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TITLE (Arial Narrow, Caps Lock/UPPERCASE, 13 pt, bold, centered) [Maximum 14 words in English. The title
should be concise and clearly describe the content of the article. May use creative titles and attract readers'
interest. The words influence, relationship, and case study should not be used as titles. The research location is
described in the method section, no need to mention in the title] example

(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
[Write full name of author without title] Author1, Author2, Author3 (Example: Neneng Siti Lathifah1, Aminah2) Arial
Narrow, Capitalize Each Word, 11 pt, bold, centered.
(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)

[Write 1,2,3 Institution/affiliation, institution where the author works/study, and correspondence (e-mail) the author]
Arial Narrow,Capitalize Each Word, 11 pt, regular, Justify.
1Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, West Java
2 Faculty of Medicine, Malahayati University.
Email correspondence
(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
ABSTRACT TITLE IN INDONESIAN (Arial Narrow, Caps Lock/UPPERCASE, 11 pt, bold, Justify)
Contoh isi abstrak bahasa Indonesia: (Arial Narrow, Sentence case, 11 pt, regular, Justify)(bold di sub-
subnya) dan langsung ke latar belakang tidak perlu menulis judul lagi
Latar Belakang: Perkembangan penyakit tuberkulosis didunia diperkirakan pada tahun 2005 yaitu 9 juta pasien

tuberkulosis baru, di Indonesia pada tahun 2013 sekitar 90 juta orang didiagnosa tuberkulosis, di Jawa Barat pada tahun 2015
sekitar 30 ribu pasien dan di Garut pada tahun 2015 sekitar 12 ribu kasus tuberculosis. Pengetahuan merupakan domain yang
sangat penting dalam membentuk perilaku seseorang. Kepatuhan adalah derajat dimana pasien mengikuti anjuran klinis dari dokter
yang mengobatinya.

Tujuan: Mengetahui ada hubungan antara pengetahuan pasien tentang tuberkulosis dengan kepatuhan minum

obat di Poliklinik DOTS RSU dr Slamet Garut.

Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu untuk variabel pengetahuan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan untuk
variabel kepatuhan dengan mengadakan observasi. Jenis penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan sampel 30
pasien. Variabel pengetahuan dikelompokan menjadi dua, yaitu pengetahuan baik dan kurang dikatakan pengetahuan baik
apabila nilai total skor persentase kuesioner (P) ≥ 75

% dan kurang bilamana total skor persentase (P) < 75 %, sedangkan untuk variabel kepatuhan dikelompokan juga kedalam dua,
yaitu patuh dan tidak patuh, dikatakan patuh bila mana pasien minum obat secara teratur selama 6 bulan dan tidak patuh bilamana
pasien tidak teratur minum obat. Analisis yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat. Uji statistiuk yang digunakan yakni uji Chi

Hasil: Hasil analisis dari total skor penelitian pengetahuan pasien termasuk kedalam kategori kurang, dan hasil observasi kepatuhan
diperoleh hasil sebagian pasien tidak patuh, dengan p = 0,00 < α = 0,05 menunjukan terdapat hubungan positif antara
pengetahuan pasien tentang Tuberkulosis dengan Kepatuhan minum obat, dan resiko bila pengetahuan kurang maka akan terjadi
13,375 X pasien menjadi tidak patuh minum obat.

Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan positif antara pengetahuan pasien tentang TB dengan kepatuhan minum obat di Poliklinik DOTS RSU
dr. Slamet Garut

Saran: Dapat di berikan orang pendamping minum obat agar pasien patuh minum obat

(Kosong SATU spasi tunggal, 0 pt)

Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Kepatuhan, Tuberkulosis, Minum Obat

(Kosong SATU spasi tunggal, 0 pt)

For example abstract: (Arial Narrow, Sentence case, 11 pt, regular, Justify)(bold di
sub- subnya)
Background: Estimated in Indonesia in 2013 about 90 million people diagnosed tuberculosis, in West Java in
2015 about 30 thousand patients and in Garut in 2015 about 12 thousand cases of tuberculosis. Knowledge is a
very important domain resulting patient medications adherence and recovery

Purpose: Knowing that correlation between knowledge of tuberculosis and patient compliance with anti-

tuberculosis chemotherapy using the directly observed treatment, short-course strategy (DOTS) among patients
attending tuberculosis clinics at DR. Slamet Hospital Garut-West Jawa

Methods: The research was conducted in two ways: knowledge variable by questionnaire and for the

compliance variable by observation. Type of research used descriptive correlation with sample of 30 patients.
Knowledge variables in two groups, that were good knowledge and poor of knowledge, while for compliance
variables into two group; patient takes medication regularly or irregularly for 6 months. Test statistic used Chi
Square test.

Results: The patient knowledge in poor category and noncompliance medications, with p = 0.00 indicates there

is a positive correlation between knowledge of tuberculosis and patient compliance with anti-tuberculosis
chemotherapy using the directly observed treatment, short-course strategy (DOTS) and when patient has a poor
knowledge would be 13.375 times potentially become noncompliance to take medicine.

Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between knowledge of tuberculosis and patient compliance with anti-

tuberculosis chemotherapy using the directly observed treatment, short-course strategy (DOTS) among patients
attending tuberculosis clinics at DR. Slamet Hospital Garut-West Jawa.

Suggestions; to be regularly to give health educations to improve the patients knowledge.

(Kosong SATU spasi tunggal, 0 pt)

Kata kunci/Keywords: : 3 - 5 kata kunci (Arial Narrow, Capitalize Each Word, 11 pt, bold, Justify)
Keywords: Knowledge, tuberculosis, patient compliance, anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy using the directly observed treatment,
short-course strategy (DOTS)

Article Contents

(Arial Narrow, Sentence case, 11 pt, regular, Justify, bold UPPERCASE in the sub-subsections and reviewed for
each bibliography)
For example:
(1 Cm) More and more patients are receiving surgical operations. Surgery must use anesthesia or anesthesia to
eliminate the patient's consciousness during the operation. There are several types of anesthesia used for surgery,
namely general anesthesia, local anesthesia and regional anesthesia (Purnama, 2013; Sari, Sutiyono, & Wahyudi,
2012; Zuhri, 2010).
Every patient who will undergo an invasive procedure, such as surgery, will undergo an anesthetic procedure.
Anesthesia itself generally means an act of relieving pain during surgery and various other procedures that cause
pain in the body. Anesthesia consists of general and spinal anesthesia (Mangku & Senapathi, 2010; Flora, Redjeki,
& Wargahadibrata, 2014; Akhrita,
Drugs and anesthetic techniques in general can cause urinary retention, because as a result of this anesthesia the
client is unable to feel that his bladder is full and is unable to initiate or inhibit voiding. Spinal anesthesia can affect
urine output because it reduces the client's awareness of the need to urinate (Kozier, 2010; Zuhri, 2010;
Hasanudin, & Maliya, 2017).
In post-surgical recovery, warm compress therapy is also carried out, where the function of giving therapy is:
Warm compresses are to meet the need for comfort, reduce or relieve pain, reduce or prevent muscle spasms, and
provide a sense of warmth (Putra, 2010; Yus, 2012; Putra, Utomo)
(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
(1Cm) The type of research conducted is descriptive correlation research, namely the search for the relationship
between one situation and another in the same population (Noor, 2011; Yusuf, 2016).
(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
Univariate analysis
Table 1
Distribution of Age Frequency of TB Patients in 2015 at the DOTS Polyclinic RSU dr.Slamet Garut
Patient Age N %
16 – 25 11 36,66
26 – 35 0 30
36 – 45 5 16,67
> 46 5 16,67
Total 30 100

(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)

(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
(Blank ONE single space, 0 pt)
(Minimum 30 references, 80% are national and international journals and 20% are book sources, etc.), Use the
reference manager



Describe the background of the problem, the objectives and benefits of the research, study the theory, and end
with a hypothesis (maximum number of pages is 20% of the total pages of the manuscript). Containing; (a)
exposure to the latest developments in the field of science under study whose arguments are supported by the
results of primary and recent literature studies; (b) exposure to gaps; (c) the researcher's argument in closing the
gap as a promise of contribution. research for the development of science; and (d) exposure of the research
The author can use Indonesian or English. Manuscripts in ENGLISH, they should meet standard English grammar
Manuscripts are written in 1 space format, A4 size paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with a top margin of 3 cm, a bottom
margin of 2 cm, a left margin of 3 cm and a right of 2 cm. The manuscript is in the form of 1 column with a distance
between columns of 1 cm. The spacing between paragraphs is one single space. The font used is Arial Narrow
font, size 11 pt right-left/Arial Narrow, Sentence case, 11 pt, regular, Justify, bold UPPERCASE in its sub-sub

The title of the manuscript must reflect the essence of the content of an article. The title should highlight the
phenomenon (object) being studied, not the method and not the activity (project). The title is informative, specific,
effective and a maximum of 14 words. If the manuscript is in Indonesian, the Indonesian title should be written first,
followed by the English title. If there is more than one author and works at the same institution, the inclusion of one
address is considered sufficient to represent the addresses of other authors.

The manuscript is organized into 6 subtitles, namely: Introduction, Research Methods, Research Results,
Discussion, Conclusion, Suggestion. The subtitles are written in capital letters, Acknowledgments (if any),
Reference and Appendix (if any) are written sequentially after the conclusion and are not numbered at the
beginning of the word. The use of footnotes is not permitted. Symbols / symbols are written clearly and
consistently. Foreign terms are written in italics. Abbreviations must be written in full when they are first mentioned,
after that.

Contains identification of variables, research subjects, research instruments, and research methods
including statistical analysis techniques used (maximum number of pages 20%). Contains an explanation of
everything that is indeed done by researchers in conducting research clearly as if giving other researchers an
opportunity to replicate or verify their research. Avoid definitions quoted from books in the descriptions in the
methods section. The time and place of the research are clearly stated, along with the data and tools and materials
used in the research.

The research results consist of descriptive statistics, assumption test results, and hypothesis test results then
critically analyzed (maximum 20% of the entire manuscript page)
presented sequentially or integrated. The results section displays the results of data analysis. If there is a
table/chart/picture containing an explanation of the analysis results that are already meaningful and easy
understand the meaning quickly. Tables/charts/pictures do not contain raw data that can or must be processed.
Explanation of research results, associated with research results
previously, critically analyzed and linked to the relevant current literature (maximum number of pages 30-40% of
the total pages of the manuscript). The presentation of the discussion section contains the giving of substantial
meaning to the results of the analysis and comparison with previous findings based on the results of relevant,
current and primary literature reviews. The comparison should lead to a difference with the findings of previous
research so that it has the potential to state a contribution to the development of science.

Tables and Figures

All tables and figures written in the manuscript must be adjusted to the order of 1 column or the full size of one
paper, in order to make it easier for the reviewer to examine the meaning of the picture.

The table is written with Arial Narrow size 11 pt and is one space below the table title. The title of the table is written
in 11 pt font, bold and placed above the table. The table numbering uses Arabic numerals (1,2,…). Tables are
placed as soon as they are mentioned in the text. Format the table using the APA style. If the table has a lot of
rows/columns, you can use a single column or a full page format. If the title on the label column is too long, then the
column is numbered and the description is below the table.
Table 1 Correlations Among and Descriptive Statistics For Key Study Variables
(blank single space, 0 pt)

Variables M (SD) Sex Age Income Educ. Relig.

Sex 1.53 (.50) .07 -.09 .02 .14 .06
Age 31.88 (10.29) .08 .19* .20* .01
Income 2.60 (1.57) .04 -.14 -.09
Educ. 3.44 (1.06) -.29* -.06
Relig. 1.21 (.30) -.19*
Dist. Intol. 3.75 (1.19)
Notes. N’s range from 107 to 109 due to occasional missing data. For sex, 0 = male, 1 = female.
= education. Dist. Intol. = distress intolerance. Relig. = religiosity.
* p < .05.
(blank two single space, 10 pt)
Sample image
(blank single space, 10 pt)
(blank single space, 10 pt)

Figure 1. Data for university graduates in several countries.

(blank two single space, 10 pt)

Images are placed as soon as they are mentioned in the script. If the image is large enough, a single column
format can be used. Writing captions using Arial Narrow font size 11 pt, bold and placed at the bottom, as in the
example above. Images that have been published by other authors must be mentioned in the description of the
It is recommended to use the text box feature in MS Word to accommodate images
or graphics, because the results tend to be stable against format changes and page shifts compared to inserting
images directly
Math formula
If there is a series of equations that is more than one line, then write the number
placed on the last line. [Use Microsoft Equation Editor or
MathType, written in the middle, and given an equation number starting from (1), (2) etc.]
ƒ(x ) = a + Σ(a + bn sin )
(blank single space, 0 pt)
The content of the conclusion is a formulation of the answers to the research objectives, not a summary of the
study. Conclusions are made concisely, clearly and concisely based on the results and discussion
(maximum 1 page), made in paragraph form (not numeric), containing research findings as a synthesis between
the results of data analysis and the results of the discussion, as well as highlighting new things that contribute to
the development of health sciences. The thing to note is the consistency triangle (problem-objective-conclusion
must be consistent).

Suggestions for further research to cover research deficiencies. Not loading
outside suggestions for further research. Suggestions are made concisely, clearly and concisely, and are made in
paragraph form (not numeric).


References and citations use the "APA style" format of the bracketed reference technique (name, year). Example:
(Heri, 2009). Write a bibliography that is a reference in alphabetical and chronological order. Bibliography is a list of
references/references not a bibliography, so it must contain all sources referred to in the manuscript, and do not
need to include sources that are not referred to. The reference list contains everything referenced in the text that
comes from that source; (a) relevant, (b) at least 80% up-to-date (last 10 years), and (c) at least
80% primary, mainly from journal articles). Writing references in the Holistic Journal of Health refers to the
American Psychological Association (APA) 6Ed Years

Primary reference sources are reference sources that directly refer to certain scientific fields, according to the
research topic and have been tested. Primary reference sources can be in the form of: writings in scientific papers
in accredited international and national journals, research results in dissertations, theses, and theses. Books
(textbooks), are included in secondary reference sources.

(a) Example of journal writing without Digital Object Identifier (doi)

Arbiyah, N., Nurwianti, F., & Oriza, D. (2008). Hubungan bersyukur dengan subjective well being pada
penduduk miskin. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 14(1), 11-24.
Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States
and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1),
Davison, R. M., Martinson, M. G., & Kock, N., (2004). Principles of Canonical Action
Research. Information systems Journal, 14 (1), 65 – 86.

Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, J. F., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C., Asgaard, G, et. Al. (2004).
Effects of quitting smoking on EEG activation and attention last for more than 31 days and are more
severe with stress, dependence, DRD2 A1 allele, and depressive traits. Nicotine and Tobacco
Research, 6 (2), 249–267.
(b) Example of journal writing with Digital Object Identifier (doi)
Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of
terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24(1), 225-229.
(c) Example of writing a magazine article
Chamberlin, J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May). Enhancing worker well-being:
Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor
on Psychology, 39(5). 26-29.
(d) Example of writing an online magazine article
Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor
on Psychology, 39(6). Diunduh dari: tanggal 10 Agustus 2012.
(e) Example of writing a newspaper article without an author
Six sites meet for comprehensive anti-gang initiative conference.(2006, November/December). OJJDP
News @ a Glance. Diunduh dari: mllo jjdp/news_a
cglance/216684/ ml tanggal 10 Agustus 2012
(f) An example of writing an unpublished thesis or dissertation
Rimawati, A. B. (2010). Model teoretik prasangka sosial. (Disertasi tidak dipublikasikan).
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
(g) Example of writing a book
Azwar, S. (2012). Penyusunan skala psikologi (ed.2). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Trewartha, G.T., & Horn, L.H. (1980). An introduction to climate. New York: McGraw- Hill.
Johnson, L., Lewis, K., Peters, M., Harris, Y., Moreton, G., Morgan, B., et. al. (2005).
How far is far? London: McMillan.
h) Example of writing a book with an editor
Cone, J. D. (1999). Observational assessment: Measure development and research issues.
Dalam P. C. Kendall, J. N. Butcher, & G. N. Holmbeck (Eds.), Handbook of research
methods in clinical psychology (hlm. 183-223). New York: Wiley.
(i) Prosiding
Meilano, I., Abidin, H.Z., & Natawidjaya,D.H. (2009). Using 1-Hz GPS data to measure deformation caused
by Bengkulu earthquake. Proceeding of International Symposium on Earthquake and Precursor, 153-
158, Bukittinggi: Research and Development Center, BMKG.
(j) Research Report:
Sumaryanto. (2008). Karakteristik sosial ekonomi petani pada berbagai agroekosistem.
Laporan penelitian, Pusat Analisis Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian. Bogor: Kementrian
(k) Seminar papers, workshops
Ibnu, S. (2011, Maret). Isi dan format jurnal ilmiah. Makalah disajikan dalam Lokakarya Nasional Pengelolaan
dan Penyuntingan Jurnal Ilmiah, Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.
(l) Unpublished university manuscript
Nuryati, A., & Indati, A. (1993). Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi prestasi belajar. Naskah tidak
dipublikasikan, Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

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