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Sub CPMK 3). Menghubungkan struktur, fungsi serta mekanisme molekuler pada membran sel
Identitas Mahasiswa

Nama/NIM 1. Farkhatul Azizah (210210103036)

2. Maharani Dwi Cahyani Putri (210210103051)
3. Sabrina Laura Agustin (210210103124)
Tanggal Minggu ke-9
Instruksi Kerja dan Pertanyaan

1. Bacalah dengan seksama artikel pada link berikut:

2. Tuliskan informasi-informasi menarik yang anda dapatkan dari artikel tersebut.

Farkhatul Azizah (210210103036) The difference in the colors in variegated leaves depends
on the presence or absence of chlorophyll, carotenoids, and anthocyanins.
Farkhatul Azizah (210210103036) In variegated leaves, the mottled sections reflect light
more effectively than the green tissues to reduce excess energy loss as heat.
Maharani Dwi Cahyani Putri (210210103051) Leaf variegation is generally thought to be
defensive, providing defense against herbivory through dazzle effects and trickery coloration
Maharani Dwi Cahyani Putri (210210103051) Chlorophyll fluorescence and non-
photochemical quenching are used to measure photosynthetic activity and energy
conversion efficiency.
Sabrina Laura Agustin (210210103124) As previously mentioned, the function of the
chloroplast is as a place for the process of photosynthesis to take place. The function of the
chloroplast is to provide places for the process of photosynthetic activity. Where sunlight is
captured by plants, it will be absorbed properly through chlorophyll.
Sabrina Laura Agustin (210210103124) Chloroplasts are located in plant cells and algae
which make their own food (autotrophs) through photosynthesis. Most of the chloroplasts in
plant cells are located in the mesophyll tissue of leaves.

3. Bagaimana struktur kloroplas dan kaitkan dengan mekanisme fungsi di dalamnya

Farkhatul Azizah (210210103036) Kloroplas adalah struktur di dalam sel tumbuhan dan
ganggang hijau yang bertanggung jawab untuk fotosintesis, proses dimana energi cahaya
diubah menjadi energi kimia, menghasilkan produksi oksigen dan senyawa organik yang kaya
energi. Membran tilakoid di dalam kloroplas menampung pigmen klorofil dan kompleks
protein yang berbeda, termasuk fotosistem I, fotosistem II, dan ATP sintase, yang
dikhususkan untuk fotosintesis yang bergantung pada cahaya. Selama fotosintesis, klorofil
menyerap energi dari gelombang cahaya biru dan merah dan memantulkan gelombang
cahaya hijau, membuat tanaman tampak hijau. Reaksi terang fotosintesis terjadi di dalam
tilakoid, dimana air dioksidasi, dan oksigen dilepaskan, sedangkan reaksi bebas cahaya terjadi
di stroma kloroplas, di mana energi dari molekul ATP dan NADPH yang dihasilkan oleh reaksi
terang menggerakkan reaksi kimia yang mengubah karbon dioksida menjadi glukosa .
4. Bagiamana posisi dan jumlah kloroplas pada daun – daun yang tidak hijau?
Sabrina Laura Agustin (210210103123) Part of the leaf that is not green can be involved in
increasing photoprotection. In general, non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is a
photoprotection method through excessive loss of energy due to heat. However, plants also
have other mechanisms for reducing excess energy from light capture.
However, there are several types of plants, such as variegata or flowers, which have
undergone genetic mutations to produce leaves with unique patterns or patterns and various
colors, including leaves that are not green. This condition can affect the number and position
of chloroplasts in the leaf cells.

5. Bagaimana prinsip penurunan materi genetik dalam kloroplas?

Maharani Dwi Cahyani Putri (210210103051)
Pewarisan DNA kloroplas berbeda dengan pewarisan DNA nuklir, yang diwarisi dari kedua orang
tua. Kloroplas memiliki banyak salinan DNA, dan sel pada umumnya memiliki banyak kloroplas .
Genom kloroplas diprediksi berada di bawah seleksi yang kuat untuk beradaptasi, dan banyak
penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan efek interaksi plastid-nuklir pada
kebugaran tanaman. Organisasi dan pola pewarisan DNA kloroplas sangat berbeda dengan DNA
nuklir. Keberadaan DNA dalam kloroplas menunjukkan asal usul evolusinya. Genom kloroplas
berevolusi relatif lambat, dan sesekali terjadi percepatan laju evolusi di seluruh angiospermae

6. Belakang ini maraknya tentang tanaman variegata yang indah dengan warna kombinasi
daun hijau dan kuning. Berikan komentar saudara tentang fenomena tersebut?
Farkhatul Azizah (210210103036)
Tanaman variegata yang indah dengan warna kombinasi daun hijau dan kuning sedang menjadi
tren dalam dunia tanaman hias. Fenomena ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak orang yang
tertarik untuk mempercantik rumah atau lingkungan mereka dengan tanaman hias yang indah.
Namun, kita juga harus memperhatikan bahwa tren ini tidak hanya tentang keindahan, tetapi
juga tentang kesehatan tanaman dan lingkungan. Kita harus memastikan bahwa kita membeli
tanaman dari sumber yang terpercaya dan memperlakukan tanaman dengan baik agar tetap
sehat dan tumbuh dengan baik. Selain itu, kita juga harus memperhatikan dampak lingkungan
dari tren ini, seperti penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida yang berlebihan. Dengan memperhatikan
hal-hal ini, kita dapat menikmati keindahan tanaman variegata sambil tetap menjaga kesehatan
tanaman dan lingkungan.
Refleksi Diri (Self Evaluation)

1. Tuliskan pemahaman Anda tentang materi “kloroplas” pada point berikut:

A. Structure chloroplast, kind of plastids

Chloroplasts are a type of plastid, which are organelles found in plant cells that are
involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs. Chloroplasts are responsible for
photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy,
resulting in the production of oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds. Chloroplasts
are biconvex shaped, semi-porous, double membraned, and are found within the
mesophyll of the plant cell. They are roughly 1-2 μm thick and 5-7 μm in diameter.
Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green color, which
results from the presence of two pigments, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Chloroplasts
are enclosed in a chloroplast envelope, which consists of a double membrane with outer
and inner layers, between which is a gap called the intermembrane. Chloroplasts are one
of the most well-studied types of plastids and are characterized by their thylakoid
structures, which is where photosynthesis occurs, and chlorophyll.

B. Mechanism of photosyntesis
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light
energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds, such as
glucose. During photosynthesis, plants absorb light energy from the sun through
chlorophyll and use water from the soil, which is carried to the leaves, and carbon dioxide
from the air to produce glucose and oxygen. The process of photosynthesis can be
divided into two stages: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent
reactions. In the light-dependent reactions, light energy is absorbed by pigments in the
thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts, which excites electrons and generates ATP and
NADPH. In the light-independent reactions, also known as the Calvin cycle, carbon
dioxide is fixed into organic compounds using the energy from ATP and NADPH generated
in the light-dependent reactions.The mechanism of photosynthesis is a complex process
that involves many enzymes and chemical reactions. The process of photosynthesis is
activated by light absorbed by chlorophyll or other pigments, and the energy from the
light is used to drive the oxidation of water and the reduction of carbon dioxide to
produce glucose and oxygen.

C. Mitochondria genetics
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a type of genetic material that is found in mitochondria,
which are organelles that produce energy for the cell. In humans, mtDNA spans about
16,500 DNA building blocks and contains 37 genes, all of which are essential for normal
mitochondrial function. Most of the body's cells contain thousands of mitochondria, each
with one or more copies of mtDNA. The mitochondrial mode of inheritance is strictly
maternal, meaning that mtDNA is inherited only from the mother. Mutations in mtDNA
can cause problems with growth, development, and function of the body's systems, and
can lead to various disorders such as muscle weakness, vision loss, and hearing loss.
Mitochondria rely heavily on imported nuclear gene products, and mistakes in
chromosomal genes or their products can lead to giant, inefficient mitochondria.
Mitochondrial DNA has also been used to address questions about human ancestry and
migration patterns.

2. Tuliskan satu pertanyaan tentang bagian materi yang belum Anda pahami, berikut tuliskan
jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut.
Soal: Apa yang terjadi jika tumbuhan tidak memiliki kloroplas?
Jawab: Jadi, apabila kloroplas tidak berfungsi maka proses fotosintesi pada tumbuhan tidak
berjalan dengan baik. Kloroplas merupakan bagian dari organel plastida yang mengandung
pigmen klorofil. Kloroplas adalah tempat berlangsungnya proses fotosintesis
pada sel tumbuhan.

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