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Mata kuliah strategi pembelajaran matematika

Disusun oleh :
Sabila Zata Amani (22029042)

Sabila Zata Amani1
Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Padang

Abstrak Indonesia :
Pembelajaran yang mampu menjelaskan tentang teori belajar berdasarkan psikologi tingkah laku dalam
pembelajaran matematika menurut teori Ivan P. Pavlov, teori Albert Bandura, J. P Guilford dan Edward
L. Torndike. Selain itu menjelaskan teori belajar berdasarkan psikologi kognitif seperti teori Von
Glasserved dan teori Piaget
Kata kunci : teori belajar, psikologi tingkah laku, psikologi kognitif
Abstract English
Learning that is able to explain learning theories based on behavioural psychology in mathematics
learning according to Ivan P. Pavlov's theory, Albert Bandura's theory, J. P Guilford and Edward L.
Torndike. In addition, explain learning theories based on cognitive psychology such as Von Glasserved's
theory and Piaget's theory.

Keyword : learning theory, behavioural psychology, cognitive psychology

1. What material has been studied? 2. Material that has been understood?
A. The theory of learning based on behavioral a. The theory of learning based on behavioral
psychology according to the theory of Ivan p. psychology according to the theory of Ivan P.
Pavlov Pavlov
B. Learning theory based on behavioral Conditioned reflexes are learned
psychology according to albert bandura's theory responses. Pavlov demonstrated through his
C. Learning theory based on behavioral experiments that these responses are developed
psychology according to j. P guilford’s theory when a neutral stimulus is consistently paired
D. Learning theory based on behavioral with a stimulus that naturally triggers a
psychology according to edward l. Torndike’s response.
theory An unconditioned reflex is a natural,
E. Learning theory based on cognitive automatic response to a stimulus. In Pavlov's
psychology according to von glasserverd’s experiments, the unconditioned reflex was the
theory dogs' salivation in response to the sight or smell
F. Learning theory based on cognitive of food.
psychology according to piaget’s theory The classical conditioning process, as described
by Pavlov, involves pairing a neutral stimulus
with an unconditioned stimulus that naturally
triggers a response. Over time, the neutral between three parties, namely the environment,
stimulus alone can trigger the same response. behavior, and personal factor.
This was demonstrated in Pavlov's experiments c. Learning outcomes are visual and
with dogs, where the sound of a bell (neutral verbal behavioral codes manifested in daily
stimulus) was paired with the presentation of behavior.
food (unconditioned stimulus). Eventually, the Applying social learning in the learning
dogs began to salivate (response) just at the process means learning by utilizing the social
sound of the bell. environment as learning target, learning
resource, and learning too.
b. learning theory based on behavioral Bandura’s theory is based on three assumptions,
psychology according to Albert Bandura's namely:
As an expert in the field of c. learning theory based on behavioral
psychological, he believes that in the learning psychology according to J. P Guilford’s theory
process, it cannot be separated from the moral
Guilford's theory talks about the
norms that apply in society. Based on this
structure of one's intelligence or intelligence
assumption, Albert Bandura’s learning theory is
which leads a lot to one's creativity. Intelligence
called social cognitive because the cognitive
is defined as a person's ability to answer through
process within each individual plays a role in
the present situation for all past events and
learning, and learning occurs due to the
anticipate the future. For this reason, intelligent
influence of the social environment. The process
behavior is needed, where this behavior is
of stages in social cognitive learning itself
characterized by creative, critical, dynamic and
motivated attitudes and changes.
1. Attentional phase
To improve the ability to think
2. Retention phase
creatively, it is necessary to increase self-
3. Reproduction phase
regulated learning. Self-regulated learning is the
4. Motivation phase
ability to participate in active metacognition,
This new naming of social cognitive theory
motivation, and behavior (behavior) in the
was done in the 1970s and 1980s. Bandura
learning process. Creative thinking is
developed his theory to address the ways in
characterized by the characteristics of thinking
which people have control over events in their
that are fluency, flexibility, originality,
lives through self-regulation of their thought and
elaboration, redefinition, novelty (Guilford,
a. Individuals learn by imitating
everything in their environment, especially the
d. learning theory based on behavioral
behavior of other individuals. The behavior of
psychology according to Edward L. Torndike’s
the individual being imitated is referred to as
model behavior or exemplary behavior. If the
Based on Thorndike, there are some conditions
imitation is reinforced, the imitated behavior
that appear in this law such as: first, if there is a
will become his behavior.
preference to act and people want to do it, they
b. There is a close relationship between
will be satisfied. In consequence, they will do
the learner and his/her environment. The
not act other behavior, and it will result
learning process occurs in the inter relationship
unsatisfied. Second, if there is inclination to act,
but people do want to do that, they will replace
with other action to lack of their unsatisfied. and Camp, 1999: 5) places three beliefs as the
And, third if there is no tendency to act, but epistemology of constructivism, which are as
people are forced to do that, it will result follows.
unsatisfied. Law of readiness has an implication Knowledge does not accumulate passively,
that every organism acquires changing of but rather, is the result of active awareness by
behavior, and in its implication of this behavior the individual.
result a satisfaction, then the association will be Cognition is an adaptive process that
strong then. serves to make an individual's behavior more
This connectionism theory state that feasible given a particular environment.
learning is an activity that form association or Cognitively organizes and understands
connection between an impression of five sense a person's experience, and is not a process for
and tends to act., for example person who likes making accurate representations of reality.
to cook, then he or she will do that thing, and if Von Glassersfeld's opinion stands in
he or she does that, he or she will feel satisfied stark contrast to traditional conceptions of the
and happy. Second is law of exercise. To result acquisition of knowledge, especially in the
suitable and satisfied to respond stimulus, so relationship between knowledge and reality.
person should trials and practice frequently. And Von Glassersfeld argued that knowledge and
suitable and satisfied action can be acquired in reality have no absolute value and knowledge
learning. And the trials behavior is an existence is actively acquired and constructed through
of improvement behavior to make the behavior the senses or through communication.
stronger. And to make them remembered by Constructivists state that the
long term memory of person, he or she should knowledge we acquire is our own construct,
repeatedly do an action to record the behavior to so they reject the possibility of transferring
short term memory and it will be continued to knowledge from one person to another.
long term memory. Knowledge is not something that can be easily
According to Thorndike the main transferred from the mind of someone who
principle of learning is repetition, because of has knowledge to someone who has no
that teacher who gives a question (Stimulus) the knowledge even if a teacher intends to
students will answer it (Respond), and make the transfer concepts, ideas, and understanding to
prestige of student increase. Thorndike states someone who is a learner. Transfer must be
that repetition without reward is not effective, interpreted and constructed by the student
because association of stimulus and respond can through experience. The fact that many
be strengthen through reward students misunderstand what the teacher
describes shows that knowledge cannot only
e. learning theory based on cognitive be transferred, but must be built up by the
psychology according to Von Glasserverd’s students themselves.
f. learning theory based on cognitive
Constructivism according to Von Glasersfeld psychology according to Piaget’s theory
holds that knowledge is actively received by
people through the senses or by means of Santrock (2008) menyatakan bahwa
communication or experience. People Piaget juga percaya pada pengamatannya
interpret and construct reality based on their bahwa perkembangan kognitif berlangsung
experiences and interactions with their dalam empat tahap.
environment. Von Glasersfeld (in Doolittle 1. Sensorimotor stage
This stage, which lasts from birth to
about two years of age. In this stage, 4. Formal operational stage
babies develop understanding of the The cognitive development of children
world by coordinating their sensory according to the last stage according to
experiences (such as seeing and Piaget begins around the age of 12 years
hearing) with their motor (muscle) and lasts until adulthood. As adolescents
movements (reaching, touching). enter this stage, they acquire the ability
to think abstractly by manipulating ideas
2. Pre-operational stage in their heads, without dependence on
This stage begins in about 2 years and concrete manipulations. A teenager can
lasts up to approximately 7 years. perform mathematical calculations,
During this period, the child thinks on a think creatively, use abstract reasoning,
symbolic level but has not used and imagine the results of certain
cognitive operations. That is, the child actions.
cannot use logic or change, combine, or
separate ideas or thoughts. Child
development consists of building an 3. Material that has not been understood ?
experience of the world through a. How to apply students' cognitive
adaptation and working towards a psychological theory to mathematics
(concrete) stage when he can use logical learning
thinking. During the end of this stage, b. how to apply learning theory based on
the child can mentally represent events student behavior
and objects (semiotic functions or
signs), and engage in symbolic play. 4. Attempts made to understand the not yet
3. Concrete operational stage There are several efforts that can be made to
The cognitive development of understand material that is not yet understood.
the child in this stage takes place around These efforts are:
the age of 7 to 11 years, and is a. If you make a mistake, you try to
characterized by the development of understand something, you must learn
organized and rational thinking. Piaget from it. Learning from mistakes is the
considered the concrete stage to be the most important part of the process
main turning point in the cognitive b. Peruse the topic to be understood. Not
development of the child, since it just looking for one source but looking
for a wider range of sources
marked the beginning of logical
c. Observe or try to practice directly on
thinking. At this stage, the child is
learning materials directly in everyday
mature enough to use logical thinking,
but can only apply logic to physical d. Seach student has different needs. It is
objects. The child begins to show important to understand individual
conservation abilities (number, area, differences in learning styles, cognitive
volume, orientation). Although children levels, and other special needs. This can
can solve problems in a logical way, involve a differentiation approach to
they cannot yet think abstractly or teaching.
e. We as candidates must understand the
student's level of understanding and
provide guidance accordingly, shifting
along with the student's development.
This means identifying students'
developmental zones, where they can
learn with help

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