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Ruhul Firdaus, M.T., Cahli Suhendi, M.T., M. Puput E., M.T., Maria R.P. Sudibyo, M.Sc., Erlangga Ibrahim Fattah,
Silabus Singkat
• Kuliah ini mencakup beberapa subtopik termasuk konsep dasar mekanika
kerak bumi yang meliputi:
• Stress/Strain Definitions and Components
• Stress and Strain Transformation.
• Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains
• Theory of Elasticity
• Failure Criteria
• Stress measurement ( Lab scale and Field scale).
• Stress regime and World Stress Map
• Implementation stress analysis on Landslide and Liquefaction phenomena
Tujuan dan Luaran
• Mahasiswa mampu memahami prinsip dasar sifat mekanik dan fluida
kerak bumi serta integrasinya dengan bidang geosain lainnya.
• B Ernt S. A Adnøy & R Eza L Ooyeh. Petroleum Rock
Mechanics: Drilling Operations And Well Design, Gulf
Professional Publishing, 2011
• Arno Zang, O. Stephansson, Stress Field of The Earth’s Crust,
Springer, 2010.
• Jaeger, J.C., and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamental of Rock Mechanics
4th edition. London, Methuen, 2007.
• Weijermars, R., Principles of Rock Mechanics. Alboran Science
Publishing, 1997.
Kontrak Kuliah
• Total Perkuliahan : 14 pertemuan (2 presentasi)
• Minimal kehadiran : 80% (12 kali pertemuan)
• Keterlambatan : maks. 15 menit
• Penilaian :

Tugas/Praktikum 20%

Presentasi 20%

UTS 30%

UAS 30%
• Geomekanika
• Geo- adalah awalan yang berasal dari kata
Yunani yang berarti "bumi", biasanya dalam arti
"tanah"; sebagai awalan, itu juga bisa berarti
"global" atau berhubungan dengan planet Bumi.
• Mekanika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari gerak
benda dan penyebabnya (gaya – gaya yang
bekerja pada benda tersebut)
• Kerak Bumi (crust) adalah lapisan terluar bumi
yang terdiri. Kerak bumi dan sebagian mantel
bumi membentu lapisan litosfer.
• Geomekanika adalah penerapan prinsip-prinsip rekayasa dan geologi
pada perilaku tanah/batuan dan air tanah serta penggunaan prinsip-
prinsip ini di teknik sipil, pertambangan, lepas pantai, dan lingkungan
dengan seluas-luasnya (Australian Geomechanics Society).
• Mekanika Batuan digunakan untuk semua studi yang berhubungan
dengan perilaku fisik dan mekanik batuan dan massa batuan serta
penerapannya untuk memahami proses-proses geologi dalam bidang
rekayasa (ISRM 2010)
• Mekanika Batuan merupakan bagian dari subyek Geomekanika
(Brady and Brown 2004).
Stress - Strain Definitions
and Components

Solid mechanics?
Continuum mechanics?
Newtonian mechanics?
The concept of solid mechanics provides the
•The wall of a dam must be of analytical methods of for designing solid
adequate strength against the engineering systems with adequate strength,
reservoir water pressure, but must stiffness, stability and integrity.
also be able to withstand other loads
Solid mechanics is used broadly across all branches
such as occasional seismic shocks, of the engineering science, including many
thermal expansions/contractions applications in as oil and gas exploration, drilling,
and many others. completion and production
• In solid mechanics, the behavior of an
engineering object, subjected to various
forces and constraints, is evaluated using
the fundamental laws of Newtonian
mechanics, which governs the balance
of forces, and the mechanical
properties or characteristics of the
materials from which the object is made.
• The two key elements of solid
mechanics: Stress and Strain

A solid object subjected to various forces and constraints.

• Stress: the internal resistance
of a solid object, which acts to
balance the effects of imposing
external forces
• Strain: the shape change and
deformation of the solid object
in response to external forces
•• In general, stress () is defined as average force
 acting over an area (surface, or an imaginary
plane inside a material).

is the stress (Pa or psi), is the force (N or lbf)

and represents the surface area (m2 or in2 )
 A simple one-dimensional stress state, where a body is loaded to a
uniform stress level of axial
• Two types of stress therefore result from the
equilibrium condition: (1) the normal stress ();
(2) the shear stress ().
• The normal stress may result in tensile or Stress is independent of the size of the body and the
compressive failure, and the shear stress in shape of the body, but the stress level depends on its
shear failure, where the material is sheared or orientation.
slipped along a plane.
•• Stress
  components may be transformed into other stress
components by defining arbitrary planes inside the body.
The law governing this is the balance of forces.
• Balance of forces requires that equal stresses act in the
opposite direction on each of the three sides of the
• The stress components can be grouped into two
(1) Normal stress (;
(2) Shear stress (
• Indices relates to the Cartesian coordinate system. The
first index defines the axis normal to the plane on
which the stress acts. The second index defines the
direction of the stress component. Normal stresses
with two identical indexes are given with one index, e.g.
• Moment balance about the origin:
•• In
  equilibrium state, shear
stresses are symmetric:

• In the analysis of solid rocks,

compressive stresses are usually
defined as positive entities and
tensile stresses as negative. This
Tensor Strtess:
is the opposite sign convention to
that used for the analysis of other
engineering materials.

•  When a body is subjected to loading it will undergo displacement

and/or deformation.
• Deformation is normally quantified in terms of the original dimension
and it is represented by strain, which is a dimensionless parameter.
• Strain is therefore defined as deformation divided by the original or
non-deformed dimension and is simply expressed
The Equationby:
is valid for small deformation theory

where is the strain, is the deformed dimension (measured in m or in)

and o is the initial dimension (measured in m or in).
  large deformation theory, Almansi strain formula (by Almansi and

Green strain formula

where is the strain, is the deformed dimension (measured in m or in)

and o is the initial dimension (measured in m or in).

  where is known as normal strain and as the shear strain.

A square shape before and after loading.

• The three-dimensional strain state can
be derived in the same way as the
three-dimensional stress state.
• It is seen that the effects of second-
order terms have been neglected by
performing linearization. The equations
derived are therefore valid for small
deformations, which can be applied to
most of engineering materials
• If a material exhibits large
deformations, the second-order terms
become significant.

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