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Daftar Penjualan 3 Hari Terakhir

Toko Bangunan Sukses Bersama

No Tanggal Kode Pelanggan Nama Pelanggan Kode Produk Nama Produk Qty Harga Satuan
1 1-Aug NF-01 Toko Nofri B-05 Besi 5 Meter 340 200,000
2 1-Aug AN-02 Toko Anton B-10 Besi 10 Meter 140 375,000
3 1-Aug CT-03 Toko Central P-5 Pipa 5 Meter 560 100,000
4 2-Aug CT-03 Toko Central P-10 Pipa 10 Meter 230 185,000
5 2-Aug AN-02 Toko Anton B-05 Besi 5 Meter 770 200,000
6 2-Aug NF-01 Toko Nofri B-10 Besi 10 Meter 780 375,000
7 2-Aug AN-02 Toko Anton P-5 Pipa 5 Meter 300 100,000
8 2-Aug NF-01 Toko Nofri P-10 Pipa 10 Meter 790 185,000
9 2-Aug CT-03 Toko Central B-05 Besi 5 Meter 440 200,000
10 2-Aug AN-02 Toko Anton B-10 Besi 10 Meter 130 375,000
11 3-Aug NF-01 Toko Nofri P-5 Pipa 5 Meter 360 100,000
12 3-Aug NF-01 Toko Nofri P-10 Pipa 10 Meter 120 185,000
13 3-Aug AN-02 Toko Anton P-5 Pipa 5 Meter 120 100,000
14 3-Aug NF-01 Toko Nofri P-10 Pipa 10 Meter 720 185,000
15 3-Aug CT-03 Toko Central P-10 Pipa 10 Meter 250 185,000

Using the data in columns M - O, WITH ONLY FORMULA do the following:

1 Fill in column "Nama Pelanggan", "Nama Produk" and "Harga Satuan"
2 Fill in column "Total Penjualan"
3 Fill in column "Diskon" with 10% when qty is above 200 and 20% when qty is above 500
4 Fill in column "Penjualan Bersih"
5 Fill in cell K20 with total sum of "Penjualan Bersih"
Now go to sheet "Sheet2"

Total Penjualan Diskon Penjualan Bersih Kode Pelanggan

68,000,000 10.00% 61,200,000 Kode Nama
52,500,000 10.00% 47,250,000 NF-01 Toko Nofri
56,000,000 20.00% 44,800,000 AN-02 Toko Anton
42,550,000 10.00% 38,295,000 CT-03 Toko Central
154,000,000 20.00% 123,200,000
292,500,000 20.00% 234,000,000 Kode Produk
30,000,000 10.00% 27,000,000 Kode Nama
146,150,000 20.00% 116,920,000 B-05 Besi 5 Meter
88,000,000 10.00% 79,200,000 B-10 Besi 10 Meter
48,750,000 10.00% 43,875,000 P-5 Pipa 5 Meter
36,000,000 10.00% 32,400,000 P-10 Pipa 10 Meter
22,200,000 10.00% 19,980,000
12,000,000 10.00% 10,800,000
133,200,000 20.00% 106,560,000
46,250,000 10.00% 41,625,000
Harga Satuan
Rekapitulasi Penjualan Using the data from sheet
Toko Bangunan Sukses Bersama 1
Kode Pelanggan Qty Total Penjualan Penjualan Bersih
NF-01 3110 Rp 698,050,000.00 Rp 571,060,000.00 Using the data from sheet
AN-02 1460 Rp 297,250,000.00 Rp 252,125,000.00
CT-03 1480 Rp 232,800,000.00 Rp 203,920,000.00
Total 6050 Rp 1,228,100,000.00 Rp 1,027,105,000.00

Kode Produk Qty Total Penjualan Penjualan Bersih

B-05 1550 Rp 310,000,000.00 Rp 263,600,000.00
B-10 1050 Rp 393,750,000.00 Rp 325,125,000.00
P-5 1340 Rp 134,000,000.00 Rp 115,000,000.00
P-10 2110 Rp 390,350,000.00 Rp 323,380,000.00
Total 6050 Rp 1,228,100,000.00 Rp 1,027,105,000.00

semoga amanah ya kak

kirim ke rek BSI saja 7039089364
feenya 50.000 aja
Using the data from sheet "Sheet1" column A:K, WITH ONLY FORMULA do the following:
Fill in column C with the total sum of "Qty" of each item/user
Fill in column D with the total sum of "Total Penjualan" of each item/user
Fill in column E with the total sum of "Penjualan Bersih" of each item/user

Using the data from sheet "Sheet1" column A:K, fill in the yellow colored cell WITH ONLY FORMULA:
Count the number of transaction in the data entry
What is the average number of "Qty" sold per transaction
What is the average amount of "Penjualan Bersih" per transaction
Rp 68,473,666.67
What is the weighted average amount of Discount in % (percentage)
What is the min amount of "Penjualan Bersih" in a single transaction
Rp 10,800,000.00
What is the max amount of "Penjualan Bersih" in a single transaction
Rp 234,000,000.00

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