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Electronic structure and configuration

 Electron structure

Arrange electron= 2n2 formula: 2.8

N1= 2

N2= 8

N3= 18, but the lowest electron is 8

N4= 32, the lowest is 18

Example: 86Rn = (radon, paling full,paling stabil diantara unsur’’ lainnya)

 Electron configuration

urutan tingkat energi kulit dan subkulit suatu

atom. Ada 4 subkulit yaitu s, p, d, dan f dan
angka sebelum subkulit menunjukkan kulit.
Subkulit 1s punya tingkat energi paling rendah, lalu
naik ke subkulit 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, sampai terakhir yang
paling tinggi 8s. Pastinya elektron yang bisa
mengisi subkulit tertentu juga terbatas. Elektron
yang mengisi subkulit ini dituliskan dalam
bentuk pangkat. Subkulit s maksimal terisi 2
elektron  dan punya 1 ruangan, p terisi 6
elektron (p ) dan punya 3 ruangan, d terisi 10

elektron  dan punya 5 ruangan, dan f terisi 14

elektron  dan punya 7 ruangan.


Simple written for atom 28X= [Ar] 4s2 3d10

Intra di dalam =

Inter between

Extracellular outside the cell

Tidak semua unsur bisa untuk mempersingkat konfigurasi, yg bisa hanya golongan gas mulia / golongan 8 / helium,

He 2, dilanjutkan subshells 2s Kr 36, dilanjutkan subshells 5s

Ne 10, dilanjutkan subshells 3s Xe 54, dilanjutkan subshells 6s

Ar 18 dilanjutkan subshells 4s Rn 86, dilanjutkan subshells 7s


Li = [He] 2s1

11 Na = [Ne] 3s1

19 K = [Ar] 4s1

37 Rb = [Kr] 5s1

55 Cs = [Xe] 6s1

87 Fr = [Rn] 7s1
Golongan dicari dari penjumlahan electron like 4s2, jadi unsur tersebut ada di golongan 2

Periode dicari dari konstanta terakhir like, 4s2, jadi unsur tersebut ada di periode 4, in addition if there are more than 1
configuration electron, periode diambil dari konstanta yang paling besar

Contoh: 43Tr [Kr] 5s2 4d5

Golongan/group: 7 (2+5)

Periode: 5 (because 5 greater than 4)

Periodic Trends

Zeff: effective nuclear charge

Zeff: Z – S

For z: atomic number, and s: electronic shielding

Example: 3Li = 1s2 2s1

Zeff: 3 – 2 = 1 Electronic shielding ditentukan dari angka

terakhir sebelum subkulit s terakhir
16 S = [Ne] 3s2 3p4
Zeff: 16 – 10 = 6
From 10Ne

The difficult way to find the Zeff (Sleiter)

1s2. 2s2. 2p6. 3s2. 3p6. 3d10. 4s2. 4p6. 4d10. 4f14

1. e- located in same orbital (0.35)

2. e- located in the in lower energy level (1.00)

example: 38Sr = (configuration electron)

zeff: 38 – (1 x 0.35) + (36 x 1.00) = 1.65


16 S = Z – S = 16 - (5 x 0.35) + (10 x 0.85)

1s2. 2s2. 2p6. 3s2. 3p4
= 16 – (1.75 + 8.5)

= 16 – 10.25 = 5.75

He, Zeff: 2 – (1 x 0.3) = 2 – 0.3 = 1.7


Saat Zeff naik, maka attraction between nuclei/ nucleus with valene semakin besar sehingga atomic radius
semakin pendek. Maka urutan atomnya juga semakin kecil (di periodic table dari kiri ke kanan)

Shielding besar, maka attraction between nuclei/nucleus menurun, sehingga atomic radius nya makin besar
Electronegativity: an ability of an atom to attract / gain an electron

1. If the configuration less than half full, electronegativity decreas/ menurun, the atom unlikely to attract an
2. If the configuration more than half full, electronegativity increase / naik / bertambah, the atom unlikely to
attract an electron

Zeff besar, interaction nuclear and valence naik, attract an electron

Zeff turun, interaction nuclear and valence turun, release an electron

Ionization is energy beeds by an atom to release an electron

 Kalau zeff nya naik, atomic radii nya turun, semakin dekat dengan inti, energy required by an atom to release an
electron naik, electron unlikely to release, ionization naik
 Kalau zeff nya menurum, atomic radii decrease, electron far from nuclei, energy required by an atom to release
an electron is decreas/turun, an electron likely to release, ionization decrease

Electron affinity is energy released by an atom to gain electron = energy yang direleased untuk mengikat suatu electron

 Zeff naik, atomic radii turun, interaction between nuclei and valence naik, unlikely to release electron, likely to
gain electron, electron affinity naik
 Zeff turun, atomic radii naik, interaction between nuclei and valence turun, likely to release electron, unlikely to
gain electron, electron affinity turun

Melting points trends is energy (heat) required an element to break their bonding
Chemical bounding and structure

Pengertian: transfer electron dari unsur yg metallic to non-metallic element, to form ion yang
bermuatan berbeda (kation dan anion). Then, mereka kana saling tertarik satu sama lain dan itu
disebut (gaya electrostatic)

Ionic bounding keyword:

1. Metal with non-metal

2. Transfer electron
3. Electrostatic force (menyebabkan 2 ion saling berdekatan dan berikatan)

Perpindahan electron kulit terluar suatu atom. Jika jumlah electron di kulit terluar kurang dari
setengah, atom itu cenderung melepaskan electron (kation). Sedangkan yang mempunyai electron
lebih dari setengah cenderung menerima electron (anion).

Oppositely charger sodium and chloride ions are held bya. Strong electrostatic force of attraction
known as ionic bond

Atom membentuk ion dengan cara melepas / menerima electron


 Group 1 = +
 Group 2 = 2+
 Group 13 = release 3 electron (13 - 10 = 3) 3+
 Group 15 until 17 = group number – 18
Group 15 – 18 = -3 (3-) need 3 electron, menambah 3 electron
Group 16 – 18 = -2 (2-) need 2 electron
Group 17 – 18 = -1 (-) need I electron
 Group 14 = 14 – 10 = 4 (4+) hanya berlaku pada metal (Sn, Pb) and semimetal (Si, Ge)

Jadi pengerrtian singkatnya, menggabungkan 2 unsur yg sama agar stabil, missal chlorine sama chlorine / oxygen sama

 Ionic =  electronegativity > 20
 Sharing electron to get stability,  Covalent =  electronegativity < 20
 happen in non-metal to non-metal (mostly)
 atomic nuclei attraction
 electronegativity usually called EN
example: hydrogen having

There are 2 types of covalent bounding: polar and nonpolar

 Polar: kalau EN 0.5 – 1.6.

Kalau EN 1.6 – 2.0, biasanya terjadi nonmetal  nonmetal
 Non-polar: kalau EN < 0.5.

Covalent bond rule:

1. Principal menunjukkan shell (n)
2. Azimuth menunjukkan subshell (ℓ)
Setiap subshell punya angka/nilai:
3. Magnetic menunjukkan ruangan dimana elektron terakhir diisi / berhenti
4. Spin menunjukkan arah elektron
Upword (+) and downword (–) ( )

Formal charge = Valence – ½ bounding pair – lone pair

Total force =

Delocalization: electron movement

Resonance: happen in some molecules that consist of a set of lewis structure (usually consist of 2 or more) which
describe the stability of it structure

Kenapa harus ada yg beresonansi? karena supaya dia mampu menstabilkan strukturnya

Canonical structure/resonance structure = perpindahan lokasi (double bond) electrone nya. Nah perpindahan ini butuh
energy, energy diambil dari photon (cahaya matahari). Energi hanya diambil (abrob) sesuai kebutuhan, yang ga
dibutuhkan dipantulkan.

1. Dipole-dipole= molekul yg memiliki 2 kutub, terjadi di senyawa yg polar, terjadi karena distribusi
electron yang merata (permanent)
Electronegativity lebih besar
2. London dispersion forces/van der waals’= Semua molekul punya gaya ini (non-polar), terjadi karena
distribusi electron yg selalu berubah-ubah dan tidak merata. Dibagi menjadi 2:

#delta= moment partial=distrubusi electron yg tdk merata // ada

yg bilang moment dipole

a. temporary dipole interaction = berlaku pada senyawa-senyawa yang nonpolar meet nonpolar,
bergerak random, moment partial nya juga random

b. induced dipole interaction = terinduksi oleh molekul yang polar. Terjadi pada molekul polar meet
nonpolar. Kutub terjadi karena adanya induksi pada molekul polar, jd molekul non-polar kutubnya

perbedaan titik didih / boiling point caused by intermolecular forces

Hydrogen bond > dipole > van der waals
Klo intermolecular forces nya yg sama titik didih yg tinggi
jika polar-polar / non polar-non polar, titik didih yg tinggi can be seen by the greater relative molecular mass/
jumlah elektron

3. Hydogren bonds = konsepnya sama kaya dipole-dipole permanet.

4. Ion-dipole forces = interaksi antara ion dg molekul polar/molekul yg memiliki dipole
contohnya seawater  karena garam Ketika dilarutkan di air akan mengalami ionisasi

- Terjadi di metal dengan metal, having similar properties

- Metal electronegativity nya rendah, but have high boiling and melting point
- Metal lebih suka melepas electron
- Yg menyebabkan metal kuat padahal dia lebih suka release electron  karena ada interaksi antara
kation dan electron, its cause electrostatic forces yang besar


1. Au (emas)
2. Pt (platina)

- Sifat: a. malleable (mudah ditempa) b. ductile (mudah dibentuk)

1. Ionic bonding  cation (+) [metal] and anion (-) [non-metal]
2. Covalent bonding  both of the atoms are having high electronegativity, happen in non-metal to non-
metal (mostly)

A. Mole Concept
Matter = something that have mass and occupied some place
Mole = unit / satuan in chemistry (symbol = n)

In this unit we will learn / count mass, mol, volume, the number of particles

 Calculate the number of hydrogen in 2.0 g H2O

Answer: known: mass = 2g
Mr = (2 x 1) + 16 = 18
Moles of H2O = 2/18 = 0.1
Moles of hydrogen in H2O = Mr of H x mol H2O
= 2 x 0.1 = 0.2
So, the number of H = mol of H x Avogadro number
0.2 x 6.02 x 1023 = 1.2 x 1023

 Which one of this component is having smallest volume

a. 10g of CH3COOH
b. 10g of H2SO4  Berbanding lurus dg mole
c. 10g of H3PO4  Mole berbanding lurus dg particle
d. 10g of HCl
0 kelvin temperature. Sedikit movement. Pressure 1 atm.
4 laws: Boyle (P=1/V), Charles (V=T), Gay-Lussac (P=T), Avogadro (n=V).

 Summary
P meningkat v menurun (Boyle’s Law)


PV = nRT
= PV = RT
P = pressure (Pa)  1atm = 1x105 Pa
V = volume (m3)
R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1 (J/Kmol)  dibaca joule per kelvin mol
T = temperature (K)

Harus sesuai alphabet
Penomoran dari yang paling dulu punya cabang

Have similar molecular formula
a. structure (3A) , different arrangement
b. Position (alkene, alkyne)

1. Alkane = single bond  sigma bond (σ) CnHn+2 saturated hydrocarbon

2. Alkene = single bond  sigma bond (σ) and phi bond (π)
3. Alkyne = triple bond  1 sigma bond (σ) and 2 phi bond (π)

Sigma bond  electron sharing
Phi bond  overlapping electron cloud

Corey-House  alkyl halide  use lithium  need to react the product with CuI
Wurtz reaction  use sodium  don’t need to react the product with CuI (Copper 1 iodide)
Derivative hydrocarbon
Nomenclature of ether  first carbon – second carbon – ether
Aldehyde termasuk ke carboxyl C = O aldehyde
Carboxylate acid

# Keeton is less reactive than aldehyde. Since aldehyde partial positive charge in the carbonyl carbon so it will
more easy for other molecules to approach

Haloalkanes  halogen – main chain

Alkyl (branch) – halogen – main chain
Arene (aromatic) 
Alcohol  primary  aldehyde (oxidation)  carboxylic acid
 secondary  keton
Thermal energy law: Energy is remains constant
We can’t be destroyed energy and create energy.
? = if energy remains constant, what is the first energy create?  it is sun. sun consists of hydrogen and
System is the main focus of interest, there is also surrounding

 Endothermic process (decreasing temperature of the surrounding [colder]) = heat moves from
surrounding into water (the system needs / absorb heat) Enthalpy change (+), because the energy is
absorbed. The product less stable because it has big energy (the product higher than the reactant). Break
the bond.
Kita merasakan dingin (kita = the surrounding which is tangan)
Enthalpy change (ΔH) = the change of heat during the endothermic / exothermic process at constant

 Exothermic process (increasing temperature of the surrounding [hotter]) = heat moves from system into
surrounding enthalpy change (-), because the energy is release. The product will be stable because is
having lower energy. Build / form the bond.

ΔH formula / enthalpy change formula:

1. Q = mcΔT
2. n (mol) = mass/Mr  Δm = mi – mf
3. ΔH = - (Q/n)  - because its exo. Klo endo +

#EA = energy needed untuk memulai suatu reaksi

Soal Latihan
ΔH = ΔH1 + ΔH2 = Hess law  enthalpy change in intermediate reaction will same with
Standard Enthalpy change of Formation

Bond enthalpy = atomic radii naik, bond length naik, bond strength turun, bond enthalpy turun,

Energy untuk break bond

bond polarity naik, bond enthalpy naik, bond strength naik, bond length turun, atomic radii turun

bond enthalpy ~ bond strength, bond polarity

>< bond length, atomic radii


Reaction rate = laju reaksi (in physics velocity / kecepatan)

1. Normality = molar concentration : equivalent (amount of electron that gain/release)
2. Molarity = 1 mol of solute (larutan) in 1 liter of solvent (pelarut)  mol/L atau mol/dm3
3. Molality = 1 mol of solute in 1 kg of solvent
Molarity (m) = n/V
mol solute 1000
= x
Mr solute V (solvent )

Rate of reaction (r) = concentration / time

= Molarity (M) / s
= mol / L s-1
1. H2O2 (aq)  H2O + ½ O2 (g)
Δ V 64−0 3
2. Average rate = = =9.1 c m /min
Δt 7−0
3.  3 minutes =  180 s
42−0 Masih bingung, ini diitung dengan garis yang
4. Initial rate = =21 c m3 /min
2−0 kita buat sendiri (garis biru, garis ijo di ppt)
5. Instantaneous rate = =6 c m3 /min

Rate of reaction

Basic reaction formula = A + B  C + D

xA + yB  qC +pD
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution

more particles with energy greater than or equal to the activation energy, more effective collisions, more rate of

Elementary steps:

 Unimolecular (A  product)
 Bimolecular (A + A  product | A + B  product)
 Termolecular (A + A + A  product | A + A + B  product | A + B + C  product)

Example :

2NO2  product = bimolecular

2NO + Cl  product = termolecular

#Rate determining steps (rds) = happen in slow reaction

Rate equation final = rate equation di rds

Intermediate = atom yang ada di product trs dihasilkan di hasil (located in the both reactant and product side)


Complex Single

Consist of more than 1 elementary steps

Pressure and concentration (won’t affect the equilibrium constant (Kc), yg affect tu temperature)


Produk dikurangi, product lagi


 Exothermic (ΔH < 0) release energy

Reactant = product + heat

 Endothermic (ΔH > 0) absorb energy

Heat + reactant = product)

Klo shift nya ke product, Kc increase. Klo ke reactant, Kc nya negative

Kc =
1. A. 3 ⇌ 5. The position of equilibrium in a reactant (left)
B. left
C. right
2. left (negative, exothermic)
right (positive, endothermic)
left (negative, exothermic)

3. right (the product decrease)

left (the reactant decrease)

Ini ada di jamboard

Kc > 1, shift nya lebih ke product

Kc < 1, shift nya lebih ke reactant

Reaction quotient (q) = ratio antara reactant dan product sebelum system berada dalam kesetimbangan

Q > Kc  lebih banyak ke product

Q besar, reactant besar, maka shift akan menuju ke product. Thus, banyak product yg kebentuk, sampe prouct nya
maximum. Saat product udh kebanyakan akan terjadi reverse. Untuk ke equilibrium, ini akan menuju ke reactant nya

Acid = H+ CO3- , donating protons

Base = OH , accepting protons , produce hydroxide ions (OH-)
Arrhenius’ theory = acid produce H+, base produce OH-. The weakness of this theory is NH3 (ammonia) because
actually ammonia is a base.
Acid and base if they react together, it will neutral pH 7  H+ + OH- = H2O (neutralization). The reaction
between acid and base will be produced salt and water.
Bronsted-Lowry theory = acid and base, there is an exchange the number of protons.
Product of acid = conjugate base
Product of base = conjugate acid
Amphiprotic species = molekul kimia yang bisa dikategorikan as an acid or base depends on the another
molekul yang react with. Example H2O, H2PO4
Lewis theory (kebalik dr theory sebelumnya)  must have empty space in the subshells
 ACids = electron pair ACceptor , have empty space
 Base = electron pair donor , have lone pair

Acid = donor proton, accept electron

Base = accept proton, donor electron

Outermost shell

Salt replace H+ with metal ion / ammonium ion

 Metal + acid  salt + hydrogen [copper (Cu) don’t react with dilute acid]
 Acid + carbonate/hydrogen carbonate  salt + water + carbon dioxide
 Base + acid  salt + water
Concentration of monoprotic acid will be similar with the concentration of hydrogen ion
Strong acid can easily dissociate with hydrogen, unlike weak acid, it cannot dissociate with hydrogen because
weak acid equilibrium reaction
Degree dissociate, strong acid have bigger than weak acid. Weak acid partially dissociated because weak acid
always irreversible.
Strong acid will completely dissociate in the water. So, it releases big amount of proton, the electric
conductivity will be higher
Jika ada senyawa yang memiliki kation dr group 1 dan OH, maka itu akan menjadi strong base
Weak acid and weak base always in equilibrium system
Weak base will be able to receive proton. Strong base will be able to


Dissociation = An ability of some molecules to become an ion or atom. Dissociation is more general. Ionization
more specific. For covalent can be ionize or dissociates. The ion atom always ionize.
Weak acid + strong base will be produced basic salt
Coordinate covalent () = suatu jenis ikatan kovalen dua pusat, dua elektron yang kedua elektron tersebut
berasal dari atom yang sama
All coordinate covalent bond made by lewis acid and lewis base (draw with panah yhh)
Shell = 1 2 3
Subshell = s p d f
Coordinate bond = Complex ion consist of central atom (metal ion) & ligand (molecules that bond with
complex ion)
Name = how many ligand, name ligand, name central atom
Nucleophile = some species that likes to bond with nucleus  ligand
Electrophile = species yang suka bond with electron  miskin electron, central atom


Kw semakin besar, pH semakin kecil since pH = pKw – pOH

Ph weak acid =
Ph in half equivalent = - log Ka
Equivalent point = Hydrolysis  ¿
Asam lemah dan basa kuat awal pake konsep buffer



Red = reduction  process of removing oxygen, or gaining hydrogen  the gaining of electron, so the
molecules more negative
Ox = oxidation  relate to oxygen  process of gaining oxygen // oxidation number / charger  the loss of
electrons, so the molecules more positive

If the oxidation state

decrease  reduction

Oxidation number increase  oxidize

 The oxidation state is always zero for polyatomic elements
 Group 1  +1
Group 2  +2
Group 13 / 3a  +3
 Hydrogen located in group 1 thus it will be +1. But, if hydrogen bond with metal, the oxidation number
will be -1
 Oxidation number group 16  -2. But if oxygen bond with another oxygen in peroxide linkage, the
oxidation state will be -1
 In normal condition, atom that located in group 17 will be having -1 as their oxidation state. But, if
those atoms bond with oxygen to form oxoanion/ oxoacid, so the oxidation number depends on
number of oxygen or hydrogen they bond with.
 If there is polyatomic molecules is in neutral condition (not kation/anion) the oxidation number is 0. If
no neutral (cation/anion) oxidation number depends on the charge


Activity series of metal 24 electron = half full 29 electron = full

Ionization (for metal)

Affinity Summary:

Electronegativity Metal  ionization higher, the ability to release electron higher,

then more reactive, easier to oxidize

Radius Non-metal  atomic radii decrease, electronegativity increase,

easier to gain electron, then more reactive, easier to reduce
Melting point

Boiling point
Electrochemical cell
 Voltaic = dr chemical ke electric energy  spontaneous, exothermic reaction KPAN KRAO  2 tubes
 Electrolytic = electric to chemical energy  unspontaneous reaction KNAP KRAO  1 tube

A | i || i | C  anode | ion || ion | cathode

Zn | Zn2+ || Cu2+ | Cu

Anode will be oxidized, while cathode will be reduction

Inert electrode (Pt, C, Au)  cannot be react easily with other substance

IHD = (0.5)(2c+2-h-x+n)

Atomic radii increase, bond length increase, bond enthalpy decrease, wavenumber () decrease.
perpindahan lokasi (double bond) electrone nya. Nah perpindahan ini butuh energy, energy diambil dari photon (cahaya
matahari). Energi hanya diambil (abrob) sesuai kebutuhan, yang ga dibutuhkan dipantulkan.

Warna yang terlihat itu didapatkan dari warna yang dipantulkan. Ini berkebalikan sama warna yang diserap.

Misal ini warna yang diserap warna merah, maka warna yang keluar akan warna hijau

Gugus (functional) yang memberikan warn aitu chromophore  punya double bond
dan single bond
Cara menentukan formal charge = number of valence – number of electron – number of lone pairs electron

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