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Mathematics Course Outline

Autumn 2021 Competition

Grade 2
Unit In this paper, students may be required to do the following:
1. Understand how to perform addition and subtraction of numbers up to 10
2. Recognise numbers up to 120
Numbers and Calculation
3. Know how to do sums of 3 numbers
4. Understand how to perform addition and subtraction of two- and three-digit numbers
1. Know how to read time on a clock face
Units and Measurement
2. Understand the concept of length
Geometry 1. Recognise triangles and quadrilaterals

Grade 3
Unit In this paper, students may be required to do the following:
1. Recognise numbers up to 10,000
2. Understand how to perform written sums of operations with carrying or borrowing
Numbers and Calculation 3. Know products of multiplication by up to 9
4. Understand how to solve problem sentences
5. Understand how to perform written sums of operations between three-digit numbers
1. Know how to read time on a clock face
Units and Measurement 2. Understand the concept of length
3. Understand the relationship between units of length
Geometry 1. Recognise triangles and quadrilaterals

Grade 4
Unit In this paper, students may be required to do the above and the following:
1. Understand how to perform written sums of multiplication
2. Understand the concept of division with and without remainder
Numbers and Calculation
3. Recognise numbers up to 100,000,000
4. Understand how to perform working sum of division
1. Understand the difference between time and period
2. Understand the concepts of mass and volume
Units and Measurement
3. Understand the relationship between different units of mass and volume
4. Know how to interpret readings on measurement apparatus
1. Recognise triangles and quadrilaterals with right angles
2. Understand the characteristics of a cuboid
Basic Statistics 1. Know how to read and interpret tables and bar graphs

Grade 5
Unit In this paper, students may be required to do the above and the following:
1. Understand the order of calculation
2. Understand how to round off numbers up to 100,000,000,000,000
Numbers and Calculation 3. Understand the concept and calculation of decimal fractions
4. Understand the concept and properties of numeric fractions
5. Understand the relationship between integers and decimal fractions
1. Know how to measure angles
Units and Measurement
2. Understand the relationship between various angles
1. Recognise plane and compound figures, circles, and spheres
2. Understand how to calculate areas of plane and compound figures
1. Understand how to process data by tabulation
Basic Statistics
2. Know how to read and interpret line graphs

Grade 6
Unit In this paper, students may be required to do the above and the following:
2. Understand how to perform multiplication and division of decimal fractions
3. Understand how to perform addition and subtraction of numeric fractions
Numbers and Calculation
4. Understand the application of commutative, associative, and distributive laws
5. Understand the relationship between multiples and divisor of integers
1. Know how to investigate perpendicularity and parallelity between two lines
2. Recognise special kinds of quadrilateral
Geometry 3. Understand how to calculate areas of triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, and rhombus
4. Recognise circles and their elements
5. Understand how to calculate circumference and area of a circle
1. Understand the concept of percentage
Basic Statistics
2. Know how to read and interpret circle and column graphs

Practicing for JISMO Autumn 2021 competition, please refer to the following table to use the right practice paper.

Paper 1 Paper 2
For New P2 P2 Sept '20 Competition Paper P2 Sept '19 competition paper
For New P3 P3 Sept '20 Competition Paper P2 March '21 competition paper
For New P4 P4 Sept '20 Competition Paper P3 March '21 competition paper
For New P5 P5 Sept '20 Competition Paper P4 March '21 competition paper
For New P6 P6 Sept '20 Competition Paper P5 March '21 competition paper

* The above table is for both Maths and Science paper.

JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

Isilah lingkaran pada lembar jawaban dengan jawaban yang benar.

1. Segitiga di bawah ini digambar dengan cara menghubungkan titik tengah dari tiap sisi sebuah
segitiga sama sisi. Jika luas segitiga ABC adalah 32 cm2, berapakah luas segitiga GHI?

A. 2 cm2
B. 1 cm2
C. 1 cm2
D. 4 cm2

2. Persamaan di bawah ini dibuat mengikuti suatu pola. Berapakah jawaban dari 6 + 5?

4+2=26 9+3=612 8+5=313 7+1=68

A. 11 B. 111 C. 512 D. 49

3. Dave menggambar sebuah garis yang melewati titik tengah kertas warna berbentuk persegi
untuk dipotong menjadi dua bagian seperti gambar di bawah ini. Berapakah total garis yang
bisa Dave gambar untuk membuat luas 2 bagian kertas tersebut memiliki ukuran yang sama?

A. 4 garis
B. 32 garis
C. 64 garis
D. Tak terhingga

JISMO 2021 1
JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

4. Pak Sato memiliki sebidang tanah untuk membangun rumahnya. Jika jarak dari dinding luar
rumah ke pagar adalah 3 m (kecuali bagian pintu depan), berapakah luas total halaman rumah
pak Sato?

A. 228 m2
B. 238 m2
C. 242 m2
D. 256 m2

Perhatikan uraian berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 5 dan 6

Diketahui 4 buah persegi panjang dengan ukuran yang sama memiliki keliling masing-masing 96
cm. Keempat persegi panjang tersebut disusun menjadi sebuah persegi yang lebih besar seperti
gambar di bawah ini.

5. Berapakah luas persegi besar dalam satuan m2 dan bulatkan jawabannya hingga digit ke-2

A. 0,23 m2 B. 2,3 m2 C. 0,014 m2 D. 1,4 m2

6. Jika rasio sisi x dan y adalah 1 : 3, berapakah luas daerah persegi kecil di bagian dalam?

A. 144 cm2 B. 576 cm2 C. 1296 cm2 D. 2304 cm2

2 JISMO 2021
JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

7. Toko Chef Andy membuat suvenir coklat untuk sebuah acara. Dia menggunakan dua macam
kotak coklat. Satu kotak berisi 5 buah coklat dan kotak lainnya berisi 6 buah coklat. Jika
terdapat 280 kotak dengan total 1480 buah coklat, berapa jumlah kotak yang berisi 5 buah

A. 50 kotak B. 224 kotak C. 80 kotak D. 200 kotak

8. Berapakah besar sudut yang dibentuk oleh jarum jam pada pukul 8.28?

A. 72o B. 78o C. 86o D. 90o

9. Segitiga sama kaki ABC memiliki sisi AB dan AC yang sama panjang.
Jika AD = BD = BC dan ∠BAC adalah 36o, berapakah besar ∠DBC?

A. 45o
B. 40o
C. 36o
D. 30o

10. Nathan membuat 300 g larutan garam 16% sementara Darren membuat 400 g larutan garam
8%. Ketika mereka mencampurkan kedua larutan garam tersebut, berapakah konsentrasi
larutan garam setelah dicampur? Bulatkan jawabannya ke satuan terdekat.

A. 15% B. 12% C. 11% D. 3%

JISMO 2021 3
JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

Perhatikan uraian berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 11 dan 12.

Sekolah Ken mengadakan kompetisi sains dan matematika. Jumlah siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam

kompetisi sains sebanyak 5 dari total semua siswa disekolah Ken. Sementara itu, yang mengikuti
kompetisi matematika namun tidak berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi sains ada sebanyak 5 dari total
siswa. Empat puluh lima siswa tidak berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi sains maupun matematika.

Tidak 5
berpartisipasi 16


11. Berapakah jumlah total siswa di sekolah Ken?

A. 675 siswa B. 720 siswa C. 1395 siswa D. 1440 siswa

12. Berapakah jumlah siswa yang mengikuti kompetisi matematika tetapi tidak mengikuti
kompetisi sains?

A. 270 siswa B. 180 siswa C. 225 siswa D. 450 siswa

13. Sebuah tongkat kayu sepanjang 150 m diletakkan di atas tanah secara tegak lurus. Tongkat
tersebut membentuk bayangan sepanjang 2 m. Pada saat yang bersamaan, terdapat
bayangan sebuah pohon sepanjang 18 m. Berapakah tinggi pohon tersebut?

A. 13,5 m B. 9 m C. 17,5 m D. 24 m

4 JISMO 2021
JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

14. Perhatikan gambar segi delapan sama sisi di bawah ini. Berapakah besar sudut a?

A. 150o
B. 142,5o
C. 135o
D. 112,5o


Di dalam kotak a terdapat kartu bilangan dari 1 sampai 500. Semua kartu yang memiliki
bilangan ganjil dikeluarkan dari kotak a dan dimasukkan ke dalam kotak b. Kemudian, hanya
kartu yang merupakan bilangan kelipatan 7 dikeluarkan dari kotak b dan dimasukkan ke
dalam kotak c. Berapa banyak kartu bilangan yang ada di dalam kotak c?

A. 35 kartu B. 36 kartu C. 71 kartu D. 72 kartu

16. Dua lembar kertas berbentuk persegi dengan panjang sisi 12 cm saling bertumpukan dengan
rapi seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar berikut. Jika salah satu kertas bergeser 4,5 cm ke
arah kiri dan 7,2 cm ke arah atas, berapakah luas bagian yang masih bertumpukan?

A. 36 cm2
B. 32,4 cm2
C. 54 cm2
D. 21,6 cm2

JISMO 2021 5
JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

17. Terdapat lima bilangan ganjil yang berurutan. Apabila dijumlahkan, nilainya adalah 575.
Tentukanlah bilangan ganjil yang terbesar.

A. 111 B. 115 C. 117 D. 119

18. Total berat badan 2 pegulat Sumo, A dan B, adalah 324,5 kg. Total berat badan pegulat B dan
C adalah 285,8 kg, dan total berat badan pegulat A dan C adalah 341,3 kg. Berapakah berat
badan pegulat Sumo A?

A. 190 kg B. 151,3 kg C. 162,25 kg D. 158,6 kg

19. Sebuah outdoor teater memiliki 12 bangku. Jika satu bangku diduduki oleh 6 siswa, terdapat
2 bangku yang tidak terpakai. Namun, jika satu bangku diduduki oleh 5 siswa, hanya ada satu
bangku yang tidak terpakai. Berapakah jumlah total siswa?

A. 66
B. 60
C. 55
D. 54

6 JISMO 2021
JISMO M-5 (Matemathics Primary 5) | Online March 2021 a JISMO 2015

20. Tiga buah roda gigi disusun seperti gambar di bawah ini. Jari-jari ketiga roda gigi tersebut
masing-masing berukuran 12 cm, 8 cm, dan 4 cm. Jika roda gigi terbesar berputar sebanyak
150 kali, berapa putaran yang dilakukan oleh roda gigi paling kecil?

A. 450 kali B. 225 kali C. 150 kali D. 50 kali

21. Diketahui segitiga AED terletak di dalam persegi ABCD. Berapa derajatkah sudut a?

A. 25o
B. 20o
C. 15o
D. 10o

22. Lima bilangan bulat, M, N, O, P dan Q mewakili bilangan dari 0, 2, 4, 6 dan 12. Jika huruf-
huruf tersebut dibuat menjadi persamaan-persamaan berikut, berapakah bilangan yang tepat
untuk menggantikan P?


A. 6 B. 12 C. 4 D. 2

JISMO 2021 7
JISMO M-5 (Mathematics Primary 5) | Online March 2021

Subject Code: M-5
Participants must fill in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
the followings for re-registration. FOR ONLINE COMPETITION
1. Participants should use only pencils and
eraser. It is recommended that they
use at least 2 pencils. The rest of the
Full name: ______________________ things such as calculator, handphone,
dictionary, protractor, ruler, pen, etc.
are not allowed to use during the exam.
Only participants for maths competition
are allowed to use 1 sheet of A4 blank
Registration: ______________________ paper for calculation.

2. The duration of the competition is 60

minutes per subject. Participants are
allowed to leave the competition at
any time after submitting the complete
Grade: ______________________
answers and switching off Zoom.
Make sure to click “Submit” button and
see closing page appears.
Once participants left the competition,
they are not allowed to re-access the
School Name: ______________________ Google Form link or re-join the
Zoom meeting.

3. In case of lost WIFI connection, if the

cause is from JISMO side, JISMO shall
secure 60 minutes for participants.
If the cause is from participants side,
participants shall be back to
the competition within 5 minutes.
While losing WIFI connection, participants
shall be back to the competition
within 5 minutes.




 JISMO 2015
JISMO M-6 (Matemathics Primary 6) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

Isilah lingkaran pada lembar jawaban dengan jawaban yang benar.

1. Bilangan-bilangan dibawah ini ditempatkan mengikuti pola tertentu. Hitunglah bilangan

untuk menggantikan ?

A. 322
B. 304
C. 3010
D. 301

2. Hitunglah jumlah dari 5 sudut yang diarsir dalam gambar di bawah ini.

A. 180°
B. 210°
C. 225°
D. 240°

Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan 3 dan 4.

Tabel di bawah menunjukkan jumlah penduduk dan luas dari 5 kota.

Kota Jumlah Penduduk Luas (km2)

Springfield 25000 ?
Georgetown 40500 225
Greenville 30000 150
Clinton 38000 200
Madison 20000 100

3. Jika kepadatan penduduk kota Springfield adalah 1 1 kali dari kota Madison, hitunglah
luas daerah kota Springfield.

A. 125 km2 B. 80 km2 C. 100 km2 D. 250 km2

JISMO 2020 1
JISMO M-6 (Matemathics Primary 6) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

4. Kota Springfield mempertimbangkan untuk bergabung dengan salah satu dari kota lain. Jika
kota tersebut ingin meningkatkan kepadatan penduduk, kota manakah yang sebaiknya
diajak bergabung?

A. Georgetown
B. Greenville
C. Clinton
D. Madison

5. Setengah lingkaran dengan diameter 40 cm bertumpukan dengan persegi yang memiliki

panjang sisi 40 cm seperti diilustrasikan di bawah ini. Nilai phi adalah 3,14. Berapakah luas
daerah yang diarsir?

A. 243 cm2
B. 286 cm2
C. 314 cm2
D. 360 cm2

6. Segitiga di bawah ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, a , b , dan c dengan tinggi yang sama.
Hitunglah rasio paling sederhana dari setiap luas segitiga dalam bilangan bulat.

A. 1 : 2 : 3
B. 1 : 3 : 5
C. 1 : 3 : 7
D. 2 : 4 : 8

2 JISMO 2020
JISMO M-6 (Matemathics Primary 6) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

Perhatikan uraian berikut untuk menjawab pertanyaan 7 dan 8.

Ava, Betty, dan Chloe menjahit kemeja. Untuk menyelesaikan 1 kemeja, Ava membutuhkan 4 jam,
sedangkan Betty membutuhkan 6 jam dan Chloe membutuhkan 12 jam.

7. Kemarin, Betty dan Chloe menjahit kemeja bersama. Berapa lama waktu yang mereka

A. 9 jam

B. 6 jam
C. 4 jam
D. 3 jam

8. Hari ini, ketiganya bekerja bersama untuk membuat sebuah kemeja dengan istirahat 15
menit di tengah-tengah waktu bekerja. Berapa lama waktu yang mereka butuhkan untuk
menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka?

A. 1 jam 25 menit
B. 2 jam 15 menit
C. 2 jam 45 menit
D. 4 jam 15 menit

9. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. Terdapat 11 persegi dengan berbagai ukuran. Berapakah
total luas dari persegi-persegi tersebut?

A 729 cm2
B. 864 cm2
C. 891 cm2
D. 972 cm2

JISMO 2020 3
JISMO M-6 (Matemathics Primary 6) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

10. Jam dinding berikut menunjukkan waktu tengah hari. Pada pukul berapakah jarum panjang
dan jarum pendek akan membentuk sudut 50°?
A. 12:08 dan 1 menit

B. 12:11 dan 1 menit


C. 12:10

D. 12:09 dan 1 menit


11. Owen dan Isla berangkat dari rumah ke sekolah berjalan kaki pada saat yang bersamaan.
Owen berjalan dengan kecepatan 60 m per menit sedangkan Isla berjalan dengan kecepatan
50 m per menit. Owen tiba di sekolah 4 menit lebih awal dibandingkan Isla. Berapakah jarak
dari rumah mereka ke sekolah?

A. 1440 m
B. 1200 m
C. 1000 m
D. 1240 m

12. Di antara bilangan 1 sampai 120, berapa banyak bilangan bulat yang dapat dibagi dengan 6
atau 8?

A. 90 B. 96 C. 115 D. 85

13. Peternakan Moo Moo menjual cheesecake menggunakan susu murni dari peternakan. Harga
asli untuk sebuah cheesecake adalah 18 dollar. Hari ini, mereka menjual cheesecake dengan
harga 2,7 dollar lebih murah dari harga asli, kemudian mereka dapat menjual 450 cheesecake
lebih banyak dibandingkan kemarin. Sehingga total penjualan meningkat sebanyak 1350
dollar. Berapa banyak total cheesecake yang berhasil terjual hari ini?

A. 2500 cheesecake
B. 1665 cheesecake
C. 1215 cheesecake
D. 900 cheesecake

4 JISMO 2020
JISMO M-6 (Matemathics Primary 6) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

14. Terdapat 3 buah persegi panjang dengan lebar 6 cm dan panjang 10 cm seperti
diilustrasikan di bawah ini. Berapakah luas dari daerah yang diarsir?

A. 15 cm2
B. 10 cm2
C. 12 cm2
D. 30 cm2

15. James memiliki 6 kartu belajar dengan angka-angka sebagai berikut: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, dan 13.
Dia mengambil 5 kartu, kemudian mengurangi angka yang tersisa dari jumlah 5 angka yang
dia ambil. Ketika jawabannya adalah 30, angka berapa yang James kurangi?

A. 18 B. 11 C. 9 D. 7

16. Suatu bilangan yang sama ditambahkan kepada penyebut dan pembilang dari pecahan 4 ,
3 7
kemudian disederhanakan menjadi . Bilangan apakah yang ditambahkan?

A. 2 B. 8 C. 11 D. 5

17. Jumlah usia Emma, ibunya, dan neneknya adalah 115.

Emma: “Usia ibu adalah 3 kali dan 6 tahun lebih muda dibandingkan usiaku, sedangkan usia
nenek adalah 2 kali dan 7 tahun lebih muda dibandingkan usia ibu.”
Berapakah usia nenek Emma sekarang?

A. 65 tahun
B. 69 tahun
C. 73 tahun
D. 85 tahun

JISMO 2020 5
JISMO M-6 (Matemathics Primary 6) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

18. Gambar-gambar berikut terbuat dari kabel besi yang dibengkokkan setiap 1 cm untuk
membuat anak tangga. Panjang dari gambar 1, gambar 2, dan gambar 3 masing-masing
adalah 5 cm, 9 cm, dan 13 cm. Saat terdapat 50 anak tangga, berapakah total panjang dari
gambar tersebut?

3 anak tangga

2 anak tangga

1 anak tangga

Gambar 1 Gambar 2 Gambar 3

A. 250 cm B. 203 cm C. 201 cm D. 200 cm

19. Terdapat 4 bilangan 8 digit di bawah ini. Di antara 4 bilangan tersebut, manakah yang bukan
merupakan kelipatan dari 4?

A. 47911564

B. 36588434

C. 12344736

D. 29655972

20. Kereta B yang memiliki panjang seratus lima puluh meter membutuhkan waktu 56 detik
untuk menyusul kereta A dengan panjang seratus tiga puluh meter yang melaju dengan
kecepatan 25 m per detik. Hitunglah laju kecepatan kereta B.

A. 81 m per detik
B. 67.2 m per detik
C. 36.2 m per detik
D. 30 m per detik

6 JISMO 2020
JISMO M-6 (Mathematics Primary 6) | Online September 2020

Subject Code: M-6
Participants must fill in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
the followings for re-registration. FOR ONLINE COMPETITION
1. Participants should use only pencils and
eraser. It is recommended that they
use at least 2 pencils. The rest of the
Full name: ______________________ things such as calculator, handphone,
dictionary, protractor, ruler, pen, etc.
are not allowed to use during the exam.
Only participants for maths competition
are allowed to use 1 sheet of A4 blank
Registration: ______________________ paper for calculation.

2. The duration of the competition is 60

minutes per subject. Participants are
allowed to leave the competition at
any time after submitting the complete
Grade: ______________________
answers and switching off Zoom.
Make sure to click “Submit” button and
see closing page appears.
Once participants left the competition,
they are not allowed to re-access the
School Name: ______________________ Google Form link or re-join the
Zoom meeting.

3. In case of lost WIFI connection, if the

cause is from JISMO side, JISMO shall
secure 60 minutes for participants.
If the cause is from participants side,
participants shall be back to
the competition within 5 minutes.
While losing WIFI connection, participants
shall be back to the competition
within 5 minutes.


 JISMO 2015
Invitation Letter for Simulation of The Competition

Dear participants,

Thank you for joining JISMO Online Autumn 2021.

The Autumn 2021 Olympiads will be held via online.

If you want to understand how the competition will be conducted or how to use Zoom and Google Form
simultaneously, you can join the simulation of JISMO Autumn 2021. It will only take 20 - 30 minutes.
You can even join it several times to gain more confidence and experience. We will conduct the
simulation every Tuesday and Thursday starting from 7 Sept ’21 – 4 Nov ’21, however public holiday
is not included.

 Note: During the simulation, there will only be a fun mock test provided. It is not related to
maths/science questions for the Olympiads. We hold the simulation from the following time. Be
punctual with the scheduled time. We will start the simulation timely and will not admit anyone
who joins late.

17:40 : Japan, Korea

16:40 : Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
15:40 : Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
14:40 : Kyrgyzstan
14:10 : India

 Note: We start admitting participants 10 minute prior to the simulation.

We close the registration at the following time 1 day prior to the simulation date you chose. (e.x., if
you choose 7 Sept '21, the registration due is 6 Sept '21). We will email you the Zoom link and
Password in the morning on the simulation day.
 Registration closing time 1 day prior to the simulation date you chose:
20:00 : Japan, Korea
19:00 : Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
18:00 : Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
17:00 : Kyrgyzstan
16:30 : India

 Time to receive Zoom link on the simulation day:

11:00 : Japan, Korea
10:00 : Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
09:00 : Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
08:00 : Kyrgyzstan
07:30 : India

Please see the schedule of the simulation through the following link and register yourselves.

If you need any further assistance for the above-mentioned issue, please contact us

We wish all of you the best luck on the competition day.

Very best regards,

JISMO Committee
JISMO Committee
As of 8 July 2021

Online Competition Guidance and Rules

for JISMO Autumn 2021

Dear Teachers and Parents,

Thank you for joining JISMO Online Autumn 2021.

In order for participants to join the competition without anxiety, please read the following
competition guidance and rules carefully and explain to them prior to the competition. We
also need your support to provide a quiet and comfortable environment for participants to
concentrate on the exam during the competition.

We wish your children the best on the competition day.

Best regards,

JISMO Committee

Competition Dates

 October ’21 : 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30

 November ’21 : 6
(Choose the most convenient Saturday for your children.)

Requirements to Join JISMO Autumn 2021

* Own a PC or laptop at home

* Create a Zoom account with your full name for the display name
* Have a stabilized and strong internet connection
* Able to operate Zoom and Google Form independently

JISMO Committee
Competition Time Schedule

Before the Competition Day

1. JISMO Committee will send Zoom link, ID, and password to participants’ registered
email addresses 1 day prior to the competition date.

2. Join simulation of JISMO Autumn 2021 if you want to understand how the competition
will be conducted or how to use Zoom and Google Form simultaneously, For
registering, visit our Google link, to get the
time schedule.

3. Participants must ensure the camera setting to show

their upper body via Zoom on the competition day.
* See the attached picture.

JISMO Committee
On the Competition Day

1. JISMO Committee will invite participants by resending Zoom meeting link, ID and
password to participants’ registered email addresses at the following time on the
competition day.

10:00 : Japan, Korea

09:00 : Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
08:00 : Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
07:00 : Kyrgyzstan
06:30 : India

2. Participants must access Zoom at least 40 minutes before exam

3. JISMO invigilators will explain about competition rules to participants.

4. Participants use Google Form for the exam questions. JISMO invigilators will inform
them the link through Zoom Chat 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam.

5. Participants will do re-registration by filling up their names, registration number, etc.

in Google Form. Participants shall open Zoom and Google Form simultaneously
during the competition. Participants can minimize Zoom screen and maximize Google
Form screen by following the instruction below. Go to JISMO invigilator’s screen and
click “Pin Video” then click “Minimize”.

Pin JISMO invigilator’s video

JISMO Committee

Minimize Zoom Screen and Maximize Google Form

6. Participants must share screen in Zoom after opening Google Form. In case of not
sharing the screen during the competition, participants will be disqualified without


Share the Google Form screen

7. Participants must go to the toilet before the exam.

8. Participants shall not switch off video during the competition. This will result in
9. Participants must be punctual with the exam time schedule. JISMO will start the exam
timely and will not admit anyone who joins late.

JISMO Committee
JISMO Committee
During The Competition

1. Participants should use only pencils and eraser. It is recommended that they use at
least 2 pencils. The rest of the things such as calculator, handphone, dictionary,
protractor, ruler, pen, etc. are not allowed to use during the exam. Only participants
for maths competition are allowed to use 1 or 2 sheets of A4 blank paper for calculation.
2. The duration of the competition is 60 minutes per subject. Participants are allowed to
leave the competition at any time after submitting the complete answers and switching
off Zoom. Make sure to click “Submit” button and see closing page appears. Once
participants left the competition, they are not allowed to re-access the Google Form
link or re-join the Zoom meeting.

3. In case of lost WIFI connection, if the cause is from JISMO side, JISMO shall secure
60 minutes for participants. If the cause is from participants side, participants shall be
back to the competition within 5 minutes.
4. Participants are allowed to drink water during the exam. However, foods are not


Participants may be disqualified in case of the following acts:

1. Not sharing screen, not turning mute on, using Zoom background feature, turning off
video, or switching off Zoom during the exam.

2. Using calculator, handphone, dictionary, protractor, or ruler during the exam.

3. Leaving participants’ computers for more than 5 minutes during the exam. In case of
leaving the computer, Participants shall finish the competition by submitting the
answers and switching off Zoom. This rule is applied for toilet break and WIFI
connection trouble in participants’ place.
4. Making strange movements such as hiding from the screen, making eye contact to
somebody in their places, making noise, etc.
5. Getting help from participants’ family members or friends to answer the questions
during the exam.
6. Closing Google Form both subconsciously and intentionally and loosing WIFI
connection for more than 5 minutes.

JISMO Committee
Questions and Scores

In both Maths and Science paper, there will be 22 multiple choice questions which carry a
total of 100 marks. No mark will be given or no deduction for wrong answers and/or
unanswered questions.

Announcement forfor
. Announcement Test

School, Individual, and Legend awards winners will be announced on Tuesday, 23 November
2021 on JISMO website,

Vitual Award Ceremony

. Announcement for test results

Virtual Award Ceremony will be held via online on the following dates. Registration will be
opened on 23 November 2021, and closed 3 days prior to the award ceremony date. The
registration link will be announced on the competition results announcement day (23 Nov ‘21)
on JISMO website.

Wed, 8/Dec '21 : Primary 6

Thur, 9/Dec '21 : Primary 5
Fri, 10/Dec '21 : Primary 4
Mon, 13/Dec '21 : Primary 3
Tue, 14/Dec '21 : Primary 2

 Certificates and medals delivery schedule: 1 Dec ’21 – 23 Dec ‘21

We wish your children the best on the competition day.

Sincerely yours,

JISMO Committee

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JISMO Committee

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