property rights and obligations

C) System quality

D) Accountability and control

E) Quality of life

5) Which of the following is not one of the current key technology trends that
raises ethical issues?
A) Data storage improvements

B) Data analysis advancements

C) Increase in data quality

D) Increase in use of mobile devices

E) Advances in networking technology

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6) Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central business
activities of DoubleClick involve?
A) Property rights and obligations
B) System quality

C) Accountability and control

D) Quality of life

E) Information rights and obligations

7) The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create

digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of
the following?
A) Profiling

B) Phishing

C) Spamming

D) Targeting

E) Spyware

8) Which of the following is a data analysis technology that finds hidden

connections between data in disparate sources?




E) Spyware

9) Which of the following is not an example of the moral dimensions of the

information age identified in the text?
A) Information rights and obligations

B) The emergence of giant tech firms that dominate their markets

C) Accountability and control

D) System quality

E) Quality of life

10) Routine violations of individual privacy are made easier by advances in data storage.
Answer: TRUE

11) In today's legal environment, managers who are convicted for the illegal use of
systems are still unlikely to be given a prison
sentence. Answer: FALSE
12) Ethics describes the principles of right and wrong that can be used by
individuals to make choices to guide their behavior.
Answer: TRUE

16) means that you accept the potential costs and obligations for the
decisions you make.
A) Responsibility

B) Accountability

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C) Liability

D) Due process

E) Duty

17) is a feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place

to determine responsibility for an action.
A) Due process

B) Accountability

C) The courts of appeal

D) The judicial system

E) Liability

18) is a feature of law-governed society and involves having laws that are
known and understood, along with the ability to appeal to higher authorities to
ensure that the laws are applied correctly.
A) Liability

B) Due process
C) Responsibility

D) Accountability

E) The judicial system

19) All of the following are steps in the process for analyzing an ethical issue except:

A) assigning responsibility.

B) identifying the stakeholders.

C) identifying the options you can reasonably take.

D) identifying and clearly describing the facts.

E) identifying the potential consequences of your options.

20) A colleague at work takes small amounts of office supplies for her own personal
use, saying that this is a tiny loss to the company. You tell her that if everyone were
to take office supplies, then the loss would no longer be minimal. Your rationale
expresses which of the following ethical principles?
A) Kant's Categorical Imperative

B) The Golden Rule

C) The Risk Aversion Principle

D) The "No free lunch" rule

E) The slippery-slope rule

21) A man steals from a grocery store in order to feed his starving family.
Which of the following best expresses the utilitarian principle in evaluating
this situation?
A) His action is acceptable, because the grocer suffers the least harm.

B) His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family.

C) His action is wrong, because the man would not want the grocer to steal from him.

D) His action is wrong, because if everyone were to do this, the concept of

personal property is defeated.
E) His action is wrong, because the grocery store owner is harmed.

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22) Which of the following best describes Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative?

A) If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.

B) One should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.

C) One can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of
various courses of action.
D) If an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone to take.

E) You should act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.

23) The ethical "no free lunch" rule states that:

A) if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.

B) one should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.

C) one can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of
various courses of action.
D) if something someone else has created is useful to you, it has value, and you
should assume the creator wants compensation for this work.
E) if an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone to take.

24) According to , you should take the action that produces the least harm.

A) Kant's categorical imperative

B) the risk aversion principle

C) the utilitarian principle

D) the Golden Rule

E) the "no free lunch" rule

25) Which ethical rule states that if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not
right to take at all?
A) Slippery-slope rule

B) Lemming rule
C) High-failure cost rule
D) Utilitarian principle

E) Golden Rule

26) Which of the following ethical guidelines suggests that you put yourself in
the place of others, and think of yourself as the object of the decision?
A) Kant's categorical imperative

B) the risk aversion principle

C) the utilitarian principle

D) the Golden Rule

E) the "no free lunch" rule

27) Identifying the stakeholders–people who have a vested interest in the

outcome of the decision–is the last step in analyzing an ethical issue.
Answer: FALSE

28) Because of their special claims to knowledge, wisdom, and respect,

professionals take on special rights and obligations.
Answer: TRUE

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29) Liability is a feature of political systems and allows individuals to recover

damages done to them by others.
Answer: TRUE

33) In 2010, the FTC added all of the following recommendations to its privacy
guidelines except:
A) firms should build products and services that protect privacy.

B) firms should increase the transparency of their data collection.

C) firms should require consumer consent and provide clear options to opt out of data

D) firms should limit the length of time that any personal data is stored to six months or
E) consumers should be able to review and contest the accuracy and completeness of

34) Which of the following restricts the information that the U.S. federal
government can collect about an individual and regulates what it can do with the
A) The Privacy Act

B) The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

C) The Freedom of Information Act



35) FIP principles are based on a belief in which of the following?

A) Accountability of the record holder

B) Responsibility of the record holder

C) Mutuality of interest between the record holder and the individual

D) Privacy of the individual

E) Difference between the interests of the individual and commercial organizations

36) The FIP principle of Notice/Awareness states that:

A) customers must be allowed to choose how their information will be used

for secondary purposes other than the supporting transaction.
B) data collectors must take responsible steps to assure that consumer
information is accurate and secure from unauthorized use.
C) there must be a mechanism in place to enforce FIP principles.

D) consumers should be able to review the data collected about them.

E) websites must disclose their information practices before collecting data.

37) Which of the following U.S. laws gives patients access to personal medical
records and the right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed?

B) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
C) Privacy Protection Act

D) Freedom of Information Act


38) Which of the following is not a U.S. federal law affecting private institutions?



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C) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

D) Video Privacy Protection Act

E) Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act

39) All of the following laws apply to actions by the federal government except the:

A) Freedom of Information Act.

B) Privacy Act.

C) Computer Security Act.

D) Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

E) E-Government Act.

40) When a cookie is created during a website visit, it is stored:

A) on the website's server.

B) on the hard drive of the visitor's computer.

C) on the ISP's servers.

D) in the browser's application settings.

E) nowhere, because they are only used during a visit and are discarded once a
visitor leaves the website.
41) What is not a feature of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
A) It applies to all firms doing business in the EU.

B) It requires unambiguous consent for using personal data to construct profiles.

C) It imposes fines on companies for violating the regulation up to 4 percent of a firm's


D) It creates a single EU privacy policy.

E) It prevents firms from using cookies.

42) The GDPR created a framework in order to enable U.S. businesses to

legally use personal data from EU countries.

B) P3P



E) safe harbor

43) The Network Advertising Initiative is an industry association that:

A) encourages self-regulation to develop a set of privacy guidelines for its members.

B) protects user privacy during interactions with websites.

C) has established technical guidelines for ensuring privacy.

D) regulates the use of customer information by firms.

E) is a safe harbor program established by the U.S. government.

44) In the model of informed consent, personal information cannot be

collected until the consumer specifically agrees that his or her data can be
A) opt-in

B) opt-out

C) P3P

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E) safe harbor

45) What percent of global Internet users use Google Search and other Google services
such as

A) Less than 10 percent

B) Around 25 percent

C) About 50 percent

D) Nearly 80 percent

E) Over 90 percent

46) Which of the following forms of protection of intellectual property requires that
the property be the subject of a nondisclosure agreement?
A) Copyright

B) Patent

C) All forms of intellectual property protection

D) Trademark

E) Trade secret

47) All of the following are technical solutions to protecting user privacy except:

A) email encryption.

B) anonymous surfing.

C) anonymous email.

D) preventing client computers from accepting cookies.

E) data use policies.

48) Which of the following protects the authors of a book from having their
work copied by others?
A) Patent protection

B) Due process

C) Copyright law

D) Fair Use Doctrine

E) Trade Secret law

49) "Look and feel" copyright infringement lawsuits are concerned with:

A) the distinction between tangible and intangible ideas.

B) the distinction between an idea and its expression.

C) using the graphical elements of another product.

D) using the creative elements of another product.

E) violation of a monopoly on the ideas behind a product.

50) The NAI is an industry association formed to help with which of the following?

A) Copyright protection

B) Online privacy issues

C) Patent protection

D) Trademark protection

E) Trade secret protection

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51) Which of the following is not protected by copyright law?

A) Musical compositions

B) Motion pictures

C) Maps

D) Artwork

E) Machines

52) Which of the following adjusts copyright laws to the Internet age by making
it illegal to circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials?
A) Digital Millennium Copyright Act

B) Privacy Act

C) Freedom of Information Act

D) Electronic Communications Privacy Act

E) Computer Software Copyright Act

53) Which of the following statements about cookies is not true?

A) Cookies are installed only at the user's request.

B) Cookies are stored on the user's computer.

C) Cookies cannot be easily detected or deleted.

D) Cookies are used to support the user experience on websites.

E) Cookies can be combined with other website data to develop detailed profiles of

54) Advertisers use in order to display more relevant ads based on a user's
search and browsing history.
A) behavioral targeting

B) Web bugs


D) intelligent agents

E) FIP principles

55) allows an organization to collect personal information without the

user's explicit consent.
A) A safe harbor

B) The opt-in model

C) FIP principles

D) P3P

E) The opt-out model

56) grants the owner exclusive ownership of the ideas behind an

invention for 20 years.
A) Copyright law

B) Trademark law

C) Patent law

D) Trade secret protection

E) Privacy law
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57) The is a feature of the GDPR that allows individuals to have their
personal information removed from social network and search sites.
A) right to opt-out of data collection

B) right to a safe harbor

C) right to be forgotten

D) right to do not track

E) right to opt-in to data collection

58) Which of the following is not a difficulty in establishing patent protection?

A) Length of time required to receive protection

B) The requirement that the work reflect some special understanding and contribution

C) The requirement that the work must be original

D) The requirement that the work must be novel

E) The requirement that the work must be a secret

59) Which of the following is not true about the changes to EU data protection
rules enacted in the GDPR?
A) The new rules require Internet companies to obtain explicit consent from
consumers for the use of their personal data.
B) The new rules require Internet companies to delete information at the user's request.

C) The new rules require Internet companies to retain information only as long
as absolutely necessary.
D) The new rules do not allow consumers to have their data removed from company

E) The new rules strengthen the right to be forgotten.

60) Digital media differs from a physical book in all of the following ways except:

A) ease of replication.

B) ease of alteration.
C) ease of transmission.
D) ease of global distribution.

E) ease of establishing uniqueness.

61) Which of the following were involved in what has been called the patent trial of the

A) Apple and Microsoft

B) Apple and Hewlett-Packard

C) Microsoft and Symantec

D) Microsoft and Facebook

E) Apple and Samsung

62) Which of the following is not a file-sharing service?

A) The Pirate Bay

B) Megaupload

C) Morpheus

D) Pandora

E) Grokster

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63) The European Parliament has banned unsolicited commercial messaging.

Answer: TRUE

64) A Facebook user's visit to a website can be tracked even if they do not click a Like

Answer: TRUE

65) Malicious software that is installed secretly on your computer by other

applications and that tracks your online movements is called spyware.
Answer: TRUE

66) Most Internet businesses do very little to protect the privacy of their customers.

Answer: TRUE

67) The DMCA requires ISPs to take down sites of copyright infringers they are hosting
the ISPs are notified of the
problem. Answer: TRUE
68) Any intellectual work product that isn't based on public knowledge can be
classed as a trade secret.
Answer: TRUE

69) Copyright is a legal protection given to creators of certain types of intellectual


Answer: TRUE

70) Software programs were unprotected by copyright law until the early 1990s.

Answer: FALSE

71) Websites are not required to honor web browsers' Do Not Track settings.

Answer: TRUE

72) European countries do not allow businesses to use personally identifiable

information without consumers' prior consent.
Answer: TRUE

73) One of the key concepts in patent law is novelty.

Answer: TRUE

74) Some forms of illegal sharing of music files have declined as legitimate online
music stores have expanded.
Answer: TRUE

75) COPPA is a set of five principles developed by the FTC that most American and
European privacy law is based on.
Answer: FALSE

challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property?

76) Although online tracking gathers an enormous amount of information on

individual users, it Downloaded by bendahara genbi (
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is anonymous and can't be tied to a specific
person. Answer: FALSE
77) Web beacons are tiny, invisible software programs hidden in email messages
and web pages that are used to track and report a user's online behavior.
Answer: TRUE

82) are not held liable for the messages they transmit.

A) Regulated common carriers

B) Private individuals

C) Organizations and businesses

D) Elected officials

E) European ISPs

83) Which of the following resulted in a Christmas Eve outage for millions of Netflix

A) A failure of Amazon's cloud computing service

B) A failure of Netflix's recommendation engine software

C) A blackout at Netflix's primary data center

D) A hacking attack

E) A bug in Netflix's credit card processing system

84) Which of the following is the most common reason that business systems fail?

A) Software bugs

B) Software errors

C) Hardware failures

D) Facilities failures

E) Data quality

85) Which of the following is a primary drawback to the "do anything

anywhere" work environment?
A) It makes work environments less pleasant.
B) It creates a digital divide.

C) It centralizes power at corporate headquarters.

D) It blurs the traditional boundaries between work and family time.

E) It leads to employees being paid less for the total amount of work performed.

86) Which of the following statements about spam is not true?

A) Most spam originates from bot networks.

B) Cell phone spam usually comes in the form of SMS text messages.

C) Spam costs for business are very high.

D) Spamming has mushroomed because it is so inexpensive and can reach so many people.

E) Spamming is more tightly regulated in the United States than in Europe.

87) The U.S. CAN-SPAM Act:

A) makes spamming illegal.

B) requires commercial email senders to identify themselves.

C) has dramatically cut down spamming.

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D) does not override state anti-spamming laws.

E) does not outlaw the use of fake return addresses.

88) Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age does the
weakening of boundaries between work and family life involve?
A) Quality of life

B) System quality

C) Accountability and control

D) Information rights and obligations

E) Property rights and obligations

89) Redesigning and automating business processes can be seen as a double-
edged sword because:
A) increases in efficiency may be accompanied by job losses.
B) increases in efficiency may be accompanied by poor data quality.

C) support for middle-management decision making may be offset by poor data quality.

D) reliance on technology results in the loss of hands-on knowledge.

E) it can concentrate power in the hands of senior executives.

90) Which of the following terms refers to significant disparities in access to

computers and the Internet among different social groups and different locations?

B) Technostress

C) Digital divide



91) CVS refers to:

A) eyestrain related to computer display screen use.

B) a business practice that attempts to evaluate the intangible values of computer


C) carpal vision syndrome.

D) a type of antivirus protection software.

E) wrist injuries brought about by incorrect hand position when using a keyboard.

92) Which of the following occurs when muscle groups are forced through tens of
thousands of repetitions under low-impact loads?



D) Technostress


93) Gaining unapproved access to a computer is not a federal crime.

Answer: FALSE

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94) Spam is legally defined as any email that is unsolicited.

Answer: FALSE

95) Some experts believe that exposure to computers reduces intelligence and cognitive

Answer: TRUE

96) Computer abuse refers to acts involving a computer that may not be
illegal but are considered unethical.
Answer: TRUE

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Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 16e, Global

Edition (Laudon)
Chapter 2 Global E-business and Collaboration

1) Producing a bill of materials is a business process in which of the following functional


A) Finance and accounting

B) Human resources

C) Manufacturing and production

D) Research and development

E) Sales and marketing

2) Which of the following is an example of a cross-functional business process?

A) Identifying customers

B) Shipping a product

C) Fulfilling a customer order

D) Hiring employees

E) Paying creditors

3) Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes except:

A) checking the customer's credit.

B) assembling the product.

C) submitting the order.

D) making customers aware of the product.

E) shipping the product.

4) The function is responsible for making sure customers are aware of the
company's products.
A) finance and accounting

B) human resources

C) manufacturing and production

D) sales and marketing

E) distribution and logistics

5) According to the chapter case, Sanofi Pasteur is using Microsoft Yammer

for all of the following reasons except:
A) give employees more opportunities to innovate.

B) increase product innovations from lower down in the organization.

C) simplify business processes

D) strengthen management controls over employees

E) set up activist groups for change

6) Identifying customers is a business process handled by the

marketing function. Answer: TRUE
7) One example of a business process is shipping a product to a
customer. Answer: TRUE
8) What is the connection between organizations, information systems, and
business processes? Answer: Business processes refer to the manner in which work
activities are organized, coordinated, and focused to produce a specific business
result. They also represent unique ways in which organizations coordinate work,
information, and knowledge and the ways in which management chooses to
coordinate work. Managers need to pay attention to
business processes because they determine how well the organization can
execute, and thus are a potential source for strategic success or failures.
Although each of the major business functions has its own set of business
processes, many other business processes are cross functional. Information
systems can help organizations achieve great efficiencies by automating parts
of these processes or by helping organizations rethink and streamline them.
Firms can become more flexible and efficient by coordinating and integrating
their business processes to improve management of resources and customer
9) What are cross-functional business processes? Give an example.

Answer: Cross-functional processes are those that require input, cooperation,

or coordination between the major business functions in an organization. For
instance, when
a salesman takes an order, the major business functions of planning, production,
inventory control, shipping, accounting, and customer relations will all be
involved before the order is completed.
10) Your aunt has asked you for your suggestions to make her business, a local
sandwich shop, more efficient. Describe at least three types of business processes
that a sandwich shop has. Can any of these processes be made more efficient
through the use of information systems?
Answer: The business processes of a sandwich shop include: Taking orders,
making sandwiches, selling to the customer, ordering supplies, opening the
store, closing the store, cleaning the store, paying employees, hiring
employees, paying creditors and vendors, creating financial statements, paying
taxes, managing cash. Many of these processes could be helped by better
information systems, specifically those that require recorded data, such as any
financial processes (payments, cash management, taxes, payroll) and
information gathered from and distributed to employees.
11) If sales of your products declined in a specific region of the country, which of
the following types of system would best help you understand why?





12) You have been hired by a non-profit organization to implement a system to handle

The system must be able to handle and record telephone, text, and Internet
donations, provide up-to-the-minute reports, and create highly customizable
mailing lists. In addition, event fundraisers need to be able to quickly access a
donor's information and history. Which of the following systems will best meet
these needs?

B) TPS with DSS capabilities

C) TPS with MIS capabilities

D) TPS with ESS capabilities

E) DSS with MIS capabilities

13) To monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with
the external environment, managers need which of the following types of




14) A(n) is typically a major source of data for other systems.






15) The term management information systems refers to a specific category of

information systems serving:
A) integrated data processing throughout the firm.

B) transaction process reporting.

C) employees with online access to historical records.

D) the information technology function.

E) middle management functions.

16) Which of the following would you use in order to determine which of your
suppliers has the best and worst records for meeting your production schedules?





17) A relocation control system that reports summaries on the total moving, house
hunting, and home financing costs for employees in all company divisions falls into
which of the following categories?





18) Non-typical business problems with causes and effects that are rapidly changing
are typically handled by which of the following types of information system?




19) Which of the following types of information systems are especially suited to
situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully
defined in advance?





20) Which type of information system would you use to forecast the return on
investment if your firm planned to switch to a new supplier that offered products at
a lower cost?





21) Which level of the organization is an ESS specifically designed to serve?

A) Operational

B) End-user

C) Middle management

D) Senior management

E) Knowledge workers

22) An ESS supports which of the following?

A) Long-range planning activities of senior management

B) Knowledge and data workers in an organization

C) Decision making and administrative activities of middle managers

D) Day-to-day processes of production

E) Transactional needs of the organization

23) Which of the following systems would you expect to deliver data from external
events, and summarized information from internal MIS systems?




24) Which of the following would you use to forecast trends in your supplier's
industry that could affect your firm over the next five years?





25) Which of the following is a routine question that might be answered by an MIS system?

A) Creating a new product

B) Estimating the effect of changing costs of supplies

C) Calculating the best trucking routes for product delivery

D) Compare planned to actual sales for each quarter

E) Forecasting new industry trends

26) Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called:

A) e-commerce.

B) e-business.

C) an intranet.

D) an extranet.

E) e-government.

27) All of the following are examples of business intelligence systems except a system that:

A) summarizes and reports on a company's basic operations.

B) tracks the flows of materials in a factory.

C) focuses on problems that are unique and rapidly changing.

D) compares total annual sales figures for specific products to planned targets.

E) addresses nonroutine decisions.

28) Which of the following types of systems typically use a digital dashboard to
display an array of charts and graphs of a business's key performance indicators?



29) What is the most important function of an enterprise application?

A) Increasing speed of communicating

B) Enabling business functions and departments to share information

C) Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers

D) Enabling cost-effective e-business processes

E) Enabling inventory and supply chain management

30) Which of the following systems is designed to span functional areas, focus
on executing business processes across the firm, and include all levels of



D) Enterprise applications


31) A(n) system collects data from various key business processes and
stores the data in a single, comprehensive data repository, usable by other parts of
the business.
A) transaction processing

B) enterprise

C) automatic reporting

D) management information

E) knowledge management

32) The four major types of enterprise applications are:

A) SCM, CRM, DSS, and KMS.

B) SCM, CRM, ESS, and KMSs.

C) ERP, SCM, DSS, and CRM.

D) ERP, SCM, CRM, and KMS.

E) TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS.

33) systems are also known as enterprise systems.

A) Resource planning

B) Enterprise resource planning

C) Enterprise support
D) Management information

E) Decision-support

34) Which of the following types of system enables management to make better decisions
regarding their suppliers?






35) Which type of system integrates supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and

customer logistics processes?
A) Collaborative distribution system

B) Supply chain management system

C) Reverse logistics system

D) Enterprise planning system

E) Transaction processing system

36) Which of the following types of system would you use to manage
relationships with your customers?





37) Which of the following would you use to consolidate the relevant knowledge
and experience in the firm and make it available to improve business processes and
management decision making?

B) An extranet




38) You have been hired by BizCom, a business communications consultancy that
services many clients in different industries throughout the United States, to help it
improve its profit margin. BizCom provides customized recommendations for the
best use of a client's existing resources for improving internal communications,
typically delivered via documentation in different media. The company has
approximately 50 consultants, all of whom are located in its central headquarters in
Alexandria, Virginia. What type of system do you recommend that BizCom
install to improve its business processes and increase its profit margin?

A) An extranet, to enable quick collaboration over the Internet, minimize

the time spent communicating with the client, and minimize the amount of
paperwork needed
B) A CRM, to maintain easily accessible customer records to minimize the time
spent looking for client data
C) A KMS, for minimizing redundant work on similar clients

D) A marketing system, for improving sales levels

E) A TPS, to help manage all daily activities and transactions

39) You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need
to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics
such as views and click- throughs about their current banner ads. Which type of
system will most efficiently provide a solution?

B) Enterprise system

C) Extranet

D) Intranet


40) Which of the following types of system helps coordinate the flow of information
between the firm and its suppliers and customers?
A) Intranet

B) Extranet




41) Using to enable government relationships with citizens, businesses, and

other arms of government is called e-government.
A) the Internet and networking technologies

B) e-commerce

C) e-business

D) any computerized technology

E) telecommunications

42) In , digital technology and the Internet are used to execute the
major business processes in the enterprise.
A) e-commerce
B) e-business

C) enterprise applications



43) Which of the following statements about the City Football Group and SAP’s
Challenger Insights, as described in the chapter case, is not true?
A) It was designed to share information with fans.

B) It was primarily designed to increase sales of food and beverages

C) It uses RFID sensors to record player movements.

D) It helps coaches make decisions during a game.

E) It was designed to increase fan involvement.

44) Transaction-level information is essential for operational management to

plan future production levels.
Answer: FALSE

45) Cross-functional systems are being phased out in favor of systems that
support business processes within a single functional group, such as human
Answer: FALSE

46) A DSS is most commonly used by the executive management level of an

organization. Answer: FALSE
47) You would use an MIS to help determine if your business should introduce a
new product line.
Answer: FALSE

48) For nonroutine decision making, managers rely on decision

support systems. Answer: TRUE
49) Most transaction processing systems use sophisticated mathematical models
or statistical techniques.
Answer: FALSE

50) Managers can use DSS to make decisions about problems that are unusual
and not easily specified in advance.
Answer: TRUE

51) A DSS uses internal information as well as information from

external sources. Answer: TRUE
52) An organization's MIS and DSS supply an ESS with summarized
information. Answer: TRUE
53) Operational managers use ESS primarily to solve specific
problems. Answer: FALSE
54) A web interface used to present integrated personalized business content to
users is called a portal.
Answer: TRUE

55) Enterprise applications integrate information from multiple functions and

business processes to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole.
Answer: TRUE

56) An SCM is considered to be an intraorganizational system because it manages

information that flows between different companies.
Answer: FALSE

57) Supply chain management systems are one type of

interorganizational system. Answer: TRUE
58) A TPS is an information system that keeps track of all of the daily routine
transactions of a business.
Answer: TRUE

59) Customer relationship management systems coordinate all of the business

processes that deal with customers in sales, marketing, and service.
Answer: TRUE

60) The pet products chain you work for, Pets Galore, has noticed that one of its
brands of dog food is not selling nearly as well as anticipated. What information
systems of the business will you use to determine the reason for the poor sales?
Discuss what information you will retrieve from which system. Which of the
information systems will be most important for your analysis? Which of the systems
will be least important?
Answer: You might query operational level TPS to make sure that the product
is actually getting to the stores and being restocked. You could query MIS to
see average sales levels according to geography, location, and other factors to
see if there are any specific factors affecting the sales. You might query ESS to
see if the same dog food is being sold by competitors and what these prices
are. You might use DSS to see what factors could increase sales.
Assuming that the dog food is being properly stocked at the stores, the most
important systems to query are the managerial-level systems: MIS for
summaries of sales records to
help pinpoint any other factors; ESS to check competition, and DSS for
higher-level analysis to forecast possible solutions.
61) Identify and discuss the major types of information systems that serve the main
management groups within a business. What are the relationships among these
Answer: The four major categories of information systems are:

1. Transaction processing systems, such as payroll or order processing, track

the flow of the daily routine transactions that are necessary to conduct
2. Management information systems (MIS) provide the management control
level with reports and access to the organization's current performance and
historical records. Most MIS reports condense information from TPS and are
not highly analytical.
3. Decision-support systems (DSS) support management decisions when
these decisions are unique, rapidly changing, and not specified easily in
advance. They have more advanced analytical models and data analysis
capabilities than MIS and often draw on information from external as well as
internal sources.
4. Executive support systems (ESS) support senior management by providing
data of greatest importance to senior management decision makers, often in
the form of graphs and charts delivered via portals. They have limited
analytical capabilities but can draw on sophisticated graphics software and
many sources of internal and external information.
The various types of systems in the organization exchange data with one
another. TPS are a major source of data for other systems, especially MIS and
DSS. ESSs primarily receive data from lower-level systems.
62) Zoom Vacuum, a family-owned manufacturer of high-end vacuums, has grown
exponentially over the last few years. However, the company is having difficulty
preparing for future growth. The only information system used at Zoom is an
antiquated accounting system. The company has one manufacturing plant located
in Iowa; and three warehouses, in Iowa, New Jersey, and Nevada. The Zoom sales
force is national, and Zoom purchases about 25 percent of its vacuum parts and
materials from a single overseas supplier. You have been hired to recommend the
information systems Zoom should implement in order to maintain their competitive
edge. However, there is not enough money for a full-blown, cross-functional
enterprise application, and you will need to limit the first step to a single functional
area or constituency. What will you choose, and why?
Answer: TPS focusing on production and manufacturing to keep production costs
low while maintaining quality, and for communicating with other possible
vendors. The TPS would later be used to feed MIS and other higher-level
63) Describe at least two benefits of using enterprise systems.

Answer: Enterprise systems integrate the firm's key business processes in

sales, production, finance, logistics, and human resources into a single software
system so that information can flow throughout the organization, improving
coordination, efficiency, and decision making. These systems help create a more
uniform organization in which everyone uses similar processes and information,
and measures their work in terms of organization- wide performance standards.
The coordination of the firm's key business processes allows the firm to respond
more rapidly to customer demands.
64) How have the technologies associated with e-business impacted
government? Answer: Governments on all levels are using Internet technology
to deliver information and services to citizens, employees, and businesses
with which they work. The term e- government refers to the application of the
Internet and networking technologies to enable government and public sector
agencies' relationships with citizens, businesses, and other
arms of government digitally. In addition to improving delivery of government
services, e- government can make government operations more efficient and
empower citizens by giving them easier access to information and the ability to
network digitally with other citizens. For example, citizens in some states can
renew their driver's licenses or apply for unemployment benefits online, and
the Internet has become a powerful tool for instantly mobilizing interest
groups for political action and fund-raising.
65) What is a digital dashboard, and why are they becoming an increasingly
popular tool? Answer: A digital dashboard displays graphical information and
charts of key performance indicators on a single screen. They are becoming
increasingly popular because they provide comprehensive and accurate
information for decision making that helps managers quickly spot areas that
need attention.
66) How can a good CRM system increase profits for a company?

Answer: Customer relationship management uses information systems to

coordinate all of the business processes surrounding the firm's interactions
with its customers. The systems consolidate customer information from
multiple sources - telephone, e-mail, wireless devices, traditional sales and
marketing systems, and the web - so that the firm can obtain a unified view of a
customer. Understanding the customer allows a firm to increase the
effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.
67) Telepresence technology is primarily designed to:

A) allow managers to observe how employees behave.

B) allow employees to share ideas and plans in real time.

C) provide managers with a tool to visualize corporate performance.

D) store the firm's visual content like videos.

E) enable the sales force to keep track of customer orders.

68) Which of the following is the greatest obstacle in enabling collaboration

between employees at different, distant corporate locations?
A) Privacy

B) Permissions

C) Time zones

D) Language

E) Corporate culture

69) All of the following are capabilities of enterprise social networking tools except:

A) the ability to set up member profiles.

B) the ability to share, store, and manage content.

C) the ability to establish groups and team workspaces.

D) tagging and social bookmarking.

E) supply chain management.

70) Which of the following statements about collaboration is not true?

A) In business, a collaboration can last as little as a few minutes.

B) Business collaboration relies on the formation of teams that are assigned a

specific task or goal.
C) Successful collaboration can be achieved through technology
regardless of the organization's culture or structure.
D) One business benefit of collaboration is improved innovation.

E) Businesses need special systems for collaboration.

71) Which of the following tools would you use to evaluate and choose a
collaboration tool for your organization?
A) Virtual meeting system

B) Cloud collaboration

C) IBM Notes

D) The collaboration matrix

E) The time/space collaboration and social tool matrix

72) Which of the following decisions requires knowledge based on collaboration and

A) How long will it take to manufacture this product?

B) Should we work with outside vendors on new products and services?
C) In which geographical locations are our products garnering the most sales?

D) Which product design is the most efficient for the user in terms of energy use?

E) How can we produce this product more cheaply?

73) Which of the following is not a business benefit of collaboration?

A) Improved quality

B) Improved financial performance

C) Improved customer service

D) Improved innovation

E) Improved compliance with government regulations

74) allows you to communicate with avatars using text messaging.

A) A virtual world

B) Screen sharing

C) Collaborative writing

D) A large audience Webinar

E) Telepresence

75) All of the following are reasons for the increased business focus on
collaboration and teamwork, except for:
A) the need for creating innovative products and services.

B) growth of "interaction" jobs.

C) greater global presence.

D) the need for more efficient work hierarchies.

E) the need to reduce communication costs.

76) Which of the following statements regarding IBM Notes is not true?

A) It began as an e-mail and messaging client.

B) It is a widely used collaboration tool at larger firms.

C) It provides capabilities for wikis and microblogging.

D) It provides tools for full version control of all company documentation.

E) It is designed to provide security for sensitive corporate information.

77) Which of the following is not one of the four main classifications for
collaboration tools identified by the space/time matrix?
A) Synchronous/colocated

B) Same time/remote

C) Different time/remote
D) Remote/colocated
E) Same time/same place

78) is a collaboration tool that supports remote (different place),

synchronous (same time) collaboration.
A) Video conferencing

B) E-mail


D) A wall display

E) A virtual world

79) According to the chapter case, which of the following statements about
Glasscubes is not true?
A) Glasscubes has a large customer base of more than 50,000 customers spread
globally in over 100 countries.
B) Users can set up a free conference class for over 50 participants
without any prior booking or billing.
C) Glasscubes’ Team Collaboration feature allows team participants to have
conversations by posting messages on the workspace .
D) Glasscubes provides project management facilities such as Gantt charts, critical
path analysis, cost and time tracking of tasks, and comparison with estimates.
E) All data is remotely backed up using SSL encryption.

80) Crowdsourcing is one application of social

business. Answer: TRUE
81) A key word in social business is
"conversations." Answer: TRUE
82) An example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool is a Skype
conference call using VOIP and webcams.
Answer: TRUE

83) Global firms can collaborate from different locations at the same time using
synchronous collaboration tools.
Answer: TRUE

84) You have been hired to work with 8 employees from different branches of a
national business to help create a web application to be used to train new sales
employees. Identify six collaboration tools that are available to help the team work
together. Which single tool would be the most helpful for the project, in your
opinion, and why?
Answer: Collaboration tools include e-mail and instant messaging; social networking;
wikis; virtual worlds, collaboration platforms such as virtual meeting systems,
Google Apps/Google Sites. The most helpful of these might be a collaboration
platform because it would enable people to have discussions, calendars,
conferences, and share documents.
85) A website that allows citizens to file taxes online is a form of . Answer: e-government
86) You have been hired by an international architectural firm, with offices in
Singapore, Paris, and Mumbai. The firm would like architects and draftspeople
from different teams to be able to collaborate efficiently. How will you determine
what the best collaboration tools are for their needs?
Answer: The first step in evaluation is to determine what the collaboration
challenges are and to locate the firm in the time/space matrix. Secondly, for
each block of the matrix that the firm is in, determine what solutions are
available from which vendors. Third, analyze the products in terms of their
costs and benefits to the firm. Next, identify any risks involved with using the
product. Then, seek the help of potential users to identify implementation and
training issues. Finally, make a shortlist of tools and invite vendors to make
87) How do collaborative business culture and business processes differ from
"command-and- control" firms?
Answer: In command-and-control organizations, the top leaders determine all
the really important matters and then order lower-level employees to execute
senior management plans. The job of middle management is to pass messages
back and forth up and down the hierarchy. Command-and-control firms
require lower-level employees to carry out orders without asking too many
questions, with no responsibility to improve processes, and with no rewards
for teamwork or team performance. If workgroups need help from another
work group, that is something for the bosses to figure out. Employees never
communicate horizontally, always vertically, so management can control the
A collaborative business culture and business processes are very different.
Senior managers are responsible for achieving results but rely on teams of
employees to achieve and implement the results. Policies, products, designs,
processes, and systems are much more dependent on teams at all levels of the
organization to devise, to create, and to build. Teams are rewarded for their
performance, and individuals are rewarded for their performance
in a team. The function of middle managers is to build the teams, coordinate
their work, and monitor their performance. The business culture and
business processes are more social. In a collaborative culture, senior
management establishes collaboration and
teamwork as vital to the organization, and it actually implements
collaboration for the senior ranks of the business as well.
88) Why are "conversations" relevant to social business?

Answer: Customers, suppliers, employees, managers, and even oversight

agencies continually have conversations about firms, often without the
knowledge of the firm or its key actors (employees and managers). Supporters
of social business assert that if firms could tune into these conversations, they
will strengthen their bonds with consumers, suppliers, and employees,
increasing their emotional involvement in the firm.
89) The principal liaison between the information systems groups and the rest of the
organization is a(n):
A) programmer.

B) information systems manager.

C) systems analyst.



90) A is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm.






91) An information systems manager:

A) writes software instructions for computers.

B) acts as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the organization.

C) translates business problems into information requirements.

D) manages data entry staff.

E) oversees the company's security policy.

92) The helps design programs and systems to find new sources of
knowledge or to make better use of existing knowledge in organizational and
management processes.




93) Which of the following is a firm's CPO responsible for?

A) Ensuring that the company complies with existing data privacy laws

B) Making better use of existing knowledge in organizational and management processes

C) Enforcing the firm's information security policy

D) Overseeing the use of information technology in the firm

E) Acting as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the company

94) All of the following job categories are expected to grow over the next eight years

A) computer support specialists.

B) software developers.

C) systems analysts.

D) computer programmers.

E) database administrators.

95) Which of the following job categories is expected to experience the most
growth over the next eight years?
A) Computer support specialists

B) Software engineers

C) Security analysts

D) Computer programmers

E) Database administrators

96) Which of the following statements is not true?

A) The number of information system employees is expected to grow by 13

percent through 2026.
B) Between 2019 and 2026, IS/MIS will add about 550,000 jobs.

C) The number of computer programmers is expected to decline by 7 percent through


D) In general, the technical occupations in IT are showing faster

expansion than occupations involved with the management of IT.
E) The growth of online software services and cloud computing is impacting the
job prospects for computer programmers.
97) The information security analyst job category is among the slower
growing IS/MIS occupations.

Answer: FALSE
98) The network and system administrator job category is among the fastest growing


99) IT governance refers to the overall decision-making that guides the IT

strategy of a firm. Answer: TRUE
100)Describe the role of IT governance within the firm.

Answer: IT governance is the management of how the information systems

function is organized and handled within the firm. IT governance includes the
strategy and policies
for using information technology within an organization. It specifies the
decision rights and framework for accountability to ensure that the use of
information technology supports the organization's strategies and objectives.
For example, IT governance decides how decisions implementing and
evaluating new systems are made, whether the IT function should be
decentralized or centralized, who has power to create and manage systems,
and what kind

Chapter 3

Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 16e, Global

Edition (Laudon) Chapter 3 Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy
1) The interaction between information technology and organizations is influenced:

A) solely by the decision making of middle and senior managers.

B) by the development of new information technologies.

C) by many factors, including structure, politics, culture, and environment.

D) by two main macroeconomic forces: capital and labor.

E) by the rate of growth of the organization.

2) Which of the following statements about organizations is not true?

A) An organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the
environment and processes them to produce outputs.
B) An organization is a formal, legal entity with internal rules and procedures that
must abide by laws.
C) An organization is a collection of people and other social elements.

D) An informal group can be considered to be an organization.

E) An organization is a collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities

delicately balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution.
3) According to the definition of organizations, an organization is seen as a
means by which capital and labor are transformed by the organization into outputs
to the environment.
A) microeconomic
B) macroeconomic

C) sociotechnical

D) behavioral

E) psychological

4) Which of the following statements about the technical view of organizations is not true?

A) It focuses on how inputs are combined to create outputs when technology

changes are introduced into a company.
B) It sees capital and labor as being easily substituted for one another.

C) It emphasizes group relationships, values and structures.

D) It sees the organization as a social structure similar to a machine.

E) It sees the firm as being infinitely malleable.

5) Which of the following is not a major feature of organizations that impacts the use of
information systems?
A) Business processes

B) Environments

C) Structure of the organization

D) Agency costs

E) Leadership styles

6) Which of the following statements about business processes is not true?

A) Business processes influence the relationship between an organization and

information technology.
B) Business processes are a collection of standard operating procedures.

C) A business firm is a collection of business processes.

D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization's culture.

E) Business processes are typically unaffected by changes in information systems.

7) Which of the following technologies disrupted the traditional publishing industry?

A) Instant messaging

B) e-mail

C) Digital photography

D) PCs

E) World Wide Web

8) Under Mintzberg's classification of organizational structure, knowledge-based

organizations fall under the category of:
A) entrepreneurial structures.
B) divisionalized bureaucracies.

C) professional bureaucracies.

D) adhocracies.

E) machine bureaucracies.

9) Mintzberg classifies a large bureaucracy existing in a slowly changing environment

that produces standard products and is dominated by centralized management as a(n)
A) machine

B) professional

C) divisionalized

D) multidivisional

E) ad hoc

10) Which of the following is an example of a divisionalized bureaucracy?

A) Startup firm

B) University

C) Fortune 500 firm

D) Midsize manufacturer

E) Consulting firm

11) Along with capital, is the primary production input that the
organization uses to create products and services.
A) structure

B) culture

C) politics

D) feedback

E) labor

12) The divergent viewpoints about how resources, rewards, and punishments should
be distributed, and the struggles resulting from these differences are known as
A) culture.

B) politics.

C) structure.

D) environments.

E) business processes.

13) Which of the following statements about disruptive technologies is not true?
A) Disruptive technologies radically change the business landscape and environment.

B) Disruptive technologies may be substitute products that perform better than other
currently being produced.

C) Disruptive technologies may sometimes simply extend the marketplace.

D) Disruptive technologies may put entire industries out of business.

E) Firms that invent disruptive technologies as first movers always become market leaders.

14) As discussed in the chapter opening case, which of the following statements about
Tate & Lyle is not true?
A) In the 1970s, Tate & Lyle began to diversify from the sugar business to more
specialized agricultural food products.
B) Tate & Lyle gathered a large collection of financial accounting systems across
four regions and thirty operating facilities.
C) The solution management decided on was to centralize financial accounting at a
single location in Lodz, Poland.
D) The consulting firm Tata Consultancy Services was hired to implement the
new system and coordinate with Tate & Lyle financial groups.
E) Implementing the new system also gave managers the opportunity to revise
and simplify business processes based on industry best practices.
15) All organizations have bedrock, unquestioned assumptions that define their goals
and products. Answer: TRUE
16) A machine bureaucracy is a knowledge-based organization where goods and
services depend on the expertise and knowledge of professionals.
Answer: FALSE

17) Routines are also called standard operating

procedures. Answer: TRUE
18) How are the technical and behavioral definitions of an organization different?

The behavioral definition of an organization is that it is a collection of rights, privileges,

obligations, and responsibilities that is delicately balanced over a period of time
through conflict and conflict resolution. The technical definition sees an organization
as an entity that takes inputs from the environment and processes these to create
products that are then consumed by the environment. The technical view sees capital
and labor as interchangeable units, with the ability to rearrange these units at will,
whereas the behavioral view sees that rearranging some aspects of the organization,
such as an information system, will have important consequences and changes for the
organization's other units.
19) When a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself, the costs
incurred are referred to as:
A) switching costs.

B) network costs.

C) procurement.

D) agency costs.

E) transaction costs.

20) All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact
on business firms except:
A) it helps firms expand in size.

B) it helps firms lower the cost of market participation.

C) it helps reduce internal management costs.

D) it helps reduce transaction costs.

E) it helps reduce agency costs.

21) According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as a(n):

A) unified, profit-maximizing entity.

B) task force organization that must respond to rapidly changing environments.

C) entrepreneurial endeavor.

D) "nexus of contracts" among self-interested individuals.

E) entrepreneurial structure.

22) According to research on organizational resistance, the four components that

must be changed in an organization in order to successfully implement a new
information system are:
A) environment, organization, structure, and tasks.

B) technology, people, culture, and structure.

C) organization, culture, management, and environment.

D) tasks, technology, people, and structure.

E) costs, tasks, structure, and management.

24) What is agency theory? How does information technology enable a firm to
reduce agency costs?
According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as a "nexus of contracts" among self-
interested individuals rather than as a unified, profit-maximizing entity. A principal
(owner) employs "agents" (employees) to perform work on his or her behalf. However,
agents need constant supervision and management; otherwise, they will tend to
pursue their own interests rather than those of the owners. As firms grow in size and
scope, agency costs or coordination costs rise because owners must expend more and
more effort supervising and managing employees. Information technology, by reducing
the costs of acquiring and analyzing information, permits organizations to reduce
costs because it becomes easier for managers to oversee a greater number of
employees. By reducing overall management costs, information technology
enables firms to increase revenues while shrinking the number of middle
managers and clerical workers.
25) Which model is used to describe the interaction of external forces that affect an
organization's strategy and ability to compete?
A) Network economics model

B) Competitive forces model

C) Competitive advantage model

D) Demand control model

E) Agency costs model

26) Which of the following industries has the lowest barrier to entry?

A) Automotive

B) Computer chip

C) Solar energy

D) Airline

E) Small retailer

27) All of the following are competitive forces in Porter's model except:

A) suppliers.

B) new market entrants.

C) disruptive technologies.

D) customers.

E) substitute products.

28) Which of the following marketplace forces would be of least concern to a

manufacturer of deep- sea oil rigs?
A) Product differentiation

B) Traditional competitors

C) Low number of suppliers

D) New market entrants

E) Low number of customers

29) Which of the following substitute products would be of most concern for
a cable TV distributor?
A) Streaming music services

B) Broadcast TV

C) Satellite radio
D) On-demand Internet television

E) Terrestrial radio

30) Walmart's continuous replenishment system is an example of a firm using information

systems to:

A) strengthen ties to its customers.

B) simplify the industry value chain.

C) develop synergies.

D) focus on market niche.

E) achieve low-cost leadership.

31) A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by having:

A) more suppliers.

B) fewer suppliers.

C) global suppliers.

D) local suppliers.

E) only a single supplier.

32) Amazon's use of the Internet as a platform to sell books more efficiently
than traditional bookstores illustrates which of the following strategies?
A) Low-cost leadership

B) Marketing effectiveness

C) Focusing on market niche

D) Strengthening supplier intimacy

E) Developing synergies

33) The four major competitive strategies are:

A) low-cost leadership, substitute products and services, customers; and suppliers.

B) low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and

customer and supplier intimacy.
C) new market entrants, substitute products and services, customers, and suppliers.

D) low-cost leadership, new market entrants, product differentiation, and focus on market

E) customers, suppliers, new market entrants, and substitute products.

34) Walmart's continuous replenishment system allows it to do all of the following except:

A) provide mass customization.

B) transmit orders to restock directly to its suppliers.

C) keep costs low.

D) better meet customer demands.

E) fine-tune merchandise availability.

35) Firms use a strategy to provide a specialized product or service for a
narrow target market better than competitors.
A) product differentiation

B) market niche

C) mass customization

D) process efficiency

E) low-cost leadership

36) The ability to offer individually tailored products or services using the same
production resources as bulk production is known as:
A) mass marketing.

B) micromarketing.

C) micro customization.

D) niche customization.

E) mass customization.

37) In environmental scanning, a firm may use information systems to:

A) transform inputs into products and services.

B) analyze the performance of its intranet.

C) identify external events that may affect it.

D) keep track of the temperature within its data centers.

E) develop a unified organizational culture.

38) Which of the following is not a true statement about value webs?

A) Value webs involve a collection of independent firms that use information

technology to coordinate their value chains.
B) Value webs are more customer-driven than traditional value chains.

C) Value webs operate in a less linear fashion than traditional value chains.

D) Value webs are inflexible and cannot adapt quickly to changes in supply and demand.

E) Value webs involve highly synchronized industry value chains

39) Which of the following best illustrates the use of information systems to focus on
market niche?

A) A car manufacturer's website that lets you customize the features on the car you are

B) A restaurant chain analyzing local sales figures to determine which menu items to serve.

C) A bookseller selling an e-book reader that reads only the bookseller's books.

D) A department store creating specialized products for preferred customers.

E) A clothes manufacturer expanding its offerings to new styles.

40) All of the following are IT-enabled products and services providing competitive

A) Amazon's one-click shopping.

B) Apple's iTunes.

C) Ping's golf club customization.

D) PayPal's online person-to-person payment system.

E) Nike's use of celebrities to market their products.

41) The Internet increases the bargaining power of customers by:

A) creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases.

B) making more products available.

C) making information available to everyone.

D) lowering transaction costs.

E) enabling the development of new services.

42) Hilton Hotels uses its OnQ system for which of the following purposes?

A) To lower its operating costs

B) To benchmark its progress against competitors

C) To create synergies with its suppliers

D) To take advantage of network economics

E) To estimate each guest's profitability and give additional privileges to profitable


43) Which of the following is a competitive force challenging the publishing industry?

A) Positioning and rivalry among competitors

B) Low cost of entry

C) Substitute products or services

D) Customers' bargaining power

E) Suppliers' bargaining power

44) The value chain model:

A) categorizes five related advantages for adding value to a firm's products or services.

B) sees the supply chain as the primary activity for adding value.

C) categorizes four basic strategies a firm can use to enhance its value chain.

D) highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies

can best be applied.
E) enables more effective product differentiation.
45) Which of the following represent the primary activities of a firm?

A) Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and service

B) Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, technology, and service

C) Procurement, inbound logistics, operations, technology, and outbound logistics

D) Procurement, operations, technology, sales and marketing, and services

E) Organization infrastructure, human resources, technology, and procurement

46) Which of the following is a support activity in a firm's value chain?

A) Inbound logistics

B) Operations

C) Sales and marketing

D) Service

E) Technology

47) Which of the following would a company employ to measure and compare
its business processes to similar processes of other companies within their
A) Benchmarking

B) Best practices

C) Value chain analysis

D) Strategic systems analysis

E) Secondary activities

48) The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called:

A) value activities.

B) best processes.

C) core competencies.

D) best practices.

E) benchmarks.

49) Information systems can be used at the industry level to achieve strategic advantage

A) building industrywide, IT-supported consortia and symposia.

B) raising the bargaining power of suppliers.

C) encouraging the entry of new competitors.

D) enforcing standards that reduce the differences between competitors.

E) decreasing switching costs.

50) In network economics, the value of a commercial software vendor's software products:

A) increases as more people use them.

B) decreases as more people use them.

C) increases due to higher marginal gain in output.

D) decreases according to the law of diminishing returns.

E) is unrelated to the number of people that use them.

51) When two organizations pool markets and expertise that result in lower costs
and generate profits, they are creating:
A) a value web.

B) a value chain.

C) net marketplaces.

D) core competencies.

E) synergies.

52) Which of the following is an example of synergy in business?

A) Amazon's use of the Internet to sell books

B) Bank of America acquiring Countrywide Financial Corporation to reach a

large pool of new customers
C) Blockbuster combining traditional video rental with online video rental

D) Walmart's order entry and inventory management system to coordinate with suppliers

E) Nike's use of technology to improve its product offerings

53) Information systems enhance core competencies by:

A) providing better reporting facilities.

B) creating educational opportunities for management.

C) allowing operational employees to interact with management.

D) encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units.

E) fostering synergies among departments.

54) The idea that the more any given resource is applied to production, the lower the
marginal gain in output, until a point is reached where the additional inputs produce
no additional value, is referred to as:
A) the point of no return.

B) the law of diminishing returns.

C) supply and demand.

D) network inelasticity.

E) virtual economics.

55) Which of the following statements about network economics is not true?

A) Uber is an example of a business model that is based on the principle of network


B) The law of diminishing returns does not always apply to every situation.

C) From a network economics perspective, the value of a community of people

grows as the number of participants in the community increases.
D) Information technology can be strategically useful from a network economics
E) In network economics, the marginal cost of adding new members to the
network is higher than the marginal gain.
56) A virtual company:

A) uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas.

B) uses Internet technology to maintain a virtual storefront.

C) uses Internet technology to maintain a networked community of users.

D) provides entirely Internet-driven services or virtual products.

E) is limited by traditional organizational boundaries.

57) Which of the following is an example of a keystone firm within a business ecosystem?

A) Apple and the mobile platform ecosystem

B) GUESS and the fashion ecosystem

C) Citibank and the ATM ecosystem

D) American Airlines and the computerized reservation ecosystem

E) Nike and the athletic apparel ecosystem

58) is a competitive strategy for creating brand loyalty by developing new

and unique products and services that are not easily duplicated by competitors.
A) Product differentiation

B) Low-cost leadership

C) Focusing on market niche

D) Strengthening customer intimacy

E) Strengthening supplier intimacy

59) The expenses incurred by a customer or company in lost time and resources
when changing from one supplier or system to a competing supplier or system are
known as:
A) retention costs.

B) preservation costs.

C) differentiation costs.

D) switching costs.

E) variation costs.

60) The model highlights the primary or support activities that add a margin
of value to a firm's products or services where information systems can best be applied
to achieve a competitive advantage.
A) competitive forces

B) value chain

C) bargaining power
D) new entrant

E) rivalry

61) The parts of an organization's infrastructure, human resources, technology, and

procurement that make the delivery of the firm's products or services possible are
known as
A) primary

B) auxiliary

C) secondary

D) service

E) support

62) A(n) is a collection of independent firms that use information

technology to coordinate their value chains to collectively produce a product
or service for a market.
A) value chain

B) support web

C) value web

D) consortium

E) net marketplace

63) A(n) is an activity for which a firm is a world-class leader.

A) expertise area

B) competitive advantage

C) growth driver

D) efficiency

E) core competency

64) Why does Amazon need to worry about competitors in online shopping?

A) E-commerce is affected by the law of diminishing returns.

B) Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies.

C) Internet shopping produces cost transparency.

D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services.

E) The Internet increases switching costs.

65) Smart products are an example of the Internet

of Things. Answer: TRUE
66) A company's competitive advantages ultimately translate into higher stock
market valuations than its competitors.
Answer: TRUE

67) The competitive forces model cannot be used to analyze modern digital firms which
face new
competitive forces that are not true of
traditional firms. Answer: FALSE
68) Customers are one of the competitive forces that affect an organization's ability
to compete. Answer: TRUE
69) High product differentiation is a sign of a transparent
marketplace. Answer: FALSE
70) The effect of the Internet has been to increase the bargaining power
of customers. Answer: TRUE
71) An efficient customer response system directly links consumer behavior to
distribution, production, and supply chains.
Answer: TRUE

72) Information systems are used to enable new products and services via product
differentiation. Answer: TRUE
73) Mass customization offers individually tailored products or services using the same
resources as mass production.
Answer: TRUE

74) Switching costs increase when customers are strongly linked to products
and platforms. Answer: TRUE
75) The value chain model classifies all company activities as either primary or
support activities. Answer: TRUE
76) In the value chain model, support activities are most directly related to the
production and distribution of the firm's products and services, which create
value for the customer.
Answer: FALSE

77) When the output of some units in a firm can be used as inputs to other units,
synergies develop, which can lower costs and generate profits.
Answer: TRUE

78) According to the network economics perspective, the more people offering
products on eBay's site, the greater the value of the site to all who use it.
Answer: TRUE

79) The term business ecosystem describes the loosely coupled but
interdependent networks of suppliers, distributors, outsourcing firms,
transportation service firms, and technology manufacturers.
Answer: TRUE

80) A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when it has access to resources that
others do

Answer: TRUE

81) The law of diminishing returns only applies to digital

products. Answer: FALSE
82) The inventors of a disruptive technology typically benefit the most from the
technology; it is rare that fast followers catch up quickly.
Answer: FALSE

83) Smart products generally lower

switching costs. Answer: FALSE
84) Mintzberg's classification identifies five forces in an industry's environment
that affect the strategic position of a firm.
Answer: FALSE

95) You are consulting for a natural food products distributor who is interested in
determining the benefits it could achieve from implementing new information
systems. What will you advise as the first step?
A) Identify the business ecosystem the distributor is in

B) Implement a strategic transition to the new system

C) Perform a strategic systems analysis

D) Benchmark existing systems

E) Set up a strategic transition

96) Sociotechnical changes affecting a firm adopting new information

systems requiring organizational change can be considered:
A) organizational adjustments.

B) strategic transitions.

C) systems alterations.

D) business goal transitions.

E) sociotechnical transitions.

97) Research has shown that a majority of firms are able to align their information
technology with their business goals.
Answer: FALSE

98) The use of Internet technologies allows companies to more easily sustain
competitive advantage.
Answer: FALSE
Chapter 4

89) Redesigning and automating business processes can be seen as a double-

edged sword because:
A) increases in efficiency may be accompanied by job losses.

B) increases in efficiency may be accompanied by poor data quality.

C) support for middle-management decision making may be offset by poor data quality.

D) reliance on technology results in the loss of hands-on knowledge.

E) it can concentrate power in the hands of senior executives.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies

1) Which type of infrastructure service stores and manages corporate data

and provides capabilities for analyzing the data?
A) Networking

B) Telephone


D) Telecommunications

E) Data management

2) Specifications that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to

communicate in a network are called:
A) network standards.

B) telecommunications standards.

C) technology standards.

D) Internet standards.

E) compatibility standards.

3) Place the following eras of IT infrastructure evolution in order, from earliest to

most recent: 1. Cloud Computing Era; 2. Client/Server; 3. Enterprise Era; 4. Personal
Computer; and 5. Mainframe and Minicomputer.
A) 5, 2, 3, 4, 1

B) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1
C) 4, 5, 2, 3, 1

D) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3

E) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1

4) A client computer networked to a server computer, with processing split

between the two types of machines, is called a(n):
A) service-oriented architecture.

B) on-demand architecture.

C) multi-tiered client/server architecture.

D) two-tiered client/server architecture.

E) divided architecture.

5) Interpretations of Moore's law assert that:

A) computing power will eventually level off.

B) transistors decrease in size 50% every two years.

C) data storage costs decrease by 50% every 18 months.

D) PCs decrease in market share by 9% every 5 years.

E) computing power doubles every 18 months.

6) Which of the following became the standard PC in the Personal Computer Era?

A) Wintel PC



D) Altair

7) states that the value or power of a network grows exponentially as a

function of the

number of network members.

A) Metcalfe's Law

B) Moore's Law

C) Law of scalability

D) Law of outsourcing

E) Law of networks

8) Client/server computing is a primary example of decentralized

processing. Answer: TRUE
9) A web server is responsible for locating and managing stored
webpages. Answer: TRUE
10) An application server may reside on the same computer as a web server or on its own

Answer: TRUE

11) It is much harder to eliminate a cloud service than to remove functionality

from a company's

core internal

Answer: FALSE

12) Microsoft is no longer the market leader in client/server

networking. Answer: FALSE
15) Which of the following is the network standard for connecting desktop computers
into local

area networks that enabled the widespread adoption of client/server computing and
local area

networks and further stimulated the adoption of personal computers?



C) Ethernet


E) Linux

16) Which of the following is a leading networking hardware provider?

A) Dell

B) Intel

C) Seagate


E) Cisco

17) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS):

A) is one type of cloud computing service where users pay only for the computing
capacity they actually use.
B) is a cloud-based service which provides software applications to users on demand.

C) is a cloud-based service that provides a platform for software development.

D) provides users with a service-oriented architecture for their systems.

E) provides cloud users with ubiquitous networking environment.

18) Which of the following is not a part of the IT infrastructure ecosystem found in firms?
A) Consultant and system integrators

B) Internet platforms
C) Operating system platforms

D) Enterprise software applications

E) Virtual reality systems

19) The marketplace for computer hardware:

A) has become increasingly concentrated in top firms.

B) has expanded to include a wide variety of start-up and mobile-computing firms.

C) has moved significantly to Asian firms.

D) has been decimated by mobile and cloud computing.

E) has begun moving away from blade servers.

20) The operating system is used to manage the software applications used in
business activities.

Answer: FALSE

23) Which of the following is not an example of a wearable computing device?

A) Smartwatch

B) Smart glasses

C) Smartphones

D) Activity trackers

E) Smart ID badges

24) All of the following are current hardware platform trends except:

A) green computing.

B) virtualization.

C) cloud computing.

D) Unix.

E) quantum computing.

25) Which of the following is a recent addition to the mobile digital platform?

A) Quantum computing devices

B) Wearable computing devices

C) Cloud computing devices

D) Grid computing devices

E) Green computing devices

26) Which of the following enables a single physical resource (such as a server or a
storage device) to appear to the user as multiple logical resources?
A) Cloud computing
B) Autonomic computing

C) Virtualization

D) Multicore processing

E) Ubiquitous computing

27) All of the following are cloud computing services except:

A) infrastructure as a service.

B) platform as a service.

C) software as a service.

D) on-demand computing.

E) virtualization as a service.

28) Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of cloud computing, as
defined by the

U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology?

A) Ubiquitous network access

B) Location-independent resource pooling

C) On-demand self service

D) Measured service

E) Reduced elasticity

29) A(n) is an integrated circuit which contains two or more processors to

enhance performance and reduce power consumption.
A) multicore processor

B) legacy processor

C) scalable processor

D) aggregate circuit

E) green circuit

30) Which of the following involves practices and technologies to minimize

the environmental

effects of manufacturing and managing computing devices?

A) Capacity planning

B) Cloud computing

C) Green computing

D) Utility computing

E) On-demand computing
31) Quantum computing is implemented primarily with enterprise or ISP servers.
Answer: FALSE

37) ZipRealty, which combines Google Maps with real estate data, is an example of:

A) cloud computing.


C) a widget.

D) a mashup.

E) a web service.

38) Which of the following is not one of the current software platform trends?

A) Web services and service-oriented architecture

B) Open-source software


D) Software outsourcing

E) Multicore processors

39) Which of the following statements about Linux is not true?

A) It plays a major role in the back office running local area networks.

B) It is available in free versions downloadable from the Internet.

C) It has garnered 20 percent of the server operating system market.

D) Linux applications are embedded in cell phones, smartphones, netbooks, and

other handheld


E) Linux works on all the major hardware platforms.

40) A software program with a graphical user interface for displaying web pages
and for accessing the web and other Internet resources is called a web:
A) service.

B) client.

C) browser.

D) app.

E) beacon.

41) Which of the following is the foundation technology for web services?




42) Prewritten, commercially available sets of software programs that eliminate the
need for a

firm to write its own software programs for certain functions, are referred to as:

A) software packages.

B) mashups.

C) outsourced software.

D) open-source software.

E) service level agreements.

43) are created by combining and customizing components from different

online software applications.
A) Apps

B) Web browsers

C) SaaS

D) Web services

E) Web mashups

44) A formal contract between customers and their service providers that
outlines the specific

responsibilities of the service provider and to the customer is called a(n):





E) SaaS

45) Web services can exchange information between two different systems only if
the operating

systems and programming languages upon which the systems are based are identical.
Answer: FALSE
46) Hypertext markup language specifies how text, graphics, video, and sound are
placed on a

48) Which of the following refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to
expand to
serve a larger number of users without breaking down?
A) Modality

B) Scalability

C) Expandability

D) Disintermediation

E) Customizability

49) Which model can be used to analyze the direct and indirect costs to help firms
determine the

actual cost of specific technology implementations?

A) Supply and demand

B) Return on investment

C) Breakeven point

D) Cost-benefit analysis

E) Total cost of ownership

13) List and describe four services that comprise IT infrastructure, beyond physical
devices and



• The service components of IT infrastructure include:

• Telecommunications services that provide data, voice, and video connectivity.

• Data management services to store, manage, and analyze data.

• Application software services that provide enterprise-wide capabilities.

• Physical facilities management services, to develop and manage physical

installations of technology.
• IT standards services that establish and monitor the firm's policies.

• IT education services that provide training in use of the systems.

• IT research and development services that research potential projects, products,

and investments.
14) Explain why standards are so important in information technology. What standards
have been important for the growth of Internet technologies?
Answer: Standards are important because they result in different manufacturers
creating products that can be used either with each other or to communicate with
each other. For example, without standards, each light-bulb manufacturer would have
to also create specific light-bulb sockets for use with their light bulbs. In the same way,
computers and computer technology have been enabled through standards.
Standards have allowed many
different manufacturers to contribute to the same, standardized definitions of a

technological application. For example, the ASCII data standards made it possible for

computer machines from different manufacturers to exchange data, and standardized

software languages have enabled programmers to write programs that can be used on

different machines.

The standards that have been important for the growth of the Internet include
TCP/IP, as a networking standard, and WWW standards for displaying information as
web pages, including HTML.
21) Have mainframes disappeared?

Answer: Mainframes have not disappeared. They continue to be used to reliably and
securely handle huge volumes of transactions, for analyzing very large quantities of
data, and for handling large workloads in cloud computing centers. The mainframe is
still the digital workhorse for banking and telecommunications networks that are
often running software programs that are older and require a specific hardware
platform. Currently, mainframes process 30 billion business transactions per day, and
80 percent of the world's corporate data also originates on the mainframe.
22) Briefly explain why corporations are increasingly interested in using Unix or
Linux for their

operating systems.

Answer: Linux is an inexpensive and robust open-source relative of Unix. Unix and Linux
constitute the backbone of corporate infrastructure throughout much of the world
because they are scalable, reliable, and much less expensive than mainframe operating
They can also run on many different types of processors. The major providers of Unix
operating systems are IBM, HP, and Sun with slightly different and partially
incompatible versions. Although Windows continues to dominate the client
marketplace, many corporations have begun to explore Linux as a low-cost desktop
operating system provided by commercial vendors such as RedHat Linux and Linux-
based desktop productivity suites such as Sun's StarOffice. Linux is also available in free
versions downloadable from the Internet as open-source software. The rise of open-
source software, particularly Linux and the applications it supports at the client and
server level, has profound implications for corporate software platforms: cost,
reduction, reliability and resilience, and integration, because Linux works on all the
major hardware platforms from mainframes to servers to clients. Linux has the
potential to break Microsoft's monopoly on the desktop. Sun's StarOffice has an
inexpensive Linux-based version that competes with Microsoft's Office
productivity suite.

32) Distinguish between cloud computing, green computing, and quantum computing.
Answer: In cloud computing, technology services are provided over a network,
primarily the Internet. These may be infrastructure services, such as storage or
networking, or platform services, such as IBM's application development and test
service, or software services, such as Green computing refers to
practices and technologies for designing computer equipment to minimize impact on
the environment. Quantum computing refers to emerging technology that uses the
principles of quantum physics to dramatically boost computer processing power.
33) An ad-hoc group of oceanographers needs to set up a system to analyze
massive amounts of

data on ocean temperatures. The technology and hardware for gathering the data and

the data to a central computer is in place. What additional hardware might they need?
What techniques might they use to make their research more efficient and lower costs?
Answer: To store their data they may want to use a SAN. To process their data, they
will need a supercomputer. To lower costs, they could look at on-demand computing
as well as

virtualization and implementing multicore processors.

34) What are the drawbacks of cloud computing? Do you think these ever outweigh
the benefits,

and if so, in what cases?

Answer: Students should be able to identify at least two drawbacks. Drawbacks include:

1. placing data storage and control in another firm's hands.

2. security risks in having critical systems and data entrusted to a firm that does
business with other firms.
3. loss of business capability if cloud infrastructures malfunction.

4. dependence on cloud computing provider and switching costs.

Student answers regarding the relative weight will vary, an example is: The
disadvantages of cloud computing outweigh the advantages, except if any data lost is
irreplaceable or creates harm to others. For example, a database of financial
information should remain the responsibility of the original firm so that they can be
held accountable.
35) What are the essential characteristics of cloud computing?

Answer: As defined by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, cloud
computing is characterized by on-demand self-service, ubiquitous network access,
independent resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. On-demand
self- service means that consumers can use server time and network storage as they
need it on their own. Ubiquitous network refers to the ability to access cloud
resources across all devices and platforms, including mobile. Location independent
resource pooling describes the ability to allocate resources to any part of the world
without a dip in service quality.
Rapid elasticity is the capacity for resources to be increased or decreased as needed to
meet demand. Lastly, measured service refers to the payment technique whereby users
are charged based on the resources they use, as opposed to monthly or yearly rates.
36) What is virtualization and how and why is it used?

Answer: Virtualization is the process of presenting a set of computing resources (such

as computing power or data storage) so that they can all be accessed in ways that are
not restricted by physical configuration or geographic location. Virtualization enables a
single physical resource (such as a server or a storage device) to appear to the user as
multiple logical resources. For example, a server or mainframe can be configured to run
many instances of an operating system (or different operating systems) so that it acts
like many different machines. Each virtual server "looks" like a real physical server to
software programs, and multiple virtual servers can run in parallel on a single machine.
Server virtualization is a common method of reducing technology costs by providing the
ability to host multiple systems on a single physical machine. Most servers run at just 15
to 20 percent of capacity, and virtualization can boost utilization server utilization rates
to 70 percent or higher. Higher utilization rates translate into fewer computers required
to process the same amount of work, reduced data center space to house machines,
and lower energy usage. Virtualization also facilitates centralization and consolidation
of hardware administration. Virtualization also enables multiple physical resources
(such as storage devices or servers) to appear as a single logical resource, as in
software-defined storage (SDS), which separates the software for managing data storage
from storage hardware.
Using software, firms can pool and arrange multiple storage infrastructure resources and

efficiently allocate them to meet specific application needs. SDS enables firms to replace
expensive storage hardware with lower-cost commodity hardware and cloud storage

hardware. There is less under- or over-utilization of storage resources.

87) Identify and describe five or more of the current trends in contemporary software


1. Growing use of Linux and open-source software–Open-source software is produced and

maintained by a global community of programmers and is downloadable for free.
Linux is a powerful, resilient open-source operating system that can run on multiple
hardware platforms and is used widely to run Web servers.
2. HTML5–This is the next evolution of HTML which simplifies embedding
multimedia, rich media, and animation in the browser.
3. Cloud-based services–In cloud-based services and software, users rent
applications or storage space from online providers rather than running these
applications or themselves or using local storage.
4. Web services and service-oriented architecture–Web services are loosely coupled
software components based on open web standards that are not product-specific and
can work with any application software and operating system. They can be used as
components of Web-based applications linking the systems of two different
organizations or to link disparate systems of a single company.
5. Software outsourcing–Companies are purchasing their new software applications
from outside sources, including application software packages, by outsourcing
custom application development to an external vendor (that may be offshore), or by
renting software services from an application service provider.
6. Cloud-based services–Companies are leasing infrastructure, hardware, and
software from vendors, paying on a subscription or per-transaction basis.
7. Mashups and apps–Mashups are programs created by combining two or more
existing Internet applications. Apps are small programs developed for mobiles and
handhelds, turning them into more robust computing tools.
47) Define outsourcing and explain some of the computing tasks that are well suited to
Answer: Outsourcing is the shift of IT infrastructure and systems development to
external vendors. This is a good option for companies without the resources or
technical capability to perform certain computing tasks. Tasks well suited to
outsourcing include Web site hosting, Web design, development of custom software,
and software maintenance. More basic tasks such as data entry and call center
operation is often outsourced as well.
Outsourcing often requires firms to enter into a service level agreement (SLA) that
defines the specific responsibilities of the service provider.
50) What is scalability? Why is it essential to the success of the modern business firm?
Answer: Scalability is the ability of the computer, product, or system to expand to
larger numbers of users without breaking down. It is important because as firms grow,
they can quickly outgrow their infrastructure. As firms shrink, they can get stuck with
excessive infrastructure purchased in better times. Any modern company must be
able to make plans for the future, even though that future may be different than what
was expected. Computer equipment is expensive, though dropping in price, and
budgets must be planned to allow for new purchases, upgrades, and training. It is
generally assumed that
a successful company will need more computer capacity for more people as it follows a
path to continued success.

98) A small design agency you are consulting for will be creating client websites and wants

purchase a web server so they can host the sites themselves. How will you advise
them on this


Answer: They need to understand total cost of ownership: the costs will go beyond the
cost of the server, but they will also need to purchase the server software and any
application software they will be using. They will also need someone in their IT
department to manage and maintain the computers. They will also incur facilities costs
for running the computer.
They need to have a backup plan should the server fail. The design agency will need to
add up all the potential costs and risks. Additionally, they need to prepare for their
plan if they need more servers. Will they eventually have to run and maintain their
own server farm?
What if one of their clients' sites is more popular than anticipated and the server has
difficulty handling the load? How quickly can they add servers or processing power?
The company should look at colocation, Web hosting services, and ASPs to see if their
needs will be better met this way.
51) You are starting a market research company with a single business partner
and are planning

the hardware and software needs for the two of you. Which factors should play into your
decision of how much to spend on these investments?
Answer: Using the competitive forces model for IT infrastructure investment, the
most relevant

factors in this decision are:

• The firm's business strategy. What capabilities will we want to have over the next five

• Alignment of IT strategy. How does our IT strategy match up with the business plan?

• IT assessment. What are the current technology levels for the services we are offering
and our
business type? We would probably not need to be at the bleeding edge, but not behind
the times


• Competitor firm services. What technology-enabled capabilities do our competitors


would want to match services with our competitors.

• Competitor firm IT investments. How much are competitor firms investing in their


Because this is a startup, one other factor may not play such a large role: that of
market demand

for services. However, finding out the market demand for competitor's services may
uncover ways that this new company could have a competitive advantage.

Chapter 6


Which of the following systems would you expect to deliver data from external
events, and summarized information from internal MIS systems?

Select one:

a. SCM

b. TPS

c. DSS

d. MIS

e. ESS

Bandwidth is the:

Select one:

a. number of cycles per second that can be sent through a medium.

b. total number of bytes that can be sent through a medium per second.
c. geographical distance spanned by a network.

d. difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that can be

accommodated on a single channel.

e. number of frequencies that can be broadcast through a medium.

Which of the following is not a part of the IT infrastructure ecosystem found

in firms? Select one:
a. Consultant and system integrators

b. Operating system platforms

c. Enterprise software
applications d. Virtual reality
e. Internet platforms

Which of the following refers to policies, procedures, and technical measures used
to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to
information systems?

Select one:

a. Security

b. Identity management

c. Algorithms

d. Benchmarking

e. Controls

Which of the following is the best description of a protocol in a telecommunications

network architecture?

Select one:

a. The main computer in a telecommunications network

b. A standard set of rules and procedures for control of communications in a network

c. A device that handles the switching of voice and data in a local area network

d. A pathway through which packets are routed

e. A communications service for microcomputer users

Advertisers use in order to display more relevant ads based on a user's

search and browsing history.

Select one:

b. behavioral targeting
c. intelligent agents

d. Web bugs

e. FIP principles

A firm that invests in an information system because it is a necessity of doing business

does so because it is seeking to achieve which of the following business objectives?

Select one:

a. Improved decision making

b. Survival

c. Operational excellence

d. Customer intimacy

e. Competitive advantage

Which type of network treats all processors equally and allows peripheral devices to
be shared without going to a separate server?

Select one:

a. Wireless

b. MAN

c. LAN

d. Peer-to-peer

e. Windows domain network

Specifications that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to

communicate in a network are called:

Select one:

a. network standards.

b. technology standards.

c. telecommunications standards.

d. Internet standards.

e. compatibility standards.
Which of the following is not a major feature of organizations that impacts the use
of information systems?

Select one:
a. Business processes

b. Leadership styles

c. Environments

d. Structure of the organization

e. Agency costs

Non-typical business problems with causes and effects that are rapidly changing are
typically handled by which of the following types of information system?

Select one:

a. DSS

b. KMS

c. MIS

d. TPS

e. ESS

is a feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place

to determine responsibility for an action.

Select one:

a. Liability

b. The courts of appeal

c. Due process

d. The judicial system

e. Accountability

Place the following eras of IT infrastructure evolution in order, from earliest to most
recent: 1. Cloud Computing Era; 2. Client/Server; 3. Enterprise Era; 4. Personal Computer;
and 5. Mainframe and Minicomputer.

Select one:

a. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
b. 5, 2, 3, 4, 1

c. 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 quizlet ini juga? Iya aku nemu ini di 2 quizlet

d. 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 (ini gasih? quizlet) ini aku nemunya

e. 5, 4, 2, 1, 3

Which of the following factors does not help explain why computing resources today are
even more available than in previous decades?

Select one:

a. Widespread rejection of technology standards

b. Law of mass digital storage

c. Declining communications costs and the Internet

d. Network economics

e. Moore's law

A corporation that funds an employee training program to build computer skills

could be seen as investing in which main category of complementary assets?

Select one:

a. Managerial

b. Organizational

c. Social

d. Auxiliary

e. Governmental

If sales of your products declined in a specific region of the country, which of the
following types of system would best help you understand why?

Select one:
a. MIS bner gaaa? Iyaa benerr!!
b. TPS
c. CRM
d. DSS
e. ESS

Which type of network treats all processors equally and allows peripheral devices to be
shared without going to a separate server?
Select one:

a. Windows domain network

b. Wireless
c. LAN

d. MAN

e. Peer-to-peer

All of the following are examples of business intelligence systems except a

system that: Select one:
a. focuses on problems that are unique and rapidly changing.

b. addresses nonroutine decisions.

c. summarizes and reports on a company's basic operations.

d. compares total annual sales figures for specific products to planned targets.

e. tracks the flows of materials in a factory.

Blockchain refers to a technology that:

Select one:

a. uses existing banking systems to transfer funds.

b. uses a distributed ledger system of transactions.

c. uses a centralized data store in the cloud.

d. relies on peer-to-peer networks.

e. relies on the Internet to provide secure transactions.

Which of the following is not one of the benefits of a blockchain database?

Select one: ini apaaaa gatauuuuuu iyaa we ini apa apaniiiii, gatauu woii

a. It allows administrators to manage data more effectively.

b. It enables firms to create and verify translations on a network very rapidly.

c. It enables the ability to use relational databases.

d. It prevents data from being altered retroactively. (di quizlet jawabannya ini)

e. It provides users with an integrated view of the data.

4) The obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the

preservation of existing values and institutions fall within which of the following
moral dimensions of the information age?

A) Family and home

B) Property rights and obligations

C) System quality
D) Accountability and control

E) Quality of life quizlet

Which of the following is the greatest obstacle in enabling collaboration between

employees at different, distant corporate locations?

Select one:

a. Language

b. Privacy

c. Time zones

d. Permissions

e. Corporate culture

Which of the following protects the authors of a book from having their work copied
by others? Select one:
a. Due process

b. Patent protection

c. Fair Use Doctrine

d. Trade Secret law

e. Copyright law

Which model is used to describe the interaction of external forces that affect an
organization's strategy and ability to compete?

Select one:

a. Network economics model

b. Demand control model

c. Competitive advantage model

d. Agency costs model

e. Competitive forces model

Which of the following roles in a firm would be least affected by using mobile devices to access firm
information systems?
Select one:
a. Operational managers
b. Production workers
c. Sales executives
d. Knowledge workers
e. Senior executives
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act:

Select one:

a. identifies computer abuse as a crime and defines abusive activities.

b. specifies best practices in information systems security and control.

c. requires financial institutions to ensure the security of customer data.

d. outlines medical security and privacy rules.

e. imposes responsibility on companies and management to safeguard the

accuracy of financial information.

In TCP/IP, IP is responsible for which of the

following? Select one:
a. Breaking messages down into packets

b. Sequencing the transfer of packets

c. Establishing an Internet connection between two computers

d. Moving packets over the network

e. Disassembling and reassembling packets during transmission

All of the following are examples of environmental actors in an information system except:
Select one:
regulatory agencies.
competitors. e. sales force.

All of the following are examples of business intelligence systems except a

system that: Select one:
a. focuses on problems that are unique and rapidly changing.
b. compares total annual sales figures for specific products to planned targets.

c. addresses nonroutine decisions.

d. tracks the flows of materials in a factory.

e. summarizes and reports on a company's basic operations.

Which of the following statements about disruptive technologies is not true?

Select one:
a. Disruptive technologies may put entire industries out of business.
b. Disruptive technologies may be substitute products that perform better than
other products currently being produced.
c. Disruptive technologies may sometimes simply extend the marketplace.
d. Firms that invent disruptive technologies as first movers always become market leaders.
e. Disruptive technologies radically change the business landscape and environment.

The Internet is based on which three key

technologies? Select one:

b. Client/server computing, packet switching, and the development of

communications standards for linking networks and computers

c. Client/server computing, packet switching, and HTTP

d. Email, instant messaging, and newsgroups

e. TCP/IP, HTTP, and packet switching

Which of the following is the most common reason that business

systems fail? Select one:
a. Facilities failures

b. Software errors

c. Software bugs

d. Hardware
failures e. Data
A DBMS makes the:

Select one:

a. physical database available for different logical views.

b. relational database available for different analytic views.

c. logical database available for different analytic views.

d. relational database available for different logical views.
e. physical database available for different analytic views.

A(n) is typically a major source of data for other

systems. Select one:
a. ESS

b. MIS

c. TPS

d. DSS

e. KMS

Today's computer transistors are roughly equivalent in size to:

Select one:
a. the width of a fingernail.
b. several atoms.
c. a virus.
d. a grain of sand.
e. a human hair.
is a feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place to determine
responsibility for an action.
Select one:
a. Liability
b. The judicial system
c. The courts of appeal
d. Due process
e. Accountability
A client computer networked to a server computer, with processing split between the two types of
machines, is called a(n):

Select one:
a. divided architecture.
b. service-oriented architecture.
c. two-tiered client/server architecture.
d. multi-tiered client/server architecture.
e. on-demand architecture
All of the following are technical solutions to protecting user
privacy except: Select one:
a. anonymous email.

b. email encryption.

c. anonymous surfing.

d. preventing client computers from accepting cookies.

e. data use policies.

Which of the following is a specialized language that programmers use to add and
change data in the database?

Select one:

a. Structured query language


c. Data definition language

d. Data access language

e. Data manipulation language

A field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the table's records
is called the: Select one:
a. unique ID.

b. primary field.

c. primary key.

d. key field.

e. primary entity.

The interaction between information technology and organizations is

influenced: Select one:
a. by the development of new information technologies.

b. by many factors, including structure, politics, culture, and environment.

c. solely by the decision making of middle and senior managers.

d. by two main macroeconomic forces: capital and labor.

e. by the rate of growth of the organization.

All of the following are specific security challenges that threaten the communications
lines in a client/server environment except:

Select one:

a. phishing

b. radiation.

c. sniffing.

d. tapping.

e. theft and fraud.

All of the following are specific security challenges that threaten the communications lines in a
client/server environment except:
Select one:
a. tapping.
b. phishing
c. radiation.
d. theft and fraud.
e. sniffing.

All of the following are technical solutions to protecting user privacy except:
Select one:
a. email encryption.
b. anonymous email.
c. preventing client computers from accepting cookies.
d. data use policies.
e. anonymous surfing.

The term big data refers to all of the following except:

Select one:
a. machine-generated data (i.e. from sensors).
b. datasets with fewer than a billion records.
c. datasets with unstructured data.
d. data from Web traffic.
e. data created by social media (i.e. tweets, Facebook Likes).
A(n) signal is a discrete, binary waveform that transmits data coded into two discrete states
such as 1-bits and 0-bits.
Select one:

a. modulated
b. digital
c. analog
d. broadband
e. T1

A salesperson clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the
competitor's advertising costs up. This is an example of:

Select one:

a. click fraud.

b. pharming.

c. phishing.

d. spoofing.

e. evil twins.

Which of the following is not one of the six strategic business objectives of information systems?
Select one:
a. New products and services
b. Survival
c. Competitive advantage
d. Improved community relations
e. Improved decision making

Which of the following statements about digital firms is not true?

Select one:
a. Digital firms have more flexibility to survive in turbulent times.
b. In digital firms, time shifting and space shifting are the norm.
c. Today, most firms are fully digital.
d. Digital firms offer extraordinary opportunities for flexible global organization and
e. Digital firms sense and respond to their environments more rapidly than traditional firms.
Which of the following statements about cookies is
not true? Select one:
a. Cookies are stored on the user's computer.

b. Cookies can be combined with other website data to develop detailed profiles of

c. Cookies cannot be easily detected or deleted.

d. Cookies are installed only at the user's request.

e. Cookies are used to support the user experience on websites.

Which of the following systems would you expect to deliver data from external
events, and summarized information from internal MIS systems?

Select one:

a. SCM

b. ESS

c. DSS

d. MIS

e. TPS

The domain .gov is a(n):

Select one:

a. top-level domain.

b. third level domain.

c. Internet root domain.

d. host domain.

e. network domain.

Which of the following occurs when the same attribute in related data files has different

Select one:
a. Data dependence
b. Data duplication
c. Data redundancy
d. Data discrepancy
e. Data inconsistency
Which of the following is not an IT infrastructure service component?
Select one:
a. Physical facilities management to manage the facilities housing physical components
b. IT education services that provide training to employees
c. Operating system software
d. IT management services to plan and develop the infrastructure and provide
project management
e. Computing platforms to provide a coherent digital environment

All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact on
business firms except:
Select one:
a. it helps reduce agency costs.
b. it helps reduce transaction costs.
c. it helps firms lower the cost of market participation.
d. it helps firms expand in size.
e. it helps reduce internal management costs.

In TCP/IP, IP is responsible for which of the following?

Select one:

a. Sequencing the transfer of packets

b. Breaking messages down into packets

c. Moving packets over the network

d. Disassembling and reassembling packets during transmission

e. Establishing an Internet connection between two computers

Which of the following deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues
surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by
managers and employees in the firm?
a. Information systems literacy
Select one:
b. Information technology infrastructure
c. Information systems architecture
d. Business processes
e. Management information systems ini bukan? IYA INI

Which of the following is not an example of a computer used as a target of crime?

Select one:

a. Knowingly accessing a protected computer to commit fraud

b. Illegally accessing stored electronic communication(quizlet)

c. Accessing a computer system without authority

d. Breaching the confidentiality of protected computerized data

e. Threatening to cause damage to a protected computer

Which of the following types of system enables management to make better

decisions regarding their suppliers?

Select one:

a. TPS

b. ERP

c. KMS

d. SCM

e. MIS

Which of the following best illustrates the relationship between entities and

Select one:

a. The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PURCHASE

b. The entity PRODUCT with the attribute CUSTOMER

c. The entity PURCHASE with the attribute CUSTOMER

d. The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PRODUCT

e. The entity PRODUCT with the attribute PURCHASE

Which of the following is not a true statement about value webs?

Select one:

a. Value webs involve highly synchronized industry value chains.

b. Value webs are inflexible and cannot adapt quickly to changes in supply and

c. Value webs are more customer-driven than traditional value chains.

d. Value webs operate in a less linear fashion than traditional value chains.
e. Value webs involve a collection of independent firms that use information
technology to coordinate their value chains.

Which of the following is the best description of a protocol in a telecommunications network


Select one:
a. A communications service for microcomputer users
b. The main computer in a telecommunications network
c. A device that handles the switching of voice and data in a local area network
d. A standard set of rules and procedures for control of communications in a network
e. A pathway through which packets are routed

All of the following are new technology-related trends in MIS except:

Select one:
a. IoT.
b. co-creation of business value.
c. big data.
d. cloud computing.
e. the mobile digital platform.

All of the following are new technology-related trends in

MIS except: Select one:
a. IoT.

b. co-creation of business value.

c. cloud computing.

d. big data.

e. the mobile digital platform.

Firms use a strategy to provide a specialized product or service for a

narrow target market better than competitors.

Select one:

a. product differentiation

b. low-cost leadership

c. process efficiency

d. mass customization
e. market niche
Client/server computing is a:

Select one:

a. network where centralized mainframe computers serve local devices.

b. centralized computing model where local computers are connected to one

another by a network.

c. distributed computing model where clients are linked to one another through a
network that is controlled by a network server computer.

d. network that connects sensors to desktop computers.

e. centralized model of computing for large corporations.

Which of the following is an example of a cross-functional business process?

Select one:
a. Fulfilling a customer order
b. Shipping a product
c. Hiring employees
d. Identifying customers
e. Paying creditors

Bandwidth is the:
Select one:
a. number of frequencies that can be broadcast through a medium.
b. number of cycles per second that can be sent through a medium.
c. difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that can be accommodated on
a single channel.
d. total number of bytes that can be sent through a medium per second.
e. geographical distance spanned by a network.

An analysis of an information system that rates the likelihood of a security incident

occurring and its cost would be included in which of the following?

Select one:

a. Business continuity plan

b. Business impact analysis

c. AUP

d. Security policy

e. Risk assessment

Which of the following is not an IT infrastructure service component?

Select one:

a. IT management services to plan and develop the infrastructure and

provide project management

b. Physical facilities management to manage the facilities housing physical components

c. Operating system software

d. Computing platforms to provide a coherent digital environment

e. IT education services that provide training to employees

Non-typical business problems with causes and effects that are rapidly changing are
typically handled by which of the following types of information system?

Select one:

a. TPS

b. KMS

c. ESS

d. MIS

e. DSS

A corporation that funds an employee training program to build computer skills

could be seen as investing in which main category of complementary assets?

Select one:

a. Auxiliary

b. Governmental

c. Organizati
onal d.
e. Social
The expenses incurred by a customer or company in lost time and resources when changing from
one supplier or system to a competing supplier or system are known as:

Select one:
a. variation costs.
b. switching costs.
c. preservation costs.
d. retention costs.
e. differentiation costs.

Which of the following is not one of the six strategic business objectives of information
Select one:
a. Competitive advantage
b. New products and services
c. Survival
d. Improved community relations
e. Improved decision making

The domain .gov is a(n):

Select one:
a. network domain.
b. Internet root domain.
c. third level domain.
d. host domain.
e. top-level domain. Sumber dari Web domain asia

Which of the following roles in a firm would be least affected by using mobile
devices to access firm information systems?

Select one:
a. Sales executives
b. Senior executives
C. Production workers dari course hero
d. Knowledge workers
e. Operational managers
Which of the following types of system enables management to make better decisions regarding their
Select one:
a. TPS
b. ERP
c. KMS
d. SCM
e. MIS

Which of the following best illustrates the relationship between entities and attributes?
Select one:
a. The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PURCHASE
b. The entity PURCHASE with the attribute CUSTOMER
c. The entity PRODUCT with the attribute CUSTOMER
d. The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PRODUCT
e. The entity PRODUCT with the attribute PURCHASE

Which of the following refers to policies, procedures, and technical measures used to prevent
unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to information systems?
Select one:
a. Benchmarking
b. Controls
c. Security
d. Algorithms
e. Identity management

The Internet is based on which three key technologies?


B) TCP/IP, HTTP, and packet switching

C) Client/server computing, packet switching, and the development of

communications standards for linking networks and computers

D) Client/server computing, packet switching, and HTTP

E) E-mail, instant messaging, and newsgroups
The term big data could refer to all of the following except: A.
machine-generated data (i.e. from sensors) B.
datasets with unstructured data
C. datasets with fewer than a billion records.
data created by social media (i.e. tweets, Facebook Likes) E.
data from Web traffic
datasets with fewer than a billion records.

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