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24 Juli 2023 pukul 23:59 WIB, link tersebut diisi sebagai absen dan sebagai cara kamu untuk mendapatkan sertifikat
nantinya (sertifikat maksimal akan dikirim maksimal H+7)


Writing Product


Course Summary
Buat rangkuman singkat tentang materi yang baru kamu pelajari di sini, yuk! :)

Poin Belajar Rangkuman

A product manager is the person who identifies the customer need and the larger business
Product Manager Role objectives that a product or feature will fulfill, articulates what success looks like for a product,
and rallies a team to turn that vision into a reality

A product roadmap is a shared source of truth that outlines the vision, direction, priorities, and
Product Roadmap progress of a product over time. It's a plan of action that aligns the organization around short
and long-term goals for the product or project, and how they will be achieved.

A product requirements document (PRD) is an artifact used in the product

development process to communicate what capabilities must be included
Product Requirement in a product release to the development and testing teams. This document
Document is typically used more in waterfall environments where product definition,
design, and delivery happen sequentially, but may be used in
an agile setting as well.

Product Backlog Item

Course Summary
Buat rangkuman singkat tentang materi yang baru kamu pelajari di sini, yuk! :)

Poin Belajar Rangkuman

A product backlog item (PBI) is a single element of work in the product backlog. This can
Product Backlog Item include specifications, new feature requests, bugs, or change requirements. Simply put, a PBI
is an individual task that needs to be taken care of to improve the project or fix an issue.

User stories or what is also commonly called user stories are one of the most important
components for product owners to develop a product so that it will be even better in the
User Story
Users or users become something that must be prioritized in building products.
Without stories from users, it will be difficult for the product to develop
automatically. Therefore, user stories exist as the right solution to this problem.

Case Study

Discovery : Bayangkan kamu adalah PM di perusahaan yang mirip dengan Tripadvisor, dan berencana untuk
mengimplementasikan feature se-simple mungkin untuk booking package list in one trip. Definisikanlah feature
tersebut beserta asumsi-asumsinya dan challenge asumsi tersebut untuk di tes lebih lanjut.

Mendapati data tersebut, buatlah mini PRD yang memuat:

○ Goal dari feature yang dibuat

○ Target customer

○ Success Metrics

○ User story

Challenge: Create a Mini-PRD!

Challenge: Create a Mini-PRD!

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Short Class Product Management


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