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1. Metode Penelitian
Pada tahapan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu waterfall model sebagaimana pada
Gambar x. Tahapan pertama yaitu analisis kebutuhan pada otomatisasi penyiraman
tanaman cabai, yang kedua perancangan sistem dan perancangan alat. Tahapan
ketiga, implementasi rancangan alat dan sistem. Pada tahapan keempat, pengujian
alat dan sistem yang dibuat. Pada tahapan terakhir yaitu penjadwalan perawatan
alat dan system.
2. Hasil dan pembahasan
Setelah melakukan analisis, perancangan, pengujian dan implementasi, maka
prototipe dan sistemnya yang telah dirancang dan berhasil dibangun. Hal ini
dibuktikan dengan adanya alat dan sistem yang digunakan saat pengujian oleh
pihak lain. Diharapkan manfaatnya yaitu mempermudah pemilik tanaman cabai
untuk memonitoring tanamannya dan fitur berupa otomatisasi penyiraman tanaman
capai yang diintegrasikan dengan pompa berdasarkan kelembapan tanah.
3. Pembahasan
Rancangan alat menggunakan setpoin dengan nilai 600, hal tersebut diambil
berdasarkan ujicoba secara manual. Apabila kadar tanah > 600, maka tanaman
otomatis tersiram, dan jika kadar tanah 500 sampai 600, maka penyiraman otomatis
berhenti. Kemudian akan masuk notifikasi pada telegram untuk melakukan
penyiraman, pada web akan masuk laporan penyiraman serta laporan kelembapan
tanah, dan juga pada aplikasi android webview.



1. Metode Penelitian
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen lapangan,
dimana metode ini digunakan untuk merancang rancangan yang diperlukan Dalam
perakitan rangkaian skema sistem penyiraman tanaman otomatis berbasis teknologi
IoT memanfaatkan aplikasi Fritzing. Prinsip kerja dari alat penyiraman otomatis
tersebut yaitu menggunakan sensor DHT11 yang terhubung langsung dengan
mikrokontroler dan bekerja dengan cara mendeteksi temperatur dan kelembaban
udara, perintah yang dibuat akan disimpan pada modul ESP32.
2. Hasil dan Pembahasan
Pengujian kinerja alat dilakukan dengan meletakkan alat tersebut di ruangan
terbuka di sekitar tanaman, hal ini dimaksudkan agar nilai temperatur udara yang
terdeteksi nantinya akan sesuai dengan keadaan sebenarnya.

Data yang diperoleh dari Tabel 4.1 menunjukkan bahwa relay menyala ketika
temperatur udara mencapai lebih dari 30℃ dan akan mati secara otomatis ketika
temperatur udara perlahan turun hingga ≤ 30℃. Selain itu, nilai kelembaban udara
akan turun ketika temperatur udara mengalami kenaikan. Kenaikan temperatur
udara terjadi dikarenakan juga oleh kemiringan sinar matahari. suatu tempat dengan
posisi matahari tegak lurus di atasnya akan lebih besar menerima radiasi matahari
sehingga temperatur akan tinggi dibandingkan dengan tempat yang posisi
mataharinya lebih miring ada saat inilah relay menyala secara otomatis dan
menghidupkan pompa air sehingga air dapat dialirkan. Lamanya waktu pompa
menyala berdasarkan dari temperatur udara yang terdeteksi, sensor akan tetap hidup
selama temperatur udara masih berada lebih dari 30℃.
3. Pembahasan
Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua sistem
akan berjalan ketika sensor DHT11 sudah mendeteksi temperatur dan kelembaban
udara di sekitar ruangan. Keluaran dari sensor DHT11 akan tampil pada layar LCD
I2C 16x2 dan akan menyala dan mematikan relay. Relay menyala ketika sensor
DHT11 mendeteksi temperatur udara lebih dari 30℃ dan secara otomatis
menghidupkan pompa air. Sedangkan ketika temperatur udara terdeteksi ≤ 30℃
maka secara otomatis relay mati sehingga pompa air tidak dapat mengalirkan air.
• The Implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) on an Automatic Plant Watering
and Fertilizing System Based on Solar Electricity

1. Metode Penelitian

This program begins with the identification of the problems faced by farmers. In
this step, the existing watering and fertilizing methods are observed for weaknesses
and strengths. After the weaknesses are identified, then a design is made and refined
according to the idea. The next step is making a prototype circuit drawing, followed
by the prototype making according to the drawing. After the prototype is completed,
function testing is carried out. This test is conducted to find out whether each
component has functioned as intended. If the prototype does not work as intended,
modifications are made until all components function properly. After the prototype
is declared feasible from the function test, it then goes through a performance test
to determine its performance capability. If its performance capability is considered
unfit, improvements are made to obtain optimal performance. Finally, an economic
analysis of the prototype is carried out to determine the fixed costs, variable costs,
basic costs, and break even points. The stages of this prototype design are illustrated
in the flowchart in

2. Hasil dan Pembahasan

The research resulted in a design of a solar electricity-based watering and fertilizing
system that can be observed and controlled from a smartphone. This system consists
of integrated components, namely 100 WP solar module, 30A 12V solar charge
controller, 12V 50Ah VRLA gel battery, Arduino Uno, ESP8266WiFi, DHT11
sensor, YL-69 hygrometer sensor, and 12V DC NC Electric Solenoid Valve. The
results of the calculation of the device's economic analysis showed a BEP of 11,389
l/year, meaning that the system does watering and fertilizing as much as 11,389
l/year to achieve a return on investment
3. Pembahasan
All components are assembled into an integrated circuit. In the solar power block,
the 100 WP solar module component is connected to the 30A solar charge
controller, which is connected to a deep-cycle battery. In the microcontroller and
sensor block, Arduino Uno is connected to the DHT11 sensor, soil moisture sensor,
and 12V DC electric solenoid valve. Pipes and hoses are connected to the 12V
electric solenoid valve to drain water.
• Drip Irrigation Detection for Power Outage-Prone Areas with Internet-of-Things
Smart Fertigation Managemant System

1. Metode Penelitian

In this section, we describe the complete system of the proposed automated

monitoring system for watering and power outage alerts, with pesticide and polybag
cleaning notifications. The proposed monitoring system comprises of three main
components: (i) the overall system architecture; (ii) the sensor systems; and (iii) the
mobile and web applications monitoring interfaces, as shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, a
system administrator is in charge of the farming system. This figure also shows that
the farmers will use the mobile application to monitor the system, receiving alerts
and notifications, and interact with the system for pesticide scheduling and
polybags maintenance. The watering and power outage sensors are designed to
detect whether the plants have been watered, and to alert farmers through mobile
notifications when a power failure occurs. The notifications and alerts are sent
through Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) to the internet service
provider [33], then to a cloud server for data storage and processing.

2. Hasil dan Pembahasan

We discuss two elements for improvement. The first element involves the farming
work-flow, and the second involves design-related module performance.
The proposed system automates the first block in Fig. 2 (namely “watering”), which
has been identified as inefficient in growth monitoring. Workers are required to be
on-site to observe the watering for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the
afternoon. The proposed system improved the farming work-flow by reducing
manpower while maintaining the same yield production. Manpower was calculated
based on three variables: project duration, number of hours per worker, and number
of workers. The project duration for the chili Centil, from transplant to harvest, was
six months. A worker worked for five days a week to perform daily tasks, as shown
in Fig. 2
3. Pembahasan

In this paper, we have demonstrated a systematic and automated method for

monitoring large-scale chili fertigation area in order to improve the farm
management efficiency and consequently to improve plant growth in a power-
outage-prone area. The system, which consists of sensors for detecting irrigation
activities and power outages, a mobile application to manage scheduling for
pesticide delivery and polybag cleaning, and a web application to al-low farmers to
manage planting schedules has shown improvement in efficiency in farming
management, with a 40% reduction in manpower in this power outage-prone area,
compared to a typical fertigation-based farming sys-tem in such area. The proposed
system also exhibited greater control over plant growth and automatically records
pesticide schedules and polybag cleaning, all of which could improve crop yields.
We believe the findings and the method of using IoT platform as a systematic
monitoring mechanism, presented in this paper, will pave the way and encourage
further use in broader plant types, which could prove useful in a large farming area
in rural sites.

• Topik : Implementasi Sistem Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis Berbasis IoT untuk


• Judul : Monitoring system on automatic plant watering system based on (IoT)

using ESP 32 and soil moisture sensor

• Indikator Judul: karena Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan fitur pemantauan jarak jauh yang
memungkinkan pengguna untuk memantau kondisi tanaman dan mengendalikan
penyiraman melalui aplikasi seluler atau platform web. pengguna dapat memantau
kesehatan tanaman dari jarak jauh dan memberikan air tambahan hanya ketika diperlukan,
yang mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya air dan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam
perawatan tanaman. Dengan teknologi IoT yang digunakan, sistem ini memberikan solusi
yang cerdas dan terhubung untuk mendukung pertanian modern yang berkelanjutan.
Daftar Rujukan

Dahnil, D. P., Hood, Z., Adam, A., Razak, M. Z. A., & Ismail, A. G. (2021). Drip Irrigation
Detection for Power Outage-Prone Areas with Internet-of-Things Smart Fertigation
Managemant System. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
Applications, 12(7), 745–755.
Hendra, Trinovita, Z. J., Riza Nurtam, M., Laksmana, I., Jamaluddin, Amrizal, Putera, P.,
Nurazizi, Putri, I. A., & Soecipto. (2022). The Implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT)
on an Automatic Plant Watering and Fertilizing System Based on Solar Electricity. IOP
Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1097(1), 1–6.
Jumingin, J., Atina, A., & Juanda, A. (2022). Sistem Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis
Menggunakan Sensor DHT11. Jurnal Ampere, 7(2), 73.
Saputra, W. A., Herlinawati, H., Hestiana, D., & ... (2022). Penerapan Internet of Things (Iot)
Untuk Otomatisasi Penyiraman Tanaman Cabai. Poros …, 14(1), 1–9.

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