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Number : MI.COL.001.

Revision : 00
MEMO INTERNAL Effective Date : 1 July 2022
Scope : Branch & Area SFI
Process Owner : Asset Management Division

A. Latar Belakang
1. Masih belum maksimalnya Pereformance PIC Collection di Cabang.
2. Kurangnya kesadaran PIC Collection mengenai performance yang harus dicapai.
3. Masih kurangnya kontrol dari Section Head akan kunjungan PIC yang disupervisinya
4. Masih kurangnya produktifity PIC Collection.

B. Tujuan
1. Meningkatkan productifity PIC Collection.
2. Meningkatkan kontrol Section Head terhadap PIC lapangan yang disupervisinya.
3. Menimbulkan kesadaran PIC Collection akan pentingnya performance yang harus dicapai.
4. Memberikan keseimbangan antara Reward dan Punishment.

C. Definisi
1. RR (Rasio Recovery) adalah Jumlah pembayaran yang dilakukan debitur atau perwakilannya kepada
perusahaan terhadap amount Write Off.
2. Eskalasi adalah kenaikan atau pertambahan tingkat sanksi.

D. Ketentuan
1. Ketentuan Umum :
- Peserta program pemberian sanksi :
 Level Staff : ARO, PSO dan REM OFF
 Section Head : AR Head, PSO Head, Remedial Head, Recovery Head.

- Untuk PIC yang rangkap jabatan yang dihitung performance-nya adalah Jabatan asli sesuai data
kepegawaian HRD.
- Penerbitan sanksi dari Surat Teguran sampai dengan kesepakatan berakhirnya hubungan kerja akan
dikeluarkan oleh Dept Comben, IR & Personnel Adm.
- Untuk urutan pemberian sanksi adalah sebagai berikut :
 Surat Teguran (untuk level staff)
 Surat Peringatan Ke-satu.
 Surat Peringatan Ke-dua
 Surat Peringatan Ke-tiga
 Kesepakatan berakhirnya hubungan kerja.

- Masa berlaku Surat Peringatan adalah 6 (enam) Bulan mengacu pada ketentuan Peraturan Perusahaan.

2. Mekanisme Pemberian Sanksi

- Level Staff.
 Pemberian sanksi Staff berdasarkan perolehan insentif sesuai dengan perhitungan Divisi Asset
 Apabila PIC bulan N tidak mendapatkan insentif maka akan mendapatkan Surat Teguran.
 Apabila PIC bulan N tidak mendapatkan insentif tetapi sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat
Teguran maka akan tereskalasi menjadi Surat Peringatan 1 (satu).
 Apabila PIC bulan N tidak mendapatkan insentif tetapi sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat
Peringatan 1 (satu) maka akan tereskalasi menjadi Surat Peringatan 2 (dua).
 Apabila PIC bulan N tidak mendapatkan insentif tetapi sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat
Peringatan 2 (dua) maka akan tereskalasi menjadi Surat Peringatan 3 (tiga).
 Apabila PIC bulan N tidak mendapatkan insentif tetapi sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat
Peringatan 3 (tiga) maka akan tereskalasi menjadi pemutusab hubungan kerja.

- Level Section Head ( AR Head, PSO Head dan Remedial Head )

 Pemberian sanksi Section Head berdasarkan jumlah PIC yang dibawah supervisinya mendapatkan
 Pemberian sanksi berdasarkan evaluasi per-3 (tiga) bulan periode kerja.
 Pada periode evaluasi kerja pertama, jika PIC yang disupervisinya minimal < 40% tidak memperoleh
insentif maka akan mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 1(satu).
Page 1 of 4
Number : MI.COL.001.2022
Revision : 00
MEMO INTERNAL Effective Date : 1 July 2022
Scope : Branch & Area SFI
Process Owner : Asset Management Division

 Apabila pada evaluasi pertama sudah mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 1 (satu), dan jika PIC yang
disupervisinya minimal < 40% tidak memperoleh insentif maka akan mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 2
 Apabila pada evaluasi pertama sudah mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 2 (dua), dan jika PIC yang
disupervisinya minimal < 40% tidak memperoleh insentif maka akan mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 3
 Apabila pada evaluasi pertama sudah mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 3 (tiga), dan jika PIC yang
disupervisinya minimal < 40% tidak memperoleh insentif maka akan mendapatkan mekanisme
pemutusan hubungan kerja atau demosi.

- Level Section Head ( Recovery Head )

 Pemberian sanksi Section Head berdasarkan performance RR pada setiap bulannya.
 Pemberian sanksi berdasarkan evaluasi per-3 bulan periode kerja.
 Apabila pada periode evaluasi kerja pertama , dan jika minimal 2 (dua) bulan performance pencapaian
RR < 70% maka akan mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 1 (satu).
 Apabila pada evaluasi periode pertama sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 1 (satu),
dan jika minimal 2 (dua) bulan performance pencapaian RR < 70% maka akan mendapatkan Surat
Peringatan 2 (dua).
 Apabila pada evaluasi periode pertama sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 2 (dua),
dan jika minimal 2 (dua) bulan performance pencapaian RR < 70% maka akan mendapatkan Surat
Peringatan 3 (tiga).
 Apabila pada evaluasi periode pertama sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 3 (tiga),
dan jika minimal 2 (dua) bulan performance pencapaian RR < 70% maka akan mendapatkan
mekanisme pemutusan hubungan kerja atau demosi.

3. Konsekuensi Sanksi
- Dengan mendapatkan sanksi maka hal ini akan berpengaruh terhadap perolehan insentif dari masing-
masing PIC.
- Besaran nilai punishment adalah sebagai berikut :

Jenis Sanksi
Surat Teguran 100%
Surat Peringatan 1 (Satu) 90%
Surat Peringatan 2 (Dua) 75%
Surat Peringatan 3 (Tiga) 25%
Mekanisme Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja

- Apabila dalam masa berlaku sanksi PIC mendapatkan insentif 3 (tiga) bulan berturut-turut maka untuk
pembayaran insentif bulan berikutnya akan dibayarkan 100% (untuk level Staff).

4. Pembatalan Peraturan Perusahaan

Dengan berlakunya Memo Internal ini, maka Memo Internal No 002/MI/CLT/SFI/VI/2019 mengenai
Pemberian Sanksi untuk PIC Collection 2W dan 4W dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi.

Demikian Memo Internal ini dibuat dan disampaikan, agar seluruh karyawan/ti dapat mengetahui, memahami dan
melaksanakan dengan penuh tanggung jawab.

Memo Internal ini dibuat dalam 2 (dua) bahasa, jika dikemudian hari terdapat perbedaan pendapat dikarenakan
permasalahan penulisan bahasa, maka versi Bahasa Indonesia yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan

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Number : MI.COL.001.2022
Revision : 00
MEMO INTERNAL Effective Date : 1 July 2022
Scope : Branch & Area SFI
Process Owner : Asset Management Division

A. Background
1. The PIC Collection's performance is still not maximized at the branch.
2. Lack of awareness of PIC Collection regarding the performance to be achieved.
3. There is still a lack of control from the Section Head on the visit of the PIC he supervises.
4. Lack of PIC Collection productivity

B. Purpose
1. Increase the productivity of PIC Collection.
2. Increase the control of the Section Head over the field PICs he supervises.
3. Raising awareness of the PIC Collection on the importance of performance to be achieved.
4. Provide a balance between Reward and Punishment.

C. Definition
1. RR (Recovery Ratio) is the amount of payment made by the debtor or his representative to the company
against the amount of Write Off.
2. Escalation is an increase or increase in the number of sanctions.

D. Clause
1. General Clause
- Participants of the sanctions program :
 Staff Level : ARO, PSO and REM OFF
 Section Head : AR Head, PSO Head, Remedial Head, Recovery Head.

- For PIC with multiple positions, the performance calculated is the original position according to
HRD staffing data.
- Issuance of sanctions from the warning letter to the end of the employment relationship agreement will
be issued by the HRD Department.
- The order of sanctions is as follows :
 Reprimand Letter(for Staff level).
 First Warning Letter.
 Second Warning Letter.
 Third Warning Letter.
 Agreement to terminate the employment relationship.

- The validity period of the Warning Letter in accordance with the provisions is 6 (six) months.
- PICs who receive a reprimand letter or warning letter are required to provide a commitment letter

2. Mechanism of Imposing Sanctions.

- Staff Level
 Staff sanctions are given based on incentives in accordance with the calculation of the Asset
Management Division.
 If the PIC month N does not get incentives, it will get a reprimand letter.
 If the PIC of month N does not get incentives but has previously received a warning letter, it
will escalate to become the Warning Letter 1 (one).
 If the PIC of month N does not get incentives but previously received the 1st Warning Letter,
it will escalate to become the Warning Letter 2 (two).
 If the PIC of month N does not get incentives but previously received the Warning Letter 2
(two), it will escalate to become the Warning Letter 3 (three).
 If the PIC of month N does not get incentives but has previously received the Warning Letter
3 (three), it will escalate to become a termination of employment.

- Section Head Level (AR Head, PSO Head and Remedial Head)
 Section Head sanction based on the number of PICs under his/her supervision get incentives.
 Sanctions are given based on evaluations every 3 (three) months of work period.
 In the first job evaluation period, if the PIC under supervision of at least <40% does not
receive incentives, they will receive the Warning Letter 1 (one)..
Page 3 of 4
Number : MI.COL.001.2022
Revision : 00
MEMO INTERNAL Effective Date : 1 July 2022
Scope : Branch & Area SFI
Process Owner : Asset Management Division

 If the first evaluation has received the Warning Letter 1 (one), and if the PIC under
supervision of at least <40% does not receive incentives, then the Warning Letter 2 (two) will
be issued.
 If the first evaluation has received the Warning Letter 2 (two), and if the PIC under
supervision of at least <40% does not receive incentives, then the Warning Letter 3 (three)
will be issued.
 If the first evaluation has received the Warning Letter 3 (three), and if the PIC under
supervision of at least <40% does not receive incentives, PIC will get a termination or
demotion mechanism.

- Recovery Head Level.

 Sanction for Recovery Head based on RR's performance every month.on the number of PICs
under his/her supervision get incentives.
 Sanctions are given based on evaluations every 3 (three) months of work period.
 If in the first work evaluation period, and if the performance is at least 2 months, the RR
achievement is < 70%, the 1st Warning Letter will be issued.
 If in the previous evaluation period the 1st warning letter was obtained, and if at least 2
months of RR achievement <70% performance, the Warning Letter 2 (two) will be issued.
 If in the previous evaluation period the Warning Letter 2 (two) was obtained, and if at least 2
months of RR achievement <70% performance, the Warning Letter 3 (three) will be issued.
 If in the previous evaluation period the Warning Letter 3 (three) was obtained, and if at least 2
months of RR achievement <70% performance, Recovery Head get a termination or
demotion mechanism.

3. Consequences of Sanctions
- By getting sanctions, this will affect the incentives obtained from each PIC.
- The amount of punishment value is as follows :

Type of Sanction
Reprimand letter 100%
Warning Letter 1 (One) 90%
Warning Letter 2 (Two) 75%
Warning Letter 3 (Three) 25%
Termination Mechanism

- If within the validity period of the sanction the PIC gets incentives for 3 consecutive months, then
for the next month's incentive payments will be paid 100% (for Staff level).

4. Cancellation of Company Regulations

With the enactment of this Internal Memo, the Internal Memo No. 002/MI/CLT/SFI/VI/2019
regarding the Imposition of Sanctions for 2W and 4W PIC Collections is declared no longer valid.

Thus this Internal Memo is made and submitted, so that all employees can know, understand and carry out with
full responsibility

This Internal Memo was made in 2 (two) languages, if in the future there are differences of opinion due to
language writing problems, the Indonesian version will be used as a reference.

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