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General Pathology

Didik Setiawan, Apt

dr Sis Harijanto
Kontrak Perkuliahan
Lecture Agreement

Nama Mata Kuliah •Farmakoterapi II

Kode Mata Kuliah •0813234A
Bobot SKS •2

Semester •VI

Jumlah Pertemuan •1-16

Tempat Pertemuan •Ruang Kuliah K7 (Kelas B) dan O1 (Kelas A)

Pengampu MK
•Didik Setiawan, M.Sc., Apt (DS)
•Githa Fungie Galistiani, M.Sc., Apt (GFG)
Manfaat Mata Kuliah

 Manfaat yang diperoleh

setelah menempuh mata kuliah
ini adalah mahasiswa dapat
menjelaskan konsep-konsep
yang berkaitan dengan
gangguan atau kelainan dari
fungsi normal tubuh manusia
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Matakuliah Patologi mempelajari aspek dinamis proses

penyakit. Ilmu ini merupakan studi mengenai gangguan
fungsi yang disebabkan oleh penyakit yang terjadi dalam
organisme hidup

Kaitannya dengan kompetensi lulusan Program Studi yang

telah ditetapkan, mata kuliah ini mendukung kompetensi
lulusan untuk dapat menghubunkan bagaimana proses
terjadinya suatu penyakit, sehingga pengetahuan ini dapat
mendukung seorang sarjana farmasi/apoteker untuk
menentukan obat atau terapi yang rasional berdasarkan
mekanisme terjadinya penyakit pada pasien
Standar Kompetensi dan
Kompetensi Dasar
•Setelah mempelajari matakuliah ini mahasiswa diharapkan

Standar dapat menjelaskan gangguan fungsi mekanisme fisiologis

yang terganggu oleh penyakit yang terjadi dalam organisme
hidup. Mahasiswa juga mampu menjelaskan proses biologi
Kompetensi abnormal, proses-proses biologik yang tidak sesuai, atau
studi mengenai individu yang sakit atau terganggu

•Setelah mengikuti matakuliah ini mahasiswa diharapkan mampu
menjelaskan konsep umum sehat dan sakit; Cedera, adaptasi dan
kematian sel; respon tubuh terhadap cedera; perbaikan jaringan;
interaksi hereditas dan lingkungan terhadap penyakit; respon tubuh

nsi Dasar
terhadap tantangan imunologi; respon tubuh terhadap agen menular;
gangguan sirkulasi; gangguan pertumbuhan roliferasi sel; gangguan
pertumbuhan diferensiasi sel
Strategi Pembelajaran

 Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan metode ceramah

dan presentasi oleh dosen pengampu. Proses
diskusi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman
mahasiswa dilakukan sepanjang perkuliahan.
Untuk lebih mempersiapkan mahasiswa dalam
mengikuti perkuliahan, mahasiswa diberikan
tugas terstruktur berupa pembuatan resume
materi kuliah yang akan diberikan pada
pertemuan saat itu
Materi Pokok
 Konsep umum penyakit.
 Cedera, adaptasi dan Kematian Sel.
 Respons tubuh terhadap cedera.
 Perbaikan Jaringan
 Interaksi hereditas dan lingkungan terhadap penyakit.
 Respons tubuh terhadap tantangan imunologik.
 Respons tubuh terhadap agen menular
 Gangguan sirkulasi
 Gangguan pertumbuhan proliferasi sel
 Gangguan pertumbuhan diferensiasi sel
Bahan Bacaan
 Anonim, 2010, The community pharmacy, a guide for general
practitioners and practice staff, NHS employers, London
 C. Stevens, A., Lowe, J., 1995, Pathology, 2nd. Ed., Mosby,
 Greene, R.J., Harris, N.D., and Goodyer, L.I., 2000, Pathology and
Therapeutics for Pharmacists : A Basic for Clinical Pharmacy, 2nd.
Ed., Pharm. Press. , London
 Kumar, V., Cotran, R.S., and Robin, S.L., 1997, Basic Pathology,
6th. Ed., W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
 Price,S., Wilson, L., Patofisiologi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses
Penyakit, 2006, Edisi 6, EGC, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran

 Tugas pembuatan resume materi kuliah yang

akan diberikan pada pertemuan saat itu
dikumpulkan setiap minggu
Kriteria dan Standar Penilaian
 Penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan Ujian tertulis, lisan,
penilaian/evaluasi terhadap proses pembelajaran dan
unjuk sikap dengan komponen sebagai berikut :

Aspek Penilaian Unsur penilaian Persentase

Pemahaman Ujian tengah 20%

semester 40%
Ujian akhir semester

Kreativitas Penugasan 40% (Dinilai jika

tepat waktu)
Kriteria dan Standar Penilaian
 Terkait dengan standar penilaian digunakan system
Penilaian Acuan Patokan (PAP). Hasil evaluasi
dikategorikan sebagai berikut :

Angka Mutu Angka Mutu Huruf Mutu

(skala 0-10) (skala 0-4) (Skala Kualitatif)
80 – 100 4 A
75 – 79 3,5 B+
70 – 74 3 B
60 – 69 2.5 C+
50 – 59 2.0 C
45– 49 1 D
0 – 39 0 E
Tata Tertib Mahasiswa dan Dosen

Mahasiswa diwajibkan menggunakan pakaian

sopan, rapi, berkerah, pada waktu mengikuti
perkuliahan di kelas
Mahasiswa wajib memakai sepatu waktu mengikuti
perkuliahan, kecuali alasan tertentu (sakit, habis

Mahasiswa dan Dosen menonaktifkan/ me-“silent”

HP Pada waktu perkuliahan

Mahasiswa bebas masuk kelas kapanpun saat

perkuliahan dilaksanakan.
Tata Tertib Mahasiswa dan Dosen

Dosen masuk kelas paling lambat 15 menit, kecuali ada informasi

sebelumnya melalui ketua kelas atau pengumaman tertulis.

Mahasiswa menjaga ketenangan selama perkuliahan berlangsung,

kecuali pada saat diskusi.

Mahasiswa boleh membawa makanan dan minuman di dalam kelas

Mahasiswa dapat mengikuti UTS dan UAS jika tingkat kehadiran

minimal 75%.

Jika terdapat mahasiswa yang “titip absen” maka mahasiswa yang

menitipkan dan yang menandatangankan dianggap tidak mengikuti
Tata Tertib Mahasiswa dan Dosen

Tidak ada ujian susulan untuk UTS dan UAS, kecuali

dengan alasan jelas paling lambat 3 hari setelah diujikan.

Surat ijin sakit dianggap sah jika tanggal surat ijin adalah
sama dengan saat mahasiswa tersebut sakit.

Materi UAS adalah keseluruhan materi dari awal semester.

Hasil evaluasi mahasiswa wajib dikembalikan pada

mahasiswa 1 minggu setelah ujian berakhir.

Mahasiswa diperkenankan untuk protes nilai dan Protes

nilai dilayani paling lama 3 hari setelah nilai diumumkan
Any questions?
Chapter 1: General Concepts of

Health Versus Disease

Define vocabulary words below on notebook
paper and on flashcards.

 Pathology  Complication
 Pathophysiology  Resolution
 Histologist  Subclinical Stage
 Etiology  Lesion
 Signs  Toxic
 Symptoms  Hereditary
 Sequela/Sequelae  Infectious
 Disease  Pathogenesis
 Anatomic Pathology  Idiopathic Disease
 Congenital  Iatrogenic Disease
Introduction to General Pathology

 This chapter will discuss the background for

understanding the disease process.
 Pathology is the science or study of a disease and
is essentially the backbone of pathophysiology
› Pathology is basically abnormal biology, the study of
individuals who are ill or disordered.
› Pathology can have many divisions
Learning Objectives
1. Define pathology.
2. Formulate a definition of pathophysiology.
3. Explain the complexities associated with the concept of normalcy.
4. Differentiate between etiology and pathogenesis in relation to
5. Critically assess the elements involved in the disease process.
6. Identify and use the following terms when describing the
manifestations of a disease: sign, symptom, lesion, sequela,
complication, resolution.
7. List and describe the categories of the etiologic classification of
Pathology Divisions

 Anatomic Pathology: Study of morphologic

alterations in cells and tissues.
 Included in this category are: Surgical Pathology,
Cytopathology and autopsy pathology all fall in this
 Clinical Pathology:
› Included in this category are: Clinical Chemistry,
microbiology, hematology, immunology and

 Deals with the dynamic aspects of the diease

› In better terms, it is the study physiologic changes
caused by disease in a living organism.
Concept of Normalcy

 Many people believe in some sort of normal such

as weight, temperature and blood pressure.
 When there is a deviation from the norm, that is
when people think that something may be wrong.
› When determining if there is a need for concern, a
medical specialist must first determine in the
abnormal only occurs once or more often. When
anything abnormal occurs all the time, then that is
said to be medically out of the norm.
Concept of Disease

 Disease can be defined as changes in individuals

that cause their health parameters to fall outside
the range of normal.
 When a person’s body fails to maintain
Homeostasis or balance, this is when disease
could possibly set in.
› Examples are elevated or low temperature, Elevated
or low blood pressure and elevated or low blood
glucose levels

 Etiology is the assignment of the causes or

reasons for phenomena. This basically means
“What are the possible causes for the disease.

› There may be more than one cause of a disease.

 For example: A person may have high blood pressure
because it runs in the family, they are overweight, they
do not exercise regularly or they have bad eating habits.
Etiologic Classification of Disease
 There are many etiologic Classifications of diseases
› Inherited or familial: Usually comes from one or both
parents. Not all of these diseases are inherited, some
may occur from environmental influences. (Example:
movie Broknovich, everyone got sick from the water)
› Congenital: Diseases that are present at birth. These
diseases may or may not be inherited. They may just be
caused by a birth defect.
 Not all hereditary diseases are present are congenital
 Not all congenital diseases are hereditary
Etiologic Classification cont…
 Toxic: Caused from the ingestion of poison
 Infectious Disease: These diseases derive from an
invasion of living pathogenic organisms such as
bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, etc…
 Traumatic Disease: These diseases are caused by some
sort of physical injury. Examples: motor vehicle
accidents, extreme heat or cold, and radiation
 Degenerative Disease: is caused by the degeneration of a
part of the body. These diseases usually come with age.
Ex: osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and osteoarthritis
Etiologic Classification Cont….
 Immunologic Disease: This is when the disease causes
the immune system to react protectively against the
invasion of foreign antigens and cancers. Ex. HIV
 Neoplastic Diseases: These diseases are caused by
abnormal cell growths in the bosy that can lead to
beneign or malignant tumors
 Nutritional Disease: These are caused by deficiencies in
proteins, calories or vitamins. Ex: Malnutrition
Etiologic Classification Cont…
Metabolic Disease: This disease occurs because of some
disturbance in the metabolic processes in the body.
Molecular Disease: These diseases result from a defect in a single
molecule in the body. Many of these diseases are genetic. Ex
Sickle cell anemia
Psychogenic Disease: These diseases originate in the mind. EX:
Schitzophrenia and demetia
Iatrogenic Disease: Caused by a health care professional that may
have been treating the patient for some other disorder
Idiopathic Disease: These diseases are caused from unknown
sources. Ex: more than 90% of hypertension cases have
absolutely no cause.

 Definition: This refers to the development or

evolution of disease.
 Natural History goes along with the pathogenesis
of a disease in that all disease have a natural
› Some have a rapid response while others may have a
long or timed response. Ex: Syphyllis occurs in
various stages.

 Subclinical stage: this is the stage when a patient

is functioning normally with no symptoms but
the disease is still growing inside the patient
› Symptoms: are said to be what the patient is able to
tell the physician is wrong with them: EX: Nausea,
Malaise and pain
› Signs: are said to be what can be observed by the
physician. Ex: Fever, Redness, swelling and palpable
Manifestations Cont…
 A demonstratable structural change produced in the course
of a disease in called a lesion.
› A lesion can be seen by the naked eye or gross level, under a
microscope or microscopic level or both.
› The outcome of a disease is called a sequela, which is singular or
sequelae which is plural. Ex: the sequela of a person who has
inflammation around the heart would be some scar tissue.
› A complication is when a new or separate process that might
arise because of some change in the original disease
› Resolution: is when the host returns back to the normal state
without sequelae or complications. Resolution can occur without
any treatment, with treatment or from the body’s natural defenses

 Diseases may be classified according to the

system which the disease affects or by etiologic
 Diseases may also be included in more than one
category at a time.
Chapter 1:
Review Questions
1. The study and evaluation of morphologic alterations in cells and tissues are referred to

A. Pathophysiology

B. Anatomic pathology

C. Clinical pathology

D. Comparative pathology
2. Etiology refers to the:

A. Study of the cause of a disease

B. Degree of injury sustained

C. Development of a new form of life

D. Mechanism of the disease process

2. The science or study of disease
is known as?

A. Pathology

B. Pathophysiology

C. Microbiology

D. Immunology
3. The study of disordered functions or functions
altered by the disease process is known as?

A. Histology

B. Pathology

C. Pathophysiology

D. Microbiology
4. The outcome of disease is termed a:

A. Sequela

B. Complication

C. Manifestation

D. Lesion
5. Resolution of a disease refers to which of the
A. When the host returns to a normal state without
sequelae or complication

B. New or separate process that arises

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a nor b
6. In the course of an illness, a demonstrable structural change that a
disease process produces is termed a:

A. Symptom

B. Sign

C. Lesion

D. Complication
7. Which of the following would be considered
a sign of a disease?

A. Nausea

B. Fever

C. Malaise

D. Headache
8. Familial diseases are always inherited from one or both of the parents.

A. True

B. False
9. All hereditary disease is congenital.

A. True

B. False
10. All congenital diseases are hereditary.

A. True

B. False
11. An allergic reaction to a bee sting would
be classified as an immunologic disease.

A. True

B. False
12. Pathophysiology differs from other biomedical
sciences in that it focuses on the mechanisms of
disease or the dynamic processes that give rise to the
signs and symptoms.

A. True

B. False

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