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Visus, Koreksi, dan Peresepan Kacamata

dr. Erik Ahmad Hasyim

Anatomi Mata
Snelen Chart

20/200: Pada pemeriksaan sejauh 20 feet/6 m,

huruf "E" bisa dilihat oleh orang normal pada
jarak 200 feet/60 m
Cara Pemeriksaan

1. Pasien duduk tenang sejauh 6 m dari Snelen Chart

2. Tutup mata kiri dengan telapak tangan kiri, atau bisa juga menggunakan occluder
3. Minta pasien menyebut huruf yang ditunjuk, mulai dari atas
4. Minimal benar 3 kali berturut atau 4 kali acak dalam baris yang sama
5. Baris terakhir pasien bisa membaca, disitulah visus pasien
6. Lakukan cara yang sama pada mata yang lain
Cara Pemeriksaan

1. Pasien tidak bisa membaca huruf paling atas?

2. Lakukan finger counting, normalnya jari nampak terpisah pada jarak 60 m
3. Minimal 3 kali benar berturut-turut, atau 4 kali tidak berturut
4. Periksa pada jarak 5 m, jika belum bisa menyebutkan maju di 4 m, 3 m, 2 m, lalu 1 m
5. Bisa menyebut di 1 m? maka visus 1/60 atau 1 fc
6. Belum bisa juga? lakukan hand movement, normalnya lambaian tangan dapat terlihat
bergerak pada jarak 300 m
7. Sambil menggerakkan tangan ke kiri-kanan tanya pasien, "tangan saya bergerak ke atas-
bawah atau kiri-kanan?"
8. Jika pasien bisa menyebutkan benar, maka visus 1/300
9. Belum bisa menyebutkan benar? pakai senter, normalnya dapat terlihat dari jarak tak hingga
10. "Ada nampak cahaya?" jika benar maka visusnya light perception
11. "Coba ambil senter saya" jika bisa maka light projection +

2 3
Occluder di mata
Usia <40 koreksi
satu, pin hole di mata
mulai dengan lensa

1 4
Ukur jarak pupil Pin hole tidak maju?
bukan kelainan
Koreksi Astigmat dg Metode Fogging
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

The user can demonstrate on a projector or

computer, or print the presentation and make it film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
The teaching process
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text
Title text addition Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
Title text addition
presentation and make it film The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the Title text addition
presentation and make it film
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film The user can demonstrate on
a projector or computer, or print the Title text
presentation and make it film
Teaching reflection
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film
Please enter the title

Title text addition Title text addition

01 04
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

02 05
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

03 06
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film presentation and make it film

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