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Agnes Citra M.S 2443020259
Yunita Br. Siahaan 2443020265
Nabila Salsabila 2443020275

Formulation and Physicochemical

Evaluation of Green Cosmeceutical
Herbal Face Cream Containing
Standardized Mangosteen Peel Extract
Kulit adalah organ manusia yang memiliki peran dalam perlindungan, dan
indra peraba tubuh. Kulit juga merupakan organ lini pertama
yangberperang terhadap mikroorganisme. Tetapi beberapa hal seperti
penuaan, sinar uv, infeksi, radiasi , dan polutan udara lain yang
menyebabkan penuaan terjadi lebih cepat. Manifestasi klinis penuaan dini
terlihat pada elastisitas kulit yang berkurang, kerutan, kekasaran kulit.
Penuaan terjadi bila radikal bebas melebihi aktivitas antioksidan tubuh, oleh
karena itu antioksidan topical bekerja dengan menghambat jalur kerusakan
sel yang dimediasi radikal bebas, hilangkan stress oksidatif dan
memperbaiki kerusakan DNA. Misalnya retinoid yang digunakan sebagai
antioksidan, tetapi retinoid dikontraindikasikan pada Wanita hamil karena
memiliki efek teratogenic.
Disisi lain melanogenesis juga dapat menyebabkan pigmentasi kulit
tetapi kadar melanin yang terlalu tinggi dapat menyebabkan kanker
kulit, mutase gen,dll. Oleh karena itu pentingnya adanya enzim
tyrosinase inhibitor yang menghambat melanogenesis. Mangosteen
(Garcinia mangostana) mudah didapatkan di daerah malaysia, dimana
buah ini dikonsumsi karena rasanya yang manis. Banyak dari buah ini
yang diekspor keluar negri, dan digunakan dalam industri makanan untuk
mendapat jus. Kulit manga merupakan salah satu yang bingung
dimanfaatkannya oleh karena itu kulit manga diteliti dan memiliki
kandungan αmangostin, γ-mangostin, gartanin, garcinone E,
garcixanthones B and garcixanthones C dimana kebanyakan dari
mereka merupakan senyawa polifenol yang dapat digunakan sebagai
antioksidan alami yang berkhasiat untuk meningkatkan elastisitas kulit
dan hidrasi kulit.
M A N G O S T E E N E X T R A C T ( 1 0 % Α - M A N G O S T IN )
2 , 2 0 - A Z I N O - B I S ( 3 - E T H Y L B E N Z O T H I A Z O L I N E -6 -
D i l aku kan s e bel u m f o r mu las i , dengan c ar a di c am p ur m a ng o st e e n : Ti a p k
es i pi en 1 : 1 de n g an mo r t a r s t am per s elam a 5 m enit l a l u d i p i nd a h ke vi a l d a na
di mas u kan ke ch amber d engan R H 7 5% dan s uhu 40 C e l ci us. D a n d i d i a m ka n 1
bu l an l al u di cek kar akt er i s t i k nya
Basis larut air dimasukkan beker A, dan basis larut minyak
dimasukkane beaker B, lalu keduanya dipanaskan pada suhu
75 celcius di waterbath.e Kmudian fase air dicampur ke
fase minyak dengan homogenizer kecepatan 2000 rpm
selama 15 menit. DPanthenol dan as hyaluronat ditambah
saat suhu sekitar 35-40 Celcius karena merupakan zat
volatile. Kemudian dihomogenkan lagi dengan homogenizer
1000 rpm 5 menit, dilanjutkan 500 rpm 5 menit. Lalu
ditambah ekstrak mangosteen dengan triturasi di mortir.
Penentuan tipe krim :
Ditambah dengan air, bila O/W maka bercampur; bila W/O maka tidak
Hasil : Tipe O/W

Kemampuan terbasahi :
Ditimbang 0,1 gram dan diaplikasikan ke kulit lalu dibasahi dengan air
tekanan minimal

Hasil :
Kemampuan terbasahi bagus (mudah hilang pada area aplikasi)

Rheologi :
Krim di uji dengan diletakkan pada plat parallel 40 mm pada alat Discovery
Series Hybrid Rheometer suhu 25 celcius, dengan shear rate 0.5–100 s−1
0,5 Gram krim ditimbang dan dioles ke kaca dengan lebar +- 1 cm lalu kaca lain
ditumpukkan dengan berat beban tambahan (100 g dan 200 g). pH meter
dikalibrasi dengan dapar pH 4,7,10, lalu disiapkan suspense krim 10%b/v, cek
pH selama 3 bulan. Studi stabilitas dipercepat dilakukan dengan meletakkan
krim pada chamber selama 3 bulan dengan RH 75% dan suhu 40 celcius,
diamati 3 bulan kemudian
2 gram krim ditimbang dipindah ke vial lalu disimpan di suhu -20 celcius
selama 2 hari lalu dipindah ke suhu ruang selama 48 jam, lakukan
selama 3 siklus

Dilakukan pada krim pada saat bulan ke 0,1,2,3 yang penyimpanannya

pada suhu 40 celcius, RH 75%. Ditimbang 2 gram krim lalu
disentrifugasi dengan 5000 rpm suhu 25 celcius dilakukan 2x selama
10 menit. Tiap kali dilakukan dihitung stabilitas emulsinya.


Mangosteen peel extract, hyaluronic acid, panthenol and mangosteen
cream diuji kapasitas antioksidannya lalu dibuat Larutan stok sampel uji
disiapkan dalam pelarut yang sesuai (DMSO/ akuades) kemudian
diletakkan pada plat, larutan 100μL 0,1mM DPPH ditambah ke sampel,
dan methanol digunakan sebagai control. Plat lalu ditutup aluminium foil
dan dikocok 2 menit, diinkubasi 30 menit dalam gelap, dilihat grafik
presentase penghilangan warna berbanding konsentrasi . dimana
aktivitas penangkal radikal DPPH meningkat seiring berkurangnya
absorbansi sesuai persamaan
EC50 dari ekstrak mangosteen berkisaran antara 12,84 -154,7 ppm
EC50 dari krim mangosteen adalah 9,05+-4,14 mg/mI.
DPPH menangkal aktivitas Asam hyaluronat sebesar 27,54% pada konsentrasi >
DPPH menangkat aktivitas Asam hyaluronat sebesar 21,81%pada konsentrasi >

7 mM larutan ABTS (180 mg ABTS dalam 50 mL air murni) dan larutan kalium persulfat
2,4 mM (32,4 mg dalam 50 mL air murni) disiapkan dan dicampur dalam perbandingan
1:1 untuk membentuk larutan kerja. Solusi kerja disimpan dalam gelap selama 12-16
jam sebelum digunakan dan stabil selama 2-3 hari dalam gelap. Larutan ini diencerkan
dengan etanol 95% untuk memperoleh absorbansi 0,70 ± 0,01 pada 734 nm.

100 µL larutan ABTS untuk mengetahui kapasitas antioksidannya. Untuk kontrol

negatif digunakan etanol 95%. Larutan diinkubasi pada suhu 37 C selama 7 menit
kemudian lihat grafik dekolorisasi vs konsentrasi.
EC50 of mangosteen peel extract was 21.02 μg/mL dimana hasil ini berarti
aktivitas penangkal radikal dari ekstrak kulit mangosteen lebih baik dari alfa
tokoferol (EC50: 38.51 μg/mL), Trolox (EC50: 58.14 PRIBADI
μg/mL),, BHT
(EC50: 73.1 μg/mL), as askorbat (EC50: 75.15 μg/mL)
Ekstrak dilarutkan dalam DMSO lalu didilusikan dalam 5 konsentrasi dengan
buffer tyrosinase dalam range 0,625-10 ppm. Digunakan asam kojic sebagai
control positif dan 20 µL dari ekstrak (S), asam kojic (P) Buffer tyrosinase (EC),
DMSO (SC) diletakkan dalam plate, lalu ditambah 50 µL (48 µL tyrosinase
assay buffer + 2 µL tyrosinase) larutan enzim tyrosinase pada masing masing
plat. Lalu diinkubasi 10 menit suhu 25 celcius, kemudian ditambah 30 µL
larutan substrat tyrosinase (23 µL tyrosinase assay buffer + 2 µL tyrosinase
substrate + 5 µL tyrosinase enhancer). Dan dicampur merata. Cek absorbansi
pada screening kit tiap 2menit selama 30 menit pada panjang gelombang 510

Krim wajah dengan ekstrak mangosteen bagus untukkulit dan stabil dimana di
formulasikan tanpa SLS,paraben,sulfida dan alcohol yang dapat menyebabkan
iritasi kulit ,juga merupakn bahan alternatif yang bisa digunakan untuk
menggantikan bahan sintetik untuk brightening dan antiokxidant.
Telaah Produk

Nama Produk: Canesten V cream

Golongan Obat:anti jamur
Kekuatan obat: 2 %
Netto:20 gram
Kemasan :Box
Telaah Produk

Nama Produk:
Golongan Obat:anti jamur
Kekuatan obat: 1 %
Netto:20 gram
Kemasan :Box

Toxicology Letters 235 (2015) 155–160

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Povidone iodine skin absorption: An ex-vivo study

Martina Nesvadbova a , Matteo Crosera b , Giovanni Maina c , Francesca Larese Filon a, *
Clinical Unit of Occupational Medicine, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste, Via della Pietà 19, 34129 Trieste, Italy
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Trieste, Via Giorgeri 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy
Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Occupational Medicine, University of Turin, Via Zuretti 29, Turin, Italy


 Povidone iodine hand-scrub solutions, which are considered safe antiseptics, contain large amounts of iodine that can be absorbed by skin.
 Iodine can be absorbed through intact skin in time dependent manner.
 In professional use the repetitive contact with PI, also as soap, can cause iodine skin permeation that must be considered when the washing procedures
are repeated more than 20 times a day.


Article history: Povidone iodine is a water-soluble complex used to disinfect the skin surface and it exerts prolonged
Received 9 March 2015 germicidal action against a broad spectrum of germs. Indeed, it is often applied on burned skin, large
Received in revised form 1 April 2015 wounds, deep tissues or mucosa. Notably some surgical hand-scrub solutions, which are considered safe
Accepted 3 April 2015
antiseptics, contain large amounts of iodine that can be absorbed by skin. The aim of present study was to
Available online 6 April 2015
study the skin absorption of iodine after the application on the skin of povidone-iodine solution, used by
health care workers during surgical procedure. We use Franz diffusion static cells with human skin. After
24 h from the beginning of our measurement the iodine concentration in the receiving compartment was
Povidone iodine
Skin absoprtion
11.59  6.3 mg/cm2. The medium flux calculated was 0.73  0.33 mg/cm2/h with a lag time of 8.9  1.5 h.
Franz cell These in vitro results confirmed that povidone iodine could pass through the skin in a relevant amount
Health care workers that can explain the clinical findings in burned or surgically treated patients. In professional use the
repetitive contact with povidone iodine, also as soap, can cause iodine skin permeation that must be
considered when the washing procedures are repeated more than 20 times a day.
ã 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction iodine solution) this produces a dark brown staining which cannot be
removed by washing with soap and water or by moistening with
Povidone iodine (PI) is a water soluble complex used to disinfect reducing material. It decreases only very slowly and in the case of
the skin surface and it exerts prolonged germicidal action against a strong iodine loads can be observed even after 12 h. The decrease in
broad spectrum of germs as gram-positive and gram-negative the absorbed iodine has two causes: one part diffuses into deeper
bacteria, including antibiotic resistant organism, as well as fungi, skin layers where it is reduced to iodide and produces an increase of
viruses, protozoa and yeasts (Furudate et al., 1997). The bactericidal serum-iodide, while the other part diffuses back out of the skin
action of iodine-based disinfectants is caused by free molecular (Gottardi, 1995).
iodine. Because of its excellent penetration and its poor reactivity One of the most important external uses of iodine is as
with protein constituents (it reacts under the conditions prevailing at disinfectant in skin soaps. Notably some surgical hand-scrub
disinfection only with S–H functions) iodine easily enters the skin solutions, which are considered to be safe antiseptics, contain large
where it forms a solid solution. In the case of Lugol’s solution (strong amounts of iodine and are commonly used as broad-spectrum
disinfectants (Erdogan et al., 2013). The most studies which
reported the effect of iodine disinfectant are limited to patients
* Corresponding author at: UCO Medicina del Lavoro, Via della Pietà 19, 34129
only, but there is also an occupational exposure to be considered.
Trieste, Italy. Tel.: +39 40 3992215; fax: +39 40 368199. With regard to transcutaneous iodine absorption in healthy
E-mail address: (F. Larese Filon). adults, only a few studies or cases have been reported (Erdogan
0378-4274/ ã 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
156 M. Nesvadbova et al. / Toxicology Letters 235 (2015) 155–160

et al., 2013). Some of the occupations that involve iodine exposure From each skin specimen, 4  4 cm2 pieces were cut and
are those in operating rooms where hand scrubbing is done with mounted separately on the diffusion cells, that were previously
iodine-containing solutions (Erdogan et al., 2013). Besides a wide washed the first time with freshly prepared aqua regia, the second
use for skin antisepsis, PI is also employed internally. Indeed, it is time with diluted nitric acid, and rinsed three times with milliQ
often applied on burned skin, large wounds, deep tissues or water.
mucosa (Lakhal et al., 2011). In patients where the burned injury Skin integrity was tested before and after each experiment
spread over 25% of the skin surface with deep second- and third- using electrical conductibility by means of a conductometer
degree burns, the serum total iodine levels have been reported to (Metrohm, 660, Metrohm AG Oberdorfstr. 68 CH-9100 Herisau)
markedly increase to 4500–48,000 mcg/dl and possible systemic operating at 300 Hz and connected to two stainless steel electrodes
complications due to elevated free iodine levels have been (Fasano et al., 2002). The conductibility data in mS were converted
reported (Aiba et al., 1999). into K V cm 2. Cells with a resistance lower than 3.95  0.27 K V
The amount of absorption is higher in cases of skin damage or cm 2 were considered to be damaged and rejected as suggested by
the presence of thinner skin, therefore this effect was noted in Davies et al. (2004).
infants (Erdogan et al., 2013; Findik et al., 2010). In animal
experiments, transcutaneous absorption of PI through healthy skin 2.3. In vitro diffusion system
has also been examined using radioisotope I125 (Furudate et al.,
1997). Percutaneous absorption studies were performed using static
In individuals with dysregulation of the thyroid follicular cell, diffusion cells following the Franz method (Franz, 1975). The
excess iodine exposure can induce thyroid dysfunction, which receptor compartment had a mean volume of 14.0 ml and was
might be transient or permanent (Leung and Braverman, 2014). maintained at 32  C by means of circulation of thermostated water
The aim of our study was to calculate the skin absorption of in the jacket surrounding the cell. This temperature value was
iodine after the application on the skin of povidone-iodine solution chosen in order to reproduce the hand physiological temperature
used by health care workers during surgical procedures. We use at normal conditions. The solution in each cell was continuously
the protocol defined during the European project EDETOX stirred using a Teflon coated magnetic stirrer.
(Evaluations and predictions of DErmal 102 absorption of TOXic Each piece of skin was clamped between the donor and the
chemicals), a three-year research program (2001–2004) founded receptor compartment; the mean exposed skin area was 3.29 cm2
by European Union (EDETOX, 2000) and used to test the skin and the average membranes thickness was 0.9 mm. For each
permeation of chemicals and metals (Filon et al., 2006). experiment, the skin of 2 different donors, male and female, with a
range of age from 50 to 70 years was used.
2. Materials and methods
2.4. The experiment
2.1. Chemicals
The experiments were carried out as follows:
All chemicals were analytical grade. Urea, disodium hydrogen Experiment 1: at time 0, the exposure chambers of 6 Franz
phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, hydrogen peroxide diffusion cells were filled with 1.0 ml of synthetic sweat and 2.0 ml
(30% v/v) were purchased from Carlo Erba (Milan, Italy); lactic acid of the povidone-iodine solution (10%) providing an amount of
(90%) from Acros Organics (Geel, Belgium); sodium chloride, 0.606 g cm 2 of iodine in order to ensure an infinite dose. At
ammonium hydroxide (25% w/v), nitric acid (>69% v/v) from selected intervals (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 and 24 h) 1.5 ml of the dermal
Sigma–Aldrich (Milan, Italy). bathing solution was removed and collected for the analyses. Each
The povidone-iodine solution (10%) used in the experiments is a receptor sample was immediately replaced with an equal volume
stable chemical complex of polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone, PVP) of fresh made physiological solution. At 24 h, the dermal bathing
and elemental iodine (Esoform Jod 75, that contains 10% (7.5 g) of solutions were removed and stored in the freezer, the donor
polyvinylpyrrolidone–iodine with 0.75% of active iodine; Esoform solutions were collected in order to verify the iodine concentration
S.P.A. Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutico, Via del Lavoro 10, Rovigo, in the donor phase.
Italy). Experiment 2: experiment 1 was repeated miming the hand
Water reagent grade was produced with a Millipore purification washing protocol used by nurses and medical doctors during
pack system (milliQ water). The physiological solution used as surgery in Trieste Hospitals: each donor chamber has been filled
receptor fluid was freshly prepared by dissolving 9 g of NaCl, 2.38 g with 1.0 ml of the povidone-iodine solution (10%) and the skin has
of Na2HPO4 and 0.19 g of KH2PO4 into 1 l of milliQ water (final pH been carefully washed with a cotton balls for two minutes. After
7.35). The synthetic sweat solution used as donor fluid consisted of that, the skin surface has been rinsed three time with 2.0 ml of
0.5% sodium chloride, 0.1% urea and 0.1% lactic acid in milliQ water; physiological solution. The washing operation has been repeated
pH 4.5 was adjusted with ammonia. twice. At selected intervals (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 and 24 h) 1.5 ml of the
dermal bathing solution was removed and collected for the
2.2. Preparation of skin membranes analyses. Each receptor sample was immediately replaced with an
equal volume of fresh made physiological solution. At 24 h, the
Human abdominal full thickness skin was obtained as surgical dermal bathing solutions were removed and stored in the freezer,
waste after the authorization of the local Ethical Committee and it the donor solutions were collected in order to verify the iodine
was used for the absorption experiments immediately after the concentration in the donor phase.
surgical operations. Prior to freezing, the subcutaneous fat was Blanks: for each experiment, one cell was added as blank. The
removed and the hair shaved with a razor. All the pieces of full blank cells were treated as the other cells with the exception that
thickness skin were stored in freezer at 25  C for a period up to, no povidone-iodine solution (10%) has been introduced to the
but not exceeding, two months. It has been shown that this method exposure chamber, but only synthetic sweat.
of storage does not damage the skin since no difference in As the equipment used was static, there is no relationship
permeability was observed between fresh and frozen segments of between the cells tested, hence each of them represents an
the same skin in a separate series of experiments (Franz, 1975). independent evaluation.
M. Nesvadbova et al. / Toxicology Letters 235 (2015) 155–160 157

2.5. Analytical measurements Fig. 2 shows that iodine flux is dependent on contact time
(experiments with operating room protocol). The influence of
ICP-MS 7500 CE Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA contact time on free iodine flux was evaluated by applying the
instrument (with integrated autosampler) was used to determi- commercial preparation (Esoform) for 2 min and measuring the
nate the total iodine concentration in the receiver phases. A concentration of free-iodine in the receptor compartment by
five-point standard curve was used for ICP-MS measurements (0, one-hour intervals.
0.1, 1, 10, and 100 mg/l 1, ion mass 127 u.m.a.). The limit of detection The obtained results clearly show that also PI that has been
of iodine was 0.002 mg/l 1 and the precision of the measurements washed out after its application is absorbed into the bloodstream
as repeatability (RSD%) for the analysis was always <2%. during the first hour.

2.6. Data analysis 4. Discussion

Iodine concentration data (mg/cm 3) in the receptor solution Our study on percutaneous absorption of iodine shows a
were converted to the total amount that penetrated (mg/cm 2), significant permeation of iodine through the skin that is time of
with a correction for dilution due to sample removal. contact dependent. Our experimental data confirmed for the first
Data analysis was performed using the statistical software SPSS time in vitro what has been reported in other clinical studies on
for Windows (version 15.0). Data are reported as mean  standard patients who underwent surgical procedures or burned. In a
deviation (SD). The difference between independent data was previous clinical investigation by Dela Cruz et al. (1987), it was
assessed by means of the Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis tests. underlined that the reports of iodine absorption from topical
A p value of <0.05 was considered as the limit of statistical povidone iodine solution suggest that the absorption is enhanced
significance. when the compound is applied to denuded skin, mucosal surface
with high absorptive capacity or extensive areas of intact skin. The
3. Results evidence for iodine absorption of most of these studies includes
documented serum iodine concentration and thyroid function
3.1. Estimation of free-iodine concentration by iodine permeation abnormalities. Kovacikova et al. (2005) investigated thyroid
assay through the skin function and ioduria in infants after cardiac surgery with primary
sternal closure compared with delayed sternal closure (DSC) and
As we assumed the concentration of iodine in the acceptor the exposure to povidone iodine for sternal wound protection. The
compartment increased linearly over time in proportion to contact patients with DSC display more profound thyroid suppression in
time between iodine and the intact skin in the donor compartment the immediate postoperative period. The use of PI adhesive drapes
(Table 1). The slope of the graph reflects the permeability speed of with single iodine mediastinal irrigation in patients with DSC is
free-iodine (Fig. 1). After 24 h from the beginning of our associated with significant iodine absorption but no significant
measurement the concentration in the acceptor compartment thyroid dysfunction. Also Mitchell et al. (1991) established a
was 11.59  6.3 mg/cm2, the total amount of iodine diffusing out fourfold concentration rise of total plasma iodine (range 160–
during this period is proportional to the total iodine absorbed by 1.440%) after PI skin preparation of infants undergoing closed
the bloodstream. The medium flux calculated was 0.73  0.33 cardiac or thoracic procedures (covering 20–30% of body surface by
mg/cm2/h and the lag time was 8.9  1.5 h. povidone iodine). PI applications to surgical wounds of neonates
with giant omphalocele were studied by Whitehouse et al. (2010)
3.2. Residual effect of skin iodine who concluded that topical PI promotes escharification and
epithelialisation and may cause transient TSH elevation especially
Even though the first two test tubes were marked as blank, we in the early phase of treatment.
measured an increased concentration of free iodine in the acceptor PI gel is a widely used topical microbial agent in cases of burn-
compartment due to the presence of iodine into the skin and in injured patients. The free iodine is released at a slow rate from this
synthetic sweat used in the donor phase. Fig. 2 shows the increase complex at the treated site, where it acts as a bactericidal and
in the concentration of iodine in the course of the first fungicidal agent, especially in longer protracted cases (Aiba et al.,
approximately 8 h until it reaches the plateau. 1999). A possibly collateral effect of this therapy is the excessive
iodine systemic absorption. In fact, Edna and Bernard (1985) found
3.3. Influence of contact time that an increase of 1% iodine in the treated area contributed to an
increase of 30 mcg iodine per 100 ml of serum.
Iodine concentration in the receiving phases after the washing In the patients with a normal renal function, the serum iodine
protocol is reported in Table 2. After one hour we find an increase of level continues to rise until the discontinuation of drug adminis-
iodine content that decreased over time reaching the same values tration. More than 1 week is required for the serum iodine level to
of control cells (Fig. 2). return to normal after the last iodine application (Steen, 1993).
Below in 2006 underlined that 0.3–4.5% of the iodine of the PI is
absorbed through the skin, depending on the concentration and
Table 1 the size of the area to which it is applied. Miller et al. (1985)
Iodine content in receiving phases in blank and treated cells (mg/cm2). reported that topical application of tincture or PI to the skin of rats
was found to be as effective as oral administration of potassium
Time (h) Blank Blank Cell A Cell B Cell C Cell D Cell E
iodine in blocking thyroid uptake of parenterally administrated
0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
iodine-131. Gosset et al. (2008) used PI for cavity clearance in a
2 0.0242 0.0236 0.0417 0.0475 0.1460 0.0515 0.0610
4 0.0308 0.0212 0.1211 0.1474 0.3574 0.1813 0.1988 62-years-old patient with post-pneumonectomic empyema after
6 0.0620 0.0325 0.2499 0.3393 0.6939 0.4657 0.5052 an operation for non-small cell lung cancer. They reported in
8 0.0841 0.0684 0.4074 0.5758 2.6428 0.8727 0.9445 2008 that the patient suffered from thyrotoxicosis as a result of the
12 0.0836 0.1075 1.0750 0.9458 6.9176 2.4070 2.4243 therapy and the patient should be monitored during management
20 0.0984 0.1405 3.3009 4.2358 16.6837 8.2156 7.7759
24 0.1141 0.1665 6.0536 6.7368 21.8045 12.1363 11.2264
(Gosset et al., 2008). Moreover, the iodine used during cataract
surgery is absorbed by the body and that the use of PI is
158 M. Nesvadbova et al. / Toxicology Letters 235 (2015) 155–160


18.000 intact skin blank









0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1. Skin absorption profiles of iodine through intact skin, compared to blank cells.

contraindicated in patients with thyroid pathology (Below et al., serum-free thyroxine levels were slightly, but not significantly,
2006). higher compared to the controls. However, this study include only
In previous studies, it was also shown that PI use in preoperative small group of nurses, and the mucosal or cutaneous exposure time
preparations made for vaginal disinfection (daily vaginal douche to the PI products were short. The second study investigated the
and mouthwash) was associated with increased serum and urine effect of hand scrubbing with iodine-containing solutions on
iodine levels (Tomoda et al., 2005; Vorherr et al., 1980; Nobukuni urinary iodine concentrations of the operating room staff. Erdogan
and Kawahara, 2002; Ader et al., 1988). et al. (2013) demonstrated that the operating room staff can have
Furudate et al. (1997) investigated the 125I uptake significantly higher levels of urinary iodine concentration (UICs)
competing with iodine absorption by the thyroid gland following compared with the staff from nonsurgical units, probably due to
povidone iodine skin application in mice and rats and the PI high exposure time and also the operating rooms staff might be
application group showed a significant decreased uptake of 125I exposed to more gaseous forms of iodine because of the large
(Furudate et al., 1997). number of people using hand scrubs within the same time-frame
Our study confirmed that PI solution can permeate the intact and it is the same scrubbing sinks, in addition to the topical,
skin in time dependent matter and permitted us to define a flux preoperatively applied PI on patients in the operating room. In
and lag time that can be used to predict iodine absorption into nearly 40% of the staff using solely the iodine-containing scrub
bloodstream considering the exposed area of the skin. These values solution, urinary iodine concentrations were >300 mcg/l. Accord-
are surely higher when applied on impaired skin or on mucosa or ing to World Health Organization a median urinary iodine level
on the skin of young babies. >300 mcg/l indicates excessive iodine intake for a surveyed
To increase the knowledge on iodine skin absorption, we population and can be associated with adverse health consequen-
repeated our experiment considering the washing protocol used by ces (Erdogan et al., 2013).
health care professional during their work in operating rooms in Anyway the in vitro design of our study deserve some
Trieste Hospitals. These workers must wash their hand using limitations:
PI solution for 2 min, than they rinse hands using water and
they repeat the PI application and the rinsing. This procedure is 1. When assessing the results obtained in vitro it is necessary to
repeated many times during the day (20–30 times). The obtained consider the difference between the artificial character of the
results clearly show that also PI that has been washed out after its experimental studies conducted in vitro and reality; because the
application is absorbed into the bloodstream during the first hour.
It can be concluded that the greatest part of PI is absorbed into
the bloodstream after the washing of hands in the course of
Table 2
the first hours following the contact. It is already demonstrated Iodine concentration in receiving cells after the washing protocol (mg/cm2).
that a washing procedure can enhance skin permeation due
Time (h) Cell I Cell L Cell M Cell N
probably to the action of soap and water that can alter skin surface
(Filon et al., 2006). 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1 0.1397 0.1192 0.0941 0.0605
In the occupational field there are two clinical studies that
2 0.0925 0.0752 0.0605 0.0454
confirmed our results by urinary iodine concentration in vivo. The 4 0.0850 0.0879 0.0634 0.0533
first study was conducted with a limited number of nonsurgical 6 0.1029 0.0883 0.0734 0.0533
ward nurses, who had to use PI products for hand washing and 8 0.0958 0.0970 0.0654 0.0606
gargling several times a day in Japan (Nobukuni and Kawahara, 12 0.1168 0.1032 0.1011 0.0908
20 0.1311 0.1199 0.1078 0.1049
2002). Although it was demonstrated that the serum levels of 24 0.1443 0.1279 0.1239 0.1122
iodine did not significantly increase in the group using PI, the mean
M. Nesvadbova et al. / Toxicology Letters 235 (2015) 155–160 159

whash test
0.18 blanck cells









0 5 10 15 20 25
t (hours)

Fig. 2. Skin absorption of iodine in cell washed compared to blank cells.

extrapolation to “real-world” events is an imperfect art antiseptics containing iodine among the operating-room staff may
(Filon et al., 2006). cause excessive iodine exposure by transcutaneous absorption,
2. Absorption of a topical substance through the skin is most recently demonstrated in a clinical study with urinary iodine
notably influenced by concentration, contact duration, frequen- assessment (Erdogan et al., 2013) and the increase of iodine serum
cy, and exposed area. The interplay between these factors, along concentration can cause thyroid dysfunction (Dela Cruz et al., 1987;
with skin biology and physiochemical properties of the Philippou et al., 1992; Jubiz et al., 1977; Sternthal et al., 1980;
penetrant, can lead to enhanced percutaneous penetration Vagenakis et al., 1974).
(Blickenstaff et al., 2014). In accordance with previous data a long term use of PI can
3. Furthermore, we have to consider that in the first part of our present a risk for iodine excess-inducing thyroid disorders for both
experimental study we applied the infinite dose in the donor patients and medical workers (Nobukuni and Kawahara, 2002;
compartment and we demonstrated that the iodine concentra- Linder et al., 1997; Ader et al., 1988; Bürgi, 2010).
tion in the receptor compartment increased linearly over time in
proportion to contact time between iodine and the intact skin in Conflict of interests
the donor compartment. This situation could be similar in cases
of wide use of PI during surgical procedures and as a topical The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
antiseptic of skin, mucosa, wound or deep tissues (Tomoda et al.,
2005; Paul et al., 1988; Zafer et al., 1992). Transparency document
4. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to take into consideration that
during the surgical hand washing the operating room staff cover The Transparency document associated with this article can be
about 9% of the total body surface (20 cm2) with iodine found in the online version.
containing solutions and scrub it with it. One application to
the skin of PI solution can cause the absorption of 232 mcg of Acknowledgement
iodine each time (11.6 mcg/cm2  20 cm2) in 24 h, while one
application with rinsing of PI solution can cause the absorption The authors acknowledge the financial support EU Cost Action
of 2 mcg of iodine in 1 h for each washing procedure (0.10 mcg/ STAN DERM TD 1206.
cm2  20 cm2). Considering that one worker washes hands and
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