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Muhammad Rany Zulwan

Nabela Muhirdan
Syarif Al-fathan
20610104 20610101 20610127 20610175

Warung Sembako adalah sebuah usaha yang sederhana dimana di dalamnya melayani
beberapa kebutuhan pokok dan pangan masyarakat menengah ke bawah,di dalam toko
sembako ini juga membuka harga yang terjangkau dan berbeda dengaan harga di toko
swalayan yang berkelas harga menengah ke ke atas,maka dari itu dengan niat bismillah
semoga planing saya bisa membuka toko sembako ini agar bisa sedikit mensubsidi
harga di kelas kalangan masyarakat menengah ke bawah,terutama di dalam masyarakat

Di era liberalisasi pasar saat ini, banyak sekali persaingan usaha di bidang
ekonomi khususnya perdagangan barang kebutuhan sehari-hari. Impor
sembako menyebabkan usaha-usaha dalam negeri yang bergerak di bidang
pangan kesulitan bersaing dengan barang-barang impor. Bahkan tak sedikit
dari mereka yang gulung tikar. Banyak wirausahawan yang saling berlomba
untuk CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by
Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI): E-Journal 18 JURNAL PROFIT VOLUME 6,
NOMOR 1, MEI 2019 mendapatkan pangsa pasar, khususnya dalam
negerinya sendiri. Hal ini memicu para wirausahawan untuk terus maju
mengembangkan dan memperbaiki usahanya

Di era kompettif seperti saat ini, para wirausahawan harus dapat mengantisipasi
perkembangan zaman dengan strategi pemasaran yang tepat agar usahanya dapat
bertahan. Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam
pembangunan ekonomi negara bekembang. UKM sangat membantu negara dalam
penguatan ekonomi. Di sisi lain, UKM juga berperan besar dalam mengurangi tingkat
pengangguran masyarakat berpendidikan rendah. Salah satu contoh usaha kecil menengah
yang banyak dilakukan masyarakat di Indonesia adalah toko sembako atau yang biasa
disebut toko kelontong. Kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin kompleks membuka
peluang bisnis sembako bagi usaha kecil menengah. Di daerah-daerah padat penduduk
seperti sekitar sekolah atau universitas, usaha toko kelontong merupakan peluang yang
luar biasa

Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang diatas maka perlu diajukan

pertanyaan penelitian
sebagai berikut :

1. Seberapa banyak jumlah usaha sembako yang berada di Kecamatan

Tanjung Redeb?
2. Bagaimana para pengusaha UKM fashion dapat menghadapi
persaingan usaha yang semakin modern?

Berdasarkan Rumusan Masalah diatas maka perlu diajukan

tujuanpenelitian sebagai berikut :

1. Untuk mengetahui banyak jumlah usaha sembako yang berada di

Kecamatan Tanjung Redeb?
2. Untuk Memahami bagaimana para pengusaha UKM Sembako
dapat menghadapi persaingan usaha yang semakin modern?

Pengamatan ini kami laksanakan antara rentang waktu akhir

Oktober sampai dengan awal November 2022 dan berlokasi di
wilayah kecamatan Tanjung Redeb.
Adapun jenis data dan pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam pengamatan ini
antara lain :

- Data Primer
Data yang dikumpulkan langsung dari sumbernya, yaitu :
1. Observasi, merupakan kegiatan pengumpulan data berdasarkan pengamatan
langsung di wilayah Kecamatan Tanjung Redeb
2. Wawancara, merupakan tahap pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan tanya
jawab dengan sumber atau pihak – pihak yang terkait diantara nya para pedagang
yang menjadi sample penelitian.
3. Dokumentasi, dalam pengamatan ini dokumentasi yang akan dipergunakan
adalah mengambil gambar (photo) sample toko.

-Data Sekunder

Merupakan tahap pengumpulan informasi berupa data-data yang

sifatnya diambil diluar dari konteks yang ada di site, berupa literatur-
literatur tentang UKM sembako. Data sekunder ini digunakan untuk
mendukung data primer yang telah ada.

Dalam pengamatan ini, kami mengambil sample sebanyak

4 toko sembako untuk dijadikan bahan pengamatan dalam
penyusunan laporan ini.

Pengamat memilih para pedagang toko sembako

yang berada di wilayah kecamatan Tanjung Redeb
untuk mendukung penyusunan Laporan ini.

Dalam analisis data, terdapat 4 komponen dimana keempat komponen tersebut

merupakan siklus dan interaktif dalam sebuah penelitian. Keempat komponen
tersebut antara lain :

1. Pengumpulan Data
Data dikumpulkan oleh peneliti berupa data dari hasil wawancara, observasi,
dokumentasi yang dicatat dalam catatan lapangan yang terdiri dari dua aspek,
yaitu deskripsi dan refleksi. Catatan deskripsi merupakan data alami yang
berisi tentang apa yang dilihat, didengar, dirasakan, disaksikan, dan dialami
sendiri oleh peneliti (Miles dan Huberman, 1994: 15). Pengamatan juga
mencakup data-data lainnya baik itu data verbal maupun nonverbal dari
penelitian ini.

2. Redusi Data
Reduksi data merupakan proses pemilihan/ penyederhanaan data -
data yang diperoleh baik itu dari hasil wawancara, observasi,
maupun dokumentasi yang didasarkan atas fokus permasalahan.
Setelah melalui proses pemilihan data, maka akan ada data yang
penting dan data yang tidak digunakan. Maka, kemudian data
diolah dan disajikan dengan bahasa maupun tulisan yang lebih
ilmiah dan lebih bermakna (Miles dan Huberman, 1994: 16).
3. Penyajian Data
Penyajian data adalah proses penampilan data dari semua hasil
penelitian dalam bentuk paparan naratif representatif tabular termasuk
dalam format matriks, grafis dan sebagainya, yang nantinya dapat
mempermudah peneliti dalam melihat gambaran hasil penelitian karena
dari banyaknya data dan informasi tersebut peneliti kesulitan dalam
pengambilan kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini (Usman, 2009: 85).
Data-data yang diperoleh perlu disajikan dalam format yang lebih
sederhana sehingga peneliti mudah dalam menganalisisnya dan
membuat tindakan berdasarkan pemahaman yang diperoleh dari
penyajian data-data tersebut.

4. Penyimpulan Data
Kesimpulan merupakan langkah akhir dalam pembuatan laporan penelitian.
Penarikan kesimpilan adalah usaha guna mencari atau memahami makna,
keteraturan pola-pola penjelasan, alur sebab akibat. Kesimpulan yang telah
ditarik maka kemudian diverifikasi dengan cara melihat dan mempertanyakan
kembali dan melihat catatan lapangan agar memperoleh pemahaman yang
tepat. Selain itu, juga dapat dengan mendiskusikannya (Usman, 2009: 87).

Miles dan Huberman (1994: 20)

menjelaskan bahwa pengambilan
kesimpulan harus dilakukan secara
teliti dan hati-hati agar kesimpulan
yang diperoleh berkualitas dan sesuai
dengan tujuan penelitian. Hal tersebut
dilakukan agar data tersebut
mempunyai validitas sehingga
kesimpulan yang ditarik menjadi kuat.
Berikut adalah bagan analisis Miles
dan Huberman:
Tabel 1 Deskripsi Usaha Fashion

Tabel 2. Perencanaan Usaha USAHA


Dari hasil pengamatan tersebut, maka kami menyimpulkan bahwa UKM di bidang
Fashion untuk wilayah Kecamatan Tanjung Redeb sangat beragam. Ada yang
berjualan di bidang pakaian, sandal. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa UKM di
Kecamatan Tanjung Redeb sangat berpengaruh dalam segi ekonomi dan
berdampak pada gaya hidup dan aktivitas masyarakat Kabupaten Berau,
khususnya di wilayah Kecamatan Tanjung Redeb. Terlepas dari hal tersebut, ada
yang menjadi catatan dari kami, yaitu masih rendahnya menggunakan tekhnologi
informasi dalam berdagang. Hal ini sangat penting dalam menjalankan suatu
usaha, walaupun itu cuman skala kecil. Karena zaman sekarang merupakan serba
tekhnologi dan persaingan sangat ketat. Sehingga membutuhkan keterampilan
yang sangat mumpuni dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha.
Pada dasarnya manusia adalah jiwa yang selalu berinovasi dalam
menjalankan suatu usaha, sehingga memerlukan pembinaan UKM dari
instansi terkait khususnya Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengembangkan
usahanya. Pemerintah diharapkan ikut aktif serta guna memfasilitasi
dan memberikan dukungan berupa legalitas serta sokongan sarana dan
prasarana yang memadai untuk dapat membantu memasarkan UKM.
Diharapkan juga para pelaku UKM khususnya bidang fashion dapat
menerima perubahan teknologi informasi yang begitu cepat dengan
tujuan untuk mudah mendapatkan akses informasi bisnis yang berguna
bagi usahanya.
Thank you for listening
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your
thought as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, which is counterproductive.

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your
thought as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, which is counterproductive.

01 02 03 04
Education Education Education Education
In order to demonstrate the good effect In order to demonstrate the good effect In order to demonstrate the good effect In order to demonstrate the good effect
of the release of the release of the release of the release
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your
thought as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, which is counterproductive.

01 02 03 04
Education Education Education Education
In order to demonstrate the good effect In order to demonstrate the good effect In order to demonstrate the good effect In order to demonstrate the good effect
of the release of the release of the release of the release
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate Demonstrate
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but information is inextricably inextricable and needs to Your text has been concise and beautiful, but
the information is inextricably inextricable be expressed in more words; But please refine the the information is inextricably inextricable
and needs to be expressed in more words essence of your thought as much as possible, and needs to be expressed in more words
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
Your text has been concise and beautiful,
But the information is inextricably But the information is inextricably But the information is inextricably
but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed inextricable and needs to be expressed inextricable and needs to be expressed
inextricable and needs to be expressed in
in more words; in more words; in more words;
more words;
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

In Order To Demonstrate
The Good Effect Of The Release
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words

Demonstrate Demonstrate
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words; expressed in more words;

Demonstrate Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words; expressed in more words;
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate 01 02 Demonstrate
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information
is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more
words; words;

Demonstrate 03 04 Demonstrate
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information
is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more
words; words;
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words;

Demonstrate Demonstrate
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
information is inextricably inextricable and needs to
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words;
be expressed in more words;

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words;
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words; expressed in more words;
5 1

4 2
Demonstrate 3 Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words;
expressed in more words;

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as
much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, which is counterproductive.
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

In order to demonstrate Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more

the good effect of the words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of

release the viewer, which is counterproductive.

Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate

But the information is inextricably But the information is inextricably But the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be inextricable and needs to be inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words expressed in more words expressed in more words
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

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Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more
words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible

Demonstrate 5

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the 4

information is inextricably inextricable and needs 3
to be expressed in more words; But please refine
the essence of your thought as much as possible,
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category4
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words;

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the
information is inextricably inextricable and needs
to be expressed in more words;
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words;
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate 4
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably 3
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the 2
essence of your thought as much as possible 1
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Category 4

Category3 Demonstrate
Category 2 Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the
Category 1
essence of your thought as much as possible
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

In order to demonstrate Demonstrate

the good effect of the But please refine the essence 30%
release of your thought as much as

Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, otherwise it is
easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer Demonstrate Demonstrate
which is counterproductive.
But please refine the essence But please refine the essence
of your thought as much as of your thought as much as
Demonstrate possible possible
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Demonstrate Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words; expressed in more words;

Demonstrate Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs
inextricable and needs to be expressed in
to be expressed in more words; to be expressed in more words;
more words;

Demonstrate Demonstrate
But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be But the information is inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words; expressed in more words;
In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

In order to demonstrate the good effect

In order to demonstrate the
of the release
good effect of the release
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of
Your text has been concise and beautiful, but the information is your thought as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of
inextricably inextricable and needs to be expressed in more the viewer, which is counterproductive.
words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as

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