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Oil Spill Response

Description Keterangan

EONSPILLKIT 300 is a kit or a set of tools EONSPILLKIT 300 merupakan kit atau
seperangkat alat yang memiliki kemampuan
that has excellent ability to absorb oil up to
menyerap minyak hingga 400 Liter cukup
400 Litre, include with oil chemical dispersant
cepat, beserta chemical pendispersi minyak
(EONSPILL 257) that used to handle oil spill yaitu EONSPILL 257 yang digunakan untuk
on water, to keep the animals and menangani tumpahan minyak di air agar
environment around stay safe. tidak membahayakan hewan dan lingkungan

Technical Data
Spill Kit : 1 Package (absorb oil up to 400 L)
Oil Spill Dispersant : 2 Jerrycan EONSPILL 257 (2L)

Benefit Manfaat
 Quick ability to absorb oil  Kemampuan menyerap minyak cepat
Has quick ability to absorb oil so it Cepat menyerap tumpahan minyak,
doesn’t need a long time to handle the oil sehingga tidak membutuhkan waktu
spill yang lama untuk menangani tumpahan
 
 Hydrophobic ability  Kemampuan Hidrofobik
The Absorbent has hydrophobic Absorbent yang digunakan memiliki sifat
properties, so it can absorb oil spills in hidrofobik, sehingga dapat menyerap
water and not sink. tumpahan minyak di air namun kit tidak
 tenggelam.
 
 Oil Spill Dispersant Chemical  Chemical pendispersi tumpahan
(EONSPILL 257)  minyak (EONSPILL 257)

The remaining light oil spills be dispersed Tumpahan minyak ringan (seperti
with EONSPILL 257 (DOR 1:10). pelangi) yang tersisa di air, dapat
didispersikan dengan EONSPILL 257
(DOR 1:10).

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Cara Penanganan Tumpahan Minyak di Darat
1. Pastikan anda menggunakan pakaian pelindung dan pelindung mata yang tepat. Gunakan
sarung tangan nitril untuk melindungi tangan jika terjadi kontak langsung dengan tumpahan
Make sure you have wear the right protective clothing and eye protection. Use nitrile gloves to
protect hands if there is direct contact with oil spills.
2. Letakkan Oil Sorbent Socks di sekeliling area tumpahan minyak sehingga tumpahan minyak
tidak semakin meluas, injak Oil Sorbent Socks jika perlu.
Place the Oil Sorbent Socks around the area of the oil spill so that the oil spill does not expand,
step on it if necessary.
3. Serap tumpahan minyak menggunakan Sorbent Pads, jika tumpahan cukup banyak, gunakan
Sorbent Pillow jika perlu.
Absorb the oil spill using the Sorbent Pads, if the spill is large enough, use the Sorbent Pillow if
4. Tunggu hingga seluruh tumpahan minyak terserap.
Wait until all the oil spills are absorbed.
5. Jika seluruh tumpahan minyak sudah terserap, gosokkan Sorbent Pads pada area yang masih
menyisakan residu.
If all the oil spills have been absorbed, rub the area with Sorbent Pads that still leaves residue.
6. Masukkan Sorbent Socks, Sorbent Pads, Sorbent Pillow, dan sarung tangan nitril yang sudah
digunakan kedalam waste bag, lalu ikat menggunakan cable ties.
Put the Sorbent Socks, Sorbent Pads, Sorbent Pillow, and Nitrile Gloves that have been used
into the waste bag, then tie using cables ties.
7. Buang waste bag tersebut ke tempat sampah limbah B3.
Throw that waste bag into hazardous waste bin.

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Penanganan Tumpahan Minyak di Air
1. Pastikan anda menggunakan pakaian pelindung dan pelindung mata yang tepat. Gunakan
sarung tangan nitril untuk melindungi tangan jika terjadi kontak langsung dengan tumpahan
Make sure you have wear the right protective clothing and eye protection. Use nitrile gloves to
protect hands if there is direct contact with oil spills.
2. Letakkan Oil Sorbent Socks di sekeliling area tumpahan minyak sehingga tumpahan minyak
tidak semakin meluas.
Place the Oil Sorbent Socks around the area of the oil spill so that the oil spill does not expand.
3. Serap tumpahan minyak menggunakan Sorbent Pads, jika tumpahan cukup banyak, gunakan
Sorbent Pillow jika perlu.
Absorb the oil spill using the Sorbent Pads, if the spill is large enough, use the Sorbent Pillow if
4. Tunggu hingga seluruh tumpahan minyak terserap.
Wait until all the oil spills are absorbed.
5. Masukkan Sorbent Socks, Sorbent Pads, Sorbent Pillow, dan sarung tangan nitril yang sudah
digunakan kedalam waste bag, lalu ikat menggunakan cable ties.
Put the Sorbent Socks, Sorbent Pads, Sorbent Pillow, and Nitrile Gloves that have been used
into the waste bag, then tie using cables ties.
6. Buang waste bag tersebut ke tempat sampah limbah B3.
Throw that waste bag into hazardous waste bin.
7. Semprotkan EONPSPILL 257 pada residu tumpahan minyak ringan yang masih tersisa.
Spray EONPSPILL 257 on the remaining light oil spill.

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1. 100 EonSorbent Pads (40 x 50 cm, 1 pc able to absorb >0,7 L)
2. 32 EonSobent Pillow (40 x 50 cm, 1 pc able to absorb > 7 L)
3. 12 EonSorbent Socks (7,6 x 120 cm, 1 pc able to absorb > 8,6 L)
4. 2 Litre EonSpill 257 (DOR 1:10)
5. 2 Pair Rubber Gloves
6. 2 Pair Safety Goggles
7. 5 Disposal Bags with Cable Ties

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If you have any complaints, feedbacks,
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