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002: 2022
Lampiran Keputusan Direksi
PT` PLN (PERSERO) PT PLN (Persero) No. 0432.K/DIR/2022



PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M - 1/135 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160

SPLN K7.002: 2022
STANDAR Lampiran Keputusan Direksi
PT PLN (PERSERO) PT PLN (Persero) No. 0432.K/DIR/2022



PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M - 1/135 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160
©PT PLN (Persero) 2023

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang menyalin atau menggandakan

sebagian atau seluruh isi dokumen ini dengan cara dan dalam bentuk apapun dan
dilarang mendistribusikan dokumen ini baik secara elektronik maupun tercetak di
luar internal PLN tanpa izin tertulis dari PT PLN (Persero).

PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M-1/135 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160

Di susun oleh:

Kelompok Bidang Standardisasi Pembangkitan

dengan Keputusan Direksi PT PLN (Persero)
No. 0133.K/DIR/2022

Kelompok Kerja Standardisasi

Revisi SPLN K7.002:2012 Penamaan Komponen Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik
dengan keputusan General Manager
PT PLN (Persero) PUSLITBANG Ketenagalistrikan
No. 022.K/GM-PUSLITBANG/2022

Diterbitkan oleh:

PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M - 1/135, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160
Susunan Kelompok Bidang Standardisasi Pembangkitan
Surat Keputusan Direksi PT PLN (Persero)
No. 0133.K/DIR/2022

1. Sahrijal Purba : Sebagai Ketua merangkap Anggota

2. Harry Indrawan, S.T., M.Sc. : Sebagai Sekretaris merangkap Anggota
3. Ir. Iswan Prahastono, M.Phil. : Sebagai Anggota
4. Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin, M.B.A. : Sebagai Anggota
5. Ir. M. Padang Dirgantara, M.T. : Sebagai Anggota
6. Ir. Teguh Widjajanto, M.T. : Sebagai Anggota
7. Dr. Agus Wibawa, S.T, M.T. : Sebagai Anggota
8. Ir. Parlindungan Sihombing, M.Sc. : Sebagai Anggota
9. Moch. Syofan Hadi, S.T. : Sebagai Anggota
10. Ir. Budi Mulyono : Sebagai Anggota
11. Ir. Wismanto Setyadi, M.T. : Sebagai Anggota
12. Ir. Al Susilo Handoko : Sebagai Anggota
13. Ade Hendri Alfino, S.T. : Sebagai Anggota
14. Dani Irianto, S.T., M.T. : Sebagai Anggota

Susunan Kelompok Kerja Standardisasi

Penamaan Komponen Pembangkit Pusat Listrik
Surat Keputusan Direksi PT PLN (Persero) No.283.K/DIR/2012

1. Ir. I. Putu Wirasangka., M.T. : Sebagai Ketua merangkap Anggota

2. Harry Indrawan, S.T., M.T. : Sebagai Sekretaris merangkap Anggota
3. Ir. Moch. Choliq, M.T. : Sebagai Anggota
4. Ir. Sukardi : Sebagai Anggota
5. Ir. Ermawan Arif Budiman, M.Si. : Sebagai Anggota
6. Ir. Irwansyah Putra : Sebagai Anggota
7. Sahrijal Purba : Sebagai Anggota
8. Ir. Tri Joko Supriyanto : Sebagai Anggota
9. Ir. Jatmiko : Sebagai Anggota
10. Ir. Sapto Aji Nigroho : Sebagai Anggota
11. Ngadiman, A.hT. : Sebagai Anggota
12. Ir. Nuryadin Muslim : Sebagai Anggota
13. Ir. Wiluyo Kusdwiharto : Sebagai Anggota
14. Ir. Purnomo : Sebagai Anggota
Susunan Kelompok Kerja Standardisasi
Revisi SPLN K7.002:2012 Penamaan Komponen Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik
Surat Keputusan General Manager PT PLN (Persero) PUSLITBANG Ketenagalistrikan
No. 0017.K/GM-PUSLITBANG/2022

1. Rezza Eko Prasetyo, S.T., M.T. : Sebagai Ketua merangkap Anggota

2. Inosensius Rangga Sarwijaya, A.Md. : Sebagai Sekretaris merangkap Anggota
3. Ir. Heri Priambodo : Sebagai Anggota
4. Ir. Nur Dwiyanto, S.T., I.P.M. : Sebagai Anggota
5. Fahmilia, S.T., M.T. : Sebagai Anggota
6. Ahmad Diyalfikri Mas’ud, S.T. : Sebagai Anggota
7. Harianto, S.T. : Sebagai Anggota
8. Bilawal Aulia Annas, S.T. : Sebagai Anggota
9. Raditya Nanang Purwanto, A.Md. : Sebagai Anggota
10. Erwin Budi Nugraha, A.Md. : Sebagai Anggota
11. Agus Suryanto, A.Md. : Sebagai Anggota
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Daftar Isi

Daftar Isi ............................................................................................................................. i

Daftar Tabel ....................................................................................................................... ii
Daftar Gambar ................................................................................................................... ii
Prakata ............................................................................................................................. iii
1. Ruang lingkup .............................................................................................................. 1
2. Tujuan .......................................................................................................................... 1
3. Acuan normatif ............................................................................................................. 1
4. Istilah dan definisi ......................................................................................................... 1
5. Unsur-unsur sistematika penamaan ............................................................................. 3
6. Struktur penamaan aset fisik pembangkit ..................................................................... 3
6.1 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait inisial nama dan jenis pembangkit ........ 4
6.2 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses ................................................... 5
6.3 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan ................................... 6
6.4 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait lokasi .................................................... 8
Lampiran A (Normatif) Contoh implementasi penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga
listrik ........................................................................................................................... 10
Lampiran B (Normatif) Inisial nama pembangkit dan jenis pembangkit .......................... 16
Lampiran C (Normatif) Kode penamaan fungsi/system ................................................... 56
Lampiran D (Normatif) Kode penamaan peralatan/equipment ..................................... 254
Lampiran E (Normatif) Kode penamaan komponen/component ................................... 260

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Daftar Tabel

Tabel 1. Struktur penamaan aset fisik pembangkit ............................................................ 4

Tabel 2. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit berdasarkan inisial nama dan jenis pembangkit
.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Tabel 3. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses ................................................... 5
Tabel 4. Penamaan komponen terkait titik pemasangan ................................................... 6
Tabel 5. Penamaan aset fisik terkait lokasi ........................................................................ 8
Tabel A.1. Contoh penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait proses ............................... 11
Tabel A.2. Contoh penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan ............... 13
Tabel A.3. Contoh penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait lokasi................................. 15
Tabel B.1. Kode inisial nama pembangkit........................................................................ 16
Tabel B.2. Kode jenis pembangkit ................................................................................... 55
Tabel C.1. Kode penamaan fungsi/system ....................................................................... 56
Tabel D.1. Kode penamaan peralatan/equipment ..........................................................254

Daftar Gambar

Gambar A.1. Contoh penamaan terkait proses ................................................................ 10

Gambar A.2. Contoh format penomoran sistem terkait proses ........................................ 11
Gambar A.3. Contoh penamaan terkait titik pemasangan ................................................ 12
Gambar A.4. Contoh penomoran terkait titik pemasangan............................................... 13
Gambar A.5. Contoh penamaan terkait lokasi ................................................................. 14

SPLN K7.002: 2022


Standar ini merupakan revisi dari SPLN K7.002: 2012 Penamaan Komponen Pembangkit
Tenaga Listrik. Adapun latar belakang revisi pada standar ini adalah:
1. Perubahan organisasi di PT PLN (Persero) yang sering terjadi sehingga kategori
struktur organisasi (Tingkat 1, 2 dan 3) tidak relevan lagi. Dibutuhkan panduan untuk
mengakomodir dinamika perubahan struktur organisasi di PT PLN (Persero) yang
cukup besar sehingga diharapkan tidak terjadi inkonsistensi dalam implementasi
2. Adanya perbedaan panduan dan implementasi dalam penyusunan penamaan kode
pembangkit dilingkungan PT PLN (Persero) dan Pengelola Operation & Maintenance
(O&M) pembangkit;
3. Dibutuhkan kecepatan dan akurasi dalam menampilkan profil suatu aset dilingkungan
PT PLN (Persero) dan Pengelola Operation & Maintenance (O&M) pembangkit untuk
pengambilan keputusan;
4. Kode penamaan KKS (Kraftwerk-Kennzeichen-System) yang terbaru; dan
5. Mengakomodir penambahan pembangkit baru sesuai dengan RUPTL tahun 2021-
Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik sangat diperlukan dalam perencanaan,
pembangunan, logistik, enjiniring, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan, dan finansial yang
optimal dan efisien, terutama dengan perkembangan sistem kontrol, teknologi informasi
dan sistem manajemen pemeliharaan berbasis komputer.
Standar ini untuk menunjang manajemen aset korporat yang membutuhkan penamaan aset
fisik pembangkit yang unik untuk berbagai jenis pembangkit seperti:
- pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga gas/uap (PLTG/GU),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel (PLTD),
- pembangkit listrik mesin gas (PLTMG),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga mesin gas uap (PLTMGU),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga bayu (PLTB),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga biomassa (PLTBm),
- pembangkit listrik tenaga biogas (PLTBg), dan
- pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah (PLTSa).
Standar ini disusun berdasarkan Kraftwerk-Kennzeichen-System (KKS) yang terdiri atas
tiga jenis penamaan atau identifikasi:
1. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses, mengidentifikasi instalasi dan
peralatan sesuai dengan fungsi dalam proses di unit pembangkit (misalnya turbin uap);
2. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan, mengidentifikasi titik
pemasangan di dalam suatu unit instalasi (misalnya cubicle); dan

SPLN K7.002: 2022

3. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait lokasi, mengidentifikasi lokasi ruang dan lantai
atau lokasi peralatan di dalam struktur bangunan.
Sedangkan untuk penamaan aset lain terkait pembangkit (seperti tools, penamaan spare
part dan lain-lain) agar diatur lebih lanjut dalam SPLN tersendiri.
Dengan di tetapkannya SPLN K7.002: 2022 Penamaan Aset Fisik Pembangkit Tenaga
Listrik maka SPLN K7.002: 2012 dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi. Selanjutnya untuk
penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik di lingkungan PT PLN (Persero) dan
Pengelola Operation & Maintenance (O&M) pembangkit harus mengikuti standar ini.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Penamaan Aset Fisik Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik

1. Ruang lingkup

Standar ini merupakan pedoman untuk penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik yang
meliputi penamaan inisial nama pembangkit dan jenis pembangkit, nomor pembangkit, fungsi
(system), peralatan (equipment), dan komponen (component) berbagai jenis pembangkit
tenaga listrik.
Pedoman penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik terdiri dari penamaan aset fisik terkait
dengan proses, titik pemasangan (point of instalation) dan lokasi di dalam pembangkit tenaga

2. Tujuan

Sebagai pedoman penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik yang akan digunakan di
lingkungan PT PLN (Persero) dan Pengelola Operation & Maintenance (O&M) pembangkit
dalam kegiatan bidang perencanaan, pembangunan, logistik, enjiniring, pengoperasian dan
pemeliharaan, dan finansial.

3. Acuan normatif

Ketentuan yang digunakan dalam SPLN ini mengikuti standar dan referensi berikut, kecuali
ditetapkan secara khusus. Dalam hal terjadi revisi pada standar dan referensi tersebut, maka
ketentuannya mengikuti edisi terakhirnya.
a. ISO/TS 16952-10:2008 Technical product documentation - Reference designation system
- Part 10: Power Plants;
b. ISO/TS 16952-1 Technical Product Documentation Reference Designation System-Part 1:
General Application Rules;
c. KKS (Kraftwerk-Kennzeichen-System): 2020 Identification/Designation System for Power
Stations; dan
d. Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) PT PLN (Persero) Tahun 2021-2030.

4. Istilah dan definisi

Hal, benda atau entitas yang memiliki potensi atau secara aktual memiliki nilai (value) bagi

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Bagian yang membentuk peralatan.

Peralatan (equipment)
Gabungan dari komponen yang mempunyai fungsi tertentu.

Pembangkit tenaga listrik
Gabungan peralatan yang berfungsi untuk memproduksi tenaga listrik dengan menggunakan
energi primer fosil (batubara, minyak, gas), air, panas bumi, surya, bayu, dan energi primer

Gabungan dari subsistem/peralatan yang memiliki fungsi tertentu.

Gabungan dari peralatan yang memiliki fungsi tertentu.

Unit pembangkit
Suatu gabungan dari sistem yang termasuk dalam tata hubungan kerja yang berfungsi
mengubah energi primer menjadi energi listrik.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

5. Unsur-unsur sistematika penamaan

Sistematika penamaan dalam menjalankan sejumlah kegiatan, harus mampu untuk

memenuhi kebutuhan seperti berikut:
a. Proses identifikasi aset fisik pembangkit hanya menggunakan SPLN ini dan tidak boleh
menggabungkan dengan sistem standar penamaan lainnya;
b. Adanya perubahan struktur organisasi tidak mengubah kode unik aset;
c. Penentuan semua sistem dan subsistem;
d. Jumlah kode penamaan harus tersedia cukup bagi pengembangan enjiniring pembangkit
tenaga listrik di masa depan dan menyimpan riwayat pemeliharaan aset;
e. Klasifikasi sistem dan subsistem harus dapat diterapkan untuk semua jenis pembangkit
tenaga listrik, semua komponen, masing-masing rangkaian dan susunannya harus dapat
diidentifikasi secara jelas;
f. Identifikasi yang jelas untuk semua subsistem;
g. Penamaan yang digunakan dalam sebuah pembangkit tenaga listrik tidak boleh berulang;
h. Panjang variabel penamaan tergantung kebutuhan rinci dari berbagai bidang aplikasi;
i. Penamaan yang unik dari bermacam-macam system;
j. Mudah dikenal dengan kejelasan dan panjang penamaan yang memadai;
k. Penamaan harus diambil dari standar, panduan, dan rekomendasi yang telah ada;
l. Data riwayat lama yang tersimpan tidak hilang akibat perubahan kode unik baru; dan
m. Mendukung pemetaan risiko aset.

6. Struktur penamaan aset fisik pembangkit

Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik terdiri dari tiga jenis yaitu:
a. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses, mengidentifikasi sistem dan satuan
peralatan sesuai dengan fungsinya pada bidang mekanik, listrik, kontrol instrumen dan
sipil (yang menunjang bidang mekanik dan khusus PLTA);
b. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan, mengidentifikasi tempat
peralatan listrik, dan kontrol instrumen pada satuan instalasi (misalnya di dalam cubicles,
consoles, panels); dan
c. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait lokasi, mengidentifikasi lokasi area, ruang, dan
lantai atau lokasi peralatan di dalam struktur bangunan sesuai dengan fungsinya pada
bidang sipil.
Struktur penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terdiri dari 6 (enam) tingkat rincian untuk penamaan
terkait proses, 5 (lima) tingkat rincian untuk penamaan terkait titik pemasangan dan terkait
lokasi seperti terlihat pada Tabel 1.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Tabel 1. Struktur penamaan aset fisik pembangkit

Urutan tingkat penamaan aset fisik pembangkit dari kiri ke kanan semakin rinci dijelaskan
a. Tabel 2 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait inisial nama pembangkit dan jenis
b. Tabel 3 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses;
c. Tabel 4 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan; dan
d. Tabel 5 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait lokasi.

6.1 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait inisial nama dan jenis pembangkit

Pada penamaan ini penomorannya berdasarkan inisial nama pembangkit dan jenis
pembangkit dapat dilihat pada Lampiran B.

Tabel 2. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit berdasarkan inisial nama dan jenis pembangkit

Urutan tingkat rincian 1 2

Judul tingkat rincian Inisial nama pembangkit Jenis pembangkit

Karakter data penamaan PN LN

Urutan karakter 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jenis karakter data A A AA/NN A A

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Keterangan Tabel 2 diurut dari kiri ke kanan:

Urutan tingkat rincian 1 dan 2:

AAAA : Inisial Nama Pembangkit (contoh: Tanjung Priok = TJPR)

AANN : Inisial Nama Pembangkit (contoh: Jawa 7 = JW07)
AA : Jenis Pembangkit (contoh: PLTGU = GU)

Sedangkan tanda berikut ini adalah:

A : Simbol alfabet (huruf)
N : Simbol numerik (digit)

6.2 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses

Pada penamaan ini keseluruhan sistem dibagi berdasarkan prosesnya, baik dari bidang
mekanik, listrik, kontrol instrumen dan sipil (yang menunjang bidang mekanik dan khusus
PLTA). Peralatan dan komponen harus dapat diidentifikasi dalam hubungannya dengan
proses. Daftar kode penamaan proses selengkapnya dapat dilihat contoh pada Lampiran A
Gambar A.1.

Tabel 3. Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait proses

Urutan tingkat 3 4 5 6
rincian Kode Unit Fungsi Peralatan Komponen
Judul tingkat rincian Kode Sistem Kode Peralatan Kode Komponen
Karakter data
G1 GN F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN B1 B2 BN

Urutan karakter 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Jenis karakter data N N N A A A N N A A N N N A A N N

Keterangan Tabel 3 diurut dari kiri ke kanan:

Urutan tingkat rincian 3

NNN : Dikelompokkan menjadi 2, yaitu:

• Nomor pembangkit (G1) atau urutan karakter ke-7 adalah blok/kelompok
pembangkit; dua karakter selanjutnya (GN ) atau karakter ke-8 dan ke-9 adalah
nomor urut unit.

Blok 1 Unit 1 = 101, Kelompok Pembangkit 2 Unit 11 = 211
• Common: untuk common unit dan blok/kelompok pembangkit disetarakan,
dibedakan sesuai pengelompokannya.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Common unit pembangkit = 000, common unit pembangkit kelompok 1 = 100,
kelompok 2 = 200, dst.

Urutan tingkat rincian 4:

AAA : Klasifikasi sistem
NN : Penomoran subsistem dari urutan tingkat rincian-4 (kode sistem).
Petunjuk penomoran kode pada subsistem, dimulai dari 10:
10 = subsistem ke-1
20 = subsistem ke-2, dst.

PAC10 : Circulating (Main Cooling) Water Pump A
EGB40 : Tank Farm D

Urutan tingkat rincian 5:

AA : Klasifikasi peralatan. Klasifikasi peralatan mekanik, listrik dan kontrol instrumen.

NNN : Penomoran peralatan. Penomoran peralatan mekanik, listrik dan kontrol instrumen.
Petunjuk penomoran kode pada peralatan (equipment), dimulai dari 001

AP001 : Pump Unit A
AP002 : Pump Unit B
AA : Klasifikasi komponen. Klasifikasi dari komponen, sinyal dan aplikasi sinyal.
NN : Penomoran komponen. Penomoran dari komponen, sinyal dan aplikasi sinyal.

6.3 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan

Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit juga digunakan untuk menentukan titik pemasangan
peralatan listrik, dan kontrol instrumen pada satuan instalasi. Sebagai contoh yaitu lokasi
seperti koordinat rak instrumen dan posisinya di kubikel/panel dan sebagainya adalah
penamaan pada tingkat peralatan terkait titik pemasangan. Contoh pada Lampiran A Gambar
Tabel 4. Penamaan komponen terkait titik pemasangan

Urutan tingkat 3 4 5
rincian Kode Unit Fungsi Peralatan
Nomor Kode Unit
Judul tingkat rincian Kode Ruang Pemasangan
Pembangkit Pemasangan
Karakter data
G1 GN F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3
Urutan karakter 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Jenis karakter data N N N A A A N N A A N N N (N)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Keterangan Tabel 4 diurut dari kiri ke kanan:

Urutan tingkat rincian 3:

NNN : Dikelompokkan menjadi 2, yaitu:

• Nomor pembangkit (G1) atau urutan karakter ke-7 adalah blok/kelompok
pembangkit; dua karakter selanjutnya (GN ) atau karakter ke-8 dan ke-9 adalah
nomor urut unit.
Blok 1 Unit 1 = 101, Kelompok Pembangkit 2 Unit 11 = 211

• Common: untuk common unit dan blok/kelompok pembangkit disetarakan,

dibedakan sesuai pengelompokannya.
Common unit pembangkit = 000, common unit pembangkit kelompok 1 = 100,
kelompok 2 = 200, dst.

Urutan tingkat rincian 4:

AAA : Klasifikasi unit pemasangan seperti cubicle, cabinet, console, dan panel.
NN : Penomoran unit pemasangan.
Petunjuk penomoran kode pada subsistem, dimulai dari 10:
10 = subsistem ke-1
20 = subsistem ke-2, dst.
CWF10 : Main Control Panel ke-1
MGY20 : Control and Protection Equipment Pump Storage Plant Cubicle ke-2

Urutan tingkat rincian 5:

AA : Kode ruang pemasangan. Sub bagian arah vertikal (row) dalam ruang pemasangan.
NNN : Kode ruang pemasangan. Sub bagian arah horisontal (column) dalam ruang
Petunjuk penomoran kode ruang pemasangan, dimulai dari 001.
(A) : Kode tambahan untuk identifikasi ruang pemasangan. Identifikasi lokasi khusus dari

Huruf-huruf identifikasi yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi titik pemasangan dengan

rincian sampai tingkat fungsi (urutan tingkat rincian 4) sama dengan penamaan aset fisik
terkait proses.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

6.4 Penamaan aset fisik pembangkit terkait lokasi

Untuk menjelaskan penamaan aset fisik terkait lokasi area, ruang, dan lantai atau lokasi
peralatan di dalam struktur bangunan dimasukkan pada rincian tingkat fungsi, sedangkan
untuk ruangan dan bagian dari lantai struktur bangunan dimasukkan pada rincian peralatan,
contoh dapat dilihat pada Lampiran A Gambar A.3.

Tabel 5. Penamaan aset fisik terkait lokasi

Urutan tingkat 3 4 5
rincian Kode Unit Fungsi Peralatan
Judul tingkat rincian Kode Struktur Kode Ruang
Karakter data
G1 GN F1 F2 F3 FN A1 AN A2
Urutan karakter 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Jenis karakter data N N N A A A N N A N N N (A)

Keterangan Tabel 5 diurut dari kiri ke kanan

Urutan tingkat rincian 3:

NNN : Dikelompokkan menjadi 2, yaitu:

• Nomor pembangkit (G1) atau urutan karakter ke-7 adalah blok/kelompok
pembangkit; dua karakter selanjutnya (GN ) atau karakter ke-8 dan ke-9 adalah
nomor urut unit.
Blok 1 Unit 1 = 101, Kelompok Pembangkit 2 Unit 11 = 211
• Common: untuk common unit dan blok/kelompok pembangkit disetarakan,
dibedakan sesuai pengelompokannya.
Common unit pembangkit = 000, common unit pembangkit kelompok 1 = 100,
kelompok 2 = 200, dst.

Urutan tingkat rincian 4:

AAA : Penamaan struktur.

NN : Penomoran lantai. Penomoran subdivisi pada struktur menjadi lantai, tingkat,
platform, ketinggian, dll.
Petunjuk penomoran kode pada subsistem, dimulai dari 01:
01 = subsistem ke-1
02 = subsistem ke-2, dst.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

UHA01 : Structure Boiler House lantai ke-1
UMA02 : Steam Turbin Building lantai ke-2

A : Penamaan ruangan. Identifikasi ruangan (R) dan area (S).

NNN : Penomoran ruangan. Penomoran ruangan seperti pada suatu area pada masing-
masing lantai.
Petunjuk penomoran kode lokasi ruangan, dimulai dari 001.
(A) : Kode tambahan untuk subdivisi nomor ruang.

Adapun contoh hierarki penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait proses, titik pemasangan
dan lokasi dapat dilihat pada Lampiran A.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Lampiran A
Contoh implementasi penamaan aset fisik pembangkit tenaga listrik

Gambar A.1. Contoh penamaan terkait proses

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Gambar A.2. Contoh format penomoran sistem terkait proses

Tabel A.1. Contoh penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait proses

Urutan Level 1 2 3 4 5 6

Urutan tingkat Kode Kode Jenis

Kode Unit Fungsi Peralatan Komponen
rincian Pembangkit Pembangkit

Judul tingkat Inisial Nama Jenis Nomor

Kode Sistem Kode Peralatan Kode Komponen
rincian Pembangkit Pembangkit Pembangkit

Karakter data
I1 I2 I3 I4 J1 J3 G F 1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN B1 B2 BN


Contoh 1: MKRG GU 104 MAD 10 HD 001 KE 01

Blok 1 Steam Steam Turbin Bearing Bearing

Diskripsi Muara Karang PLTGU Bearing Turning Casing
Turbin Bearing Ke-1 Assmbly Ke-1

Contoh 2: JW07 TU 001 MKD 10 HD 001 QP 01

Geneartor Bearing Bearing Measuring
Diskripsi Jawa 7 PLTU Unit 1 Bearing Terminal
Bearing Ke-1 Assmbly Generator Instrument

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Gambar A.3. Contoh penamaan terkait titik pemasangan

SPLN K7.002: 2022

+BBA10 +BBA20 +BBB10 +BBB20 +BBC10 +BBC20

Gambar A.4. Contoh penomoran terkait titik pemasangan

Tabel A.2. Contoh penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait titik pemasangan

Urutan Level 1 2 3 4 5

Urutan tingkat Kode Kode Jenis

Kode Unit Fungsi Peralatan
rincian Pembangkit Pembangkit

Judul tingkat Inisial Nama Jenis Nomor Kode Unit

Kode Ruang Pemasangan
rincian Pembangkit Pembangkit Pembangkit Pemasangan

Karakter data
I1 I2 I3 I4 J1 J3 G F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3


Contoh: LOPE GU 001 CAB 10 JB 001

Lombok Steam Protection Panel Baris J

Diskripsi PLTMGU Kolom Ke-1
Peaker Turbin Panel (ST) Ke-1 Subbaris B

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Gambar A.5. Contoh penamaan terkait lokasi

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Tabel A.3. Contoh penamaan komponen pembangkit terkait lokasi

Urutan Level 1 2 3 4 5

Urutan tingkat Kode Kode Jenis

Kode Unit Fungsi Peralatan
rincian Pembangkit Pembangkit

Judul tingkat Inisial Nama Jenis Nomor

Kode Strutkur Kode Ruang
rincian Pembangkit Pembangkit Pembangkit

Karakter data
I1 I2 I3 I4 J1 J3 G F1 F2 F3 FN A1 AN A3


Contoh: SLBA TU 001 UHA 03 R 004

Boiler Lantai
Diskripsi Labuhan Angin PLTU Unit 1 Room Nomor 4
House Ke-3

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Lampiran B
Inisial nama pembangkit dan jenis pembangkit

B1. Inisial Nama Pembangkit

Tabel B.1. Kode inisial nama pembangkit

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

1 BALI SELATAN BLSL Jawa, Madura dan Bali

2 BALI UTARA BLUT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
3 BANGLI BGLI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
4 KUBU KUBU Jawa, Madura dan Bali
5 KUTAMPI KTMP Jawa, Madura dan Bali
7 SAMPEAN BARU SPBR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
8 GILIGENTING GLGT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
9 KANGEAN KNGN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
10 SAPEKEN SPKN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
11 SAPUDI SPDI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
12 TALANGO TLGO Jawa, Madura dan Bali
13 GILIIYANG GLYG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
14 RA'AS RAAS Jawa, Madura dan Bali
15 MANDANGIN MDGN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
16 PAGERUNGAN KECIL PGRK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
17 TONDUK TNDK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
18 PALEYAT PLYT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
19 SAOBI SOBI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
20 SABUNTAN SBTN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
21 GOA-GOA GOA2 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
22 SAKALA SKLA Jawa, Madura dan Bali
23 MASA KAMBING MSKB Jawa, Madura dan Bali
24 PERIKANAN PRKN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
25 AMPEL GADING BAMG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
26 TMSR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
27 WONOREJO BWNJ Jawa, Madura dan Bali
28 PG PESANTREN BARU PSBR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
29 LODAGUNG LDGG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
30 BENOWO BNWO Jawa, Madura dan Bali
31 KUNCI PUTIH KCPT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
32 KALIANGET KLAT Jawa, Madura dan Bali

SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

33 KARANG TENGAH KRTH Jawa, Madura dan Bali

34 WANGAN AJI WGAJ Jawa, Madura dan Bali
35 SINGGI SGGI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
36 KINCANG KNCG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
37 RAKIT RKIT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
38 SIGEBANG SGBG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
39 ADIPASIR 3 ADPS Jawa, Madura dan Bali
40 BANYUMLAYU BYLY Jawa, Madura dan Bali
41 KALIPELUS KLPL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
42 TANJUNG TIRTA TJTR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
43 KINCANG-1 KCNG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
44 KAREKAN KRKN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
45 LOGAWA BASEH1 LWBS Jawa, Madura dan Bali
46 TIMBANGREJA TBRJ Jawa, Madura dan Bali
47 DANAWARIH DNWR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
48 MEJAGONG MJGG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
49 SEMAWUNG SMWG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
50 TALANG KRASAK TLKR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
51 JATIBARANG JTBR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
52 MERDEN MRDN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
53 LEBAKBARANG LBBR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
54 CIBUNI MANDIRI CBNM Jawa, Madura dan Bali
55 CIBATARUA CBTR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
56 CIKAENGAN CKGN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
57 CIKANDANG CKDG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
58 CIKOPO CKPO Jawa, Madura dan Bali
59 CILAKI CLKI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
60 CIROMPANG CRPG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
61 CISANGGIRI CSGR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
62 NAVIGAT ORGANIK NVGT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
63 CIANTEN CNTN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
64 CIJEDIL CJDL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
65 CIJAMPANG CJPG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
66 CIBALAPULANG CBPL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
67 PUSAKA I PSKA Jawa, Madura dan Bali
68 KALAPA NUNGGAL KLPN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
69 PESANTREN PSNT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
70 CIBANTENG CBNT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
71 SINDANG CAI SDCI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
72 JAMBE LAER JBLR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

73 CIHERANG #01 CHRG Jawa, Madura dan Bali

74 CIKASO CKSO Jawa, Madura dan Bali
75 CICATIH CCTH Jawa, Madura dan Bali
76 PULAU SABIRA PLSB Jawa, Madura dan Bali
77 SENAYAN SNYN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
78 INDRALAYA IDLY Jawa, Madura dan Bali
79 KAMOJANG KMJG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
80 GUNUNG SALAK GSLK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
81 DARAJAT DRJT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
82 SAGULING SGLG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
83 BENGKOK BGKK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
84 PLENGAN PLGN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
85 LAMAJAN LMJN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
86 CIKALONG CKLG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
87 UBRUG UBRG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
88 KRACAK KRCK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
89 PARAKANKONDANG PRKD Jawa, Madura dan Bali
90 TAMBAK LOROK TBLK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
91 CILACAP CLCP Jawa, Madura dan Bali
92 SUNYARAGI SYRG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
93 LEGON BAJAK LBJK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
94 PB.SUDIRMAN PBSU Jawa, Madura dan Bali
95 JELOK JLOK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
96 TIMO TIMO Jawa, Madura dan Bali
97 WONOGIRI WNGR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
98 GARUNG GRNG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
99 SEMPOR SMPR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
100 KETENGER KTGR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
101 WADAS LINTANG WDLT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
102 KEDUNG OMBO KDMB Jawa, Madura dan Bali
103 KELAMBU KLMB Jawa, Madura dan Bali
104 PEJENGKOLAN PJKL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
105 SIDOREJO SDRJ Jawa, Madura dan Bali
106 TAPEN TPEN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
107 TULIS TULS Jawa, Madura dan Bali
108 PLUMBUNGAN PLUM Jawa, Madura dan Bali
109 SITEKI STKI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
110 GUNUNG WUGUL GNWG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
111 GRATI GRTI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
112 PESANGGARAN PSGR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
113 GILIMANUK GLMN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

114 PEMARON PMRN Jawa, Madura dan Bali

115 BALI BALI Jawa, Madura dan Bali
116 NUSA PENIDA NSPD Jawa, Madura dan Bali
117 GRESIK GRSK Jawa, Madura dan Bali
118 MUARA KARANG MKRG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
119 MUARA TAWAR MTWR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
120 PAITON PTON Jawa, Madura dan Bali
121 CIRATA CRTA Jawa, Madura dan Bali
122 SUTAMI BSTM Jawa, Madura dan Bali
123 WLINGI BWLG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
124 LODOYO BLDY Jawa, Madura dan Bali
125 SENGGURUH BSGR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
126 SELOREJO BSLJ Jawa, Madura dan Bali
127 MENDALAN BMDL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
128 SIMAN BSMN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
129 TULUNGAGUNG BTLG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
130 GIRINGAN BGRG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
131 GOLANG BGLG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
132 NGEBEL BNBL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
133 TANJUNG JATI B TGJT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
134 PULO PANJANG PLPJ Jawa, Madura dan Bali
135 CISONO CSNO Jawa, Madura dan Bali
136 SITUMULYA STML Jawa, Madura dan Bali
137 LEBAK TUNDUN LBTN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
138 BOJONG CISONO BJCS Jawa, Madura dan Bali
139 TANJUNG PRIOK TJPR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
140 CILEGON CLGN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
141 LABUAN LABN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
142 LONTAR LNTR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
143 SURALAYA SRLY Jawa, Madura dan Bali
144 PELABUHAN RATU PLRT Jawa, Madura dan Bali
145 INDRAMAYU IDMY Jawa, Madura dan Bali
146 REMBANG RBNG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
147 ADIPALA ADPL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
148 PACITAN PCTN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
149 TANJUNG AWAR-AWAR TJAW Jawa, Madura dan Bali
150 BEKASI POWER BKPW Jawa, Madura dan Bali
151 CGI (DARAJAT II & III) DJ23 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
152 CBON Jawa, Madura dan Bali

SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

153 DSPL (SALAK 4,5,6) SK46 Jawa, Madura dan Bali

154 GDE (DIENG) DG01 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
155 GDE UNIT PATUHA PTHA Jawa, Madura dan Bali
156 JP (PAITON SWASTA II) PT56 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
157 PAITON 3 PT03 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
158 PEC (PAITON SWASTA I) PT78 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
159 KJ45 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
Unit IV & V)
160 PGE (PLTP KARAHA) KRHA Jawa, Madura dan Bali
161 PJT II (PO JATILUHUR) JLHR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
162 JWTG Jawa, Madura dan Bali
163 PT BHUMI JATI POWER JW04 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
164 PT CIKARANG LISTRINDO CKEX Jawa, Madura dan Bali
165 CLBW Jawa, Madura dan Bali
166 BNTN Jawa, Madura dan Bali
167 PT S2P (CILACAP) CL12 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
168 PT S2P EXPANSION CLEX Jawa, Madura dan Bali
169 JW07 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
170 JW08 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
171 RMDL Jawa, Madura dan Bali
172 WW12 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
173 JW01 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
174 CEPR Jawa, Madura dan Bali
175 JW90 Jawa, Madura dan Bali
176 ADAUT ADUT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
177 ADODOMOLO ADML Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
178 AIRBUAYA ARBY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
179 AMARSEKARU AMSK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
180 AMBALAU/MASAWOY AMBL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
181 AMBON PEAKER AMPK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
182 ARWALA ARWL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
183 BACAN BCAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
184 BAJO BAJO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
185 BANDA BNDA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

186 BARATAKU BRTK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

187 BARU AKOL BAKL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
188 BATANG DUA BTDA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
189 BATU JUNGKU BTJK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
190 BENJINA BJNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
191 BENJURING BJRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
192 BEREBERE BBRE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
193 BICOLI BCLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
194 BMPP NUSANTARA 1 NS01 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
195 BOBALE BBLE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
196 BOBONG BBNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
197 BUANO BANO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
198 BULA BULA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
199 BULI BULI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
200 BUSUA BSUA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
201 DAGASULI DGSL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
202 DAMA DAMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
203 DARUBA DRBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
204 DOBO DOBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
205 DARUME DRME Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
206 DEGE DEGE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
207 DOFA DOFA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
208 DOKA BARAT DKBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
209 DULLAH LAUT DLLT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
210 EFFA EFFA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
211 ELAT ELAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
212 GALO-GALO GGLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
213 GANE LUAR GNLR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
214 GEBE GEBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
215 GESER GSER Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
216 GULI-GULI GGLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
217 HARUKU HRKU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
218 HATIVE KECIL HTVK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
219 PULAU HATTA HTTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
220 HIRI HIRI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
221 IBU IBUU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
222 ILMAMAU ILMU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
223 ILWAKI ILWK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
224 JAILOLO JLLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
225 JEROL JROL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

226 JIKO JIKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

227 JIKOHAY JKHY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
228 KAIRATU KRTU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
229 KASTELA KSTL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
230 KAIWABAR KWBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
231 KAKARA KKRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
232 KAMPUNG BARU KPBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
233 KAREY KREY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
234 KAYOA KYOA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
235 KAYU MERAH KYMR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
236 KEDI KEDI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
237 KEFFING KFFG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
238 KESUI KSUI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
239 KIANDARAT KDRT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
240 KILMURY KMRY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
241 KOBISONTA KBST Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
242 KOJABI KJBI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
243 KOLORAI KLRI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
244 KUKUPANG KKPG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
245 KUR KURR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
246 KWAMOR KWMR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
247 LAIMU LIMU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
248 LAIWUI LWUI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
249 LANGGUR LGGR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
250 LANGGUR PEAKER LGPK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
251 LARAT LRAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
252 LATALOLA BESAR LTBS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
253 LEKSULA LKSL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
254 LETMASA LTMS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
255 LETWURUNG LWRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
256 LEWAH LWAH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
257 LIMBO LMBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
258 LIRAN LRAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
259 LOLEO LLEO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
260 LOLOBATA LLBT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
261 LONGGAR LGAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
262 LONTHOIR LTHR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
263 LORLOR LLOR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
264 LUANG TIMUR LNTM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
265 LUHU LUHU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
266 MABA MABA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

267 MADOPOLO MDPL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

268 MAFFA MFFA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
269 MAHALETA MHLT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
270 MAKATIAN MKTN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
271 MAKIAN MKAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
272 MAKO MAKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
273 MALIFUT MLFT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
274 MANGOLI MNGL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
275 MANIPA MNPA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
276 MANO MANO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
277 MARE MARE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
278 MARLASI MRLS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
279 MASOHI MSHI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
280 SERAM PEAKER SRPK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
281 MATAKUS MTKS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
282 MOA MOAA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
283 MOTI MOTI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
284 NAMAMOLIN NMML Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
285 NAMLEA NMLA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
286 NAMROLE NMRL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
287 NGELE-NGELE NGLE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
288 NUSALAUT NSLT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
289 OLONG OLNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
290 ONDOR ONDR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
291 PALAMEA PLMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
292 PANCORAN PCRN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
293 PARIGI PRGI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
294 PASANEA PNEA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
295 PASIR PUTIH PSPT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
296 PATANI PTNI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
297 PAYAHE PYHE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
298 PECANDO PCDO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
299 PIRU PIRU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
300 POKA POKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
301 POSI-POSI POSI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
302 PULAU KELANG PKLG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
303 PULAU PANJANG PPNJ Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
304 PULAU AI PLAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
305 PULAU GALA PGLA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
306 PULAU JU PJUU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

307 PULAU TIGA PTGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
308 PULAU TIOR PTOR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
309 ROMEAN RMAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
310 RUMAHLEWANG RMLW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
311 RUMKUDA RMKD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
312 PULAU RHUN RHUN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
313 SAKETA SKTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
314 SAMUYA SMYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
315 SANANA SNNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
316 SAPARUA SPRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
317 SAUMLAKI SMLK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
318 SEIRA SIRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
319 SERWARU SRWR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
320 SOA-SIU SSIU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
321 SOFIFI SFFI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
322 SOMAHODE SMHD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
323 SOPI SOPI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
324 SUBAIM SBIM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
325 SUM SUMM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
326 TABARFANE TBFN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
327 TAGALAYA TGLY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
328 TAHALUPU THLP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
329 TALIMAU TLMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
330 TAM NGURHIR TNGR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
331 TANIWEL TNWL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
332 TAYANDO OHOITEL OHTL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
333 YAMTEL YMTL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
334 TEHORU THRU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
335 TEPA TEPA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
336 TIFURE TFRE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
337 TOBELO TBLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
338 TOBO-TOBO TTBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
339 TOLONUO TLNO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
340 TONU JAYA TNJY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
341 TUTUKEMBUNG TTKB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
342 UMIYAL UMYL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
343 UR PULAU PURR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
344 WAHAI WHAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
345 WAIPANDAN WPDN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
346 WAKUA WKUA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
347 WAMSISI WMSI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

348 WARBAL WRBL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

349 WASILEO WSLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
350 WATUWEI WWEI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
351 WAYLOR WLOR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
352 WEDA WEDA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
353 WEIRATAN WRTN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
354 WERINAMA WRNM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
355 WIRING YOYO WRYO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
356 WONRELI WNRL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
357 WULUR WLUR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
358 WUNLAH WNLH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
359 YABA YABA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
360 TIDORE TDRE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
361 ADUWEI ADWE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
362 AGATS AGTS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
363 AGIMUGA AGMU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
364 AIKAWAPUKA AIAW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
365 AISA AISA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
366 AKAT AKAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
367 AMBAI 1 AMAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
368 AMBUMI AMUM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
369 AMUAN AMAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
370 ARBAIS ARBK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
371 ARBOREK AROR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
372 AREFI ARFI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
373 ARFAI ARAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
374 ARFU ARFU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
375 ARGUNI ARGN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
376 ATKARI ATAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
377 ATSY ATSY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
378 ATUKA ATKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
379 AUKI AUKI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
380 AYAMARU AYMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
381 AYAPO AYPO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
382 AYATA AYTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
383 AYAWASI AYWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
384 BAAD BAAD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
385 BABO BABO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
386 BADE BADE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
387 BARUKI BAUK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

388 BEO BEBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

389 BETAF BEAF Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
390 BIANCI BINC Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
391 BINTUNI BNTI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
392 BIWAGE BIAG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
393 BOMBERAI BOBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
394 BONGGO BOGG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
395 BORMESO BOME Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
396 BROMSI BRMS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
397 BUKISI BUIS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
398 BUPUL XI BUUL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
399 CATUBOUW CAUB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
400 CEMBEL CEBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
401 DABATAN DAAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
402 DAWAI DAAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
403 DEIYAI DEYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
404 DEMAISI DEAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
405 DEMTA DETA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
406 DISFRA DIFR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
407 DODALIM DOAL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
408 DOGIYAI DOIY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
409 DOOM DOOM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
410 ECI ECII Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
411 ELELIM ELLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
412 ENAROTALI ENRO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
413 ENDOKISI ENOK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
414 ENEM ENEM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
415 ERAGAYAM ERGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
416 EWAY EWAY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
417 FAFANLAP FAAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
418 FAKAFUKU FAAF Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
419 FAYET FAET Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
420 FEF FEFE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
421 FOLLEY FOLE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
422 FOROMA JAYA FOOM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
423 FRIWEN FRWE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
424 FURNUSU FUNU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
425 GAG GAGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
426 GAMTA GATA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
427 GENSET MOBILE GESE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
428 GENYEM GEYE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

429 GETENTIRI GEEN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

430 GISIM GIIM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
431 GUSI GUSI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
432 HAMKU HAKU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
433 HARAPAN JAYA HAAP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
434 HOLTEKAMP HTKM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
435 HOPMARE HOMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
436 ILUGAWA ILGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
437 IMBUAN IMUA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
438 INAWATAN INWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
439 INIYANDIT INYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
440 ISIM ISIM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
441 JARATI JAAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
442 JAYAPURA JAAP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
443 JEFMAN JEMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
444 JETSY JESY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
445 KABARE KAAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
446 KAIMANA KIMN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
447 KAIZA KAZA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
448 KALIBOBO KAIB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
449 KALITOKO KAIT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
450 KALOBO KAOB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
451 KAMDERA KADE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
452 KARANG MULIA KRML Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
453 KAREYEPOP KAEY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
454 KASIMLE KAIM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
455 KAWAGIT KAAG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
456 KAWANGTET KWTT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
457 KEBAR KEAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
458 KEBUN KAPAS KEUN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
459 KELAPA LIMA KEAP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
460 KELILA KEIL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
461 KEPI KEPI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
462 KIMAAM KMAM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
463 KLABRA KLBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
464 KLADEMAK KLDE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
465 KLASAMAN KLSA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
466 KLASIN KLSI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
467 KLAWOR KLWO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
468 KLAYAS KLYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

469 KOA KOKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

470 KOKAS KOAS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
471 KOKONAO KOON Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
472 KOMBUT KOBU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
473 KUMURKEK KUUR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
474 KURUDU KUUD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
475 KWEKWA BARU KWKB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
476 KWEKWA LAMA KWLM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
477 LEREH LEEH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
478 LILINTA LIIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
479 LIMALAS LIAL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
480 LOBO LOBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
481 LOPINTOL LOIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
482 MAJEMAU MAEM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
483 MAKBON MABO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
484 MAMBAY MMBY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
485 MANDONI MADO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
486 MANSINAM MASI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
487 MASIN MAIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
488 MEGA MEGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
489 MENYAMBOU MEYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
490 MEUKISI MEKI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
491 MINDIPTANA MIDI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
492 MIOS MANGGAWANDI MIMG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
493 MOBILE UNIT MOIL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
494 MUNSINAM MNSM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
495 MUR MURR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
496 NABIRE NBRE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
497 NACHATAWA NAHA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
498 NAPAN NAAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
499 NAU NAUU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
500 NDUGA NDGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
501 NENEY NEEY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
502 NEWA NEWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
503 NUSI NUSI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
504 NUSOWI NUOW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
505 OKABA OKBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
506 OKSIBIL OKIB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
507 OMOR OMOR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
508 ORANSBARI ORNS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
509 ORYA ORYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

510 OWI OWII Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

511 P. LEMON PLMN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
512 P. RUMBERPON PRBP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
513 PAAM PAAM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
514 PADAIDORI PAAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
515 PAI PAII Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
516 PANTAI KASUARI PATA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
517 PASI PASI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
518 PEGAF PEAF Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
519 SANGGENG SGGN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
520 PLTMG BIAK I BK01 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
521 PLTMG BIAK II BK02 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
522 MANOKWARI II MNKW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
523 MERAUKE II MR02 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
524 MERAUKE I MR01 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
525 NABIRE II NB02 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
526 POOM 2 POOM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
527 PRAFI PRFI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
528 KLAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
529 KLHI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
530 KLWP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
531 RAAM RAAM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
532 RAJA AMPAT RJAM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
533 RANSIKI RASI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
534 RAWABIRU RAAB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
535 REREMI REEM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
536 RURUMO RUUM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
537 SABAH SAAH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
538 SAILOLOF SALO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
539 SAMATE SAAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
540 SANGGENG SAGG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
541 SAONEK SANE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
542 SARA SARA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
543 SARIA SAIA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
544 SARIBI SARB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
545 SARMI SAMI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
546 SAUKABU SAKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

547 SAUKOREM SAKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

548 SAUPAPIR SAUP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
549 SAUSAFOR SASA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
550 SAWANDAREK SAAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
551 SAWINGGRAI SAIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
552 SEGET SEET Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
553 SEGUN SEUN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
554 SENGGI SEGI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
555 SENGGO SEGO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
556 SERUI SEUI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
557 SIBORU SIOR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
558 SINAGMA SIAG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
559 SINAMAY SIAM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
560 SIRIWO SIIW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
561 SOLOL SOOL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
562 SOOP SOOP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
563 SORONG SRNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
564 SOTA SOTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
565 SUATOR SUTO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
566 SUMANO SUAN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
567 TAHOTA TAOT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
568 TANAH MERAH TAAH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
569 TARAGAI TAAG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
570 TEMINABUAN TEIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
571 TETAR TEAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
572 TETAR/PATIPI TEPT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
573 TIMIKA TMKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
574 TOKOM TOOM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
575 TOMOLOL TOOL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
576 TOPO TOPO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
577 UJUNG UJNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
578 UPIN UPIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
579 UREIFASEI URIF Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
580 USAHA JAYA USHA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
581 WAENA WANA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
582 WAGOHA WAOH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
583 WAIGAMA WAGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
584 WAINLABAT WANL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
585 WAIRU WARU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
586 WAISAI WSAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
587 WAISILIP WASI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

588 WALESI WAES Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

589 WAMENA WMNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
590 WANURIAN WAUR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
591 WAPOGA BASECAMP WPBC Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
592 WAPOGA KAMPUNG WPKP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
593 WAREN WAEN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
594 WARKAPI WAKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
595 WAROPKO WAOP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
596 WARSAMBIN WRSM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
597 WASINGSAN WAIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
598 WASIOR WAIO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
599 WAYAU WAAU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
600 WEJIM BARAT WEIM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
601 WERBA WEBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
602 WERI WERI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
603 WERUA WEUA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
604 WINDESI WIDE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
605 WINIKTIT WIIK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
606 WOBOYO WOOY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
607 WUNDI WUDI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
608 YAHUKIMO YAUK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
609 YANGGANDUR YAGG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
610 YARMOKH YAMO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
611 YELLU YELU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
612 YENBEKWAN YEBK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
613 YENBESER YEBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
614 YENBUBA YEBU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
615 YENSAWAI YESA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
616 YENWAUPNOR YEWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
617 YOWID 1 YOID Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
618 YOWIED YOIE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
619 ZENEGI ZEEG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
620 MPP TIMIKA POMAKO PMKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
621 GUDANG GDNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
622 GUDANG ATAMBUA GDAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
623 GUDANG BAA GDBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
624 GUDANG BARANUSA GDBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
625 GUDANG KALABAHI GDKL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
626 GUDANG KAMANGGIH GDKM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
627 GUDANG KEFAMENANU GDKF Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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628 KANANGGAR GDKN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

629 LARATAMA GDLR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
630 MAKAMENGGIT GDMK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
631 MAMBORO GDMB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
632 TABUNDUNG GDTB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
633 TANARARA GDTN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
634 WAIKABUBAK GDWK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
635 WAINGAPU GDWG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
636 GUDANG SOE GDSO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
637 GUDANGPLTD LEWA GDLW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
638 PL BOLOK BOLK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
639 SITA SITA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
640 WAEROA WAER Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
641 NDUNGGA NGGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
642 OGI OGII Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
643 WAIGARIT WGRT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
644 AESESA AESE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
645 AIMERE AIME Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
646 ATAMBUA ATMB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
647 ATAWAI ATWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
648 BA'A BAAA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
649 BAJAWA BJWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
650 BARANUSA BRNS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
651 BENTENG JAWA BNJW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
652 BETUN BETN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
653 BOKING BOKI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
654 ENDE ENDE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
655 KABIR KABR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
656 KABIRANGGA KBIR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
657 KAKAHA KKHA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
658 KALABAHI KLBH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
659 KAMANGGIH KMGH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
660 KAMBADJAWA KMJW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
661 KANANGGAR KNGR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
662 KEO TENGAH KTGH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
663 KOMODO KMDO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
664 KOTA BARU KBRU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
665 KUANINO DAN TENAU KUTN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
666 LABUAN BAJO LBBJ Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
667 LAMAHORA LMHR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
668 LAMANABI LMNB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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669 LARATAMA LRTM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

670 LEMBOR LMBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
671 LEWOLAGA LWLG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
672 LOKEA LKEA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
673 MARITAING MRTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
674 MAUMERE MMRE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
675 MAUROLE MRLE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
676 MBORONG MBRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
677 MENANGA MNNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
678 NAEKAKE NKKE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
679 NAIKLIU NKLU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
680 NDAO NDAO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
681 NDORIWOY NRWY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
682 NGGONGI NGGI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
683 NULE NULE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
684 OEPOLI OPLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
685 OMESURI OMSR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
686 PEMANA PMNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
687 POTA POTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
688 PROBUR PRBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
689 PURA PURA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
690 RAIJUA RJUA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
691 REO REOO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
692 RINCA RNCA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
693 RITAEBANG RTBG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
694 RIUNG RIUG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
695 RUTENG RTNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
696 SEBA SEBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
697 SEMAU SMAU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
698 SO'E SOEE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
699 TABUNDUNG TBDG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
700 TANARARA TNRR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
701 TANJUNG BUNGA TJBG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
702 TUAFANU TFNU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
703 UMANEN UMNN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
704 WAIBALUN WBLN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
705 WAIKABUBAK WKBK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
706 WAINGAPU WNGP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
707 WAIWERANG WWRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
708 WOLOWARU WLWR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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709 WONDA WNDA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

710 WULANGGITANG WLGT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
711 LOKOMBORO LKMR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
712 UMBUWANGO UBWG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
713 KUPANG PEAKER KPKR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
714 RANGKO RNGK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
715 LAPUTI LPTI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
716 MBAKUHAU MBKH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
717 SOKORIA SKRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
718 MATALOKO MTLK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
719 ULUMBU ULMB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
720 BATU TIGA BTTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
721 GUNUNG GNNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
722 ILE APE ILAP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
723 BILACENGE BLCG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
724 HAMBAPRAING HBPR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
725 OELPUAH OLPH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
726 WEWARIA WWRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
727 KALELU KLLU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
728 KEBIRANGGA SELATAN KBSL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
729 KEKASEWA KKSW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
730 KOJADOI KJDO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
731 LANGKURU LGKR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
732 LEGUR LAI LGLA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
733 MATARU BARAT MTBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
734 MBAKUNG MBKG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
735 MEHANG MATA MHMT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
736 MESSAH MSSH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
737 NANGABERE NGBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
738 NEMBERALA NBRL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
739 NUCA MOLAS NCML Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
740 PALUE PLUE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
741 PAPAGARANG PPGR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
742 PARUMAAN PRMN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
743 RANA KULAN RNKL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
744 SALURA SLRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
745 SERAYA SRYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
746 TERNATE TRNT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
747 TREWENG TRWG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
748 TRIBUR TRBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
749 USULANU USUL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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750 WINI WINI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

751 MAKMUR SEJAHTERA SMSE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
752 ROPA ROPA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
753 MOBIL UNIT BIMA MBMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
754 MMDG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
755 MOBIL UNIT SUMBAWA MSBW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
756 ALAS ALAS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
757 AMPENAN AMPN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
758 BAJO PULAU BJPL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
759 BIMA BIMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
760 BUGIS MEDANG BMDG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
761 DOMPU DMPU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
762 EMPANG EMPG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
763 TRAWANGAN GTRW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
764 KLAWIS KLWS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
765 KORE/SANGGAR KORE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
766 KWANGKO KWKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
767 LABUHAN LBHN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
768 LABUHAN AJI LBAJ Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
769 LANTUNG LNTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
770 LEBIN LBIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
771 LUNYUK LNYK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
772 MARINGKIK MRGK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
773 NGGELU GELU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
774 NIU NIUU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
775 PAOKMOTONG PMTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
776 PEKAT PKAT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
777 SAMPUNGU SMPG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
778 SAPE SAPE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
779 SEBOTOK STOK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
780 TALIWANG TLWG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
781 TAMAN TMNN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
782 MPP PLN BATAM MPPB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
783 MAMAK MMAK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
784 SUMBAWA SMBW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
785 LOMBOK PEAKER LOPE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
786 SEGARA SGRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

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787 BATU BEDIL BTBD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
788 CAKRA CKRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
789 SUMBER DAYA KBSD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
790 KARANG BAYAN KRBY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
791 KOKO'Q PUTIH KKPT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
792 KUKUSAN KKSN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
793 NARMADA NRMD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
794 PENGGA PNGG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
795 SANTONG SATO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
796 SESAOT SSOT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
797 GILI AIR GAIR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
798 GILI MENO GMNO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
799 PRINGGABAYA PRGB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
800 SAMBELIA SBLA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
801 SELONG SLNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
802 SENGKOL SGKL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
803 JERANJANG JRJG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
804 LED LEDD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
805 SUMBAWA BARAT SBWB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
806 SUPPA SPPA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
807 BAKARU BAKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
808 BILI-BILI BILI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
809 SABILAMBO SABI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
810 TANGGARI I TGRI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
811 PLTA TONSEALAMA TONS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
812 SIDRAP SIDR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
813 TOLO TOLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
814 MASAMBA MASA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
815 BAU BAU BBAU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
816 PASR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
817 BITUNG BITU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
818 EREKE EREK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
819 KOLAKA KLKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
820 KOTAMOBAGU KTMG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
821 LADUMPI LADU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
822 LAMBUYA LAMB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
823 LANGARA LANG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
824 LANIPA NIPA LANI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

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825 LOPANA LOPA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

826 LUWUK LUWU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
827 NOPI NOPI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
828 POASIA POAS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
829 RAHA RAHA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
830 SILAE SILA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
831 TAHUNA TAHU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
832 TELAGA TELA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
833 TELLO TELO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
834 WANGI-WANGI WANG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
835 WUA WUA WUAW Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
836 MALEO MLEO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
837 SENGKANG SENG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
838 BALLA BALL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
839 BONEHAU BONE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
840 BUDONG-BUDONG BUDO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
841 KALUKKU KALU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
842 MIKUASI MIKU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
843 RONGI RONG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
844 SAWITTO SAWI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
845 WINNING WINN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
846 LAHENDONG LHDG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
847 LIKUPANG LIKU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
848 AMPANA AMPA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
849 AMURANG AMRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
850 ANGGREK AGRK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
851 BARRU BARU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
852 MOLOTABU MOLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
853 SULBAGUT 1 SU01 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
854 SULUT SU03 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
855 TAWAELI TAWA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
856 JENEPONTO JN01 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
857 JENEPONTO II JN02 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
858 MAMUJU MMJU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
859 MORAMO MORA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
860 NII TANASA NITS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
861 PUNAGAYA UPUN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
862 PANGKEP PGKP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
863 RANTEBALLA RTBL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
864 AMBEUA ABUA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

865 BADI' BADI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

866 BALANG LOMPO BLPO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
867 BARANG LOMPO BRPO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
868 BINONGKO BNKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
869 BONE GUNU BNGU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
870 BONTO JAI BTJI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
871 DONGKALA DGKL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
872 KADATUA KDTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
873 KAMBUNO KMBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
874 KAPOTA KPTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
875 KARANRANG KRRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
876 KEMBANG RAGI KBRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
877 KODINGARENG KDGR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
878 KULAMBING KLBG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
879 LABUNIA LBNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
880 LAE-LAE LAEL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
881 LAIYA LAYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
882 LALOLAE LOLE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
883 LOLEHA LOHA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
884 MALIGANO MLGN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
885 MOLONA MLNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
886 MOWEWE MWWE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
887 PANTILANG PTLG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
888 PASANG KAYU PSKY Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
889 PULAU PASI PPSI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
890 SABUTUNG SBTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
891 SALEMO SLMO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
892 SARAPPO LOMPO SRLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
893 SIKELI SKLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
894 TALAGA TLGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
895 TANAKEKE TNKE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
896 TOMIA TMIA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
897 BUNGIN BNGI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
898 BANTAENG BANT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
899 MALEA MLEA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
900 PONGBATIK POBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
901 SALUNOA SLNA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
902 SITEBA STBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
903 TANGKA MANIPI TGKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
904 TOMBOLO ENERGI TMBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
905 BARUTA BAU-BAU BRTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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906 SIMBUANG SMBG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

907 IPP INCO INCO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
908 SELAYAR SLYR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
909 MALAMENGGU MLGU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
910 PULUBALA PLBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
911 BALANTAK BLTK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
912 BANGKA BGKA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
913 BANGKIR BGKR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
914 BANGKURUNG BGKG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
915 BATURUBE BTBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
916 BEO BBEO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
917 BIARO BIRO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
918 BOKAN BOKN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
919 BOMBA BOMB Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
920 BUALEMO BLMO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
921 BUKIDE BKDE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
922 BULAGI BLGI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
923 BULUNGKOBIT BLKT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
924 BUNGKU BGKU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
925 BUNTA BNTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
926 BUOL (PEMDA) BUOL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
927 DAPALAN DPLN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
928 DOLONG DLNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
929 GANGGA GNGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
930 GINTU GNTU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
931 KAKOROTAN KKTN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
932 KALEROANG KLRG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
933 KARATUNG KRTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
934 KASIMBAR KSBR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
935 KAWALUSO KWLS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
936 KAWIO KWIO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
937 KOLNEDALE KDLE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
938 KOTARAYA KTRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
939 LAVEU LVEU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
940 LELANG LLNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
941 LEMITO LMTO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
942 LEOK LEOK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
943 LESABE LSBE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
944 LIANG LIAG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
945 LIPULALONGO LPLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
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946 LIRUNG LRNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

947 LUMBI-LUMBIA LMBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
948 LUWUK LWUK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
949 MAKALEHI MKLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
950 MAMOSALATO MSLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
951 MANADO TUA MDTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
952 MANGARAN MGRN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
953 MANTANGISI MTGS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
954 MANTEHAGE MHGE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
955 MARAMPIT MRPT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
956 MARISA MRSA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
957 MATUTUANG MTTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
958 MELONGUANE MLGE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
959 MIANGAS MAGS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
960 MOBIL UNIT (TAHUNA) MOUT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
961 MOUG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
962 MOILONG/TOILI TILI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
963 MOLIBAGU MLBU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
964 MOUTONG MTNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
965 NAEN NAIN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
966 NANEDAKELE NDKE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
967 ONDONG ONDG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
968 PALASA PLSA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
969 PALELEH PLEH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
970 PAPUSUNGAN PPSG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
971 PARIGI PAGI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
972 PASOKAN PSKN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
973 PATUKUKI PTKI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
974 PENDOLO PNDL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
975 POPOLII PPLI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
976 POSO POSO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
977 SALAKAN SLKN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
978 SAMBIUT SMBUT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
979 SIBOANG SIBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
980 SILADEN SLDN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
981 SIMATANG SMTG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
982 TAGULANDANG TGLD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
983 TALISE TLSE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
984 TAMAKO TMKO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
985 TARUN TRUN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

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986 TATABA TTBA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

987 TILAMUTA TLMT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
988 TINABOGAN TNBG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
989 TOIMA TIMA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
990 TOMATA TMTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
991 TOMPIRA TPRA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
992 ULUNAMBO ULBO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
993 WAKAI WKAI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
994 WUASA WASA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
995 BAMBALO BBLO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
996 HANGA-HANGA I HA01 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
997 HANGA-HANGA II HA02 Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
998 HEK HEKK Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
999 ARKORA SULAWESI KTMS Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1000 SAKITA SKIT Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1001 KALUMPANG KLPG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1002 KOLONDOM KLDM Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1003 LAMBANGAN LBGN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1004 LOBONG LBNG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1005 MOBUYA MBYA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1006 MONGANGO MNGO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1007 POIGAR PGAR Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1008 SANSARINO SRNO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1009 SAWIDAGO SWGO Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1010 SULEWANA SLWN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1011 TALUDAA TLDA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1012 TENGA TNGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1013 TOMINI TMNI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1014 ULUNG PELIANG ULPG Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1015 WAWOPADA WWPD Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1016 BUNAKEN BNKN Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1017 ISIMU ISMU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1018 MAKALEHI MKLH Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1019 MARAMPIT MRMP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1020 MARORE MRRE Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1021 MIANGAS MNGA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1022 PULUBALA PLBL Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1023 ROOFTOP KTR AREA RFTP Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

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1024 SUMALATA SLTA Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara

1025 EXCESS MOROWALI EMWI Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1026 MOLOTABU MLTU Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
1027 TARAHAN TRHN Sumatera
1030 BESAI BSAI Sumatera
1031 BATUTEGI BTTG Sumatera
1032 ULU BELU ULBL Sumatera
1033 TES TESS Sumatera
1034 MUSI MUSI Sumatera
1035 BUKIT ASAM SBAM Sumatera
1036 MANINJAU MNJU Sumatera
1037 BATANG AGAM BTAG Sumatera
1038 SINGKARAK SKRK Sumatera
1040 SEI GELAM SGLM Sumatera
1041 KERAMASAN KRMS Sumatera
1043 TALANG DUKU TLDK Sumatera
1044 BORANG BRNG Sumatera
1045 INDRALAYA INDL Sumatera
1047 PAUH LIMO PLMO Sumatera
1048 OMBILIN SOMB Sumatera
1049 SEBALANG SBLG Sumatera
1050 TELUK SIRIH STIR Sumatera
1051 ARUN ARUN Sumatera
1055 TENAYAN TNYN Sumatera
1056 BELAWAN SBLW Sumatera
1057 PAYA PASIR PLPP Sumatera
1058 GLUGUR GLGR Sumatera
1059 TITI KUNING PLTK Sumatera
1060 LUENG BATA PLBT Sumatera
1061 PULO PISANG PLPS Sumatera
1062 COT TRUENG CTRG Sumatera
1064 NAGAN RAYA SNGR Sumatera
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1066 BOHO BOHO Sumatera
1067 KOMBIH KMBH Sumatera
1068 AEK RAISAN AERS Sumatera
1070 AEK SILANG AESL Sumatera
1071 TONDUHAN TDHN Sumatera
1073 RENUN RNUN Sumatera
1074 TELUK LEMBU PLTL Sumatera
1078 TJBK Sumatera
1080 AIR RAJA AIRJ Sumatera
1082 BATANG ASAI BTSA Sumatera
1083 AIR SALEH AIRS Sumatera
1085 ENGGANO ENGO Sumatera
1086 IPUH IPUH Sumatera
1087 KOTA BANI KTBN Sumatera
1088 MUKO MUKO MUKO Sumatera
1091 KOTO LOLO KOTL Sumatera
1092 LEMPUR LMPR Sumatera
1093 KOTO ANAU KOTA Sumatera
1094 PINANG AWAN PNAW Sumatera
1095 BALUN BALU Sumatera
1096 BETAET BTAT Sumatera
1097 CIMPUNGAN CIMP Sumatera
1098 KATUREI KATU Sumatera
1099 PEIPEI PEIP Sumatera
1100 POKAI PKAI Sumatera
1101 SAIBI SAIB Sumatera
1102 SEAY BARU SBAR Sumatera
1103 SIKAKAP SKKP Sumatera

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1104 SIMALEPET SMLP Sumatera

1105 TUA PEJAT TPJT Sumatera
1107 PLGD Sumatera
1111 AYANGAN AYNG Sumatera
1113 COT ABEUK CABE Sumatera
1114 DEUDAP DEDP Sumatera
1115 HALOBAN HALO Sumatera
1117 JANARATA JANA Sumatera
1118 JEURAM JRAM Sumatera
1119 KAMPUNG AIE KAMA Sumatera
1120 KOTA FAJAR KOFA Sumatera
1121 KUALA BARU KBAR Sumatera
1122 KUNING KUNI Sumatera
1123 LAMNO LAMN Sumatera
1124 LASIKIN LASI Sumatera
1125 PULO BALAI PBAL Sumatera
1126 PUSONG PUSO Sumatera
1127 REMA REMA Sumatera
1128 RIMO RIMO Sumatera
1129 SABANG SBNG Sumatera
1130 SETIA SETA Sumatera
1131 SEUNEBOK SNBK Sumatera
1132 SEURAPUNG SERA Sumatera
1133 SIBIGO SIGO Sumatera
1134 SIUMAT SIUM Sumatera
1135 TAPAK TUAN TUAN Sumatera
1136 TEUPAH TEPH Sumatera
1137 ANGKUP ANGP Sumatera
1138 SEUPAKAT SPKT Sumatera
1139 CELAGEN CELA Sumatera
1140 NANGKA NGKA Sumatera
1141 PADANG PADA Sumatera
1142 PILANG PILA Sumatera
1143 PONGOK PNGO Sumatera

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1145 BUNTAR PBNT Sumatera
1148 PULAU KUIL KUIL Sumatera
1149 PULAU LONG PLON Sumatera
1151 PULAU SELIU SELI Sumatera
1154 SELAT NASIK SNAS Sumatera
1155 SUGE SUGE Sumatera
1156 MERAWANG MRWG Sumatera
1157 MENTOK MNTK Sumatera
1158 KOBA KOBA Sumatera
1159 AIR ANYIR AANY Sumatera
1160 PENGAREM PGRM Sumatera
1161 BELINYU BLYU Sumatera
1162 AIR BIRU ABIR Sumatera
1163 AIR GLUBI AGLU Sumatera
1164 AIR PUTIH APTH Sumatera
1165 ALAI ALAI Sumatera
1167 BARAN BARA Sumatera
1168 BATANG BATA Sumatera
1169 BATU BELAH BTBL Sumatera
1170 BELUBANG BBEL Sumatera
1171 BATU BERUAN BERI Sumatera
1172 BATU LEGONG BLEG Sumatera
1173 BAYAT BAYA Sumatera
1174 BEKAWAN BKWN Sumatera
1176 BELIBAK BLBK Sumatera
1177 BENAN BENA Sumatera
1178 BENGKALIS BGKL Sumatera
1179 BENTENG BTEG Sumatera
1180 BERHALA BHLA Sumatera
1181 BUKIT CAROK BCAR Sumatera
1183 BULUH PATAH BLUP Sumatera
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1185 CAWAN CAWA Sumatera
1186 CEMPA CEMP Sumatera
1189 DAEK LINGGA DALI Sumatera
1190 DEGONG DEGO Sumatera
1191 DENDON DENO Sumatera
1192 DUMAI DUMA Sumatera
1193 GUNUNG DAEK GDAE Sumatera
1194 IGAL IGAL Sumatera
1195 IMPOL IMPO Sumatera
1196 KARAS KARA Sumatera
1197 KEBAN KEBA Sumatera
1198 KELOMBOK KLBK Sumatera
1199 KELONG KELO Sumatera
1200 KERAMUT KRMT Sumatera
1201 KERDAU KERD Sumatera
1202 KERICIK KERI Sumatera
1203 KLARIK KRIK Sumatera
1204 KOTA LAMA KLAM Sumatera
1205 KUALA ENOK KENO Sumatera
1207 KUALA MARAS KMAR Sumatera
1208 KUNDUR KNDU Sumatera
1209 LABOH LABO Sumatera
1210 LADAN LADA Sumatera
1211 LAUT LAUT Sumatera
1212 LEMANG LEMA Sumatera
1213 LETUNG LETU Sumatera
1214 LINGAI LING Sumatera
1215 MAMUT MAMU Sumatera
1216 MANDAH MNDH Sumatera
1217 MANTANG MNTG Sumatera
1218 MAPUR MAPU Sumatera
1219 MAROK KECIL MRKC Sumatera
1220 MEDANG MEDA Sumatera
1221 MENSANAK MNSK Sumatera
1222 MENTEBUNG MNTB Sumatera
1223 MENTUDA MNTD Sumatera
1224 MEPAR MEPA Sumatera
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1225 MIDAI MIDA Sumatera

1226 MORO MORO Sumatera
1227 MUBUR MUBU Sumatera
1228 NGAL NGAL Sumatera
1229 NUMBING NUMB Sumatera
1230 NYAMUK NYAM Sumatera
1231 PANGKIL PGKL Sumatera
1233 PARIT PARI Sumatera
1235 PECONG PECO Sumatera
1236 PEKAJANG PEKA Sumatera
1237 PENAAH PENA Sumatera
1238 PENARAH PNRH Sumatera
1239 PENGIKIK PENG Sumatera
1240 PENUBA PENU Sumatera
1241 PERIGI RAJA PERI Sumatera
1242 POSEK POSE Sumatera
1243 PULAU ABANG PABA Sumatera
1245 PULAU BUKIT PBKT Sumatera
1246 PULAU BULUH PBUL Sumatera
1247 PULAU BURU PBUR Sumatera
1251 PULAU JALOH PJAL Sumatera
1252 PULAU JEMUR PJMR Sumatera
1253 PULAU KASU PKAS Sumatera
1254 PULAU MORO PMOR Sumatera
1259 RANAI RANA Sumatera
1260 RAWA JAYA RJAY Sumatera
1261 REJAI REJA Sumatera
1263 SANGLAR SANG Sumatera
1264 SAPAT SAPA Sumatera
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1266 SEDANAU SDNU Sumatera
1267 SEDEDAP SEDA Sumatera
1268 SEI GUNTUNG GTUN Sumatera
1269 SELAT LAMPA SLMP Sumatera
1270 SELAT MIE SMIE Sumatera
1272 SELAUT SELA Sumatera
1273 SELUAN SELU Sumatera
1274 SEMBULANG SBUL Sumatera
1275 SEMEMBANG SEME Sumatera
1276 SENAYANG SNYG Sumatera
1277 SERASAN SRSN Sumatera
1280 SUAK SBUA Sumatera
1281 SUBANG MAS SUBM Sumatera
1282 SUBI SUBI Sumatera
1283 SUNGAI BELA SBEL Sumatera
1285 SUNGAI LAUT SLAU Sumatera
1288 SUNGGAK SUNG Sumatera
1289 TAMBELAN TMBL Sumatera
1296 TAREMPA TRMP Sumatera
1297 TEBIAS TEBI Sumatera
1301 TELUK DALAM TDLM Sumatera
1302 TELUK LANUS TLNS Sumatera
1303 TEMIANG TEMI Sumatera
1304 TEMOYONG TEMO Sumatera
1305 TIGA TIGA Sumatera
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1306 PEMPING PEMP Sumatera

1307 DUSUN DUSU Sumatera
1310 PULAU TELLO PTEL Sumatera
1311 LNDR Sumatera
1313 PETUNG PTUG Kalimantan
1314 TANJUNG ARU TJRU Kalimantan
1315 BARABAI BRBI Kalimantan
1317 GUNUNG MALANG GNML Kalimantan
1318 BATAKAN BATK Kalimantan
1320 KOTABARU KTBR Kalimantan
1321 PAGATAN PGTN Kalimantan
1322 TRISAKTI TRSK Kalimantan
1323 KUALA KAPUAS KKPS Kalimantan
1324 SAMPIT SMPT Kalimantan
1325 PANGKALAN BUN PKLB Kalimantan
1326 KUMAI KMAI Kalimantan
1327 KAHAYAN KHYN Kalimantan
1328 BUNTOK BNTK Kalimantan
1329 MUARA TEWEH MATW Kalimantan
1331 NANGA BULIK NGBL Kalimantan
1332 KUALA KURUN KKRN Kalimantan
1333 SUKAMARA SKMR Kalimantan
1334 SIANTAN SNTN Kalimantan
1335 SEI RAYA SERY Kalimantan
1336 SUKAHARJA SKHR Kalimantan
1337 TELUK MELANO TLML Kalimantan
1338 TANJUNG ISUY TJSY Kalimantan
1339 MUARA WAHAU MAWH Kalimantan
1340 SUDIRMAN SDRM Kalimantan
1341 SEI WIE SEIW Kalimantan
1342 SEMBOJA SMBJ Kalimantan
1343 SEKADAU SKDU Kalimantan
1344 MENYURAI MYRA Kalimantan

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1345 SAWAI SWAI Kalimantan

1346 SAWAI BARU SWIB Kalimantan
1347 BILAL BLAL Kalimantan
1348 BUNYU BNYU Kalimantan
1349 SAMBALIUNG SMBL Kalimantan
1350 SEBATIK SBTK Kalimantan
1351 SEBUKU SBKU Kalimantan
1352 SEI BUAYA SBYA Kalimantan
1353 SEI LIMAU SLMU Kalimantan
1354 TALISAYAN TLYS Kalimantan
1355 TIDUNG PALE TDPL Kalimantan
1356 TULIN ONSOI TLOS Kalimantan
1357 ASAM-ASAM UASM Kalimantan
1358 KARANG ASAM KASM Kalimantan
1359 BONTANG BNTG Kalimantan
1360 KLEDANG KLDG Kalimantan
1361 SENTAWAR STWR Kalimantan
1362 LONG BAGUN LGBN Kalimantan
1363 LONG IRAM LIRM Kalimantan
1365 MUARA BENGKAL MBKL Kalimantan
1366 PULANG PISAU PSAU Kalimantan
1367 TELUK BERAU BRAU Kalimantan
1368 MALINAU MLNU Kalimantan
1369 TANJUNG BATU TBTU Kalimantan
1370 IR PM NOOR PMNR Kalimantan
1371 BANGKANAI BNAI Kalimantan
1372 GUNUNG BELAH GBLH Kalimantan
1373 TANJUNG SELOR TSLR Kalimantan
1374 SEMBERAH SMBR Kalimantan
1376 AIR HITAM AHTM Kalimantan
1377 TANJUNG SATAI TJST Kalimantan
1378 DUSUN BESAR DSBR Kalimantan
1379 SANDAI SDAI Kalimantan
1380 AUR KUNING AKNG Kalimantan
1381 TUMBANG TITI TMBG Kalimantan
1382 AIR UPAS AUPS Kalimantan
1383 PULAU LIMBUNG LMBG Kalimantan
1384 TANJUNG SALEH TSLH Kalimantan
1385 SEPUK LAUT SPKL Kalimantan
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1386 PADANG TIKAR PDTK Kalimantan

1387 TERAJU TRJU Kalimantan
1388 KUALA BUAYAN KBYN Kalimantan
1389 BALAI BKRG Kalimantan
1390 BELITANG BLTG Kalimantan
1391 BALAI SEPUAK BSPK Kalimantan
1392 NANGA SILAT NGSL Kalimantan
1393 SENANING SNNG Kalimantan
1394 NG MERAKAI NGMK Kalimantan
1395 KETUNGGAU KTGG Kalimantan
1396 TEBIDAH TBDH Kalimantan
1397 SINAR PEKAYAU SNPK Kalimantan
1398 NG LEBANG NGLB Kalimantan
1399 JASA JASA Kalimantan
1400 SERAWAI SRWI Kalimantan
1401 MANUKUNG MNKG Kalimantan
1402 NG ELLA NGLA Kalimantan
1403 SAYAN SYAN Kalimantan
1404 BORA BORA Kalimantan
1405 TONTANG TNTG Kalimantan
1406 KALAN KLAN Kalimantan
1407 KAYAN KYAN Kalimantan
1408 KEMANGAI KGAI Kalimantan
1409 SEMITAU STAU Kalimantan
1410 BUNUT BNUT Kalimantan
1411 JONGKONG JGKG Kalimantan
1412 EMBALOH MBLH Kalimantan
1413 LANJAK LNJK Kalimantan
1414 BADAU BDAU Kalimantan
1415 TEPUAI BARU PUAI Kalimantan
1416 SEBERUANG SBRU Kalimantan
1417 BELIKAI BLKA Kalimantan
1418 KANTUK KNTK Kalimantan
1419 PIASAK PIAS Kalimantan
1420 NIBUNG NBUG Kalimantan
1421 UJUNG SAID UJSD Kalimantan
1422 PULAU MAJANG PMAJ Kalimantan
1423 ULAK PAUK ULPK Kalimantan
1424 TEMAJOK TJOK Kalimantan
1425 CEMPAKA PUTIH CMPK Kalimantan
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1426 SIDING SDIG Kalimantan

1427 LEMUKUTAN LMKT Kalimantan
1428 SAJINGAN SJGN Kalimantan
1429 MERASAP MRSP Kalimantan
1430 BJMS Kalimantan
1431 RANTAU BUJUR RBJR Kalimantan
1432 BENUA RIAM BNUA Kalimantan
1433 TIWINGAN LAMA TWIG Kalimantan
1434 KTBU Kalimantan
1435 SUNGAI BALI SBLI Kalimantan
1437 MARABATUAN MRBT Kalimantan
1438 SAMPANAHAN SMPH Kalimantan
1439 SUNGAI DURIAN SDRN Kalimantan
1440 BAKAU BKAU Kalimantan
1441 SAML Kalimantan
1442 GERONGGANG GRGG Kalimantan
1444 MULYA HARJA MLYH Kalimantan
1445 KERASIAN KRSN Kalimantan
1446 KERAYAAN KRYA Kalimantan
1447 KERUMPUTAN KRPM Kalimantan
1448 BABAI BBAI Kalimantan
1449 BENANGIN BNGN Kalimantan
1450 BUNDAR BNDR Kalimantan
1451 DAMPARAN DMPR Kalimantan
1452 LUWE HULU LUWE Kalimantan
1453 MANGKATIP MTIP Kalimantan
1454 MERAWAN LAMA MRWN Kalimantan
1455 MONTALAT MTLT Kalimantan
1456 MUARA LAUNG MLAU Kalimantan
1457 PUJON PJON Kalimantan
1458 RANGGA ILUNG RGIL Kalimantan
1459 SABUH SBUH Kalimantan
1460 SEBANGAU SBGU Kalimantan
1461 SEI HANYU SHYU Kalimantan
1462 TANJUNG JAWA TJWA Kalimantan
1463 TIMPAH TMPH Kalimantan

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1465 TUMPUNG LAUNG TPLH Kalimantan
1466 GUNUNG PUREI GNPR Kalimantan
1467 PLGK Kalimantan
1469 TUMBANG JUTUH JTUH Kalimantan
1471 TEWAH TWEH Kalimantan
1472 TUMBANG MIRI TMRI Kalimantan
1474 TUMBANG MIWAN MIWN Kalimantan
1475 TUMBANG KAMAN KMAN Kalimantan
1476 TUMBANG HIRAN HIRN Kalimantan
1478 TELAGA TELG Kalimantan
1479 TELAGA PULANG TPLG Kalimantan
1480 MENDAWAI MDWI Kalimantan
1481 PANGKUT PKUT Kalimantan
1482 KENAMBUI KNMB Kalimantan
1483 RANTAU PULUT RTPL Kalimantan
1484 SUKAMANDANG SKMD Kalimantan
1485 KOTA WARINGIN KTWR Kalimantan
1486 KUALA JELAI KJLI Kalimantan
1487 BALAI RIAM BLRM Kalimantan
1488 KUDANGAN KDGN Kalimantan
1489 TAPIN BINI TPBN Kalimantan
1490 MENTHOBY RAYA MTBY Kalimantan
1491 GUNUNG SARI GNSR Kalimantan
1492 PULAU DERAWAN DRWN Kalimantan
1493 BIDUK-BIDUK BDUK Kalimantan
1494 BATU PUTIH BPTH Kalimantan
1495 MERASA MERS Kalimantan
1496 TUBAAN TBAN Kalimantan
1497 LUMBIS OGONG LGOG Kalimantan
1498 KAYAN HULU KHLU Kalimantan
1499 MARATUA MRTA Kalimantan
1501 PENGANDAN PGDN Kalimantan
1502 BATU AMPAR BAMP Kalimantan

SPLN K7.002: 2022

No. Nama Pembangkit Singkatan Lokasi

1503 SENYIUR SNYR Kalimantan

1504 LONG SEGAR LSGR Kalimantan
1505 GEMAR BARU GBRU Kalimantan
1506 KAUBUN KABN Kalimantan
1507 MUARA PANTUN MPTN Kalimantan
1508 TANAH MERAH TNMR Kalimantan
1509 SEKATAK BUJI SKTK Kalimantan
1510 LONG PESO LPSO Kalimantan
1511 LONG BELUAH LBLH Kalimantan
1512 KRAYAN KRYN Kalimantan
1513 SEI MENGGARIS SMGR Kalimantan
1514 LONG LAYU LAYU Kalimantan
1515 PA UPAN UPAN Kalimantan
1516 MUARA PANTUAN MPTU Kalimantan
1517 MUARA PAHU MPHU Kalimantan
1518 DATAH BILANG DTBL Kalimantan
1519 DILANG PUTI DLPT Kalimantan
1520 TABISAQ TBSQ Kalimantan
1521 KELUMPANG KLMP Kalimantan
1523 MUARA SIRAN MSRN Kalimantan
1524 MUARA KEDANG MKDG Kalimantan
1525 SEMAYANG SMYG Kalimantan
1526 JANTUR JNTR Kalimantan
1527 TABANG TBAG Kalimantan
1528 MUARA ALOH ALOH Kalimantan
1529 SEDULANG SDLG Kalimantan
1530 LONG APARI LAPR Kalimantan
1531 LONG PANGHAI LPGH Kalimantan
1532 BONGAN BONG Kalimantan
1533 SMRD Kalimantan

1. Untuk unit existing maupun unit baru yang belum ada dalam daftar tersebut dapat menentukan
kode unik sendiri tetapi harus diluar kode unik yang telah ditetapkan di atas dan harus sesuai
dengan aturan panduan yang ada pada SPLN ini; dan
2. Kode unik baru yang telah dibuat harus disampaikan ke pengelola SPLN.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

B.2. Jenis Pembangkit

Tabel B.2. Kode jenis pembangkit

No Jenis Pembangkit (AA) Kode Pembangkit

1. pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) TU

2. pembangkit listrik tenaga gas (PLTG) TG

3. pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTGU) GU

4. pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA) TA

5. pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel (PLTD) TD

6. pembangkit listrik tenaga mesin gas (PLTMG) MG

7. pembangkit listrik tenaga mesin gas uap (PLTMGU) MU

8. pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) TP

9. pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) TS

10. pembangkit listrik tenaga bayu (PLTB) TB

11. pembangkit listrik tenaga biomassa (PLTBm) BM

12. pembangkit listrik tenaga biogas (PLTBg) BG

13. pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah (PLTSa) SA

1. Untuk kode jenis pembangkit yang belum ada dalam daftar tersebut dapat
ditambakan kode jenisnya tetapi harus diluar kode unik yang telah ditetapkan di
atas dan harus sesuai dengan aturan panduan yang ada pada SPLN ini; dan
2. Kode unik baru yang telah dibuat harus disampaikan ke pengelola SPLN.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Lampiran C
Kode penamaan fungsi/system

Tabel C.1. Kode penamaan fungsi/system

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Awal: dari keluaran main

Transformer, Akhir: sampai
aset terakhir yang dipelihara
oleh pembangkit
EQUIPMENT (Identification on a priority
basis according to main instrumentation
and control function also acceptable in
composite structure hardware packaging



SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Process energy/fluid supply for external

U Civil structures

AB- > 420 kV systems

AC 380 (420) kV systems

AD 220 (245) kV systems

AE 110 (150) kV systems

AF 60 (72) kV systems

AG 45 (50) kV systems

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

AH 30 (35) kV systems

AJ 20 (25) kV systems

AK 10 (15) kV systems

AL 6 (5) kV systems

AM 1-3 kV systems

AN < 1 kV systems

AP Control consoles

AQ Measuring and metering equipment

AR Protection equipment

AS Decentralized panels and cabinets

AT Transformer equipment

AU Open-loop control, checkback and auxiliary equipment

AV Marshalling racks

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

AW Instrument panels

AX Central equipment

AY Communication equipment
Awal: Dari keluaran Generator
(generator bus bar, generator
BA Power transmission leads) Akhir: Main
Transformer sampai bushing
out going
Awal: transformer UST/UAT
(sumber internal power main
Medium-voltage distribution boards and transformers, normal generator), Akhir: Distribution
system Board masing-masing aset
untuk tegangan 10,5KV; 6,3KV;
3,3KV (Breaker)
Awal: transformer SST (sumber
eksternal power), Akhir:
Medium voltage distribution boards and transformers, general-
BC Distribution Board masing-
masing aset untuk tegangan
10,5KV; 6,3 KV; 3,3KV (Breaker)
Medium voltage emergency distribution boards and transformers,
(diesel) emergency power system 1

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Dari Transformer low voltage

Low voltage main distribution boards and transformers, normal sampai distribution board
system masing-masing aset, 380V;,
220V, 110V
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in
addition to *BF., BH., BJ., BK. and BL.*)
Low voltage main distribution boards and transformers, general-
BJ Low voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, normal system

Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in

addition to *BF., BG., BH., BJ. and BL.*)
Low voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, general-
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel)
emergency power system 1
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel)
emergency power system 2 (Protection against external impact)

Power installations for variable-speed drives (e.g. for feedwater

pump, excitation equipment, not power adjusters in switchgear)

Low voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible (converter) power

BT Battery systems sistem batere termasuk UPS
BU Direct current distribution boards, normal system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

BV Direct current distribution boards, emergency power system 1

disesuaikan dengan
Direct current distribution boards, emergency power system 2
BW ketersediaan unit masing-
(Protection against external impact)
BX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BY Control and protection equipment
BA Power transmission
BAA Generator leads Generator bushing
BAB Foundation cabinets
Generator circuit breaker, also
BAC commutating pole circuit breaker, incl.
cooling system
BAE Converter
BAS Converter
Generator transformers, incl. cooling
BAU Earthing and lightning protection system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BAY Control and protection equipment
distribution boards
and transformers,
normal system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Medium voltage distribution boards,

normal system (free for use)
Medium voltage auxiliary power
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BBY Control and protection equipment
Medium voltage distribution boards and transformers, general-
Medium voltage distribution boards,
general-purpose (free for use)
Start-up, offsite, general-purpose
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BCY Control and protection equipment
Medium voltage emergency distribution boards and transformers,
(diesel) emergency power system 1
Medium voltage emergency distribution
boards (free for use)
BDT Medium voltage transformer
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BDY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage main distribution boards and transformers, normal

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Low voltage main distribution boards,

normal system (free for use)
Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
(free for use according to voltage level)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BFY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in
addition to *BF., BH., BJ., BK. and BL.*)
Low voltage distribution boards, (may be
BGA-BGS used in addition to *BF., BH., BJ., BK. and
BL.*) (free for use)
Low voltage auxiliary power transformers,
(may be used in addition to *BF., BH., BJ.,
BK. and BL.*) (free for use according to
voltage level)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BGY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage main distribution boards and transformers, general-
Low voltage main distribution boards,
general purpose (free for use)
Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
(free for use according to voltage level)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
BHY Control and protection equipment
BJ Low voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, normal system
Low voltage subdistribution boards, normal
system (free for use)
BJT Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BJY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in
addition to *BF., BG., BH., BJ. and BL.*)
Low voltage distribution boards, (may be
BKA-BKS used in addition to *BF., BG., BH., BJ. and
BL.*) (free for use)
Low voltage auxiliary power transformers,
(may be used in addition to *BF., BG., BH.,
BJ. and BL.*) (free for use according to
voltage level)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BKY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, general-
Low voltage subdistribution boards,
general-purpose (free for use)
BLT Low voltage auxiliary power transformers

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
BLY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel)
emergency power system 1
Low voltage emergency distribution boards
(free for use)
Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
(free for use according to voltage level)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BMY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel)
emergency power system 2 (Protection against external impact)
Low voltage emergency distribution boards
(free for use)
Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
(free for use according to voltage level)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BNY Control and protection equipment
Power installations for variable-speed drives (e.g. for feedwater
pump, excitation equipment, not power adjusters in switchgear)
Power installations for variable-speed
drives (free for use)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
BPY Control and protection equipment
Low voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible (converter) power
Low voltage distribution boards,
BRA-BRS uninterruptible (converter) power supply,
(free for use)
BRT Converter (rotary)
BRU Converter (static), inverter
Emergency power generating equipment (if
not under *X* = Heavy Machinery)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BRY Control and protection equipment
BT Battery systems
Batteries (free for use according to voltage
BTA-BTF termasuk UPS, untuk non EBT
Batteries (free for use according to voltage
BTG-BTK termasuk UPS, untuk EBT
Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use
BTL-BTQ untuk non EBT
according to voltage level)
Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use
according to voltage level)
BTW-BTZ Common equipment (free for use)
BU Direct current distribution boards, normal system distribusi dari Battery systems

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Direct current distribution boards, normal

system (free for use)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BUY Control and protection equipment
BV Direct current distribution boards, emergency power system 1 distribusi untuk UPS
Direct current emergency distribution
boards (free for use)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BVY Control and protection equipment
Direct current distribution boards, emergency power system 2
(Protection against external impact)
Direct current emergency distribution
boards (free for use)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
BWY Control and protection equipment
BX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment (free for use)
BY Control and protection equipment
Control and protection equipment (free for

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Digunakan jika terpisah dengan

CA Protective interlocks
Digunakan jika terpisah dengan
CC Binary signal conditioning CJ/kabinet signal conditioning
di lokal
Digunakan jika terpisah dengan
CE Annunciation
Sistem monitoring dan
CF Measurement, recording
pengukuran (recording sistem)

CG Closed-loop control (excl. power section)

ini adalah sistem kontrol utama
CJ Unit coordination level unit (DCS, DCIS, kontrol
CK Process computer system

CR Process control system

CU Closed-loop control (power section) system kontrol dengan power

CV Marshalling racks
CW Control rooms Control Room
Local control stations (e.g. for coal handling plants, ash handling
Control room coal handling, ash
CX plants, cooling water systems, diesel units, supervision of generator
cooling, remote shutdown station)
CY Communication and information system Sistem komunikasi

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Digunakan jika terpisah dengan

CA Protective interlocks
Cabinets for protective interlocks (free for
CAA-CAQ merujuk ke CA
Functional group Untuk Function Group di luar
CB control, subloop Group CJ (contoh: auxiliary
control control, Coal handling, dll)
Cabinets for functional group control (free
CBA-CBN merujuk ke CB
for use)
CBP Cabinets for synchronization merujuk ke CB
CBQ Cabinets for auxiliary power changeover merujuk ke CB
Binary signal
Cabinets for binary signal conditioning (free
CCA-CCQ Merujuk ke CC
for use)
CD Drive control interface
Cabinets for drive control interface (free for
CDA-CDQ Merujuk ke CD
CE Annunciation
Cabinets for annunciation systems (free for
CEA-CEH Merujuk ke CE
CEJ-CEQ Fault recording (free for use) Merujuk ke CE
CFA-CFF Cabinets for measurement (free for use) Merujuk ke CF
Cabinets for recording (meters, pen
CFQ Merujuk ke CF
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Closed-loop control
(excl. power section)
Cabinets for closed-loop control (free for
CGA-CGH Merujuk ke CG
CJ Unit coordination level
CJA Unit control system (incl. cabinets)
Start-up control, setpoint control (unit) Digunakan jika terpisah dengan
(incl. cabinets) CJA/CJF/CJJ
CJF Boiler control system (incl. cabinets)
Instrumentation and control cabinets for
steam turbine set (free for use)
Instrumentation and control cabinets for
gas turbine set (free for use)
Instrumentation and control cabinets for
Digunakan untuk man machine
CJU-CJY other main and heavy machinery (free for
lain contoh control BFPT
Sistem diluar DCS/main control
CK Process computer system
selain sistem CX
Supervisory (TSI), AIS/AMS,
Online supervisory and diagnostic online vibration monitoring,
computer (free for use) additional online DGA
CKJ-CKM Access control computer (free for use)
CKN-CKZ Process computer system (free for use)
Instrumentation and control equipment (free for use for system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Instrumentation and control equipment

(free for use for system combination)
CP Separate automation system Simulator
Separate automation system (available for
Instrumentation and control equipment (free for use for system
CQ untuk simulator
Instrumentation and control equipment
(free for use for system combination)
CR Process control system
CRA-CRH Automation system, non-fail-safe
CRJ Automation system, fail-safe
CRK Automation system, high-availability
CRL Enclosure (e.g. cabinet)
CRM Enclosure (e.g. local box)
CRN-CRQ Process control system (available for use)
CRR Communication (e.g. terminal bus)
CRS Communication (e.g. plant bus)
CRT Communication (e.g. field bus)
CRV Engineering EWS
CRX Process optimization REOC, ICORE, KPMC
CRY-CRZ Process control system (available for use)
Instrumentation and control equipment (free for use for system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Instrumentation and control equipment

(free for use for system combination)
CU Closed-loop control (power section)
Closed-loop control (power section) (free
for use)
CV Marshalling racks
CVA-CVZ Marshalling racks (free for use)
CW Control rooms
CWA-CWE Main control consoles (free for use) HMI termasuk large screen
CWF-CWP Main control panels (free for use) control panel
CWQ-CWY Control rooms (free for use) visual monitoring
Local control stations (e.g. for coal handling plants, ash handling
CX plants, cooling water systems, diesel units, supervision of generator
cooling, remote shutdown station)
CXA-CXZ Local control stations (free for use) PLC, HMI, POWER
CY Communication and information system
CYA Telephone system (PABX)
CYB Control console telephone system
CYC Alarm system (acoustic)
CYD Alarm system (optical)
CYE Fire alarm system
CYF Clock system
CYG Remote control system
CYH Telemetry system
CYJ Remote metering system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

CYK HF carrier telephone system

CYL Staff paging system
CYP Optical monitoring system
CYQ Gas detection system
CYR Pneumatic tube conveyor
CYS Radiotelephone system
CYT Intrusion detection system
CYU Access control system
CYV Plant and production management system
Communication and information system
(available for use)
EA Loading, unloading and storage of solid fuels

Mechanical treatment of solid fuels (also for gas generation and

treatment) (Crushing, mixing, drying, etc.)
EC Distribution of solid fuels

Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal (e.g.

desulfurization plant)
Conversion of solid fuels (Gas generation and treatment see function
key *R*)
EG Supply of liquid fuels
EH Chemical treatment of liquid fuels incl. residues removal
EK Supply of gaseous fuels
EL Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

EM Supply and treatment of fluxing agents

Supply of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel types as
main fuel)

Treatment of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel

types as main fuel)

Conversion of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel

types as main fuel)

ER Ignition fuel supply

ES Supply and treatment of supplementary fuels
ET Ash and slag removal system (from excl. removal equipment)

Treatment and transport system for combustion, fuel treatment, fuel

conversion, flue gas cleaning, gas generation residues

EV Lubricant supply system

EW Sealing fluid supply system/decompacting medium supply system
EX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EY Control and protection equipment
EA Loading, unloading and storage of solid fuels
[from incl. loading and unloading
EAA Ship loading and unloading system equipment] [to excl. transport or
storage plant]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. loading and unloading

Rail wagon and truck loading and
EAB equipment] [to excl. transport or
unloading bay
storage plant]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
excl. storage incl. internal
EAC Transport system transport system within loading,
unloading and storage plant to
excl. Stacker]
[from excl. transport system] [to
EAD Stacking system
excl. storage plant]
[from excl. loading and unloading
equipment or transport system]
EAE Bunker system, storage area (stockyard)
[to excl. transport or bucket wheel
or reclaimer or stacking system]
[from excl. bunker system or
EAF Bucket wheel system, reclaimer system stockyard] [to excl. transport
EAT Weighing equipment
EAU Sampling equipment
EAV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EAY Control and protection equipment
Mechanical treatment of solid fuels (also for gas generation and
treatment) (Crushing, mixing, drying, etc.)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. receiving point] [to

EBA Transport system excl. discharge into treatment or
mixing system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBB Mixing system
excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBC Crushing system, pulverizing system
excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBD Screening system
excl. discharge into other system]
Separator system and discharge equipment
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBE thereof - unless not structural part of one
excl. discharge into other system]
of the former systems (*EBA* to *EBD*) -
Temporary storage system for milled raw [from incl. receiving point] [to
coal excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBG Predrying system
excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBH Main drying system
excl. discharge into other system]
Dried coal transport system incl. [from incl. receiving point] [to
Aftercooling excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBK Dried coal temporary storage system
excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBL Vapor compressor system
excl. discharge into other system]
[from incl. receiving point] [to
EBM Exhaust system
excl. discharge into other system]
EBR Residues removal system
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

EBT Weighing equipment

EBU Sampling equipment
EBV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EBY Control and protection equipment

EC Distribution of solid fuels

Distribution of solid fuels (free for use

according to transport systems)
ECT Weighing equipment
ECU Sampling equipment
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
ECY Control and protection equipment
Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal (e.g.
ED Limestone
desulfurization plant)
Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl.
EDA-EDU residues removal (e.g. desulfurization
plant) (free for use)
EDV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EDY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Conversion of solid fuels (Gas generation and treatment see function

key *R*)
EEA-EEU Conversion of solid fuels (free for use)
EEV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EEY Control and protection equipment
EG Supply of liquid fuels
[from excl. receiving point] [to
EGA Receiving equipment incl. Pipeline
excl. tank, incl. Pump]
[from incl. tank inlet] [to incl. tank
EGB Tank farm
[from incl. pump system suction
EGC Pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
[from excl. tank outlet] [to excl.
EGD Piping system temporary storage system or
branch to user]
EGE Mechanical cleaning, scrubbing
EGF Temporary storage system
EGG Preheating
EGR Residues removal system
{[from excl. branch off supply
system] [to excl. User]} and {[from
EGT Heating medium system
excl. User] [to excl. inlet to other

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

EGU Billing meter station

EGV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EGY Control and protection equipment
Chemical treatment of liquid fuels incl.
residues removal
Chemical treatment of liquid fuels incl.
residues removal (free for use)
EHV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EHY Control and protection equipment
EK Supply of gaseous fuels
[from excl. receiving point] [to
EKA Receiving equipment incl. Pipeline
incl. inlet to other system]
[from incl. moisture separator
EKB scrubber system inlet] [to incl. moisture separator
[from incl. heater inlet] [to incl.
EKC Heating system
heater outlet]
[from incl. main reducing station
inlet, expansion turbine inlet] [to
EKD Main reducing station, expansion turbine
incl. main reducing station outlet,
expansion turbine outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. inlet of mechanical

cleaning, scrubbing system] [to
EKE Mechanical cleaning, scrubbing
incl. outlet mechanical cleaning,
scrubbing system]
[from incl. storage system inlet]
EKF Storage system
[to incl. storage system outlet]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
EKG Piping system
excl. branch to user]
[from incl. pump system suction
EKH Main pressure boosting system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
EKR Residues removal system
{[from excl. branch off supply
system] [to excl. User]} and {[from
EKT Heating medium system
excl. User] [to excl. inlet to other
EKU Billing meter station
EKV Lubricant supply system
EKW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EKY Control and protection equipment
EL Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl.
residues removal (free for use)
ELV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

ELW Sealing fluid supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
ELY Control and protection equipment
EM Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
(free for use)
EMV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EMY Control and protection equipment
Supply of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel types as
EN Dual fuel
main fuel)
Supply of other fuels (only for combinations
ENA-ENU of different fuel types as main fuel,
available for use)
ENV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
ENY Control and protection equipment
Treatment of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel
types as main fuel)
Treatment of other fuels (only for
EPA-EPU combinations of different fuel types as
main fuel, available for use)
EPV Lubricant supply system
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
EPY Control and protection equipment
Conversion of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel
EQ Cofiring
types as main fuel)
Conversion of other fuels (only for
EQA-EQU combinations of different fuel types as
main fuel, available for use)
EQV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EQY Control and protection equipment
ER Ignition fuel supply
[from excl. receiving point] [to
ERA Pulverized coal supply system excl. branch to boiler or to excl.
other users]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
ERB Oil supply system excl. branch to boiler or to excl. termasuk untuk HRSG
other users]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
ERC Gas supply system excl. branch to boiler or to excl. termasuk untuk HRSG
other users]
ERV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
ERY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

suply bahan bakar untuk bahan

ES Supply and treatment of supplementary fuels
bakar tambahan
[from incl. unloading equipment]
ESA Unloading and storage, incl. Removal
[to excl. Forwarding]
Forwarding and distribution, incl.
temporary storage
Supply and treatment of supplementary
fuels (available for use)
ESE Lubricant supply and proportioning system
ESN Inerting
ESS Exhaust extraction
EST Exhaust cleaning, excl. extraction
ESV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
ESY Control and protection equipment
termasuk Conveyor after SDCC,
ET Ash and slag removal system (from excl. removal equipment)
tidak termasuk SDCC
[from excl. removal equipment or
from excl. receiving point] [to
ETA Wet ash conveying system
excl. storage facility or to excl.
discharge into other system]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
ETB Storage or settlement system for wet ash
incl. removal equipment]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
ETC Wet ash dredger
excl. discharge into other system]
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. removal equipment]

untuk boiler stocker/CFB +
ETD Conveying system for granulate [to excl. storage facility or to excl.
discharge into other system]
[from excl. receiving point] [to untuk boiler stocker/CFB +
ETE Storage system for granulate
incl. removal equipment] pyrite
[from excl. removal equipment
(boiler, electrostatic precipitator)]
ETG Conveying system for dry ash
[to excl. storage facilities or to
excl. discharge into other system]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
ETH Storage system for dry ash
incl. removal equipment]
[from excl. receiving point] [to
Common conveying system for wet and dry
ETK excl. storage facility or to excl.
discharge into other system]
Common storage system for wet and dry [from excl. receiving point] [to
ash incl. removal equipment]
[from excl. receiving point from
ETM Settling system for wet and dry ash conveying system] [to excl. pit or
to excl. discharge to other system]
[from excl. inlet or from incl.
Forwarding, distribution, recovery and
ETN Branch] [to excl. inlet to other
disposal systems for flushing and ash water
[from excl. branch or from incl.
Generation and distribution systems for
ETP compressor system] [to excl. inlet
carrier air
to conveying system]
ETV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
ETY Control and protection equipment
Treatment and transport system for combustion, fuel treatment, fuel
conversion, flue gas cleaning, gas generation residues
Treatment system for fuel treatment
EUA [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for fuel conversion
EUB [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for fuel combustion
EUC [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for flue gas cleaning
EUD [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for gas generation and
EUE [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
treatment residues
Treatment system for fuel treatment
EUF residues (only if *EUA* is not sufficient for [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for fuel treatment
EUG residues (only if *EUA* and *EUF* are not [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
sufficient for identification)
Treatment system for fuel conversion
EUH residues (only if *EUB* is not sufficient for [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for fuel conversion
EUJ residues (only if *EUB* and *EUH* are not [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
sufficient for identification)
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Treatment system for fuel combustion

EUK residues (only if *EUC* is not sufficient for [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for fuel combustion
EUL residues (only if *EUC* and *EUK* are not [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
sufficient for identification)
Treatment system for flue gas cleaning
EUM residues (only if *EUD* is not sufficient for [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Treatment system for flue gas cleaning
EUN residues (only if *EUD* and *EUM* are not [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
sufficient for identification)
Treatment system for gas generation and
EUP treatment residues (only if *EUE* is not [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
sufficient for identification)
Treatment system for gas generation and
EUQ treatment residues (only if *EUE* and [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
*EUP* are not sufficient for identification)
EUV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
EUY Control and protection equipment
EV Lubricant supply system
EVA-EVU Lubricant supply system (free for use)
EW Sealing fluid supply system/decompacting medium supply system
Sealing fluid supply system/decompacting
medium supply system (available for use)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

EX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment (free for use)
EY Control and protection equipment
Control and protection equipment (free for
GA Raw water supply
Treatment system (carbonate hardness removal) incl. cooling tower
GB Desal
make-up water treatment system
GC Treatment system (demineralization)
GD Treatment system (others)
GH Distribution systems (not drinking water)
GK Drinking water supply
GM Process drainage system
GN Process drains treatment system
GQ Domestic waste water collection and drainage systems
GR Domestic waste water treatment system
GT Water recovery from waste water
GU Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
GV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

GW Sealing fluid supply system

GX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GY Control and protection equipment
Air baku dari sumber sebelum
GA Raw water supply
dilakukan treatment
[from incl. Intake] [to incl.
GAA Extraction, mechanical cleaning mechanical cleaning system
[from excl. intake or from excl.
GAC Piping and channel system outlet of other system] [to excl.
inlet to other system]
[from incl. storage system inlet]
GAD Storage system [to incl. storage system outlet, settling pit
incl. intake and outfall]
[from incl. pump system suction
GAF Pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
GAV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GAY Control and protection equipment
GB Treatment system (carbonate hardness removal) incl. cooling tower make-up water treatment system Desal
[from incl. separation equipment]
GBB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system [inlet to incl. separation
equipment outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. atmosphere or from

GBC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
GBD equipment inlet] [to incl. injeksi coagulant
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]
[from incl. acid proportioning
Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment from excl. branch off
carbonate hardness removal) chemicals supply system] [to excl.
inlet to other system]
[from incl. ion exchanger inlet or
from incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e.g.
GBF chemicals supply system or
for carbonate hardness removal)
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]
{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to
Evaporation system (e.g. for carbonate incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
hardness removal) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
GBH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
GBJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{Piping system: [from excl. intake

or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}
[from incl. inlet storage system]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
GBL [to excl. outlet storage system
system (if not part of another system)
incl. intake and outfall]
[from incl. intake or from incl.
GBN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]
{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.
inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
GBP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment
Injection system for main fluid (for from excl. branch off chemicals
hardness stablisation) supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
GBR system] [to excl. discharge into
system incl. Neutralization
disposal system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. outlet of respective

GBS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
GBV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GBY Control and protection equipment
Treatment system
[from incl. separation equipment
GCB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere or from
GCC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
GCD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. acid proportioning

Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]
[from incl. ion exchanger inlet]
[from incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e.g.
GCF chemicals supply system or
for demineralization)
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]
{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to
Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
demineralization) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
GCH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
GCJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: [from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. inlet storage system]

Storage system outside fluid treatment
GCL [to incl. outlet storage system incl.
system (if not part of another system)
intake and outfall]
[from incl. intake or from incl.
GCN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]
{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.
inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
GCP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
GCQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
GCR system] [to excl. discharge into
system incl. Neutralization
disposal system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
GCS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. heating, cooling and

flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
GCV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GCY Control and protection equipment
Treatment system

[from incl. separation equipment

GDB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]

[from excl. atmosphere or from

GDC Aearation, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
GDD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]
[from incl. acid proportioning
Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. ion exchanger inlet or

from incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e.g.
GDF chemicals supply system or
for demineralization)
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]
{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to
Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
demineralization) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
GDH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
GDJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: [from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}
[from incl. inlet storage system]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
GDL [to incl. outlet storage system incl.
system (if not part of another system)
intake and outfall]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. intake or from incl.

GDN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]
{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.
inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
GDP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
GDQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
GDR system] [to excl. discharge into
system incl. neutralization
disposal system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
GDS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
GDV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
GDY Control and protection equipment
untuk service water, fire
GH Distribution systems (not drinking water)
Distribution systems (not drinking water)
(free for use for other kinds of water)
Distribution systems after treatment
GHB [to excl. inlet to other system]
(carbonate hardness removal)
Distribution systems after treatment
GHC [to excl. inlet to other system]
Distribution systems after treatment
GHD [to excl. inlet to other system]
Distribution systems (not drinking water)
(free for use for other kinds of water)
GHW Seal fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GHY Control and protection equipment
GK Drinking water supply
GKA Receiving point
GKB Storage, forwarding, distribution system
Drinking water supply (free for use e.g.
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GKY Control and protection equipment
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

GM Process drainage system

Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GMA-GMU termasuk coal pond
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GMY Control and protection equipment
termasuk pengolahan air
GN Process drains treatment system condensasi, blowdown, air dari
coal pond, air limbah unit
[from incl. separation equipment
GNB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere or from
GNC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
GND equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]
[from incl. acid proportioning
Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]
[from incl. ion exchanger inlet]
[from incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange system (e.g. for
GNF chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to

Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet and from incl.
demineralization) heating steam inlet to incl.
condensate outlet]
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
GNH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
GNJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: [from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}
[from incl. inlet storage system]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
GNL [to incl. outlet storage system incl.
system (if not part of another system)
intake and outfall]
[from incl. intake or from incl.
GNN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.

inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
GNP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
GNQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
GNR system] [to excl. discharge into
system incl. neutralization
disposal system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
GNS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
GNV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GNY Control and protection equipment
GQ Domestic waste water collection and drainage systems air buangan service water

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Domestic waste water collection and

GQA-GQU drainage systems (free for use e.g.
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GQY Control and protection equipment
GR Domestic waste water treatment system
[from incl. separation equipment
GRB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere or from
GRC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
GRD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]
[from incl. acid proportioning
Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]
[from incl. ion exchanger inlet]
[from incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange system (e.g. for
GRF chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to

Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet and from incl.
demineralization) heating steam inlet to incl.
condensate outlet]
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
GRH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
GRJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: [from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}
[from incl. inlet storage system]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
GRL [to incl. outlet storage system incl.
system (if not part of another system)
intake and outfall]
[from incl. intake or from incl.
GRN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.

inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
GRP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
GRQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
GRR system] [to excl. discharge into
system incl. neutralization
disposal system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
GRS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
GRV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GRY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

GT Water recovery from waste water Air WTP

Water recovery from waste water (free for
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GTY Control and protection equipment
Rainwater collection and drainage systems
incl. treatment system
Rainwater collection and drainage systems
GUA-GUU incl. treatment system (free for use e.g.
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
GUY Control and protection equipment
GV Lubricant supply system
GVA-GVU Lubricant supply system (free for use)
GW Sealing fluid supply system
GWA-GWU Sealing fluid supply system (free for use)
GX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment (free for use)
GY Control and protection equipment
Control and protection equipment (free for
HA Pressure system, feedwater and steam sections
HB Support structure, enclosure, steam generator interior
HC Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning equipment
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

HD Ash and slag removal, particulate removal

HE Oxydent production / -supply (air separation)
HF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system
HG CO2 Conditioning in flue gas
HH Main firing system (electric-powered as well)
HJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
HK CO2 separation in flue gas
HL Ducting system air
HM Gas heating system (for closed cycle)
HN Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas treatment)
HP Geothermal systems
HQ Solar thermal systems
Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal,
adsorptive process
Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, catalytic
Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal,
absorptive process
HU Flue gas reheating system
HV Lubricant supply system
HW Sealing fluid supply system
HX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

HY Control and protection equipment

HA Pressure system, feedwater and steam sections
[from incl. LP part-flow feed
LP part-flow feed heating system (flue-gas- heating system inlet] [to incl. LP
HAA Digunakan untuk HRSG
heated) part-flow feed heating system
[from incl. HP part-flow feed
HP part-flow feed heating system (flue-gas- heating system inlet] [to incl. HP
HAB Digunakan untuk HRSG
heated) part-flow feed heating system
[from incl. boiler inlet header] [to
excl. evaporator inlet incl. control
HAC Economizer system
and auxiliary heat transfer
{[from incl. evaporator system
inlet] [to incl. evaporator system
HAD Evaporator system outlet]} and {[to incl. water/steam Rermasuk steam drum
separator and water collecting
[from excl. water/steam
separator and water collecting
vessel] [to excl. inlet to heat
HAG Circulation system
transfer surface system (removal
systems are classified under *L..*)
or to excl. feedwater system]
[from excl. evaporator system
HAH HP superheater system outlet] [to incl. boiler outlet
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. reheater inlet header]

HAJ Reheat system
[to incl. reheater outlet header]
[from incl. second reheater inlet
HAK Secondary reheat system header] [to incl. second reheater
outlet header]
[from incl. triflux system inlet] [to
HAM Triflux system
incl. triflux system outlet]
[from incl. collecting point or from
Pressure system drainage and venting
HAN excl. final drain/vent valve] [to
excl. discharge into other system]
HAV Lubricant supply system
HAW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HAY Control and protection equipment
HB Support structure, enclosure, steam generator interior
HBA Frame incl. foundations
HBB Enclosures
HBC Brick linings incl. insulating brickwork
HBD Platforms, stairways
HBE Pressure vessel (supercharged boiler)
[from excl. furnace] [to excl. flue
HBK Steam generator interior
gas exhaust]
HC Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning equipment
[from excl. branch off supply
HCA Air sootblowing system
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch off supply

HCB Steam sootblowing system
[from excl. branch off supply
HCC Water sootblowing system
[from excl. branch off supply
HCD Flushing equipment
HCE Rapping gear
HCF Shot cleaning system
HCG Soundwave system
HCV Lubricant supply system
HCW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HCY Control and protection equipment
HD Ash and slag removal, particulate removal termasuk: SSC/SDCC/DCC/SSCC
[from incl. removal equipment]
[to excl. discharge into disposal
Furnace ash removal, furnace slag removal,
HDA system or to incl. pressure vessel
bed ash removal
outlet or to excl. ash return
[from excl. furnace outlet or from
HDB Bed ash return system excl. bed ash removal outlet] [to
excl. furnace inlet]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. removal equipment for

heat recovery surfaces or from
HDC Ash return system incl. temporary storage excl. *HDD*, *HDE*, *HDF*] [to
excl. ash disposal system *ETG*
or to excl. inlet to other system]
[from excl. flue gas duct inlet] [to
Mechanical dust handling and return
HDD excl. flue gas duct outlet to excl.
discharge to other system]
[from excl. flue gas duct inlet] [to
HDE Electrostatic precipitator and return system excl. flue gas duct outlet to excl.
discharge to other system]
[from excl. flue gas duct inlet] [to
HDF Cyclone dust removal and return system excl. flue gas duct outlet to excl. Digunakan untuk boiler CFB
discharge to other system]
Fluid supply system for ash, slag and dust
HDT [from excl. intake] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off or from incl.
HDU Carrier air supply system compressor system] [to excl. inlet
to carrier air system]
HDV Lubricant supply system
HDW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HDY Control and protection equipment
HE Oxydent production / -supply (air separation) Digunakan untuk HRSG

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. ambient air] [to excl.

inlet air compression]} and / or
HEA Air intake, air supply {[from incl. compressor casing
and rotor gas turbine] [to excl.
inlet cooling and cleaning]}
[from excl. air intake] [to excl.
HEB Air compression
cooling and cleaning]
[from excl. air compression] [to
HEC Cooling and cleaning inclusive regeneration
excl. main heat exchanger]
[From excl. cooling] [to excl.
Main heat exchanger / cold production / rectification to excl. oxygen
condensation release to excl. nitrogen release to
excl. residual gas release]
HEE Rektifikation
[from excl. air intake] [to excl.
HEF Chemical looping system
contiguous systems]
[from excl. air compression] [to
HEG Membrane separate system
excl. oxygen release]
[from excl. main heat exchanger]
HEJ Oxygen-release inclusive storage
[to excl. ducting system oxygen]
[from excl. main heat exchanger]
HEK Nitrogen-release inclusive storage
[to excl. ducting system nitrogen]
[from excl. main heat exchanger]
HEL Argon-release inclusive storage
[to excl. ducting system argon]
[from excl. main heat exchanger]
HEM Residual gas-release
[to incl. atmosphere]
HEV Lubricant system
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

HEW Sealing medium system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection systems
HEY Control and protection system
HF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system
[from excl. receiving point] [to
HFA Bunker for pulverizing system
incl. outlet]
[from excl. bunker outlet] [to excl.
HFB Feeder system oversize reject shaft or pulverizing
[from incl. pulverizing system
HFC Pulverizing system (incl. classifier)
inlet] [to excl. pulverized coal line]
[from excl. outlet of other system]
HFD Flue gas return system
[to excl. pulverizing system]
[from incl. air inlet or from excl.
branch off *HLA*] [to excl.
Termasuk sistem PAF untuk
HFE Mill air system, carrier air system downcomer shaft or to excl.
pulverizing system or to excl. flue
gas recirculation system]
[from excl. pulverizing system
Pulverized coal temporary storage bunker
outlet] [to incl. temporary storage
HFG after central pulverizing system (indirect
bunker outlet, incl. rotary vane
HFV Lubricant supply system
HFW Sealing fluid supply system

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
HFY Control and protection equipment coal feeder control
HG CO2 Conditioning in flue gas
[from excl. chemical flue gas
HGA CO2 Precleaning treatment] [to excl. CO2 raw gas
[from excl. CO2-precleaning] [to
HGB CO2 raw gas condensation
excl. CO2 raw gas cooling]
[from excl. CO2 raw gas
CO2 raw gas cooling and -cleaning incl.
HGC condensation] [to excl. main heat
[from excl. CO2 raw gas cooling /
HGD Main heat exchanger / cooling / liquidation
cleaning] [to excl. rectification]
[from excl. main heat exchanger]
HGE Rectification
[to excl. CO2 buffer system]
HGF Cooling for rectification
HGU CO2 tank / -buffer system
HGV Lubricant system
HGW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection systems
HGY Control and protection systems
HH Main firing system (electric-powered as well)
[from incl. respective fuel-side and
HHA Main burners
air-side burner inlet]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. retarded combustion

HHB Retarded combustion grate grate inlet] [to excl. inlet to other
[from incl. fuel receiving point or
HHC Grate combustion system from incl. grate combustion inlet] boiler stocker
[to excl. inlet to other system]
Other burner equipment (e.g. vapour
HHD [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
burner, flue dust burner)
[from excl. pulverizing system
outlet or from excl. pulverized
coal bin outlet after central
Pulverized coal bin, forwarding and outlet Mill, termasuk swing
HHE pulverizing system (indirect feed)
distribution system valve, coal pipe, coal burner
*HFG* or from excl. outlet of
other system] [to excl. main
burner equipment]
[from excl. branch off main supply
Oil temporary storage, pump and line or from incl. temporary
distribution system storage tank] [to excl. main
burner equipment]
[from excl. branch off main supply
HHG Gas pressure reduction, distribution system line] [to excl. main burner
Temporary storage, forwarding and
distribution system for other fuels, fluid 1
Temporary storage, forwarding and
distribution system for other fuels, fluid 2

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Temporary storage, forwarding and

distribution system for other fuels, fluid 3
[from incl. branch off ducting
HHL Combustion air supply system
system (*HLA*)] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HHM Atomizer medium supply system (steam)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HHN Atomizer medium supply system (air)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HHP Coolant supply system (steam)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HHQ Coolant supply system (air)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HHR Purging medium supply system (steam)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HHS Purging medium supply system (air)
system] [to excl. user]
{[from excl. branch off supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
HHT Heating medium supply system (steam)
excl. user] [to excl. inlet to other
{[from excl. branch off supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
HHU Heating medium supply system (hot water)
excl. user] [to excl. inlet to other
HHV Lubricant supply system
HHW Sealing fluid supply system

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
HHY Control and protection equipment
HHZ Electric heating system
HJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
[from incl. resp. fuel-side and air-
HJA Ignition burners
side burner inlet]
[from excl. pulverizing system
outlet or from excl. pulverized
coal temporary storage bunker
Pulverized coal bin, forwarding and
HJE outlet (if central pulverizing
distribution system
system,* HFG*) or from excl.
outlet of other system] [to excl.
ignition burner equipment]
[from excl. branch off main supply
Oil temporary storage, pump and line or from incl. temporary
distribution system storage tank] [to excl. ignition
burner equipment]
[from excl. branch off main supply
HJG Gas pressure reduction, distribution system line] [to excl. lignition burner
[from incl. branch off ducting
HJL Combustion air supply system system (*HLA*) or from incl. air
inlet, incl. fan] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HJM Atomizer medium supply system (steam)
system] [to excl. user]
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch off supply

HJN Atomizer medium supply system (air)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HJP Cooling supply system (steam)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HJQ Cooling supply system (air)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HJR Purging medium supply system (steam)
system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. branch off supply
HJS Purging medium supply system (air)
system] [to excl. user]
{[from excl. branch off supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
HJT Heating medium supply system (steam)
excl. user] [to excl. inlet to other
{[from excl. branch off supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
HJU Heating medium supply system (hot water)
excl. user] [to excl. inlet to other
HJV Lubricant supply system
HJW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HJY Control and protection equipment
untuk mengukur CO2 (outlet
HK CO2 separation in flue gas
air heater)
HKA Flue gas channel system with *HK*
HKB Flue gas ducting system
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. inlet fan system] [to

HKC Fan system for flue gas
excl. outlet fan system]
[from flue gas from incl. inlet flue
HKD CO2 absorption
gas inclusive water separation]
HKE Flue gas pre-cleaning
HKF Solvent conditioning
[from incl. CO2 absorber] [to incl.
inlet CO2 stripper, incl. rich/lean
HKG Rich/lean solvent system solvent heat exchange, resp. lean
solvent from incl. CO2 stripper
outlet to incl. CO2 absorber inlet]
{[from solvent from incl. inlet
solvent] [to incl. outlet solvent to
incl. inlet CO2 conditioning
HKH CO2 desorption
(*HG*)]} {[from incl. inlet steam
(*LBL*)] [to incl. outlet steam
condensate (*LCK*)]}
HKJ Solvent make up incl. storage
HKK Solvent disposal
HKV Lubricant supply system
HKW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection systems
HKY Control and protection systems
HL Ducting system air
HLA Ducting system
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

termasuk PAF dan SAF untuk

HLB Forced draught fan system
HLC Air preheating (not flue-gas-heated) APC (Air preheating Coil),
HLD Air preheating system (flue-gas-heated) Primasy/secondary air heater
HLE Ducting system oxygen
HLF Oxygen fan system
HLG Oxygen preheating (not flue gas heated)
HLH Oxygen preheating flue gas heated
HLU Air pressure relief system
HLV Lubricant supply system
HLW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HLY Control and protection equipment
HM Gas heating system (for closed cycle)
[from incl. cold gas inlet header or
from excl. heat exchanger cold
Primary heater (primary convection
HMA gas outlet] [to incl. primary heater
outlet or to excl. mixing header
[from incl. mixing header inlet] [to
incl. radiation section outlet or to
HMB Radiation section
excl. secondary heater inlet
Secondary heater (second convection [from incl. inlet header] [to incl.
section) hot gas outlet header]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. reheater inlet header]

HMD Reheat system
[to incl. reheater outlet header]
HMV Lubricant supply system
HMW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HMY Control and protection equipment
HN Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas treatment)
[from excl. boiler outlet or from
excl. outlet of other system] [to
excl. smoke stack, excl. air heater,
HNA Ducting system flue gas dust handling system,
induced-draught fan system, gas
scrubber system, chemical flue
gas treatment]
[from incl. induced-draught fan
HNC Induced-draught fan system system inlet] [to incl. induced-
draught fan system outlet]
HNE Smoke stack system (chimney) [from incl. inlet]
[from excl. branch off main flue
HNF Flue gas recirculation system gas exhaust system] [to excl. inlet
to other system, incl. fan system]
HNG Flue gas heating utilisation system
Flue gas pressure relief system Task: to
relieve pressure in flue gas system
HNV Lubricant supply system
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

HNW Sealing fluid supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HNY Control and protection equipment
Treatment uap main steam
HP Heat transfer system (Geothermal systems, Heat pump system) sebelum Main Stop Valve
Steam Turbine - PLTP
[from incl. inlet production well]
HPA Geothermal extraction system [to excl. distribution system incl.
pressurizing system]
[from incl. outlet extraction
HPB Geothermal distribution system system] [to excl. heat exchanger
or to excl. return system]
[from incl. outlet distribution
system or from incl. outlet heat
HPC Geothermal return system
exchanger] [to incl. outlet
injection well]
[from incl. the outlet of the last
HPD Low pressure side of the heat pump system circuit expansion valve] [to incl.
Compressor inlet]
[from incl. inlet compressor] [to
HPE High pressure side of the heat pump system incl. the last circuit expansion
HPQ-HPU - available for use -
HPV Lubricant supply system
HPW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

HPY Control and protection equipment

HQ Solar thermal systems
HQA Radiation reflexion
HQB System for reflector tracking
HQC Heat absorption
HQD Heat transfer medium system
HQQ-HQU - available for use -
HQV Lubricant supply system
HQW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HQY Control and protection equipment
Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal,
adsorptive process
[from excl. *HNA*] [to excl. inlet
HRA Flue gas ducting system within *HR*
to *HNA*]
HRB Flue gas-side heat exchanger [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
HRC Flue gas fan system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
HRD Adsorption system (reactor) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
[from excl. branch off supply
HRE Flue gas-side cleaning equipment
HRH Residues separation [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

[from excl. receiving point] [to

HRJ Fresh coke supply incl. storage
excl. fresh coke distribution

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

system or to excl. fresh coke


[from excl. fresh coke supply] [to

HRK Fresh coke treatment and distribution
exc. reactor]
HRL Water supply and disposal system
[from excl. reactor] [to excl. spent
HRM Coke removal system coke handling or to excl. spent
coke treatment]
[from excl. coke removal or from
HRN Spent coke handling incl. storage excl. spent coke treatment] [to
incl. discharge]
[from excl. spent coke handling]
HRP Spent coke treatment and disposal [to excl. spent coke handling or to
incl. discharge]
[from incl. inlet] [to incl.
HRQ Dust extraction and disposal
[from incl. storage] [to excl. inlet
HRR Inerting system
to other system]
HRV Lubricant supply system
HRW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HRY Control and protection equipment
Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, catalytic

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. *HNA*] [to incl.

HSA Flue gas ducting system within *HS* evaporator system outlet and to
excl. inlet to *HNA*]
Flue gas-side heat exchanger, gas heater
HSB [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
(not *HU*)
HSC Flue gas fan system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
HSD Reactor (reduction) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
HSE Converter (oxidation) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Flue gas-side cleaning equipment for [from excl. branch off supply
reactor system]
[from excl. outlet of other system
or from incl. supply system] [to
HSG Reduction agent dilution system
excl. reduction agent treatment
HSH (Residues) separator [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Reduction agent supply system incl.
[from excl. reduction agent
Reduction agent treatment and distribution
HSK supply] [to incl. reduction agent
injection incl. coolant inlet]
HSL Water supply and disposal system
HSM Chemicals and additives supply system
Drainage systems Task: water collecting,
storage, return

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. separator/filter or from

Flyash collecting (incl. filtering) and
HSP excl. flue gas ducting system] [to
removal system
excl. inlet to disposal system]
[from incl. inlet] [to excl. inlet to
HSQ Sprinkler system incl. drainage
other system]
Oxidizing agent treatment and distribution [from excl. outlet converter] [to
system excl. inlet converter]
(Residues) forwarding, storage, loading [from excl. outlet residues
system separator]
Flushing fluid system incl. supply Task:
flushing of reducing agent systems
{[from excl. heating fluid supply]
[to excl. evaporator inlet]} {[from
HSU Heating fluid system
excl. evaporator outlet] [to excl.
inlet to other system]}
HSV Lubricant supply system
HSW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HSY Control and protection equipment
Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal,
absorptive process
[from excl. *HNA*] [to excl. inlet
HTA Flue gas ducting system within *HT*
to *HNA*]
Flue gas-side heat exchanger, gas heater
HTB [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
(not *HU*)
HTC Flue gas fan system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. flue gas inlet] [to incl.

HTD Flue gas scrubbing system
moisture separator outlet]
HTE Flue gas cleaning and filtering system
HTF Absorption cycle [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
HTG Oxidation system incl. supply system [to excl. user or scrubber]
[from incl. inlet flue gas cooler
incl. heat dissipation system
HTH Flue gas cooling system
without second heat sink] [to incl.
outlet flue gas cooler]
Absorbent supply system incl. storage
HTJ [to excl. mashing (*HTK*)]
Absorbent preparation and distribution [from incl. mashing, slaking] [to
system excl. user or scrubber]
[incl. water removal and return]
HTL Piping system for discharge of solids [excl. thickening and solids
dewatering systems]
HTM Thickening and solids dewatering system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
HTN Solids drying, compacting system
(Solids/ product) forwarding, storage,
loading system
HTQ Water supply and disposal system
HTS Chemicals and additives supply system
Drainage systems Task: water collecting,
storage, return
HTV Lubricant supply system
HTW Sealing fluid supply system
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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
HTY Control and protection equipment
HU Flue gas reheating system GRF
HUA-HUU Flue gas reheating system (free for use)
HUV Lubricant supply system
HUW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
HUY Control and protection equipment
HV Lubricant supply system
HVA-U Lubricant supply system (free for use)
HW Sealing fluid supply system
HWA-HWU Sealing fluid supply system (free for use)
HX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment (free for use)
LA Feedwater system

mulai dari outlet superheater,

LB Steam system
sampai sebelum valve turbin

LC Condensate system
LD Condensate polishing plant
LE Low temperature Rankine cycle (bottoming cycle)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

LF Common installations for steam, water, gas cycles

LK Gas system (closed cycle)
LL Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LN Water impounding works for hydroelectric power plant
LP Head water system for hydroelectric power plant [from excl. dam / weir]
LQ Tail water system for hydroelectric power plant
LR Osmosis pressure systems
LS Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LV Lubricant supply system
LW Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LY Control and protection equipment
LA Feedwater system
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
LAA Storage, deaeration (incl. feedwater tank) [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment and vapour condenser]
[from excl. feedwater tank outlet]
Feedwater piping system (excl. feedwater
LAB [to excl. boiler inlet header or
pump and feedwater heating system)
heat exchanger]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. pump system suction

LAC Feedwater pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system BFPT, BFP
discharge nozzle]
[from incl. respective feed heater
inlet] [to incl. respective feed
LAD HP feedwater heating system HP Heater
heater outlet incl. desuperheater
and cooler]
[from excl. branch off feedwater
LAE HP desuperheating spray system
piping system] [to excl. user]
[from excl. pump system
discharge nozzle or from excl.
LAF IP desuperheating spray system
branch off other system] [to excl.
[from excl. outlet of or branch off
feedwater system] [to excl.
LAH Start-up and shutdown piping system
feedwater piping system or other
[from incl. pump system suction
LAJ Start-up and shutdown pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system Start up pump
discharge nozzle]
Emergency feedwater piping system incl. [from excl. branch off other
LAR storage (excl. emergency feedwater pump system] [to excl. feedwater piping
system) system inlet]
[from incl. pump system suction
LAS Emergency feedwater pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch off other

LAT Back-up emergency feedwater system system] [to excl. feedwater piping
system inlet]
LAV Lubricant supply system
LAW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LAY Control and protection equipment
LB Steam system
[from excl. boiler outlet or from
excl. heat exchanger] [to excl.
tidak termasuk MSV/boiler stop
LBA Main steam piping system turbine main stop valve or HP
reducing station or turbine bypass
or other user (system)]
[from excl. reheater or moisture
separator/reheater outlet] [to
LBB Hot reheat piping system excl. intercept valve or turbine
inlet or turbine bypass or other
user (system)]
[from excl. turbine outlet or high
pressure reducing station] [to
LBC Cold reheat piping system
excl. reheater inlet excl. moisture
separator or user (system)]
[from excl. branch off crossover
LBD Extraction piping system
line] [to excl. user (system)]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. turbine outlet] [to excl.

LBE Back-pressure piping system
user (system)]
Overpressure suppression and safety device
LBF incl. injection and hydraulic station for [from excl. inlet] [to incl. outlet] relief valve
safety function
[from excl. receiving point from
LBG Auxiliary steam piping system other system] [to excl. user
[from excl. boiler outlet or from
excl. branch off main steam line,
Start-up steam system, shutdown steam
LBH incl. start-up condenser or from
excl. outlet of other system] [to
excl. inlet to other systems]
LBJ Moisture separator/reheater (MSR) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Process steam system for flue gas [from excl. receiving point from
treatment other system] [to excl. consumer]
[from excl. turbine outlet or
Extraction steam piping system for HP branch off other system] [to excl.
feedwater heating feedwater heating system or user
[from excl. branch off main
turbine or from excl. branch off
other system or from excl. branch
Piping system for branch or auxiliary
LBR or auxiliary turbine outlet] [to
excl. branch or auxiliary turbine
isolating valve or to excl. inlet to
other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. turbine outlet or

Extraction steam piping system for LP branch off other system] [to excl.
feedwater heating (main condensate) LP feedwater heating system or
deaerator or user (system)]
[from excl. steam generator
outlet or from excl. branch off
LBT Emergency condensing system main steam piping system incl.
condenser] [to excl. inlet to other
LBU Common dump line
LBV Lubricant supply system
LBW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LBY Control and protection equipment
LC Condensate system
Main condensate piping system (excl. main [from excl. condenser outlet] [to
condensate pump system, LP feedwater excl. deaerator inlet or to excl.
heating system, condensate polishing feedwater pump system (in plants
plant) without feed- water tank)]
[from incl. pump system suction
LCB Main condensate pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system CEP/CP
discharge nozzle]
[from incl. heater inlet] [to incl.
LCC Main condensate heating system heater outlet incl. desuperheater LP Heater
and cooler]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch off main

condensate piping system or from
LCE Condensate desuperheating spray system excl. branch off branch turbine
condensate piping system] [to
excl. user]
[from excl. condenser outlet] [to
excl. inlet to other system, excl.
LCF Branch turbine condensate piping system
branch turbine condensate pump
[from incl. pump system suction
LCG Branch turbine condensate pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
[from excl. heater outlet] [to excl.
LCH HP heater drains system
inlet to other systems]
[from excl. heater outlet] [to excl.
LCJ LP heater drains system
inlet to other systems]
[from excl. outlet (steam)
Condensate system of process steam
LCK consumer] [to excl. inlet to other
supply for flue gas treatment
[from excl. branch off pressure
system or from incl. start-up flash
LCL Steam generator drains system
tank] [to excl. inlet to other
[from incl. collecting tank or from
Clean drains system (collecting and return
LCM excl. final drain valve or from excl.
inlet from other collecting system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Auxiliary steam condensate system [from excl. (steam) user] [to excl.
(collecting and return system) inlet to other systems]
[from excl. branch off other
Standby condensate system, incl. storage
LCP system] [to excl. inlet to other
and pump system
[from excl. steam generator
outlet from incl. blowdown flash
LCQ Steam generator blowdown system
tank (caustic flash tank)] [to excl.
inlet to other systems]
[from excl. branch off other
LCR Standby condensate distribution system system] [to excl. inlet to other
Reheater drains system (moisture [from excl. reheater] [to excl. inlet
separator/reheater) to other systems]
Moisture separator drains system [from excl. moisture separator]
(moisture separator/reheater) [to excl. inlet to other systems]
LCV Lubricant supply system
[from excl. branch off other
LCW Sealing and cooling drains system system] [to excl. user, incl.
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LCY Control and protection equipment
LD Condensate polishing plant

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. fluid treatment system

Fluid treatment extraction system (if not
LDA outlet] [to excl. inlet into other
part of another system)
[from incl. separation equipment
LDB Filtering, mechanical cleaning inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere or from
LDC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. electromagnetic
polishing system inlet] [to incl.
LDD Electromagnetic polishing system
electromagnetic polishing system
[from incl. acid proportioning
Acid proportioning system (e.g.for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]
Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e.g. [from incl. ion exchanger inlet] [to
demineralization) incl. ion exchanger outlet]
[from incl. feedwater inlet to incl.
steam outlet and from incl.
LDG Evaporation system (e.g. demineralization)
heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
LDH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet, incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. preheater or cooler

LDJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: {from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage sy]}
[from incl. storage system inlet]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
LDL [to incl. storage system outlet,
system (if not part of another system)
incl. intake and outfall]
[from incl. intake or from incl.
LDN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]
{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.
inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
LDP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regeneration,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
LDQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. outlet of respective

Flushing water and residues removal
LDR system] [to excl. discharge into
system incl. neutralization
disposal system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
LDS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
disposal system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
LDV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LDY Control and protection equipment
LE Low temperature Rankine cycle (bottoming cycle) Boiler non water
{[from excl. condensation] [to incl.
preheating to excl. evaporator]}
LEA Working fluid system liquid phase
or {[from excl. separator] [to excl.
exhaust steam]}
[from incl. inlet evaporator
LEB Evaporating system working fluid working fluid] [to incl. outlet
evaporator working fluid]
[from excl. evaporator working
LEC Working fluid system steam phase
fluid] [to excl. turbine]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[to excl. evaporating system

LED Heat transfer medium cycle working fluid] [from excl.
evaporating system working fluid]
LEQ-LEU - available for use -
LEV Lubricant supply system
LEW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LEY Control and protection equipment
LF Common installations for steam, water, gas cycles
LFC Common drain and vent systems
[from excl. primary coolant heat
Secondary-side steam generator tubesheet exchanger outlet] [to excl.
lancing system primary coolant heat exchanger
LFJ Steam generator layup system
Proportioning system for feedwater,
LFN condensate system, incl. proportioning in
boiler and turbine area
LK Gas system (closed cycle) Sumber gas untuk PLTG
[from excl. receiving point from
LKA Storage system gas supply system] [to excl. piping
system inlet]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. gas heater outlet] [to

excl. gas heater inlet, excl.
LKB Piping system
turbine, compressor, preheater,
Compressor system (if separate from gas [from incl. compressor inlet] [to
turbine) incl. compressor outlet]
[from incl. preheater inlet] [to
LKD Preheating system
incl. preheater outlet]
[from incl. precooler inlet] [to incl.
LKE Precooling system
precooler outlet]
[from incl. intercooler inlet] [to
LKF Intercooling system
incl. intercooler outlet]
[from incl. pressurizing system
LKG Pressurizing system inlet] [to excl. discharge into
piping systems]
LKV Lubricant supply system
LKW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LKY Control and protection equipment
LL Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
(free for use)
LLW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LLY Control and protection equipment
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

LN Water impounding works for hydroelectric power plant PLTA

[from incl. water intake incl.
transfer conduit and pump
Bak penampungan air dari head
system] [to excl. dam (incl.
LNA Head and tail race system, storage system race dan tail race termasuk
measuring equipment) or to excl.
sistem pompa dll
headwater piping system or to
excl. headrace system]
LNB Trash rack, trash/fish barrier [to excl. inlet to other system]
{Dam: [from incl. foundation] [to
incl. crest, incl. inspection and
Bendungan, waduk, water
LNC Dam, weir system instrumentation equipment]}
imponding, alat ukur
{Weir system: [from incl. inlet] [to
incl. outlet to other system]}
LND Spillway Saluran pelimpah
LNE Drainage system
Pump system Task: pumping of the water
within the head and tail race system
LNG Extraction system for external purpose
LNH Brook flume [from excl. dam / weir]
LNV Lubricant supply system
LNW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LNY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Head water system for hydroelectric power plant from excl. dam /
Rake and rake cleaning system Task:
LPA Separate out and collect floating matter
from headrace
[from incl. isolating equipment
LPB Isolating equipment inlet] [to incl. outlet to other
[from incl. receiving point] [to incl.
discharge into turbine system,
LPC Piping and penstock system Head race
incl. connecting piping for pump
LPE Surge tank pada penstock
LPG Extraction system for external purpose
LPV Lubricant supply system
LPW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LPY Control and protection equipment
LQ Tail water system for hydroelectric power plant PLTA
[from excl. inlet main machine set
Tail race, saluran keluaran
LQA Underwater piping and culvert system *ME*, *MF*, *MG*] [to incl.
setelah draft tube
outlet to other system]
untuk PLTA yang memiliki surge
LQB Surge tank
tank di outlet

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. isolating equipment

LQC Isolating equipment inlet] [to incl. outlet to other
Rake and rake cleaning system for
pumped-storage operation Task: Separate
out and collect floating matter from
LQG Extraction system for external purpose
LQV Lubricant supply system
LQW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LQY Control and protection equipment
LR Osmosis pressure systems PLTA
LRA Fresh water system
LRB Pressurized water system
LRC Membran system
LRQ-LRU - available for use -
LRV Lubricant supply system
LRW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
LRY Control and protection equipment
LS Common installations for hydroelectric power plant

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Common installations for hydroelectric

power plant (free for use)
LSL Drainage system
Common installations for hydroelectric
power plant (free for use)
LV Lubricant supply system
LVA-LVU Lubricant supply system (free for use)
LW Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
Sealing fluid supply system for steam,
water, gas cycles
LX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment (free for use)
LY Control and protection equipment
Control and protection equipment (free for
MA Steam turbine plant
MB Gas turbine plant
MD Wind turbine plant
ME Hydraulic turbine plant

MF Pumping turbine plant in pumped-storage power plants

MG Pumped-storage plant
MH Steam motor plant
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

MJ Diesel engine plant

MK Generator plant
ML Electro-motive plant (incl. motor generator)
MM Compressor plant
MP Common installations for main machine sets
MR Gas engine plant
MV Lubricant supply system
MW Sealing fluid supply system

MX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment

MY Control and protection equipment

MA Steam turbine plant
{[from incl. steam admission
(main stop valve) or combined
main stop and control valve] [to
MAA HP turbine incl. automatic/non-automatic MSV, GV
extraction and exhaust nozzles]}
and {[to incl. the interfaces with
other turbine-internal systems]}

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. crossover line, incl.

control element or from incl.
intercept valve] [to incl.
MAB IP turbine automatic/non-automatic ICV, RSV
extraction and exhaust nozzles]}
and {[to incl. the interfaces with
other turbine-internal systems]}

{[from incl. crossover line, incl.

control element or from incl.
intercept valve or steam inlet
nozzle (in reheat system without
MAC LP turbine intercept valves)] [to incl.
extraction and exhaust nozzles]}
and {[to incl. the interfaces with
other turbine-internal systems]}
Bearing turbin (mulai pedestal
MAD Bearings
sampai LP)
[from incl. condenser neck or inlet
nozzle] [to incl. condenser outlet
MAG Condensing system nozzle, incl. connected flash tanks, Condensor, hotwell
incl. instrumentation equipment
associated with condenser]
[from excl. outlet of other system]
Motive water system (if separate from
MAH [to excl. water-operated air Vacuum water
ejector inlet]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. condenser outlet] [to

MAJ Air removal system Vacuum steam
excl. inlet atmosphere]
Transmission gear between prime mover
and driven machine, incl. turning gear
[from incl. collector point or from
MAL Drain and vent systems incl. final drain] [to excl. discharge
into other system]
[from excl. branch off seal leak-
MAM Leak-off steam system off] [to excl. discharge into other
{[from incl. bypass valve]} and
Turbine bypass station, incl. {[from incl. desuperheating spray
MAN HP turbine bypass
desuperheating spray system valve] [to incl. steam inlet to
{[from excl. bypass valve]} and
MAP LP turbine bypass {[from excl. branch off steam
system] [to excl. condenser]}
[from incl. venting point] [to excl.
MAQ Vent system (if separate from *MAL*)
discharge into other system]
{[from incl. dedicated lubricant
tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
MAV Lubricant supply system
branch off lubricant supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
excl. user]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch] [to excl. casing

nozzle of seal steam user and
MAW Sealing, heating and cooling steam system leak-off to excl. condenser or to
incl. gland steam condenser or to
excl. heating/cooling steam user]
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MAY Electrical control and protection equipment
MB Gas turbine plant
{[from incl. compressor inlet] [to
Turbine, compressor rotor with common incl. compressor outlet]} {[from untuk TG single shaft, low
casing incl. turbine inlet] [to incl. turbine speed
outlet, incl. exhaust gas diffuser]}
[from incl. turbine inlet] [to incl.
untuk TG Hi speed, aero
MBB Turbine casing and rotor turbine outlet, incl. exhaust gas
[from incl. compressor inlet] [to untuk TG Hi speed, aero
MBC Compressor casing and rotor
incl. compressor outlet] derivative
MBD Bearings hanya untuk turbine bearing
[from excl. branch off coolant] [to
MBE Coolant system for gas turbine plant
excl. user]
[from incl. extraction point to excl.
user and from excl. user, incl.
MBH Cooling and sealing gas system
leak-off] [to incl. inlet to other
MBJ Start-up unit

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Transmission gear between prime mover

MBK and driven machine, incl. turning gear,
barring gear
[from excl. atmosphere] [to excl.
Intake air, cold gas system incl. intake air
MBL combustion chamber or to excl.
compressor inlet or]
Combustion chamber (gas heating, [from incl. cold gas, fuel inlet] [to
combustion) incl. hot gas outlet]
[from excl. branch off main supply
line or from incl. temporary (day)
tank] [to excl. combustion
MBN Fuel supply system (liquid)
chamber or to excl. motive gas
generating unit, incl. fuel return
[from excl. branch off main supply
line] [to excl. combustion
MBP Fuel supply system (gaseous)
chamber or to excl. motive gas
generating unit]
[from excl. branch off main supply
line or from incl. storage tank] [to
MBQ Ignition fuel supply system (if separate)
excl. combustion chamber or to
excl. motive gas generating unit]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. combustion chamber

or from excl. exhaust gas diffuser]
[to excl. discharge into
MBR Exhaust gas system (open cycle)
atmosphere, excl. turbine or to
excl. inlet to other system (e.g.
combustion air system)]
[to excl. connection to main
MBS Storage system system] and [from excl.
connection to main system]
[from incl. air/fuel inlet] [to incl.
Motive gas generator unit, incl. combustion
MBT motive gas outlet of motive gas
generating unit]
[from incl. supply] [to incl.
MBU Additive system
{[from incl. dedicated lubricant
tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
MBV Lubricant supply system
branch off control fluid supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
excl. user]}
{[from incl. dedicated seal oil tank
or from excl. seal oil pump suction
MBW Sealing oil supply system
line] [to excl. user]} and {[from
excl. user]}
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MBY Electrical control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Lubricant and control fluid treatment

MD Wind turbine plant PLTB
MDA Rotor (incl. hub)
MDD Rotor bearings
Transmission gear (gearbox, propeller
shaft, brake)
MDL Yaw control system
MDV Lubricant supply system
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MDY Electrical control and protection equipment
ME Hydraulic turbine plant PLTA
[from excl. turbine inlet or from
Turbine (casing, shaft, runner, draft tube excl. isolating valve] [to incl.
etc.) turbine outlet or to excl. isolating
Isolating valve Task: to isolate headwater
MEB from turbine *MEA* and/or to control
headwater flow to turbine *MEA*
MED Bearings
[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.
MEG Stabilizing air system
outlet to turbine]
Transmission gear between prime mover
and driven machine

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.

MEL Water depression air supply system
outlet to turbine]
MES Shaft gland cooling water system
{[from incl. lubricant tank] [to
MEV Lubricant supply system
excl. user]} and {[from excl. user]}
[from incl. sealing water supply
main isolating valve] [to excl.
MEW Sealing water supply system
casing nozzle of sealing water
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MEY Electrical control and protection equipment
Turbin/Pompa untuk PLTA
MF Pumping turbine plant in pumped-storage power plants
pump storage
Pumping turbine, pump and turbine as
integral unit Task: An integral unit that at [from excl. connection to pumping
MFA different times fulfils the task of a prime turbine or from excl. isolating
mover (turbine) resp. a driven machine valve] [to incl. connection]
Isolating valve Task: to isolate water from
MFB pumping turbine *MFA* and/or to control
water flow to pumping turbine *MFA*
MFD Bearings
[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.
MFG Stabilizing air system
inlet to turbine]
Transmission gear between motor
generator set and pumping turbine

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.

MFL Water depression air supply system
inlet to pumping turbine]
MFM Start-up unit
MFS Shaft gland cooling water system
{[from incl. lubricant tank] [to
MFV Lubricant supply system
excl. user]} and {[from excl. user]}
[from incl. sealing water supply
main isolating valve] [to excl.
MFW Sealing water supply system
casing nozzle of sealing water
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MFY Electrical control and protection equipment
Pompa untuk PLTA pump
MG Pumped-storage plant
[from excl. storage pump inlet or
from excl. isolating valve] [to incl.
MGA Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.)
storage pump outlet or to excl.
isolating valve]
Isolating valve Task: to isolate water for
MGB storage pump *MGA* and/or to control
water for storage pump *MGA*
MGD Bearings
MGG Stabilizing air system
Transmission gear between motor
generator set and storage pump

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.

MGL Water depression air supply system
inlet to storage pump]
MGM Start-up unit
MGR locked
MGS Shaft gland cooling water system
{[from incl. lubricant tank] [to
MGV Lubricant supply system
excl. user]} and {[from excl. user]}
[from incl. sealing water supply
main isolating valve] [to excl.
MGW Sealing water supply system
casing nozzle of sealing water
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MGY Electrical control and protection equipment
MH Steam motor plant
{[from incl. steam inlet device,
emergency stop valve resp.
combined emergency stop
valve/control valve] [to incl.
MHA High pressure steam motor
extraction nozzle and exhaust
flange]} and {[to incl. the
boundaries of other motor
internal systems]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. cross-over pipe

inclusive control element or from
incl. intercept device] [to incl.
MHB Intermediate pressure steam motor
extraction nozzle and exhaust
flange to excl. the boundaries of
other motor internal systems]
[from incl. cross-over pipe
inclusive control element or from
incl. intercept device or steam
inlet nozzle (without intercept
MHC Low pressure steam motor
device in case of reheater)] [to
incl. extraction nozzle and exhaust
flange to excl. the boundaries of
other motor internal systems]
MHD Bearing
[from incl. condenser neck pipe
resp. condenser inlet nozzle] [to
incl. condenser outlet nozzle
MHG Condensing system
inclusive connected expansion
vessel and the related measuring
MHK Transmission gear
[from incl. collecting point or from
MHL Drain and vent system incl. last drainage point] [to excl.
feeding into other systems]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch exhaust at

MHM Steam exhaust system seals] [to excl. feeding into other
{[from excl. bypass apparatus]}
and {[from excl. branch
MHN Bypass station inclusive injection condensate desuperheating spray
system] [to excl. steam insertion
into the condenser]}
{[from excl. bypass apparatus]}
MHP Low pressure bypass and {[from excl. branch steam
system] [to excl. condenser]}
{[from incl. lubricant tank resp.
common lubricant and control
fluid tank from excl. branch
MHV Lubricant supply system common lubricant and control
fluid] [tank to excl. consumer]}
{[from incl. consumer (return to
Non-electric control and protection
equipment inclusive fluid supply system
MHY Electrical control and protection equipment
MJ Diesel engine plant

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. fuel injection nozzle

inlet or from incl. air intake
nozzles or from incl. cooling water
MJA Engine inlet nozzles] [to incl. exhaust
nozzle outlet or to incl. cooling
water nozzle outlet, incl. engine-
internal systems]
[from incl. turbocharger or blower
MJB Turbocharger, blower inlet] [to incl. turbocharger or
blower outlet]
[from excl. engine cooling water
nozzle outlet or from incl.
turbocharger air cooling system
MJG Liquid cooling system
inlet] [to excl. engine cooling
water nozzle inlet or to incl.
turbocharger air cooler outlet]
[from incl. intercooler inlet] [to
MJH Air intercooling system incl. intercooler outlet to excl.
outlet to other cooling systems]
Transmission gear between prime mover
and driven machine
[from incl. temporary (day) tank
or from excl. branch off piping
MJN Fuel systems
system] [to excl. fuel injection
nozzle inlet]
MJP Start-up unit (incl. flywheel)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. atmosphere] [to excl.

MJQ Air intake system turbocharger or to excl. engine air
intake nozzles]
[from excl. engine exhaust nozzle
MJR Exhaust gas system outlet] [to excl. discharge into
{[from incl. dedicated lubricant
tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
MJV Lubricant supply system
branch off control fluid supply
system] [to excl. user]} {[from
excl. user]}
MJW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
MJY Control and protection equipment
MK Generator plant
Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and
MKA [to incl. generator bushing]
all integral cooling equipment
Generator exciter set, incl. set with
electrical braking system
MKD Bearings Bearing generator dan exciter
Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl.
coolant supply system (Note: for cooling oil [from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
see *MKU*) Task: dissipate heat produced excl. stator/rotor inlet]
by stator/rotor to coolant

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Stator/rotor hydrogen (H2) cooling system,

incl. coolant supply system Task: dissipate [from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
MKG termasuk H2 plant
heat produced by stator/rotor to hydrogen excl. stator/rotor inlet]
Stator/rotor nitrogen (N2)/carbon dioxyde
(CO2) cooling system, incl. coolant supply
[from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
MKH system Task: dissipate heat produced by
excl. stator/rotor inlet]
stator/rotor to nitrogen / carbon dioxyde
Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl.
[from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
MKJ coolant supply system Task: dissipate heat
excl. stator/rotor inlet]
produced by stator/rotor to air coolant
Exhaust gas system (if separate from
*MKG* and *MKH*)
Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl.
coolant supply system (Note: for other [from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
liquid cooling see *MFK*) Task: dissipate excl. stator/rotor inlet]
heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
Lubricant supply system (if separate system
for generator)
{[from excl. branch off sealing oil
supply system] [to excl. stator
inlet]} and {[from excl. stator
Sealing fluid supply system (Sealing oil
MKW outlet] [to excl. inlet to other
system, incl. supply and treatment)
system or in closed systems]}
{[from excl. stator outlet] [to excl.
stator inlet]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
MKY Control and protection equipment
MM Compressor plant CNG plant
[from incl. air, cooling fluid inlet]
MMA Compressor incl. internal systems
[to incl. air, cooling fluid outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere] [to excl.
MMC Air intake piping system
compressor inlet]
MMD Bearings
MME Intercooling system
MMF Aftercooling system
MMG Final cooling system
[from excl. compressor outlet] [to
MMH Discharge piping system
excl. inlet to other system]
MMV Lubricant supply system
MMW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
MMY Control and protection equipment
MP Common installations for main machine sets
Pondasi untuk turbin
(PLTU)/turbin compressor
MPA Foundation
(PLTG)/prime mover dan
MPB Sheathing
MPG Frame, support structure
MPR Forced cooling system
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

MPS Drying and layup system

MR Gas engine and combustion engine system
[from incl. fuel injection nozzle
inlet or from incl. air intake
nozzles or from incl. cooling water
MRA Engine system inlet nozzles] [to incl. exhaust
nozzle outlet or to incl. cooling
water nozzle outlet, incl. engine-
internal systems]
[from incl. turbocharger or blower
Gas engine plant and combustion engine
MRB inlet] [to incl. turbocharger or
blower outlet]
Gas engine plant and combustion engine
system (free for use)
[from excl. engine cooling water
nozzle outlet or from incl.
turbocharger air cooling system termasuk cooling water dan air
MRE Cooling System
inlet] [to excl. engine cooling intercooling system
water nozzle inlet or to incl.
turbocharger air cooler outlet]
MRF Heat exctraction system
[from excl. engine exhaust nozzle
MRG Exhaust gas system outlet] [to excl. discharge into

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. intercooler inlet] [to

MRH Combustion air system incl. intercooler outlet to excl.
outlet to other cooling systems]
MRJ Ventilation system
MRK Power transmission system
Gas engine plant and combustion engine
system (free for use)
[from incl. temporary (day) tank
or from excl. branch off piping termasuk dual fuel dan natural
MRN Fuel system
system] [to excl. fuel injection gas
nozzle inlet]
MRP Compressed air system
[from excl. atmosphere] [to excl.
Gas engine plant and combustion engine
MRQ turbocharger or to excl. engine air
intake nozzles]
Gas engine plant and combustion engine
Gas engine plant and combustion engine
system (free for use)
MRU Support structural system
{[from incl. dedicated lubricant
tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
MRV Lubricant supply system
branch off control fluid supply
system] [to excl. user]} {[from
excl. user]}
MRW Sealing fluid supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
MRY Control and protection equipment
PA Circulating (main cooling) water system
PB Circulating (main cooling) water treatment system
PC Service (secondary cooling) water system, conventional area
Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system, conventional
PE Service (secondary cooling) water system for secured area
PF Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system for secured area
PG Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PH Closed cooling water treatment system for conventional area
PJ Closed cooling water system for secured area
PK Closed cooling water treatment system for secured area
Closed cooling water system for transformers (if separate closed
cooling water system)
Secondary cooling water system for flue gas exhaust and treatment
incl. oxidant production / supply
Closed cooling water system for flue gas exhaust and treatment incl.
gas fractionating
PS Cooling tower blowdown system (if separate from *PAB*)
PU Common equipment for cooling water systems
PV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

PW Sealing fluid supply system

PX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PY Control and protection equipment
PA Circulating (main cooling) water system Open Cycle
[from incl. intake system] [to incl.
Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct
PAA mechanical cleaning system
{[from excl. outlet of circulating
(main cooling) water extraction
system (excl. any user)] [to incl.
Circulating (main cooling) water piping and
PAB outfall in direct cooling system]}
culvert system
or {[from excl. cooling tower
outlet] [to excl. cooling tower inlet
in recirculation cooling]}
[from incl. pump system suction
Circulating (main cooling) water pump
PAC nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
Recirculating cooling system, outfall [from incl. hot water riser] [to incl.
cooling system basin outlet]
PAE Cooling tower pump system (if separate)
Condenser cleaning system, incl. all
[from excl. intake] [to excl. inlet to
PAR Make-up water piping system
other system]

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Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. pump system suction

PAS Make-up water pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
PAV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PAY Control and protection equipment
PB Circulating (main cooling) water treatment system Treatment Open Cycle
[from excl. fluid treatment system
Discharge from fluid treatment system (if
PBA outlet] [to excl. inlet to other
not part of another system)
[from incl. separation equipment
PBB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere or from
PBC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
PBD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]
[from incl. acid dosing equipment
Acid proportioning system (e.g. for or from excl. branch off chemicals
carbonate hardness removal) supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. ion exchanger inlet and

from incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange system (e.g. for
PBF chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]
{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to
Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
demineralisation) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
PBH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
PBJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: [from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}
[from incl. storage system inlet]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
PBL [to incl. storage system outlet incl.
system (if not part of another system)
intake and outfall]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. intake or from incl.

PBN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge termasuk chlorine plant
into other system]
{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.
inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
PBP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
PBQ Injection system for main fluid termasuk injeksi chlorine
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
PBR system] [to excl. discharge into
system, incl. neutralization
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
PBS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
PBV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
PBY Control and protection equipment
PC Service (secondary cooling) water system, conventional area
[from incl. intake system] [to incl.
Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct
PCA mechanical cleaning system
{[from excl. outlet of service
(secondary cooling) extraction
system or from excl. branch off
circulating water system] [to excl.
PCB Piping and culvert system
inlet to other system, excl.
respective user]} and {[from excl.
make-up water treatment and
[from incl. pump system suction
PCC Pump system nozzle] [to incl. pump system
discharge nozzle]
Recirculation cooling system, outfall [from incl. hot water riser] [to incl.
cooling system basin outlet]
PCH Heat exchanger cleaning system
{[from excl. branch off *PCB* to
excl. generator cooler]} and
Service (secondary cooling) water system
PCM {[from excl. generator cooler] [to
for generator, motor generator cooling
excl. inlet to *PCB* or other
PCV Lubricant supply system
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
PCY Control and protection equipment
Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system, conventional
[from excl. fluid treatment system
Discharge from fluid treatment system (if
PDA outlet] [to excl. inlet to other
not part of another system)
[from incl. separation equipment
PDB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]
[from excl. atmosphere or from
PDC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]
[from incl. precipitation
Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
PDD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]
[from incl. acid proportioning
Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]
[from incl. ion exchanger inlet]
and [to incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange system (e.g. for
PDF chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to

Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
demineralization) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}
[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]
PDH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]
[from incl. preheater or cooler
PDJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler
{Piping system: [from excl. intake
or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}
[from incl. storage system inlet]
Storage system outside fluid treatment
PDL [to incl. storage system outlet incl.
system (if not part of another system)
intake and outfall]
[from incl. intake or from incl.
PDN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.

inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
PDP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}
[from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals
PDQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
Flushing water and residues removal
PDR system] [to excl. discharge into
system, incl. neutralization
disposal system]
[from excl. outlet of respective
PDS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]
{[from incl. heating, cooling,
flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}
PDV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PDY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

PG Closed cooling water system for conventional area

Contoh:PGA: close cooling
water system for MotorPGB:
close cooling water system for
PumpPGC: close cooling water
system for FanPGD: close
cooling water system for
CompresorPGE: close cooling
water system for
Closed cooling water system for BlowdownPGF: close cooling
conventional area (free for use) water system for Sampling
PGG: close cooling water
system for lube oil systemPGH:
close cooling water system for
aux boilerPGI -PGS: free for
usePGT: close cooling water
system for Transformer (excl.
PM)PGU: close cooling water
system for Generator
PGV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PGY Control and protection equipment
PH Closed cooling water treatment system for conventional area
[from excl. fluid treatment system
Discharge from fluid treatment system (if
PHA outlet] [to excl. inlet to other
not part of another system)
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. separation equipment

PHB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]

[from excl. atmosphere or from

PHC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]

[from incl. precipitation

Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
PHD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]

[from incl. acid proportioning

Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]

[from incl. ion exchanger inlet]

and [to incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange system (e.g. for
PHF chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]

{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to

Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
demineralization) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]

PHH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet, incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]

[from incl. preheater or cooler

PHJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler

{Piping system: [from excl. intake

or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}

[from incl. storage system inlet]

Storage system outside fluid treatment
PHL [to incl. storage system outlet,
system (if not part of another system)
incl. intake and outfall]

[from incl. intake or from incl.

PHN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.

inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
PHP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}

[from incl. injection equipment or

from excl. branch off chemicals
PHQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]

[from excl. outlet of respective

Flushing water and residues removal
PHR system] [to excl. discharge into
system, incl. neutralization
disposal system]

[from excl. outlet of respective

PHS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. heating, cooling,

flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}

PHV Lubricant supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PHY Control and protection equipment
PJ Closed cooling water system for secured area
Closed cooling water system for secured
area (free for use)
PJV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PJY Control and protection equipment
PK Closed cooling water treatment system for secured area
[from excl. fluid treatment system
Discharge from fluid treatment system (if
PKA outlet] [to excl. inlet to other
not part of another system)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. separation equipment

PKB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system inlet] [to incl. separation
equipment outlet]

[from excl. atmosphere or from

PKC Aeration, gas injection system
incl. gas supply]

[from incl. precipitation

Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate
PKD equipment inlet] [to incl.
hardness removal)
precipitation equipment outlet]

[from incl. acid proportioning

Acid proportioning system (e.g. for equipment or from excl. branch
carbonate hardness removal) off chemicals supply system] [to
excl. inlet to other system]

[from incl. ion exchanger inlet]

and [to incl. isolating valve of
Ion exchange system (e.g. for
PKF chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system
upstream of ion exchanger]

{[from incl. feedwater inlet] [to

Evaporation system (e.g. for incl. steam outlet]} and {[from
demineralization) incl. heating steam inlet] [to incl.
condensate outlet]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. deaerator or tank inlet]

PKH Deaeration [to incl. tank outlet, incl. warm-up
equipment of vapour condenser]

[from incl. preheater or cooler

PKJ Preheating, cooling system inlet] [to incl. preheater or cooler

{Piping system: [from excl. intake

or from excl. outlet of other
system] [to excl. inlet to other
Piping system, temporary storage system, system to incl. fluid treatment
pump system for main fluid system outlet]} {Temporary
storage system: [from incl.
temporary storage system inlet]
[to incl. temporary storage]}

[from incl. storage system inlet]

Storage system outside fluid treatment
PKL [to incl. storage system outlet,
system (if not part of another system)
incl. intake and outfall]

[from incl. intake or from incl.

PKN Chemicals supply system storage tank] [to excl. discharge
into other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. system inlet] [to excl.

inlet to other system]} {[from excl.
chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply
PKP Regeneration, flushing equipment
system and flushing air supply
system] [to incl. regenerating,
flushing equipment]}

[from incl. injection equipment or

from excl. branch off chemicals
PKQ Injection system for main fluid
supply system] [to excl. inlet to
other system]

[from excl. outlet of respective

Flushing water and residues removal
PKR system] [to excl. discharge into
system, incl. neutralization
disposal system]

[from excl. outlet of respective

PKS Sludge thickening system system] [to excl. discharge into
other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. heating, cooling,

flushing fluid generation
Heating, cooling and flushing fluid equipment or from excl. branch
distribution system off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system] [to excl. user]} and
{[from excl. user]}

PKV Lubricant supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PKY Control and protection equipment
Closed cooling water system for transformers (if separate closed
cooling water system)
Closed cooling water system for
PMA-PMU transformers (if separate closed cooling
water system) (free for use)
PMV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PMY Control and protection equipment
Secondary cooling water system for flue gas exhaust and treatment
incl. oxidant production / supply
Extraction (incl. mechanical cleaning and
retention of particles)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from excl. cooling water

extraction] [to incl. circulation
cooling]} or {[from excl. cooling
tower outlet] [to excl. cooling
PNB Piping and duct system tower inlet in case of recirculation
cooling]} or {[from excl. branch
main cooling water system
forward] [to incl. inlet main
cooling water system return]}

PNC Conveying system

Open-circuit (re)cooling system with [from incl. hot water riser] [to incl.
cooling tower basin outlet]
PNH Cleaning system for heat exchanger
PNV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PNY Control and protection equipment
Closed cooling water system for flue gas exhaust and treatment incl.
gas fractionating
PPA Piping system (forward)
PPB Piping system (return)
PPC Conveying system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Closed cooling incl. drainage, venting

secondary and closed cooling water side

Pressurizing system, incl. drainage and

PPV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PPY Control and protection equipment
PS Cooling tower blowdown system (if separate from *PAB*)
Cooling tower blowdown system (if
separate from *PAB*) (free for use)
PSV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
PSY Control and protection equipment
PU Common equipment for cooling water systems
Common equipment for cooling water
systems (free for use)
[from incl. neutralization medium
receiving] [to excl. inlet to
PUK Neutralization
respective system to be
Common equipment for cooling water
systems (free for use)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. proportioning medium

PUN Proportioning system receiving] [to excl. inlet to
respective system to be treated]

Common equipment for cooling water

systems (free for use)
QC Central chemicals supply
QE General compressed air and carrier air supply
QF General control air supply
QG Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QH Auxiliary steam generating system
Central gas supply, also inert gas See *SE* for welding blanket gas
QJ supply systems. See *MK*, *ML*, *XK*, *XL* for central gas supply
systems for main and heavy machinery
QK Chilled water systems for conventional area
Feedwater, steam, condensate cycle of auxiliary steam generating
and distribution system
QM Air humidifying system
Central oil supply and disposal system (for systems assignable to
more than one F1-function)
QU Sampling systems for conventional area

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

QC Central chemicals supply

Central chemicals supply (free for use e.g.
building specific)
QCV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QCY Control and protection equipment
QE General compressed air and carrier air supply kompresor udara service
Central compressed air and carrier air
generation system
Central compressed air and carrier air
distribution system
General compressed air and carrier air
supply (free for use)
QEV Lubricant supply system
QEW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QEY Control and protection equipment
QF General control air supply kompresor udara instrumen
QFA Central control air generation system
QFB Central control air distribution system

QFC-QFU General control air supply (free for use)

QFV Lubricant supply system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

QFW Sealing fluid supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QFY Control and protection equipment
QH Auxiliary steam generating system Boiler auxiliary
QHA Pressure system
Support structure, enclosure, steam
generator interior
Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning
QHD Ash and slag removal
QHE Blowdown system, flash drain system

QHF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system

Boiler water circulation system (also for

electrode steam boiler)
Main firing system (also for electric
QHJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
Combustion air system (primary air,
secondary air)
QHM Gas heating system (for closed cycle)
Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas
QHP Mechanical dust handling system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

QHQ Electrostatic precipitator

Chemical flue gas treatment system incl.

residues removal adsorptive process

Chemical flue gas treatment system incl.

residues removal catalytic process

Chemical flue gas treatment system incl.

residues removal absorptive process

QHU Flue gas reheating system

QHV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QHY Control and protection equipment
QK Chilled water systems for conventional area

Chilled water systems for conventional area

(free for use e.g. building specific)

QKV Lubricant supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QKY Control and protection equipment
QM Air humidifying system
Air humidifying system (free for use e.g.
building specific)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

QMV Lubricant supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QMY Control and protection equipment
Central oil supply and disposal system (for systems assignable to
more than one F1-function)

Central oil supply and disposal system (for

QSA-QSU systems assignable to more than one F1-
function) (free for use)

QSV Lubricant supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QSY Control and protection equipment
QU Sampling systems for conventional area Sampling rack
Sampling systems for conventional area
(free for use)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
QUY Control and protection equipment
sebagai sumber bahan bakar
RA Gas generation (gasification, fermentation)
RB Support structure
RC Feedstock systems

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

RD Discharge systems for gasification residues

RE Gasifying agent generation and distribution
RG Main gas cooling systems (if not *RA*)
RH Main gas piping systems, storage, compression, expansion
RJ Main gas precipitator
RK Main gas clean-up (not *RJ*) incl. regeneration
RL Acid gas, incl. treatment systems
RM Gas recycle, storage and compression systems
RN Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RP Inert gas, incl. recovery systems
RS Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
RT Waste water collection and drainage systems
RU Waste water treatment systems
RV Lubricant supply systems
RW Sealing fluid supply systems
RX Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RY Control and protection equipment
RZ Injection and proportioning systems
RA Gas generation (gasification, fermentation)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. fuel, ignition fuel and

fluxing agent inlet or from excl.
burner and nozzle system] [to
excl. removal system or to excl.
RAA Gas generator (gasifier, fermenter)
solids separator and recycle
system or to excl. gas generator
quench gas section or to incl.
main gas outlet]

RAB Gas generator interior

RAC Gas generator internals
RAD Lining and refractory brickwork

[from incl. gas generator cooling

RAE Cooling system system inlet] [to incl. gas
generator cooling system outlet]

[from excl. gas generator outlet]

RAF Solids separator and recycle system [to excl. gas generator inlet to
incl. main gas outlet]

[from incl. quench gas section

RAG Gas generator quench gas section inlet] [to incl. quench gas section

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. feedstock system or

from excl. gasifying agent
RAH Main burner system generation and distribution
system] [to excl. gas generator
[from excl. pilot burner fuel
storage and distribution system or
from excl. gasifying agent
RAJ Pilot burner system
generation and distribution
system] [to excl. gas generator

[from excl. ignition fuel storage

Gas generator ignition and standby burner and distribution system or from
system incl. combustion air system incl. combustion air inlet] [to excl.
gas generator interior]

[from excl. ignition fuel storage

Ignition and standby hot gas generation
and distribution system or from
RAL and feed system incl. combustion air
incl. combustion air inlet] [to excl.
gas generator interior]

[from excl. gasifying agent

generation and distribution
RAM Separate gasifying agent injection system
system] [to excl. gas generator

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. gas recycle system] [to

RAN Injection from gas recycle system
excl. gas generator interior]

[from excl. gas recycle system for

RAP Gas condensate injection system gas condensate] [to excl. gas
generator interior]

[from excl. other feedstock

RAQ Injection system for other feedstock system] [to excl. gas generator
[from excl. feed system for fluxing
RAR Fluxing agent injection system agents] [to excl. gas generator
[from excl. branch off supply
RAS Filter cleaning system
[from excl. fluidizing gas piping
RAT Fluidizing air injection system system] [to excl. gas generator
RAV Lubricant supply system
RAW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RAY Control and protection equipment
RB Support structure
RBA Frame incl. foundations
RBB Enclosures, insulations
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

RBD Platforms and stairways

Support structure (free for use as process
Support structure (free for use as process

RC Feedstock systems

[from excl. receiving point] [to

Fuel storage bunker, hopper (atmospheric
RCA excl. distribution and transport
system (atmospheric pressure)]

[from excl. fuel storage bunker,

hopper outlet] [to excl. pulverizing
Distribution and transport system
RCB and mixing system (slurry) or to
(atmospheric pressure)
excl. air lock system, slurry pump

[from excl. distribution and

transport system (atmospheric
RCC Pulverizing and mixing system (slurry)
pressure)] [to excl. airlock system,
slurry pump system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. distribution and

transport system (atmospheric
RCE Airlock system, slurry pump system pressure) or from excl. pulverizing
and mixing system (slurry)] [to
excl. fuel hopper (pressurized)]

[from excl. airlock system, slurry

Fuel storage bunker, container pump system] [to excl.
(pressurized) distribution and transport system

[from excl. fuel hopper

Distribution and transport system (pressurized)] [to excl. gas
(pressurized) generator or to excl. main burner

[from excl. ignition fuel supply

system] [to excl. gas generator or
to excl. gas generator ignition and
Ignition fuel storage and distribution
RCJ standby burner system or to excl.
ignition and standby hot gas
generation and feed system or to
excl. feedstock]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Pilot burner fuel storage and distribution [from excl. fuel supply system] [to
system excl. pilot burner system]

[from excl. supply system] [to excl.

RCL Proportioning system for other feedstock gas generator or to excl.
feedstock system]

[from excl. supply system] [to excl.

RCM Proportioning system for fluxing agents gas generator or feed system for
fluxing agents]

[from excl. branch off supply

RCS Filter cleaning system
RCV Lubricant supply system
RCW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RCY Control and protection equipment
RD Discharge systems for gasification residues
[from excl. receiving point] [to
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDA excl. gas generator or to excl.
(pressurized) (system 1)
pressure relief system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. collection, transport

and treatment system
RDB Pressure relief system (system 1) (pressurized)] [to excl. collection,
transport and treatment system
(atmospheric pressure)]

[from excl. pressure relief system]

[to excl. transport and treatment
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDC system for fuel conversion
(atmospheric pressure) (system 1)
residues or to excl. feedstock
[from excl. receiving point] [to
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDE excl. gas generator or to excl.
(pressurized) (system 2)
pressure relief system]

[from excl. collection, transport

and treatment system
RDF Pressure relief system (system 2) (pressurized)] [to excl. collection,
transport and treatment system
(atmospheric pressure)]

[from excl. pressure relief system]

[to excl. transport and treatment
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDG system for fuel conversion
(atmospheric pressure) (system 2)
residues or to excl. feedstock

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. receiving point] [to

Collection, transport and treatment system
RDJ excl. gas generator or to excl.
(pressurized) (system 3)
pressure relief system]

[from excl. collection, transport

and treatment system
RDK Pressure relief system (system 3) (pressurized)] [to excl. collection,
transport and treatment system
(atmospheric pressure)]

[from excl. pressure relief system]

[to excl. transport and treatment
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDL system for fuel conversion
(atmospheric pressure) (system 3)
residues or to excl. feedstock
[from excl. receiving point] [to
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDN excl. gas generator or to excl.
(pressurized) (system 4)
pressure relief system]

[from excl. collection, transport

and treatment system
RDP Pressure relief system (system 4) (pressurized)] [to excl. collection,
transport and treatment system
(atmospheric pressure)]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. pressure relief system]

[to excl. transport and treatment
Collection, transport and treatment system
RDQ system for fuel conversion
(atmospheric pressure) (system 4)
residues or to excl. feedstock
[from excl. branch off supply
RDS Filter cleaning system
RDV Lubricant supply system
RDW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RDY Control and protection equipment
RE Gasifying agent generation and distribution

[from excl. atmosphere or from

excl. compressor casing outlet of
Air (gasifying agent) compression and
REA gas turbine] [to excl. compressed
supercompression system
air distribution system or to excl.
gasifying agent heater]

[from incl. preheater inlet] [to

incl. preheater outlet or to incl.
REB Gasifying agent heater (other than *RGC*)
preheater outlet incl.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. air (gasifying agent)

compression and
supercompression system outlet
or from excl. oxygen piping
Compressed air distribution system (incl. system (pressurized) or from excl.
oxygen-enriched air) other system] [to excl. other
system or to excl. main burner
system or to excl. pilot burner
system or to excl. separate
gasifying agent injection system]

[from excl. atmosphere or from

excl. compressor casing outlet of
Air compression and supercompression gas turbine] [to incl. air
system upstream of air separation plant compression and
supercompression system outlet
upstream of air separation plant]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. air (gasifying agent)

compression and super-
compression system outlet
upstream of air separation plant]
[to excl. oxygen piping system
(pressurized) or to excl. oxygen
REF Air separation plant
compression and
supercompression system or to
excl. liquid oxygen discharge
system or to excl. discharge
system for other gases (inert

[from incl. oxygen compression

and supercompression system
Oxygen compression and supercompression
REG inlet] [to incl. oxygen compression
and supercompression system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. air separation plant or

from excl. oxygen compression
and supercompression system or
from excl. other system] [to excl.
REH Oxygen piping system (pressurized)
other system or to excl. main
burner system or to excl. pilot
burner system or to excl. separate
gasifying agent injection system]

[from excl. air separation plant]

[to excl. oxygen piping system
REJ Liquid oxygen outlet system
(pressurized) or to excl. other

[from excl. air separation plant]

Discharge system for other gases from air
REK [to incl. dispatch facility or to excl.
separation plant (inert gases)
other system]

[from excl. air separation plant]

[to excl. inert gas, incl. recovery
REL Liquid nitrogen discharge system
system or to excl. other system or
to incl. dispatch facility]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. receiving point] [to

excl. oxygen compression and
REP External oxygen supply system supercompression system or to
excl. oxygen piping system

[from excl. water/steam system

or from excl. other system] [to
excl. main burner system or to
RER Gasifying steam system
excl. pilot burner system or to
excl. separate gasifying agent
injection system]

REV Lubricant supply system

REW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
REY Control and protection equipment
RG Main gas cooling systems (if not *RA*)

[from incl. main gas inlet or from

incl. water/steam inlet] [to incl.
RGA Indirect heat transfer to water/steam cycle main gas outlet or to incl.
water/steam outlet or to incl. gas
condensate outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. main gas inlet or from

incl. gas recycle system inlet or
from incl. inert gas inlet] [to incl.
RGB Indirect heat transfer to gas main gas outlet or to incl. gas
recycle system outlet or to incl.
inert gas outlet or to incl. gas
condensate outlet]

[from incl. main gas inlet or from

incl. gasifying agent inlet] [to incl.
RGC Indirect heat transfer to gasifying agent main gas outlet or to incl.
gasifying agent outlet or to incl.
gas condensate outlet]

[from incl. main gas inlet or from

incl. combustion air inlet] [to incl.
RGD Indirect heat transfer to combustion air main gas outlet or to incl.
combustion air outlet or to incl.
gas condensate outlet]

[from incl. main gas inlet or from

incl. cooling water inlet] [to incl.
RGE Indirect heat transfer to cooling water main gas outlet or to incl. cooling
water outlet or to incl. gas
condensate outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. main gas inlet or from

incl. coolant inlet from excl.
RGJ Direct heat transfer (quench) to gas
coolant supply line] [to incl. main
gas outlet]
Direct heat transfer (quench, saturation) to
Direct heat transfer (quench, saturation) to

RGM Direct heat transfer (quench) to other fluids

[from excl. branch off supply

RGS Filter cleaning system
RGV Lubricant supply system
RGW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RGY Control and protection equipment
RGZ Injection and proportioning system
RH Main gas piping systems, storage, compression, expansion
[from excl. other system] [to excl.
RHA Main gas piping system
other system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. main gas piping

system or from excl. water/steam
cycle or from excl. collection,
storage and recycle system for
RHE Humidification system gas condensate] [to excl. main
gas piping system or to excl.
water/steam cycle or to excl.
collection, storage and recycle
system for gas condensate]

[from excl. branch off supply

RHF Conditioning system 1 system or from incl. unloading
[from excl. branch off supply
RHG Conditioning system 2 system or from incl. unloading

[from excl. main gas piping

system or from excl. gas
RHK Gas storage system compression system] [to excl.
main gas piping system or to excl.
gas pressure reducing system]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. main gas piping

system] [to excl. main gas piping
RHM Gas compression system system or to excl. gas storage
system or to excl. gas recycle

[from excl. main gas piping

system or from excl. gas storage
RHN Gas pressure reducing system
system] [to excl. main gas piping
system or to excl. other system]

[from excl. main gas piping

RHP Flare system 1 system] [to incl. flare system
[from excl. main gas piping
RHQ Flare system 2 system] [to incl. flare system
[from excl. branch off supply
RHS Filter cleaning system
RHV Lubricant supply system
RHW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RHY Control and protection equipment
RHZ Injection and proportioning system
RJ Main gas precipitator

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. cartridge filter inlet

from excl. filter cleaning system]
RJA Cartridge filter system [to incl. cartridge filter outlet to
excl. gasification residues removal

[from incl. cyclone filter inlet from

excl. filter cleaning system] [to
RJB Cyclone filter system incl. cyclone filter outlet to excl.
gasification residues removal

[from incl. bag filter inlet from

excl. filter cleaning system] [to
RJC Bag filter system incl. bag filter outlet to excl.
gasification residues removal

[from incl. packed-bed filter inlet

from excl. filter cleaning system]
RJD Packed-bed filter system [to incl. packed-bed filter outlet to
excl. gasification residues removal

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. electrostatic

precipitator inlet from excl. filter
cleaning system] [to incl.
RJE Electrostatic precipitator system
electrostatic precipitator outlet to
excl. gasification residues removal

[from incl. entry of raw gas] [from

incl. washing water enters the
droplet separator] [to incl. raw
RJF Venturi - washer system gas escapes from the droplet
separator] [to incl. washing water
containing dust escapes from the
droplet separator]

[from excl. branch off supply

RJS Filter cleaning system
RJV Lubricant supply system
RJW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RJY Control and protection equipment
RK Main gas clean-up (not *RJ*) incl. regeneration

RKA Scrubber system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

RKB Conversion system incl. hydrolysis [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RKC Gas purification system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RKG Scrubber regeneration system 1 [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RKH Scrubber regeneration system 2 [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RKJ Scrubber regeneration system 3 [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

Regeneration system 1 for purification

RKL [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Regeneration system 2 for purification
RKM [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
Regeneration system 3 for purification
RKN [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RKQ Refrigeration system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RKV Lubricant supply system

RKW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RKY Control and protection equipment
RKZ Injection and proportioning system
RL Acid gas, incl. treatment systems

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

RLA Thermal treatment (Claus process) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLB Catalytic treatment (Claus process) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLE Absorber, wet oxidation system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLH Thermal treatment (tail gas) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLJ Catalytic treatment (tail gas) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLK Absorption treatment (tail gas) [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLN Sulphur treatment system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLP Sulphur forwarding and storage system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLR Sulphuric acid system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLS Sulphuric acid storage system [from incl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]

RLW Sealing fluid supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RLY Control and protection equipment
RLZ Injection and proportioning system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Gas recycle, storage and compression


[from excl. main gas piping

system or from excl. branch off
RMA Quench gas piping system other system] [to excl. direct heat
transfer (quench) to gas or to excl.
gas generator quench gas section]

[from excl. pressure reducing

Piping system for expanded gas (not from
RMB valve] [to excl. other system (excl.
airlock system)
quench gas compressor)]

[from excl. regeneration system]

RMC Acid gas piping system [to excl. acid gas, incl. treatment
[from excl. main gas piping
system] [to excl. fluidizing air
RMD Fluidizing gas piping system injection system or to excl. load
system (excl. fluidizing gas

[from excl. branch off other

RME Airlock gas piping system (not inert gas) system] [to excl. airlocks (excl.
airlock gas compressor)]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. branch off other

RMF Other gas piping system
system] [to excl. other system]

[from excl. store inlet] [to excl.

RMH Storage system 1
other gas piping system]

[from excl. store inlet] [to excl.

RMJ Storage system 2
other gas piping system]

[from incl. compressor system

RMM Quench gas compressor system inlet] [to incl. compressor system
Expanded gas compressor system from incl. [from incl. compressor system
RMN compressor system inlet to incl. compressor inlet] [to incl. compressor system
system outlet outlet]
Acid gas compressor system from incl. [from incl. compressor system
RMP compressor system inlet to incl. compressor inlet] [to incl. compressor system
system outlet outlet]
Fluidizing gas compressor system from incl. [from incl. compressor system
RMQ compressor system inlet to incl. compressor inlet] [to incl. compressor system
system outlet outlet]

Airlock gas compressor system (not inert [from incl. compressor system
RMR gas) from incl. compressor system inlet to inlet] [to incl. compressor system
incl. compressor system outlet outlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Compressor system for other gases from [from incl. compressor system
RMS incl. compressor system inlet to incl. inlet] [to incl. compressor system
compressor system outlet outlet]
RMV Lubricant supply system
RMW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RMY Control and protection equipment
RMZ Injection and proportioning system
RN Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
Collection, storage and recycle systems for
RNA-RNU gas condensate (free for use, process
RNV Lubricant supply system
RNW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RNY Control and protection equipment
RP Inert gas, incl. recovery systems

[from excl. atmosphere] [to incl.

RPA Inert gas generation by air fractionation
inert gas distribution system inlet]

[from excl. atmosphere] [to incl.

RPB Inert gas generation by molecular sieving
inert gas distribution system inlet]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. atmosphere] [to incl.

RPC Inert gas generation by combustion
inert gas distribution system inlet]

[from excl. air separation plant

outlet or from excl. compressor
Nitrogen piping system for addition ahead
RPG outlet] [to excl. compressor inlet
of burner gas turbine
or to excl. combustion chamber
[from incl. compressor inlet] [to
RPH Supercompression of nitrogen from *RPG*
incl. compressor outlet]

[from excl. inert gas generator

outlet or from excl. air separation
Inert gas distribution system incl. storage plant *REF* outlet or from excl.
system (free for use, process specific) compressor outlet] [to excl.
compressor inlet or to excl. inert
gas load system inlet]

Inert gas compressor system (free for use, [from incl. compressor inlet] [to
process specific) incl. compressor outlet]
RPW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RPY Control and protection equipment
RS Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{The following applies to supply

systems: [from excl. branch off
Supply and removal systems for water,
other system] [to excl. user]} {The
RSA-RSU steam and condensate (free for use,
following applies to removal
process specific)
systems: [from excl. producer] [to
excl. discharge into other system]}

RSV Lubricant supply system

RSW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RSY Control and protection equipment
RSZ Injection and proportioning system
RT Waste water collection and drainage systems

Waste water collection and drainage [from excl. producer] [to excl.
systems (free for use, process specific) discharge into other system]

RTV Lubricant supply system

RTW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RTY Control and protection equipment
RTZ Injection and proportioning system
RU Waste water treatment systems

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Waste water treatment systems (free for

RUA-RUG [from excl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
use, process specific)
Processing material systems (free for use, [from incl. receiving point] [to
process specific) excl. discharge]
Waste water treatment systems (free for
RUM-RUL [from excl. inlet] [to incl. outlet]
use, process specific)

Residues treatment and removal systems [from excl. receiving point] [to
(free for use, process specific) excl. discharge]

RUV Lubricant supply system

RUW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
RUY Control and protection equipment
RUZ Injection and proportioning system
RZ Injection and proportioning systems
Injection and proportioning systems (free
for use)
Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for
conventional area
SB Space heating systems
SC Stationary compressed air supplies
SD Cleaning system (decontamination equipment see *FK*)
SE Stationary welding gas systems
SF Heating and fuel gas systems
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

SG Stationary fire protection systems

SH Waterway facilities
SM Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SN Elevators
SP Railway installations
SQ Road installations
Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities inside
controlled area
Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities outside
controlled area
Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for
conventional area
Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning
SAA-SAU (HVAC) systems for conventional area (free
for use e.g. building specific)
SAV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
SAY Control and protection equipment
SB Space heating systems
Space heating systems (free for use e.g.
building specific)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
SBY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

kompresor untuk pulse air,

SC Stationary compressed air supplies
purge air di PLTG
SCA-SCU Compressed air generation system
SCB Compressed air distribution system
Stationary compressed air supplies (free for
SCV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
SCY Control and protection equipment
SF Heating and fuel gas systems

SFA-SFU Heating and fuel gas systems (free for use)

SFY Control and protection equipment

SG Stationary fire protection systems
SGA Fire water system, conventional area
Fire water system, nuclear area (if separate

SGC Spray deluge systems, conventional area

Spray deluge systems, nuclear area (if

separate system)
SGE Sprinkler systems
SGF Foam fire-fighting systems
SGG Tank roof, tank shell cooling systems
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Mechanical self-extinguishing system for

SGJ CO2 fire-fighting systems
SGK Halon fire-fighting systems
SGL Powder fire-fighting systems
Fire extinguishing system with other
extinguishing agents
SGV Lubricant supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
SGY Control and protection equipment
SM Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
SMA-SMU appliances (free for use e.g. building
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
SMY Control and protection equipment
SN Elevators

SNA-SNU Elevators (free for use e.g. building specific)

SNY Control and protection equipment

SP Railway installations
SPA-SPU Railway installations (free for use)
SPY Control and protection equipment
SQ Road installations

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

SQA-SQU Road installations (free for use)

SQY Control and protection equipment
Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities inside
controlled area
SRA Hot workshop equipment
SRC Maintenance areas in controlled area
SRG Hot laboratory equipment
SRH Health physics laboratory equipment
SRP Staff amenities in controlled area
SRY Control and protection equipment
Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities outside
controlled area
Workshop equipment outside controlled

STC Maintenance areas outside controlled area

STE Stores and filling station equipment

STG Laboratory equipment
STP Staff amenities
STY Control and protection equipment
Structures for grid and distribution systems No binding stipulation of
F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Structures for power transmission and auxiliary power supply No

UB binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply

Structures for instrumentation and control No binding stipulation of

F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Structures for conventional fuel supply and residues disposal No

UE binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply

Structures for water supply and disposal No binding stipulation of F3

subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Structures for conventional heat generation No binding stipulation of

F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Structures for steam-, water-, gas-cycles No binding stipulation of F3

subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Structures for main machine sets No binding stipulation of F3

subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Structures for process energy supply No binding stipulation of F3

subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e.g. circulating

UP water intake) No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given
herein are simply recommendations.

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e.g. circulating

UQ water pumps and outfall) No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision.
Those given herein are simply recommendations.
Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e.g. recirculation
UR cooling) No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein
are simply recommendations.

US Area / Building

Structures for auxiliary systems No binding stipulation of F3

subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

Shaft structures No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given

herein are simply recommendations.

UV Structures for chemical flue gas treatment incl. residues removal

Structures for external systems (power plant-specific) No binding
UX stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply
UY General service structures These F3 subdivisions are binding.

Structures for transport, traffic, fencing, gardens and other purposes

These F3 subdivisions are binding.

Structures for power transmission and auxiliary power supply No

UB binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UBA Switchgear building

Structure for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply (free for use)

UBC Structure for offsite system transformers

Structure for low-voltage auxiliary power

Structure for medium-voltage auxiliary
power transformers
UBF Structure for generator transformers
UBG Structure for start-up transformers
UBH Structure for oil collecting pits
UBJ Structure for transformer tracks
UBK Transformer assembly building
UBL Structure for busbars

UBM Structure for transformer cooling systems

Structure for emergency power generating

sets (without central water chiller)

Emergency power generating and central

water chiller building
Structure for emergency power generator
fuel supply system
Structure for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply (free for use)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Structure for power transmission and

auxiliary power supply (free for use)
Structure for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply (free for use)
Structure for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply (free for use)
Structure for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply (free for use)
Structure for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply (free for use)
UBX Special structure (plant-specific)
UBY Bridge structure
UBZ Ducting structure
Structures for instrumentation and control No binding stipulation of
F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.
UCA Unit control room building
UCB Control station building
Structure for instrumentation and control
(free for use)
UCL Structure for measuring equipment
Structure for instrumentation and control
(free for use)
UCP Cooling water monitoring structure
Structure for instrumentation and control
(free for use)
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UCX Special structure (plant-specific)

UCY Bridge structure
UCZ Ducting structure
Structures for conventional fuel supply and residues disposal No
UE binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply
UEA Structure for unloading of solid fuels
UEB Structure for storage of solid fuels
Structure for conventional fuel supply and
residues disposal (free for use)
UED Structure for transport of solid fuels
UEE Structure for treatment of solid fuels

UEF Structure for transfer (e.g. junction tower)

UEG Structure for conversion of solid fuels

Structure for unloading and reception of
liquid fuels
UEJ Structure for storage of liquid fuels
Structure for conventional fuel supply and
residues disposal (free for use)
Structure for forwarding of liquid fuels (e.g.
pump house)
Structure for treatment and handling of
liquid fuels
Structure for transfer, conversion, storage
of gaseous fuels

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Structure for conventional fuel supply and

residues disposal (free for use)
Structure for conventional fuel supply and
residues disposal (free for use)

UER Structure for forwarding of gaseous fuels

Structure for conventional fuel supply and

residues disposal (free for use)
UET Structure for ash storage
UEU Structure for ash transport
UEV Structure for ash settling pond

UEW Structure for combustion residues handling

UEX Special structure (plant-specific)

UEY Bridge structure
UEZ Ducting structure
Structures for water supply and disposal No binding stipulation of F3
subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.
UGA Structure for raw water supply
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
UGD Structure for demineralization system
UGE Structure for neutralization system

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UGF Structure for fire water supply

UGG Structure for drinking water supply
UGH Structure for rainwater
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
UGK Flocculant mixing chamber
UGL Flocculator structure, flocculator
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
UGN Treated water basin
UGP Sludge thickener
UGQ Sludge dewatering building
UGR Sludge storage structure
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
UGU Structure for effluent disposal
UGV Structure for sewerage plant
Structure for water supply and disposal
(free for use)
UGX Special structure (plant-specific)
UGY Bridge structure
UGZ Ducting structure
untuk lokasi CCR CEMS/
Structures for conventional heat generation No binding stipulation of
UH GTS/BOS, menyesuaikan unit
F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Steam generator enclosure, steam

generator building (boiler house)
Structure for conventional heat generation
(free for use)
UHF Bunker bay
Structure for conventional heat generation
(free for use)

UHL Structure for boiler compressed air supply

Structure for conventional heat generation

(free for use)

Smoke stack, incl. structure for flue gas

circulation (e.g. for induced draft fan)

Structure for conventional heat generation

(free for use)
UHQ Structure for flue gas filtering system
Structure for conventional heat generation
(free for use)

UHU Structure for flue gas reheating system

Structure for combustion air circulation

(e.g. for forced draft fan)
UHW Boiler blowdown structure
UHX Special structure (plant-specific)
UHY Bridge structure
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UHZ Ducting structure

Structures for main machine sets No binding stipulation of F3
subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.
UMA Steam turbine building
UMB Gas turbine building
Structure for main machine sets (free for
UME Hydraulic turbine building
Structure for main machine sets (free for
UMG Pumped storage turbine building
Structure for main machine sets (free for
UMJ Diesel engine building
Structure for main machine sets (free for
UMM Compressor system building
Structure for main machine sets (free for
Gas engine and combustion engine plant
Structure for main machine sets (free for
UMX Special structure (plant-specific)
UMY Bridge structure
UMZ Ducting structure

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e.g. circulating

UP water intake) No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given
herein are simply recommendations.

UPA Circulating (cooling) water intake culvert

Service (secondary cooling) water intake


UPC Circulating (cooling) water intake structure

Service (secondary cooling) water intake

Structures for circulating (cooling) water
UPE-UPG systems (e.g. circulating water intake) (free
for use)
Circulating (cooling) water treatment
Service (secondary cooling) water
treatment structure
Structures for circulating (cooling) water
UPK-UPM systems (e.g. circulating water intake) (free
for use)

UPN Circulating (cooling) water inlet culvert

Service (secondary cooling) water inlet


SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UPQ Biocide treatment building

Structures for circulating (cooling) water
UPR systems (e.g. circulating water intake) (free
for use)
UPS Debris trough
UPT Screen wash water cleaning structure
Structures for circulating (cooling) water
UPU-UPW systems (e.g. circulating water intake) (free
for use)
UPX Special structure (plant-specific)
UPY Bridge structure
UPZ Ducting structure
Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e.g. circulating
UQ water pumps and outfall) No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision.
Those given herein are simply recommendations.

UQA Circulating (cooling) water pump building

Service (secondary cooling) water pump

Structure for circulating (cooling) water
UQC-UQF systems (e.g. circulating water pumps and
outfall) (free for use)
Circulating (cooling) water overflow
structure, surge tank
UQH Screen wash water discharge culvert

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Circulating (cooling) water seal pit, incl.

UQJ circulating (cooling) water aeration
Circulating (cooling) water venting
Service (secondary cooling) water surge
Service (secondary cooling) water collecting

UQN Circulating (cooling) water outfall culvert

Service (secondary cooling) water outfall


UQQ Circulating (cooling) water outfall structure

Service (secondary cooling) water outfall

Circulating (cooling) water discharge
Service (secondary cooling) water
discharge culvert
Circulating (cooling) water spillway
UQU structure, incl. circulating (cooling) water
aeration structure
Structure for artificial circulating (cooling)
water aeration
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Routing structure for circulating (cooling)

water discharge
UQX Special structure (plant-specific)
UQY Bridge structure
UQZ Ducting structure
Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e.g. recirculation
UR cooling) No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein
are simply recommendations.
Cooling tower structure (circulating/main
cooling water)
Cooling tower structure (service/secondary
cooling water)
Structure for circulating (cooling) water
URC systems (e.g. recirculation cooling) (free for
Cooling tower pump building
(circulating/main cooling water)
Cooling tower pump building
(service/secondary cooling water)
Structure for circulating (cooling) water
URF systems (e.g. recirculation cooling) (free for
URG Cooling tower connecting structure
URH Cooling tower outlet structure
URJ Cooling tower outfall culvert
URK Cooling tower return structure

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

URL Cooling tower return culvert

Circulating (cooling) water distribution
URN Cooling tower bypass structure
URP Cooling tower blowdown structure
URQ Cooling tower blowdown culvert
Structure for circulating (cooling) water
URR-URW systems (e.g. recirculation cooling) (free for
URX Special structure (plant-specific)
URY Bridge structure
URZ Ducting structure
US Area / Building
Structure for heating, ventilation, air-
conditioning (HVAC) systems
USB Structure for space heating systems
Structure for stationary compressed air
supply system

USD-USF Structure for ancillary systems (free for use)

USG Fire pump house

USH Structure for waterway facilities

USJ-USS Structure for ancillary systems (free for use)

UST Workshop Bengkel

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

USU Storage building Gudang

USV Laboratory building Laboratorium

USW Structure for ancillary systems (free for use)

USX Special structure (plant-specific)

USY Bridge structure
USZ Ducting structure

Structures for auxiliary systems No binding stipulation of F3

subdivision. Those given herein are simply recommendations.

UTA Supply systems building

Central water chiller building, conventional

UTC Central water chiller building, nuclear area

UTD-UTE Structure for auxiliary systems (free for use)

UTF Compressed air system building

Central gas supply systems building (no fuel
UTH Auxiliary steam generator building
UTJ Smoke stack

UTK-UTR Structure for auxiliary systems (free for use)

UTS Chemical storage tank pit

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UTT-UTW Structure for auxiliary systems (free for use)

UTX Special structure (plant-specific)

UTY Bridge structure
UTZ Ducting structure
Shaft structures No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given
herein are simply recommendations.
UUA-UUZ Shaft structures (free for use)
UV Structures for chemical flue gas treatment incl. residues removal

UVA Structure for flue gas-side heat exchanger

UVB Structure for flue gas fan system

UVC Structure for flue gas scrubber, reactor

UVD Structure for adsorbent/absorbent circuit

Structure for reagent supply, incl.

UVE preparation/treatment, storage,
Structure for thickening and solids
UVF dewatering, solids drying and compacting

UVG Structure for chemical flue gas treatment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Structure for (solids/product) forwarding,

storage, loading
Structure for chemical flue gas treatment
UVJ-UVL incl. residues removal ( for *HR*, *HS*,
*HT*) (free for use)

UVM Structure for catalyst handling and storage

Structure for chemical flue gas treatment

UVN-UVW incl. residues removal ( for *HR*, *HS*,
*HT*) (free for use)
UVX Special structure (plant-specific)
UVY Bridge structure
UVZ Ducting structure
Structures for external systems (power plant-specific) No binding
UX stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are simply
UXA Structures for seawater desalination plant

Structures for external systems (power

plant-specific) (free for use)
UXX Special structure (plant-specific)
UXY Bridge structure
UXZ Ducting structure
UY General service structures These F3 subdivisions are binding.
UYA Office and staff amenities building
UYB Staff amenities building

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UYC Administration building

UYD Canteen
UYE Gate house
UYF Security gate house
UYG Information center
UYH Training facilities
UYJ Medical center
UYN Railway engine shed
UYP Fire station
UYQ Garage
UYR Automobile workshop
UYS Filling station
UYX Special structure (plant-specific)
UYY Bridge structure
UYZ Ducting structure
Structures for transport, traffic, fencing, gardens and other purposes
These F3 subdivisions are binding.
Works roadways, paths, incl. associated
UZC Yards

UZD Parking areas, incl. associated structures

UZE Railway structures

UZF Lifting gear structures
UZJ Fencing and gates

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

UZK Gardens, incl. structures

UZL Noise abatement structures
Protective structures against external
UZN Structure for flood protection

UZP Structure for bank/shoreline stabilization

UZQ Structure for river regulation

UZR Jetty, quay
UZS Breakwaters

UZT Outdoor area, plots of land and land rights

UZU Site security structure

UZW Residential buildings, residential area
UZX Special structure (plant-specific)
UZY Bridge structure
UZZ Ducting structure

WA-WS Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)

WT Solar heating systems

WV Lubricant supply system
WW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
WY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

WA Solar systems (free for use for coordinates) untuk panel solar system

WAA-WAZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)

WC Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WCA-WCZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WD Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WDA-WDZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WE Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WEA-WEZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WF Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WFA-WFZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WG Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WGA-WGZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WH Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WHA-WHZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WJ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WJA-WJZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)

WK Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

WKA-WKZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)

WL Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)

WLA-WLZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WM Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WMA-WMZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WN Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WNA-WNZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WP Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WPA-WPZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WQ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WQA-WQZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WR Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WRA-WRZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WS Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
WSA-WSZ Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
WTY Control and protection equipment
WY Control and protection equipment

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Control and protection equipment (free for

XA Steam turbine plant
XB Gas turbine plant
XE Hydraulic turbine plant
XG Pumped-storage plant
XJ Diesel engine plant
XK Generator plant
XL Electro-motive plant (incl. motor generator)
XP Common installations for heavy machinery
XR Gas engine plant
XV Lubricant supply system
XW Sealing fluid supply system
XX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XY Control and protection equipment
XA Steam turbine plant

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. steam admission

(main stop valve) or combined
main stop and control valve] [to
XAA HP turbine incl. automatic/non-automatic
extraction and exhaust nozzles]}
and {[to incl. the interfaces with
other turbine internal]}

{[from incl. crossover line, incl.

control element or from incl.
intercept valve] [to incl.
XAB IP turbine automatic/non-automatic
extraction and exhaust nozzles]}
and {[to incl. the interfaces with
other turbine internal systems]}

{[from incl. crossover line, incl.

control element or from incl.
intercept valve or steam inlet
nozzle (in reheat system without
XAC LP turbine
intercept valves)] [to incl.
extraction and exhaust nozzles]}
and {[to incl.]}

XAD Bearings

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. condenser neck or inlet

nozzle] [to incl. condenser outlet
XAG Condensing system nozzle, incl. connected flash tanks,
incl. instrumentation equipment
associated with condenser]

[from excl. outlet of other system]

Motive water system (if separate from
XAH [to excl. water-operated air
ejector inlet]
[from excl. condenser outlet] [to
XAJ Air removal system
excl. atmosphere]

Transmission gear between prime mover

and driven machine, incl. turning gear

[from incl. collector point or from

XAL Drain and vent systems incl. final drain] [to excl. discharge
into other system]

[from excl. branch from seal leak-

XAM Leak-off steam system off] [to excl. discharge into other

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. bypass valve]} and

Turbine bypass station, incl. {[from incl. desuperheating spray
desuperheating spray system valve] [to incl. steam inlet to

{[from excl. bypass valve]} and

XAP LP turbine bypass {[from excl. branch off steam
system] [to excl. condenser]}

[from incl. venting point] [to excl.

XAQ Vent system (if separate from *XAL*)
discharge into other system]

{[from incl. dedicated lubricant

tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
XAV Lubricant supply system
branch off lubricant fluid supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
excl. user]}

[from excl. branch] [to excl. casing

nozzle of steam user and leak-off
XAW Sealing, heating and cooling steam system to excl. condenser or to incl. gland
steam condenser or to excl.
heating/cooling steam user]

Non-electric control and protection

equipment, incl. fluid supply system
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

XAY Electrical control and protection equipment

XB Gas turbine plant

{[from incl. compressor inlet] [to

Turbine, compressor rotor with common incl. compressor outlet]} {[from
casing incl. turbine inlet] [to incl. turbine
outlet, incl. exhaust gas diffuser]}

[from incl. turbine inlet] [to incl.

XBB Turbine casing and rotor turbine outlet, incl. exhaust gas
[from incl. compressor inlet] [to
XBC Compressor casing and rotor
incl. compressor outlet]
XBD Bearings
{[from incl. extraction point] [to
excl. user]} and {[from excl. user,
XBH Cooling and sealing gas system
incl. leak-off] [to incl. inlet to
other system]}
XBJ Start-up unit
Transmission gear between prime mover
XBK and driven machine, incl. turning gear,
barring gear

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. atmosphere] [to excl.

combustion chamber or to excl.
XBL Intake air, cold gas system (open cycle) compressor inlet or to incl.
exhaust gas heat exchanger, excl.

Combustion chamber (gas heating, [from incl. cold gas, fuel inlet] [to
combustion) incl. hot gas outlet]

[from excl. branch off main supply

line or from incl. temporary (day)
tank] [to excl. combustion
XBN Fuel supply system (liquid)
chamber or to excl. motive gas
generating unit, incl. fuel return

[from excl. branch off main supply

line] [to excl. combustion
XBP Fuel supply system (gaseous)
chamber or to excl. motive gas
generating unit]

[from excl. branch off main supply

line or from incl. storage tank] [to
XBQ Ignition fuel supply system (if separate)
excl. combustion chamber or to
excl. motive gas generating unit]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. combustion chamber

or from excl. exhaust gas diffuser]
[to excl. discharge into
XBR Exhaust gas system (open cycle)
atmosphere, excl. turbine, or to
excl. inlet to other system (e.g.
combustion air system)]

{[to excl. connection to main

XBS Storage system system]} and {[from excl.
connection to main system]}
[from incl. air/fuel inlet] [to incl.
Motive gas generator unit, incl. combustion
XBT motive gas outlet of motive gas
generating unit]
[from incl. supply] [to incl.
XBU Additive system

{[from incl. dedicated lubricant

tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
XBV Lubricant supply system
branch off control fluid supply
system] [to excl. user]} and {[from
excl. user]}

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

{[from incl. dedicated sealing oil

tank or from excl. sealing oil
XBW Seal oil supply
pump suction line] [to excl. user]}
and {[from excl. user]}

Non-electric control and protection

equipment, incl. fluid supply system

XBY Electrical control and protection equipment

Lubricant and control fluid treatment

XE Hydraulic turbine plant
[from excl. turbine inlet or from
Turbine (casing, shaft, runner, draft tube excl. isolating valve] [to incl.
etc.) turbine outlet or to excl. isolating

Isolating valve Task: to isolate headwater

XEB from turbine *XEA* and/or to control
headwater flow to turbine *XEA*

XED Bearings
[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.
XEG Stabilizing air system
outlet to turbine]
Transmission gear between prime mover
and driven machine
[from incl. air compressor] [to
XEL Water depression air supply system
incl. outlet to turbine]
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

XES Shaft gland cooling water system

[from incl. lubricant tank] [to excl.

XEV Lubricant supply system
user and from excl. user]

[from incl. sealing water supply

main isolating valve] [to excl.
XEW Sealing water supply system
casing nozzle of sealing water
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply

XEY Electrical control and protection equipment

XG Pumped-storage plant

[from excl. storage pump inlet or

from excl. isolating valve] [to incl.
XGA Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.)
storage pump outlet or to excl.
isolating valve]

Isolating valve Task: to isolate water for

XGB storage pump *XGA* and/or to control
water for storage pump *XGA*

XGD Bearings
Transmission gear between motor
generator set and storage pump

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. air compressor] [to incl.

XGL Water depression air supply system
inlet to storage pump]

XGM Start-up unit

XGS Shaft gland cooling water system

{[from incl. lubricant tank] [to

XGV Lubricant supply system
excl. user]} and {[from excl. user]}

[from incl. sealing water supply

main isolating valve] [to excl.
XGW Sealing water supply system
casing nozzle of sealing water
Non-electric control and protection
equipment, incl. fluid supply system

XGY Electrical control and protection equipment

XJ Diesel engine plant

[from incl. fuel injection nozzle

inlet or from incl. air intake
nozzles or from incl. cooling water
XJA Engine inlet nozzles] [to incl. exhaust
nozzle outlet or to incl. cooling
water nozzle outlet, incl. engine-
internal systems]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from incl. turbocharger or blower

XJB Turbocharger, blower inlet] [to incl. turbocharger or
blower outlet]

[from excl. engine cooling water

nozzle outlet or from incl.
turbocharger air cooling system
XJG Liquid cooling system
inlet] [to excl. engine cooling
water nozzle inlet or to incl.
turbocharger air cooler outlet]

[from incl. intercooler inlet] [to

XJH Air intercooling system incl. intercooler outlet to excl.
outlet to other cooling systems]

Transmission gear between prime mover

and driven machine
[from incl. temporary (day) tank
or from excl. branch off piping
XJN Fuel systems
system] [to excl. fuel injection
nozzle inlet]
XJP Start-up unit, (incl. flywheel)
[from excl. atmosphere] [to excl.
XJQ Air intake system turbocharger or to excl. engine air
intake nozzles]

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

[from excl. engine exhaust nozzle

XJR Exhaust gas system outlet] [to excl. discharge to

{[from incl. dedicated lubricant

tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or from excl.
XJV Lubricant supply system
branch off control fluid supply
system] [to excl. user]} {[from
excl. user]}

XJW Sealing fluid supply system

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
XJY Control and protection equipment
XK Generator plant

Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and

XKA [to incl. generator bushing]
all integral cooling equipment

Generator exciter set, incl. set with

XKB electrical braking system (use only if *XKC*
is not sufficient for identification)

Generator exciter set, incl. set with

electrical braking system
XKD Bearings

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl.

coolant supply system (Note: for cooling oil [from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
see *XKU*) Task: dissipate heat produced excl. stator/rotor inlet]
by stator/rotor to coolant

Stator/rotor hydrogen (H2) cooling system,

incl. coolant supply system Task: dissipate [from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
heat produced by stator/rotor to hydrogen excl. stator/rotor inlet]
Stator/rotor nitrogen (N2)/carbon dioxyde
(CO2) cooling system, incl. coolant supply
[from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
XKH system Task: dissipate heat produced by
excl. stator/rotor inlet]
stator/rotor to nitrogen / carbon dioxyde

Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl.

[from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
XKJ coolant supply system Task: dissipate heat
excl. stator/rotor inlet]
produced by stator/rotor to air coolant

Exhaust gas system (if separate from

*XKG* and *XKH*)

Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl.

coolant supply system (Note: for other [from excl. stator/rotor outlet] [to
liquid cooling see *XKF*) Task: dissipate excl. stator/rotor inlet]
heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

Lubricant supply system (if separate system

for generator)

{[from excl. branch off sealing oil

supply system] [to excl. stator
inlet]} and {[from excl. stator
Sealing fluid supply system (Sealing oil
XKW outlet] [to excl. inlet to other
system, incl. supply and treatment)
system or in closed systems]}
{[from excl. stator outlet] [to excl.
stator inlet]}

Fluid supply system for control and

protection equipment
XKY Control and protection equipment
XP Common installations for heavy machinery
XPA Foundations
XPB Sheathing
XPG Frame, support structure
XPR Forced cooling system
XPS Drying and layup system
Gas engine plant
XR XRA-XRU Gas engine plant (free for use)
XRV Lubricant supply system
XRW Sealing fluid supply system
Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment
XRY Control and protection equipment
XV Lubricant supply system
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Function Key - Main Groups Description Boundaries Contoh Implementasi

XVA-XVU Lubricant supply system (free for use)

XW Sealing fluid supply system

XWA-XWU Sealing fluid supply system (free for use)

Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment

Fluid supply system for control and
protection equipment (free for use)
XY Control and protection equipment
Control and protection equipment (free for
Workshop and office equipment (free for

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Lampiran D
Kode penamaan peralatan/equipment

Tabel D.1. Kode penamaan peralatan/equipment

Equipment Unit Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

A Mechanical equipment
B Mechanical equipment
Direct measuring circuits (Data character A2 following DIN 19227, part 1, September 1973 edition, table 1,
initial letter)
Closed loop control circuits (Data character A2 following DIN 19227, part 1, September 1973 edition, table
1, initial letter)
E Analog and binary signal conditioning
Indirect measuring circuits (Data character A2 following DIN 19227, part 1, September 1973 edition, table
1, initial letter)
G Electrical, Instrumentation and Control equipment
Subassemblies of main and heavy machinery (only to be used in conjunction with *M* = Main machine sets
and *X* = Heavy machinery)
U Civil equipment
A Mechanical equipment
AA Valves, dampers, etc., incl. actuators, also manual; rupturedisk equipment
AB Isolating elements, air locks
AC Heat exchangers, heat transfer surfaces Tube boiler/HRSG
AE Turning, driving, lifting and slewing gear (also manipulators) Motor
AF Continuous conveyors, feeders (escalators) Stacker reclaimer
AG Generator units
AH Heating, cooling and air conditioning units
AJ Size reduction equipment, only as part of process Mill/Pulverizer, Crusher

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Equipment Unit Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

AK Compacting and packaging equipment, only as part of process
AM Mixers, agitators
AN Compressor units, fans
AP Pump units
Adjusting and tensioning equipment for non-electrical variables (to be applied only, if the actuator forms
itself a constructive unit with another equipment unit)
AT Cleaning, drying, filtering and separating equipment, excl. *BT* Separating equipment
AU Braking, gearbox, coupling equipment, non-electrical converters
AV Combustion equipment
AW Stationary tooling, treatment equipment Tool yang dimiliki unit pembangkit
Alat ukur portable yang dimiliki unit
AX Test and monitoring equipment for plant maintenance
B Mechanical equipment
BB Storage equipment (tanks)
BE Shafts (for erection and maintenance only)
BF Foundations
BN Jet pumps, ejectors, injectors Vacuum pump
BP Flow restrictors, limiters, orifices (not metering orifices)
BQ Hangers, supports, racks, piping penetrations
BR Piping, ductwork, chutes
BS Silencers
BT Flue gas catalytic converter modules
BU Insulation, sheathing
Direct measuring circuits (Data character A2 following DIN 19227, part 1, September 1973 edition, table 1,
C Rangkaian monitoring
initial letter)
CD Density
CE Electrical variables (e.g. current, voltage, power, electr. frequency)
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Equipment Unit Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

CF Flow, rate
CG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
CH Manual input as manually operated sensor (e.g. fire detector)
CK Time
CL Level (also for dividing line)
CM Moisture, humidity
CP Pressure
CQ Quality variables (analysis, material properties), other than *CD*, *CM*, *CV*
CR Radiation variables
CS Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
CT Temperature
CU Combined and other variables
CV Viscosity
CW Weight, mass
CX Neutron flux
CY Vibration, expansion
Closed loop control circuits (Data character A2 following DIN 19227, part 1, September 1973 edition, table
D Rangkaian kontrol
1, initial letter)
DD Density
DE Electrical variables (e.g. current, voltage, power, electr. frequency)
DF Flow, rate
DG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
DK Time
DL Level (also for dividing line)
DM Moisture, humidity
DP Pressure
DQ Quality variables (analysis, material properties), other than *DD*, *DM*, *DV*

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Equipment Unit Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

DR Radiation variables
DS Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
DT Temperature
DU Combined and other variables
DV Viscosity
DW Weight, mass
DX Neutron flux
DY Vibration, expansion
E Analog and binary signal conditioning
EA-EE Open loop control (free for use)
EG-EK Alarm, annunciation (free for use)
EM-EP Process computer (free for use)
EU Combined analog and binary signal conditioning
EW-EZ Protection (free for use)
G Electrical, Instrumentation and Control equipment
GA-GG Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations (free for use)
Electrical and instrumentation and control installation units identified as per process system (e.g. cubicles,
GJ Processing and storage equipment for automation systems

GK Information display and operator control equipment for process computers and automation systems

GL Limiting equipment (i.g. short circuit current limiting reactor)

GM Junction boxes for light-current systems of national telecommunication services
GN Network equipment
GP Subdistribution/junction boxes for lighting
GQ Subdistribution/junction boxes for power sockets

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Equipment Unit Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

GR DC generating equipment, batteries
GS Switchgear equipment if not identified under process equipment
GT Transformer equipment
GU Converter equipment
GV Structure-related earthing and lightning protection equipment, surge arrestors
GW Cabinet power supply equipment
GX Actuating equipment for electrical variables
GY Junction boxes for light-current systems (not of national telecommunication services)
GZ Hangers, supports and racks for electrical and instrumentation and control equipment
Subassemblies of main and heavy machinery (only to be used in conjunction with *M* = Main machine sets
and *X* = Heavy machinery)
1xx:Casing, 2xx:Stator,
HA Machine stationary assembly
HB Machine rotating assembly 1xx: Rotor

1xx: journal/Split/Sleeve/thrust
(Bearings, Antifriction, Unmounted)
HD Bearing assembly
(Bearing, Plain, Unmounted)

U Civil equipment
UA Open spaces
UB Traffic routes, e.g. road, places
UC Supporting equipment for civil objects, e.g. bridges
UD Shaft, duct
UE Isolating element, safety-related e.g. fire door
UF Isolating element, non-safety-related e.g. door

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Equipment Unit Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

UG Supporting equipment, e.g. ceilings, wall
UH Non supporting equipment, e.g. ceilings, wall
US Housing, e.g. room, corridor, lobby, stairway

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Lampiran E
Kode penamaan komponen/component

Tabel E.1. Kode penamaan komponen/component

Component Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

- Electrical components
K Mechanical components
M Mechanical components
N Civil structures
Q Instrumentation and control components (non-electrical)
Signal origins (Subgroups are established as appropriate to the type of instrumentation and control
system and are therefore subject to agreement between the parties to the project.)

Signal applications (Subgroups are established as appropriate to the type of instrumentation and
control system and are therefore subject to agreement between the parties to the project.)

Gated signals (Subgroups are established as appropriate to the type of instrumentation and control
system and are therefore subject to agreement between the parties to the project.)
- Electrical components
-A Assemblies and subassemblies
-B Transducers for non-electrical to electrical variables and vice-versa
-C Capacitors
-D Binary elements, delay devices, memory devices
-E Special components
-F Protective devices
-G Generators, power supplies
-H Signalling devices
-K Relays, contactors
-L Inductors
-M Motors
-N Amplifiers, controllers
SPLN K7.002: 2022

Component Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

-P Measuring instruments, testing equipment
-Q Power switchgear
-R Resistors
-S Switches, selectors
-T Transformers
-U Modulators, convertors from electrical to other electrical variables
-V Tubes, semiconductors
-W Transmission paths, waveguides, aerials Transmitter
-X Terminals, plugs, sockets
-Y Electrical positioners, e.g. solenoids (not motors)
-Z Terminations, balancing equipment, filters, limiters, cable terminations
K Mechanical components
KA Gate valves, globe valves, dampers, cocks, rupture disks, orifices
KB Dam boards
KC Heat exchangers, coolers
KD Vessels/tanks, pools, surge tanks (fluid systems)
KE Turning, driving, lifting and slewing gear
KF Continuous conveyors, feeders
KJ Size reduction machines
KK Compacting, packaging machines
KM Mixers, agitators
KN Compressors, blowers, fans
KP Pumps
KS Silencers
KT Cleaning machines, dryers, separators, filters
KU Insulations, sheathings, inhousings
KV Burners, grates
KW Stationary tooling and treatment machines for maintenance
M Mechanical components

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Component Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

MB Brakes
MF Foundations
MG Gearboxes
MK Clutches, couplings
MM Engines, not electrical
MN Jet pumps, ejectors, injectors
MP Permanent connection (if MQ is not enough)
MQ Indissoluble connections, e.g. weld seams, adhesive seams
MR Piping components, ductwork components
MS Positioners, not electrical
MT Turbines
MU Transmission gear, non electrical, converters and boosters other than couplings and gearboxes
MV Hangers equipment, supports, racks, piping penetrations
N Civil structures
NB Traffic elements e.g. crash barriers, rails
NC Supporting equipment for civil objects, e.g. buttress, railings
ND Shafts, ductings
NE Isolating elements, safety-related e.g. door leafs, frames
NF Isolating elements, non safety-related e.g. door leafs, frames
NG Civil supporting equipment, e.g. beams, steel beams
NH Civil non supporting equipment, e.g. separator plates, dry constructions
Q Instrumentation and control components (non-electrical)
QB Sensors if not structurally integral with *QP*, metering orifices Installed
QH Signalling devices
QN Controllers, flybolt governor
QP Measuring instruments, testing equipment Temporary
QR Instrument piping
QS Condensation chambers (datum reservoir) in measuring circuits
QT Thermowells and pockets for protection of sensors

SPLN K7.002: 2022

Component Key - Main Groups Contoh Implementasi

QU Converters e.g. pressure
Signal origins (Subgroups are established as appropriate to the type of instrumentation and control
system and are therefore subject to agreement between the parties to the project.)
XA-XZ Signal origins (free for use)

Signal applications (Subgroups are established as appropriate to the type of instrumentation and
control system and are therefore subject to agreement between the parties to the project.)

YA-YZ Signal applications (free for use)

Gated signals (Subgroups are established as appropriate to the type of instrumentation and control
system and are therefore subject to agreement between the parties to the project.)
ZA-ZZ Gated signals (free for use)

Pengelola Standardisasi:

PT PLN (Persero) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ketenagalistrikan

Jl. Duren Tiga, Jakarta 12760, Telp. 021-7973774, Fax. 021-7991762,
Pengelola Standardisasi:

PT PLN (Persero) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ketenagalistrikan

Jl. Duren Tiga, Jakarta 12760, Telp. 021-7973774, Fax. 021-7991762,

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