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European Commission on organic produc on
One of the objec ves in organic produc on is to reduce the
use of external inputs. Any substance used in organic
agriculture to fight pests or plant diseases must be pre-

Addi onally, specific principles guide the approval of external

inputs such as fer lisers, pes cides, and food addi ves so
that only substances and compounds listed as approved in
specific legisla on can be used in organic produc ons.
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Menurut SNI 6729:2013

Organik adalah is lah pelabelan yang menyatakan bahwa suatu
produk telah diproduksi sesuai dengan standar sistem pertanian
organik dan diser fikasi oleh lembaga ser fikasi organik yang
telah terakreditasi Pertanian organik didasarkan pada
penggunaan bahan input eksternal secara minimal serta dak
menggunakan pupuk dan pes sida sinte s.

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Menurut SNI 6729:2013
Pertanian organik menekankan penerapan praktek-praktek
manajemen yang lebih mengutamakan penggunaan input
dan limbah kegiatan budidaya di lahan, dengan
memper mbangkan daya adaptasi terhadap keadaan
kondisi setempat. Jika memungkinkan hal tersebut dapat
dicapai dengan
penggunaan budaya, metoda biologi dan mekanik, yang dak
menggunakan bahan sintesis ……
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Menurut SNI 6729:2013
Manajemen hama dan penyakit dilakukan dengan merangsang
adanya hubungan seimbang antara inang dengan predator,
peningkatan populasi serangga yang menguntungkan,
pengendalian biologi dan kultural serta pembuangan secara
mekanis hama maupun bagian tumbuhan yang terinfeksi.

Pre word
Menurut SNI 6729:2013
7) Hama, penyakit dan gulma harus dikendalikan oleh salah satu
atau kombinasi dari cara berikut:
(a) Pemilihan varietas yang sesuai;
(b) Program rotasi/pergiliran tanaman yang sesuai;
(c) Pengolahan tanah secara mekanik;
(d) Penggunaan tanaman perangkap;
(e) Penggunaan pupuk hijau dan sisa potongan tanaman;

Pes sida Naba

Pes sida naba adalah pes sida yang bahan dasarnya berasal
dari tumbuhan.
Pembuatan pes sida naba dapat dengan menggunakan
teknologi sederhana yaitu dapat berupa larutan hasil perasan,
rendaman, ekstrak dan rebusan dari bagian tanaman antara lain
berupa akar, umbi, batang, daun, biji, dan buah.
Pes sida naba dapat mengendalikan serangga hama atau
Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (OPT) lainnya melalui cara
kerja yang unik, secara tunggal atau melalui perpaduan berbagai
Cara kerja pes sida naba
merusak perkembangan telur, larva dan pupa
menghambat pergan an kulit
mengganggu komunikasi serangga
menyebabkan serangga menolak makan
menghambat reproduksi serangga be na
mengurangi nafsu makan
memblokir kemampuan makan serangga
sebagai penolak (repellent)
menghambat perkembangan patogen penyakit.

murah dan mudah dibuat sendiri oleh petani
rela f aman terhadap lingkungan
menyebabkan keracunan pada tanaman
sulit menimbulkan kekebalan terhadap hama
kompa bel digabung dengan cara pengendalian yang lain
menghasilkan produk pertanian yang sehat karena bebas
residu pes sida kimia.
daya kerjanya rela f lambat
dak membunuh jasad sasaran secara langsung
dak tahan terhadap sinar matahari
kurang prak s krn kadang-kadang harus disemprotkan
dak tahan disimpan


Pyrethrum is the most widely and heavily used

botanical insecticide worldwide.
Pyrethrum is the common active ingredient in
insecticide products.
It is commonly used in insect aerosols for fast
Without formulation with one of the synergists, most of
the paralysed insects recover.
A synergist such as piperonyl butoxide (PBD)
increases insect mortality and extends the shelf life
of the product.
Is an isoflavinoid obtained from the roots or
rhizomes of tropical legumes in the genera of
Derris, Lonchocarpus, and Tephrosia.

Mode of ac on
Rotenone is a contact and stomach poison. It is a
broad-spectrum cytotoxic, it inhibits the electron
transport chain mitochondria and also works as
a respiratory enzyme inhibitor (Ware and
Whitacre, 2004).

Pure Rotenone is rela vely toxic to mammals; the

oral acute LD50 in rats is 132 mg/Kg-1 (Betarket et
al., 2000).

Allowed under NOP; temporary ban in Europe

Nicotine and related alkaloids nor nicotine and
anabases are obtained from aqueous extracts
of tobacco (Nicotiana spp. Solanaceae) and
induce a highly insecticidal effect.
Nicotine has seen a decline in use as it is quite
toxic to humans through ingestion, skin
exposure, or inhalation.

Nicotinoids act on the insects’ central nervous

Neem preparations should be kept away from
sunlight to avoid photo degradation of active
ingredients by UV light and formulations are better
applied at dusk.
Sun screens such as Para Amino Benzoic Acid
(PABA) could be added to reduce the photo-
oxidation by UV light.

Azadirachtin is nontoxic to mammals,

rat oral acute LD50 is >5000mg/Kg-1 (Raizada
et. al., 2001, and Melhorn et. al., 2011).

Essential Oils (EO)

Complex mixtures of vola le organic compounds
produced as secondary metabolites in plants.
Steam dis lla on of aroma c plants yields essen al
oils, long used as fragrances in the perfumery and food
flavouring industries.
More recently they have become popular for use in
aromatherapy. Eucalyptus essen al oil
Essential oils are characterised by a strong odour and
have a generally lower density than that of water.

Some essen al oils can effec vely control pests that are resistant to synthe c
pes cides.
Essen al oils are a complex mixture of components including minor cons tuents.
Some essen al oil formula ons are currently used as food preserva ves and are kept
in the category “GRAS” in view of their favourable safety profile.
Being vola le in nature, such essen al oils may be used a plant-based fumigants for
stored food commodi es.
Essential Oils (EO)
Some essen al oils can effec vely control pests that are resistant to synthe c
pes cides.
Essen al oils are a complex mixture of components including minor
cons tuents.
Being vola le in nature, essen al oils may be used a plant-based fumigants for
stored food commodi es and their chemicals are environmentally non-
persistent in soil.
Beberapa bahan kimia anorganik yang
dlm PO
• Copper (Cu)
– toxicity problems with heavy, prolonged use

• Sulfur (S)
– 59% of agricultural fungicide use, by weight
– high ecological impact (Cornell)

• Lime (CaCO3)

• Bordeaux mixture (copper sulfate + lime)

Minyak dan sabun

• Oils
– Petroleum / vegetable based
– kill through suffoca on
– most widely used insec cide, by weight

• Soaps
– kill through desicca on (penetrate protec ve waxy
– mainly kill so -bodied insect

• No resistance observed to these modes of ac on

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