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24 Maret 2022

Bio material- It is a used in a medical

device, intended to interact with biological system.
A biomaterial is defined as any systemically, pharmacologically inert
substance or combination of substances utilized for implantation
within or incorporation with a living system to supplement or replace
functions of living tissues or organs.
— Polymeric biomaterials
— Bioceramics
— Metallic biomaterials
— Biocomposite
— Biologically based (derived) biomaterials
Polymeric Biomaterials: Adv & Disadv

— Easy to make complicated items — Leachable compounds

— Tailorable physical & mechanical — Absorb water & proteins
— Surface modification
— Surface contamination
— Immobilize cell etc.
— Biodegradable — Wear & breakdown
— Biodegradation
— Difficult to sterilize
Polimer termoplastik
Polimer termoplastik adalah polimer yang mempunyai sifat tidak tahan terhadap panas.

Jika polimer jenis ini dipanaskan, maka akan menjadi lunak dan didinginkan akan mengeras.

Proses tersebut dapat terjadi berulang kali, sehingga dapat dibentuk ulang dalam berbagai bentuk
melalui cetakan yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan produk polimer yang baru.
Polimer yang termasuk polimer termoplastik adalah jenis polimer plastik.

Bentuk struktur bercabang termoplastik.

Polimer termoplastik memiliki sifat – sifat khusus sebagai berikut.

- Berat molekul kecil
- Tidak tahan terhadap panas.
- Jika dipanaskan akan melunak.
- Jika didinginkan akan mengeras.
- Mudah untuk diregangkan.
- Fleksibel.
- Titik leleh rendah.
- Dapat dibentuk ulang (daur ulang).
- Mudah larut dalam pelarut yang sesuai.
- Memiliki struktur molekul linear/bercabang.
Contoh plastik termoplastik sebagai berikut.
- Polietilena (PE) = Botol plastik, mainan, bahan cetakan, ember,
drum, pipa saluran, isolasi kawat dan kabel, kantong plastik dan jas hujan.

- Polivinilklorida (PVC) = pipa air, pipa plastik, pipa kabel listrik, kulit
sintetis, ubin plastik, piringan hitam, bungkus makanan, sol sepatu, sarung
tangan dan botol detergen.

- Polipropena (PP) = karung, tali, botol minuman, serat, bak air,

insulator, kursi plastik, alat-alat rumah sakit, komponen mesin cuci,
pembungkus tekstil, dan permadani.

- Polistirena = Insulator, sol sepatu, penggaris, gantungan baju

Polimer termoseting

Polimer termoseting adalah polimer yang mempunyai sifat tahan terhadap panas.
Jika polimer ini dipanaskan, maka tidak dapat meleleh. Sehingga tidak dapat dibentuk ulang kembali.
Susunan polimer ini bersifat permanen pada bentuk cetak pertama kali (pada saat pembuatan). Bila polimer
ini rusak/pecah, maka tidak dapat disambung atau diperbaiki lagi.
Polimer termoseting memiliki ikatan – ikatan silang yang mudah dibentuk pada waktu dipanaskan. Hal ini
membuat polimer menjadi kaku dan keras. Semakin banyak ikatan silang pada polimer ini, maka semakin
kaku dan mudah patah. Bila polimer ini dipanaskan untuk kedua kalinya, maka akan menyebabkan rusak
atau lepasnya ikatan silang antar rantai polimer.
Bentuk struktur ikatan silang sebagai berikut.

Sifat polimer termoseting sebagai berikut.

- Keras dan kaku (tidak fleksibel)
- Jika dipanaskan akan mengeras.
- Tidak dapat dibentuk ulang (sukar didaur ulang).
- Tidak dapat larut dalam pelarut apapun.
- Jika dipanaskan akan meleleh.
- Tahan terhadap asam basa.
- Mempunyai ikatan silang antarrantai molekul.
Contoh plastik termoseting :
Bakelit = asbak, fitting lampu listrik, steker listrik, peralatan fotografi, radio, perekat plywood.
Polimer memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada

persaingan dari bahan lain karena memiliki

karakteristik seperti : fleksibilitas, resisten
biokompatibilitas, dapat dengan mudah
diproduksi sesuai yg diinginkan.
Aplikasi Polimer sebagai Implan
ü Cangkok pembuluh darah
ü Katup jantung
ü Jantung buatan
ü Implan payudara
ü Lensa kontak
ü Pelapis tablet farmasi dan kapsul
ü Jahitan
ü Perekat
ü Ginjal
ü hati pankreas ,dll.
Jenis Polimer untuk Implan
ü Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)
ü Nylon 6/6
ü Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
ü Poly(lactic acid)
ü Polypropylene
ü Silicone rubber
ü Polytetrafluoroethylene
ü Ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene
— Alumina
— Zirconia (partially stabilized)
— Silicate glass
— Calcium phosphate (apatite)
— Calcium carbonate
Keramik merupakan bahan polikristalin
dimana memiliki karakteristik utama yaitu
kekerasan dan kerapuhan, kekuatan besar dan
kakakuan, ketahanan terhadap korosi dan
kepadatan rendah. Dapat digunakan
dibeberapa bidang yang berbeda seperti :
kedokteran gigi, ortopedi, dan sebagai sensor
Aplikasi Keramik sebagai Implan
Jenis Bahan Aplikasi
Pengganti sendi buatan, pemisah tulang dan ekstensor, jangkar ortodontik, implan gigi untuk
fiksasi gigi
Zirconia Pengganti pinggul, lutut, gigi, tendon dan ligamen, perbaikan untuk penyakit periodontal,
pengisi tulang setelah operasi tumo
Pyrolytic carbon Katup jantung prostetik, implan penggantian gigi, kaki palsu yang ditanamkan secara
Implan gigi, implan telinga tengah, katup jantung, pengganti buatan sendi total, tulang pelat,
sekrup, kabel, paku intramedulla, implan penggantian gigi

Perawatan kulit, implan gigi, tulang rahang rekonstruksi, ortopedi, bedah wajah, telinga,
hidung dan perbaikan tenggorokan, implan gigi
Metallic biomaterials
— Stainless steel (316L)
— Co-Cr alloys
— Ti6Al4V
— Au-Ag-Cu-Pd alloys
— Amalgam (AgSnCuZnHg)
— Ni-Ti
— Titanium
Logam & Paduan
Logam telah digunakan hampir secara
eksklusif untuk pemikul bahan implan, seperti :
pinggul dan lutut prosthesis dan kabel fiksasi
fraktur, pin, sekrup, dan piring.
Aplikasi Logam sebagai Implan
Jenis Bahan Aplikasi

Penggantian sendi (pinggul, lutut), piring tulang untuk

fiksasi fraktur, implan gigi untuk fiksasi gigi, katup jantung,
Stainless Steel
Spinal Instrumen, Instrumen bedah, Sekrup, gigi akar
Implan, perintis, piring patah tulang, bahu prosthesis
Piring tulang untuk fiksasi fraktur, Sekrup, gigi akar
Cobalt- chromium alloy
implan,prosthesis ortopedi, alat bedah, tulang dan
penggantian sendi(pinggul, lutut), implan gigi
Penggantian sendi (pinggul, lutut), Implan Gigi untuk
fiksasi gigi, Sekrup bagian untuk operasi ortodontik, alat
Titanium dan paduannya
fiksasi tulang seperti paku, katup jantung buatan dan
instrumen bedah, alat pacu jantung, katup
jantung buatan
— A biocomposite is a composite material formed by a matrix and a
reinforcement of natural fibers. These kind of materials often mimic
the structure of the living materials involved in the process keeping
the strengthening properties of the matrix that was used, but always
providing biocompatibility.
Bahan komposit terdiri dari matriks biodegradable dan serat alami biodegradable sebagai penguat

Aplikasi Jenis Material

Kedokteran gigi
Cangkok pembuluh darah
Cells/PTFE, Cells/PET, PET/Collagen, PET/Gelation, PU/PU-PELA


Pengganti Sendi
Tulang penggabung Bone particles/PMMA, Titanium/PMMA, UHMWPE/PMMA, GF/PMMA,
CF/PMMA, Bio-Glass/BisGMA

Aplikasi Jenis Material

Bahan pengganti tulang
Bio-Glass/PHB, Bio-Glass/PS, HA/PLA
Tulang belakang, piring,
batang, sekrup, sendi jari, PET/PU, PET/Collagen, CF/LCP, CF/PEEK, GF/PEEK, CF/Epoxy, CF/PS, Bio-
kuku intramedulla, dinding glass/PU, Bio-glass/PS, PET/SR, PET/Hydrogel, CF/UHMWPE
perut prostesis
Surface modification (treatment)
— Physical and mechanical treatment
— Chemical treatment
— Biological treatment
Surface Modification
Surface modifications are classified into two :
1. Physicochemical modifications involving alterations to the atoms, compounds
, or molecules on the surface,
2. Surface coatings consisting of a different material from the underlying support

Physicochemical modifications include chemical reactions such as oxidation, red

uction, silanization, and acetylation and also involve etching and mechanical r
oughening/polishing and patterning.

Methods for generating surface texture could be grouped into approaches for eng
ineering either roughness or topography.
Surface Roughness

Surface roughness indicates a random or complex p

attern of features of varying amplitude and spacing
typically on a scale smaller than a cell, and surface
topography refers to patterns of well-defined, control
led features on the surface.

Overcoating alterations comprise grafting (including

tethering of biomolecules), noncovalent and covalen
t coatings, and thin film deposition.
The physical structure, or microarchitecture, of an artificial matrix must provide
appropriate physical signals, present or allow access to biochemical cues, and
permit nutrient and waste exchange.

Synthetic matrices should mimic some aspects of the natural properties of the
collagen scaffold and adjacent proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM),
which constitutes a highly hydrated and fibrous network that supports
cell attachment, migration, and other functions. One approach to mimicking
the physical structure of the ECM is the creation of matrices of nanofibers
prepared with electrospun polymers.
Another approach to the design of artificial matrices for stem cells is to employ
a hydrogel to mimic the physical properties of the natural ECM.

Hydrogels emulate the high water content and porous nature of most natural
soft tissues. Mechanical design parameters for artificial matrices include
elasticity, compressibility, viscoelastic behavior, and tensile strength.
Controlling the mechanical properties of a material at the cellular level can
help elicit a desired cell response, and, in addition, the bulk mechanical
properties of the matrix must be controlled such that the matrix is able to
withstand loads that may be involved in downstream applications.
The mechanical properties of synthetic and natural matrices are typically
characterized by either atomic force microscopy or rheology.
Surface Properties of Materials
— Contact angle (Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic)
— ESCA & SIMS (surface chemical analysis)
— SEM (Surface morphology)
General Criteria for materials selection

— Mechanical and chemicals properties

— No undersirable biological effects
carcinogenic, toxic, allergenic or immunogenic
— Possible to process, fabricate and sterilize with a good
— Acceptable cost/benefit ratio
Material Properties
— Compresssive strength — Surface tension
— Tensile strength — Hardness and density
— Bending strength — Hydrophobic/philic
— E-Modulus — Water sorption/solubility
— Coefficient of thermal — Surface friction
expansion — Creep
— Coefficient of thermal — Bonding properties
— Zat-zat yang bersifat hidrofobik adalah zat yang tidak
dapat larut dalam air tetapi dapat larut dalam minyak.
Sifat kelarutan di sini ditinjau dari sifat kepolarannya.
Dimana air adalah senyawa polar dan minyak adalah
non polar. Jadi ketika suatu zat dicampurkan dengan
suatu zat lain dengan sifat kepolaran yang sama maka
zat tersebut dapat bercampur (larut).
Cell/tissue reaction to implant
— Soft tissue
— Hard tissue
— Blood cells
Sequence of local events following implantation
in soft tissue
— Injury
— Actute inflammation
— Granulation tissue
— Foreign body reaction
— fibrosis
Soft tissue response to an implant
— Acute (mins to hrs)
Cell type: Leukocytes
Function: Recognition, engulfment and degradation (killing)
— Chronic (days to months)
Cell types: Macrophages, monocytes and lymphocytes.
— Granulation tissue formation (3-5 days)
Cell types: Endothelial cells (forming blood vesssels), fibeoflasts (forming
connnective tissue)
— Foreign body reaction (days to life time)
Cell types: Foreign body giant cells, Macrophages, fibroblasts
— Fibrosis & Fibrous encapsulation
Cell type: Fibroblasts
Bioactive and Osteointegration
— A chemical bonding between bone and material will
be formed. (Bioactive, Hydroxyapatite).
— Antioksidan adalah substansi tertentu yang dapat
menunda, memperlambat, atau mencegah kerusakan
— A direct contact between bone and impant under light
microscope. (Osterintegration, titanium)
— Osteointegrasi : kemampuan untuk mengikat secara
kimia ke permukaan tulang
Testing of Biomaterials
— Physical and mechanical
— Biological
— In vitro assessment
— in vivo assessment
— Functional assessment
— Clincal assessment
Biomaterials applications
— Dental implant
— Tooth fillings
— Vascular implants
— Drug delivery, bone fixing pine, suture
— Bone defect fillings
— Hip joint prosthesis bone plate
— Scaffolds for tissue engineering
— Contanct lens
The functions of implants fall in to one of the categories:

Load bearing or transmission

The control of fluid flow in order to stimulate normal

physiological function or situation

Passive space filling either for cosmetic reasons or

functional reasons or functional reasons or functional

Generation of electric stimuli and transmission of light and

Each biomaterial has a particular lifespan in the human

Examples of specific applications include a hemodialysis

membrane, a urinary catheter or hip-joint prosthesis.

Hemodialysis membrane might be in contact with the

patient’s blood for 3 hours.

The catheter may be inserted for a week after which it starts

Toxicology, mechanical effects, issues related to colonizing organisms, cell–biomate
rial interactions, and in vivo assessment including the foreign body reaction (FBR).

Biocompatibility is concerned with the performance of biomaterials and has been ext
ensively used in the field of biomaterial science. Historically, it is defined as “the abil
ity of a biomaterial to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific

Biocompatibility is considered to be a measure of the magnitude and duration of the

adverse alterations in homeostatic mechanisms that determine the host response.
The three major responses that must be considered for biocompatibility assess
ment are: (1) inflammation, (2) wound healing, and (3) immunological reactions
or immunity.

For the purposes of biological response evaluation, the immunological reaction

s or immunity are considered to be immunotoxicity.

Following implantation, early, transient tissue/material responses include :

injury (implantation), blood-materials interactions, provisional matrix formation,
and the temporal sequence of inflammation and wound healing including acute
inflammation, chronic inflammation, granulation tissue development, foreign bo
dy reaction, and ultimately fibrosis/fibrous capsule (scar) development
Immunotoxicity is any adverse effect on the function or structure of the immune syst
em or other systems as a result of an immune system dysfunction.

Two significant failure mechanisms of tissue-engineered devices are

1. Fibrosis/fibrous capsule (scar) development surrounding and infiltrating the tissu
e-engineered device,
2. The initiation of acquired or cellular immunity by the biological component of the
tissue-engineered device.
Thank you

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