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Sekolah Islam Al Azhar Pati

SD Islam Al Azhar 48 Pati


Science Module

Di erent Habitats

Ukhud Yulia Mulyaningsih, S. Pd.


Penanggung Jawab : Devi Amalia Agustyani, S. Pd.

Ketua : Rahastri Pundhi Sari, S.Pd.

Penulis : Ukhud Yulia Mulyaningsih, S.Pd.

Penelaah : Rahastri Pundhi Sari, S.Pd.

Layout dan Desain : Ukhud Yulia Mulyaningsih, S.Pd.

Terbitan Pertama : Oktober 2023

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Science Kelas IV
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Puji syukur senantiasa kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT

penguasa semesta alam, yang perkasa dan bijaksana. Shalawat dan

salam tertuju selamanya kepada manusia pilihan Muhammad SAW.

Menindaklanjuti kebijakan pengurus Sekolah Islam Al Azhar

Pati terhadap peningkatan iPad Class di sekolah SD Islam Al Azhar

48 Pati, murid diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan

akademik, maka telah dilakukan revisi kurikulum science tahun 2023.

Oleh karena itu, modul sumber mata pelajaran science dilakukan

revisi secara menyeluruh untuk memenuhi perubahan kurikulum

tersebut yang dilakukan oleh tim penulis modul science SD Islam Al

Azhar 48 Pati.

Diharapkan buku sumber mata pelajaran science tahun 2023

ini mampu memenuhi harapan semua pihak. Masukan berupa saran

maupun kritik yang membangun kami harapkan demi sempurnanya

isi dan desain buku ini selanjutnya.

Billahit-tau q wal-hidayah

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Pati, Oktober 2023

Tim Penyusun


Science Kelas IV
Cover ............................................................................................................i

Tim Penyusun ...............................................................................................ii

Kata Pengantar .............................................................................................iii

Daftar Isi ......................................................................................................iv

Daftar Informasi Visual ..................................................................................v

Purpose ........................................................................................................1


A. What are some habitat .............................................................................2


B. Surviving habitats .....................................................................................8





Science Kelas IV
Picture 1. Animals that live in polar regions..................................................2

Picture 2. Animals that live in the desert.......................................................3

Picture 3. Animals that live in the tropical rainforest ....................................4

Picture 4. Animals that live in the grassland..................................................5

Picture 5. Animals that live in the oceans......................................................6

Picture 6. The Cactus....................................................................................8

Picture 7. Grass in the grasslands, forests and deserts....................................8

Picture 8. Pine trees in the mountains, rainforests and along the beaches.......9

Picture 9. Deer in the forest, grasslands and mountains................................10

Picture 10. Apple snails in rice elds, ponds and beaches ...........................10

Picture 11. Surviving of Animals..................................................................11

Science Kelas IV
Unit 3- Different Habitats

In This chapter, you will learn to

1. Learn that different animals are found in different habitats.

2. Learn that animals are suited to their environment.
3. Learn that plants and animals can survive in environments
other than their habitats

1. Aquatic = perairan
2. Blend = menyatu
3. Desert = gurun pasir
4. Characteristics = karakterisik (sifat)
5. Environment = lingkungan
6. Humid = lembab
7. Polar region = daerah kutub
8. Rarely = jarang
9. Suited = cocok
10. Swamps = rawa


Science Kelas IV
What Are Some Habitats ?
You have learnt that a habitat is a place which an animal lives. A habitats
provides the animals what it needs to survive, such as food, water, and

There are many different habitats on the Earth. There are deserts,
mountains, grasslands, forests and polar regions. There are also aquatic
habitats including oceans, rivers and lakes. Many different plants and a habitat
are suited to that habitat.
The polar regions are cold and there is ice all around. Animals there
are suited to live in very low temperatures.

Polar Bears Arctic Foxes

Snowy Owls Harp seals Penguins

Picture 1. Animals that live in polar regions

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Science Kelas IV
Deserts are hot and dry soil, there is very little rainfall. Animals living
there have to suited to the heat.

Fennec Foxes

Desert rats


Tarantulas Rattlesnake

Picture 2. Animals that live in the desert

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Science Kelas IV
Tropical Rainforest are usually warm, very humid and wet. Animals
there are suited to live among the trees and plants.



Tree frogs Orangutans

Snakes Leaf insects

Picture 3. Animals that live in the tropical rainforest

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Science Kelas IV
Grasslands are wide, open areas where mostly grass and owers
grow. Animals there are suited to live in the large open spaces.

Hyenas Zebras


Ostriches Elephants

Picture 4. Animals that live in the grassland

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Science Kelas IV
Oceans have water that contains a lot of salt. Most animals there are
suited to breath underwater. Other animals can hold their breath
underwater for a long time.

Dolphins Sharks

Octopuses Turtles Sea cucumbers

Picture 5. Animals that live in the oceans

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Science Kelas IV

Look at the two habitats below, discuss with your friends to nd the
answer of the following questions.

1. What is each habitat like ?

2. What animals live in each habitat ?
3. How are the animals suited to live in the habitat?
4. How are the animals on the mountain different from the animals in
the river ?

Science Kelas IV
Surviving Habitats

You have learnt that plants and animals are suited to live in their own
habitats. If the environment in their habitats changes, the plants and animals
may no longer be suited to live there. They will have to survive in other
habitats that have different environments.

Cacti are usually found in hot and dry environments. However they also
survive in environments that are humid. This pictures shows that the
cacti can grow in desert, in outdoor gardens, and indoors.

Picture 6. The Cactus

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Grass can be found in areas that have some rainfall. However, it can
also survive in environments with much or little rainfall.

Picture 7. Grass in the grasslands, forests and deserts

Source : Marshall Cavendish
Science Kelas IV
Pine trees grow in cold environments. However, they can also survive
in environments with warmer temperatures.

Picture 8. Pine trees in the mountains, rainforests and along the beaches
Source : Marshall Cavendish

Plants that live in a desert where the environment is dry generally have
small or no leaves. Plants that live in a rainforest where the environment
is wet generally have large leaves.

One way to identify plants is by observing the shape and color of their
leaves. Let’s identify some plants using a key.

Science Kelas IV 9
Deer are best suited to habitats with trees where they can hide among
the trees. However, they can also survive in grasslands and mountains.

Picture 9. Deer in the forest, grasslands and mountains.

Source : Marshall Cavendish

Apple snails are best suited to swamps. However, they can also
survive in di erent aquatic habitats.

Picture 10. Apple snails in rice elds, ponds and beaches

Source : Marshall Cavendish


Science Kelas IV
Picture 11. Surviving of Animals
Source : Marshall Cavendish


Science Kelas IV


Science Kelas IV
1. Are these statements true or false ?
a. Polar bears and orangutans are found in the same
habitat (…….)
b. Animals that live in a desert can also live in an aquatic
habitat (.……)
c. Some types of animals can change the color of their
body covering over time to survive in a new
environment (…….)
d. Plants can move to a different place when their habitat
changes (……)

2. Fill in the blanks with the following words.

Underwater Survive Color Mountains
Survive Environment Temperature

a. Harp seals and snowy owls are suited to live in

habitats with low ___________________ .
b. Aquatic animals are suited to their habitats as they can
breathe __________________.
c. Some animals can change their ___________
overtime to blend into a suit habitat.
d. Plants and animals can change their behavior to help
them to ____________ in a different environment.
e. Some animals move to a different ____________
when their habitat changes.


Science Kelas IV


Science Kelas IV
Tharle, Rachael. 2022. Cambridge Primary Science Pupil’s Book 4
Second Edition.Singapore : Marshall Cavendish Education
Tharle, Rachael. 2022. Cambridge Primary Science Activity Book 4
Second Edition.Singapore : Marshall Cavendish Education
Leng, Ho Peck. 2017. Marshall Cavendish Cambridge Primary
Science Pupil’s Book.Malaysia : Marshall Cavendish.


Science Kelas IV

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