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The test is conducted to determine the ability of the participant, especially in understanding English by
translating text and giving opinions. The time allocated for this test is 110 minutes. The participant of
this test is not allowed to use any translating device (e.g. Google Translate). The test consists of three
parts which would be explained below.

Part 1 Translate the text into English on the right side of the pages

Part 2 Write down your point of view about the passage provided

Part 3 Write down your future goals (regarding career/jobs)

Laporan No.

Pemegang Saham, Komisaris, dan Direktur

Laporan Audit atas Laporan Keuangan

Kami telah melakukan audit laporan keuangan PT XXX

yang terdiri dari neraca pada tanggal31 Desember 2022,
laporan laba rugi, laporan perubahan ekuitas dan laporan
arus kas untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut,
dan catatan atas laporan keuangan.

Tanggung Jawab Manajemen atas Laporan Keuangan

Manajemen PT XXX bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan

dan penyajian laporan keuangan tersebut sesuai dengan
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas
Publik (SAK ETAP) yang berlaku di Indonesia, dan atas
Pengendalian Internal yang memungkinkan penyusunan dan
penyajian laporan keuangan bebas dari kesalahan penyajian
yang material, baik yang disebabkan karena kesalahan
maupun kecurangan.

Tanggung Jawab Auditor

Tanggung jawab kami adalah untuk menyatakan suatu opini

atas laporan keuangan tersebut berdasarkan audit kami.
Kami melaksanakan audit berdasakan Standar Audit yang
ditetapkan oleh Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia. Standar
tersebut mengharuskan kami untuk mematuhi ketentuan
etika serta merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit untuk
memperoleh keyakinan memadai tentang apakah laporan
keuangan tersebut bebas dari kesalahan penyajian material.

Suatu audit melibatkan pelaksanaan prosedur untuk

memperoleh bukti audit tentang angka-angka dan
pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan. Prosedur yang
dipilih bergantung pada pertimbangan auditor, termasuk
penilaian atas risiko kesalahan penyajian material dalam
laporan keuangan, baik yang disebabkan oleh kecurangan
maupun kesalahan. Dalam melakukan penilaian risiko
tersebut, auditor mempertimbangkan pengendalian internal
yang relevan dengan penyusunan dan penyajian wajar
laporan keuangan entitas untuk merancang prosedur audit
yang tepat sesuai dengan kondisinya, tetapi bukan untuk
tujuan menyatakan opini atas keefektivitasan pengendalian
internal entitas. Suatu audit juga mencakup pengevaluasian
atas ketepatan kebijakan akuntansi yang digunakan dan
kewajaran estimasi akuntansi yang dibuat oleh manajemen,
serta pengevaluasian atas penyajian laporan keuangan
Laporan No.

Basis Opini Dengan Pengecualian

PT XXX sudah membuat cadangan Kewajiban Imbalan

Kerja, akan tetapi belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan UU
Cipta Kerja Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 dan PSAK ETAP Bab 23
tentang Kewajiban Imbalan Pasca Kerja. PT XXX sebaiknya
juga menggunakan jasa Aktuaria untuk melakukan
perhitungan besarnya Kewajiban Imbalan Pasca Kerja setiap
tahun, agar PT XXX dapat mencatat dan memenuhi
kewajiban jangka panjangnya kepada Direksi, Komisaris,
dan Karyawan yang memasuki usia pensiun.


Menurut opini kami, kecuali dalam hal yang dijelaskan

dalam paragraf di atas, laporan keuangan terlampir
menyajikan secara wajar, dalam semua hal material, Laporan
Posisi Keuangan PT XXX tanggal 31 Desember 2022, serta
kinerja keuangan dan arus kasnya untuk tahun yang berakhir
pada tanggal tersebut, sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi
Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP).

Read the passage carefully.

Indonesia’s GDP to decline more than thought as virus keeps spreading: IMF

Adrian Wail Akhlas

The Jakarta Post

Indonesia’s economic downturn is likely to be worse than previously expected as Southeast Asia’s largest economy
struggles to contain the coronavirus pandemic, says the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Indonesia’s gross domestic
product (GDP) is now expected to shrink by 1.5 percent this year rather than the 0.3 percent contraction the IMF had
projected in June. The downward revision for Indonesia comes as the IMF has turned less pessimistic about the global
economy, according to the October update of the World Economic Outlook, published on Tuesday.

Indonesia’s economic state remains precarious because of the continuing spread of the pandemic and the adverse
impact on severely affected sectors, such as tourism, the Washington-based institution said. “All emerging market and
developing economy regions are expected to contract this year, including notably emerging Asia, where large
economies, such as India and Indonesia, continue to try to bring the pandemic under control,” the IMF said in its report.
Indonesia has been struggling to contain the outbreak in the country as COVID-19 cases reached 340,622 with more
than 12,000 deaths as of Tuesday afternoon, official data show. The country has been adding around 3,000 to 4,000
cases daily since Sept. 19. The IMF projection is largely in line with the government’s estimate for a full-year
contraction of 0.6 percent to 1.7 percent made in late September, down from GDP growth of 5.02 percent in 2019.
Indonesia’s GDP was down 5.32 percent year-on-year (yoy) in the second quarter due to falling household spending
and investment, with economists and government officials projecting another contraction in the third quarter, which
would mark a recession.

The global economy, meanwhile, is expected to shrink by 4.4 percent this year, a less severe contraction compared to
the IMF’s previous estimate of 4.9 percent, due to better-than-expected second-quarter GDP data in countries where
activity began to improve after lockdowns and signs of rapid recovery in the third quarter. GDP figures could have been
much weaker had it not been for “sizable, swift, and unprecedented” fiscal, monetary and regulatory responses that
maintained income for households, cash flow for firms and credit provision, according to IMF economic counselor Gita
Gopinath. “Collectively, these actions have so far prevented a recurrence of the financial catastrophe of 2008 and
2009,” she said in the report. “While the global economy is coming back, the ascent will likely be long, uneven and
uncertain.” The pandemic will reverse the progress made since the 1990s in reducing global poverty and will increase
inequality, as the IMF expects nearly 90 million people to fall into poverty this year.

In Indonesia, the government has said it expects an additional 4 million Indonesians to fall into poverty and 5.5 million
people to lose their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic. The IMF expects the global economy to rebound and grow
by 5.2 percent in 2021, while Indonesia’s economy is expected to expand by 6.1 percent. Although social distancing
would continue into 2021, it may fade over time as vaccine coverage expanded and governments’ fiscal support was
extended, IMF said. Risks, however, loomed for the global economy, such as further outbreaks, premature withdrawal
of policy support as well as liquidity shortfalls and insolvencies. As countries reopened their economies, the IMF urged
governments to support the recovery by facilitating the reallocation of workers and resources to sectors less affected by
social distancing and providing stimulus where needed. “

Furthermore, investment in healthcare, education and infrastructure projects could help support the economy,” it said.
“Moreover, as lifelines are unwound, social spending should be expanded to protect the most vulnerable where gaps
exist in the safety net.” The government’s efforts to contain the pandemic and extended fiscal support would help boost
economic growth to 5 percent in 2021, the Finance Ministry’s Fiscal Policy Agency director for state budget policy,
What is your view on the idea that the economic downturn gives big impact in poverty?
Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, experiences, or observations.

Write your point of view in around 300 words.

Your Answer:
What are your future goals regarding to the career/jobs?
Please elaborate your future goals regarding to the career/jobs approximately in 300 words.

Your future goals:

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