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Petunjuk Teknis Tes Seleksi

SMA Al-Maahira IIBS

A. Jadwal Tes
Tes seleksi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) SMA Al-Maahira IIBS
in sha Allah akan dilaksanakan pada

Hari : Senin
Tanggal : 25 Desember 2023
Lokasi : Al-Maahira IIBS Malang
Pakaian : Rapi dan syar’i

1. Ananda peserta tes boleh didampingi oleh salah satu atau kedua orang tua
2. Ananda yang tidak mengikuti tes tanpa konfirmasi ke panitia maka secara
otomatis dianggap gugur
B. Rundown Acara Tes
Rincian rundown acara tes dapat disimak pada tabel di bawah
06.00 – 06.30 WIB : check in di kampus Al-Maahira IIBS
Peserta Tes
06.30 – 06.45 WIB : Persiapan Ujian
07.00 – 10.00 WIB : Psikotest
10.00 – 10.15 WIB : Isirahat (1) (peserta tes tetap berada di ruang tes)
10.15 – 11.30 WIB : Tes Matematika
: Isirahat (2) (peserta tes diperbolehkan keluar ruang tes
11.30 – 12.30 WIB
untuk makan siang dan sholat dzuhur)
12.30 – 16.00 WIB : Tes Al-Qur’an, B.Inggris dan wawancara peserta tes
Orang Tua
08.00 – 11.30 WIB : Wawancara orang tua (1)
11.30 – 12.30 WIB : Ishoma
12.30 – 16.00 WIB : Lanjutan Wawancara orang tua (2)

NB: denah dan pembagian ruang tes akan diinfokan kemudian melalui grup
whatsapp PPDB
C. Peraturan Tes
Peserta tes diharapkan mematuhi peraturan sebagai berikut
 Peserta tes membawa alat tulis (wajib)
 Peserta tes membawa mushaf Al-Qur’an (tidak wajib)
 Peserta tes tidak boleh membawa kalkulator atau alat hitung lain
 Peserta tes masuk ruang tes 15 menit sebelum tes dimulai
 Peserta tes tidak boleh meninggalkan ruang tes kecuali sudah mendapatkan izin
atau arahan dari panitia

D. Kisi-kisi Tes
D.1. Tes Psikotes
Silahkan browsing secara mandiri latihan soal psikotes untuk jenjang SMA

D.2. Tes Matematika

 Operasi Bilangan
a. Menentukan Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil (KPK)
b. Menetukan Faktor Persekutuan Terbesar (FPB)
c. Operasi Hitung Bilangan Real
 Operasi Aljabar
a. Bentuk Aljabar
b. Operasi Hitung Pada Bentuk Aljabar
c. Operasi Pemangkatan Bentuk Aljabar
d. Menyederhanakan Bentuk Aljabar
 Persamaan Dan Fungsi Kuadrat
a. Bentuk Pemfaktoran
b. Menentukan Akar-Akar Dari Suatu Persamaan Kuadrat
c. Menentukan Nilai Diskriminan Dari Suatu Persamaan Kuadrat
 Aritmatika Sosial
a. Menentukan Penyelesaian Masalah Sehari-Hari Yang Berkaitan Dengan
Untung, Rugi, Persentase Untung, Persentase Rugi
b. Menentukan Penyelesaian Masalah Sehari-Hari Yang Berkaitan Dengan
Diskon, Pajak, Bruto, Netto, Dan Tara
D.3. Tes Al-Qur’an
 Tahsin
Membaca ayat pilihan penguji di antara juz 23 sampai juz 25
 Tahfidz
Menghafal surat Al-A’la (surat ke 87) dan surat Al-Buruj (surat ke 85)
D.4. Wawancara Peserta Tes
 English Speaking Test
a. Speech (lihat lampiran pilihan speech)
b. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi Speech
 Wawancara Peserta Tes
a. Kepribadian peserta tes
b. Prestasi peserta tes


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

On this occasion, I want to give a word or two through a bullying themed speech. The
phenomenon of bullying is not a strange thing around us.
Social media and print media have reported many bullying events on children to adults.
Bullying can be in the form of words but can also be in the form of action. Bullying in the
form is often underestimated because it does not leave a wound.
In fact, the impact of bullying behavior will leave an impression, even leaving a
psychological impact that will affect the future of victims of bullying. Not infrequently
victims of bullying become traumatized and do things we never imagined. Therefore, we
should be alert if there are signs that someone is bullying verbally or behaviorally. How to
treat victims of bullying is to listen to him tell stories. If possible, we can help report the
person who bullied the authorities.


Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Let us give thanks to Allah SWT
because on this special opportunity, we can commemorate the Al-Maahira event I would
like to thank the parents of the students who come and invest the time, and the beloved santri
who were willing to attend. It’s been 4 years for Al-Maahira to stand up and produce the
generation of qur’ani. Therefore, on this occasion I will also say important things. Now, our
students expect to be diligent to pray five times a day. Prayer is a pillar of religion and is the
second pillar of Islam. It is very important to train children to pray five times a day, for
example by giving examples.
At Al-Maahira, we religious teachers teach students to learn prayers, ranging from
movements to reading, and how to perform ablution. We are aware that the practice
calculated in the afterlife is the first prayer. It is very important to instill the provision of
knowledge to children from an early age. We also urge you and your mother to be involved
in developing students in performing prayers. Must familiarize students to perform prayers
on time and pray at the mosque.
That is what I can say, thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Good morning, audience

Let me give a speech about the environment so that we can reap many lessons. As we
know, the environmental conditions that we live in today are very different from the
environment several decades ago. In the past, we could easily find trees, but now the land
containing plants has been replaced with housing. Environmental problems are not only
limited to plants.
If we are sensitive, many fauna or animals lose their habitat. Humans seize their place
of residence, so that animals have difficulty getting a place to live again. Not infrequently,
animals that cannot get a house will attack humans in order to get food.
Therefore, we should start from ourselves to foster a sense of love for the environment.
Use methods that are easy and simple. For example, by throwing garbage in its place, not
using plastic when shopping and saving on water use.
So my speech about the environment from me. Let’s take care of the environment


Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Good morning audience.
On this wonderful occasion, I am here to give a speech about Islam. Many still think
that Islam is a religion about war, but actually Islam has very beautiful sides and we can
apply it in our daily lives. For example, Muslims live by referring to the Qur’an and the
sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. The Messenger of Allah as a good role model has
exemplified the noble character that must be applied by every Muslim. Every Apostle’s
habits have nothing to harm, so we must exemplify the habits and nature of the Prophet. Our
daily lives should not be far from Islamic values, from waking up to going to sleep again.
In fact, the procedure for going to the bathroom, wearing clothes, even drinking and
eating was arranged. It turns out that the beautiful value of Islam is not only regulated for
individuals, but also in social life. For example, in neighboring lives, we are obliged to
maintain good relations. In fact, if someone cooks and smells to a neighbor’s house, then we
are asked to provide the food. So, Islam does have beautiful values and it is only natural that
we implement these values in everyday life and community life. So many speeches from me.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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