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No Format Penulisan Bobot
1 Judul : berisi gambaran isi laporan

Kriteria penulisan : 15
 Times New Roman, 14 pt, center, bold, &
 Kreatif dan menarik
2 Pendahuluan : berisi latar belakang dan tujuan
perjalanan Immersion.

Kriteria Penulisan :
 Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified. 15
 Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia sesuai EYD
atau kaidah tata Bahasa Inggris yang benar.
 Orisinil, bukan hasil copy-paste web.

3 Isi : berisi deskripsi mengenai perjalanan yang

dilakukan (rangkaian kegiatan dari hari
keberangkatan hingga pulang ke Banjarmasin,
tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi, maupun
momen spesial sepanjang perjalanan) atau
berupa nilai/value yang didapat selama
Kriteria Penulisan :
 Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified.
 Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia sesuai EYD
atau kaidah tata Bahasa Inggris yang benar.
 Orisinil, bukan hasil copy-paste website,
sites, blog, atau karya orang lain.
 Disarankan menyertakan foto/dokumentasi

4 Penutup : berisi refleksi perjalanan yang telah


Kriteria Penulisan :
 Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified. 30
 Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia sesuai EYD
atau kaidah tata Bahasa Inggris yang benar.
 Orisinil, bukan hasil copy-paste website,
sites, blog, atau karya orang lain.
Note :

1. Laporan ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris.

2. File dikirim dalam bentuk Microsoft Words Document (docx). Tidak diperkenankan
mengirim dalam bentuk PDF.
3. File dikirim ke email :, dengan subject :
4. Submission deadline : Wednesday, 30th of March 2022 at 23.59.




02-19 MARCH, 2020




All praises be upon to our god, Allah Swt. Who has given me mercy and guidance so
in this good condition I can finished my Hijrah Program 2020 Report as yearly agenda of
Global Islamic Boarding School as well with title The Difference Habit and Behavior
Between Australian International Islamic College and Global Islamic Boarding School

This report has goals to complete last assignment for 7 Batch Girls of SMA Global
Islamic Boarding School after finished Immersion Program To Brisbane, Australia. From 02
nd of March until 19th, 2020. This report also has goals to compare what I have learned in
Indonesia and Australia to get moral values from that.

My big thanks delivered to 7 Batch Immersion Program’s companion teachers, ma’am

Rinda Syatwuri, Miss Choirunnisa, and Miss Tina. And also to all people who support our
program, so it ran successfully and gave memorable trip for u s.

I realized that in the process of writing this report, I have so many mistakes and I
believe that this report has many deficiency. So from there, your critics and suggestions will
be helpful for me to perfect this report.

Marabahan, April 2020

A person is described by the habits and behaviors he possesses. These habits
and behaviors can tell the character and the identity of that certain person. These
things are very important in the over all attribute of a human person. It can tell
whether the person has a positive character or a bad identity. Habit and behavior are
two things that’s really important for us through life.
The importance of habits and behavior is to build characters and personality of
someone. Habits and behavior of muslims is personality that all aspects of good
ethics, activities of the soul as well as his philosophy of life and belief show devotion
to God, surrender to God.
In the teenage phase is the most important age phase in the field formation of
someone. If someone made it through this phase well, that means he will live with a
healthy soul and ideal personality. Conversely, if he does not succeed through the
phase well, he will find various kinds difficulty in forming mental attitude and social
behavior in the future will come
Humans is a social creatures, it is impossible if humans life without needs
other helps. Life with others people certainly has many rules because humans can not
live recklessly. Humans make values as the foundation, reasons, or otivation in every
habits and behavior. In its implementation the values is realized in the form of norms,
so it creates prohibitions and recommendations. The values adopted by someone from
the environment will shape the behavior and habits that will control attitudes.
A Muslim should have the glory of behavior as evidence of his faith and piety
to Allah SWT. Concrete evidence of a good understanding of Islam will be reflected
in behavior. As the main task of the Messenger of Allah Swt. was sent to the human
Ummah was nothing but to perfect human morals. In Islam, the glory of behavior is
more often referred to as moral ease, which is good character. Moral itself is defined
as a spontaneous behavior or natural reaction and habits of a person in dealing with
something he experienced. So, people who study and practice the teachings of Islam
properly will feel the beauty and goodness of Islamic teachings. One of them will be
felt in terms of moral behavior.A person who understands Islam correctly and carries
out all the religious rules, will be reflected through the glory of behavior shown in the
form of daily morals.
Immersion Program was a good program for students. The Immersion
Program in Global Islamic Boarding School is really help us to get glorious
experiences in teenage phase. In this program, we are not just learned about academic
things, but also learned about social life skill that might be useful in future for
students. It also help us to more understand how life is when we stayed in another
This is a yearly program of Global Islamic Boarding School (GIBS). We
asked to prepare our selves to face this important program. Our preparation for this
program such us have English session every week to improve our English speaking
skill and also we have session about what should we do during the program and so on.
This is really help us when we came to new country wich we may never have to come
Every batches has difference destinations to visits. But some batches has same
destination. In the occation of our batch, we visit Australia as our destination. The
specific place is in the Brisbane City. Our batch actually has same destination with
previous batch, but we stayed in the different city. The previous batch stayed in the
Melbourne City, but because there is some problem so, our school needs to moves
destination for our batch. And the decision is Brisbane City. In this city, we became
specials guest for one of Islamic School there. The name of this school is Australian
International Islamic College (AIIC). This is one of the biggest Islamic School in the
Brisbane City.
Australian International Islamic College is a school who has around 1000
students from elementary school until senior high school. Students of AIIC are came
from many different places, likes Bangladesh, Congo, Indonesia, and Dubai. From,
my observation, there is just a bit students who is native Australian and may be none.
They only have school until Friday and get rest for Saturday and Monday. Learning
time of AIIC start from 08.00 am until 02.30 pm. Everyday AIIC have a morning tea,
in Indonesia we might called it first break time. Students of AIIC only have one main
uniform, and they are feel so wonder when they saw we have five difference school
uniforms. Some students came and back to their home by school bus, and the others
picked up by their parents. During we joined learning program in AIIC, we always
picked up by AIIC school buss at 08.00 am.

We joined their school program more than two weeks, and each of us got one
AIIC student to become our buddy. Everyday we have to follow our buddy’s activities
such learned in the class and performed prayer. When we was followed almost all
AIIC students activities, I was felt so happy because all students are very welcomed to
uu and also the teachers. They always smile when they met us. When I was there, I
saw many male and female students are so close. My buddy there said to me that in
this school many of them are siblings. My buddy also said that she has 3 siblings who
are study in AIIC too. So it is okay if we saw male and female students did closed
From this, I can observe several things that’s has difference from me and my
friends activities, habit, and behavior in Global Islamic Boarding School. There so
many aspects as a student that different between AIIC students and GIBS students. I
will uncover all of that one by one:

1. Discipline
Lets start from AIIC students morning activity. Every student in AIIC came to
the school on time. Its very rare to AIIC students comes late to the school. Even if
there is a students who comes late, the discipline teacher will immediately interrogate
him or her. After they are arrived to the school, they will go to the class. When
learning time will be started and the teacher already came, they will make a line in
front of theis class and that entering the class one by one in order based on the
teachers guidance. Its bit different with GIBS students, sometimes many students of
GIBS late to came to the school until the gates locked, if in the AIIC has teachers to
handle, GIBS has students discipline division to handle them. The students who came
late will be dried in the sun in front of educational building. From this difference
habits we can see that every school has their own rules to handle their students to
create good behavior.

2. Teachers
AIIC is an Islamic School in Brisbane, Australia. But not all teachers there are
also muslims. Many teachers there are non-muslim. But the things that make me feel
amazed is they have big tolerance even they have different religion. All teachers in
AIIC both muslims or not, always make sure that all students performing prayer
perfectly. This is a very good relation between religious communities. In GIBS, we all
know that all teachers in school and teachers after school are muslims. This is make
all teachers easy to control students to do religion activities like prayer, recite Al-
Quran, and fasting. From these two different thing we can see that the difference is
doesn’t matter if we do it with patients and sincerity. This is also show that teachers
of AIIC and GIBS has good habits and behavior to face their students and do their
jobs as well.
3. How To Dress
AIIC students and GIBS students has different way to wearing clothes and
also hijab. AIIC female students always wearing hijab layer that keep their hair. They
also wear pashmina hijab as their school hijab. It is very good to keep their hair so
other people especially male cant see it. But, there is one things that make it not good.
They wear a white shirt wich is transparants and show their underwear even their
back. In GIBS, students always wearing proper uniform, without showing their back.
But GIBS female students also has bad things when they wearing hijab, wich is let
their hair out from the hijab. However, how we dress is show our habits an behavior.
This two kind of female students has good and bad of habits and behavior. This things
will be disapear time by time if they have enough guidance.

4. Performing Salaah/Prayer
AIIC students always performing Zuhur prayer in the school. they use hall as
place for them to perform zuhur prayer. Elementary, junior high, and senior high has
different time to perform zuhur prayer. Exept on Friday. On Friday they have Friday
prayer together. Everyday, during performing Zuhur prayer all students always keep
them selves to silence, no one talking, and sleep. Even female students who are in
period also follow the activity, but they just sit behind and keep silence without
disturb the other. If there is somebody talk or sleep, the teachers will remind
It is very different with GIBS student while performing Zuhur prayer or Friday
prayer, and also the other prayer time. GIBS students often talking each other before
or after performing prayer, even when we do zikir. When we all do Friday prayer, so
many of us are sleep and does not listen to the khatib who speak up in the front.
This condition make us realize that we as GIBS students still have a bit bad habits and
behavior in the religion activities. We must fix this bad condition to the better one.
We can choose AIIC students as an example. Maybe some AIIC student still have that
bad things, but the teacher will help them to fix it. It also might happened to us, why
we don’t try to be better one with support of our teachers. Our religion already told us
how is habits and behavior is. So we just need to follow it as well.

AIIC students get use to make a queue in every occasion, like entering the
class, entering hall for pray, and take food in the canteen. I saw this good habit not
only on the school, but in many places in Australia. Make a queue in Australia
become likes a culture for them. They always patients wait the queue, without
grabbing each other.
In GIBS, only some students want to make a queue. In GIBS its like have
culture who come first, will be served first. This habits not just happen in GIBS, but
also in Indonesia. Indonesian people is used to get this things.
This two kinds of habits and behavior actually has their own benefits. The
habits and behavior in AIIC train them to be a discipline and order person wich is
good for them. Indonesian culture also has benefits wich is make us agile and flexible
in every moments. This two thing build a different habits and behavior for us.

What I have explained above was several things that I observed during I joined their program
there. I was very exited to followed their activities, in the class me and my friends always
talking about many things. Likes about Indonesian culture, Indonesian food, and also
Indonesian money. Our body there also was exited. They told us about many things in
Australia. Some of them are has interest to learn Indonesian language. It was a memorable
experience for all of us that we might forgot.

When we stayed in Australia, we went some beautiful destination. We went to Sea

world, Mount Coot-Tha, Redcliff Beach, South Bank, Queensland Museum, and Queen
Street Mall. We can felt that the air in Australia is really clean and fresh. All places that we
visited are clean without any trashes, but the interest thing is there is no cleaning service. It
means that Australian people are always keep their environment clean and throw trashes in
the right place.

The others thing that I really like is, people there always follow traffics rules orderly.
No one grabbing the traffics. Car driver there always giving way for pedestrians who wants
to crossed the road. I said like this because this is happened to me. They willing stopped their
cars for pedestrians. Most people there also always saying thank you if we do something
good for them, even it is a small thing. This is a good impression to me.
From what I have explained, we can make a conclusion that habits and
behavior are comes from our selves. How we doing our activities is one of we build
our habits and behavior. AIIC students and GIBS students has many difference habits
and behavior. This is happen because we live and growth up with different place and
different education. The difference of AIIC students and GIBS students are about the
discipline, teachers, way to perform prayer, how to dress, and about making queue. I
believe that from the deficiency and advantages its has their own benefits for all of us.
We just need to always improving our habits and behavior to the better one. Our
habits and behavior can show by what we doing everyday. Even it it bad or good
When I was there, I got many new friends with different culture, customs, and
background. But this became something that I might never forgot. We share about our
experiences and learned from each other. From what I have explained above, I
understand how important habits and behavior for our life. And got new friends and
experiences is so useful and great for us.









A. Latar Belakang

Karya wisata atau study tour adalah kegiatan wisata yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk
menambah pengalaman serta menambah pengetahuan siswa-siswi. Setelah melakukan study tour atau
yang biasa sekolah kami sebut dengan Immersion Program, kami diminta untuk membuat hasil
laporan perjalanan kami selama di Brisbane-Australia.

Laporan ini pun adalah tugas untuk siswi SMA GLOBAL ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL
yang telah melakukan Immersion Program ditengah pandemi corona. Immersion Program ini sendiri
merupakan program wajib dari SMA GLOBAL ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL yang ditujukan
kepada siswa-siswi ditahun kedua bangku SMA.

Adapun alasan saya mengangkat topik ini adalah karena yang pertama banyak sekali
perbedaan budaya antara Indonesia dengan Australia serta yang kedua karena saya memiliki rasa yang
tinggi untuk mengeksplor tempat wisata-wisata yang telah saya kunjungi.

B. Rumusan Masalah

Agar memudahkan dalam hal penulisan, saya akan menjabarkan rumusan masalah dalam
bentuk pertanyaan sebagai berikut:

1. Apa perbedaan budaya paling dirasakan selama melakukan perjalanan Immersion Program di

2. Tempat-tempat wisata apa saja yang telah kamu kunjungi selama melakukan perjalanan Immersion
Program di Brisbane-Australia?

C. Tujuan Penulisan

Adapun tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. sebagai salah satu bahan untuk nilai tambahan

2. Untuk dapat memahami lebih dalam dan menambah pengetahuan dalam perbedaan antara budaya
Indonesia dengan Australia

3. Untuk menambah wawasan tentang wisata apa saja yang ada di Brisbane-Australia


Budaya berasal dari bahasa Sansekekerta, budhayah, yaitu bentuk jamak dari budhi yang
berarti budi atau akal. Budaya adalah salah satu cara hidup yang berkembang yang dimiliki bersama
oleh sebuah kelompok orang dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Budaya sendiri terbentuk dari
agama, pilitik, adat istiadat, kebiasaan, pakaian, bangunan, dan seni serta bahasa, merupakan bagian
dari budaya yang tidak bisa dipisahkan oleh manusia dan dianggap diwariskan secara genetis. Ketika
seseorang berusaha berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang yang berbeda budaya dan menyesuaikan
perbedaan-perbedaannya, membuktikan bahwa budaya itu dipelajari.

Perbedaan yang paling saya rasakan adalah dari segi bahasa. Bagaimana kerasnya saya
beradaptasi dengan masyarakat di Brisbane, entah itu bercakap-cakap dengan siwa-siswi AIIC sampai
dengan hal jual-beli yang dimana mengharuskan saya menggunakan bahasa inggris. Hal itu adalah hal
yang harus saya improve untuk saya dapat bertahan hidup.

Perbedaan selanjutnya adalah makanan. Dari segi makanan, di Australia kita akan sulit
menemukan nasi apalagi makanan Indonesia. Bersyukur, karena ibu kantin di AIIC adalah orang
Indonesia jadi, sekolah kita catering makanan Indonesia kecuali pada saat siang, kami tetap memakan
makanan ala-ala Australia. Makanan disana cenderung kebanyakan sayur yang dilapisi oleh roti dan
diolesi oleh saus-saus mungkin seperti mayonnaise. Ini adalah hal yang membuat kami kesusahan
dalam hal makan serta, memandang dari segi agama, kami sulit untuk menemukan makanan halal

Perbedaan ketiga adalah dari segi kebiasaan saat membuang air. Di Brisbane-Australia kita
tidak akan menemukan jet spray untuk membasuh sehabis buang air besar maupun buang air kecil.
Disana hanya ada tissue roll yang disuguhkan di WC umum. Saya pernah bertanya kepada Ibu Rinda
selaku miss yang mendampingi kami Immersion Program, ternyata alasannya adalah karena
masyarakatnya tidak menyukai jika WC mereka basah dan kita bisa di denda akan hal itu.

Perbedaan keempat adalah ketika di dalam transportasi umum. Tidak seperti di Indonesia
yang biasa ada pengamen atau penjaja makanan didalam transportasi umum serta dilihat kumuh dan
juga berisik, di Brisbane-Australia sangat berbeda. Tidak boleh berisik, tidak boleh berdiri, tidak ada
pegamen, dan juga pastinya sangat bersih.

Perbedaan kelima adalah dari segi pakaian. Karena Indonesia mayoritas islam dan sekolah
kami juga adalah sekolah SMA yang berbau islam, agak sedikit aneh melihat masyarakat disana
beropakaian sangat terbuka dan juga berciuman di depan umum merupakan hal yang sangat lumrah

Selanjutnya, menurut saya hal yang sama dari Indonesia dengan Australia adalah
masyarakatnya yang ramah-ramah.
Adapun tempat-tempat yang kami kunjungi disana adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Australian International Islamic Collage

yang paling sering kami kunjungi adalah tempat ini. Tempat dimana kami berinteraksi
banyak dengan masyarakat Brisbane-Australia. Tempat kami menuntut ilmu, turut serta belajar
dengan mereka, serta bertukar cerita satu sama lain dengan buddy.

2. Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Lone Pine Koala merupakan cagar alam koala terbesar di dunia. Terdapat 70 spesies asli
hewan Australia yangdikelilingi oleh lingkungan semak alami yang indah. Saya dan teman-teman
bertemu koala yang sangat menggemaskan dan tak lupa juga kami bertemu dengan kanguru. Itu
pengalaman yang menarik sekaligus tak terlupakan karena untuk pertama kalinya saya bertemu
dengan koala dan kanguru sungguhan. Lebih imut dibangding yang sering saya lihat di layar kaca.
Terdapat kafe serta wifi gratis yang membuat kita lebih menikmati waktu bersama keluarga disana.
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary terletak di 708 Jesmond Rd Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane, Queensland 4069

3. Sea World Gold Coast

Sea World adalah taman mamalia laut, oseanarium, dan taman hiburan yang terletak di
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Ini termasuk wahana, pameran hewan dan atraksi lainnya. Disini
saya dan teman-teman menaiki wahana yang memacu adrenalin walaupun sangat panjang antriannya.
Disini, kami menonton atraksi lumba-lumba yang sangat menggemaskan. Dan yang tidak terlupakan
oleh saya adalah ketika saya beserta teman-teman saya menaiki wahana “pirates” yang dimana
wahana itu membuat sekujur tubuh basah oleh tembakan air yang keluar dari perahu musuh serta ada
juga musuh yang berjaga diluar dari arena.

Buat kalian yang suka berbelanja buah tangan khas daerah-daerah yang kalian kunjungi,
jangan takut tidak dapat membelinya. Karena, disini banyak oleh-oleh khas Australia dan juga ada
yang berlogo Sea World. Sayangnya, kami tidak dapat menjelajahi Gold Coast lebih jauh lagi karena,
banyaknya tempat wisata yang ditutup akibat Covid-19.

4. Mount Coot-Tha

Karena banyaknya tempat yang ditutup akibat Covid-19, kami mengganti destinasi dadakan
ke Mount Coot-Tha. Disini kita bisa melihat dari ketinggian indahnya kota Brisbane. Lokasi ini
terletak di 7 km sebelah barat kota Brisbane.
5. Redcliffe Beach

Seharusnya, jadwal ini kami pergi ke pantai Gold Coast. Karena tidak memungkinkan, jadilah
kami mengganti destinasi ke Redcliffe Beach yang tidak kalah bagus dengan pantai yang berada di
Gold Coast.

6. Queensland Museum

hal yang paling menyenangkan dari museum ini adalah saya bisa melihat replika patung
dinosaurus yang sangat besar, bisa melihat berbagai jenis serangga, melihat berbagai jenis kupu-kupu
dari yang besar serta yang paling kecil. Disini junga kita bisa melihat senjata asli australia yaitu
bumerang. Serta disini juga ada museum khusus untuk laba-laba. Sayangnya untuk masuk di area sini,
kalian akan dimintai biaya tambahan sebesar 15 dollar atau sekitar 150.000.

7. Wheel of Brisbane

Ini adalah momen yang paling menyenangkan. Pasalnya kita menaiki bianglala dengan
ketinggian 220 kaki yang menawarkan pemandangan 360 derajat yang indah dari cakrawala Brisbane.
Bianglala ini terletak di South Bank. Untuk kalian yang hendak menaiki ini, sayangnya kalian harus
membayar dengan harga yang cukup mahal jika dirupiahkan, sekitar 18 dollar atau sekitar 180.000
tapi, karena kami pelajar dan kami rombongan, harganya menjadi 12 dollar atau sekitar 120.000.
Menurut saya itu adalah harga yang sangat pas, dengan harga segitu, kalian sudah bisa melihat kota
Brisbane dari ketinggoan

8. Queen Street Mall

Disini adalah surganya jika kalian ingin belanja di Brisbane. Kalian bisa membeli oleh-oleh
khas Australia hingga membeli barang-barang luxury. Walaupun sangat luas, kalian akan lupa waktu
untuk mengelilinginya.


Kesimpulan dari tulisan diatas adalah bagaimana kita bisa bertahan hidup (beradaptasi) dan
juga saling toleransi antar umat beragama. Selalu lihat peringatan-peringatan yang telah terpampang
agar kita tidak melakukan kesalahan yang membuat orang lain tidak nyaman. Mencoba beradaptasi
dengan semua perbedaan budaya yang dimiliki. Selalu menjaga kebersihan dan jangan pernah terpisah
dari rombongan.

Dari tulisan diatas juga memberitahu bahwa kita harus membuat rencana b. jadi, ketika
rencana awal tidak bisa, melangkahlah ke rencana b. dari tulisan ini juga banyak memberitahu tentang
tempat-tempat wisata di Brisbane-Australia yang populer.

Foto 1. Halaman Sekolah AIIC

Foto 2. Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Foto 3. Sea World Gold Coast

Foto 4. Mount Coot-Tha

Foto 5. Redcliffe Beach







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