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Rizal2), Gama Kusuma3) dan Novita Sita Yunita4)

2)Prodi Teknik Pertambangan, Universitas Cerdas,

3)Departemen Lingkungan, PT. Maju Bersama,
4)Biro Pengembangan Energi, Kementerian Abcd


Ini adalah penjelasan mengenai format penulisan makalah yang digunakan pada Temu Profesi
Tahunan (TPT) XVIII PERHAPI 2019 yang diselenggarakan oleh PERHAPI dan Universitas
Teknologi Sumbawa. Bagi peserta yang tidak mematuhi ketentuan/ format ini beresiko untuk tidak
diprosiding. Petunjuk ini sekaligus juga dijadikan template format penulisan makalah dengan
memanfaatkan style/ formatting yang telah tersedia. Makalah ditulis semuanya dalam huruf Times
New Roman berukuran 11 pt dan diawali dengan judul makalah yang ditulis dalam HURUF
BESAR, nama penulis, disertai pula nama dan instansi serta abstrak makalah. Nama penulis diurut
sesuai prioritas urutannya (penulis 1, 2, 3, dst.), jarak antar baris untuk judul, nama penulis dan
instansi adalah 1 spasi (single). Abstrak ditulis menggunakan huruf miring berukuran 11 pt dan
terdiri maksimum 400 kata pada kertas A4 dengan, margin atas 3 cm, margin kiri 2,5 cm, margin
kanan 2,5 cm dan margin bawah 2,5 cm. Jarak antar baris 1 spasi (single). Pada akhir abstrak
diberikan kata kunci yang berjumlah 3 – 5 kata/frase kata. Abstrak ditulis dalam dua bahasa, yaitu
Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Abstrak harus berisi permasalahan pokok, tujuan penelitian,
metode penelitian dan pernyataan singkat hasil dan prospeknya.

Kata Kunci: format penulisan, makalah, TPT XXVIII PERHAPI 2019


This is an explanation of the format of the paper used at the 2019 PERHAPI XVIII Annual
Professional Meeting held by PERHAPI and the Sumbawa University of Technology. Participants
who did not follow the provisions/format are at risk of not being promoted. These instructions are
also made using an approved template format using the styles/formats that are available. The papers
are all written in Times New Roman letters placing 11 pt and starting with the title of the paper
written in CAPITAL LETTERS, the author's name, given the name and relationship with the abstract
of the paper. Authors' names are sorted in order of priority (authors 1, 2, 3, etc.), the distance
between the lines for the title, the author's name and the relationship is 1 space (single). Abstracts
written in italics increase 11 pt and consist of maximum 400 words on A4 paper with an upper
margin of 3 cm, a left margin of 2.5 cm, a right margin of 2.5 cm and a lower margin of 2.5 cm.
Spacing between lines 1 space (single). At the end of the abstract given keywords are shared 3-5
words / phrase words. Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. The
abstract must contain the subject, research objectives, research methods and a brief decision on the
results and prospects.

Kata Kunci: format penulisan, makalah, TPT XXVIII PERHAPI 2019

Makalah Temu Profesi Tahunan XXX dan KONGRES XI PERHAPI 2021, Jakarta


This study uses slope monitoring data by Slope Stability Radar – XT (SSR – XT) in cases of failures
that occurred in one of Indonesia's coal mines. The analysis for determining the threshold value is
based on the data characteristics of each failure that was successfully detected by radar using the back
analysis method. The analysis results will be calculated based on the vector loss from the line of sight
radar for each failure location to obtain a correction or the actual value of the maximum velocity at the
time of the failure. The detailed geometry parameters of the slopes, such as slope dip and the presence
of geological structures that affect the slope stability radar's line of sight, are not discussed in detail in
this study.

Konsep pemantauan lereng SSR didasarkan pada teknik interferometri radar (Noon, 2003). SSR
melakukan satu scan dengan memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik menuju sebuah area (pixel)
pada lereng dan menerima kembali pantulan gelombang tersebut. Setiap pantulan gelombang yang
diterima kembali oleh radar memiliki nilai fase gelombang tersendiri. SSR menentukan besar dan arah
deformasi lereng yang dipantau dengan membandingkan data pengukuran beda sudut fase gelombang
antara scan terakhir dangan scan sebelumnya (gambar 1). Kumpulan data deformasi setiap scan dalam
sebuah periode pemantauan akan membentuk plot deformasi yang merupakan nilai akumulasi
pergerakan lereng pada setiap scan. Plot data deformasi tersebut selanjutnya dapat dianalisa lebih
lanjut berdasarkan pola kecenderungan (trend) data deformasi, kecepatan deformasi, invers kecepatan,
dan rasio kecepatan.


There is a simple relationship between the direction of slope movement and the direction the SSR can
measure. All radar systems that use differential interferometry to calculate deformations can only
measure deformations in the direction of the radar beam. SSR only measures movement towards or
away from the dish, along the line of sight; it cannot measure sideways movement. All line-of-sight
measurement tools can potentially measure less movement than actually occurs due to the geometry of
the target and the instrument. This applies to all radar and laser monitoring technology . The greater the
difference between the vector impact angle of the measurement tool and the movement of the wall, the
less movement will be detected. The diagram below explains the issue.

Figure 19 looks down on an SSR at positioned to monitor a wall. Assume the wall has moved
uniformly (S) in the direction shown as d WALL, with the amount of movement represented by the
length of the arrow. When the SSR dish is pointing directly in line with the movement, along the line
of sight as at position (A), then the full effect of the movement will be measurable. However, when the
dish has rotated and points at position, the line of sight is now at an angle (θ), to (B) the movement.
The movement is made up of the component shown in orange, in line with the d WALL radar signal,
and the component shown in brown, perpendicular to the radar signal. Only d, the LOS component of
the movement along the line of sight, can be measured.


In a worst case scenario, when the movement is actually at 90° to the line of sight, in the direction
shown by the brown arrows in, then no movement at all can be detected. If the movement direction is
Figure 19 more than 90° to the line of sight, then the SSR measures the line-of-sight component of the
deformation in the opposite direction. In that case the wall is moving away from the SSR. Always
consider the direction of likely movement; a small measured movement may indicate a larger
movement in a different direction. Sensitivity can also be important vertically. In an SSR measures
across a pit. At the entire Figure 21 (S) (A) movement is measureable. At the measurable deformation
shown in orange is reduced because the (B) line of sight is not aligned with actual movement shown in

The measureable movement is smaller than the complete movement by a factor of cosθ, as described
by Equation 3. The measureable movement is smaller than the complete movement by a factor of
cosθ, as described by Equation 3.

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